A day is a terrible thing to waste

I preach “Live every day to the fullest.”

Well, there are days, if I may speak plainly, when I’m full of it in that regard.  Yesterday was one of those days here at our lovely camp on King of Kofa Road between Yuma and Quartzsite, Arizona.


You know how people put decorative posts at the end of their driveway? Well, I have saguaros.

Not much living life to the fullest going on.

That’s because late in the afternoon a storm rolls in, a very nasty storm in the form of an intense intestinal upset.  This affliction rapidly worsens into a Category 3 hurricane by nightfall.


Beavertail (prickly pear) blooms. (Click to enlarge.)

My discomfort . . . er, more accurately, my agony . . .  is apparent to Spike and Bridget who listen to my groaning from the other side of the bathroom door.

Canine eyes full of concern follow me as I stagger from the bathroom to the bed and from the bed to the bathroom and repeat.

Bridget curls up with me and licks my arm, offering comfort and sympathy.  Spike lies down by the refrigerator, and, instead of throwing his usual tantrum, patiently waits for me to rise and dole out supper.  What a great crew!

By nine o’clock this intestinal churning is up to a Category 5.

I want to die.  That sentiment, I’ve been told, is a sign of food poisoning.  Whatever, it’s terrible . . . until I remember the pain pills left over from my tooth extraction in Los Algodones.  Now where did I put those little suckers.  I find the box and select one of the white pills.  Down it goes.

Ah, yes.  Better living through pharmaceuticals. 


The ocotillo aren’t in full bloom like the ones in the Yuma area south of here.

I sleep well.

I feel pretty good both times I get up in the night to carry Spike outside for the ritual Emptying of The Bladder.

We’re all about waste removal lately!

Today it’s lemon tea and dry toast.  I’m weak and drained and sleep most of the morning, but the storm has passed, only a few waves of nausea before calm seas return.

Shortly past noon a white Chevy cargo van pulls up!

It’s Wicked Lady from the state of Washington.  You may remember her name from her comments on this blog.  She left her travel trailer behind for this trip, choosing to van camp. I explain to her the reason for my less-than-energetic greeting and droopy appearance.  We sit outside and visit, and she fetches me some paperbacks from her van.

Wicked Lady is a member of LOWs and Escapees and Women RVers.  She travels with two, beautiful dogs.  One is a a Tamarin/Lab mix and the other is a Golden Retriever.


Boomer and Monty



Her crew and my crew show little interest in each other.  Apparently the genetic divide is too wide to cross.

Off they go to take a look at King Valley . . .

Before I sign off, I need to ask a favor.

Please don’t shower me with sympathy and get-well-soons.  I know you can come up with something else to talk about.  Please do.

I’m all better now and plan to consume some chicken soup as soon as I’m done with this blog entry. I’ll take it easy for the rest of the day and tomorrow I plan on living life to the fullest again.


Sticks, grass, sand . . .

I only told you about my less-than-24-hour malady in order to explain why this isn’t the promised post about how I chose the nomad lifestyle.  You know me.  I can’t just write “I didn’t feel well.”  I have to make a dadburn story out of it.  Anyway . . . 

I set you up to expect a post about our leap into this lifestyle. 

As it turns out, I don’t have the creative energy right now to write it.  I will soon.  I promise!

You know?  Y’all are such a delight for me with your enthusiastic comments and camaraderie.



Thanks for shopping Amazon from my blog.


Anybody know what this cactus is? It put four thorns into Spike’s leg. He’s fine. In fact he acted like he didn’t know he was stuck. What a tough boy!

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369 Responses to A day is a terrible thing to waste

  1. Page says:

    Hi Sue!
    I really enjoy your inspiring blog. We had another huge yard sale today getting ready to hit the road! Yay!

  2. Val R. Lakefield On. says:

    Hi Sue, love your driveway pic. Worked at our thrift shop today…part of the animal shelter….I’m tired. I am proud to be one of the 5 women who helped start the shelter in 1993. A real struggle in those early days. lakefieldanimalwelfare.org. If you care to visit. If we ever get a couple of rat terriers we are naming them after your crew.
    Take care, wish I was there. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You have earned the right to be proud of that accomplishment, Val. Good job!

      What an honor for the crew! 🙂

  3. Lacy says:

    Don’t know the name of that cactus but from the looks of it, it’s a mean-ass cactus is what it is!

    Only you Sue, of Sue & Crew, could make a dadburn STORY outta an ‘unpleasant’ evening – AND make it worth reading at that! I had the same thing happen to me recently (can’t remember the last time I was sick) and I too, was ready to give up the ghost. But no, I survived and am glad you did too. Thank goodness for the help of some modern medications. Glad everything – came out – ok (sorry, I HAD TO!)

    Carry on my friend,

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Lacy,

      I try to keep my blog positive but not every day of a vagabond’s life is “lollipops and moonbeams.” 🙂

  4. Well, currently I’m here on a truly beautiful S. California day, but all I can think about is that we still have five weeks to go here before we depart on close to six straight months of travel, five of which will be in our petite travel trailer. Only the demands of a wilderness training course we are taking, including multiple weekends of hiking and backpacking, are keeping me sane. Six straight months at home, even with the every-other-weekend get away is about five months to long. We’ll head first for New Mexico, and I can’t wait.

  5. DeAnne in TN says:

    Gorgeous sunny day here in middle TN! It got up into the 60’s. Snow is melting, and it was nice to open my patio door today and get some fresh air circulating. Did get out and about today and bought four skeins of the prettiest yarn–I can’t wait to start something new. The best part of the day was at my local yarn shop. The owner many times has her grandchildren in the shop as their mom and dad have to work. Anyway, she wound my yarn into balls on her winder, and I got to hold the six month old grandson. Got the back and forth hip action going, and he was asleep in no time–loved getting to rock a baby to sleep. It truly is the simple things in life.

  6. LeeJ says:

    I LOVE that photo of the sticks and grass and sand, it looks like a still life that is just aching to be painted…thanks for sharing that…
    Don’t you just love the empathy dogs show?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Lee,

      Yes, I do, and coming from Spike, it’s a shock.

      Well, I’m not the only one who sees art in sticks, grass, and sand!

      • Chuck says:

        Ruff Roff!!!!!
        Sue, Why are you always pickin’ on our bud, Spike????You know he loves you, it’s kinda’ of a guy thing, the not showin’ it toooo often. Glad you are better, Radar and Doogie!

  7. george, in n.c. says:

    Hi Sue & crew,
    Heading south to Augusta Ga. to visit my 96 yr. old uncle tomorrow.
    Then on to Fl. First time out in the mh.since last summer.

    Love those beautiful pictures of the desert.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, George,

      I wish you a safe and enjoyable trip all the way to Florida, as well as a good visit with your uncle along the way. I’m sure you’re excited to start up the motorhome after its long winter’s sleep.

  8. Edie says:

    Today I could almost feel a hint of spring, even though it is still cold. I’m tired of cold! We are almost ready to pick up our little travel trailer. I am sooo excited!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I’m excited for you, Edie! Getting a new travel trailer is like getting a new car and a new house, all rolled into one!

  9. Betty-Shea says:

    You are just as tough as that mean lookin’ cactus…don’t know what you call that thing…but I sure wouldn’t want to tangle with it…the crew are so sweet!
    Take care Sue.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Betty-Shea,

      I parked us away from a field of teddy bear cholla further up the road, not realizing this area has pencil cholla (as identified by R. and Ed, below).

  10. Brian says:

    What’s the famous bumper sticker say?

    Oh yes,

    Poop Happens. Or something like that.

  11. Bill from NC says:

    Hey Sue my what wonderful things pharmacutecals are when you need them! LOL My lil Sadie is having intestinal issues. She has never had to go to the bathroom on gravel and sand like is here in Quartzite Az! She keeps looking for grass or pine needles! Were the crew like this when you first came out here? The poor baby is having a bad time! Thanks Sadie n Bill

    • Connie & Mugsy (MN/AZ) says:

      I am lucky with my dog because she grew up from puppyhood in a small town “downtown” where there little or no grass to be found. Her preference quickly became the broken up areas of the sidewalks. So, when I ended with her when my mother went into the nursing home, it was an easy transition to sand and gravel when I brought her to Arizona. It actually took her awhile to take to grass.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Hi, Connie,

        I didn’t know dogs could be so particular about their “toilet.” I’ve always had dogs who let go anywhere.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Bill,

      No, the crew didn’t have any hesitation about relieving themselves on gravel or sand or anywhere else, for that matter. Your Sadie is a sensitive gal!

      • Connie & Mugsy (MN/AZ) says:

        Male dogs are probably less choosy than females in this regard. Mugsy didn’t like how the grass tickled her belly at first. LOL

      • Bill from NC says:

        Well Sue she needs to statt cutying.loose!!! Lol I cant walk forever. Plus she is so fussy about drinking now too. Oh well it like all else will run its course.

        Sadie n Bill

  12. weather says:

    no one else but me,I thought,would use your descriptions.when people notice that I’m m.i.a. I’ve always answered that I had a body storm.Mild illness has never really slowed me by much,so something intense has occurred if I don’t “show up”.Not bemoaning our difficulties here,rather sharing humor in vocabularies.
    Don’t recognize that thorn bush,realize now though that you had shown cactus wondering what might grow grouped that way.The photo looked like “old man”cactus,even when quite small they have that “hat” of white hair. Enlarging your photo of the blooms actually made me sigh with pleasure,so I’m, even more than usual, a smiling reader

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Well, it’s no surprise that someone who goes by the name of “weather” should describe their illness as a body storm. 🙂

      Keep smiling!

  13. Pen says:

    Nice to see the photos of Bloomer and Monty (along with your crew of course). I’m going to look up Tamarin as it’s a new one on me.

    • Pen says:

      Meant to add: I’m a bit north of you and the W-I-L-D north wind of the past two days is just starting to die down (finally!). Just doing those “last gasp” bursts now. Don’t know if you had it there or not.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pen,

      I think I may have spelled Boomer’s breed incorrectly. A tamarin is a different animal altogether. Yes, it has been blustery here for a couple days. Sunny and calm as I type this in the morning . . .

  14. Kay says:

    Well, I’ve been sick too. SICK OF THESE WEATHER FORECASTERS. The sickness has had me in my little, lets see, 3 by 2 foot space in the RV for days. Three tanks of propane later, oh, yes, a few hundred bucks less… we hit 50 something today with dad gum promise of 60 something tomorrow. No, I won’t believe them forecasters, again.

    That Mrs. Grass’ chicken noodle soup is not too bad, Wal-Mart has it the cheapest
    only problem is our Wal-Marts don’t carry it anymore in the local stores, but heck I could order it online… and that I did – 2 boxes of it. I actually use the seasonings and golden egg for other dishes and toss the noodles.

    Well, back to doing laundry I guess. Thank goodness I insisted on a stackable washer and dryer for this RV because it’s a long walk to the laundry mat when my tummy is upset with whatever it is.

    Nice to know you’re still at home in the SW!!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Kay,

      Hope your stomach upset and laundry are over with. 🙂 High-priced propane adds insult to injury for those of you suffering through a very bad winter!

  15. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Ah crap! 😉

    We are having a heat wave …today’s high temp was 32 degrees! T shirt and shorts weather! I am so sick of this snow! National Grid (electricity) increased their rates this past month..go figure, the coldest month, polar vortex whathaveyou…our bill was twice as much as normal and the highest ever in four years!

    Annie Oakley is not fussing at all since we started the nightlight routine. TYVM!!! I turn it off as soon as she falls asleep SO WE can get some sleep!

    Sadie and Bill…try using those piddle pads….then make them smaller and smaller until whaaalaaah sadie won’t know she’s peeing on gravel/sand.

    No ones fessed up to the ukulele yet…..

    Have a great evening everyone!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I’m very glad the night light is working for Annie Oakley. It must be a comfort for her.

      I feel your pain regarding the higher heating bill. I remember, from my very distant past, wincing at the sound of the heater turning on for the umpteenth time in an evening, seeing paper currency flying out of the heater vents.

  16. R. (Colorado) says:

    Pencil Cholla

  17. Ed says:

    I’m guessing that your cactus is Cylindropuntia ramosissima which is either branched pencil cholla or diamond cholla (if it has a diamond pattern on the stem, can not see it very well in the picture).

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Ed,

      You have me bouncing around the web trying to figure out whether it’s a diamond or a pencil cholla. One site had me thinking it’s opuntia ramosissima. Some sites show one photo and call it diamond/pencil cholla.

      I do see markings on the stem, though not perfectly diamond shaped, more blunted angles to the diamonds, do seem like it’s a diamond cholla. I wish I could see the blooms which would make identification much easier.

      The plant shape is a spreading bush, rather than a stalk-type, also none are tall, again making me think it’s a diamond cholla.

  18. “”IT was probably the Mexican ” **** ” tomatoes? ….. you threw away? LOL
    I’m a wimp when it comes to feeling like ”tomatoes’. I love your attitude, ………..and the crew probably deserves an extra treat for patience!!

    Which remind me of something I’ve meant to ask you!!

    DO YOU like lettuce-type foods & green sprouts? I do sprout my own seeds, about a year now so far! And I’m definitely going to take them with me when I RV this spring!
    I bought a round multi-level seed sprouter last year from Amazon, diameter smaller than a desert plate, and a package of various types of seeds. I now choose exactly what I prefer, but buy the ‘varied’ packages to use for variety, too. It will sit nicely in my little RV sink without tipping while traveling, just like it does on my dish drainer now! You just pour room temp water over it twice+ daily, and the water that drains off isn’t dirty, so could be used for other purposes. (about a cup of water then used almost any other way). It’s a breeze to water it, and when you want something that is like a salad, you just reach over and pull out a bunch of sprouts. I start a new bunch each day, and left-overs keep a day or so nicely in your refrigerator to mix & match. I either use them as a salad, a garnish for soups, or as lettuce on a sandwich, as well as just a little snack. I have also added the last few sprigs to my dogs foods without anyone noticing!! If you like green crisp stuff that doesn’t need washing, the little sprouting 4-level sprout/drainer is great! I buy my favorite seeds now, and although the bags look small, a few seeds makes a big crop! Add a new tray of seeds every 2-3 days and you’ll have fresh clean sprouts on demand.
    (Sorry about the long story, but IF you like green stuff, I wanted to tell you about it.)
    I love your attitude, ………..and the crew probably deserves an extra treat for empathy patience!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Beck,

      I haven’t put sprouts in a salad in a long time. They are good and nutritious. When I had a house in Georgia I would dampen a couple paper towels, put seeds on one half, fold the towel to cover, place on top of my hot water heater, keep moist, and sprouts would appear!

      I appreciate the information… as do, I’m sure, some of my readers. .. but I have such limited counter space . . .

  19. Actually, Sue, I’d imagine a post like today’s would be of interest to people who might worry or wonder how someone handles being sick out away from civilization, as it were. As nasty as your bug was, you’re on the other side of it and can be thankful for that.

    I’ve been sick a few times while out with the RV and it is no fun, especially the one time I had a sudden attack of vertigo and simply fell over backward from that loss of equilibrium. Fortunately, I’ve only had a couple of attacks since then. (I had heard that after the first attack you become more susceptible to future attacks.)

    I’ll close by saying you have a true knack for storytelling and can manage to make even being sick interesting. Not that I want to experience the same thing for myself. 🙂

    • Walt,
      Vertigo is a potential pitfall! I’ve only had 3 unexpectedly bad attacks, warned after the first one, that if I were driving, pull over immediately,& don’t exit car, call ambulance. If walking,sit or lie down, if alone, call for help. Call ambulance & don’t be embarrassed. Even the 3 specialists couldn’t fix it. The only ‘cure’ for me was 24-48+ hours in bed, taking prometh??? (meds for nausea), causing me to sleep until it passes, but not be alone, having someone helping me get to bathroom & furnish foods. (There’s lots of different kinds, but mine is viral & can return.) I’ve even been through the ‘physical therapy’ procedures to ‘reset the crystals’ in the ears. It’s one of those conditions that sometimes calls for pure physical stamina. I’d love to hear more about how you manage yours!

      • I don’t know that it’s related, but I haven’t experienced any attacks since my wife and I went vegan two years ago. The first attack came about four years ago, I think. I went through the “crystal reset,” which helped some, although I felt slightly off balance for a couple of months. I had a couple of lesser bouts the next year and a half (feelings of being a bit off balance again) but nothing since.

        If I remember correctly, mine was also diagnosed as viral. To tell the truth, I hadn’t even though about it until I read Sue’s post. Aside from changing the way we eat, I haven’t really done anything to manage things. I just knock on wood (hits head 🙂 ) and hope it does not return because it definitely is not something I want to experience again.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Both my father and I experienced vertigo. Mine was mild and temporary, only a few months, went away without treatment. It was very weird. I’d try to walk in a straight line from Point A to Point B and would walk in a curve instead. Glad I didn’t get stopped by highway patrol and told to walk a line!

  20. Sue says:

    Enjoy your blog and the amazing photos. I would like to hear more about the people you meet; Describe them, include a non-personal background; Why are they traveling about – what are greatest joys and fears, etc. What have they learn in their travels? Just a thought…..

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Sue,

      Your suggestions are very good… for a book or a documentary video, perhaps, but not for my blog. When meeting a person for the first time and not having developed a relationship, I choose not to reveal much information.

      You bring up a topic that I’ve given a lot of thought.

      Why a person is traveling, etc… may seem like innocuous information. However, the person may have reason for it not to be shared with certain friends, family member, employer, boyfriend/girlfriend, etc. Once I make a habit of revealing what a person shares with me, I’m liable to violate that sharing. Two individuals talking alone, privately, assume what they say will not become globally public.

      With a “stranger” visit I could ask permission along the lines of “anything you do or say may be shown on the internet” and then the interaction would become stilted and false. Obviously that’s not good.

      An author or videographer would present Release of Information forms to be signed by both parties. The persons would be allowed to review the end product prior to distribution/publication.

      When someone visits my home I do not want to conduct an interview. I want to enjoy the conversation and let it flow naturally. Sometimes people share information about themselves that may seem incidental and they don’t mind telling me, knowing they probably won’t see me again, yet it is not something they want every single person on the planet able to access. I can’t always determine what in their mind is internet material and what is not, so I am very careful what I put in my blog.

      I have revealed a lot about some of the people I’ve met on the road. This was done with a time delay after we had developed a deeper friendship than the usual drop-in visitor. After a while, I asked if I could reveal specific things they have shared. In some instances I asked them to preview the blog post about them.

      There are a lot of things said that were tempting to put in my blog, very dramatic things that would make engaging reading, but I didn’t include it, putting the person’s privacy above providing entertainment on my blog.

      Once I start changing the focus of my “stories” from what the crew and I did on any given day to what I know about a person I met… well, I’d soon be skipping across a field laced with trip wires.

      Along the same lines, I hesitate to publish photos of people’s faces. On a related topic, I don’t understand people putting the names and faces of children on the internet, the names of other family members, sometimes showing them getting into vehicles with the license plate clearly visible, mentioning what school they go to, what sports they participate in, showing photos of them coming out of their home, backgrounds revealing location, announcing plans, etc. I may do that regarding myself, but it’s not something I’d do about someone else, especially a child. Call me old-fashioned.

      It’s true I could’ve done a better job describing my visitor — I know it was very superficial — but I wrote it when still worn out from illness. I’ll try to do better in the future.

      Thanks for initiating this subject. As you can tell from my long reply, I take it very seriously! BTW, how ’bout YOU writing that book or making that documentary? 🙂 It’s a great idea!

      • Interesting issues to ponder, Sue. This sub-discussion also helps to further illustrate the further blurring of the lines between our public and private lives (if they ever really existed), thanks in large part to the internet, Facebook, Twitter, blogs, and the like.

        I am also reminded of my early days as a television news reporter and the assignments I would sometimes be given to go an interview people in association with some tragedy they or people they knew had experienced. I always cringed inside whenever I was given such an assignment, being a very private person myself at the time. Thankfully, I wasn’t given many of those assignments. I think management knew I wasn’t so good at those kinds of stories. Later, I was able to move behind the camera as a news producer, and the only cringing I tended to do was at the mistakes made by others on-camera. 🙂

      • Pen says:

        Although I would find details of other people and their lives as interesting as the next person, I am thrilled that you have made the choices you have concerning what you reveal/don’t reveal/discuss on your blog. I’m one who strongly values my privacy, and it does become difficult to have relationships (or even casual encounters) when I don’t know whether or not my personal information is going to show up on the World Wide Web for anyone to peruse or search (at any time, including well into the future). I understand that many people share such information without “meaning to” (or because they don’t care about privacy themselves); but I do love it when someone (such as you) does consider the implications and then lets others share or not share their private information as they see fit.

        On the other hand, I’m very happy that you have decided to share your own days with us here – thanks!

        • TexasTom says:

          I just tell people I’m in witness protection and I can tell them the truth of my background and would then need to have them whacked or tell them the back story that was made up by my handlers. Take your pick.

          Lots of liquids and always keep some sport drinks around to replace the stuff you lose with the galloping Congos or Del Rio speed step.

      • John K - Mobile, AL says:

        Maybe you should put up a sign outside the BLT: “Caution! You are in the blogging zone!”

        Nah, I like it the way it is. Carry on.

  21. Alan Rabe says:

    It had to be a cholla. All of them are vicious, they are all designed to break off stems and fall to the ground where they can get caught on something and carried somewhere else so they can sprout. Do you see any buds on the Palo Verde trees yet. If the poppies are going to bloom you should be seeing little shoots coming up in any open area. The desert soil is designed to shed water, it usually takes several days off saturation for the water to get down to the seeds to get them to germinate. But I was hoping the drought might make them more opportunistic.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Alan,

      After reading your question, I checked the palo verde closely… no buds yet. On the drive here from Yuma on Highway 95 I think I saw some deep yellow blooms of poppies … only a few… and, of course, traffic bearing down on me and I passed them quickly.

  22. Diann in MT says:

    Wishing you the comfort of soothing music and mild sage tea (which you can wild craft from your surroundings).
    Heal and become whole soon.
    Aside from that…Thanks for the photo-moments of your dear desert.
    Hey,Sue! We bought our PTV today! 2007 Silverado 4×4 Z71. Gosh! An overkill outfit for our 12′ light weight. But, need to get down the road with power to spare!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Congratulations, Diann! Sounds like an STV…. That’s Super Tow Vehicle (NOT sexually transmitted virus!)…. I agree, better to have more power than you need, rather than not enough.

  23. Linda in TX says:

    Tomorrow’s post will be about heading out to dump the tanks. 😉

    Just love the blooming cactus! We have them here in Texas, and mine have buds on them about to open. Some of them have multiple colors on each cactus, and that is a sight to see!

    • cinandjules (NY) says:

      And cleaning the bathroom of the BLT! 🙂 umm…perhaps another trip to the oh no laundromat! yikes!

      See we can entertain each other!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I would like to see those multiple colors. The many prickly pear/beavertail cacti around here have fuschia buds opening.

  24. Connie & Mugsy (MN/AZ) says:

    The ocotillo near my place looks to be making buds!! I may get to see it bloom this year. It is probably because this winter has been so warm here in AZ. (which has also got the scorpions more active than normal)

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Yes, this warm weather in AZ has the plants thinking it’s mid-spring already. Good luck with your ocotillo…

  25. Bev says:

    Sounds like your day was full of….ahem….”waste.” 🙂 We’re still recovering from a jeep trip with Mike, Janna, Al, Kelly, Simon and Sandy!!

  26. Dave says:

    Ok, no sympathy, but aren’t you glad your black tank wasn’t full? –Dave

  27. Elizabeth says:

    I hope you figured out what caused this…or from where maybe. I had the same malady, but not from food poisoning….just this AM…eating too much wheat and cheese in the same day!! Allergies are not fun!!

    Dogs are such sweet comfort!! A hug to them both!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You may be right, Elizabeth. I have had adverse reactions to some foods in the past… Chocolate, periodically, will give me an all-day headache, also too much dairy, especially aged cheese (the good stuff, darn).

      I rarely have a digestion problem… practically never! That makes this recent incident mysterious to me.

  28. Roger in SoCal says:

    Hi Sue,
    As usual great reading, I also enjoyed reading all the smart a** comments regarding your shall we say unpleasant day.
    But that’s okay, I know all your readers love you.


  29. Mark Watson says:

    Gee… I hope everything came out OK. lol. And that there were no hangups. (continuing to LOL). Here’s a tip to help keep the black tank from filling up, as well as ease the condition you had, Diann in Mt seems to know about this too. As soon as you notice the digestive tract acting up, the sooner you start drinking tea, the quicker the “condition” clears up. I prefer using regular Lipton tea bags with no sugar or lemon added at the first sign of the condition. It’s almost instant relief.
    You’ll notice the “solid” evidence quickly. LOL (ouch, did I actually say that?)

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Mark,

      After a few groans reading the beginning of your comment and the very end, I got to the part about drinking tea. I should have started earlier with the tea. I didn’t know that. Thanks.

      • Connie & Mugsy (MN/AZ) says:

        Except that I would avoid the Lipton’s. Choose Tetley British Blend or Twinings instead. The Lipton sold in the US makes bilge water (IMHO) and it is why there are so few tea drinkers in the US. The Lipton International blend is delicious tea… I even called the Lipton company when I returned to the US and asked why they didn’t sell it here… and actually convince Americans to drink real tea. Ha!! They didn’t listen, of course.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I like Bigelow tea. Good tasting, variety of flavors, not a “gourmet” jacked-up price… suits me!

        • DesertGinger says:

          Uh…Actually Twinings gives me projectile vomiting. Just sayin’. that black tank would explode if I had quick step and drank Twinings.

        • DesertGinger says:

          oh…one more thing…when I had kids at home, the docs told me that the ‘correct’ diet for babies with bowel problems was the BRAT diet…bananas, rice, applesauce and tea.

  30. Jessica says:


    Thise cactus blooms are amazing. They remind me of the crepe paper flowers we used to make in summer camp. Do the petals feel as delicate as they look?

  31. I must say you do have the most beautiful “posts” at the entrance to your “driveway.” That shot of your present home is gorgeous:)

    Glad you are feeling better:) That was a great laugh at your poor sick expense.

  32. Cat Lady says:

    The folks in Hollywood would pay hundreds to get the “cleanse” you just got for nothing…look at how much money you saved, Sue. The good part is it makes your tummy look flat, you lose some weight, which then gives you a reason to eat something good without worrying too much.

    Hugs to the fur kids.

    Cat Lady

  33. Sandy & Scott says:

    Sympathy for us. We usually read your blog over morning coffee. This morning we wait. S & S

  34. weather says:

    Hi again,back adding details to prior comment that was disjointed at best.Hot time at kofa,3/16 post had a photo tagged “Are these 3 young saguaros?”,they are what appeared to me as Old man cactus.As I was scrolling photos I found on !/03/12’s post one you had tagged “[This photo is for those people who couldn’t care less about my solar”.The reflections in the water show better detail than the environment itself does.This phenomenon always fascinates me,material and physical reality appearing less clear and beautiful than the intangible.Realistically this is always true,the spiritual is truer,above( in all ways) the natural,few pictures,verbal or visual demonstrate it more clearly than sun on still water.Rested up a bit,I hope you”ll enjoy revisiting the photo this way so we’ll both be,a smiling reader

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I looked up Old Man Cactus… what a weird-looking plant! I didn’t see all the “hair” on the cacti I photographed. I’ll look up that old photo you mentioned. Interesting comment, weather. Keep smiling!

  35. AZ Jim says:

    Ya got me! I am not that far from where you are so when I opened this edition of the blog I saw the storm rolled in comment and thought one of us, either you or me had finally lost the last few brain cells. Then I read on and felt better. Don’t ya just love our weather this time of year. Talked to my nephew in South Dakota who told me of the heat wave at his ranch. He said it was up to 28 degrees there. Be sure and tell the little guys hello for me, Missy.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I wondered, when writing, if I’d throw someone with my storm analogy. Yes, the weather has been wonderful, except for when it’s windy. Although I’m sure your nephew would take “sun and warmth with balmy wind” over 28 degrees and colder!

  36. Bill & Ann says:

    Pencil Cholla. If you drive over the hill to Castle Dome the ocotillo have been blooming for several weeks. Also the beavertail and buckhorn Cactus. So pretty. All that is left to bloom is the pencil and teddy bear cholla. You can see the buds on the pencil cholla though. The northeast corner of KOFA by Vicksburg is also in full bloom with desert chicory and snowball sand verbena in addition to the cactus. Very interesting. Up Palm Canyon we saw a Palo Verde in bloom. It is interesting to see how different places on the refuge bloom at different times.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Bill and Ann,

      I’ve been waiting for you to appear with your expert information about the plants of Kofa! Thanks for writing it here. I may leave in a few days and camp on the other side near Vicksburg. You’re description is tempting.

      Less than a week to go for you two! You deserve a gold watch or a plaque or something… 🙂

      • Bill & Ann says:

        A kick out the door? There is a volunteer’s banquet tomorrow. Hmmm. I think our get up and go got kicked out the door; and four more days to go. What to do. Glad you are feeling better.

  37. Chris B says:

    Hi Sue! I had to laugh when I saw that you have experienced vertigo. I wasn’t laughing at you, but at me! We had gone to Mount Rushmore, all through the Rockies and heading back toward home. I was driving and felt odd. Then I turned my head the the world spun. I thought that I was getting a flu but when I couldn’t even look outside when moving, I knew something was wrong. I had heard of vertigo before but never really paid much attention. We got to the KOA in Cody Wyoming and I figured that a shower always makes you feel better. I was in the shower, turned my head and it felt like the trailer had rolled over. I was on the ground! Went to the doc in Cody and was told I had vertigo and it probably would pass on its own. We continued home and decided to camp overnight in Zion. I looked like a drunk when I had to guide Clete into a tight spot. I was holding onto trees, parking posts, anything that would keep me from tipping over and waving him in while hanging on for dear life to a tree branch! It was awful! But I still laugh at what the other campers thought about us driving up and me staggering out of the truck and hanging onto everything! 🙂 Glad that your storm passed quickly.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      That’s funny, Chris! It’s not funny when it happens to you though. I got it while teaching middle school. Imagine trying to look sober while hanging on to the lockers for support or while weaving down the hallway to the cafeteria with a line of your students traipsing behind.

      Enjoyed your story. Just another example of those crazy people who tow Casitas!

  38. Barb George says:

    Oh Dear Sue!
    So glad the pups are kind to you when the world isn’t!
    I have vertigo now, after my head injury… of course any daily symptom is thrown into overdrive when I am sick…
    To brighter days and sunshine all around (we have flooding here in Hoquiam, so please — yes, we need some SUN!)
    Hugs from H–town…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Barb,

      I hope this finds you well and having a good day. I know you could use some of this sunshine and I’d send it your way if I could. 🙂

  39. Deb from NJ says:

    Just love the decorative posts at the end of your driveway. The photo shows the area that you are in perfectly. I have never seen a saguaro in person and can’t wait to do so. Looks like the desert is about to come alive soon. I know you will have lots of blooms to start taking photos of soon.

    Animals have a sense when we are sick. I know the crew must have been worried. One time when I wasn’t feeling well I was laying on the couch trying to recuperate
    and at the time lived with someone who had a cocker spaniel. Well he crawled up on the couch and rested his head on my chest and just lay there watching me. Animals have this sense. I have even heard that they have dogs that can sense when you are about to have a seizure and warn you. They are amazing.

    One of the things about living out West is the dry weather and dehydration. I know you probably know all about getting dehydrated but the nurse in me wants to add to it. Hope you have a few bottles of gatorade or pedialyte on hand so when not feeling so well you have something to drink aside from just water. Its important to get the electrolytes too. Especially when a storm like this hits. Just wanted to add some nurse sense.

    Have a great evening!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Deb,

      Bridget and Spike knew I wasn’t well and it concerned them greatly. They’re eyes were big marbles. Spike, who rarely gives me eye contact, had his eyes fixed on me.

      Sweet of you to remind me about Gatorade or pedialyte. I do keep a supply of Gatorade on hand at all times. I learned to do that many years ago when I first was caught ill and there was no one around to go to the store for me.

      One of my peeves is being handed a prescription AFTER surgery, dental work, or whatever which forces the single person to drive to and wait at the pharmacy regardless of appearance or level of discomfort.

      • Pen says:

        I hear you on that one! Also the procedures that require someone to drive you and/or skipping anesthetic. Not that one should be driving after that, but it can make things tough.

        OTOH, I was once required to take a taxi 1.25 hours EACH WAY to to a dental appointment simply because they had prescribed me (optional) anti-anxiety meds to take the day before. Even though I told them I had not taken them at all – nor even filled the prescription! (and would thus only be getting local Novacain) no, I might be lying, so I couldn’t be trusted to drive myself. Argh. From then on I never even accepted an “optional” prescription, lest that happen again.

      • John K - Mobile, AL says:

        Naturally they were concerned, you are the only one with opposable thumbs!

      • DesertGinger says:

        This is SO true! I had knee surgery, and after surgery they gave me a script. I’m sorry, I can’t walk! I can’t go to pharmacy. And why couldn’t you have given me this script in your office last week so I could get my drugs in advance??????

    • Diann in MT says:

      2 thumbs up, Deb! Great advice.

  40. Jim says:

    See, I’ve been lurking on your blog for some months now (what, you didn’t notice the smell?), and I’ve always wondered how you got your start and why….now rather than blow my cover and thus be forced to change cologne…or..whatever.. I thought I’d head to the “about me” page.

    Not about me, goof..about you!

    Ok, it’s good, but not enough….it’s not enough….then I find a link, “read every post since I started this blog,” or some such thing…I just read it here a second ago… Dah! Darn it, lost my notes…

    Anyway, so that’s what I’m doing….love it! Started last night and even skipped breakfast for the blog entries on solar….or was it Spikey’s love affair with the lake? Memory fails me..

    Anyway. Black to lurking for me…and to find my notes. Now that I’ve outed myself around here I should probably comb my hair…take a bath….such drastic measures to make to a good impression…dare I shave too? I digress….but wait!

    There’s my notes! Right where I left ’em….by the soap.


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jim,

      Welcome to my blog and to comments! Good to see you here. I’m happy you went back to the beginning and are reading those old posts. You will get the “big picture” of our lifestyle as we travel through each year.

      Help me out…. Next time you comment (and I hope you will!), please tack on something to your name to differentiate you from other Jims… We have an AZ Jim…. something like that would be great to help me remember you!

      • Taranis says:

        Will do, Miss Sue!

        I’m finding the read not only enjoyable, but informative as I move toward a similar future (I hope). Got a couple of years to go.

        As others, I thoroughly enjoy you blog. In fact, it’s a daily must-read!

  41. Edie says:

    Do not stress about this blog post about how you decided to rv. Take it easy and recover. We don’t care if there are more other posts before that one shows up. We are just happy to be here. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Edie,

      I found your comment comforting. I’m not up to par yet and my reclusive nature is feeling threatened… both giving me a bit of writer’s block. Thank you for your thoughtful message. You are very perceptive.

      • Edie says:

        The blog post about why you decided to do this should be something you can work on over time. Like a book report vs an essay? Sorry, not a teacher so that may be a bad analogy…

        Write about what you feel like writing about. When you feel like writing about it. That is what we enjoy. That and those beautiful pictures. 🙂

        Also, whoever is threatening your solitude needs to STOP. Really, what part of “don’t drop in without being specifically invited” do people not understand???

  42. Chris says:

    Is King of Kofa Rd the same thing as King Road? About equidistant from the top and the bottom of the refuge and running mostly east and west on the west side of the refuge? Have you stopped putting the map of your location on your home page?

    Denver, CO

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Chris,

      Yes, I’m talking about the same road that goes into the refuge, as you describe. I took the map off temporarily because I’m needing solitude more than ever right now and I don’t want to encourage any visits.

      Nice to hear from you!

  43. Dean/Valerie says:

    Gave you a great big wave as we past your site this morning…. We are staying over on Palm Canyon Rd and were over on King Rd doing some Geocaching and saw your rig. Enjoy your stay and don’t be blown away by the wind!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Dean and Valerie,

      I don’t remember your names… If that’s because you’re first time commenters (and not my bad memory), well, welcome! Good to see you here!

      Isn’t Palm Canyon Road a lovely, easy camp? This morning is calm, but the wind may pick up again in the afternoon. Thank you for not dropping in on me and the crew. Hope your geocaching was successful!

  44. Heda says:

    As if. You take care and consider this (from someone with IBS) a shower of sympathy.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Heda,

      Thanks. I’m fortunate that my ailments are only temporary, just enough to remind me to be grateful for my health. Best wishes to you .. .

  45. Glad you’re feeling better, Sue. I keep a bottle of probiotics in the frig for tummy tumult times or when I’ve eaten cheese or gluten. I took two when we got home Saturday night from my sister’s birthday party…gluten AND sugar! Uh oh. The probiotics worked perfectly. If you purchase them, know that they should be the refrigerated kind. They’re also expensive but worth it.

    Love your driveway posts & all your cactus photos. Jim says the desert is blooming early–we’re seeing daffodils here & next month is the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival. Spring is definitely just around the corner.

    Ear skritches to the crew!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Dawn,

      Good information. Thanks for sharing it. Since I have a digestive upset about once every 10-15 years, it’s not practical for me to refrigerate an item for that purpose.

      Daffodils and tulips… delightful! It must be lovely in your area during spring. You know how I fell in love with Washington. 🙂

  46. Cheryl Ann says:

    Sue, as one who frequently suffers from stomach bugs (with 30 “germ factories” in my class room…), I keep a bottle of probiotics handy. I even keep one in my purse! The dry kind that don’t need to be kept in the fridge…Trader Joe’s makes a good one!
    Our palo verdes here in our desert are in full bloom! I just posted some pics of some that I saw over the weekend. This is early for them! But, hey…it feels like 80 degrees here today!
    ~Cheryl Ann~

  47. Cat Lady says:

    I’m up to your June 21, 2011 post regarding getting your gun permit. If you need to find
    Where to Shoot go here :

    Sorry I’m having a problem making it a clicky but if you highlight it, right click, and click Open in URL, it works…at least for me.

    Hugs to furbabies.

    Cat Lady

  48. rvsueandcrew says:


    I’m sorry I haven’t posted. I need a break from blogging. The crew and I are fine, nothing to worry about. See you soon!

    • Diann in MT says:

      May your relaxation give you renewed strength and comforting insights.

      You are in our hearts every day Sue. God bless ya!

      (please don’t respond, blog friend)

      • Mary (MN) says:

        Ditto. Warm thoughts and positive vibes as you take a vacation. You give so much to your readers it is nice that you now take some time for yourself.

        We will be here when you get back and meanwhile have fun re-reading earlier posts and shopping. 🙂 We can always shop in liu of flowers and hugs. 🙂 Win, win. Take care.

  49. Paul says:

    Hi Sue,
    This is too much of a coincidence not to share. My wife’s best friend switched her two pups over to a raw meat diet and about a month or so later ended up in the ER with your same “stormy” symptoms. Her Dr. told her that she should use rubber gloves when preparing and do all prep in separate area with dedicated utensils. Sounded extreme to me but, she has not had a recurrence.

    Love your blog,

  50. Tina from vegas says:

    Hi Sue and hi too, to the babies.I second the advice about the raw meat diet. Even a tiny scrap can cause the tummy troubles, especially chicken or other poultry, of course i’ve been told that doggie kisses right after they eat are no problem and cure all ills. Its hard to conserve water and maintain a separate area or even scrub everything I know. I switched to paper plates to make it easier.( Get the jumbo size pack from wallmart for $5 and the cheap disposible food service gloves)
    Best to you all and I can’t wait for an indepth post on how you can to the decision to full time (and I havegood back and read from beginning!)

    • Ed says:

      I’m sure that all this concern about how to handle the meat for a dog raw meat diet is well founded because I found a very long page of dire warnings by the FDA title Avoid the Dangers of Raw Pet Food.

      However, Sue has been feeding Raw Human Food to Skip and Bridget. I assume she has followed her same safe practices for handling the meat that she is feeding them that she does when preparing raw meat that she then cooks for herself.
      It truly is a dangerous world that we live in and there is no such thing as extreme measures to protect ourselves. Having said that, a separate ‘clean room’ for meat processing may be too extreme for Sue’s lifestyle but may be a good alternative for others seeking greater security from disease-causing bacteria.

  51. Heda says:

    Fed my gorgeous dog a raw food diet her entire life. She had a happy life completely motivated by FOOD and she died of old age…with good teeth and a healthy weight.

    • SusanS says:

      May I should go on a raw food diet. I am motivated by food. My dog (though she is not on a raw food diet does get good raw meaty and marrowy bones to gnaw on) has much better teeth than I do and is at a much healthier weight than I am!!! I wish I had her cute figure…

      • Susan,
        I’ve been a huge advocate of the raw diets since my retriever was a diabetic. ……. until today.

        I’m changing my mind about the ‘raw food’ diet after a visit to my vet’s office today. I told him I had had to use raw turkey to get the tramadol pills down my sick pup. He understood the taste of them, but said, “Why raw?” I reminded him that I had gone mostly ‘raw’ when my lab got diabetes. My vet stays pretty up-to-date, so I knew he was thinking differently recently to have questioned me.

        He quoted two head of nutritional ‘experts’ from a major veterinary university, who are skeptical that ‘raw meat’ is the best options, maybe not even for the pet, …… and that that there are some illnesses that pets can transfer to humans with graver consequences to the human, even death to a child, without effecting the pet.

        Giving raw food to a pet, handling their plates, etc. isn’t the only way the illnesses are transferred, but even by handling their collars, leashes, petting them, or touching their food dishes.

        He said most people don’t use nail brushes when washing their hands, and often touch their facial areas without a second thought, or even pick their teeth, scratch an eyelid, etc. Also, he said when I travel, it’s even harder to know the sources of all the meats we might pick up, how they were handled, processed, or their age.

        It was a long conversation, but his tone about continuous feeding of raw meats has changed over the last few years. He mentioned some of the popular raw diets and has studied them. He said he understood using raw meats sometimes as necessary ‘treats’, to get a pet to take a medicine (which started the conversation), ………. then unexpectedly, he told me not to trust all of the information out on the internet, and then he sincerely asked me to “please just give them cooked foods” saying “all meats if you like, but cooked would be safer.” “”Raw meat leaves traces in their mouth, sneezes, drools, and providing a rich environment for those intestinal illnesses to flourish in your pet. Contaminated meats in a pets mouth or on their body can easily transfer to human utensils, pillows, clothing, hands, even sneezes, carrying one tiny particle that would take down a healthy adult sometimes.

        He said he never argues with a patient, nor argues about dogfood brands, or home-cooked diets, but if a patient asks him a direct question, he gives them the answer to “Cook raw foods, especially meats”.

        I’ve used him for over 20 years, and he has 2 other doctors in his office, one newly out of vet school. His tone was one of concern and thoughtfulness, so I’m feeling like he may have a very valid point. His own pets have flourished and outlived the norms.
        I have now realized that since pets walk all over the ground, on whatever is there from other sources, then they lick or cleanse themselves, then eat from our hands, sleep in our beds, and kiss our faces, …….. it has really caused my brain to soar in thought all afternoon. I think of all the times my pets have put their nose up the behinds of other dogs, or tasted some unknown ‘stuff’ on the ground, causing me to tug on their leash to pull them backward. I feel safer that my pets don’t kiss my face, lick my hands, or drool on my pillow, …..but I rarely take the time to use a fingernail brush and ‘antibacterial’ soap with warm water.

        He quoted his sources as renown animal nutritionists. calling them by name. Four-pawed fur-babies have a lifetime of more tolerance to salmonella & ecoli viruses than humans because of their lifestyles, they can easily pass the ‘bug’ on to a less-immune human in an instant. “Raw meats” deteriorate faster, so pose more possibilities for a problem, including cross-contamination.

        He just said, “Why not just boil, bake, or grill the raw meats when you cook for yourself?” Then he said: “Never share any of your food with your pet at the same time you are eating it. Or use a good soap and a fingernail brush religiously. ……and remember that what grows in your pet’s mouth might not be harmful to your pet, but detrimental to a person.

        I stopped at the store and bought the huge package of boneless chicken thighs and put them in the crockpot. Then, I took my 3# package of raw turkey meat and made little meatballs, cooking them on a cookie sheet.

        I really need time to rethink all of this now that I spoke with him today!! I am certain I have good hygiene habits, and good food-handling habits, ……but the idea of what stays inside a pets mouth from one day to another, while living in my same spaces is causing me concern.

        Just something to think about!!

        • rvsueandcrew says:


          You can take a bath in sanitizer every day, pour antiseptic in your mouth, spray your house with anti-bacterial spray, filter your water, use wet ones obsessively, wash your clothes in bleach, disinfect the floor, pour bleach over your vegetables and fruits, wrap your dog’s arse in plastic, put a mask over his face, and wear gloves when you pet him, but the fact remains….

          We live in an organic world full of bugs, bacteria, parasites, worms, viruses and all sorts of nasties, and our bodies need to develop and maintain a resistance. That’s my opinion.

          (Snottiness removed. My apologies. Nothing personal intended toward anyone.)

          • Linda in TX says:

            I’m sorry, Sue. I posted at the same time you did. I wouldn’t have if I’d seen this. I apologize.

          • Diann in MT says:

            Great insight, Sue! (read my previous post)
            Sue is to nice to say:

          • I’m with you, Sue. I had a boss who used to wipe down everything with antiseptic wipes and would get sick at least a couple of times a year. Me? Never. I left the dust alone and it left me alone. I did used to name and feed the dust bunnies, though. 🙂

          • Miss Leslie says:

            Seems a bit harsh? I’m a new reader but I read every post from the beginning and I had the sense you had always encouraged advice and opinion in this space and so anyone offering it had every reason to expect it would be received courteously. Looks like rountree spent some considerable time on that post. I know I for one wouldn’t think of offering any advice in the face of that response. I guess I’m sensitive even to potential and “virtual” hurt feelings. Hope all is ok with you.

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              No, it’s not okay. I have a bad case of The Grumps. I did not direct my message to Beck Rountree. Go back and look. It says “MESSAGE TO READERS.” I apologize for being “harsh.”

            • Miss Leslie says:


        • Linda in TX says:

          Thanks for sharing this. I think it is really something for us all to think about. I was also thinking about the pets’ bedding, car seats, etc….wherever they are sitting and gnawing on the raw meat. If the pet owner touches it, the bacteria can easily be transferred. It just seems like too much hand washing required (which is supposed to be two minutes with a thorough rinsing) to be do-able, especially when camping. We all try so hard to do the best for our pets, don’t we? But we have to remember WE are all they have, and we have to stay safe and healthy as well.

          • Phyllis says:

            Last week I ran out of dog food. So I loaded Destin the Dog and I in the car and drove through McDonald’s. I got biscuits and gravy and Destin the Dog got a bacon and egg McMuffin.

            Later that day I went to Target and bought what I thought was dog food. Only to discover when I got home it was cat food. I thought I would let Destin the Dog try a new flavor, tuna and salmon. Geesh…….

            Phyllis in Oklahoma

  52. weather says:

    Have wondered when you would take a break,yippee for you!!The slavery of an obligatory schedule in order to keep what you’ve earned is well behind you now.We readers happily receive your entries as gifts,not as something you ever should feel you owe us.The voluntary nature of participation here is an essential part of the whimsical freedom that fulltiming appeals to us with.The esprit de corps holds,indeed the more truly, as you do what you find needful to remain with your enthusiastic,enjoyment of wellness intact.Trusting you’re being refreshed,a happy with your pace smiling reader

  53. Ron in TX says:

    Get well and rest is the best way to do that , we will be here when you get back.

  54. Willow says:

    I hope you and the crew are enjoying a little rest and relaxation, I think you have earned it. You know we will be here patiently waiting for you when you are ready.
    Today is a perfect day. All windows are open and I can hear the birds singing and smell the citrus blossoms from my small tangerine tree, it’s heavenly. I am going to fix myself a cup of tea and sit out side and read my book, and if I can rouse myself off the swing long enough I might grill myself a small steak and prepare some of that nice,fresh asparagus I bought today.

  55. CheryLyn(Oregon) says:

    Hi Sue,
    Just a note to let you know still following along. So glad you are feeling better and nice to know you are taking a little break. As echoed above no worries will continue to check in, gives me an opportunity to go back and do some re-reading and note taking!

  56. LeeJ says:

    Hey there! Do you get emails from bookbub? And Amazon for the discounted Kindle books? I just bought Hawaii for 99 cents, wow..it has been years since I read that book and am finding that it is almost like reading a new book…I love a deal!
    We are warming up here in the central valley of California and it is supposed to be in the 70’s to low 80’s this week so it is time to get the Casita washed and polished with the Poyl, will keep you posted about how it turns out…
    I think I will get my Meg out and harness her up and take a drive..wish you were here to join me, it would be fun and I bet the crew would have as much fun as my two Silky Terriers do riding along!

    • Gayle says:

      Ah, Silky Terriers! Lee, you ought to know, would a silky make a good therapy dog for hospital visits or children’s’ reading group visits?

      • LeeJ says:

        Yes they would!
        My Silkies are the best little citizens. My grand kids love them and they never met a stranger. I have a video online on Youtube where I was driving my Meg and the Silkies are following right behind the cart. They usually ride with me but my cart was full of grandkids! Look for Meg the Haflinger and you can watch!

        • Gayle says:

          Meg is such a beautiful horse. What wonderful memories you provide for all the children. Ah, them Silkies! Trotting around after your cart makes me believe they are loyal, fearless and enthusiastic. If they aren’t afraid of a horse then neither will they be of our ADHD students! It could work!

  57. Ladybug says:

    Well, Sue, if you could have planned ahead, you could have scheduled a colonoscopy for this past Monday! 😉

    • Phyllis says:


      I made the mistake of scheduling my “screening” colonoscopy the same week I am picking up my Casita. I pick up the Casita on Monday and the colonoscopy is on Thursday. The joys of turning 50. I’ve rescheduled once so I suppose I will forge ahead.

      Phyllis in Oklahoma

  58. Marg says:

    I used your cactus flowers in my Facebook today and I gave you credit. Billy went fishing today and saw two eagles. He was trying to hold his pontoon boat, camera, and focus in March winds. He got a very good picture of their big nest, but the eagles are so far away.

    Keep taking those beautiful pictures of the desert flowers. Who knows, we might be able to see them “again” in person in the near future.

  59. Steve & Zeke the Mtn dog says:

    Hey Sue, first time comment, long time follower… Well funny as it may seem we have crossed paths many times but have never met, last year in Wickenberg and then Paulden on your way up into my home state of WA., me on my way to cooler temps in the Flagstaff/Williams area… I too just got over some bug i picked up in Blythe CA., nasty lil bugger… I am now in Pahrump NV. and found a great lil diner, knowing you like em… In Pahrump just past the Wal-Mart on 160 and Basin rd, go N. up basin road a few blocks and look right for “Moms Diner”, excellent food, generous portions and the prices are fantastic… I had the best patty melt & fries I have ever had but the menu is big with breakfast served all day… Happy trails and coffee some day…

    Steve and Zeke Da Mtn dog…

    • Ed says:

      I was in Mom’s for breakfast on Monday the 10th. Had their Corned Beef Hash with poached eggs on the hash and some very good sourdough toast. Recommended!

      • Phyllis says:

        Steve and Zeke:

        Who names their town Pahrump? Where is that and where did it come from?

        Any place that has breakfast served all day is a place I’d visit.

        Phyllis in Oklahoma

  60. Cinandjules says:

    I’m here to experience how RV Sue and the crew lives on less and enjoys life more. I admit I sometimes can be too direct with my posts..for that I truly apologize.

    It’s your life…decisions you’ve already made. I’m just here to be a passenger on this journey.

    Sleep tight..hugs to the crew!

  61. Edie says:

    Here’s a random thought. Most who work get at least a two week vacation, and, if luck some personal, or sick time.

    You are entitled to a vacation just to chill.
    Life is, after all, about you and your well being.

    Plus we would all be looking forward to that post-vacation blog post. Even if it is just to say you are back and you had a good time chilling and not writing, or being obligated to anyone but the crew.

    Like I said just a random thought. Not trying to pry. Probably am, but in a meaning well way….

  62. Hi Sue!
    So glad you and the crew are well. Good for you for taking a break from the blog. We’ll miss you but know everyone needs a break now and then and you most certainly deserve one!
    I know you wanted us to sort of talk amongst ourselves and I thought you might like this too so… we got a puppy! Jesse is so smart and such a rascal! Please click on my name to see the rascal Jesse. If anyone has advise for raising a pup, I’m all ears!
    Todd, Jesse, and I love you Sue! Keep on keepin’ on.

  63. shelley in CA says:

    Hi Sue, Its heating up in CA hope the weather is good in AZ for you Your post about the germs cracked me up you know what they say opinions are like #ssholes everyone has one sorry couldnt resist.

  64. AZ Jim says:

    I’m glad Sue is taking a little break from posting. She needs it. She is so good about trying to answer every comment, which is appreciated but kind of grueling for her I know. I think she should take these breaks as a routine to keep from getting tired of blogging. I know none of us want to lose her here and the shared adventures she brings us. She has clearly asked that we not “drop in” on her and yet we do it. I know each of you who do that feel you are the exception to the rule. You are not. Sue is simply to nice to tell you when you show up that she wishes you hadn’t but it would seem she has made it crystal clear. Come on guys don’t let our desires to be with her and visit drive her away. I hope you feel as I do about this, but if you do not, please consider it seriously. Lecture off.

    • John K - Mobile, AL says:

      Great post AZ Jim!

      • Joan Latrell Roberts says:

        I agree with Jim and look forward to the next blog post. Since I am no longer able to get out and hit the road,I love hearing about the places you have been and your experiences. Also look forward to your wonderful photos! PEACE OUT SUE! Whenever you are ready, I will read.

  65. Darci says:

    I was just doing a little planning today. My next destination for exploring is Eastern Washington, and Utah. I know there are some great websites out there for BLM sites, but if anyone has been to place that they think is great, especially for hiking/walking with my furkids, I would love to hear about it. It would be a summer excursion. Thanks in advance for any ideas. 🙂

    • Phyllis says:


      Well from someone who has never been to Washington and who has only flown into Salt Lake City, Utah under extreme turbulence, here is my dos cents. Dos is Spanish for 2.

      You should go back and read some of RVSue’s post when she was in Utah and Washington that should help.

      Are you blogging or You tubing your travels?

      Phyllis in Oklahoma

  66. lindale says:

    I check back every morning with my coffee to read your latest blog. Now I am checking in to make sure every thing is okay with you and the crew. Some people have soap boxes and use your blog and I am sorry.

    You have shone a bright side to the desert and the joy of a simple life style. Many of us forget what’s important in our busy lives and a sunset is important to remind us to slow down and look. I am looking forward to your new blogs for their beauty and love. I am currently working on our internet set up and part of that is due to your advise on your set up.

    Thank good care of yourself and your crew Sue and we will be here when you get back.

  67. Marilu, Northern Ca. says:

    I have an idea how we can support RVSue while she takes a break. Her Amazon earnings may drop off if she’s not blogging every day. Surely there is something you’ve been meaning to order but haven’t got around to it. How about clicking on her li k and ordering it today as a little surprise for Sue?

    • Marilu, Northern Ca. says:

      I just found a nice comforter for the fifth-wheel 🙂

    • Connie & Mugsy (MN/AZ) says:

      I’ve done my part and made three orders this week. I hope they all show up. Not that they are anything hugely expensive.

    • Mary (MN) says:

      I have done my part. 🙂 I got a corner zig zag shelf to hold the router in the office. Also 2 plug in ionizers that will freshen this yucky winter air and work in the TT this summer.

    • John K - Mobile, AL says:

      I just ordered my Volcano Grill, Dutch Oven and Cast Iron Griddle. This will be our primary kitchen while boondocking.

      • DeAnne in TN says:

        Sounds like your kitchen is ready!

        • Phyllis says:

          I’m broke folks, just bought a new truck, a Casita, and have travel plans. Will have to shop next month.

          Phyllis in Oklahoma

          • Mary (MN) says:

            Great, because next month I will be broke and can’t shop. 🙂 We can keep the positive going. 🙂

            • Phyllis says:

              Mary in Minnesota:

              My big Amazon box is still sitting in the living from a purchase earlier this month. I bought reflectix, tape, and some solar lights to keep the rats away. Not at my place, but campgrounds, etc. Love shopping Amazon, amazed at how inexpensive the prices can be. And if you buy over 35 bucks you usually can get free shipping. Bang…..

              Phyllis in Oklahoma

            • John K - Mobile, AL says:

              We use Amazon Prime so always get free shipping. They just notified me that the rate is going to $99 on my next renewal.

    • weather says:

      Great idea,got the Pet Parade no tangle dual leash,the pups are great bed warmers in tough winters like this one but are no fun on two leashes.Planned to order it from a more walk friendly clime soon, but wanted to see the surprise list growing now.

      • weather says:

        yippee,also finally found and bought 2 puppia soft dog harnesses(red xx lg) which should not only fit but match the dual leash,looking forward to easier(on me and the pups)walks next week!

    • Diann in MT says:

      Buying my sway bar today. HI, Sue and crew. Miss you.

    • Jim in AL says:

      I always click Sues Amazon link before ordering anything. I think recently I have contributed many dollars. 🙂

      I seldomly post but always check the blog.

  68. Cinandjules (2 ft of snow in NY) says:

    Is anyone else sick of winter? 4 hours of shoveling, raking the roofs and I can’t even tell! It’s falling faster than I can shovel!

    Whoever made Mother Nature this angry…..can you pleeeeeeeze apologize.

  69. Darlene in MN. says:

    It sure seems to me that blogging as much as you have, would be like a fulltime job. I can’t imagine spending the time to think up what you want to write, it has to be very time consuming and hardly a relaxing retirement. I know I couldn’t do it.
    So hoping your relaxing and enjoying yourself, and the weather is perfect.

  70. Robin in Central Coast California says:

    You rock! Go enjoy the unconditional love of your crew. I know my boys are the best balm for anything the world can conjure. We’ll be here when you return. You’re in our hearts.

  71. DesertGinger says:

    Well I support Sue and crew, but I miss them. I’m reading through all the archives for my fix. And it’s raining ice right now. I hope to be heading out of here in my Uhaul truck, bound for Arizona, in about 3weeks. Been a little sad so I guess mother azure is throwing her worst to help me get over it! I’m so done with ice and snow! I’m gonna go cruise amazon and see if there is anything I need. Stay warm.

    • Phyllis says:

      Desert Ginger:

      Where are you at that it is raining ice?

      Phyllis in Oklahoma

      • Cinandjules (wearing fleece in NY) says:

        We call the snrain snow and rain mix!

        We had something called freezing ice fog yesterday! WTH is that?

        I think we’ve gotten, only because I’ve stop counting, more than 225 inches of snow so far!

        Southern Ca and No Ca could use some much needed water! So Ca can’t get it all in one day. The damage from the wildfire will turn the soil into a mudslide.

        Well then……has someone apologized to Mother Nature? At this rate summer won’t start until July or August!

        Wherever you live….be safe and have a wonderful day!

      • DesertGinger says:

        Albany NY

  72. Ladybug says:

    Sue, I sometimes suffer from bouts of depression (different from the Grumps, I know, but in the same family). My doctor told me that whoever said that laughter is the best medicine is right! I was advised to go online (gotta love youtube!) and find videos of whatever would make me laugh….kittens attacking vacuum cleaners, dogs spraying people with the garden hose, old shows (Lucille Ball! Carol Burnette! Dean Martin roasts! MASH!) and watch some every day. It really works.

    • Phyllis says:


      I heard walking was good also, releases endorphins. Love that part in that very funny movie with Reese Witherspoon, when her character says something to the effect that she couldn’t have committed murder she exercises too much she has endorphins running through her body.

      Someone told the movie with Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy was very funny. I remember going to Destin, Florida once all alone after a breakup and I rented Forgetting Sarah Marshall, I loved so hard I cried. It was very cathartic.

      Phyllis in Oklahoma

    • Gayle says:


      and any photo bombing photos

      laughing is about a chemical alteration in our bodies, not just the obvious joy

      • Phyllis says:


        I don’t think the dogshaming thing would make this gal laugh. Now if it were a website designed for shaming men I might get a chuckle out of that. Hey maybe I just invented a new website.

        Phyllis in Oklahoma

        • Cinandjules (wearing fleece in NY) says:

          On the contrary…my sister sent me the dog shaming book ( RVSue’s link) when my mom passed away. I had been away from my home and pets for awhile. The book made me smile and laugh.

          Animals have a way of soothing….and they don’t even have to be yours.

        • Gayle says:

          Brilliant idea! I have a post already: Picture my partner sitting on minivan floor, bare feet dangling over the edge. Shaming sign around his neck says: “We parked stealth in front of someone’s home last night and I left my shoes on the curb until morning. I am not ashamed.” 😉

  73. Phyllis says:

    Could someone explain something to me. I pick up my Casita on Monday – it’s St. Patrick’s Day and I will certainly christen it with green beer or maybe a Guinness. Anyway, my question is do I need to balance and rotate the tires? I read in Eileen’s CD and on some of the blogs that this is done. I’m new at this so it makes no sense to me.

    Another question, which is prettier Oak Park, Navarro or Waxachie at Lake Bardwell. And how realistically is it that I can manage as a newbie at these locations. Which means you guys need to check the comments on Monday, I may need help.

    Phyllis in Oklahoma

    • Ed says:

      Balance and rotate the tires when you pick it up? That can not be what you mean.
      Yes, you should rotate the tires from time to time. There are some people that will claim that it has to be done every XXXX miles or you are going to be in extreme danger.
      I do it every year or two or approximately 10,000 miles on my Class C. I drove some passenger cars for years and never rotated but that is not advised and I am not suggesting that you do so. It probably wore the tires out sooner but if you are not getting FREE rotation then it is somewhat a trade off in total cost.

      • Phyllis says:


        I’m right there with you Ed. So I put my “Love My Casita” CD back in to review and it suggests BALANCING not rotating. This is suggested after leaving the factory and it gives some resources in Corsicana and Ennis. There was a person on the Casita Forum talking about doing the same thing recently.

        Well maybe they’ll serve green eggs and ham on Monday. I made that once for my son on St. Patrick’s Day.
        Phyllis in Oklahoma

      • Don in Okla. says:

        Regarding balancing the wheels and tires, I would recommend getting them balanced if the factory hasn’t done it already. You might ask them when you pick up the unit. It sure makes for a better towing and smoother riding trailer if the tires are balanced. I have always had the tires balanced on my utility trailers and it seems to make all the bits and pieces last longer on the suspension and wheel bearings, etc. Good luck and happy travels with your new trailer.

        • Phyllis says:

          Don in Oklahoma:

          Thanks, I will be sure to ask. In fact I might email Jeane, so I don’t forget. I will cross my fingers that they have already been balanced.

          Phyllis in Oklahoma

          • AZ Jim says:

            You can tell in most cases by simply looking at the wheel. If there is one or more little lead weights on the rim, it has been balanced. It is possible that one tire may not need it and hence no weight but the odds are most if not all will have some adjustment made by use of weights.

            • Phyllis says:

              AZ Jim:

              I will look for those weights, if I remember that is. There is just so much to do I want to be prepared and have my list.

              Good point though about looking for the weights.

              Phyllis in Oklahoma

        • John K - Mobile, AL says:

          Try using Dyna Beads. I use them in my Goldwing tires and they really do work. http://www.innovativebalancing.com/gallery1.htm

          • Phyllis says:

            John K:

            Your awfully close to New Orleans are you sure Dyna beads are going to work on a tire or are we talking about Mardi Gra. I will check the link.

            Phyllis in Oklahoma

            • John K - Mobile, AL says:

              Mardi Gras is over. We don’t have to go to NO for that. We started Mardi Gras here in Mobile.

              Yes, they do work.

      • lindale says:

        You won’t need to do anything to the tires when you pick them up. Some of the big tire places say you do not need to balance trailer tires. Do remember to fill the propane tanks before you go very far. The guys at the Casita place will tell you the closest and best to do it the first time.

        • Don in Okla. says:

          Lindale, a quick question. A person gets the tires on the motor vehicle balanced for a smooth ride and longer tire life, why wouldn’t one want to do the same with the trailer tires to ensure a smooth ride for the trailer and contents?

          • Phyllis says:

            Lindale and Don in Oklahoma:

            I just shot off an email to Jeane at the Casita factory to see if I need to balance. It was a little too late to call her, seeing that it is 11:12 pm.

            This daylight savings time has certainly messed up my sleep patterns.

            To balance or not balance that is the question???

            Phyllis in Oklahoma

            • Angie2B says:

              Have the tires balanced. When we got new tires for our Compact Jr, my husband asked them to balance them. They poo-pooed him saying they normally don’t with trailer tires. My husband insisted. They ended up putting huge weights on the tire. It rides soooooo much smoother. Made a huge noticible difference in how it trails too.

            • Phyllis says:


              Sounds like that is becoming the consensus, to balance.

              Phyllis in Oklahoma

          • Phyllis says:

            Got the answer from Casita about balancing tires:

            “Hi, that would be left up to you. Goodyear does not recommend that you get them balanced!! It states that in the information that will be in the trailer. Trailer tires are not the same as car/truck tires.
            See you Monday!!
            Thank you,
            Jeane Ivie”

            Phyllis in Oklahoma

        • Phyllis says:


          Yeah, I read about filling those propane tanks in Eileen’s CD. You know I’m 50 and have never used propane, not even in grilling. Also wonder how much those tanks are going to cost with the price sky high.

          New things are so exciting, even if it is propane.

          Phyllis in Oklahoma

          • Marsha in MI says:

            Just have one propane tank filled until the winter heating season is over. That way it won’t hurt so much 🙂

            Re: tire balancing. We didn’t have the tires balanced when we picked up our Casita in 2010. We have since replaced the tires (our choice for a long trip just to be sure there were no surprises) and we had the new tires balanced. What a difference in what went on inside the Casita while we were going down the road. We notice less stuff out of place, especially the cushions on the side dinette. We weren’t believers in the whole balancing new tires, but we sure are now.

            • John K - Mobile, AL says:

              Answer me this. What do you do with the stuff in the fridge while you are moving? I’ve always wondered how you keep all that stuff secure.

            • Marilu, Northern Ca. says:

              If you cram enough stuff in it doesn’t have room to jiggle around. I use square and rectangular plastic baskets from the Dollar Store to organize the shelves. If you forget to securely latch the fridge door, you’ll only forget once. What a mess!

            • Phyllis says:

              Marilu in Northern California:

              That’s a good idea for shelves in the refrigerator. Will have to learn how to cook again after years of Subway, McDonald’s, and other fine dining establishments.

              Phyllis in Oklahoma

            • Phyllis says:


              That’s a great idea about the propane. After all summer is just around the corner, right? right? We can only hope.

              Ok, already I will balance the tires. Really glad I posted this question, who knew balancing tires would make so much difference, especially on a brand new machine.

              Thank you,
              Phyllis in Oklahoma

            • lindale says:

              You may want to fill both. The price of propane is already dropping here and you don’t want to get caught without propane if you are boondocking and have your food go bad.

              Another suggestions for the fridge is to use empty egg cartons or a loaf of bread to keep things from sliding. And always open your fridge slowly the first time after

            • Phyllis says:


              It’s just a 2 night trip and then back home, so one tank should make the trip.

              Retirement and that full timing option isn’t a possibility until retirement in 2016.

              I’m a slow learner so thought I’d get the equipment early and work on that learning curve.

              Here we go,
              Phyllis in Oklahoma

            • Marsha in MI says:

              One tank lasts pretty much the whole summer if we don’t have to use the furnace.

              Re: fridge while traveling, we keep the blue ice things in the freezer and while we’re on the road we put them in the fridge with the perishables, usually in plastic bins to keep it all neat.

    • Robin in Central Coast California says:

      Try Murphy’s Stout instead of Guinness.

      • Phyllis says:


        I will do that, Murphy’s Stout it is. I only hope it is green, but I will bring a long some food coloring just in case. I hadn’t even realized it was St. Patrick’s Day, how festive.

        Phyllis in Oklahoma

    • Cinandjules (wearing fleece in NY) says:

      MAKE sure the lug nuts are tight.

      Then CHECK THE LUG NUTS EVERY 50 MILES for the first 200 miles. Yeah that number seems about right!

      A couple in CA purchased a new Trillium trailer. On the way home…the lug nuts loosened…lost control on a winding two lane busy highway. They weren’t hurt…but the trailer sustained moderate damage.

      Remember be proactive not reactive!

      How exciting…..safe travels and congrats!

      • R. (Colorado) says:

        What do you mean “wearing fleece in NY?” Yesterday I hiked in the Needles in southern Utah and started my early morning hike with 22 degrees. I wore my fleece too. I don’t know where you’re in NY but when we lived in the Adirondacks the month of March did not mean the winter was over. I missed skiing at Whiteface. Enjoy white fresh snow wherever you’re.

        • cinandjules says:

          We’re on the western edge of the Adirondacks. A hamlet called Brantingham Lake.

          This morning was a lovely -14 and two feet of snow!

      • Phyllis says:

        Every 50 miles, are you out of your mind. Yeah I read that, it’ll take a month to get home. I will do it! Thanks for the reminder.

        Originally I was planning to stay at the local RV park, American RV, since I am new to this lifestyle. However, after reading reviews and seeing pictures I just don’t want my first time to be
        in a park. So the plan is to stay at Lake Bardwell in Corp of Engineers park, with hookups for one night.

        Second night is a couple of hours away in Thackerville, Oklahoma, Winstar World Casino. They have a quaint little RV park with a pool, that will be too cold to use now anyway.

        Third night will be in my driveway, because I have to get home.

        Phyllis in Oklahoma

        • cinandjules says:

          Was it you that was wondering about RV roadside assistance companies?

          If you have Good Sam….it gives you a discount at any RV park that is Good Sam approved…kind of like AAA approved hotels/restaurants,

          • Phyllis says:


            Yeah, that was me. So many things to do and decisions to be made. For now I just stuck the towing on my insurance.

            Thanks for the info,
            Phyllis in Oklahoma

        • Pen says:

          I concur on checking your trailer lugs after a small number of miles. I had some work done on my trailer, and the shop advised me to do this. I was a bit puzzled, because after all, I never have to check my car lug nuts, and they never loosen.

          But okay, I did what they said. On one wheel the lug nuts were right at the end of the studs. Horror! As I tightened them up everything finally made sense to me. I had read it but it had not sunk in. Essentially, most car wheels are “hub centered,” meaning that when you put the wheels on, the hub centers them and the lug studs/nuts are just there to hold things tight.

          However, many trailers are “lug centered.” This means that it’s the lug studs that center the wheel. When I pulled over and found my trailer wheel lug nuts almost off, it was hard work to get them tightened again because they needed to “center” the wheel. That’s apparently the same thing that can make them loosen after you have them off/on. They get a big “wonk” in the initial tightening (even if you are careful), and then as you drive the first few miles they “settle in,” which is often just fine, but not always. Sometimes they apparently settle “out” instead and loosen up.

          So it’s not every 500 miles, but is at least once shortly after getting on the road IF they have been removed/replaced. Because of the lug centering thing (at least as I understand it). Mind you, I always give them a look/see when I stop, but I don’t check them with the wrench except for that first time.

          While we are on the subject, I recommend an IR themometer (around $30 or so). You can aim this at the hubs and check the temperature (important on trailer hubs). Yes, you can just feel them, but if you are not used to it you might not know what they should be like, and having a number (in degrees Fahrenheit) can be helpful. I had a problem and called a shop telling them the hubs felt hot to me, and they said “Oh they are supposed to, don’t worry.” I then got a thermometer and measured over 200ºF and called the place back. They then took me seriously. After the problems were ironed out they now run at around 100-105º (varies with ambient temperature but NEVER gets as hot as that one time).

          Sorry to have rambled on. Have fun with your new Casita!

          • Pen says:

            Sorry, they get a *bit* wonk, not a big (sheesh, misleading typo). In other words, although the person who tightens them is careful, because of being lug centered, it only takes a tiny bit of “squint-wise” tension on them, and then when you drive that first 20 miles they “settle down” and that allows the lugs to loosen. This is because of the lug-centeredness of most trailer wheels (since the car ones are hub centered, usually, they don’t tend to do this).

            • Phyllis says:


              Great information. I have read and been advised to check the lugs but never quite understood why. Thanks for teaching me. Now I might stop every 25 miles. Oh great, just another item to add to my list. Thanks for all the advice, it is greatly appreciated as this is all new to me.

              Phyllis in Oklahoma

            • Cinandjules says:

              This is a silly question….

              Does a trailer have shocks? If not could the rattling be the cause? Dunno…….

            • Pen says:

              Hi Phyllis,

              I agree that once you know WHY something is, it’s a lot easier to remember/feel good about doing it. Let me just reiterate that on the trailer lug nuts, it’s not every time you drive that is the most important. It’s the ONE time after they have been removed/replaced for some reason. That first “adjustment” period can cause them to loosen (unlike car wheels) so you need to pull over and check and then potentially re-tighten them. After that they are fine (not to say that you shouldn’t check them, but just that it’s the first time after reinstalling them that is critical/special). This is because of the design, not something “wrong” with the trailer or suspension.

  74. Sue says:

    Oh good grief. My dog Jesse eats mostly Science Diet and green beans, but if I have some raw meat scraps, he lucks out, and gets those too. I may wash my hands and I may not. I may scratch my nose or even pick my teeth, who knows? The point is, my dog has never made me sick. He practically sleeps with me (and sometimes if it is cold enough, does). The point is, we all get sick at times. Thank God for your immune system which seems to have kicked like it should have. I think you had food poisoning and I am really hoping you are better and not in a hospital somewhere.

  75. Phyllis says:

    So did they find that plane yet?

    Phyllis in Oklahoma

    • Cinandjules (wearing fleece in NY) says:

      It took two years to find the Air France plane.

      The media and govt are truly making it difficult for the families….with all the what it’s…….wait until you KNOW verifiable information and then disperse it.

      There is no way that they are alive…we can only hope that it was quick and they didn’t know what hit them! May all of their souls rest in peace.

      • Phyllis says:

        Oh, I don’t remember Air France, how awful. So I googled it and it mentioned that the Navy of some country found some part of the wreckage within a weeks time.

        It’s always in the back of my mind that the technology we have they are holding back information for whatever reason.

        One of the passengers, actually has an Oklahoma connection. His family and he may have been raised in the Oklahoma City area but lived in Texas at the time of the disappearance. So local stations have been doing stories.

        Sad and continues not to make airline anymore exciting than it already is.

        Phyllis in Oklahoma

  76. Gayle says:

    Somebody suggested some Amazon purchases would cheer up RVSue. Good idea! Can’t find your post now. But, done!!!

  77. Marg says:

    “Washington once advised his adopted grandson that where there is no occasion for expressing an opinion, it is best to be silent. For there is nothing more certain than that it is at all times more easy to make enemies than friends.” ― Ron Chernow

    All my friends wanted me to start a blog. I write on Facebook my opinions, my former life growing up with grandparents who live on a farm. I started a blog. No one read it. They read me on FB. To hell with the blog. I cannot even find it anymore. I was going to RV, it was a way for my kids to keep up with me. At least you are read. People travel precariously through someone they don’t know. And, this someone actually is a very private person who has shared her life with us. Maybe a little grudgingly, maybe an “I vant to be alone” type person. Do not write anything. Take your pictures. You will have critics of them too, but you at least share and when you share I can lighten up the day of some shut-in that reads FB. I’ve had cancer, I wear a wig. My daughter heard me complain and loudly proclaimed “But Mama you are alive!!!” Okay, put that damn wig in perspective. I have the tremor, I cannot take pictures, I love pictures, I love drawing and painting but I cannot draw a straight line. I see beauty, I cannot take a picture, but I am so lucky to have William Gainey, photographer, Kelli Mims, photographer, Billy Mims, photographer, and RVSue, photographer. On cleaning house…….if I clean it a tornado might come along and mess it up. At least the way I keep house we have never been broke in. We don’t even lock doors. They would come inside and say “someone already hit this house.” Anyhow, I miss your photography. Don’t write a think, just take pictures.

    • Marg says:

      You know that is supposed to be “thing.” I am up too early. Trip to doctor. FUO (medical jargon for fever of unknown origin). Illness hits the best and the worst of us.

      • Phyllis says:


        Hope you find your origin or the doctor tells you it’s nothing serious.

        I’m up way too early, Destin the Dog, needed to go outside.

        Phyllis in Oklahoma

        • Marg says:

          Phyllis, I am Margaret in Arkansas, small town over past the Oklahoma border, about 70 miles. We will find the FUO, until then I will take the dreaded antibiotics. Hate them.

          • Phyllis says:

            Margaret in Arkansas:

            Have wonderful memories in Arkansas. Married husband number 2 in Fort Smith. Fell in love with Little Rock during a Thanksgivng visit. Loved the Satellite Cafe in Little Rock. Visited Clinton’s trailer, yes the Presidential library, so much history. Arkansas is a wonderful state. You are lucky to live there.

            I am in central Oklahoma, near Tinker Air Force Base.

            Phyllis in Oklahoma

            • Marg says:

              Phyllis, Oklahoma has so much history. Do not know if I spell this correctly, but try going to the Kiamichi River in SE Arkansas. There is a river flowing out of Mena that traverses all the way to I think Broken Bow Reservoir. This is beautiful country. We retired from Louisiana up here. Well, RVSue might vacation from blogging for awhile, but it seems like we all carry on. Love you Sue.

        • Gayle says:

          Phyllis, spray Destin with some vinegar and hydrogen peroxide! 😉

    • Darci says:

      You made me smile this morning. I appreciate your perspective on life, and how well you are able to put it into words. 🙂

  78. Deb from NJ says:

    Loving the comments back and forth and all the new information about tires…lug nuts…balancing…weather and such! Mother Nature sure is playing us….a few days of warm weather…60’s and now….back to the teens…..ugh! Bring on the spring weather already….please!

    As you can see Sue……we can fend for ourselves when you need a break!

    …..and shopping too!

    Have a great day!

  79. AZ Jim says:

    I have posted this some time ago but thought maybe I’d do it again. On those nights when you feel like some age appropriate entertainment try this. http://www.otr.net/
    You will find hundreds of old time radio shows, all the best and indexed.
    Or..http://tropicalglen.com/ for selectable and free music all the way back to the 50’s.
    Maybe you’d like http://archive.org/web/web.php which is a way to go back in time on websites. Not all websites but maybe most…..

    Hope you all are well and happy and I know we are missing Sue, but want this little rest for her….

  80. Barb George says:

    Hi Sue!
    No ‘shoulding’ at all… Just sendin’ you a shout out and a hello! We miss you, but totally understand the need to break away once in a while! Sending you hugs from where else, but HOQUIAM!
    Where the ‘daffodowndillies’ are bloomin’ and the evenings are sparkly!

  81. Wow! More than 240 comments so far. Seeing all of the talk about trailers and tires has me itching to get the fifth-wheel out for its inaugural 2014 outing. Charged up the batteries this morning. Just have to check the tires, load the food (and wine, of course), hitch up, and away we go. 🙂 I am so ready!

  82. Ron in TX says:

    Thought I would post this since we are trying to keep the comments going

    The egg is coming up on it’s first anniversary, here are a few thoughts on the past year.
    I have camped 45 nights in the Casita from a low of 2 degrees to a high of a hundred and one and was always comfortable , I haven’t made any mods she is doing well just like she came from the factory.I have added a couple led’s and will convert over to them slowly but surely.
    Texas has had some very cold temps this year ,down into single digits a couple times, I didnt winterize the egg just kept it plugged in and would turn on the heat strips when it got below freezing that seem to work alright ,I had no problems with freezing doing this and the camper was always ready to go. I towed here in heat ice and snow and a few thunder storm she was well mannered through it all. I was pleasantly surprised at how little the wind effected it when towing unlike some other campers I have towed.
    The only problem I have had is the dang screw comes out of the tv mount.
    I found a few things that really made the egg more useful than I originally thought.
    Have used it for an extra bedroom a couple times.
    We lost electricity for 24 hours ,my friend is on oxygen after some surgery, with my gen set we still had heat and it was no problem running her oxygen generator. Another time it was hot and we lost power back out to the egg and cranked up the air.
    When she spent a couple weeks in the hosp the egg got hooked up and I used it to stay there .
    My grand daughter went on a trip with us and wound up with a stomach virus , was great to just pull off the highway so she could go to the rest room
    Like I said as a camper traveling across country she does great but I didnt realize how much of an insurance policy she was in emergencies
    I am dang sure she is a keeper.

    • Phyllis says:


      On Monday I pick up my Casita and will certainly tell them to double check the screws in the TV mount.

      I’ve warned my son if he moves home again one of us will be living in the Casita. So many options for a small home.

      Where did you get your LED’s, how much did they cost, and what was installation like?

      Phyllis in Oklahoma

      • Cinandjules says:

        Just wondering of they still use marathon tires?

        Googled them….as with any product they have good and bad reviews.

        Depending on your decision regarding the matter…perhaps an upgrade before you drive off on them!

        • Phyllis says:

          Cinandjules in New York:

          Stop it – I am not buying new tires. I read that the tires changed, it was actually someone commenting on here that the tires were different. The mystery shall be revealed soon.

          Phyllis in Oklahoma

    • Angie2B says:

      Ron, have you tried putting a piece of toothpick into where the screw goes and then putting in the screw. Sometimes, that really fixes loose screws pretty good.

      • Phyllis says:


        That’s hilarious, I will definitely remember this one in case my screw comes out. I’ll have to ask for a toothpick somewhere because I don’t keep them around. When I was 15 years-old, during Thanksgiving, I got a toothpick stuck in my foot. That foot and that toothpick ended up in the emergency room being dug out.

        Phyllis in Oklahoma

      • Ron in TX says:

        This is in the metal part of the mount , but I have use a toothpick to fill up wooden holes. probably going to be some locktite use on it.

  83. Phyllis says:

    Well I heard back from Casita today, Thursday, March 13, 2014 and this is the response regarding balancing the Casita tires at purchase: “Hi, that would be left up to you. Goodyear does not recommend that you get them balanced!! It states that in the information that will be in the trailer. Trailer tires are not the same as car/truck tires.
    See you Monday!!

    Thank you,
    Jeane Ivie”

    Phyllis in Oklahoma

  84. Ron in TX says:

    I picked a couple up at the factory 15..00 apiece I think . A couple that you use a lot instead of the standard bulbs helps your battery usage alot, They just go in the fixtures like a regular bulb nothing to it.
    I wouldn’t worry about balancing the tires ,it is something you can get done at anytime if you feel you should.
    I have pulled a jillion trailers and dont think I have ever had the tires balanced on one.

  85. NadaThing in WA says:

    Just checking in and asking – Sue, you okay now?

  86. Riley in nc says:

    It was so nice in eastern NC a few days ago i grabbed my tent and headed for a beautiful campground in the National Forest only 9 miles from my house. Even though I have a small camper i still love tent camping. Also wanted to try out my new roll up futon mattress purchased from Amazon via Sue’s blog. no more backaches from the hard ground.

    The day before when the UPS guy pulled up in my yard with the futon for some reason I thought it was a good idea to engage in small talk. So I yelled ” I see you have a big package”. “Yes I do” he said. Immediately i realized i should not have told the UPS guy in the brown shorts that he has a big package. The big grin on his face could have meant he took it as a compliment that a “cougar” was checking him out. Or it could have meant nothing and I’m just paranoid.

    You would think after teaching teenagers for 27 years that I would know to stay away from loaded phrases. But lesson learned—if you want to chit chat with the UPS guy stick to the weather.

  87. Marilu, Northern Ca. says:

    Does anyone have recomendations for rving in New Mexico? Time of year and not to miss places to see? Campgrounds or good boondocks?
    With the weather warming up here we’re getting anxious to get on the road!

    • chas anderson says:

      In NM now.We love the state park system there.City of Rocks State Park is near Gila Cliff Dwellings NM and Silver City.Went to White Sands NP from Leasburg Dam State Park.

      City of Rocks no hookup sites are often spectacular and $8. Hookups $14.Some cool spots in the rocks.

      Sante Fe is worth a visit but a little touristy.Glad we went though.Stayed at a park there Desert Vista ???a and stayed in the Tommy Smothers spot memorialized by a photo of tommy in an 84 Airstream

      Was headed to Ruidoso to boondock at Inn of Mountain Gods Casino.Beautiful area but had to make some changes in plans to make some family connections.Next year.

      Love Route 66 casino Albuquerque for a boondock overnight when going on I-40.Noisy but lots of room to isolate in back away from it.

      North of Santa Fe there are ample small casinos to boondock and visit Bandolier NM and Manhattan Project area.Beautiful up there.Bandolier is kind of a mini Mesa Verde.

      • Marilu, Northern Ca. says:

        Thank you Chas!
        I’m going to make a note of your suggestions and order my New Mexico Benchmark Atlas. How has the weather been?

        • chas anderson says:

          well it looks like 60s days and high 30s nights.Could be colder up in higher elevations like Gila or bandolier.

          Sun is almost always out though so you can deal with anything.

          We rolled in from Pennsy and had a 30 mph headwind from Missouri until here.

          Forgot Taos.Go there but wait for more heat.Cool in summer up there.

    • Alan Rabe says:

      http://www .pietownrvpark.com/ as close to boondocking as you can get with full hookups.

      • Geri Moore says:

        About 40 miles east of Pie Town is a great little boondocking campground at Datil Wells, we loved it there! $5 per night, bathrooms available as well as a water spigot for fresh water but no dump station. In the town of Datil, at the crossroads is a gas station and restaurant… DO NOT MISS THAT RESTAURANT!
        The best steaks I have ever had came from that kitchen!

    • DesertHawk - Las Cruces, New Mexico says:


      This recent post on RV.Net might help in your Quest:


      It deals with Southern New Mexico.

      Still kind of early right now for camping in most of the mountains, such as Cloudcroft area. Silver City area might work at this time, but could be cold at night. The Valley of Fire BLM Campground near Carrizozo would work at this time very well, I would think.

      Boondocking places would be different by the definition of Boondock. If you mean “Without hookups”, there would be many some have been mentioned by others. However, if Boondock means out in the Boonies with few if anyone is around, the answer would be very different. These later sites would be more like the places RVSue often uses. They can be found, but do not seem to be as many sites as Sue finds in AZ.

      For Northern NM
      Santa Fe & Bandelier Nat’l Mon’t area of New Mexico -A Trip Report 2012:


      Los Alamos is a very neat small city in itself. Free bus system with very neat buses. Very pretty setting up in the high country. Somewhat of a gated community as well. We only drove through & stopped at a SuperMarket. A nice town.


      Oh, yes, in most of the western states, even in the hot southwest states, normally one does not to run the A/C at night to cool off. It usually cools down greatly at night out this way. Higher elevations & low humidity are factors. Therefore, one does need to have electrical hookups as one does back east.

      I-40 Through New Mexico:


      Off of US 550, Just minutes North of Albuquerque (off of I-25, exit 242) in Bernalillo:
      The Coronado Campground is a Bernalillo city campground (used to be a state part) at the entrance to the State Monument. Wasn’t a bad site some years ago, haven’t been there in some time as I mentioned. It was a state park when we had spent time there. Sets off the Hwy a little.


      Cochiti Lake COE campground, between ABQ & Santa Fe:

      Northeast NM near Colorado, off I-25, Sugarite Canyon State Park by Raton is a neat area. And a short drive from Raton is the Capulin Volcano Nat’l Mon’t.
      A Neat Place. —— But no Camping

      Between Raton & Las Vegas, Not far S of Springer, just off I-25 is Fort Union Nat’l Mon’t.

      At Las Vegas (older place than the one in NV) Storrie Lake State Park, but we have used the Walmart there to do a few overnights.

      Off I-25 between Santa Fe & Las Vegas, Villanueva State Park. It is off the 25 a bit. Somewhat off the beaten path. However, one can use NM 3 to cut down to the I-40 from Villanueva. We did that one visit.

      This older post on RV.Net has much of what I’ve posted above plus some new things in NM & a lot of Arizona as well.

      NM State Parks are normally very neat places to stay, very good prices, not daily fees on top of camping fee. Most (not all) have free showers in nice shower houses. Normally, one would not have to have reservations for them.

  88. rvsueandcrew says:


    The crew and I arrived at our new camp a short while ago. It’s been a very busy day. I hope to write a post tomorrow to tell you all about it.

    Thank you for your concern and for the Amazon get-well-purchases! 🙂

  89. Ron in TX says:

    Glad your among the living Sue. You may have corral this bunch talking about ups men and cougars. I was beginning to believe this was the RVSue forum

  90. Ron in TX says:

    Folks just 17 more comments and it would set a new record of 300 for Sue

    • Mary (MN) says:

      Ron, Always one to help out. :). How is this for a comment, northern Minnesota is actually thawing out. 🙂 Three days of slow melting snow. As much as I would love to see all the icky snow gone, I am glad that it is a slow melt so there is much less chance of flooding.

  91. Ladybug says:

    HAH! Sue, I had a feeling you were moving camp. Can’t wait to hear about the new one!

    Cougars are going after the UPS men?? And here I thought we were ordering from Amazon to encourage Sue, not to catch the delivery drivers! LOL

  92. cinandjules says:

    Cougars are 30-40
    Sabertooths are older ummm 60 😉

    I have no idea what’s in between.

  93. Ron in TX says:

    Glad I am not a UPS man , on second thought I wounder if there hiring LOL
    3 more to go GO GO GO .

  94. we get to get out this weekend. Yippee! Did I make 300?

  95. Nickie says:

    I don’t usually comment, but was thinking maybe I am number 300!

  96. Marsha in MI says:

    We’ve turned Sue’s blog into a ( friendly) forum!

  97. Riley in nc says:

    The things we learn on this blog. If I had been on the prowl the day my futon was delivered, the UPS guy would have been accosted by a pre-sabertooth gal.
    At 58 I’m too old to be a cougar too young to be a sabertooth tiger.

    Actually he was very safe. I’m quite content being single.
    UPS drivers can breathe a sigh of relief.

  98. Barbara says:

    Lots of laughs, lots of information. Learned some things about camping, propane, tires, balancing and keeping thing in place in the fridge. Love you bloggers and especially Sue for being our inspiration. Can’t wait for the new camp info, Sue.

  99. Phyllis says:

    OK, so I went and got a pedicure and my eyebrows done tonight. So, I had some time to look at You Tube videos. I watched a Casita Orientation in 2010 with Victor and then another one more recent with another Casita employee. It was the hitching up part. What I discovered was that they both had a different way to hook up the breakaway cable.

    So what is the right way folks, time is a ticking, and Phyllis still don’t know to hitching.

    Phyllis in Oklahoma

    • Ron in TX says:

      They will show you the right way Phyllis , as long as it is hooked securely with enough slack to turn and not drag the ground.
      A pedicure and eyebrows done so you can go pick up your new egg.
      Hummmmmm no comment LOL
      We keep this up and we will hit 350

      • Phyllis says:

        Ron in Texas:

        The pedicure and eyebrows are simply routine maintenance.

        I know they will show me, but I was surprised it was consistent. Just made reservations for Pampa for Saturday night. There is a hotel in Pampa that serves these huge delicious waffles in the morning. Actually you have to make them yourself. Best ever, I don’t know what they put in that batter, but it is good. Visiting the son, searching the internet for a hotel Sunday in the Dallas to Corsciana area. I would like to check out IKEA in Frisco on Sunday. Still searching….

        Phyllis in Oklahoma

        • Marsha in MI says:

          We stayed at the Holiday Inn Express in Corsicana when we picked up our Casita 4 years ago (has it been that long?). In any case, we would definitely go back.

        • cinandjules says:

          Ikea Swedish meatballs in the frozen section on the way out! Yummy and will fit nicely in your new freezer. Don’t forget the sauce…its in a package..in a different language:
          Kottbullar- meatballs
          Graddass- cream sauce

          You can try them out in the food court before you buy them.

        • Roger in SoCal says:

          Great Ikea Phyllis, in a former life…when I was married and living Fort Worth I used to go to that Ikea in Frisco all the time. I know most Ikeas are all alike, but there are some subtle differences.
          I believe the ingredient that makes the waffles taste so good is the malt they usually add to the batter.


          • Phyllis says:

            So it sounds like I should arrive for breakfast and eat waffles and stay for lunch and have some meatballs. It is consistent that the first thing anyone I have ever talked to about IKEA is about the food. I hear they sell furniture also.

            Phyllis in Oklahoma

  100. Edie says:

    Whoo Hooo!

    Welcome back Sue!


  101. Ron in TX says:

    Dang looks like we are going to hit 350 on comment on this post
    340 now

  102. cinandjules says:

    And everyone has carpal tunnel affecting the index finger of the hand that controls the mouse. ; D

    We patiently await the return of our normal program.

    Happy Friday for those of you who still work!

  103. Ron in TX says:


  104. rvsueandcrew says:


  105. Tom in AZ says:

    Jeez, I had to Google Cougars, Now I know…

  106. Terri From Texas says:

    As I write this comment, it says 357 comments. I will make it even, I think. Enjoyed everyone’s comments and especially glad to see Sue comment and sound quite chipper!
    I loved the tips on New Mexico-really like that State. My sister and I took a trip to Albuquerque to celebrate a birthday and we took the train to Santa Fe and roamed around all day! The train is great and so are both cities! Lots of history and fun!

  107. John K - Mobile, AL says:


    I received my Tornado grill, Dutch Oven and griddle today. Going to start learning how to cook with it now.

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