A necessary break in routine for the crew


Readers of “RVSue and her canine crew” are accustomed to it being written in the present tense for events in the past.  That’s because I enjoy having readers travel with me where we can experience together a particular time and place and live in the moment.  In storytelling and when reminiscing for the enjoyment of others, “is” is far more engaging than “was.”

Therefore, as you read this post, keep in mind we’re in early summer 2021. — Sue

~ ~ ~

Today is Tuesday, June 15th.

Dog owners know the importance of routines for establishing security for their canine family members (and crew).  We have lots of routines at our house in southeastern Arizona.

One such routine helps us with separation.

Before I leave Reggie and Roger and go away, I always kneel down to each one individually, cup their face in my hands, and say these same, exact words in a cheerful, matter-of-fact voice.

“I’m going bye-bye.  I’ll be back.  I promise.  You be a good boy.”

They understand and accept the message, knowing from experience that I will keep my word.

For this day the message has to change.

For the first time it’s necessary to modify the routine.  I cup Roger’s face in my hands and look closely into his wide, brown eyes.

“Roger, listen to me, honey.  Reggie and I are going bye-bye.  We’ll be back . .  .etc . ”

Roger thoughtfully absorbs the news.  He doesn’t fuss or whine.  I load Reg in the truck and, as we drive away, Roger’s sweet face watches through the bedroom window.

That went well, easier than I thought.  He’s gonna’ be okay.

Reggie has an appointment.

Today is his day to return to the vet clinic for dental surgery.  As I place him in the arms of the vet assistant, again I use the words, “I’ll be back.  I promise.  You be a good boy.”

Later around 5:30 I pick up my dopey little Reggie and we go straight home.  You can imagine Roger’s joy as we come through the door!  I put Reggie to nap on our bed; Roger positions himself nearby.

Twenty-one teeth removed, Reggie still has enough teeth for him to eat normally.  I thought I might need to moisten kibble for him, but he still prefers to eat it crunchy.

The bill?

$560.40 including pain med and antibiotic.    Worth every penny.  I had thought Reggie’s recent behavior changes were due to aging.  Since the surgery he’s happier, more energetic, and always game for a play-fight or zoom-chase with Rog.  He’s even resumed kissy attacks each morning!

You were such a big boy, Reg. . . . You, too, Rog.

~ ~ ~

Chickens are being chickens.

The four chickens are almost fully matured — remember this is June; they were chicks in February — and already two are laying.  The much-awaited first egg I crack into the pan is a perfect double-yolker!  I give the chickens non-gmo feed.  At present they have an 8′ x 8′ run.  I plan to allow them daily time to range outside the run, once certain security measures are in place (hawks).

The shells are hard, the whites are a delicate, pure white, and the yolks are a firm, deep yellow, altogether better tasting than store-bought.

At this point I’m gathering two eggs a day, picking them out of the nesting box at 9:30, still warm and in their miraculous bloom.

More coop talk another time . . . .

~ ~ ~

An excellent or crappy decision?

Time will tell.  

I stroll around Home Depot’s Garden Center and come upon shade trees for sale.

Oh, goody!  The yard needs more trees!

Most are about 5 feet tall and priced at $100.  Typically, I search for a deal and find a batch of pretty, deciduous trees at $80 each.  The tag says “Rayburn Ash.”  I whip out my phone and search.

Hmm . . . . These are nice . . . wow, fast-growing to 40 feet . . . yellow fall foliage . . . . 

Between my phone and the customer service guy I decide which one I want.  It’s healthy and already has a woody main stem whereas the others aren’t that mature yet.

Happily I take it home (love my Silverado!) and, along with the help of two male friends with strong backs and shovels, it goes into a prime place in the front yard.


Later I go online and look up “Rayburn Ash Trees” again where I learn that millions of these trees have been wiped out from the American landscape due to their being prone to various diseases and pests.

My heart sinks.

Well, ain’t that just great.  No wonder there isn’t another tree like it in this entire neighborhood.  And no wonder it was on sale.  But, darn, it’s so pretty . . . . 

I add a bag of soil conditioner to its base, simply because that’s what I have on hand, and move soil into a large, water collection pool.  Every day for a couple weeks I fill that pool with water, and then switch to every other day (until the rains start later in summer).

Streetwalkers passing by – er, no — People walking by on the street remark that they like the new tree.  Every time I take a break on the porch I delight that so far it is defying the doom predicted by online arborists.

That little tree exudes exuberant life, growing three feet in two months, its outstretched arms waving glossy green flags in every breeze.

I will survive!

“Oh, as long as I know how to love I know I’ll stay alive. I’ve got all my life to live. I’ve got all my love to give. And I’ll survive. I will survive, hey, hey . . . .”

~ ~ ~

I owe faithful readers an apology.

I’m sorry for being absent from this blog and its comment section for so long.  You may think me ungrateful for the support and affection you’ve given me and my crews all these years, but that isn’t so.  I do treasure you all.  I cheer for your good news and ache over your heartbreak.  It’s heartwarming to see how the blogorinos support each other.

Thank you for continuing to stop by “the porch.”

I appreciate the kind messages and happy birthday wishes.  (I did have a happy birthday and with my favorite white cake with white frosting, of course.)

As always, all are welcome to gather in comments.  However, I’ll remain behind the scenes. Maybe that will compel me to write posts more often.  Once I get us up-to-date I hope to share our first truck-camping experience!



RVSue and her canine crew is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.  Any of the links below can be used to explore and shop at Amazon.

~ ~ ~


In anticipation of Reggie’s hospital stay, I buy new harnesses for him and Roger (red with black trim).  I stick with the Puppia brand, going back to the early days of Spike and Bridget because they’re comfortable, good-looking and last a long time.

If you decide to order one for your pup, do measure carefully and study the photos of dogs in harnesses in order to choose size correctly.

Authentic Puppia Soft Dog Harness

~ ~ ~


A list of items fellow readers’ purchased through Amazon was a favorite feature of this blog, so I’m bringing it back.  Take a peek!  If you purchased any of the products below, I welcome you to post your review of the product for the benefit of interested blogorinos.

Desert Solitaire

Stonehenge Health Dynamic Supplement 10-in-1 Immune Boosters

Towel Bundle – Happy Campers, Park It, Better Camping

CamKix Camera Shutter Remote Control

Electric Heating Pad for Dogs and Cats

Car Door Handle Assist Cane

~ ~ ~

Until next time, be well . . . . Sue 


This entry was posted in At home in Arizona, Chickens, Simple living and tagged . Bookmark the permalink.

477 Responses to A necessary break in routine for the crew

  1. Betty says:

    I’ve missed your posts. So glad to hear you and the pups are ok.

  2. weather says:

    What a wonderful surprise to heat from you again! Thanks for all you shared. It’s late here so I will be back tomorrow to comment . Love to you and crew and fellow readers for now

  3. Donna says:

    You have been missed by all of us!
    This is a treat, now I’m going to go read

  4. squeakytiki says:

    Wow, I just had 13 teeth removed on my cat an the bill was $1400! I think I need to move near your vet.

    • Suzicruzi says:

      OMGosh! So awful! I’m so sorry! That seems excessive and I know how hard it is to get those unexpected bills. I also know how much we love our animal kids and that we just do what we have to do to take good care of them the best that we can. I always say; “quesadillas for me, grass fed steak for Kitty.” 😻😂 Hugs!

      • squeakytiki says:

        I originally thought it would only be a couple of teeth coming out, but once they got in there and did xrays it turned out to be more. I love my furbutt though, so I can eat soup for a while if I have to lol. Hugs to you and your babies too )

    • carol says:

      Yes, please share your vet’s name and number. When I was at the vet last month, the woman next to me was quoted $1500-$1700 to have her dog’s TEETH CLEANED !!! That’s criminal!
      So yes, please post the name of your vet. I live in AZ so it would save me a fortune even if it entails an overnight stay somewhere.

    • Jolene/Iowa says:

      That does seem excessive. I had to really shop around for vets in my area. There is such a huge swing in vet charges. Last year I got my dog neutered and paid $105. and that was with an overnight stay. But I had been quoted as much as $400. I hope your cat is doing better.

      • squeakytiki says:

        Thanks, he is doing much better! I did shop around, and originally was getting care at a different vet…..but they couldn’t even get my boy in for the dental work until the end of the month because of how over booked they are. And while I’m not a fan of the bigger price tag, I love the quality of care he gets at his new vet, I really feel like they care.
        Ideally, I’d love to find a place with that level of care that charges less, but until then I’ll just have to watch my budget lol.

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi Squeakytiki!

      That bill seems excessive. That was a shock to your wallet and to your beloved cat needing so many teeth removed. I do hope that your cat has made a speedy recovery. Sending you **hugs** 😊

  5. Calvin in Columbus says:

    Hi, Sue and Crew,

    It’s good to hear from you. You still have that knack for suspense. Also, I’ve been putting off some dental work for a while now. I wonder if it would do me as much good as it did Reggie.

    Calvin in Columbus

  6. Ray Grassman says:

    Welcome back Sue, sure missed reading about you and the puppies.

  7. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi Sue!

    What a treat to see a new post. I am sorry that poor Reg had to have so many teeth removed. Sounds like he rebounded from the surgery just fine and is back to his loving, cheerful self. I know Roger is happy to have his zoom zoom brother back to play with him. Fresh laid eggs every morning – yum! Glad to hear that the girls have matured and are happily producing eggs. I hope your new Ash tree will beat the odds. 😊

    It was wonderful to read your update. I am glad that you and the boys and girls are doing well and loving life. Thank you for keeping your front porch open for visitors. Sending you, Reggie and Roger lots of love and hugs from me and Gracie pup! Love you!
    xo 💕🐾

  8. Cat Lady says:

    Phone now says yesterday was Sue’s birthday; today, Reggie’s. I may wind up using it as a wheel chock for my Class C.🤪🤪🤪😜. Jeez! Great to hear from you and the babies, Sue…y’all have been missed.

  9. Millie says:

    Hi Sue and Crew – so glad to hear Reggie made it through his dental OK. Our little Gabe had his done last spring. Your tree sounds beautiful and a nice addition to your yard. I imagine you enjoying your front porch. Can’t wait to hear about your truck camping. As always so nice to hear all is well and life is good.

  10. Shirley says:

    Oh, so nice to see your cheery update, life is good.

  11. Laura K. says:

    So good to know everyone is doing well. Looking forward to the camping update.

  12. Lisa W says:

    Missed your posts, happy to see this one. Super happy that Reggie is doing better and is more himself after the dental surgery. I hope the tree continues to thrive.

  13. Janet says:

    It was so nice to read that you are well. You have a bunch of followers who really are part of your support system. May you continue to be well along with your babies.

  14. JoanneG says:

    I’ve missed you and the crew, Sue…so glad to hear from you. Be well and happy, JoanneG from San Rafael.

  15. ALICE says:

    Happy Belated Birthday !! Good to hear you and furry butts are doing well. Your a good Momma taking care of Reggie. It will all be good.

  16. Karen Waskow says:

    Hey, great to get an update! I, for one, have no expectations that you stay in touch with any frequency other then what suits you:).

    I also have two little guys, both older, rescue Cairn Terriers! And, seems as if they need to get the dreaded dental annually, unfortunately. I just had it done for Riley this past week. Similar results: Although he had multiple teeth removed last year, when I got him in September at 13 years old, he still needed to have another 5 removed this year and the poor guy didn’t have so many left the first time around. It is amazing how they can manage just fine, even enjoying their hard kibble. Of course, he just wolfs it down so I put something in his dish just to slow him down a bit. Glad that it all turned out OK for you as well. My veterinarian makes a point of explaining to me, the big worry wart, that the danger of significant health consequences in not getting the dentals done is way worse then the risk of the procedure.

    Anyway, it all sounds good to me.

    take good care,

    And, thanks so much for the inspiration. I love being in my Casita with the two dogs more then anything. Now, it’s my 5th year that I’ll be wintering in the desert Southwest and loving every minute of it.

    • Dawn in NC says:

      Hi Karen, just want to say Bless You for taking in a 13 year old dog! You are doing a great thing!

      • CherylL in MI says:

        I’ll second that, about taking on 2 Senior pups. We did the same with an 11 year old Cairn. She’s such a delight! Kind, laid back, likes to cuddle (after lessons on that fine art), is mostly blind & deaf; but so affectionate. She also has a Thyroid issue which requires pills twice a day. Initial Vet bill 💸 was a little surprising, but she was in rough shape when we got her. So, so worth it. Life’s little pleasures! Hi, Sue!

  17. Martha in PA says:

    Wow Sue! I was just thinking about you today out of the blue. Since it’s October I thought one more month and maybe Sue will do a Thanksgiving post. And here you are! What a treat. So glad to hear about Reggie and Roger and the chickens and life in your corner of the country.

  18. Carol Corbridge says:

    Just drove past Pagari Bridge and thought of you today. Remember our brief meeting at Salmon Falls Dam? Anyway glad have an update. We’re headed from Montana to Mexico on our seasonal trek.

  19. Pam, Maya and Cisco from Ajo. says:

    Good to hear that Sue and crew are doing well. I was thinking of you the other day when I heard a “who” bird out in the desert. We have settled in Ajo and love desert life!

  20. Deena in Phoenix says:

    Happy Belated Birthday! Just got my laptop back from repair…had dropped it and broke the case, and weaken the charging slot. Am feeling good that I didn’t have to buy new but just a repair ($150.00). Humming along to the pleasure of opening my good as new laptop when I see RVSue in amongst my emails.

    Such joy you bring with your updates of the summer past. I am happy that Reg is doing better and Rog was waiting so patiently for you and Reg’s return that day. We had brought an Ash tree for our home in 1999…drive by that neighbor and it is by far the largest and prettiest tree. I am thankful that all of our love and care for 18 years has been continued by the current owners.

    I am happy to hang out on the porch with blogorino friends waiting patiently for your visit. I for one am happy that you are enjoying life with the crew and the gals. You do what you do. I am happy for the joy of your blog!

    Looking forward to learning about your truck camping. I don’t drive any more but I get updates from the nephews and nieces that are campers when they spy a Casita around AZ, ID and CA. I do enjoy their stories.

    Must get through my emails for the past week.

    Take Care Sue an see Ya on the Porch.

    PS like seeing all of the other comments. Big Smile

  21. Vicki says:

    Such a nice surprise to see an update from Sue and the crew!

  22. Liz says:

    So good to hear from you again, Sue! I do miss your posts, no matter what they were about, it was always a very good read. Reassuring to read that the pups are ok, but sad for Reggie to have lost all those teeth.
    Fingers crossed that your ash tree will thrive and not fall to the dreaded ash borer. Here in MN we have lost so many lovely ash trees that were planted to replace the elms lost to Dutch elm disease.
    Looking forward to hearing about your truck camping!

  23. Linda Rose and Molly says:

    Wow, I was worried for just a bit that you were posting with bad news. Maybe because I had some recently. I lost my sweet little Misty in August. Right in the middle of my move out of California to Idaho. I’m still grieving for her and miss her terribly. I love my new home in Fruitland though. I’ve decided that Molly gets to be an only child for the rest of her life. She’s 13 and doing well so far. I had a Modesto Ash that was diseased but still survives. Best of luck with yours. God bless you and the boys. Thank you for the post. It was lovely to see it in my inbox.

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi Linda Rose,

      I am so sorry that you lost your beloved Misty. It is so very hard to lose our pets that are so dear to us. I hope you find peace and comfort in good memories. Misty is always nearby watching over you and Molly. Sending you a **hug**

      Congratulations on your new home in Idaho! 😊

  24. Linda in Minnesota says:

    Welcome back! I’m so glad to hear you and the crew are alive and well.

    I’m well, too, since I only had to have one tooth removed. 🙂

    I follow another blogger who is about to spend winter in his truck camper for the first time. He is downsizing from an Arctic Fox trailer. It will be fun to read how both of you are doing.

  25. Rob says:

    It’s good to hear your internet voice again!

  26. Jan Johnson says:

    I was just talking to my adult kids today about how much I missed your blog and following all your travels. We were talking about camping and my daughter said she would like it if a lot of people were around her, and I said I would like to boondock like you did! Good to hear from the boys and the chickens. We had them a while but a possum wiped out most of them despite a pen with a top on it – tore open some old wire. I was devastated and gave the others to a friend with chickens. They didn’t like to be held despite being loved and raised from a day old, but they loved to be near us. I love to watch them “bathe” in the dirt!

  27. Nice to hear from you, and know you and the crew are doing fine. Poor little Reggie, so many teeth! Katie had several teeth taken out during her last dental too. I’m glad Roger did OK without the two of you while Reggie was getting is teeth done. Somehow I lost track of CHICKENS!!! How cool!

  28. Eileen says:

    So nice to read another post from you, and I’m sorry about Reggie’s teeth problems. Otherwise, he and Roger seem to be doing well in their aging process. I had to put down one of my 17-yr-old Tabby cats two weeks ago, and his brother still walks around the house crying while looking for him in closets and under the bed. I hope your beautiful tree continues to flourish; and I’ll enjoy reading any future posts you write if/when the spirit moves you to do so.

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi Eileen,

      I am so sorry for your loss of your sweet cat. I hope you get comfort in good memories. His poor brother…it must break your heart all over again when you hear him cry. Sending you a **hug**

    • Suzicruzi says:

      😭😭 I’m so sorry for your sad heart. It’s now 5 MO’s later- sorry I missed this pot. I’ve been underground myself. Feel better soon. ❤️‍🩹 Suzi

  29. Libby Nester says:

    I’ve missed you and the crew. I always tell my furbabies when I’m leaving and that I’m coming back. Don’t worry about the trees. I bet they will work just fine. I enjoy your writing so much

    Take care

  30. Marilu says:

    Dear Sue and Crew and Blogori nos,
    What a pleasant surprise! A couple days ago I searched my Gmail thinking maybe I’d just missed seeing your posts. I’m so glad you’re doing well.
    We have spent the last year and a half fostering dogs and litters of puppies from our local humane society. It’s kept us busy and given us lots of smiles.
    Stay well,
    Marilu from northern California

  31. Ruth Young says:

    So happy to see the post and hear you and crew are ok. My sweet chi , Honey, somewhere around 15 has to have her remaining 4 teeth removed. I dread this for here. She eats soft food but occasionally steals a piece of kibble from Max the Dashund. A lot of anxiety where our furry companions are concerned.

    Keep posting if you can, I certainly enjoy following your journey, and hope it continues to be a healthy one.

  32. Jolene/Iowa says:

    Hi Sue! So great to hear from you again. Many of us were sad that you just weren’t around.

    Glad that Reggie is doing well after his teeth procedure. I have missed the antics of Reggie and Roger. Fresh eggs, nothing compares!

    As far as the Ash tree; I do know some have been successful in treating the disease that can affect them.

    I am semi retired now since July and it is quite a relief actually. I just work a day and a half a week. Bo, my Boston Terrier has developed allergies according to the vet. So far I am trying to get by with Benydrl and some shampoo and lotion I was told about called Don’t let your dog itch shampoo. It is by Jax & Daisy. It is really good stuff. I saw some vets sold it as well so called one of them and asked about it before I ordered online and they said they have trouble keeping in on the shelves. I just didn’t want to put him on Prednisone or another medication that is quite pricey and has some bad reviews from people.

    So that is life in a nutshell right now. Just so glad to see this post again. I was praying you all were ok.

  33. Sharron Scott says:

    So excited to hear from you again. I have so many fond memories of your adventures on the road and have visited many of the places you wrote about. You were such an inspiration for my travels in my Casita with my 2 dogs. Hope you will be back camping soon. The world has changed so much especially with the Covid thing and gas prices souring and boondocking is more difficult to find. Hoping for more inspiration from your new adventures.
    Be safe,

    • Suzi says:

      Hi, Another follower in a Casita visiting some of Sue’s old camps I see. 👌🏼 Same here! Fun huh? And yes, boondocking is more challenging now, reservations are becoming the norm, and prices are climbing. Also, we’ve noticed places are becoming more run down, and unkempt. Water levels at lakes and reservoirs are much lower, and many places with showers have them closed, even now. I still refer to Sues blog archives to find camping ideas. Tomorrow we will overnight at Storrie Lake, NM. 😃

      • Glenda Hugg says:

        And I make a third Casita owner that was inspired by RVSue! I do not remember how I found your blog in 2016 but became a loyal follower. I have gone back to read every entry from the beginning. I love the desert and plan to spend part of February at Organ Pipes National Monument again. I enjoyed meeting Suzi and Larry in Ajo last year. I do search your archives also. It is fun to come across towns that I remember from your blog.
        Glenda from Arkansas

  34. Nora now in Pascagoula says:

    Hi Sue, I’ve missed you so much that I had JUST gone back and reread your last post the day before you posted this one! What a coincidence. Glad you’re doing well and always enjoy hearing about Reggie and Roger.

  35. Sam in the Ozarks says:

    I am so happy today. Thank you Sue. My little ones are too, Sparky boy and Cassie girl

  36. Ellen says:

    I was so happy to get a post from you! You have been missed!

  37. MB from VA says:

    Wonderful to hear from you Sue! And thank you for writing about the dental experience. My sweetie, Molly is going on the 27th. I know she has issues with a couple teeth. I hate putting my animals under anesthesia and right now the price tag truly hurts. But I will always do everything I possibly can for my girls. Glad your sweet boy did well.

    And I always do the same thing when leaving the house. “I’ll be right back. Be good girls.”.

    I’m glad all is well with you and the boys. And that tree knows that it is loved and cared for. I’ll bet it’ll be just fine.

    Looking forward to reading about the truck camping. That’s what the girls and I did when we went to AZ for a month. It was a lot of fun.

    As always, love from Virginia!
    MB, Bella and Molly

  38. Suzicruzi says:

    Happy day-late-dollar- short birthday Sue, and Reggie too! I loved your news of the boys’ and chickens’ routines. Our little animal kids thrive on routine, and if we mis-step they surely will remind us! I know Mochi Kitty has an invisible paw watch, and when his meals are late he reminds me promptly, then constantly until it is placed in front of him.
    I love your little routine of cupping the boys’ sweet little faces as you give them your words of comfort.

    When you said Reg had 26 teeth removed but could still chew kibble I honestly was surprised. That is great!! Poor little guy, he must have been miserable. I’m happy to hear he’s thriving again!

    My instinct is to write a book, it’s been so long. But alas, the cell signal here is so weak. Ahh, reliable New Mexico and unreliable Verizon. I could add a few choice words. 😏 So I will keep this short. From WA, to Idaho, CO, to South Dakota (drivers license and mail/tags pick up) to Omaha, back to CO, and now NM we’ve been. It’s all been good!! This season has been based around visiting friends. We are here in Santa Fe on our last formal visit, then we head out into the unknown once again. This nonsense of making reservations is not for us. It’s complicated and more than annoying. 🙄 Can’t wait to be back boondocking very soon!

    The three of us are happy and well, Sue. Our Casita is still following along with nary an issue. She’s as solid as a brick of gold, and has kept us safe, happy, warm and dry. (Boy, it’s been cold already! 27° so far upon waking.) CO and NM are high, but also some cold fronts have snuck up on us! Time to move lower down & further South! I am open to suggestions for lower elevation in NM. BLOGERINOS??

    Can you believe we are into our 4th season on the road Sue? We picked up our Casita in Rice, July 9th 2018. I hardly can believe it. Also, I’m rocking my new hip as of May 25 th. It’s like I never knew it happened. 😃

    Hugs all the way around! Soooo good to hear from you Sue, and now a whole new thread of comments to read. YAY! xo Suzi, Larry, and Kitty 🐾🐈‍⬛

    • EmilyO says:

      Don’t blame you in wanting to move southward this time of the year. Southern NM (from Socorro to the border) is any where from 3,000 to 4,000 ft elevation – all in the High Desert range. We do have “winters”, sometimes get snow and blizzards but the snow doesn’t last long, maybe a couple of days on the ground. The cold is “crisp” because of the dryness. If you are into birding, there are several campgrounds around the Bosque del Apache, south of Socorro. Most who spend the winters here stay somewhere in the lower southern third of the State.

  39. Claudia Meyers says:

    Hey Sue! Loved hearing from you. So glad Reggie is on the mend and doing so well. I know Roger is happy as well. Take care and Best Wishes Always…

  40. RachelDLS says:

    Hey Sue,

    I have missed your posts! 🙂 Glad to see you out here. There is something about owning land (Or? The Land owning you?) that takes up all your time. But it is time worth spending! I am loving my beautiful place! It sounds like you are enjoying your home life. I know I am!

    I am so glad your little sweetie is doing better. My Macha is still with me, though she is feeling her age, in many ways. She will be 16 on the 22nd. I have a new dog too! Rosy Rae, I need to write about her as well!

    So much has happened, and I want to share it all, but find it hard to find the time to write! The biggest thing to happen, is that my son got married yesterday! His new wife is a warm loving young woman who loves the Lord and I could not be happier for them both!

    Talk to you sooner I hope! Take Care!

    • Suzicruzi says:

      Congratulations on your sons wedding, and your new daughter (in law). 💕

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi Rachel!

      Congratulations on the new additions to your family – Rosy Rae and your daughter-in-law! 💕💕

      Glad that Macha is still by your side. I remember the time that you were visiting Sue and sweet Macha ended up on the wrong side of cholla – poor girl!

      Thank you for sharing your happy news!! 😊

      • RachelDLS says:

        Hi Denise,

        Thanks so much for writing! I am so excited about it, I want to shout with joy from every mountain top! Once Charles and Miku have seen the pictures I took, I am going to write a post about it! The wedding was so beautiful! I am so happy that they have each other! They are the best example of what it is to be a couple. They each bring out the good in the other one! It has been a delight to see them together! 🙂

        Now that Rosy Rae is here, my little Macha is doing better! She has been having a hard time, just walking. But Now that Rosy Rae has her run next to Macha’s Yard, Macha is doing better! 🙂 Rosy Rae is a rescue too. She looks to be part Australia Shepard and part German Shepard, with a little of the Wild thrown in for fun!

        I am so blessed!

  41. Colleen from Prescott Valley (previously from Tehachapi) says:

    Wonderful to hear from you Sue! We have also settled in Arizona. No idea how this happened but we have purchased a home in Prescott Valley and are loving it. Glad to hear that you and crew are well. I always wanted chicken but will vicariously through your adventures.

  42. Laura Ours says:

    Looks like Betty is FIRST to reply! Yipee!


  43. Joanne says:

    Welcome Back Truck Camper Sue and Crew! You have been missed! Understand about teeth being removed and costs involved for our kids, Jazz had to have it done twice and with all the “add ons” to the bill each time was not like the old days but totally trust her vet.
    Plans for camping have changed but Are Still There. A lot of interesting U Tubes videos on truck camping which just might be more feasible, or not. We shall see. Glad you’re back. Will be eager to hear how you planned the truck camping and how you it turned out when you have time. Good to hear from some others.
    All the best to the boys and you. Be Well Always!

  44. Barb from Hoquiam says:

    Yay Sue and Crew!
    Glad to hear things are good! I have some news… Not sure if you knew, Racy passed on July 4, 2019. Then my Amelia the Wonder Cat this spring. She hated newness, so I waited…
    I found a lovely boy of 7 to add into my life. Max is pushing me to walk more and is a darlin. We also have a ten yr old Miss Douglas.
    She has outlived two owners… They don’t play, but she tolerates Max. She is Jim’s best friend.

    Hope the tree thrives!!!!

    Great to hear from you!

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi Barb!

      So sorry to hear about you losing your precious Racy and Amelia. I hope you find comfort in good memories. How wonderful that your heart was open to bringing a new furry friend into your family. Max sounds like he is loving his forever home. **hugs** 😊

  45. Piper says:

    So glad to know you and crew are doing well.

  46. Barb in Florida says:

    Hi Sue, Reggie & Roger ~ Nice to hear from you and that you all are doing well.
    The weather here has finally cooled off. In the low 60’s last night. Finally! Been working in the yard but now it’s more enjoyable. Nice to hear from everyone!

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi Barb!

      The temps have cooled down here, too. It is the beginning of sweater weather! My favorite time of year! It is especially nice to turn off the heat pump A/C. Have fun playing in the dirt! 😊

      • Barb in Florida says:

        Thanks Denise. My project stopped to help the neighbors get a feral kitten out of their vinyl fence post. Found two others near by. Fireman were eventually called. They borrowed a hacksaw to make the opening bigger for the neighbor to stick her hand further down to pull the kitten out. She collected the kittens and called for animal services to come pick them up. She was still waiting outside after 8 pm for them. We’ve seen the mother twice but no way can you get close to her & she’s fast.

        • Denise - Richmond VA says:

          Oh my goodness – you had an exciting evening! Do you think the mother dropped the kitten by mistake in the fence post? Or maybe the kitten was big enough and adventurous to get herself into trouble on her own? I bet that firehouse will be talking about this rescue for a while. Calls for rescuing a cat from a tree, sewer, an old well or uncovered hole are more common. I have a friend who volunteered at the fire department. He said that they had a few repeat offenders; they would get called out to rescue the same cat (in the same tree) several times a year. Glad that your neighbor found the other kittens. I hope that animal services finally showed up and that the kittens will have a chance to be adopted into a good home. 😊

          • Barb in Florida says:

            No, the kitten fell in the lower opening on the vinyl fence post (made to insert another panel, which was open). Post was filled in to the bottom of the hole and duct taped. The other two kittens were under an outdoor wicker sofa & easy to pick up. They appeared to be about 6 weeks old. It’s good they were caught so as not to be the next feral cats. The rescued one was skinny and adventurous and hard to contain once caught. Probably already used up one life :o)

  47. Doris from Pa says:

    Truck camping! Can’t wait to hear about your adventure.

  48. Desert Ginger says:

    Sue! So happy to see your post! Glad Reggie is feeling better. Sue did you know you were famous among nomads? I have been watching YouTube videos from Bob Wells at CheapRVLiving, and in some of the older ones your blog pops up over and over as the best source for info on desert boondocking sites. They cite you over and over.

    I live in Oklahoma now, but not for long. Just ordered supplies (12 volt fridge, portapotty, etc) to car camp in my Prius fir four months or so, beginning at Thanksgiving. Just can’t take another winter here. Headed down to AZ. Plan to go to the RTR in Quartzsite and hook up with a caravan there. If all goes well on this trial run, I am coming back in late March and putting my house on the market. I am just not meant to sit alone in my house.

    My beloved Chloe died last Nov 16th. I couldn’t bear being alone so I have a new Yorkie, Archie. He’s a bit of a terror. But he’s almost 11 months now and is starting to mature a bit. But he is very sweet.

    I feel so ‘behind’. We have missed so much if each other’s lives. I do hope you continue to pop in more often. Keep us up to date. Very interested in hearing your truck camping story. Didn’t even know you had a truck. Do you still have your casita?

    Till your next post, I will be watching for your casita in AZ this winter.

    And hello to all my fellow blogorinos! Missed you guys! Hope all are doing well!

    • weather says:

      Hi Ginger, it is so nice to hear from you! I hope to hear from you and Archie often. Take care,hugs to you both.

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi Desert Ginger!

      It is wonderful to see an update from you! You were missed! I am so sorry to hear that you lost your beloved Chloe; you went thru thick and thin together. I have no doubt that she is always near, keeping a watchful eye on you and that little rascal Archie. Archie sounds like he will be the perfect travel partner. It makes me happy to know that you have a new furry-faced angel by your side. Once we have a pet in our lives it is hard to imagine life without a little co-pilot. 💕 🐾

      I hope that you will stop by Sue’s front porch to let us know how you like traveling as part of a caravan. Sending you love, hugs, and prayers for your safe travels and especially for good health! 😊

  49. Dawn in NC says:


    So sorry to hear about Chloe. It is so hard when our fur babies pass on. I’m glad you have Archie to keep you company. Having a living creature in our home to love and that loves us is important. Good luck on your car camping. I’d love to hear updates from you on how that goes.

  50. CherylL in MI says:

    I’ll second that, about taking on 2 Senior pups. We did the same with an 11 year old Cairn. She’s such a delight! Kind, laid back, likes to cuddle (after lessons on that fine art), is mostly blind & deaf; but so affectionate. She also has a Thyroid issue which requires pills twice a day. Initial Vet bill 💸 was a little surprising, but she was in rough shape when we got her. So, so worth it. Life’s little pleasures! Hi, Sue!

  51. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    ******FREE TURKEY DINNER******

    Hi Sue and my fellow blogorinos!

    Have you heard?

    Ibotta and Walmart are giving away free turkey dinners. You will get cash back from Ibotta. It is easy to download the Ibotta app, and you can get cash back on items at Target, Walmart, Aldi, and more. Click on the link below for more information.


    This is legit. I picked up most of my order today. A couple items were out of stock so I will try to pick them up later and then scan my receipt to get credit for the purchase.

    This promotion is valid until supplies run out. Share this with your family & friends. 😊

    Any opportunity to save money or stretch my budget is win-win. I just paid $3.49/gal for gas today. Any savings is welcome!! 😊

    Take good care my friends! 😊

    • weather says:

      Thank you ever so much,Denise.I sent the link to my friend who runs the thrift store.She can let many of those that shop there know.A lot of them wouldn’t have Thanksgiving dinner without that help.

  52. Dawn in NC says:

    Wow Denise! Thanks for the heads up!

  53. Elizabeth says:

    Glad to hear the update, Sue and that Reggie was able to be helped!! I sympathize…had $2K work done on my mouth this year! Hubby fell in Mid-August here in the apt, and it must have been caused by his health issues. So he is in therapy, but maybe to see a neurologist ere long to see if anything can help him. I keep very busy helping him do nearly all he needs to do. At least he can still drive for which I am most grateful!! I hope you will update again ere long. I hope the new tree does better than expected too!! I will have to come back to read more later here in comments when I have the time…but greetings to all for now!!

    • Barb in Florida says:

      Thinking of you two. Prayers for continued healing & comfort.
      Has he tried CBD? Worked for a friend with chronic aches & pains.
      Peace, love & hugs to you.

      • Elizabeth says:

        Thanks so much Barb!! Prayers are always appreciated!! He does take a hemp oil pill per day…but it is odd, as the pain comes and goes…by the day it is different. He thinks likely arthritis. We take other things for that too…so hard to know. Some of this is said to be caused by the hydrocephalus too…so it is day by day. Doing the best we can. Love and hugs to you too!!

    • weather says:

      What a good wife you are dear lady.You and he have been through a lot together,may you both be blessed with easier days ahead.

      • Elizabeth says:

        Thanks so much Weather…I am no saint…but I do the best I can to help him…plus researching online and in books so much as I can. I do not expect him to ever be perfectly well…but will continue trying to help him do as well as can. At least we both have made some progress in getting our diabetic numbers down more…maybe in time that will help other issues…I hope so. Thanks for your well wishes!! And I hope all is going well for you too!!

  54. weather says:

    May the Lord and we bless all the vets we know on this Veterans day.My brother is still being treated for disabling PTST. Wishing peace to all

  55. Cat Lady says:

    Happy 72nd Birthday, Rusty. Make it a good one.

  56. weather says:

    Hi Sue(I miss you) and Hi everyone.A few days ago I started thinking about a guy that used to comment on here,Calvin Rittenhouse. He lives in Ohio, rode a bike instead of driving a car. After that a guy with the same to name was in the news, just a coincidence, still it made me think of him again.I know he’s alive yet feel he may need prayers for some reason.So I pray for him and anyone else in need.Join me if you want to.

    • Calvin says:

      I’m not sure if I need prayers. However, I might need to change my name.

      • weather says:

        It’s great to hear from you! I’m glad you’re ok, you have a good name with no need to change it, the news about the guy with your name will soon pass. I guess we can all use prayers for us,we may never know what we’re being protected from.

      • Barb in Florida says:

        Calvin, I thought of you too the other day. I turned my muffin batter into hoecakes ;o)

        Hope you are doing ok. That trial was riviting. The media evidently didn’t watch the whole thing. Wouldn’t be surprised if that young man changes HIS name. Take care!

        • Calvin in Columbus says:

          Thanks for thinking of me. I’m a non-cook. What are “hoecakes” versus muffins?

          I don’t watch any of the “news” spectacles in their entirety. I have strong opinions about Kyle, but this is not the place for them.

          • Barb in Florida says:

            Well…oh, dear. I could’ve sworn it was you who raved about the hoecakes he made. Hoecakes are basically pancakes made with a corn batter. I am so sorry my memory tricked me.

            I don’t watch the tv either. Instead I watched actual live court proceedings. I was born and raised in that area. Besides, weather started it;o)

            It’s probably a good thing not to talk about it here as this is virtual fantasy land where important things that affect as all are frowned upon being brought up. God help us all!

            I’ll wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving Day today as I won’t be back tomorrow for the black friday push. Sorry, it’s how I feel. Please be kind to your family members that may not see things the way you do. Listen to each other. Love & peace to you all.

            • Calvin says:

              I’ve read about hoecakes without really knowing what they were. We had pancakes and “johnnycakes”, which may be related to hoecakes, and also cornbread.

              Thanks again for your concern. I have places I can discuss that other person and various controversies I hold opinions about. Including politics here would be quite disruptive.

  57. Mary Batt says:

    Hi Sue🙂
    Nice to see your post! Glad to see the update on R and R and you! Happy Thanksgiving this week! Will watch for more! Your ‘shares’ are appreciated! Always! We are in FL to pick up the dog Maggie that we share with her chosen family! We doggie-sit for their vacations! Thanks 🙏🏻
    Mary B. 🙂

  58. Elizabeth says:

    Wishing everyone here a wonderful Thanksgiving…celebrated however you like. Ours will be rather quiet…just 3 of us. But hopefully it will come out tasty!!

  59. Rhodium says:

    Happy Thanksgiving! Among other things we can be thankful for Sue founding such a nice community of great people.

  60. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone has had a nice day. Among those that I am thankful for is Sue, who keeps her “front porch” available for her blogorinos to gather. And to all of the blogorino friends – thank you for stopping by to chat or to share news. 😊

  61. Deena in Phoenix says:

    Happy Thanksgiving! Maybe next year I will go to a family gathering. Had the arcadia door open and the wonderful cooking smells from the other apartments had remembering many other TD gatherings. Listened to PBS classic radio station, read and worked on a 3000 piece Harry Potter puzzle of Hogwarts.

    Thankful for Sue and the Crew and her blogorinos, Take Care

  62. Dawn in NC says:

    Hi Everyone,

    Just wanted to drop in to say hello. I had a very nice Thanksgiving with my family. I was grateful that we could meet inside and celebrate together. I’m also looking forward to an indoor Christmas gathering this year. Hope all the Blogorinos are doing well.

  63. Cat Lady says:

    Merry Christmas, Sue/crew and bloggerinos.

  64. weather says:

    Merry Christmas Sue and everyone! Love, weather

  65. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Sending Merry Christmas wishes to Sue and all of her blogorinos! 😊
    Love & hugs xo
    Denise & Gracie pup

  66. ApplegirlNY says:

    Merry Christmas, Everyone! Blessings to everyone for a healthy and happy New Year. Put some food by in your pantries, who knows what the future will bring.

    God is Good!!!!!

  67. Elizabeth says:

    Thinking of my friends today…and you here among them. Hoping all are having a nice day with something to eat that they enjoy. Just us 2 here, enjoying our usual fare on Saturdays…something we look forward to (a baguette sandwich with good turkey meat, cheese and some thin sliced onions today…warmed awhile in oven and eaten with much pleasure!) It is snowing off and on…then melting thankfully…not hoping for bad roads in area!!

  68. Rhodium in SW Va says:

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year wishes to all. Here in SW Va it’s 60 and the kids in Texas are enjoying 80, with the air conditioning on. The strong winds on Christmas day finally blew the last apples off the trees. We found a good gift for our teenage grandson, an age hard to buy for. You can get gift cards for custom made shirts and they send fabric samples and tape measure. It’s not cheap so not everyone may be willing or able to gift this, but we just have the one grandchild and it’s his senior year. The hope is every girl crazy bout a sharp dressed man.

  69. Mick'nTN says:

    Merry Christmas and Happy 2022 to all my friends on this fabulous blog.

  70. Suzicruzi says:

    Happy late Christmas, and wishes for a joyous and peaceful new year Sue and crew, and all your Blogerinos. I have not been able to write a peep, and still I cannot bring myself to. I can’t believe I wrote on October 17th, so full of joy and life. Things took a turn the very next day, and our lives have not been the same since. Just know that I lurk in the shadows here looking for snippets of joy to boost me along. Sue, I wish I could stop in for a cup of coffee and a hug, see the boys and glean some of your wisdom. Instead I have been reading past posts and garnering strength from your past experiences. It’s not a bad way to go really. Knowing others who live on the road have gone through the same thing, does really help. I’ll write again when I get things sorted.


    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi Suzicruzi,

      I am so sorry. I wish that I was “in the neighborhood” so I could offer hugs and listen if you wanted/needed to talk. I am sending up extra prayers for you all and sending virtual **hugs**

    • Rhodium in SW Va says:

      Please know you have my earnest support and I hope you soon overcome whatever obstacles that have been thrown in your path. Warmest wishes.

    • eliza says:

      Hugs to you, Suzicruzi. And to RVSue and Crew and all blogorinos everywhere, a more joyous and fulfilling New Year (because we can all use more joy and fulfillment in our lives). Sending many thanks for the wonderful journey Sue has shared with us over these years.

    • Barb in Florida says:

      Dear Suzi, Thinking of you & sending prayers, love and big hugs your way!
      I’ll also toss in prayers for clarity of thought, day-to-day strength, courage & grace. It’s the grace thing I had trouble with 🙂 Love, Barb

    • Dawn in NC says:


      I am so sorry that you are going through the valley of the shadow right now. Praying that He is with you and will comfort you and will lead you out of this trial. Praying for peace for you.

    • Barb in Florida says:

      Thinking of you! Love & hugs your way!

  71. Deena in Phoenix says:

    Happy New Year Sue and Crew. Belated Merry Christmas…was sick with bad cold since Dec 13 just now can sit in chair for a few hours but still have fierce cough. Have all shots and had to cancel my annual PCP visit. Oh well, I am better and just stayed in my room. My niece stayed in half of the apartment, we had a schedule for eating and laundry to keep us separated…went through 6 containers of Clorox wipes and 5 boxes of nitrile gloves. This is my third year of missing family gathering for Holidays. Computer quit charging on the 14th so wasn’t on until this past Wednesday. Thank Goodness for younger sisters, did all of the work for getting and putting all my stuff in new laptop. I spent today getting up to date with Sue and blogorinos. My prayers go out to all. I noticed on the Phoenix News that southeast Arizona is getting heavy rains today and into the night. Sue, hope you have backup rain barrels on hand.

    blogorinos be safe, enjoy a better start to a new year.

    Sue, ear scratches to the boys, hugs and happy smiles to you. Please know we are blessed to be on the porch.

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Sending get well wishes, Deena. Winter colds seem to drag on a while before they are fully cleared. Happy New Year! 🎉 😊

    • Dawn in NC says:

      Deena, so sorry that you once again had to miss your family gathering for Christmas. Yes, family can be a true blessing. Hoping you are on the mend.

  72. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    2022 just was ushered in on the East Coast.

    May the New Year bring us peace, health, and abundant blessings.

  73. Elizabeth says:

    Wishing everyone a good Year ahead…it is time!! Unfortunately my husband went to the hospital last night…he is so weak and could not get up…plus they SAY has covid…so will be gone awhile I suppose…he will have to have physical therapy and occupational therapy before they release him they said. So there may be changes ahead…like possibly assisted living. Time will tell. I hope everyone here is doing ok!!!

    • Barb in Florida says:

      Praying for you & your husband, Elizabeth. Sending love & big hugs to you both.

    • weather says:

      Oh Elizabeth, what a difficult situation for your husband and you.I am praying for both of you and will continue to do so.I hope you will let us know of any changes as time allows,hugs dear lady

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Oh Elizabeth, I am sorry to hear this news. I am sending up extra prayers for your family. Sending you love & **hugs**.

    • Elizabeth says:

      Thanks dear friends for the prayers…he is said to have pneumonia…so they are doing another chest xray in AM…not sure what that will do…but they have him on some steroids…which drives his blood sugar very high…but they give him insulin…and they claim he has to have remdisivir…which has bad track record. So I am very scared frankly!! I guess we have to say he is in GOD’s hands and whether he makes it or not…we have no say. He has lost most of the use of his legs and very weak arms too…so will be sent for rehab…which also worries me greatly!! But I don’t know HOW or if we can get him home again…not sure what I will need to do. Thanks for caring!! It means everything to me!!

      • weather says:

        As you say he is in God’s hands now,if you can do try to trust and relax a bit. Take especially good care of yourself and remember you are loved.

      • Barb in Florida says:

        Please be strong, Elizabeth. Don’t let them push you around. If you don’t want a certain treatment you have to say NO. Remdesivir is hard on the kidneys. Keeping you in thoughts and prayers. Love & hugs to you both.

      • Dawn in NC says:

        Elizabeth, I am so sorry for these trials. Praying for healing and peace and discernment.

      • Denise - Richmond VA says:

        Hi Elizabeth,

        You and your husband have been on my mind all day. I hope that he is improving and that you are remembering to take care of yourself. Sending you love, hugs, and extra prayers.

    • Deena in Phoenix says:

      My prayers are given to you , your husband and to your caregivers. Take of yourself Elizabeth.

      • Elizabeth says:

        No time to explain except hubby is back in hospital, day 6 this time. His very weak legs make it impossible for me to take care of him right now. He is also on oxygen, though low levels. Our NC son is working on coming to get us, with the help of a burly friend of his and our daughter…to take us back to live near all them. It is too much for our daughter here…so life is a jumble. Prayers for us are so appreciated…I will update when I can, my friends!!

        • Denise - Richmond VA says:

          Sending up extra prayers for you and your family, Elizabeth. I am glad that your son & daughter are able to help. There are many friends here who are keeping you and your husband in their thoughts and prayers. May that knowledge provide you some comfort & also a reminder that you are loved. Please try to take good care of yourself. **hugs**

        • Barb in Florida says:

          So glad to hear from you! Been praying and hoping for you all. Sending you some positive energy with lots of love too. Don’t forget to breathe and take it a day, an hour or a minute at a time. Hugs, my friend. Stay strong.

        • Dawn in NC says:


        • Elizabeth says:

          Thanks so much friends…keep those prayers coming…it is likely what is holding us together!! Hubby came home yesterday…he needs lots of help…but at least so far, with oxygen, is able to do the neccessary standing, pivoting etc to get into the wheelchair to go between places in the apt. He is very weak this time…they nearly killed him letting him sit for 14 hours in triage when he returned this time…virtually untended…lost voice, etc etc…a horrid nightmare. Good care once you get admitted…but of course, my daughter and I could not go get him, even if we could have lifted him. I hope none of you ever go through this. A hospital, by and large, now, is a prison!! Do all you can to avoid this illness. My NC daughter was put on a weekly dose of ivermectin some months back, but I don’t hear of anyone being ALLOWED in this state to do this. I pray we get him strong enough to travel back to NC…to some better doctors, etc. Hopefully. I will update later…thanks for caring!!

          • Denise - Richmond VA says:

            Good morning, Elizabeth!

            Thank you for the update. So glad to hear that your husband was able to come home. I hope he regains more strength with each passing day. You are surrounded by love and prayer. Sending you love, hugs, and of course prayers. Please take good of yourself my friend! **hugs**

          • Barb says:

            Oh honey ….. It is just as I suspected. I have read many articles talking of the change to our hospitals. Doctors so afraid for their jobs to not go with the “rules”. They have been incentivised by the government to keep you there with the only treatments fraudci approves. Big pharma is trying to kill us & has been at it for years. I blame my elders Altzheimers on them for all the pills they were on. I can’t be quiet about it anymore. Sorry Sue. If you need ivermectin go to America’s Frontline Doctors & follow directions at their site. You can also go to yt to find quinine recipes to make homemade hydroxychloroQUINE.
            I’m still praying & thinking of you throughout the day, Elizabeth. So glad you got him out of there!

            • Barb says:

              Hey – came back to say if you are on any pills – the homemade quinine is made of grapefruit peels. Some medications have a warning about grapefruit.

          • weather says:

            So glad he is home!I will keep praying

          • Dawn in NC says:

            So glad to hear that he is home!

          • Elizabeth says:

            Updating my friends…and thanks so much for the prayers!! He is getting set up with some home health for physical therapy etc…and is doing some better…his right color has returned and he says he feels ok, most coughing gone now. But weak still…and obviously needing oxygen the majority of the time. Even though his stats say he is ok…his weakness and sometimes confused thinking say not. So on we go…we shall see how this plays out. I appreciate you all so much. Thanks Barb for the extra information!!

            • weather says:

              Right color,less coughing and
              saying he feels ok are improvements , may God continue to get him well. Sending love to you and continual prayers for you both

            • Denise - Richmond VA says:

              Thank you for sharing a positive update, Elizabeth. I am glad that your husband says that he is feeling a bit better. You all are always in my thoughts and prayers. Sending you **hugs** 😊

            • Barb in Florida says:

              Thinking of you! Love & hugs!

          • Denise - Richmond VA says:

            Sending prayers and **hugs** 😊

  74. Barb in Florida says:

    Happy New Year Sue and Crew & All you Blogorinos!

    Not my best time of year. Mostly good days trying to keep busy. I feel good if I did something or little somethings each day. The weather has been mild so far, wondering if we will get “winter” this year at all. My a/c is still on!

    Finally put my tree up Christmas morning! I knew if I didn’t I would regret it. I used to say I put it up for Cheddels because she liked it so. This year it was for me as I really like to get up early and turn only the tree on. I ended up using Cheddels blanket for the skirt and put her Lambchop toys underneath. It’s covered with the hearts I made of husband and FIL’s shirts and a few I made for other people’s loved ones that they gifted back to me, plus a few ornaments with good memories of the people attached to them.

    We’re doing fine. Mostly staying home. What else is new? Oh yeah, a new found nephew with a wife & three kids !!! Found through ancestry and my sister’s swab. He belongs to my deceased brother. My mom & dad & brother would’ve been thrilled. They are the only great-grandchildren so far. I have yet to meet them as they are several states away, but thinking of a roadtrip in my future. I’m not thrilled with family DNA given to big companies for keeps as once sister’s is given, mine might as well be. More to the story but time to go. Thinking of you all and missing the daily blog & comments.

    • Dawn in NC says:

      Hi Barb,

      I know this time of year can be hard for many people! I know you must miss Cheddels dearly. Good for you for doing small things to help you through the day. And good for you for putting up the tree. Also, congratulations on your new to you nephew! Hoping you are doing as well as you can.

      • Barb says:

        Thanks, Dawn. I’m fine. It also finally cooled off a bit. I can now run outside to have a hot flash. Refreshing! 🙂

  75. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Barb!

    Happy New Year! I know you still miss Cheddels dearly. Christmas, really the whole month of December is tough for our family, too. It can be hard to get into the holiday spirit. This year I kept things really simple and that was ok. Congratulations on finding extended family. I hope you will be able to travel to meet them later this year. My best friend’s sister was forced to give up her son for adoption when she was a teenager. It bothered her all of these years, wondering what became of him. He found her through a DNA ancestry match. They met and he and his family are now part of her extended family. Come to find out that unbeknownst to them, their paths crossed many times over the years. I love a happy ending. 😊

    • Barb says:

      Thank you, Denise. Too much to get into, but yes not my best time of year.
      The nephew was a huge surprise. It’s unfolding nicely. Glad to hear your family had a happy ending. I found a baby blanket I had put away for my brother’s first grandson that I had totally forgotten about. Sent it to my new great nephew for Christmas with some things for his sisters. Quite a new experience to life.

  76. Kathy Garcia says:

    Hello Sue and Friends,
    It’s been months now since I last posted. I was so happy to check in to see Sue’s most recent post and all the happenings in your lives. In some ways the past 8 months since Gil’s death have been a blur and in others excruciatingly painful reminders of better times. On Oct.1 I returned to Laughlin, NV., for the winter; the site of so many happy winters. The man at rv storage brought our 36′ fifth wheel to our site at Riverside RV Park & set it up for me. Here I am surrounded by other longtime “Snowbird” friends which is a comfort.
    I could not have ever imagined how painful this grief journey would be. I have had to forcibly make myself move forward, even though it may be an inch or a minute at a time. It is only now that I am able to feel an occasional moment of joy. There are still many, many tears to be shed.
    That said, I will return home to central WA by May 1. My son & DIL live in our home. I would like to get rid of all of my things there and sell the house but I don’t know how that will go. Last summer I sold Gil’s boat that he only got to enjoy for 2 years and our 21′ Passport trailer. I just knew I would not be using them again.
    It’s very hard to live the single life after 45 years as a twosome. Many, many times I’ve felt that Gil got the better gig & I would often love to trade places. But my task is to build new pathways as my story is not over. I hope to find joy in living as one in the aura of love of my Gil.

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi Kathy,

      May your heart heal a bit with each passing day. How beautifully you describe “living in the aura of love of my Gil.” You are in my thoughts and prayers. Take good care of yourself…one day at a time. **hugs**

    • Sam in the Ozarks says:

      I’m sorry for your loss. I lost my beloved Nancy 11 years ago and I still cry every day. I could never make it if the Lord didn’t hold me up. I should be out fishing but I never get around to it. I will see her again in heaven but it’s still hard waiting. Love, Sam in the Ozarks

  77. Barb in Florida says:

    Happy Valentine’s Day to you all. Sending as much love as I can pack into this comment. Hope you have a wonderful day. Still praying for you Suzi, Elizabeth and now Kathy. May you bask in the glow of the loves of your lives. We are so connected by our love that when our other half is gone or hurting our love just deepens as we wish we could love them healthy again. I swear I love Mark more today than ever as it just continues to grow. Wishing you all the ability to turn it all to love. It’s what life is all about. Much love to you my friends!

  78. Suzicruzi says:

    Hi. I peeped in to read, and see what’s new. So much going on in everyone’s lives. I’m praying we can all find peace and our inner strength to pull us through the hard times. I’m still struggling, but I’m better. Tomorrow will be 18 weeks. 😢

    Blessings Sue, your precious boys, and all here who follow.

    Suzi 🐾

    • Barb in Florida says:

      It’s so good to hear from you, Suzi! I’ve been thinking of you and praying that you are making your way through the hard parts of life. It sure is not easy. I had to keep telling myself how lucky I was to have the life Mark & I made together. A lot of people never get to have that. It was so wonderful & I was so blessed to have been so lucky. The love was the best part and I still have that to keep me grateful.

      Carry on dear lady. Much strength, love & peace to you. Big Hugs, Too!

      • Suzicruzi says:

        Hi Barb, thank you for your words. I appreciate your kindness. Love is all there is. Love keeps us going. When we have true love, fierce love, and the object of our love is not there to receive it, the love swells with no where to go, and it hurts so bad. Tomorrow will be 21 weeks. I am happy to say I’m doing much better. I’m still camping. I’m still seeing beauty everyday. I’m still grateful for my life and the blessings I’ve been given. I just try to stay in the moment now, and be present. That is all I can do. You take good care. Suzi

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi, Suzi,

      I am so sorry of your loss of your dear sweet co-pilot, Mochi. He was very special. I hope your heart heals a tiny bit as time goes on. Mochi is always nearby, keeping an eye on you and your husband while you continue your travels in your cozy Casita. You are in my thoughts and prayers. ❤️ **Hugs**

      • Suzicruzi says:

        Thank you Denise. You must have seen one of my IG posts. I wasn’t sure anyone here followed me there. I was waiting for a new thread from Sue to post my story here. I hadn’t mentioned who I lost, here yet. But, I suppose there’s no point in keeping it to myself any longer. I’ll post once there is a new thread from Sue.
        Hugs back. Suzi

        • Barb says:

          Thank you for your reply above, Suzi. I’m sorry I misinterpreted your earlier comment. I should know better than to respond without all the information. I thought maybe Sue could fix it, quickly, but not to be. With no edit or delete button I’m just out here hanging like a fool. Learned my lesson, again. Love to you all.

        • Denise - Richmond VA says:

          Hi, Suzi,

          Yes, I check out your IG occasionally (guilty lurker 🙋🏻‍♀️). I had misplaced the address info and came across it a couple weeks ago. Happy to find it (and you), but saddened to hear about Mochi. 💕

  79. Barb in Florida says:

    Hi Sue, Reggie & Roger. Hope you are doing just fine.
    Sue, would you please delete or edit my last comment for me? If you edit, please remove: “It sure is not easy….and the rest of the paragraph & this comment too, please. Thanks!
    Wishing you a beautiful day!

  80. Elizabeth says:

    Little update…Hubby is slowly making some progress…it is a step forward and several backwards some days…but there is hope now. Nothing to report on our move yet…am working on dejunking, paring down and packing what I can at this point in time. More to sort though…being a pack rat!! Hoping all my friends here are doing well. Will post again later when there is more to tell. Thanks so much for all the prayers too…I am sure that is why we made it thus far!!

    • Dawn in NC says:

      Hi Elizabeth,
      So happy to hear that he is getting better, even if it’s slowly!

    • Barb in Florida says:

      Good to hear your husband is feeling better, Elizabeth. Wish I was close to help. I’ve got a ton of boxes :o) Sending love, hugs & prayers.

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi, Elisabeth!

      So happy to see your update. Glad that your husband is doing a bit better. Good luck with sorting and paring down. That is an enormous task; remember to take good care of yourself, too. Keeping you all in my prayers. **hugs**

    • weather says:

      Hoping for an update from you is why I checked in.Thanks for stopping in,I will keep praying for you and your hubby.

      • Suzicruzi says:

        Hi Weather. How have you been doing? Has it started to warm up back there yet? I’m in SoAZ and the days are longer and the sun feels more intense. It’s time to pull up the stakes and move, but not too far, or too high as I know early Spring moves are foolish. Spring is fickle. 🌷
        Suzi 🐾

  81. Karen LeMoine says:

    Has anyone heard from Sue lately? Wish she would pop in and say a few words.Miss her.

  82. Suzicruzi says:

    Hi, Has anyone heard from Rusty lately? I’d sure like toknow how he’s doing, and say hello. Thanks to anyone who may know.

  83. Elizabeth says:

    Just a quick update again, my friends. Well, our son and wife secured an apt for us near them which they will get the key on the 25th…and are setting up the utilities etc as well as gathering a few things for us to camp with till our stuff arrives (will take 12-21 days from when the movers come, which is sometime between April 1-3). Our plane tickets to fly back to NC are for April 4th. I just hope I can keep hubby going and staying well till then. He has improved some…had to have our car towed and fixed, so we can even have it shipped. Today he drove it home from the shop…first time he had driven since Dec 23…first time I had left the apt since Dec 23…long time. The Home Health folks have now dismissed him from their care…they feel they have done all they can and he improved quicker than expected from their viewpoint. He is on oxygen some…and I think may always need it some…but time will tell. So arranging to have it on the plane has been a nightmare…and there is still more hoops for us to jump through. I do think he could make the flight without it…but who knows how he might be at end of 5 hr flight. This, as in every other significant event of my life, has the joys and sorrows mixed in. It is killing me to leave my daughter here and her little kids…but we really have no choice. Without adequate medical care, there is simply nothing to be done. I put in an email to the doctor we have had here…and that was Feb 9th…still have not heard back. That is less care than we expect for our beloved dogs, folks. STEER CLEAR of this part of WA state if you want to stay alive…at least if you are getting older!! ALthough there has been several times our little granddaughter was also ignored from medical care. BEYOND BELIEF…I could write a book!! I will try to update later, once we are moved. ALL prayers are so appreciated!!!

    • Barb says:

      Hi Elizabeth – Thanks for the update. Sounds like things are moving along, which is really good to hear. I bet your husband felt like a free man driving again and to be inside that long….bet the fresh air felt good. Hope it was a sunny day. Any chance your daughter & grandkids could move near you? April 4th will be here before you know it. Take care of yourself, Elizabeth. Sending prayers for the whole family till we hear from you again. Love, Barb

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi, Elizabeth,

      It was so good to see your update. You and your husband have been on my mind and in my prayers. It sounds like everything (except your car repair) has been moving in a positive direction. Being able to get out into the sunshine and fresh air must have felt so wonderful! Your husband also must have been sonpleased to be back in the driver’s seat, regaining a bit of normalcy. I know this move will be bittersweet. So glad that your son and daughter-in-law have been able to help – that is a blessing. I know it will be so very hard to leave your daughter & grandchildren. You and your husband are a blessing to have been able to help them. Sending you love and hugs. Take good care of yourself, my friend. **hugs**

    • Suzicruzi says:

      Prayers, Elizabeth. Keep your faith and your head up. You can do this! I wish you and hubby all the best! You know, we left WA state too, after 28 years. You can’t look back. Keep your eye on the prize. Hugs,

      Suzi 🐾

    • Barb in Florida says:

      Thinking of you today.
      Hope all is going well and you have a good flight.
      Love & prayers to you & the family.

    • Elizabeth says:

      THANKS SO VERY MUCH, friends…for the prayers and concerns for us…I am sure that has helped us make it to this point. We flew out as scheduled yesterday to NC…and are now working to unpack and camp in the apt until our stuff arrives. Everyone has really put themselves out to help among our kin and I am very grateful. My son did a lion’s share of the work in getting out of WA apt…and now is hard at work on our NC one. SO we hope soon to make appt to see doctor here and get started on how to further help my Hubby too. I will keep you posted. I will now make clear WHERE we were living so as to warn any of you in that region that Providence St Pete’s there in Olympia nearly killed my Hubby. I tried to find ANY little town in surrounding area, up to an hour away, in order to stay near daughter there….nothing…ALL hospitals around that area up to at least an hour’s drive away are all affiliated with St. Pete’s in some way. So to the buyer beware!! Hope all is going well for all of you!! Later…when things slow down to a dull roar.

      • Barb says:

        So glad you’ve landed safely away from there into better conditions with family close by. Sending extra prayers for your daughter & grandkids that they stay safe. Love & hugs to you.

      • Denise - Richmond VA says:

        Hi, Elizabeth,
        Prayers were answered for safe travel. So glad that you and your husband are now home in NC. You all are in my thoughts and prayers. Take good care of yourself – sending you love & **hugs**

  84. Laura Ours says:

    Last thing I have seen from Sue is from Oct 2021, has anyone heard how she is doing? I hope and pray that she is doing well. Huggles to all who follow her.

  85. Suzicruzi says:

    Hello again Sue. It’s been awhile, and I fear I’m loosing steam. We are still on the road, but things don’t seem the same for me. I am still waiting for a new post. . . And if and when that happens, I will fill you and the others in. I hold to the premise that you still read all comments and enjoy them.

    We moved camps today to one of your favorites, and I can still hear your words; “I love the drive from Globe to Roosevelt Lake, and that first peak of blue when the lake comes into sight”. We tried and tried to find that “exceptional Boondock”
    you spoke of in your post of April 14, 2016. But alas we don’t have enough information. We settled on a fine site in Coati Lp in the Windy Hill CG. Much has changed Sue since you were in these parts. We were here in 2020, in Coyote loop, and we swore we’d never come back. Long story, but dirty diapers in the fire pits? Lots of unnecessary trash in the sites? With a host? But we did come back to escape a cold front higher up, and settled on Coati Lp which is clean, empty, and windy as heck! It’s 85° and we’ll take it. We were headed to a rendezvous in Payson, but there’s freezing wx coming in by Tuesday. (Spring I know!). We thought we’d hold over here. I wish I could pick your brains and find that Boondock you had so lovingly mentioned. But alas, no dice. I even looked at the surrounding landscape to figure out where that road may be. I’ll perhaps continue our journey in the next post. Cheers all!

  86. Cat Lady, outside Baton Rouge, La. says:

    You and the boys are sorely missed, Sue. I hope you will come back and let us hear how y’all have been doing since we last heard from you. Take care.

  87. weather says:

    Wishing everyone a blessed and happy Easter!

  88. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Sending happy Easter wishes to Sue & her Crew and all of her blogorinos . 😊

    • MB from VA says:

      Happy Easter Denise! I hope you are doing well.

      • Denise - Richmond VA says:

        Hi, MB! 🙋🏻‍♀️

        I hope you had a nice Easter, too! It is hard to believe that we are already in May. I will be so glad once the pollen settles down! I hope things are well in your part of VA. Take good care of yourself – so nice to see that you popped in to visit on Sue’s virtual porch! 😊

  89. Sam in the Ozarks says:

    Happy Easter and Love to you all. I have a home in a woods on a ridge top in nw Arkansas. The pesky grey squirrels have run all the fox squirrels off but there is now hope. My daughter lives near by and has a small grey cat named Windy that spends part of her time around my house. There is a large pine tree in my front yard that I can view through my kitchen window. The other day I heard a commotion outside like all the squirrels were barking. Windy had two squirrels trapped in the top of the pine tree and every time they tried to come down, Windy would fly up the tree after them. After a while she and her friend, Ginger went over to watch the birds coming in to the feeder. Two days ago, I was watching through my kit window and a pileated woodpecker was tearing the bark off of an old pine stump. Then the woodpecker flew to the big pine tree. about 50′ up. Something was on the other side and peeking around the side. It was Windy and every time she moved to the other side, the bird would too. The bird was about three times bigger than Windy came back down the tree. Windy is always up to something Sam in the Ozarks

    • weather says:

      Gee your place sounds really nice Sam.The way you describe it so well shows that you enjoy nature and the creatures there , good for you. I hope you had a blessed Easter.

  90. Suzicruzi5@gmail.com says:

    Hi Sue, and Diann in MT. I was just reading a post from February 2018 and bookmarked “Jimmy Joe Campground” on Rosebud Creek out of Roscoe, MT. Diann described it so nicely that I am curious to find it. Happy Easter!

  91. Beth Crawford says:

    Hi Sue and Crew. I hope everything is going well for you, I worry when we don’t hear from you for such a long time.summer is coming so maybe we will hear from you soon. I miss all of your shenanigans!

  92. Karen LeMoine says:

    I’ve given up on Sue ever coming back. Hope Im wrong.

    • Cat Lady says:

      Oh ye of little faith 😸. I’ve still got my fingers Xd

    • leilani says:

      Well, after eight months and not even a comment for her regulars who keep asking after her welfare, it would certainly seem that she’s ghosted her blog.

  93. weather says:

    Happy Mother’s day to all who have taken care of young ones, kids,pets and all.

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Thank you, weather! Happy Mother’s Day to you, too!

      I hope all is well for you and your Crew, and that you have been enjoying the Spring happenings at your lake.

      This year I have been blessed to have a crow family nest in the very top of one of my lob lolly pines. I cannot see the nest, but have observed them bringing nesting material and then food for the little ones. I saw a juvenile this week visiting one of the bird baths. The bluebird couple’s first brood has fledged. I am amazed that they had a nest so early. We have have temps below freezing quite a few times this Spring. Mr Bluebird still likes to check on myself & Gracie pup. If he does not see me sitting at the kitchen table working, he will tap on the window. Once I say good morning and thank him for checking on us, he can get on with his day. It is a pretty special start to our day. Not everyone has a bluebird tapping a hello on their window….usually starting at 5:30. 😊

      • MB from VA says:

        Oh my goodness….what a sweet bird story! Bluebirds were my mom and grandfather’s favorite bird. He was always so happy to see them. When he was young (born 1898) we had a winter so severe that many of them died. He loved seeing them make a comeback.

        And crows are just too funny!….as long as you don’t have a garden. LOL! I used to have a family who waited for the horses to finish eating so they could get all the droppings….we had several very sloppy eaters and the crows knew just who they were and which part of the fence I hung their buckets on. They were always there waiting for me and fussed if I was late. LOL! Truly…very intelligent birds. And the sounds they make go way beyond “caw-caw”! Enjoy!

        Have a wonderful day one and all!

        • Elizabeth says:

          Haha, crows are probably in most places in the world, and quite interesting they are too!! Here it is the songs of mocking birds that start the day…a lovely way to wake up as they are great singers!!

          • Denise - Richmond VA says:

            Hi, Elizabeth!

            The mocking birds are so talented. I am glad that you have such a wonderful start to your day!

            I hope you and your husband have settled into your new home. Keeping you all in my prayers and sending **hugs** 😊

        • Denise - Richmond VA says:

          Hi, MB!

          Yes! The crows have quite a vocabulary. I have heard some of those other calls before – now I know who they belong to!

          Our bird friends learn quickly where to find choice seed or leftovers! Putting out seed and water is such a small price to pay for the enjoyment they provide!

          Have a wonderful rest of the week MB! 😊

  94. Mary Battaglia says:

    Hey Sue 👋
    Hi there! I have not sent a comment since Nov 2021. Been a while! Life is rolling by so fast…the years seem shorter! Where have all the decades gone? Of course I wonder how you and your pups are doing…hoping for the best for everyone. We are hot in Louisiana lately….staying inside with the AC as much as possible. Keeping the blinds and curtains closed, fans running full time! We have a few vegetables growing; we harvested green tomatoes to ripen in a paper bag. Many more on the plants. We have 2 cucumbers- crispy and so tasty! Only 1 yellow squash. The cantaloupes are very promising as there are many that may mature before bugs get them! They are up a fence trellis and suspended in slings from panty hose! They are quite nicely sized 🙂🙏 Only 3 carrots but looking good! 2 beets look iffy. And 2 strawberry plants have green strawberries if
    we can keep the birds away!
    Our butterfly garden is wild and thriving! The bees help when they can and the B. Fly Milkweed is plentiful with seed pods bursting… collecting seeds to try to spread the milkweed around! The lizards were an ongoing problem but we chase or relocate them often.
    Just waiting on Hurricane season to see if we will have serious threats. Always “fun” times evacuating to friends houses as needed. (Good Friends!!!)
    I just wanted to say hello and do think of you, remember your posts, pictures and pups-not to be forgotten, and honored always for your spirit! Thanks for sharing so much of your life through your posts! I will have my shared lost/found dog Maggie here from Florida for Thanksgiving-she has 2 families and they have put us in the wil to the nherit Maggie should they both pass on…I am honored! Maggie is lucky!! 🙂

  95. Melissap says:

    I just stopped in hoping for a new post or an update.
    Has anyone heard from Sue?
    I hate to sound so stalker-ish. Reading her blog at one point was a big part of my own only escape in a hectic life. I’m very grateful for the years of posting she gave us all.
    So, if you stop in to read comments still THANK YOU SUE!
    A big hello to you and everyone else from Melissa in Washington state.

  96. Joule says:

    WHERE is this woman ???? I have been following her blog for ages and now…. she’s disappeared. I wonder if she’s even still alive. How can someone have so many readers and not even bother to stop in for an occasional hello. There must be something
    wrong here. Why would she do this if something were not wrong. Maybe she’s ill.
    I’ll keep checking back. But this is INSANE ! Sue… if you are actually reading this… how about checking in with a hello for all your loyal readers.

    • Toni Brightman says:

      My feelings as well.

    • Barb in Florida says:

      She’s probably just sick of blogging. She sure picked a interesting time to slow it down, with all that is going on. Not one post about any of it. Just think about that. Nothing. Did she see/know what was coming and it was too controversial? I’ve tried making comments that I thought would surely get a response & nothing. I don’t get it either, but we don’t have to answer to anyone in life if we don’t want to. Only Sue knows. Sending love out to the universe – peace to all!

    • Toni says:

      I wonder if she’s still earning from Amazon through this blog?

  97. Gloria says:

    I guess we could post some controversial topics and see if it gets deleted. At least we would know if she is still alive 🙂

    • Barb says:

      I think just the fact that there is no spam is the indication she still reads and maintains her blog. Unless there are settings that only let approved blogorinos comment. I like that she left it open for us to chat to each other, to keep up with each other, but without the new postings things have changed to the point that it’s not Sue’s blog anymore but a few of us still wishing for what was. We did try to discuss some stuff in the news, sorta, but it got shut down by thinking this wasn’t the place for that. I sure would like to know what other blogorinos think about this crazy world we’re living in, but then think this isn’t really reality and none of it matters. And there in lies a possible reason for this blog to be done. Should we be focusing on living life, family, love, peace & gratitude for our existence. As you can tell I’m soul-searching, looking for some answers in life not just of Sue. It does have a leave-you-hanging moment that just goes on and on and on. How about it Sue? What say you? Love to the universe – peace to all!

      • Elizabeth says:

        We just lost a dear friend this week…I think he was only 61…yes, he had diabetes but otherwise was a seemingly strong man. But the hospital got ahold of him as he had a pancreatic attack…and somehow in the end he could not breathe…go figure…I feel very fortunate that my hubby survived the awful neglect in the hospital, a different location from our friend, but same state and not many miles away. I guess in all of life, what we experience first hand will help determine what we think about things. I am very worried about our country and have been listening to many on youtube…just ordinary little people like us…who are warning we should be storing some extra food, paper products etc. Maybe so…I am still not really moved in here and we don’t have enough room as it is…but at least I can take more care to be careful not to waste what I do have… Some of those I talk to are hoping that the Messiah will show up…we feel things are in such a mess, that mere men will never be able to fix things. HOW are they REALLY going to get covid gone, much less under control?? A real Pandora’s box it appears… Well, the best we can do is help the ones we are in contact with, however we can…whatever ways we can…that is 1 thing we can do!! To those who wonder, my hubby is SOME better at least than he was when we arrived back in NC in April. A long ways to where we wish he was, but we are grateful he is managing to get around with a cane etc. A couple doctors here want to help…some of it is good…some not so good. We really do have to speak up and declare what we feel about their ideas you know too…they are after all, only human too…and may or may not be helpful. Best wishes to all here. Yes, I miss Sue posting too…I enjoyed the way she wrote things and of course, being a dog lover too, I enjoyed those stories. I hope she is not ill. These days, that is a most valid concern!! I have gone back and reread some entries of long ago that MsTioga and George posted…remember him? I think I found Sue via his site someway…so long ago I am not sure…

        • Barb says:

          So good to hear from you, my friend. Glad to have an update as I’ve been thinking of you. Sorry for the loss of your friend. Doesn’t sound good about the hospital.

          We had an finger emergency and did not want to deal with urgent care or er. My first call the line was busy, 2nd call dr’s office would see us. Dermatologist had a great nurse practioner who fixed it right up – no stitches. No insurance, so $80 cash, felt it was a reasonable charge. Follow-up free. It really is awful folks can’t trust anymore. I felt the phone calls were help from above. Lucky the first was busy as the second call was what we needed and close and worked out so well in more ways than one.

          I too have been looking at things from non-msm points-of-view. It’s not just our country, it’s the whole world & lots of people are saying the same things. Mostly that we have been lied to for a very, very long time & what the various governments have been up to is awful. I guess I’ll leave it there as the 100 words I deleted were for you. Take care, Elizabeth. Sending you some hugs!

          • Elizabeth says:

            I think some doctor offices are helping folks out if they can these days too…which I so appreciate!! Here at least we have found such a place…well our kin knew of him!! So glad the finger was fixed well!!!
            Probably we feel a lot alike on some things, Barb…thanks for sharing…and your concern for us!! WE APPPRECIATE that…and wishing you well too and sending hugs back!!!

      • Steve Kaeseman says:

        Focus on the good, do what you can to legally change the bad and remember that we all have different views, but in the end we can all agree to disagree without insulting each other.

        Respect to all.
        Be safe and be Well and may the wind take you where you want to go, God Bless to all.

  98. Steve Kaeseman says:

    Sue, hope this finds you and the boys doing well and that you all are enjoying your lives to the fullest.
    We miss you, but only post when you feel like you are ready.
    Until then, may God Bless you and the boys.
    S. Kaeseman

  99. Joule says:

    I just decided to check back here. I am glad to see that people are still chatting with each other.
    I think Sue is no longer with us… and that the blog is just going on its own.
    What other possible reason would this woman have for not even stopping in to say HI !
    I mean…. after ALL these years ! THATS just CRAZY !

    I believe that something has happened and until
    we hear from her here… i will continue to believe just that.

    Good to see people chatting…. hope everyone is well.

    • Jolene/Iowa says:

      People have reported on here though that they have seen her post on other blogs during the time that we have not seen her here. I hope everything is well with her and the boys. I just wish she would post here though so that all of us knew from her that she is ok.

      • Cathie Laurent says:

        I followed Sue from the time she was living in one room of her house before she sold it. I really loved reading her stories and following her life. I guess I am mainly concerned something has happened to her. Not that it is any of my business, but would feel the same way if any of my “friends” just dropped out of my life.

  100. Barb says:

    Fellow Blogorinos, I’ve had a revelation that was born from Steve’s comment. I’ll try to be brief. I’ve long had a love/hate relationship with the internet. There is so much out there, but here, I found the good/love. I thought I had to read the whole blog & comments before I ever commented, which I did. It left me feeling late to the party, but let me learn a little about you and many other things. Over the last months you may have sensed this in my comments. I loved it here, I felt welcome and a part of something unique. Sue’s lack of postings gave me something I still can’t put into words, but now I see the answers I was looking for were in my own comments. Did we all meet here in this time and place for a reason? Just know I love you all and we may meet again somewhere.

    Dear Sue, I apologize humbly & sincerely for trying to coax, cajole, nag or bully you into making a post or just to simply comment. I kept coming back thinking this was where I found this love, maybe some answers could be found through you, as this is your domain. You see this from a different perspective than I do and that maybe you had some great wisdom you could share. We are all on a different path but the same journey through this life. I thank you for all you have given me here. Thank you for accepting me as a blogorino and letting me share a bit of myself with others. I feel I’ve shared enough or too much with unseen powers and I am done. My cell phone is gone and maybe soon someday the internet, too. Give Reggie & Roger a hug from me and think of this last message as a giant hug to you!!!

    Godspeed on your journeys. Blessings to the universe – Peace to all!

    • CherylinMI says:

      Barb, wise words to ponder. Thanks for speaking up

    • Elizabeth says:

      Wishing you all the best, Barb…hope all will be well for you, in whatever place you find yourself…at least in my life, I could never have anticipated being where we are at this time…nor do I necessarily think we will stay in this exact town/spot…maybe move down the road a bit, closer to our youngest kid…we will see. It has been nice to have this community here…and you have been very welcome with all your kind remarks to all of us!! I think it possible that the internet will be a thing of the past at some point in time…so all of us will have to re-adjust if that happens… I have had so much problems with my computer and cell phone…so if they go at some point, so they do…

  101. Joule says:

    IOWA … I just checked in here to see what was up and saw your post. You say that people have seen her post other places. How can they be sure it was her.
    I dont think so…. unless someone has proof. I sadly think that Sue is no longer with us and that for some reason… this blog goes on by itself. thats SO weird.
    I do think if Sue were around… she would stop in to say hi. Unless.. she is physically unable to do so. Anyway…. hope all is well with everyone. stay safe.

    • Jolene/Iowa says:

      I do believe there is a fee to be paid to keep this blog up. And all I can share is what I have read on here. There is a lot of public information out on the internet that people can find.

      Anyway, take care and I am still praying that Sue is ok.

  102. Dan says:

    Sue, I thought of you today and had to check in.
    Thank you Sue for your long time blogging. I have enjoyed it and even bought a Casita too. Still working though, no long adventures – yet.
    Hope you are well and happy.
    How is the tree? Does anyone know?

  103. Susan says:

    I, too, followed Sue’s blog for years. I am very disappointed that she has chosen to leave us all hanging. Very sad. In a couple of months it will be two years since her last post.

  104. Elizabeth says:

    I hope Sue is not suffering from post covid illness as so many are today (myself and Hubby included). Living alone in such times would be even harder I think. Maybe someone can find her sister and ask her if she is ok…and still just taking a break here.
    This weekend has been one of the best in many years…it has been over 13 years since all of our children and grandchildren have been together…so we are celebrating!!

  105. Suzicruzi says:

    Good day Sue, everyone. I’ve had time to think about this, so I’m sharing a couple of thoughts regarding Sue’s blog. I’ve followed along from the beginning, and then repeated reading some older stories when I needed a lift or perhaps new camping ideas. I’ve enjoyed Sue’s responses, and obvious participation in her blog and Blogerinos’ lives and comments. I was here for the stories, the doggos, and the camping lifestyle. I too enjoyed reading all of the comments. Without Sue here, the blog has lost its soul, if I may say that without insulting anyone. I find that when I visit the blog, I’m continually disappointed there’s been no word from Sue. And Sue, don’t get me wrong, I’m not at all upset that you haven’t written. Not upset, just a slight feeling of sadness that there’s been no closure. This blog and the stories of the travel and pups, fueled my participation here. I have stopped by several times a month to see what’s new, and my sadness over loosing my Mochi has softened some, but I haven’t had the spirit to write.

    I’ll continue to lurk in the shadows, but I won’t be writing unless the blog perks up again. I feel that the energy here really belongs to you, Sue. And without it, well, my energy here has waned as well. I’d still like to know how you and the boys are doing, if only a brief note and quick goodbye is what you feel like saying. I think by now you know how we all feel; we’ve loved your blog and what you’ve created here, but we also feel torn not knowing the scoop and we miss you.

    Please know I’ll always consider you a fun and engaging writer, and if you ever published a memoir I’ll sure be first in line for a signed copy. Give yourself a hug and the boys ear rubs from me. Wishing you the best of all life has to offer Sue, (and readers/Blogerinos),

    Fondly, Suzicruzi

    • MB from VA says:

      Beautifully said. It’s exactly how I feel too. I hope Sue is safe, happy and well.

      Love to all of you!
      MB from VA

  106. CherylinMI says:

    My sentiments, EXACTLY. Isn’t there SOMEONE out there who has a connection to Sue? Somehow get a wellness check, maybe? Just my crazy ideas…


  107. Susanv says:

    I agree – it is very sad that Sue’s blog has ended this way. All it would take “I and the boys are fine and enjoying life. I just have no interest in continuing the blog”.

    • MB from VA says:

      This is exactly why I’m worried that she is not OK. That is all it would take. But since she hasn’t, I am concerned that it’s because she can’t for some reason. In the past she has always let us know about boundaries, when she would be off line for awhile….even when she had bouts of depression….as we all do sometimes. Since she has always been so forthcoming, I am concerned about her. I hope I am wrong and that she is just having too much fun in her “at home” life to come here.

      If you are reading this Sue….I ended up having to stay at home and care for my uncle for now. BUT, because of your blog, the dream is still alive. Thank you for that. Love to you from MB, Bella and Molly in VA!

  108. Susan says:

    I agree – it is very sad that Sue’s blog has ended this way. All it would take “I and the boys are fine and enjoying life. I just have no interest in continuing the blog”.

  109. Joule says:

    I dont believe that Sue is OK. I cant believe that she would end things like this
    and just ignore the blog. However it is that this blog keeps going… i suggest that
    all of you folks who have become good friends with each other over the years… exchange email addresses because i believe that ONE day… you are going to come to this blog and it will be GONE…. and with it…… all the great folks you enjoyed chatting with will have disappeared too.

    Something is not right here… and there seems NO way to find out how she is. It just makes NO sense that she would just disappear like she has.
    Whatever is keeping this blog going is … at some point…. gonna end.
    I hope you all maintain your friendships before it does.

    Take care and i am still hoping for the best here…. but its getting dimmer all the time.

    • Jolene/Iowa says:

      And this is why I started a group on FB with friends from here so we still have a way to connect. We aren’t real active in there but the group is there. I keep hoping Sue will come back.

      Anyway if you are on FB and want to be in that group in the event that this disappears. The link is in my name.

    • Suzi says:

      Joule, I believe Sue’s Sister would pop on here to let us know if Sue was no longer capable of continuing. She has commented many, many times over the years and I do think, and hope, she’d let us know if there was “a need to know”. Otherwise, it’s Sue’s choice whether to blog again, or not, and I trust we will know something soon. I’ve prayed it’s not health issues! 🙏🏼🙏🏼

  110. Amie says:

    Hi everyone,a quick note to those worried about Sue.
    Today she contacted me and she is quite well, just really busy.
    Let’s be glad for her,and patient while we wait to hear from her on here, okay?

    • MB from VA says:

      Great news! Thanks.

    • Suzicruzi says:

      Thank you! Tell Sue we all say “hi”.

    • Elizabeth says:

      Thank you for the update!!

    • Susanp says:

      After worrying and praying that Sue was OK for almost a year, and supporting her Amazon account, to hear she is too busy to just leave “Hi, I am fine but busy” comment seems rude and arrogant. I sincerely hope she continues to have a nice life.

      • Toni says:

        I agree, especially if people are still ordering on Amazon with Sue getting commission still.

      • Aimee says:

        It costs hundreds of dollars per year to keep this spot open for those of us wanting to have a way to stay in touch with each other,and the combined sales through the Amazon link are barely (or not even) enough to cover that.

        However praying for her is wonderful of you , appreciated,and effective.

  111. Beth Crawford says:

    Thank you for telling us. I am so glad she is ok. I’m sure she will tell us all about it some day. Until then I will check back here for updates from everyone else.

  112. Deena in Phoenix says:

    Thank you for letting us know news about Sue. I am very happy that she is busy. I don’t care with what just extremely glad that she is busy and still with us. I check most every day to see how we are all doing. Prayers are given daily for All of Us. I have many new great nieces and nephews and will be starting to read RVSue from the beginning next week when I have some of the 5 & 6 yr old visiting week days for a few hours. Zo had told them about the tales of the black and white dogs and their Mom traveling around the west. I also support Sue’s through Amazon, I hope it still accepts our support. I am doing well even though my mobility is getting more difficult. Reading and doing puzzles and waiting for the new babies this year and next. I’ll keep peeking in and praying for ya’ll!

    Take Care

  113. weather says:

    Hi everyone. The queen of England died today. I cared a great deal for her and some of her family,as well as some bloggers living in England .May she rest in peace with her beloved husband.

    • Deena in Phoenix says:

      I always felt a closeness to Queen Elizabeth and to now King Charles. Her wedding was the first I every saw even though it was a film clip and I was born in January 1948 so I grew up with him. I had scrapbooks for both. I saw a sketch somewhere yesterday evening of Philip sitting on a bench with a hand out to Elizabeth as she join him of a park bench then both white haired heads leaned into each other. They are together again. RIP.

      Take Care

  114. As my daughter and I drive around Arizona, we often comment about RVSue and her Crew….where she camped, her dogs Briget and Spike, and now Roger and Reggie. Although she no longer blogs, we figure she is getting on with her life….especially since she stopped traveling. Running a household is a full time job hence being extremely busy. I do wonder if the chicks are now laying eggs or if Roger is okay after his teeth surgery. After all we sort of become virtual family once you’ve been following her for years. Readers and blogger begin to know one another and consider themselves friends. Good to read Deanna and Weather are checking in. I often wonder about other readers and how they are doing so I’m glad some are still posting comments. I’m thankful that Sue left her comment section open for us to communicate. I’m sure she reads them when she has time. Good night everyone and stay safe.

  115. Sam in the Ozarks says:

    God bless you, Sue. I have been rereading Rvsue and crew and today I read Jan 9,2013 Foreworned is forearmed. The comments were interesting about God’s spirt leading us.When my wife, Nancy died I buried her in a little country cemetery. Her favorite flower was the Cherokee Rose. After the service, I sat in my pick up for a long time and prayed. I said, I know there is a reason for all of this, but I just wish I had some flowers to put on her grave. Then I said, I just can’t go back the way I came so I turned and went down the country road the other way. After about a quarter of a mile, I saw Cherokee Roses growing on both sides of the road so I got out and filled the back of my pick up with them and I went back and covered the grave with them. Thank you Lord

  116. CherylinMI says:

    God bless YOU, Sam! You just put a few tears in my eyes! Good tears for my Dad & Mom. Blessed memories! THANKS!

  117. weather says:

    Hi everyone, including Sue if you happen to check-in.
    Praying all are well,and though it’s a day early,
    Wishing Sue a really Happy Birthday!
    Blessings and love, weather

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi, weather! Great minds think alike! I hope that you and your Crew are well and that you are enjoying your lake and little slice of heaven. Sending you love and hugs. xo 😊

  118. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue!

    Happy Birthday! Enjoy your special day! 🎂 🎉

    I hope you, Reggie and Roger are well and enjoying your home and maybe some truck camping.

    Sending you love and hugs from me and Gracie pup. xo 💕 🐾

  119. weather says:

    Hi everyone,for those of you that celebrate Halloween,enjoy it.We don’t have any children that come hoping for candy where I live,do you? I had some sherbet with chocolate syrup after lunch 👍,,did you do anything special?

    • Suzicruzi says:

      Hi Weather, nothing special here. Seems our whole life is trick or treat anyway, so it’s just another mile down the highway today. Our daily treat today was discovering a new section of Texas and making some new friends in Marathon. It seems like a place we’d love returning to again and again. I was actually just popping on here to see if the comment section was back opened, and here you are!

      Hi Sue and boys!

  120. Jolene/Iowa says:

    Hi Everyone!

    Gearing up for winter here in the midwest. The older I get the less I enjoy it. Doing an extensive redo on parts of my house due to termite damage. Big job! Hope you all are well!

    Got flu shot and most recent C booster this past week. Had about 12-18 hours of a mild reaction and then can’t even tell I got the shots. With all my year round allergies, it is a necessity for me to get them.

    Been reading lots of great books this past year. I have discovered some authors I really like and been blessed with finding many of their books free or very reduced in price.

    Also have been looking forward to the next season of The Chosen coming out soon. If you haven’t watched it yet, look for The Chosen app on your phone.

    Take care all!

    Sue, praying all is well with you and the boys! It would be great to even see a comment from you from time to time. We miss you!

  121. Sue says:

    I am not a regular, but started reading her blog some time ago. I have been checking in every month or so since her last post. I have finally come to the conclusion that she has passed and no one has access to her blog. Her writings were so informative and interesting and she is really missed by me and probably many others. Thanks for the memories Sue.

    • Aimee says:

      Sue is alive and well,she just has a case of “writer’s block”.

      • Sue says:

        Thank you for your response Aimee, that sets my mind at ease. She has no obligation to continue this blog at all. She has already given me and others so much pleasure sharing her life and travels with her crew. I wish her well.

      • Jolene/Iowa says:

        Aimee, I am curious how you know this? RV Sue said no emails, no visitors. How is it that you know this information?

        I hope you understand the skepticism here due to so many trolls on the internet. I think all of us would feel better if Sue herself would just come on and say hi herself. None of us expect a blog post if she doesn’t feel she can do it or wants to do it. We just want to hear from her she is ok.

        • Calvin in Columbus says:

          Sue, not Aimee, posted that.

        • Aimee says:

          Hi Jolene, simplest answer to your question is that RVSue and I are friends quite apart from her blog.

          • Jolene/Iowa says:

            Hi Aimee,

            Fair enough. Then can you explain to many of us wondering, what is so difficult about coming on the blog and posting a simple comment from time to time from Sue? I think this is what so many are wondering about.

            We have loved her and supported her for many years. We love her fur family. To suddenly have her stop even commenting on here has been heartbreaking. I have known how to reach her since she bought her house and have respected her wishes to not reach out. Many of us are just sad to not even hear a comment out of her but yet hear about her commenting on other blogs. Honestly, many have wondered whether she wanted to upset us so we would just forget about her.

            Please know that we have just been concerned and are sad not to hear from her anymore but yet you come on here and say all is well and Sue is doing well. Thankful for that but why can’t Sue come on and say that?

        • dorothy persson says:

          Funny Amiee first posted Sue was ok under the name AMIE not two ee’s. Sorry folks, writers block, busy and all the other ridiculous excuses don’t fly and most of you know it. Something is very wrong. The way she chatted with folks here, commented and wished them well in tragedies, her love of animals, her care of Rusty and George Tioga. No way would she just never ck in and say goodbye to al her blogorinos. So I don’t believe a word of it. She is gone.

  122. Aimee says:

    Jolene,the only reason I commented on here was to try to gently ease the hearts of ones concerned. It’s not my place to explain why a friend makes the choices she does.Wishing all that gather here peace and joy,I think it’s best I no longer post comments .

    • Susan says:

      Aimee – I don’t think I have ever seen you post on this blog before. There are several on this blog that have contact with Sue. Some have seen her post on other blogs and commented here so we knew she was OK. Somehow, your post just doesn’t ring true.

    • Aimee, thank you for letting us know RVSue is okay and well. I’m not sure but I believe she might not live at her last address any longer or at least a year from what I understand. I and many others wish her well.

  123. weather says:

    Hi everyone, I want to wish all who still gather here a blessed and happy Thanksgiving!

  124. weather says:

    Hi everyone, I want to wish all who still gather here a blessed and happy Thanksgiving!

  125. weather says:

    Hi everyone, I want to wish all who still gather here a blessed and happy Thanksgiving!

  126. Jolene/Iowa says:

    Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

    I hope this finds you well and that you will find something to be thankful for in every day not just on Thanksgiving!

  127. Suzicruzi says:

    Hi Sue and Reggie and Roger. I wanted to wish you a joyous and peaceful Thanksgiving. We are in cold, windy New Mexico. I remember a post with Reggie’s ears blowing backwards, and I know you weren’t a fan of the harsh desert wind either. The sun is shining though, and I had a warm shower at the bathhouse, so I’m grateful for the small things today. Thank you for your blog Sue. I still read its pages like a good novel.

    Hugs, Suzicruzi

  128. Mary Burt says:

    Aew you and the crew ok, been a long time sense a post from you.

  129. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Good morning, Sue and my fellow blogorinos,

    I hope you and the your crew are doing ok and have been enjoying life.

    I miss the special community that was created by Sue’s blog. I think of Sue and so many wonderful folks daily.

    Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! May your blessings be many and your troubles be few. Sending love and hugs to all! xo

    • weather says:

      Thank you Denise.The community we became part of here will always be a part of me, like a loved one in life,our contact may lessen yet the richness it’s added to my life remains as a blessing.

      Merry Christmas everyone!

  130. Jolene/Iowa says:

    Merry Christmas to everyone!

    I sure do miss what this used to be. Happy New Year also to all!

  131. Laura Ours says:

    Not sure if our RV Sue and Crew will see this or not, but I wish her a very Merry Christmas 2022! I also wish everyone who follows this chat a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  132. Steve Kaeseman says:

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all, May God Bless you and yours all the days of your lives.
    Abe safe Sue and crew, hope this finds you all doing well and enjoying life.
    Take care.
    S. Kaeseman

  133. weather says:

    Wishing everyone here a blessed and Happy New Year! I hope and pray that something really special surprises each of you, and you find much for which to be thankful.

    • Elizabeth says:

      Wishing you, Weather, and everyone here a much better year this year!! One can hope. We are holding our own here living back in NC again. Hubby has begun some laser treatments on his back and legs which we hope will net him some help. We both have had help from such on our knees…lovely to have release from pain. So some good we have found moving to this location. Our days are mundane for the most part…but not complaining…that beats problem days!! Hoping one day Sue will feel up to posting some again too. But understanding that often the “real world” keeps one silent.

  134. weather says:

    It’s very nice to hear from you, Elizabeth!
    I’m glad you and hubby are doing better.
    This has been a mild winter so far here in central NY state, it’s good to see the days steadily gaining more minutes of sunlight too.
    I hope and pray that you are and remain feeling well and blessed.

    • Elizabeth says:

      Glad to hear from you, Weather…and glad your weather has remained mild…here too in central NC…no snow YET…so that helps. Though I do enjoy looking out at it, it is too hard for us oldies to get around in. Hope you are feeling blessed too!!

  135. Frank Billings says:

    I just heard that Sue has passed on. It happened quite some some ago. Reg and Rodger dodger too. RIP Sue

    • Beth Crawford says:

      Please tell us how you heard about this.
      We have all been waiting for Sue to show up.

    • Jolene/Iowa says:

      Just not quite sure I buy this Frank. Until we hear from a source that we know and trust on here, I will wait for confirmation. I grieve the loss of the blog family we had on here but not quite there yet to grieve Sue and the boys.

      • Suzicruzi says:

        Agreed Jolene. I would think Sue’s Sis would have come to tell us, and then shut the blog down. Something’s not quite right with this latest comment. Let’s wait and see.

    • Pauline Nash says:

      My sister Susan is alive and well!!! She and the crew are enjoying their non traveling house. She has loved fixing the place up to be her own. Love gardening and refurbishing second hand finds. I will let her know that you were all concerned. Thanks to those who have reached out to me.

      • Jolene/Iowa says:

        Hi Pauline,
        There is one of the trusted voices I was waiting to hear from. Thank you for the update. Please share with Sue that we love and miss her and are so happy to hear she is doing good!

      • Suzicruzi says:


      • Beth Crawford says:

        Thank you for the good news !
        Please tell Sue we love her And are very glad that she is having fun.

      • Denise - Richmond VA says:

        Thank you for the update Pauline.

        I hope you and yours are well, too.

      • weather says:


        What a treat seeing you here is!Thank you for reassuring everyone that Sue is doing well.I hope the rest of your family and you are also well.We in central NY State have had a primarily mild winter ,and I’m looking forward to a hopefully lovely springtime. Praying for and sending well wishes to you and yours,

      • S. kaeseman says:

        Thanks for the update, glad to hearSue and crew are having fun and doing well.

      • ANTOINETTE Toni says:

        Is she planning on making an “appearance” herself to address us? Is she planning on saying good-bye herself and shutting the blog down? She should.

  136. Jolene/Iowa says:

    Hey Everyone, Just a reminder again if this blog ever does get shut down, if you click on my name, it is a link to a FB group that some of us are in.

  137. Dorothy says:

    Thank you so much Pauline. We are all relieved Sue is ok and understand she is no longer interested in blogging. Just a few sentences to that effect would have sufficed for most of us loyal readers. We felt like we knew her after so long and miss her. But obviously she knows that. Blogorino signing off.

  138. Toni says:

    Why doesn’t she just shut the blog down? She could have let us know something. To day I’m disappointed in her is an understatement.

  139. weather says:


    What a treat seeing you here is!Thank you for reassuring everyone that Sue is doing well.I hope the rest of your family and you are also well.We in central NY State have had a primarily mild winter ,and I’m looking forward to a hopefully lovely springtime. Praying for and sending well wishes to you and yours,

  140. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Thank you for the update Pauline.

    I hope you and yours are well, too.

  141. John McDonald says:

    God bless Sue for all the joy and adventure she brought to so many over the years.
    Cheers, John, Duluth, MN

  142. Deena in Phoenix says:

    Thank you Pauline.
    I am one is thankful that RVSue and her Canine Crew Blog is still live. I look in most days to check on others, to see the familiar names and the give blessings that all is well in their world.
    I appreciate all that Sue has and is still giving to us, her fans. When I walk my visiting furniece, I think of Arboretums, lakeside laydowns, brotherly love with a new best bud. Watching news about the weather, my mind’s eye goes to so many places of the west that I had never been except through Sue’s camera and words. Amongst my own screensaver video are interspersed scenes of the RVSue and Crews travels.
    My blessing of hope, joy, care, warm wishes and love are for with my family, friends and many of those electronic friends here. This is a wonderful place because of the positivity, generosity, friendship, giving of self, companionship and yes, love that started with RVSue. Well Done, Sue.

    See ya later

  143. Paula Kay Dattilio says:

    Sue, are you still around, I haven’t heard from you for a long while unless I’ve messed something. Can anyone help me to find her? Thank you!

  144. weather says:

    To all my friends and fellow blogorinos-

    May God shower you with blessings, peace and love this Easter and always, I miss and think about you often,

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Happy Easter, weather!

      May your blessings be abundant. I miss you, too. When the weather forecast calls for snow in NY, I always think of you. Take good care of yourself. Sending you **hugs**

    • Elizabeth says:

      We miss you too, Weather!! We are hanging in there…nothing of note to mention. SOME of the noisy neighbors are moving out…YEAH!!! Cannot believe how much quieter it is already!! THAT is welcome!!

      • weather says:

        A quieter neighborhood can be suh a sweet blessing,I’m glad for you! Always good to hear from you, keep smiling dear lady.

        • weather says:

          To Sue and everyone else who is/has been a Mom (to a human or animal)

          Have a Happy Mother’s Day,
          Love, weather

  145. weather says:

    Hi Sue and everyone,,
    Did you notice that where this note is placed is by itself rather than where a reply to someone would ordinarily be?My point is that for awhile one wanting to leave a comment could only have it appear beneath someone else’s comment as though it were a reply to them. Now it will appear by itself and we will know to whom it is written. That’s an improvement , thanks Sue ( I’m guessing it was you that changed it.

    Hope all are well and blessed, weather

  146. Barb in FL says:

    Came to say I was thinking of you yesterday and your old neighbor lady. I’ve used her wisdom many times. I picked the right day to pull 15 gallons of weeds. Sometimes I’ll set my mind to do something and decide – It’s not the right day for that. So thank you, Sue. It sure was nice to learn that from her thru you.

    Hope you’re doing well. MIss everybody here.
    Love & hugs to all!

  147. Laura Ours says:

    Just stopped by to say Hello to Sue and all who visit here. Hoping everyone is doing well

  148. Deena in Phoenix says:

    Hello, praying everyone is safe.

    Deena in Phoenix

  149. John says:

    Just saw your June entry. Looking forward to your next camping trip in your truck. How are the temperatures at your place? Duluth, MN has been pleasant, even a bit below average temps I think, but in a drought.
    Cheers John

    • Suzicruzi says:

      Hi John, sadly Sue’s June post was 2 years ago, back in 2021. We all miss her, but have to assume she’s having a good time being a homeowner again and staying in one place again. As far as Arizona temperatures, they are off the charts this Summer. We didn’t stay, and migrated way, way north. But it’s even hot up here. Hope you are well,

      Cheers, Suzi

  150. Emily Fagan says:

    So nice (and really surprising!) to be digging deep among treeper comments about life these days and see yours this morning. I hope you and your canine crew are happy and well.

  151. Deena in Phoenix says:

    Watching the Arizona Family News on Channel 3/5 this evening. Surprise, Surprise Discussion on the Boyce Thompson Arboretum. Such sweet memories of Crew’s conversation of their visit and Bridget’s pronunciation of Arboretum. My nephew still recalls the day.

    Hope all is well with Everyone.

    Take Care

  152. Cat Lady says:

    09/06/2023: Happy Birthday, Pauline. Hope it’s a good one. Hi, Sue and boys.

  153. Suzi says:

    Hello Sue, and Crew. Birthday month for you and me, YAY! Happy Birthday! Celebrate all month long like I do. Ha! It is also a sad month for us, as we will be thinking of Kitty who died suddenly 2 years ago on October 18. I relive that day all the time, and we just still miss him dearly.

    Speaking of missing, 2 years ago, on Larry Birthday weekend, also in October, we were camping at Luna Lake. It was frosty and beautiful there. It had just closed officially for the season, and we were the only ones there. Every morning we heard elk bugling very close by. We used to walk and see if we saw any of them but never did. One morning I took a longer walk, along the road, and just kept going. I looked across the road to a familiar scene. Very familiar. I stood for a long while, with head bowed, silently speaking to the soul of a very precious girl, whose final resting place was nearby. You know Sue, it was a very emotional few minutes. When I got back to the casita, I looked something up. Sure enough, I was right. 🌈🕊️🐶

    Life throws lots of curves in our paths, and we never know from one day to the next what’s going to happen. Larry and I are off the road for the Winter as I’m about to have a knee replacement and we needed a house to heal in. Things have a way of working out, and I feel fortunate to have a place to roost while I go through this other than in an 80 sq ft camper. I am less than thrilled about being back in the cold rain and grey skies for the next 3 months. But on the horizon I am looking at Death Valley in February. It is something fun to look forward to and work towards during my rehab. AJO is a long way to go from here in the dead of Winter, so I’m planning fun things along the way. I wish I could kidnap you and bring you along Sue. We’d have a few good laughs about all we’ve learned in the past 5 years. July 9, 2018, that was our pick-up date in Rice Texas. That also means I’ve been following you for nearly 7 years on this blog, and I have read every post, more than once. Every so often, I come here to see if I’ve missed anything, and to perhaps scroll a few old posts just for old times sake. I miss your writing Sue. I miss my old friend Reggie, and Roger too. I hope you are well and thriving,

    Hugs, and then a few more. Suzicruzi

  154. weather says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUE !!! I hope it was wonderful in every way that you wanted it to be. Hugs each of the boys for me
    Love , weather

  155. Laura Ours says:

    Today is Nov. 12, 2023 and I am thinking of our RVSue and wondering if anyone has heard anything from her? I am hoping she is doing well. I miss reading her posts so very much. I hope everyone that follows here is doing well also. Thanksgiving here in the USA will be right around the corner and one thing I am thankful for, is RVSue. Her posts make me smile. Huggles to all!

    • weather says:

      Hi,Laura, I miss seeing new messages from Sue,too..When she was telling us about her new campsites and the dogs antics many of us shared parts of our lives,too . While I am glad Sue no longer feels she has to share everything she does with us,I do miss all the blessings that this blog added to our lives.
      Happy Thanksgiving to all,weather

      • Suzicruzi says:

        🩷 Same sentiment here too, Weather. I miss our community of sharing. I’m glad all is well with you. Happy Holidays to you!

        • weather says:

          It’s really good to hear from you,too😊.
          While I really do miss our community on here, I am more glad that we had it than
          sorry it’s diminished as much as it has .
          I think one blessing that came to us by having had a gathering place that’s still here yet just isn’t the same is a reminder-
          Cherish those you love in this world,they won’t always be here,
          Hugs, weather

  156. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Good morning Sue and my fellow blogorinos,

    Sending Happy Thanksgiving wishes to all!

    I count Sue’s and all of the wonderful folks who gather here as a blessing.

    Sending love and hugs to all. Denise & Henri pup (my baby boy Westie) xo

    • weather says:

      It’s nice to see you here, Denise.Would you like to tell us all about Henri? love and hugs to both of you, weather

      • Denise - Richmond VA says:

        Hello, weather!

        It makes me so happy to see your reply! I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving! 😊

        I will be happy to tell you all about Henri pup, but first I must explain how he joined my little family.

        December 27 last year I suddenly lost Gracie. She was fine that morning, full of love and mischief. She had a grooming appt with a new groomer. When I picked her up she was stressed & panting. Gracie did not settle down after we got home. Something was not right – I took her to the vet. Gracie had undiagnosed congestive heart failure. We had just been in the week before for her physical. Gracie was gravely sick. My vet said things were so dire that he did not expect her to make it through the night. I held Gracie for over 2 hours petting her, telling her how much she was loved and that she was such a good girl. The vet gave her meds in hope that they might help, and then sent me home with more Rx. He said that Gracie had been so healthy and tough that maybe she would surprise us. By the time we got home my girl was gone. Gracie was just shy of 13 1/2 years. Like her sister before her, she decided when it was her time to go home. I did not need to make the decision. This happened so fast with no warning. I am so devastated.

        In January I reached out to the local breeder who was the owner of Gracie’s dad to let her know what had happened and also to ask if she would have a litter late this year or in 2024. You know, time goes on…for everyone. The breeder and her husband are now retired from their 9-5 and are questioning whether they want to continue to breeding. Most of her fellow breeders are scaling back or discontinuing completely. She shared info on a couple breeders that I had been researching and would let me know if she had any news to share.

        I was so very sad and lost without Gracie pup. She was my little shadow – always by my side. I had researched many breeders and ended up with 2 who checked out. I was on a wait list for a female pup from an anticipated December litter. The other breeder did not expect more litters until the early Spring 2024. But….she had a litter of 3 males. She shared pictures and videos of the three boys. I kept looking at them…and thinking…and praying for guidance. I asked my two girls what they would think if a brought a baby boy into our family. They both thought it was a good idea – they would have fun helping to boss him, ahem, train him from rainbow bridge.

        July 3rd I found out the little guy was still available and in the wee hours of July 7, my little boy was home. He had a long car ride from Arkansas. And then my broken heart started to heal.

        Henri is a sweet little guy. I nicknamed him my little sack of beans. He is crate trained and lets me know when he has to go out. When I get to the crate, he is snuggled with his bear, pretending to be asleep. After I put on his collar he literally “falls” or oozes out of the crate, dead weight, like a little sack of beans. He still does this every time, silly boy! Although my little 7 lb sack of beans is probably over 11 lbs now. My sister says that Henri is my little bushel of beans!

        It has been fun watching him see and learn things for the first time. His first lightening bug, a fall leaf drifting down in front of him. The housebreaking is coming along. Henri has no fear. The first night he was home he jumped off of the ottoman. He about gave me a heart attack!

        I love my little Henri pup dearly. It truly is a blessing how everything fell into place. I knew things would work out only if/when the time was right. Henri will not take Gracie’s place, but loving him is allowing my heart to begin to heal. I still am brought to tears thinking about or talking about Gracie. Things are getting better though.

        How are you doing? Are you still by the lake? Do you have a warming box outside for the feral cats? They know you are kind and mean them no harm. I think of you often….with your personal Swan Lake! 😊

        Thank you for the love and hugs, weather. Sending you love and hugs from me and Henri pup! 😊💕 🐾💕

        • weather says:

          Oh,Denise,I quickly read your reply and felt so relieved when I saw “then my broken heart started to heal”. Your Gracie will always be in your heart,and now Henri is there to make you smile, how wonderful! Yes, I still am by the lake, however I don’t have any feral cats at this time,our swans normally come around here just before Christmas,thanks for reminding me about them, I’ve been considering buying a camera, May that thought will persuade me to,.
          Be well and truly blessed , weather

  157. weather says:

    .Hope everyone has a blessed and Merry Christmas,. with love… weather

  158. weather says:

    If you Google I’ll be home for Christmas.RvSue and Crew you can read a post Sue once published on a busy Christmas Eve ..
    Enjoy and be well, weather

  159. weather says:

    May you be given a truly Happy New Year,
    Love to all, weather

  160. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Happy New Year, Sue and my fellow blogorinos! 2024 is here!

    Sending wishes for peace, health, and contentment for all of us. You all are in my thoughts and prayers. Sending love and hugs to all, Denise & Henri pup. 💕

  161. Gary Clampitt says:

    Happy new year Sue and all the blogorinos. I miss you all. I am doing better than I deserve. My camper is fine and I sometimes take my daughter dog, Cassie and go to the White River where there is a nice camp ground for $10 a night with senior discount. There is trout fishing there so I don’t need to go any place else. It’s just 18 miles from my home. I love you all. God bless you all. Sam in the Ozarks

    • weather says:

      Trout fishing sounds like a nice way to be outside enjoying nature,I’m glad you get to do that . It’s good to hear from you again! May God bless you with peace and joy,

  162. Suzicruzi says:

    Happiest new year Sue and bloggerinos. 2024 has a nice ring to it I think. I am just lurking here once in a while to check in and see if there’s news. Larry and I are spending a very odd, very rainy Winter in the PNW this year. I had my knee replaced and we found a house to occupy while I go through my rehab. We are now just about ready to pack up the Casita and head South to warm up and spend the rest of the Winter in Arizona. The knee thing has been the least fun thing we have done in the past 5 plus years. I hope the whole thing is a distant memory very soon. I’m sure some of you have had this done, and I’ll bet you’ll agree that it was nothing to brag about. Larry has been a fantastic caregiver and I have been most grateful. But it is time to blow this joint and get on with seeing the country one dirt road at a time. (And find some sun!) Wishing you all continued good health and joy in your hearts. Let’s make this our best year yet!!


  163. weather says:

    Thanks for staying in touch Suzicruzi, it’s nice to hear from you.I pray that your recovery from the knee surgery will be thorough so your travels can be done without pain.I hope you will keep us informed about your travels this year.. weather

    • weather says:

      Hi Sue and everyone, I hope all’s well with you.
      Here in central NY state we hardly had any snow until very recently.Now it’s been snowing,with strong cold winds almost constantly.
      Winter’s finally beginning to display it’s beauty outside .
      Wanting to see a charming
      wintery scene while I’m warm
      and inside my home I used Sue’s link to go to Amazon .
      I bought a sweet painting called Let’s Get Together
      The artist’s name is Nicky
      Hoping everyone be blessed with good health and happiness,love, weather

      • Eliza says:

        Weather – thank you for your posts – always so warm and gracious. I hope you are not being hit with too much snow now – I am west of Chicago and it has been extremely cold, but not so much snow – we don’t get th lake effect unless there is truly weird weather. Happy New Year!

        • weather says:

          Hi Eliza, thank you for writing such a sweet note to me.Here in central NY
          a few places recently got quite a bit of snow.However there’s currently no snow in my yard primarily because it’s been too windy ,the snow blows through without landing.The current temperature here is 7 degrees.
          Fortunately our wildlife here adapts to wintery conditions very well. I see birds every day and they appear to be enjoying themselves despite the cold.They set a good example for folks that at times grumble about winter being their least
          favorite season here.
          Stay warm and happy, weather

    • Suzicruzi says:

      Hi Weather, 😍. I haven’t checked in for a while, have I? Thank you for the sentiments. My surgery and recovery went well thank you, and after 12 weeks we were back on the road. First to Death Valley. We timed it just perfect to get caught in the atmospheric river that washed through there on the 3rd of February. We got evacuated from our remote CG just in case that road washed out. We did have a memorable time, I assure you. 😅 Including wading in the salt flats, come lake, that is Badwater Basin. What a thrill!

      Now we are Wintering in Ajo, AZ. 🌵🌼. It’s an early Spring with blooms already, and such warm days! Loving it!

  164. weather says:

    Hi, everyone! I hope each of you has been able to enjoy this season! It’s been such a mild winter in central NY that I anticipate our wildlife being quite prolific this springtime.

    My friend with the antique store was asked by her daughter to adopt a kitten ( her cat had 3) . The kitten finds their kitchen table to be a pleasant place to stretch out for the day. I was offered a kitten from that litter . Amazingly I said it wasn’t the right time for me to adopt a little ball of fur. …
    . This winter I have seen and enjoyed so many feathered .creatures that I am considering a pair of birds for my next
    roommates ..
    Hoping you all can also look forward to something lovely,

  165. weather says:

    Hi, everyone! I hope each of you has been able to enjoy this season! It’s been such a mild winter in central NY that I anticipate our wildlife being quite prolific this springtime.

    My friend with the antique store was asked by her daughter to adopt a kitten ( her cat had 3) . The kitten finds their kitchen table to be a pleasant place to stretch out for the day. I was offered a kitten from that litter . Amazingly I said it wasn’t the right time for me to adopt a little ball of fur. …
    . This winter I have seen and enjoyed so many feathered .creatures that I am considering a pair of birds for my next
    roommates ..
    Hoping you all can also look forward to something lovely,
    weather P.S. hope we all play nicely together

  166. Elizabeth says:

    Hi Weather and others here…surprised the blog is still up. We are soldiering on here, with more than enough stress to go around this past year. You know, the kind of stress that is not necessary is what affects us so. But some things one can solve. After way too much stress from the cell phone company, our son helped set us up with the one he uses which is MUCH cheaper too (MINT). If only all stress could be managed so!! But we are still managing to live without a great lot of help from our kids so we are grateful. Hubby has to have some laser surgery on 1 eye in a couple weeks. Supposed to be minor. I continue spending my time tending to him, researching many things, health-related especially. And have begun work on some jeans my daughter gave me, requesting I make a jean quilt for her as I did years ago for her siblings. So we will see if my less than perfect eyesight etc will cooperate. And so it goes…hope all here are doing well, thanking Weather for keeping things going here.
    Hugs, Elizabeth

    • weather says:

      Hi, Elizabeth,thanks for visiting us here.I imagine the quilts you make are quite nice and appreciated. I have a couple of antique quilts that I purchased ,they really can add a sense of warmth to a home .hugs, weather

  167. Deena in Phoenix says:

    Happy Valentine’s Day to Everyone!

    Hugs and Blessing, Deena

    • weather says:

      How sweet of you,Deena, thanks,I hope you’re well and happy.It was a snowy,blustery and cold day here yesterday, I did have a bit of chocolate though so I felt blessed, it’s good to see you here, weather

      • Deena in Phoenix says:

        Thanks weather. I am well and happy. Need to start looking for new housing as my niece roommate wants to start living alone when our lease is up late July. Her Mother, my youngest sister by 18 years, is going with to visit various independent living facilities within my budget range. The twenty that I have setup viewing haven’t (or won’t) given me costs, so just looking what’s out there. We are having late 70 and early 80 degree temps so it has been nice to be outside working on those “steps” my family insist I walk. Had a wonderful evening with Sister one step up from the bottom of the sibling roster and her childhood/college friends seeing Mandy Patinkin in concert. My Sister thought I would enjoy because I used sing musicals while I did my chores. She got a 100% “You were 100% correct” fist pump.

        weather, take care, stay warm and continue having blessed moments. Deena

        • weather says:

          May your next dwelling be easily found and a place that is good in all ways for you. I pray that God give guidance to all involved , weather

          • Deena in Phoenix says:

            Thank you weather. I’ve got great siblings that will be assisting in the next steps. God is always looking out me as is anyone or thing that is out there. LOL Deena

        • Anon says:

          Just wanted to butt in to address the cost thing. My dear mother-in-law was totally taken by her facility. Started out in independent apartment @ $5K+per month, moved to assisted living @$7K+ per month. The memory unit cost over $10,000+ per month. She was there really before she needed to be at their insistance. I do believe they knew she had money saved. Long term care insurance only went for three years and should’ve been saved to the end, but you never think they will live that long with Altzheimers. Ten years she lived there. I asked a place in FL what there costs was and they said $3K+. If they won’t give you a price, move on! Good luck to you!

          • weather says:

            It must have been hard to see what your dear mother- in-law went through.I hope in time you can focus on the good times she had in her life , weather

          • Kathy says:

            Thank you for telling about your MIL’s costs. Wow! Just two years in the memory unit would be almost a quater million dollars. I wonder if they do a credit search before? Thanks for the “focus” on the money & nothing of what “she went through”. Well, except her savings.

  168. Wow the comment section is still up and running 🙂 Happy belated new year 2024 everyone! Here in Phoenix, we already heard the thunder for the first time…so I got up and stretched as the bears as they wake up from winter slumber. It seems I’ve slowed down a bit partly because the threat of covid still out there and I can’t enjoy many of the activities I use to attend. No, I didn’t, have not, gotten covid…knock on wood. I did have a reaction to the Moderna vaccine…I developed the purple, scaling toes that itched like crazy. No real treatment yet so I was given cortizone ointment. The symptom finally went away a few weeks ago. I had the purple toes for about five months. My sister on the other hand caught covid twice. The first one was mild and she recovered with no side affects. Then she attended a wedding and caught covid a second time from a woman who was asymptomatic and gave it to all those at the wedding (apparently a lot of hugging went on). My sister is now experiencing fluid buildup around her heart…she has experienced heart attack like symptoms twice and had to be rushed to hospital. She found out the woman to passed covid to everyone is also having fluid around her heart issues. So we think those fluid around the heart symptoms are the side affects of covid. I researched google and some articles allude to inflammation on heart when in have viral infection that may cause fluid buildup around the heart. I’ve read many other symptoms people have developed due to covid infection. I’m not sure what my sister’s doctors will find and to treat her condition. Right now they gave her pills to drain the fluid but we’ll know more once she sees her cardiologist. So yeah, I’m staying close to home away from crowds and keeping my hands clean and wearing my mask when it’s crowded. So take care all and be safe.

    • weather says:

      Hi Rita It’s good to see a comment from you
      I’m glad you didn’t get Covid and sorry your sister did
      I hope you stay safe and in touch with us on this blog

    • Josie says:

      So sad to see so many taken by this jab/mask hoax.
      Even my own family that now have health/heart issues.
      Please, everyone, they have lied. Big time.
      Big pharma and all invested have made $$$!
      Our media is corrupted.
      Prayers for you all!

  169. What the heck? says:

    So there is a moderator.
    Is it you Sue or did you sell us all out?

    Why don’t you just shut it down?
    Don’t shop through here.

  170. Bob from Florida says:

    Hello everyone and Hello Sue.
    This is my first time posting. I have been lurking for years, but I have always followed this site. I just felt the need to express some of my feelings.
    It has been eloquently expressed by others a lot better than I can, but I pray that this site will continue. Sue, I want you to know that I have read every post and every comment more than once. I have followed you from the first days of your preparation thru today. You have given me more than I can express in words and I so appreciate what you have given to me. You are loved by so many and some do understand why you have not posted for some time. I am so saddened by those who seem to need to express anything negative. I hope you are truly happy and living the life that you so deserve. I will continue coming here as long as this site continues to be. It does not cost anyone a thing and what you have given us is so much. I would hope that those who are upset with your absence will be able to appreciate what you have given of yourself and have a little understanding.
    Again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for giving of yourself for all these years.
    There are so many who truly love you.
    God Bless!!

    • Suzicruzi says:

      You couldn’t have said it better. This blog and comment section is a blessing to all who continue to participate. We must let the naysayers dampen our spirits. I feel there is a good reason the blog has not been taken down. ❤️

      • Suzicruzi says:

        Typo: “must not”. Not must.

      • Bob from Florida says:

        Thank you Suzicruzi,
        I also follow your Instagram site and it is such a joy to see all the great places you have been. You have also given everyone such pleasure thru your site. Your pictures are always amazing and it brings life to places that you have been.
        Thank you for sharing

    • Deena in Phoenix says:

      Welcome from lurking, Bob from Florida! It is a pleasure to read your words.
      Deena from Phoenix

  171. weather says:

    Thank you Bob from Florida! It’s great to see someone express the appreciation that Sue deserves.God bless you,too

  172. Suzicruzi says:

    Hello dear Sue and the boys,
    Just checking in and sending some good vibes your way. After a cold, wet Winter in WA recovering from the knee replacement, we hit the trail in late January. (See my reply to Weather above). Now we are enjoying the community that is lovely Ajo. We are just drawn here year after year, and now have dear friends here; both snowbirds and Ajo residents. It’s just a quirky, sweet little town with an unexplainable charm. And this desert!! It’s the greenest we’ve seen in many years. Unbelievable really, but oh so lovely. A friend with 4×4 took us out to Hat Mountain and it’s covered with brilliant yellow poppies out there already. Truly amazing! To say, “I wish you were here” is an understatement.

    I hope all is well and that you are enjoying “retirement number two”. I bet your home looks lovely. What, it’s been almost 6 years now? Sending hugs your way,

    Suzi and Larry 🕊️🐈‍⬛ and Kitty in spirit.

  173. Bob from Florida says:

    Hello Sue and all the bloggerinos that still faithfully come here,

    Since I have broken out of my lurking shell I would like to share another observation about this group.
    My wife and I are retired and travel quite a bit in our RV trailer. I have followed many blog sites related to RV travel. There have been and still are some great sites. This is truly one of them.
    The thing that has always amazed me and warms my heart, is how everyone here truly cares about one another and supports each other thru the good and the bad. I have not found any other site where caring for one another is more openly displayed than here.
    Sue and boys have certainly been the love that binds, but it goes much further than that. It would not exist without the core group of bloggerinos that so care for each other. I applaud all of you who so easily extend your hearts to others and have become like family to each other. It gives hope to the rest of us.

    Thank you Sue and Boys for making this possible.

  174. weather says:

    Hello again,Bob from Florida,it was a pleasure to eead your appreciative note above this. I think Sue led us to care about each other by being open about her own life so we felt free to be open about ours, too.We shared
    triumphs and sorrows,and through it all grew to care much like loving families do. , weather

  175. weather says:

    Eph.4 be kind to one another
    Always a good idea…I may be away from keyboard for a bit
    All’s well, just think I will let others respond to comments for a while, weather

  176. Susan says:

    Almost 4 years since Sue posted. Giving up.

  177. weather says:

    Now that I have taken care of a few things can respond to
    comments when I see a new and friendly one, weather

    • Suzicruzer says:

      Hi Weather. We are down in Organ Pipe Cactus NM. Do you know where this is? It’s lovely and warm with a cooling breeze here today. I wish I could post a photo. We are all the way South about 6 miles North of our Southern Border in Arizona. We have come for 6 years now during this time of year. The Sonoran desert is just one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been. It is exceptionally green here this year. It’s about 76°, mostly sunny with big puffy clouds and a light breeze. We have a huge Saguaro that stands sentinel over our Casita. We try to book this same site each time as it’s on the end, faces East, and we have a clear view out into the desert with no one between us and our view. Lots of little Gambels Quail run about talking loudly, and Coyote sing to us in the evenings. Yesterday morning, the Milky Way graced the early morning sky along with the Big Dipper, Jupiter setting, and Venus rising to the East just before sunup. It is hard to find any flaws with this part of the desert. We’ve been on a few hikes and the poppies are in abundance, the purple Lupine poke up in the patches of yellow, and orange Globemallow add splashes of contrast. I’ve captured hummingbirds feasting off two of their desert favorites, hot pink Penstemon and the red Hummingbird bush. The desert thrives, as we do when we are here! Cheers!

      • weather says:

        What a great experience you’re having, good for you!
        I camped there a few times long ago.I have lived in California and New York state .So a gorgeous place to camp on the cross country trips was always a nice break from driving.Nice to hear from you,may you continually be blessed, weather

  178. weather says:

    Did anyone who reads this besides me follow Tioga George’s
    blog when he was still here on earth ? hope all are well, weather

  179. Suzicruzi says:

    Hi Sue and all,
    Here’s a link to a photo on my Instagram travel page, of a beautiful Ajo Lily I spied on my morning walk yesterday. The desert has been blooming for a month already (early), but it intensifies daily. Hope everyone is having a great day today. Suzi


  180. Hello blogorinos, I follow other bloggers besides RVSue’s blog and found an interesting comment in Travel with the Bayfield Bunch, dated March 21, 2024. So, I had to check this blog out to see if by chance there is a new blog! Nope don’t see one but I do see Weather, Deana in Phoenix, Suzicruizi had recent comments…always love to read the comment sections in every blog. I also had to chuckle when I re-read the blog post about when Roger went missing for a day…he was found in the trailer in Sue’s back yard lol. The whole time Reggie knew where his buddy was hence no sign of distress from Reggie lol. As I was reading the post, I also remembered Bridget and Spike. Spike always made me laugh….remember ‘ring around Spike’?

    I hope all is well with everyone. Take care and be safe.

    • weather says:

      Hi Rita, it’s good to see a comment from you!With the recent posts about blogs we used to see publishing daily “news”(best one RVSue’s),Al from the Bayfield bunch
      mentioned Tioga George,
      another great one that I enjoyed “chatting” on.Iifren wonder what the bloggers I followed are doing now.I hope you,and they, are well and happy, weather

  181. weather says:

    This may not be a big deal for anyone who doesn’t live where winter is cold and snowy, however here in central NY state it’s big news.
    I just heard the first robin’s song of the year! I’m all up in my happy world,and hope you are,too. 🤸weather

  182. Big says:

    I used to follow his blog. Some sad stories on that blog. I think I heard of Tioga George from following RV Sue, who I got connected to via a Casita forum I think.

  183. weather says:

    If you Google – RVSue post If not for you -you should see a great picture of Tioga George
    It’s good to see you here Big, weather

  184. weather says:

    Wishing one and all a blessed and happy Easter, weather

  185. Deena in Phoenix says:

    Hi Everyone! I have been watching the Total Eclipse on NASA and CBS. I am thinking of you weather as it seems like you are in the direct line for a great view. I am envious. Enjoy.

    Take Care Ya’ll.

    • Suzicruzi says:

      Hi Deena, it seems a few of us trickle in from time to time. I did watch the eclipse from SoAZ. I figured out how to cover my phone camera lens with the viewing glasses and I got a cool shot. We only had about 64% coverage but it was still pretty neat. I looked down and I saw shadows on the patio in little half moons from the sun peeking through the leaves on the hedges. I took pictures of those images too. Nice to see you here. Suzi

    • weather says:

      This was a great place to see the eclipse, however for the hour of the total eclipse our cloud cover was so thick one couldn’t see the sun or moon,though it did get dark for a while at 3:35 pm , I imagine what you saw on tv wa cool , too, weather

  186. Suzicruzi says:

    Hi Sue and friends,
    Here’s another link to a couple of photos taken recently. I’ve been working hard at rehabbing my new knee. There are valleys and there are mountains involved in getting my life back to where it needs to be. I hope all are well out in Bloggerino-Land.

  187. Elizabeth says:

    Yes, Weather, Hubby and I did follow Tioga George…still miss him and his quirky and interesting blogs. I think we “found” RVSue there…although I read a few of her posts prior to her leaving her former life. Enjoyed reading along here too…sad it is not active, but as we age, life indeed changes for us all. Sometimes there simply is not enough energy to do one more thing…how well I know. Hubby and I feel we have aged at least 5 years if not 10 since Covid and all that happened to us. But everyone is given only so many days…though we have no idea how many we have, we have had our lives spared so many times, and I am glad to report that Hubby FINALLY has regained some walking ability at least inside the apt…which helps so much. (He fell, dragging me down too, and falling partially on me, last November. Have to say, I am doubtful we will totally recover but any improvement is helpful). Day by day we just go along the best we can. We so far are able to take care of most needs in this small town so only need kids to help for doctor appts that are out of town. Hope all those here are doing ok these days!!

    • weather says:

      Despite the struggles in life you mention what’s improved
      It’s really good to hear from you again, I am grateful this page is still available to connect with one’s we’ve known for so long on.may you be blessed, weather

  188. weather says:

    Happy Mother’s day to all it pertains to 😊
    Hugs and blessings, weather

    • Suzicruzi says:

      Happy Mother’s Day to you as well, Weather. And to RVSue and Blogerinos too. We all care for others in our daily lives even if we don’t know it. A smile, or hug, or some other acknowledgement is often all that is needed to change someone’s day for the better.

  189. weather says:

    A song I heard is so-o nice I thought some of you might like it, too. Just google Brad Paisley We Danced to find it .-weather


    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi, weather!

      Thank you for sharing that song. It is very nice! 😊

      I hope you are doing well and that your little slice of heaven is full of bird and animal sightings. Are the swans back this year? There has been lots of change in my neighborhood. Several houses have sold and the new owners have taken down healthy trees. Next door, a pair of owls were displaced. They had nested there for many years. For a while they hung out in my backyard or down the street. I hope they found a safe place to call home. Hawk & crow pairs have also been displaced. It makes me sad to see this happen. Not only do the trees provide nesting places and food for wildlife, they provide us shade, sound buffers, and a healthy environment.

      Henri pup had his first birthday last month. He is such a joy and a bundle of energy! This morning he tried to eat a live wasp. I think it stung him a few times in his mouth. I bribed him with treats to finally get him to drop it. Thankfully he has not had a bad reaction, I gave him some Benadryl just in case. My little beast loves flowers. When the lilac was blooming he had to smell the flowers every time we went outside. The same with roses and hyacinths and even clover.

      Sending you, Sue, and all her blogorinos love & hugs from me and Henri pup. Even though we all do not visit on Sue’s virtual front porch like we used to, I think of you all fondly, remembering past conversations and Sue’s adventures. I hope everyone has a safe holiday weekend. Never forgetting those who have sacrificed all for our freedom. **hugs** xo 💕

      • Suzicruzi says:

        Denise! So happy to see you’ve stopped by! It’s been awhile, ‘eh? All your bird stories reminded me to tell y’all that Larry and I are volunteering at a visitor center in the Chiricahua mountains in SE Arizona. This is an area (big riparian canyon), in the path of migrating birds. We’ve been getting a huge education here, mostly by the returning visitors. We’ve enjoyed it so far.

        I’m glad you and Henri Pup are doing well.
        Cheers, Suzicruzi

        PS, Sue, I’ve changed my email. You’ll see it.

        • Denise - Richmond VA says:

          Hi, Suzi!

          What an awesome place to volunteer! If you get a chance, let us know what your favorite or most unique sighting has been. Just the other day there were 2 birds high up in the trees in my backyard. They were calling to each other. I had not heard that call before. I did not have my phone with me or else I could have recorded the call and search Audubon. They flew off and of course I did not see them. I hope they will be back!

          I was so happy to see your note! 💕 I am glad that you have healed and recovered from your knee replacement. Take good care!! 😊

          • Denise - Richmond VA says:

            Hi, weather! Wow!! Having the swans close-by was so special!! I love when we get the opportunity to observe creatures up close. I had a red nosed lizard sunning himself on the gutter downspout. Today I saw a lizard that has the bright blue tail; he was zooming around between potted plants on the patio. My first sightings of the season!

            I was so happy to see your note! 💕 Sending you love and hugs from me and Henri pup! xo 😊 🐾❤️

          • Denise - Richmond VA says:

            Sending you love and hugs from me and Henri pup! xo 😊 🐾❤️

      • weather says:

        Hi Denise, the swans were here during the winter,so close to the lake’s edge in my backyard that it was like walking beside them rather than seeing them from a distance.
        Your neighbors interfering with the birds habitat is beyond inconsiderate. … Few people
        care more about wildlife than their idea of
        landscaping, hugs to Henri&you, weather

  190. Belated Happy 4th of July says:

    God Bless America – Land that I Love
    Stand beside her & guide her
    through the night with the Light from Above.
    From the mountains, to the prairies,
    to the oceans, white with foam.
    God Bless America – My home sweet home . . .
    God Bless America, my home sweet home!

  191. weather says:

    Hi, everyone.I. am feeling grateful.A tornado came within a few miles of my home but didn’t affect our community.I hope you all are doing well,, weather

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi, weather! I am so glad that your home and community were spared. A host of heavenly angels are watching over you. I hope you are able to stay cool during the high heat days. Seems like there are more scorchers than not. Yesterday evening I had several small, light bags of groceries. As I brought the last bag in I was drenched in sweat, my clothes soaked. Whew! 😓
      We have had some pretty good rainstorms the last few days. We needed the rain so badly. I cannot remember a time when the rain was warm. It used to cool things down a bit. Our upcoming weekend will have mornings in the high 60s. A golden opportunity to be up early to get things done to beat the heat! I hope everyone is doing well and is staying safe in this heat. Drink lots of water. If you do not have a/c maybe consider going to a library, community center, indoor shopping center or store, etc. Sue: How are your roses doing in this heat? Sending love and hugs to all from me and Henri pup! xo 💕

  192. Elizabeth says:

    So glad you and your area were spared, Weather!! Is some very nasty weather out there this year, for sure!!

  193. It was because of RVSue that I finally traveled highway 395…what a beautiful drive with many points of interest. This was the year 2019 when my youngest sister Sue was still alive. She called me one day and told me to pack my bags…’we’re taking a road trip up highway 395!’ she said. I was beyond elated. First stop overnight stop was Victorville where we toured a route 66 museum. The lady told us a locomotive call Big Boy was going to stop around noon. So we stuck around to see it huff and puff into town. What an awesome sight. We tent camped in various camp grounds, made side trips to bristle cones, mammoth Lake, mono lake, and even tour the movie museum in Alabama Hills and watched a parade downtown. We hiked, ate good food, cooked over the open fire. We traveled in October so it was a tad chilly at night but we didn’t care…we just layered more clothes on and we were fine. We went all the way to Lake Tahoe, Reno, Carson City, Fallon and back down a desolate road in Nevada back to Pahrump and into Las Vegas. It was the last trip I took with my sister Sue. On November 27, 2020 my little sister passed away. I think of RVSue when I think of my sister Sue. Sister Sue loved to travel and we took many trips together and I have that to remember. Looks like it’s been a while since anyone commented on this blog. I hope everyone is well and wish you all good health.

    • Suzicruzi says:

      Good morning Rita. This was a touching story and I thank you for sharing. I’m sure you miss your Sister Sue. I think we always miss our loved ones and not a day goes by that we don’t think of them. Aren’t you glad you have this great memory of your last and wonderful trip together? I have always found road trips very bonding. My GF and I used to take long weekend road trips together when I still lived in the PNW. We’d head to the mountains or the ocean and stay in a cabin for several days while hiking and exploring together. We’d giggle in bed at night sharing stories. Those are some of the things I miss the most about giving up “that life”. Full time road life really changes things. It’s amazing Larry and I have survived each other living in 80 sq feet for 6+ years. 😉 Also, loosing Mochi-Kitty has changed things for me too. A house is not a home without our little animal companions. I miss him everyday. We woke up to 36° this morning in El Morro Nat’l Monument. Once again camped off grid without services or a cell signal. Just a week ago, we came from 4 months of over 96° daily and often just over 100°. It was a hard Summer, although our hosting job at the Visitor Center was really a highlight.

      Now we are on the move once again, and our poor bodies are struggling to acclimate to the new season. It’s funny, because we used to lay in bed sweltering, trying to fall asleep back in Cave Creek, and we laughed about never complaining about being cold again. Yet here we are! 🥶🤣. We’ve had a hot coffee at the coffee stand, got some WiFi, and now it’s time to go hike. I wish you a fine day Rita! Good to hear from you. Suzi

      • Denise - Richmond VA says:

        Hi, Suzicruzi! Thank you for sharing your sweet memories of traveling with your girlfriend. You made so many precious memories. 💕 Six years plus on the road – congratulations! It seems like just a couple years ago that you were sharing with RVSue and her blogorinos some of your little family’s travels. I know you miss Mochi-Kitty dearly. Yes, life is so much richer with our animal companions. Enjoy chasing cooler weather. I hope your knee is fully healed! I hope you and Larry are well – sending you *hugs* 😊

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi, Rita! Thank you for sharing your sweet memories of traveling with your little sister Sue. You all crammed a ton of stops and saw so much in that trip! That being your last trip together makes it all the more precious. So many loving memories. 💕
      I understand. I lost my little sis Jennifer suddenly in March of 2020. She would visit for a girls weekend. We loved to go to our favorite vietnamese restaurant for dinner, check out the seasonal decorations at Home Goods, browse antique shops – searching for pieces to add to her hobnail glass collection, and always, always we would pick up frozen cheese enchiladas from Trader Joe’s – because that was our tradition. It was so much fun to spend precious time together. I hold those memories close to my heart. This was Jen’s favorite time of the year because pumpkin spice coffee was in season. I recently picked up some pumpkin spice cookies – the spice was very subtle. I think my little sis would have enjoyed one with her pumpkin spice coffee. I miss Jen dearly and think about her every day. 💕
      I hope you are well – sending you a *hug* 😊

  194. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hello Sue and her blogorinos!

    I hope everyone is well and that you are enjoying the start of Fall. We are still having wild temperature swings here; I will be glad when the cooler weather is here to stay! Henri loves when we have cooler days. We sit on the porch to watch the world go by. Life is good. Everyone in the path of the next hurricane is in my prayers. Please stay safe and evacuate the area.

    Sending love and hugs to all from me & Henri pup. 💕 🐾

  195. Laura Ours says:

    Hello Sue (I hope you see these posts) and her blogorinos,

    It is 10/08/2024 and I was going through e-mail folders I have and trying to get rid of some I no longer use and I opened the file I have for your posts and I got sort of sad that I have not seen anything new on your site for such a long time.

    I understand from previous comments that you are doing well and I hope and pray you continue to do so. It just would be so nice to see one post every once in a while from you. Even just once a year to say hello and to let your followers know you are okies.
    I miss your posts. I really looked forward to them. I just wanna say that you are missed, respected and cared for.


    • weather says:

      Nicely written Laura,I also miss the time so many of us shared together on this blog.I am grateful for that whole experience.It’s good of Sue to keep this blog available with all the info it has.Wishing everyone good times,

  196. Kathryn Ervolino says:

    Hi Sue, I still think of you and send positive thoughts your way. I watch this from a distance and I hope you are and the crew are okay. If you are able can you drop me a note to email below.

  197. weather says:

    Anyone care to share your 9/11/2001 memories?I will check back later to see,and maybe share mine, weather

    • weather says:

      never mind, today was an odd day for me, spoke to my brother who still has PTSD
      from the Vietnam war, hoping and praying for peace to be
      in the lives of all that read this

      • Suzicruzi says:

        Hello Weather,
        It seems you are the only one trying to keep this blog alive with current comments. I do check in weekly to see what’s new, but don’t often comment as I feel my travels may be irrelevant to many at this point. Currently we are enjoying Big Bend in Texas.
        * This is for Sue; We needed a new door on our Casita so back to Rice we went. We haven’t been East of Big Bend NP since we picked up our Casita in 2018, so it was quite the journey! Sue, I wrote while we were in New Mexico, wishing you a Happy Birthday, but it never posted. Verizon in NM is sparse at best. We had an amazing Fall in Northern NM and visited places we’d never been. Also, it is not lost on me why you have kept this blog open, (knowing it costs money each year). You chose this route as so many people wanted to keep their connections with your front porch crew. Many were not on FB, and many were afraid of loosing their connection here if you should decide to quit. Although the blog misses your stories, and photos of the boys, we have a nice community here should we want it, so thank you for that. Weather is kind enough to do her best and keep it alive for you. That’s a good friend.

        Back to Weather and the Blogerino family. It is good to hear from some of the regulars here from time to time. I’m sorry that I haven’t take the time to contribute this past year. It has been a year of firsts, even though we’ve been traveling for 6.5 years now. I’ve been on the road of recovery from my knee replacement one year ago, and I am living a full and comfortable life with it. I try not to miss a beat and I am able to keep up with Larry on hikes. It wasn’t easy, but here I am! We finally made it to see the Trinity site in NM, where the first atom bomb was detonated in a test. The open house for that is only offered twice a year. While we were up in NoNM we booked a train ride between Chama and Antonito, CO which was amazing! The Fall colors were at peak and it was an incredible sight to see while riding the old steam engine through the mountains, and over Cumbres Pass. We also found a different volunteer job for next Fall, at a nice BLM visitor center North of Taos. It will only be for 3 months, but that suits us best. We don’t care to be tied down in one place longer than that. The previous one we had this Summer in Cave Creek Canyon was great, and we hope to return there in Spring of 2025 for 2 months. It seems we got out of NM just in time for a cold snap that brought loads of unexpected snow! And Texas has been a wonderful surprise (for any of you Texans out here), we have been throughly blown away by the kindness, generosity, and politeness of the local characters out here. So much so in fact, that we have adapted our plans somewhat, and are going back to Marathon, TX to spend Thanksgiving with a motley crew we kind of got attached to while we were there last week. Being able to change direction, come and go without commitments, has its benefits in that we can stay if we are having fun, or go if we aren’t. Our next chapter as Winter is fast approaching, is to return to Ajo, AZ and spend some down time in the ever so lovely Sonoran Desert.

        I hope this finds you all happy and thriving. We only get one life to live, one day at a time, so let’s live it with all the joy and gusto we can muster. Each day can be what we choose it to be. For all the suffering out there, I choose to spread joy. For each new day we are given, we can give thanks, show gratitude, and spread love and kindness. Someone out there needs it. And on we go!

        • weather says:

          What a treat reading your message is
          Suzicruzi! You have a gracious and giving
          heart.Speaking only for myself -your
          travel reports are entertaining,and the last paragraph that you wrote with joy and wisdom especially touched my heart
          May you be well and truly blessed

        • Cat Lady in Baton Rouge says:

          It’s always great to hear from you. Glad you’re having an enjoyable experience with being a camp host. Take care.

          • Suzicruzi says:

            Thank you Cat Lady, also Weather for your kind remarks. Just to clarify; we are hosting at Visitor Centers which is a different type of volunteering than managing campgrounds. The later does not appeal to us. We love being informative and chatting about animal and bird life, hiking and attractions in the area. We hope to love this second opportunity as much as the first one!

            As a side note, it’s really Larry’s gift of gab, and his desire to give exact and reliable information to visitors. It’s fun for me too, because we have met so many new and interesting people through our first try at this in the Cave Creek Canyon of the Arizona Chiricahua mountains. We don’t know for sure that we’ll keep at it after our commitments in 2025, but we are keeping an open mind!

            Thank you ladies for following along. Now to get some of the others fired up to tell us their stories too! We all need to get caught up with each other.

  198. weather says:

    Hi everyone, many of us are familiar with a blog RVSue spoke
    about- Travel with the Bayfield Bunch. Kelly is going through
    a particularly difficult time with medical problems now,and
    could use an encouraging note,and prayers, too,if you believe
    those help.
    Hoping you all are well and enjoying life, weather

    • weather says:

      Kelly has decided to not purse further treatment except
      palliative care to keep her as comfortable as possible,I won’t write about her anymore,, anyone can reade
      Travel with the Bayfield Bunch themselves..
      Enjoy your Thanksgiving everyone, weather

      • Suzicruzi says:

        Thank you Weather for the news…. Life is hard for many. We all have things to be thankful for and now is a great time to tell your loved ones be it friends or family, how much they mean to you. Larry and I don’t have much in the way of material items, but we are rich with the experiences and friends we have made along our journey through life. I am grateful every single day for my strong and capable body to get me to the places I want to experience. I know many have less. I’d like to take today to wish everyone here on Sue’s blog peace in your heart for a life well lived. Life is our greatest gift along with the ability to feel love and joy along the way. I’m adding a small, silent prayer for Kelly, and anyone else that needs a prayer for peace today. Weather, thanks for keeping the comment section going. I’m sure Sue appreciates the lingering conversation here. And to Sue, Reggie and Roger may you find peace and joy too, and enjoy your time of thanksgiving.

  199. weather says:

    , Happy Thanksgiving everyone!I hope you enjoy whatever you eat and do today, weather

  200. weather says:

    Recently I said I would not mention the Bayfield Bunch again
    However a doctor told her she has about two weeks to live
    .Now would be a good to leave a note on their blog.
    May you all. be blessed, weather

    • Elizabeth says:

      Thanks for informing us about Kelly, Weather. We read them a lot in past days, especially when they were doing RVing etc. It is so sad these days…seems we have lost so many of our loved ones. We can at least pray for her and them in this hardest of times. Hope you are doing ok. We are still managing mostly. We are still hoping to find a better, quieter, more peaceful place to live. Blessings, Elizabeth

      • weather says:

        It’s so nice to hear you!I hope you find a nice
        and peaceful home.
        . Kelly passed away today..Al and three of her
        adult children were with her .
        Stay in touch sweet lady, weather

        • Elizabeth says:

          Thank you Weather…and so sorry Kelly is gone. But glad her suffering is over. Loss is always so hard to adjust to…I left my sympathy with her family. Will try to remember to check in here every so often.

        • cactuskate says:

          thank you for letting us know – I have been off of blogs lately so this is not timely, but I am so sad for Kelley’s family and grateful for you.

  201. weather says:

    Hi everyone today is December 21
    The winter solstice . That’s the day with the newest hours of daylight.Do their will be increasingly longer days after this
    Enjoy and be blessed, weather

  202. weather says:

    Hi everyone
    I don’t know how many of you celebrate Christmas.
    In any case I hope you have a really good day -weather

  203. S. Kaeseman says:

    MERRY CHRISTMAS to one and all, May God Bless you and yours until the end of days.

  204. Suzicruzi says:

    Wishing everyone here a very Merry Christmas, or whatever holiday you celebrate. May you all find many blessings to be grateful for in your year ahead. Larry and I are blessed to be spending our 7th Christmas on the road, in Ajo, AZ. Thank you Sue for suggesting sweet Ajo-town. We are quite attached to the community here.

    Cheers All!
    Suzi & Larry, and Kitty’s memory 🕊️🐾

  205. weather says:

    Happy New Years Eve everyone May this year be one in which you feel well and truly blessed, weather

  206. Deena in Phoenix says:

    Happy New Year’s Eve! May everyone have a safe day with enjoyment with family and friends abounding.
    Am now living at a senior living independent living center. Socializing, exercising daily, don’t crochet any longer but an now enjoying coloring books – lining my hallway according to the season/holiday, and using my telescope through my southwest facing windows; Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Actually set a new record on my Kindle for reading and completing 501 books in 2024. Next year maybe 550, LOL Another goal for 2025 is to learn to play the many ways to play Bingo and new card games. Am cat sitting and walking a few dogs so am getting my fur baby licks and kisses; love it their parents or parent goes on vacation and am always available to assist someone hospital or rehab. So much life and goodness occurring!
    We lost three spouses this year and have gain four Great Nieces and Nephews and three new spouse in the N&N Crew with three more GN&N in 2025.

    Prayers to RVSue, Weather, Suzicruzi and all the blogrings and their Crews.

    Deena now fives miles from Phoenix now in Glendale

    • Suzicruzi says:

      Hi Deena, loved your note and all your going on’s. You sound busy and happy! How on earth did you read 501 books in 365 days? Tell us your secret! Suzi

      • Deena in Phoenix says:

        LOL I was taught to speed read by my Parents and taught had to retain, learn and the relate info to others if they wished. It has been my greatest asset through life. I still learn a new word, animal, historical fact or a science related subject ever day. It has now become something for discussion at the evening dinner table with Folks of many ages north of 75. And I have an Amazon Kindle Tablet with a subscription for Amazon Unlimited Books, My Sister and Nieces have gifted me these items for my love of learning. Goodreads keeps the stats so I keep apprised weekly of my status. Like have a lollipop after a vaccination. LOL Kindle travels with me always and we are now starting a Kindle Book discussion group starting next week. It has been fun sharing and seeing peoples reaction to different font sizes. I am enjoying Life….the Turtle only makes progress when he sticks his neck out….My collection of 2000 turtles have been bringing joy to many as I decorated my stroller with them and I tell everyone that I am taking them out to see the world and make new friends, The secret – forward, smile, read and share life. Thanks for the question! Have a Great Day, Suzi


  207. Suzicruzi says:

    Happy New Year to all who come here on Sues blog. To Weather who keeps the blog active with her words of wisdom, and Sue who keeps paying to keep this blog up. I feel this is truly Sue’s gift to all of us who want to continue on despite her absence. Sue, I hope your life is fulfilling in ways we can’t possibly know, and that you find peace in the everyday life a home and community offers. And to all the others who comment or lurk here hoping for a glimpse of news, may this new year that is upon us bring you great joy in the little things. For me, for us, it’s the little things. Living in 17 sq ft teaches you what’s important in daily life. How you (we) manage those things is what brings us fulfillment.

    The network of people and places we’ve found along our way has tied us together like a web. Our journey has built the two of us into a tight fitting unit, and those connections we’ve made in 6 and a half years has tied it all together for us deepening our connection with the land and universe. I look out my three wraparound windows as I type to you, and the sunrise is stunning. It’s very centering and grounding. There is not a sound except our fan blades whirling softly, and the coyotes singing earlier. This is peace. This is connection. This is joy.

    To all of you; I wish you peace, connection and joy as you softly move ahead into this new year with intention, joy, and love. It is most important that we first experience these things within, first. May you all feel gratitude in your heart for this we call life.

    With love to all who share here, past and present.

  208. Calvin R says:

    I’m a Kindle reader, but not on that scale. Wow!

  209. weather says:

    For those of you in warm places ,enjoy!Where I live we have
    icicles thicker than the tree branches,be well and blessed, weather

    • Elizabeth says:

      Wow, that is icy!! We are to be getting freezing rain a bit tonight but tomorrow to get to 41…sure hope that is correct!! Even on good weather days here they can loose electricity so that is our concern.

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