Hello and welcome to my blog!
I’m a single woman in my sixties exploring the western U.S., living full-time in a 17-foot Casita Liberty Deluxe with my canine crew.
I’m originally from northern New York and formerly from Florida. I sold my home in Athens, Georgia, where I was a teacher, and two days later headed west to pick up my travel trailer, subsequently dubbed the Best Little Trailer (BLT), and to begin a new lifestyle as a vagabond.

Here I am with Spike and Bridget in front of my brand new fiberglass trailer at the Casita factory on August 16, 2011. I planned, worked, and saved toward this purchase for seven years! What a happy day!
NOTE: You can read my blog from the beginning post by clicking this link:
Just came across your blog, and I can tell it’s one I will want to follow. You sound a lot like me — I’ve always gotten along better with animals and also have never felt lonely. I thought I was the only one in the world like that! I am married to a retired middle school principal, so I have an idea what your job is like, also. Good luck with your preparations — it’s an exciting time, for sure!
Dianne, I’m glad you plan on following my blog . . .
Wow, we DO have a lot in common. And you have whippets, a breed I’ve always been attracted to. In fact I thought Janie was a whippet. She was so slender. Turns out she was just starving. In 3 days with me she became totally tubular, the anti-whippet!
I recomment this book to anyone who likes being alone or to anyone who has a loved one who likes being alone: Party of One: The Loners’ Manifesto by Anneli Rufus
Hi, Sue:
I can’t tell you how happy I am finding your blog and story. Full time RVing has been my dream for many a year, and as I am now retired, I am seriously thinking of making it a reality. I have a willing traveller (Penny, my MinPin) and can really imagine divesting myself of the house and headaches that come with living in a big city. The only thing I will not give up is my sewing machine and my fabric. I have a small business sewing things for dogs, and already sell at dog shows and craft shows. Being on the road allows me to visit more places to sell my stuff. I need a rig that will hold the machines and give me enough space for working. I have been looking at class C’s (my uncle had one and recommended it for me since I will be travelling alone and thought that pulling a trailer is not as easy as an all in one) and I think I have found my dream rig. Now I just need to put the rest of the plan together. It might take me a few years since my Mother is 89 and I would like to be near her for her remaining years, but I will keep up with your blog and dream, nonetheless. I love your dog-blogs. Penny could write a few stories herself. I used to have a Jack Russell, so I know all about “terriers”, or terrorists and I like to call them. Penny is a German terrier, so she also has the “killer instinct”. Squirrels are her nemesis.
Thanks again for a wonderful blog. I will be following your story, and you never know, we may meet up one day. Gabrielle and Penny
I’m so glad you took the time to write about your plans, Gabrielle. Welcome to my blog!
As one who pulls a trailer,, I have to respond to the Class C choice. That’s what ! thought I wanted at first, until I analyzed how I wanted to live. Please make sure you aren’t avoiding a trailer because you think towing would be difficult. It’s not. There are so many other things to consider. Ask yourself these questions . . .
Do I want to have to pack up everything (dirty dishes, craft project I’m in the middle of, etc.) every time I want to make a quick trip to the store, an emergency vet visit, or to do laundry? (You have to do this. Otherwise, everything will get wrecked bouncing down the highway.)
Do I always want to take my entire home with me wherever I go (higher gas cost)? (like exploring back roads, driving through the city to a medical appt., etc.)
Will I ever be set up at a craft show/festival and have to break everything down so I can drive to a store for one item I need ?
Do I want to drive a Class C for a night on the town (might not apply to you)?
If my Class C has to be towed to sit in the shop for three days in a strange town while waiting for a part, where will Penny and I sleep? In the auto repair place?
And lastly, with no offense intended to your uncle, am I choosing the rig that I think is best for me after thorough analysis, or the one that someone else thinks is best for me.
Answer these questions (and others) to your satisfaction, and then you’ll be happy with your decision, whether a Class C or trailer or whatever. Best wishes to you!
Thanks, Sue for that advice. I certainly did not think of those things. My dilema is not having enough room for my machines and fabric and stock to sell, but I have been looking at trailers and they seem to have lots of under storage. And, I like your idea of a van (extra storage!!) as a tow vehicle. Certainly, the idea is to travel light, divest yourself of all the “stuff” you have collected all those years and only keep what is truly important. What a liberating idea; I have some time to work on that and to get the right rig for myself. I appreciate any advice and suggestions, and I will keep doing research on the right size new home for me and Penny. I have also been toying with the idea of getting a companion for Penny. She might like some company on the road, a playmate or someone to blame when she misbehaves, which of course she would never do! Another thing to think about. Thanks again for your wonderful blog and advice. Happy trails.
It is fun having two dogs. I like seeing them interact and noticing the differences in their personalities, as you know! I hope I didn’t seem negative on Class Cs. Get what’s best for you.
No, not at all. You pointed out some very good things. I really appreciate any advice, so I can make my own informed decision. I guess it will depend on how much I want to divest myself of the accumulated junk of 59+ years. I have downsized once already, so I guess I can do it again. I can always keep stuff in my sister’s basement, if I can’t bear to part with it. Two dogs do sound fun; I will probably end up with another one anyway now that I have more time. Another rescue, like Penny. It will find me. Take care and safe journey. Gabrielle and Penny
It is a challenge to figure out what to think about when planning to travel around the US. I had thought I would go the vintage route; however, after meeting the TearJerkers at their meetup in Fort Maxwell, Virginia, I am now thinking that it might be better to consider a new or slightly used camper.
It was there that I learned of your blog. I also got advice on the various campers and their pros and cons.
Sue, I am an only child so “going solo” is very comfortable. You learn very quickly to amuse yourself if you are not allowed to have friends over. My two Dobermans and Pixie, a Chihuahua, all rescued are going to have to split trips with me as only one of the big dogs might be enough to handle. I would love to know what you think about that.
Hope your baby hangs in there. I miss every single one of my dogs and cats. It is a really deep loss.
Hi, Janet,
It’s good that your decision regarding a rig has time to evolve. I considered several types of rigs before I found the one that was right for us.
What do I think about splitting up the two dobermans? I don’t know who would care for the doberman you leave behind. I can say that if you feel you can’t handle both of them while traveling, then you definitely should not take both of them on the road. It’s a tough situation. I don’t know if you’ve read my early posts, the ones written before we left our house in Georgia. I gave up my third dog. Fortunately my friend took her in.
BTW, in the future, please comment under the most recent post so everyone can read what you have to say. This page isn’t looked at regularly. (To open comments under the most recent post, simply click on its title.)
Greetings, Sue. Your comments about your “not-a-whippet” dog reminded me of an incident that happened while Dad walked Charlie the Lab out back of the University here. A van pulled up and discharged two whippets and my dad yelled to the owner to “Get your dogs back, ‘cuz Charlie will kill them both!” (Charlie trusts nobody). The owner laughed and told Dad to “Let him try-he can’t catch’em!” Turns out they ran circles quite excitedly around him until he plopped down flat-wore-out!. First time for everything, and Charlie gave up chasing other dogs and trying to eat them after that (He looked like a Lab on steroids). Alas, Dad recently took Charlie for a ride and came back with a bag of ashes (cancer) which he buried out back. Ever since, Lady, (his Basset Hound) refuses to ride anywhere with him. I tried to tell him that “You took Charlie for a ride and came back with a bag of ash, and now you wanna’ know why Lady won’t go for a ride with you?”
True stories….enjoy and have a blessed life out there!
That’s okay, Varmint. Interesting dog stories. Welcome to my blog!
Hi RV Sue,
I’m writing to give you a article I saw in the New Yorker today. It is entitledDeath Dust the valley fever menace by Dana goodyear. I thought of you camping in Arizona and got worried for you, Spike and Bridget. I hope this doesn’t effect where you are!
I have followed you for awhile and love your family and adventures.
I live in Paris. When my husband died I moved here from NYC. I am sort of like you but an urban counterpart! It is a real adventure to live on a small social security here. Thanks to being able to do portraits of cats and dogs I meet people and get a little extra money like you do with Amazon.
Would love to hear from you!
Your admirer Mary Neilland maya my very french pup!
Hi, Maryneill,
Welcome to my blog! I’m very glad you are with us. Interesting perspective you’ve given me… my “urban counterpart” in Paris. I would think your way of life (simple living in the city on a modest income) is more challenging than mine. I admire your spirit of adventure and risk.
How nice that your talent provides you with some income. Best wishes to you and Maya!
Hey Cousin Sue! Found out about you from Pauline and FB. I’m living my first year in an RV…a destination trailer, so I stay put. Winter is approaching and the learning curve is quite challenging. Glad to see you are having a blast….and look terrific to too!
Hi RVSue
We are following your blog with great interest. We have just started our travel journey in October, and are travelling around Australia. Some terms you use are unfamiliar to us here in Australia. Can you let us know what ‘boondocking’ is and what ‘dry camping’ is. At first I thought it might be free camping but not sure.
Glenda and Robyn
While reviewing this page of my blog, I came across your comment which is now almost 8 mos. old! I thought for sure I answered your question, but I don’t see it here. Sorry. Dry camping is no hookups. Boondocking is no hookups out in the “boondocks”… a rural, undeveloped place.
I just sold my house in Corvallis, Oregon (escrow is closing next week) and am in the midst of packing. The inspector came back to reinspect the items I agreed to fix, along with the buyer’s realtor, Melanie. Melanie asked me where I was planning to move. I told her I was planning to RV full-time with my two dogs, Beemer (border collie) and Capri (sheltie). Melanie has a trailer, and she told me about RV Sue and her Canine Crew. I don’t have time to read as much of the blog as I’d like right now since I’m immersed in packing, but I’m quite excited to see that Sue is doing exactly what I’m going to be doing in several weeks. I’m a widow in my mid-60s with a 23 1/2 foot Itasca Navion and I pull a Honda Fit. I’ll be reading this blog, for sure, and hope to meet up with many of you.
Dianne Safford
Hi, Dianne! Hope the fixing of the house goes well so you can get out on the road!
HI. I loved the story of RUSTY and have a question, can you contact me?
Hi Sue! I too just came across your blog. It has been helpful already. I am 53 and have no real ties to this place I have called home for my entire life. I have traveled to 48 of the 50 states over the years(My grandmother was an avid traveler and got me started early. Then my life as a teacher gave me summers….) and have my favorites that I want to try living in for longer periods of time. I am researching RVs and all the how to blogs I can find…..especially those by single women with dogs who do it full time. (-: That would be me too. Thanks for your blog! I look forward to reading more. Happy New Year!
We have been following your blog for a few days and find it interesting. Being on the road is a constant learning experience. We have been on the road for over a dozen years and have had our Casita for seven of those years. Our tow vehicle is an extended GMC Savana 3500 van – not too much different from your perfect tow vehicle. Until last December, the van was filled to capacity with photographic art for exhibiting and sale at juried art shows. We could repack the Casita at home in between each tour and during the summer we would be home about three days a week.
In December, we went on the road full time – no more repacking from stock at home – if it ain’t with us it does not exist. Of coarse we over packed the van. Some things just aren’t needed any more and others were duplicates because we already had the Casita stocked with spices and other kitchen items and then added duplicates from the home kitchen. You won’t have that problem starting your Casita from scratch. Your problem will most likely be taking some things for the Casita life style that you don’t need as much as you thought you might.
Good luck! We will be cheering you on.
Harrison & Peg
Harrison and Peg,
First of all, I want you to know I’m happy to hear you find my little blog interesting. Thanks for visiting. I hope you keep coming back because you obviously have a lot of experience . . . and I need people like you to stop me when I’m about to do something stupid.
Your van is even bigger than mine! I don’t know why more people don’t have a full-size van for a tow vehicle. All that storage space is wonderful! You know that, of course. You’re right about what to take. I’ll probably wonder why I kept some things. Heck, I’ve kept stuff in my house for years that I never looked at or used!
I think I’m into my third sort, each time I’ve become a bit more realistic. It’s been tough giving away special things that I’ve had for years. I look at an item and try to imagine emptying out the entire van to find it. Then I ask myself, “Would it be worth the search?” “What function will it serve while camping?” That usually puts it in the Goodwill pile.
Every time I hear from someone who has a Casita I get more anxious to see mine!
Good luck to you, too!
Wow, something I strive for. I tell everyone that when I retire I am selling everything and buying a small motor home and travel around. I found your blog, and it gives me confidence that this is truly what i want to do, me and my animals.. Thanks looke forward to hearing and seeing more of your lovely adventure.
Good for you, bearwise!
If this is the life for you . . . and from the tone of your comment, it sounds like it is . . . I wish you the best of luck making your dream come true. I have not regretted my decision for one minute! Sometimes I stop what I’m doing, look around in amazement at how much my life has changed for the better, and I have to laugh like a fool. I wake up every day loving my life. .. and I think Bridget and Spike feel the same way!
Hi Sue,
” It’s been tough giving away special things that I’ve had for years.” Take PICTURES. Then you can keep the memories without the stuff. I’ve really enjoyed your blog even though I doubt we’ll ever full time.
Welcome, Reine! I’m happy to hear you’ve enjoyed my blog. I hope you keep on enjoying it!
How very nice to meet you, Rick! Welcome to my blog.
You aren’t the first reader of my blog to recognize themselves in the loner description I wrote about myself. It pleases me greatly to hear from people who have this special gift of “aloneness.” And it is, indeed, a gift, not a defect, to have never experienced loneliness. It sounds like a burden to me, this feeling lonely business. If you haven’t already, do read Party of One: A Loner’s Manifesto. You will enjoy the validation of who you are.
I do believe if I were forced to exist solely in the human-made environment (in other words, cut off from the natural environment), I would go insane! Maybe not immediately, but eventually, for sure. That’s why I’m enjoying blogging so much. I can have contact with people and enjoy them knowing I have the option of turning off the computer whenever I want!
I’ve received a similar comment in response to my fullltiming plans… “Are you sure you aren’t just withdrawing from people?” Well, duh, no, not really, but is that necessarily a bad thing? LOL
And yes, do let us know your blog address!
OMG, I am NOT alone. So many responses, so much validation! I knew I liked your voice, but did not realise it was because it echoed my own…
Just a note to say you go girl! Be safe and enjoy life.
Same to you, Annette! Love it that you stopped by here . . . I hope you had a wonderful summer. I’ll email you later.
Rvsue…You have a great blog! You must have taught english. My wife and I hope to start fulltiming next April. South Dakota is on my short list also. Good luck and have fun. Hope to see you on the road! Bob
Hi, Bob!
Welcome to my blog! It tickles me to hear someone thinks my blog is “great!”
Yes, I did teach Language Arts for a few years. I’m certified in Middle School Math, Science and L.A. Most of my training and experience is teaching mathematics. My former life!
I’m always thrilled to meet people who are planning to fulltime. I do hope to meet you and your wife on the road.
Your name is familiar to me. What, are you famous or sumpthin? I have a poor memory.
Good luck to you both!
I could have written your comment myself — your outlook on life, shedding possessions, selling your home, your dogs, etc. I remember how important blogs were (and still are) to help me get through the work years while counting the days til the dream could be realized.
Thanks for writing about you, your dogs, and your plans. Wow! You are really going light! I wish the best for you as you move toward your dream and when you start living it.
I’m so happy you enjoy the blog and find it worthwhile reading it. I am trying to be honest and forthcoming. I’m sure I’ll make many mistakes and probably some of them will be so big I won’t be able to hide them, even if I want to!
Your dogs sound adorable!
Glad I found your blog through Barney, OFM who you met. And glad to find a Casita owner. I was down at the plant ( bout an hour from me) and now am searching hard for one cause I can’t wait for them to build me one. 🙂 Quick as I can get this Big ole Honking Cab over I’ve got now sold, I am so gonna hit the road in which ever Casita I end up with..
Good luck to you! Reading your words reminds me of how strong the urge can be to get out on the road. I hope you find the Casita you want at a great price.
Welcome to my blog!
How refreshing to read of someone with many of the same thoughts and feelings I have as well. In a pressured society to conform, how nice to read your independent understanding of self. Although happily married, I too am a contented loner for the most part preferring to spend my time far from the ‘dinner invitation’ crowd. Not always an easy feat with the very socially oriented RV lifestyle. Good for you in setting out on your own and I wish you all the best in your travels…….AL from The Bayfiield Bunch:))
Hello, Al!
We loners have been maligned too long! We’ve been called everything from wall-flowers to sociopaths! In truth we are a very blessed segment of society. We find contentment all by ourselves.
Nice to hear from you, Al. Good wishes to you, too.
Hi Sue, I, too, am enjoying your blog. I’ve always enjoyed my time alone as well. I like to mingle with people but I surely like having the ability to have quite time by myself whenever I choose. I’ve never felt lonely in the slightest. My family thinks I’m wierd, and I they. Hey, I show up for Christmas and other events, what more do they want!!
I’m envious of you. I had finally decided that I’d like to sell the house and full time in my 13 Scamp, with little Lily, my poodle. I wasn’t home 2 weeks from my big Great Lakes trip when the bottom fell out of the economy. It’s hard here in California to think about selling a house. There are just too many foreclosures on the market. I’m not looking to make a killing on my house but I don’t want to give it away either.
I guess for now I’ll just keep planning long extended trips as I’ve done in the past.
Keep up the good work on your blog.
Joy and Lily, too
Hello, Joy!
I’m feel badly for people who have to put their dreams on hold through no fault of their own. I was extremely fortunate to have a buyer for my house (a personal friend), but I didn’t get a lot of money out of it. I’m not complaining.
I’m happy for you that you have a Scamp trailer and a canine crew of one! Lily is a lovely name.
Enjoy your trips and thank you for complimenting my work on the blog. And hooray for loners! We rule! We just don’t make a lot of noise about it.
Your description of yourself also describes me. Funny – I think a lot of solo RVers are loners. Nothing wrong with that, but a lot of people don’t understand us. 🙂
I have a question for you: Why are you using WordPress? Blogger is driving me crazy and I’m ready to switch, but of all the blogs I follow, only yours and one other use WordPress. In checking it out, WordPress seems like a much better vehicle for blogging. I started with Blogger because it’s the only one I knew about, but with all the problems I’ve been having, I started researching what other options I have, and WordPress seems to be the best. Do you mind telling me why you chose it?
I didn’t have any big recommendation or reason for choosing wordpress. I wanted to find a template that wasn’t popular and since so many bloggers in the rv/fulltiming world use Blogger, I figured I’d have a better chance of finding a template that I hadn’t seen before if I looked at wordpress.
Once I got into wordpress, it seemed so easy, I went ahead with it. It has it’s quirks . . . I can’t really rate it because I’ve never experienced any other. I wish I could be more helpful.
No problem, your answer really helps. The fact that is seemed so easy is good. I’m going to change to WordPress and see how I like it. I’m sure I can change back to Blogger if I decide that’s better for me.
Love your posts! I always look forward to the next one. 🙂
Lovely to meet you, Sue.
You write beautifully. I love your blog so much that I immediately added a link from my website, http://www.frugal-rv-travel.com/RV-Travel-Blog.html.
I didn’t realize you had commented here until today, a month later! What nice compliments … thank you. And another thank you for putting a link to my blog on your website!
HI – I saw your posts in the Fiberglass RV forums, and enjoy your Blog – if you are still looking for your Wave heater, etc., I recommend this source :
I’ve saved a lot of $$ over the last 3 years,since fulltiming – they’re in Tennessee, fast shipping, and they seem to beat everybody’s prices for RV gear … great Blog, nice dogs, !
God bless you and yours,
Jimmy M. ‘roadcam’
Hello, Jimmy/roadcam!
I didn’t find your comment until the end of October. . . I appreciate the compliments.
Thanks for the link!
We have a lot in common some day I hope we meet surely it will happen as I camp in NM from time to time.
Happy Trails
Hi, Julia…
A lot in common… I noticed that, too.
Best wishes to you and Shelby .. .
For us loners, I suggest a good book…. “The Loner’s Manifesto….Party of One”
Great looking WP blog….and good stories. I am in the analysis phase and gathering all the information I can. Plan on traveling with 3 larger dogs but a couple of them are low to the ground. You can see here http://bhounds.blogspot.com
Hi, Steve!
I have that book right here in my Casita. It’s one of the few books I saved . .. The Bible, The Loner’s Manifesto, and RV guides … LOL The rest of my books are on kindle.
I jumped over to your blog (in between writing these paragraphs!) . .. I got a kick out of the title “Can’t Stop Thinking About RVing Fulltime” . . . You’ve got two things going for you as far as fulltiming goes…. 1) A loner (no problem with loneliness) and 2) you really want to do this!
Good luck to you and a big thank you for listing my blog on your website!
Dear Sue, You you’re story inspires me to start getting rid of most of my worldly possessions. Both my husband I and are retired but hampering my dream of RV living are elderly parents that need attention. I also babysit my 2-year-old granddaughter. Once my grandchild is in daycare I will have free time to dispose of my belongings. I do have a weakness for fashion. It will be hard to part with my clothing and many fun assessories, hats, scarves and jewelry. But honestly my dream of life in an RV is strong enough to make me walk away from everything I own. I want to be able to hike up mountains, run along beaches, fish, swim, and connect to the outdoors. Loneliness happens when we can’t connect to our enviroment. You are amazing. I want to learn more about your adventures. I will follow your blog. I live in San Antonio Texas if you are ever in the area I hope to meet you. Best Regards, Jarah Olga
Hi, Olga!
I understand the necessity of waiting for the timing to be right for making a huge change in your life. Sometimes a delay is a good thing. I would have made a lot of wrong decisions if I had jumped into this way of life too soon.
I’m glad you will continue reading my blog. Thank you for the compliment and the invitation to San Antonio! Best wishes to you and your husband!
Hi Sue!
I am so glad I found your blog. I’m in my early 50’s and my son will be heading off to college next summer. My dream is to hit the road – just me, my dog and two cats… With no savings to speak of (suffice it to say it was a tough divorce financially!) and rebuilding my credit – I think the hardest part will be figuring out a way to finance my adventures. My goal is 2015 – and I’m starting to wade through my belongings and search out freelancing jobs I can do on the road. I look forward to reading everything you have and following along on your journey.
Someday – I’ll be there too!!
Hello, Terri!
As I read what you wrote to me I could sense your determination to make your dream happen. I have no doubt that you will make it happen.
I hope my blog will help you visualize yourself on the road, enjoying a different kind of life!
yikes! I just repeated myself on your current entry…Maybe I’m older than I know!! Yes – I’m very determined … and a bit scared too. But where would life be without a bit of adventure?
I find your “everyday happenings” blog very interesting and check it out along with The Bayfield Bunch first thing every morning. Thanks.
Hello, Alice!
Welcome to my blog. I’m sorry I didn’t respond sooner. I forget to check under the “about rvsue” section.
I’m proud to be part of your morning ritual, along with the Bayfield Bunch!
Enjoy reading your blogs. My husband and I are getting ready to fulltime, are busy renovating our 1995 16 Freedom. Will likely head to NM early December and greatly appreciate the info you post about the different campsites and their facilities. Maybe see you sometime!
Hi, Marty!
I hope the weather stays warm enough to your liking here in New Mexico. I hope our paths cross . .., Good luck with your travels and welcome to my blog!
I’ve really been enjoying your blog. I’m kind of a loner in some ways. I do get lonely but being around people isn’t always helpful for that. My wife and I have been married for 43 years. We are both retired and have four little Bichon dogs that we are crazy about. They go everywhere with me. We also have a 17 foot Casita that we picked up in Rice, Texas in September 2010. We are planning a trip to Palm Springs next month and want to do some camping on the way home too. We live in Battle Ground, Washington, where it cold and rain are the rule from October to June. The Southwest appeals to us, so we hope to be doing some camping there this summer.
Hello, BB!
Four bichons! They must keep you on your toes. I hope you love your Casita as much as I love mine. . . so easy to tow and easy on the eyes, too.
I want to camp in the Northwest someday. I guess I should pick a non-rainy month, if that exists. Not too much rain in the Southwest. It’ll be a nice change for you and Mrs. BB.
Welcome to my blog! Happy travels!
Oh, Sue, I’m really liking your drawers stacked up there. We currently are using 3 little plastic tables along the passenger side of our Liberty & sleeping back to front on the “full-size” portion of bed left over. But. . .I want storage space for all the stuff UNDER the bed so I can set up the table at times. For now, both cats love hiding out under those shelves tho. I’m anxiously following your solar set up too since that’s our winter project.
Hi, Glenda!
I don’t know why I haven’t seen your comment. I apologize for not replying sooner.
I do like the stacked drawers. It’s so easy to find stuff and they hold a lot of stuff. I was wondering if your cats would like a cat tower that they could hide in . .. one that would fit in the back corner of the Casita, maybe under the television . . just a thought. It would get them up off the floor.
Thanks for reading my blog . . .
Hi Rv Sue!
Have been reading your blog ( and others) for awhile and want to thankyou for sharing your experiences. I retired 14 years ago (at 55) and tought about “fulltiming” but found out that I have to much “junk” that I want to keep and end up “downsizeing” my place and moved from San Diego, CA to San Antonio,TX (also my wife, of 47 years, doesn’t feel very commfortable not having a home base) so I end up with a fully selfcontained Truck Camper and travel to the west coast several times a year for 1 o 2 months at the time also a lot a parks here in Texas and the gulf of Mexico. So I enjoy reading people like you, George and Ms Tioga, Juanita and Gordon, etc.
So keep up your good work, we enjoy it. (Thanks again)
You’re welcome, Eli! And welcome to my blog! Thank you for letting me know you enjoy reading it.
I am glad for you, that you have found what works for you and are able to travel in your truck camper. I understand your wife’s desire to have a home base. Totally “cutting loose” isn’t for everyone. It was financially prudent for me to unload my house, but I also had a psychological need to be rid of it, to be untethered and footloose!
Enjoy your road adventures . . .
Hi, rvsue,
Enjoyed your description of today (5 Dec 11) at Caballo Lake SP. We’re up in the Appaloosa CG. We saw you the other day when you came by to dump. Hope you and your 4-footed friends are staying warm.
Ted H aka wxtoad
My blog: http://www.wxtoad.com
Hello, Ted!
I apologize for not replying to your comment sooner. I appreciate you writing. Gee, it has been a long time. Seems like ages since we were at Caballo . . . That’s the way it is when you’re on the road. So much happens that time is unreal. Hope you are well and happy this new year!
Hi Sue, Started reading your blog after reading about you on the Bayfield site. I too love boondocking. Presently live in southern Alberta but wil be heading south around Jan 10th for Quartzsite. Will be there for about 2 1/2 weeks visiting the various shows and displays. After Quartzsite heading for Ajo and Darby Wells road BLM. I’m a rock and mineral collecter so want to check out the mine and possibly find some samples. Have enjoyed reading your Darby Wells comments and photos along with the Bayfield Bunch. Are you going to check out Quartzsite. Lots of boondocking there. Take care. Terry
Hi Terry,
I missed your comment. I apologize for replying so late. Soon you will be in Quartzite. I’m headed that way, too. As you know from this blog, I love Darby Wells. Enjoy your stay in the Southwest . . . I know I am!
Hey Sue, just found your blog and enjoying playing catch up. We’re hoping to stop through Ajo in a few weeks so glad to hear that you are enjoying it.
Hi, Brent,
Sorry I didn’t see your comment here until the new year. By now you are probably in the Sonoran Desert enjoying the sunshine . . . Good place to be!
A friend of mine in Washington state just sent me your blog. Very cool. I am glad to see a fellow adventurer on the road. I too am somewhat new to this. Check out my blog and web site. http://www.ramseystravels.com. Love it all.
Very nice website! Thank you for commenting here. Best of luck with your travels and your blog.
Hi Sue,
…Makes me smile to read your words. They remind me so much of my desires and dreams. I, too, enjoy my own company. …And, the outdoors is where I belong. It’s my home. I’m 55 and will be taking an early retirement June 1, 2012. Yes, 5 months! I’ve taught for 24 years, and yes, I could continue to teach a few more years and receive full retirement benefits… …However, the joy that I feel, knowing that this summer I’m free to frolic wherever I want…cannot be bought. I’m leaving for Quartzite, AZ, in 9 days to get a feel for what roamin’ the highways in my conversion van will be like. …Can’t wait! Thanks for your blog!
Hi, Katie,
If you can manage financially, why wait . . . gee, it’s your life . . . Live it! I’m so happy for you. Retirement is fabulous and retirement with a dream fulfilled is even better!
Hi, Rand,
So you did check out my blog! Great! Thanks for telling me about Borrego and posting the Youtube video. Those sculptures are incredible . . . beautiful workmanship and so creative . . . You take care. Happy roads and blue skies . . .
yeah .. new years is here… new is not what was before… have a great year rolling around.
i think you moved in the area next to the drain where we were… not sure how to post pix..
thats where the beavers have blocked the drain.. hey.. say thanx to Don and Darwin brothers from Ohio ..at the southeast corner.. we were asleeep new years and i think Darwin came by and left an invite brochure to the Yuma Lakes timeshare campo .. 3 days.. we probably wont use it but if anyone wants to .. let me know..
Hello, Brooke!
Thank you for the compliment about my blog. I’m glad to have you follow along with the crew and me.
One of the side benefits I have in keeping a blog is hearing from other loners. Actually there’s nothing wrong with the word loner. Society has given it a bad connotation. We loners have a lot to be proud about . . . I think the nonloners are secretly jealous that we aren’t dependent on their company …Ha!
Best of luck getting your Class A and setting it up for your cats and dog. I do want to travel the Pacific NW someday soon.
Hi Sue, When I leave Ajo, I’m heading over to Yuma (Ogilby Road area) to do some rock collecting. I like the area where you are presently camped. Is this the Mitry Lake/Imperial Dam area. Will not be getting there until first week of Feb. Looks a little more scenic than the Ogilby Road area. Terry
No, it’s not Mitry Lake. Terry, ask me again about this location in a few weeks and I’ll be happy to let you know. I’ll be somewhere else by then. I’m becoming concerned about my security lately and don’t want to draw attention to where I am right now.
That works for me Sue, as I won’t be in the Yuma area until Feb 2/3. Right now just watching the weather to make my 2 day run from southern Alberta to Mesquite, Nevada. We are getting record high temps these days so hoping it stays warm for my drive down south. I may end up spending sometime in the Ogilby Road area as I was impressed with the photos taken by the “Wheeling It” couple. Plus lots of interesting mines.
hi sue
next time you see a LOWES stop in and look at LED puck lites i have 4 in my camper cargo trailer thay are so bright you can use tham as a flashlight at night you can use velcro or the sticky back to mount anywere they have a magnet also cut / paste to look this up
SYLVANIA 2-Pack Battery Cabinet LED Puck Light KitItem #: 165994 | Model #: 72434
2-Pack ( 3 aa Batterys you can switch to recharge latter on) cabinet LED Puck Light Kit
•Under the cabinet LED
•3000K color temperature
•Soft pleasing light
Mister Ed,
Hello! I just now found your comment with the info on puck lights. So I didn’t see it until I bought the LED bulbs. This is info that’s good to know . . . Thank you.
hey there been reading your blog for some time now i found it on old texen blog im new to this fulltime stuff i see your in quartzsite now also, I came here looking to update my rig havent had much luck with that yet anyway do they make a larger trailer like the one you have, if your out running around the rv show and want to grab a coffee or something call me 563 608 7450 scott
Hello, Scott!
Somehow I missed your comment. Sorry, I hope you get this reply. Thanks for the invitation for coffee. I hope you enjoyed Quartzsite.
Casita’s largest trailer is 17 feet, including the tongue. That’s what I have. I find the size works well for me and two small dogs, but everyone is different.
Hello RVSue! I have been reading your blog and have been thoughly entertained in addition to learning a few things also. Although I have RV’d for years with my family, I still learn from others every day. I am still a couple years (2) from retirement which is when I plan on full timing myself. My children are grown and wife is gone, so my solo adventure will be similar to yours. I will be following your blog and travels with the canine crew!!!! Be safe and continue to enjoy life every day.
Hi, Kent!
As you probably have realized, the best is yet to come! Fulltiming (and not working!) is great. Thank you for your positive comment about my blog. I’m enjoying life every day and wish you the same!
Sue, I like the looks of your folding chairs that you picked up in Quartzsite. I was wondering if they have anything on them that identifies the manufacturer so I can try to find them online. My email is mdleonard@gmail.com , if you wouldn’t mind emailing me the information.
My wife, Margy, and I drove past Dome Rock and through Quartzsite while you were there. We would like to have stopped and met you, but all of the rigs and activity in Quartzsite made me feel a little claustrophobic. We had been down at Organ Pipe National Monument with our Casita for about a week before that. Ajo is such a great little town and I thank you for writing about it in your blog. We loved all of it, the town, the landscape, and the area. One of our first nights at Organ Pipe NM, a rodent of some sort ate some of the wires in our engine compartment and when I turned the truck on, we got a bunch of warning lights. It meant a trip to Phoenix after the mechanic at Kord’s there in Ajo looked at it. The camp host said that he puts a light under his vehicle at night to prevent it. We noticed a number of other RV folks did the same thing. It would have saved me $688 if I had known about it beforehand. Oh well… life is always about learning… Our four little bichon dogs had a great time there but we learned to be careful of the cactus thorns after pulling a few out of a couple of paws. My wife had to come back to spend time with the granddaughters but we’ll be back that way again next year. Maybe sooner!
Interesting info about the rodents. I’ll have to remember that. I haven’t seen any rodents or any similar wildlife around here . . .one rabbit, that’s all. Sorry you had that expense. Never underestimate the power of a rodent, I guess is the lesson here.
I would love to meet your bichons! As you probably have read, the crew has been fortunate . . . no thorns so far.
The chairs have a badge on them that says … EEZ RV Products.com
I typed it just as it looks with those spaces. I think I’ll look at the site myself.
Ha! I love it. Ann here. My Mother-in-law, bless her heart, always accused me of being a loner; as if it was a bad thing! Welcome to my world. We so enjoyed meeting you and camping with you. We will now follow your blog and hope to be camping with you next year.
Hi, Ann!
Funny how it doesn’t work the other way around. . . Loners accusing non-loners … “What’s the matter with you, always needing company!”
I’m happy to have met both you and Bill. We had a lot of laughs. I particularly enjoyed your reaction to the southern Arizona desert. I look forward to camping with you again!
Hi Sue,
I’m so happy to find your blog! Hubby and I tried out the ‘staying in one place in an RV resort’ thing for our retirement. After 3 years, we’re ready to downsize and get travelling and camping again. 😉 As soon as we sell our ’83 Airstream we’ll be buying a Casita…probably a 17 ft Spirit Deluxe or maybe Liberty Deluxe (not sure of the difference in space/storage for 2 people).
We’re here in the Rio Grande Valley, Texas because of the great birding. We’re not sure whether we should buy a used Casita or stop in at the factory in Rice to buy a new one. I’ve emailed for brochures and prices.
Looking forward to reading through your blog and learning more about Casitas. Thanks for sharing your adventure. (That’s another reason to downsize: if (and when) one of us kicks the bucket ;-), the other can still travel and camp.)
Hope you see this down your long list of fans!
Cheers, Hazel
Hi, Hazel!
Welcome to my blog! As for choosing a Liberty or a Spirit, there are two points of view, of course. The Spirit is nice for couples who want the dinette. The Liberty is nice in case you find the double bed too small and want a king bed. I think the storage is much the same in both. It’s a tough decision, but as decisions go, this is a good one to have!
Good luck finding what’s right for you and your husband!
Thanks, Sue. The brochures should be here today or tomorrow but from what you said, I think the Spirit is the one for us. We have so many ‘small space storage’ ideas to try out!
Hi Sue! Would you mind doing a post on storage sometime? I’m looking at all I have in our 31 ft Airstream and looking at the Spirit brochures and wondering how? where? We live minimally and frugally compared to most people but still have ‘stuff’ like a breadmaker, a crockpot, clothes & shoes for every weather, special foods that we can’t find in many places, etc. This will be part of the challenge and joy of downsizing!!! 😉
I’d be glad to write about storage, Hazel. Your challenge is greater than mine… two people living in a 17 foot trailer is a lot different than just one person.
In a nutshell, the greatest way to conquer the storage space problem is to get a tow vehicle that has a lot of space. I always have enough room with my Chevy van. (That’s one of the reasons I call it the Perfect Tow Vehicle!) If all those out-of-season clothes, equipment used only occasionally, pantry items like special foods, camping stuff like folding chairs and patio mat, etc. can fit in your tow vehicle, you don’t have clutter in your home on wheels. I’m not saying everyone should have a van for a tow vehicle. Figure out how you can store stuff in your tow vehicle and free up the space in your Casita, because there isn’t much!
Heading down to Organ Pipe. Have followed your blog almost from beginning. You seem to be my female counterpart. Saw your Casita and van with “solar” and did not stop as I respect your privacy as asked. I started my journey this past Oct. with a small (19″) trailer and pick-up truck. I sure do enjoy the area’s weather and I wish you much enjoyment and privacy. Just keep blogging without all the location details.
Hi, Randy!
Glad to hear from you! I hope you enjoyed Organ Pipe. Thank you for being sensitive to my need for privacy.
canIjoin in .,I am 78,also a ggradma My dogs are Autralian Shepherds..
Hello, Jean, and welcome to my blog!
You have excellent taste in dog breeds, although I’m partial to rat terriers myself! Glad you stopped by and left a note about yourself.
Peace be with you.
To find the universal elements enough;
to find the air and the water exhilarating;
to be refreshed by a morning walk or an evening
saunter; to be thrilled by the stars at night;
to be elated over a bird’s nest
or a wildflower in spring
– these are some of the rewards of the simple life.
John Burroughs
Ed & Carol
Ed and Carol . . .
My thoughts exactly! Thank you for posting Mr. Burroughs’ words here.
Nicely said and clearly explained. I’m ashamed to say we almost were ‘intruders’ when you were parked at Dome Rock … by the time we finished our family visit you had already moved on. Hope our travel paths will cross again in the future (with advance communication, of course). Wishing you safe journeys and continued amazing adventures – blessings, LdB
.p.s. Ms. Minnie the Dachuahua sends a “woof” to Bridget and Spike
Hi, LdB . . . Sorry for the delay in responding. I missed your comment somehow.
Oh, people who drop in unannounced aren’t bad people. I enjoy visits. But when I get surprise visits every day for several days in a row I get a little nuts, feeling I’m losing control of my life. Can’t help it!
I hope are paths do cross. I’d love to meet you and your Ms. Minnie. Enjoy your travels and stay safe.
I really enjoy your writing style .. the hilighted header, then the detailed paragraph. Gives me the chance to scan highlights if I don’t have time to your whole post until later.
I admire your spunk and individuality plus how you state what your boundaries are. Maybe more folks who read your blog will also decide what works best for them and let others know as they meet fellow RVers.
We hope you enjoy your new Casita, Rving full-time and exploring new campsites as your own pace. A belly rub to Spike & Bridget and a “atta-girl” to ya ….
from Terry and Candace
Terry and Candace,
I apologize for not responding sooner. I tend to overlook the “about rvsue” comments.
Thanks for the nice compliments. I’m pleased you like the format of my blog. I set it up the way I would want it to look if I were the reader . . . easy to scan, easy to read, lots of white space to give the eyes a rest!
And thanks also for the good wishes. We are enjoying at our own pace. I hope all is going well for you!
Hi Sue….we really enjoy your photos, especially the birds. What kind of camera/lens are you using?
Tara & Steve
Hi, Tara!
I think I answered your question about the camera lens but I see it isn’t here. Oh well. My camera is a $100 Sanyo digital, 5X zoom, 14.0 “megapixels.” In other words, it’s nothing special, including the lens. My photos are not the quality I would like.
Found your blog from my Friends Al & Kelly’s Blog ( Bayfield Bunch) Sounds like you and your furbabies have it down pat and are enjoying life, That’s all that counts.I invite youy to take a look at our little blog, http://samdonna-5thwheelvagabonds.blogspot.com/. Who knows somewhere down the road our paths may cross, you will know for sure when you see a big lop of a black Lab come running out with the biggest tongue you’ve ever seen. He’s never met a people or other dog he didn’t like.Be safe out there. Sam & Donna..
Hi, Sam and Donna!
I’ll be sure to look at your blog. Folks travelling with a dog always interest me!
I do hope our paths cross. I’m sure the crew would enjoy meeting your lab!
Hello, Dan!
I set up residency through a service called Americas Mailbox located in South Dakota. They registered van and travel trailer. I received the license plates in the mail (General Delivery at the post office near where I was camped at the time). I still have my Georgia driver’s license. I will need to spend one day in SD in order to get a SD license. A receipt from a campground is adequate to prove a day in SD.
If you want to learn more about Americas Mailbox, do a search . . . They have a website.
I’m sorry to hear you haven’t recovered, Dan. It must be tough.
I haven’t become ill since boondocking. I did suffer a near heat-stroke last summer but fortunately I was in a campground and near a very kind and helpful rver (Barney of Old Fat Man Adventures blog).
If I become ill or hurt while boondocking, I’ll use my cellphone to summon aid. If my cellphone doesn’t work, I’d holler for help here on my blog!
I also keep the Casita well-stocked with supplies I need when feeling “under the weather” –Gatorade, ginger ale, chicken soup, saltines, immodium D, Tums, etc.
From one Liberty owner to another . . . Best wishes for improved health and happiness!
Am enjoying your blog. First one I’ve followed.
I’m retiring June 6 after 30 years teaching elementary school. The past few years I’ve been running a science lab that I designed.
Could not wait for my casita so I bought it and a 3/4 ton dodge truck 4 years ago. Love it. My husband does all the work and driving at the moment because hes the retired one with the time. Im planning to be self sufficient in it starting June. Your experiences reinforce what I can do. I can see me taking off by myself, at times, while he goes off in his beloved vanagon.
My favorite summer area are the sawtooth and north of the Tetons. Lots of boondocking and inexpensive forest service campgrounds. You might like it. It’s not hard to get off by yourself when you want to. (which I do – I like my solitude)
I have a solar oven which works great in the desert (my favorite spring and fall hang-out)
Have you ever tried one? I’ve gotten it up to 375 and can cook anything.
Question: what service do you use for cell, Internet, and tv? Our AT&T works all the way down to the tip off baja where we like to go but it doesn’t,t work in the sawtooths . We,ve heard that Verizon is good. Is that what you have.
Hi, Penny!
I like your independent spirit! I’m pleased to hear my blog helps you envision yourself going alone to out-of-the-way places to enjoy the solitude.
I do want to see the area you mentioned . . . Sawtooth and north of the Tetons. Photos of those places seem unreal, it’s so beautiful.
You’ve got me interested in the solar oven. I’ll look into that.
I use Verizon. It’s probably not much better than AT & T . . . good in open areas, not so good in mountains.
Thanks for taking the time to write here, Penny. Good luck to you . . .
My condolences to your wife on the loss of her sister and to you, your sister-in-law.
I am so sorry for what your wife has gone through. And you, too. What a horrible plague breast cancer is. I pray that your wife has regained her strength and that both of you can get back to enjoying life to the fullest.
Thank you for the kind words for my sister. She is doing remarkably well. Chemo, surgery, and radiation treatments are over. It’s been a long, hard road for her. Isn’t it amazing what some women can do? God bless your wife and anyone dealing with cancer.
I hope folks do not think I’m a pessimist, but I have lived all my life in the West after having been born and raised in the Arizona desert. Though I do not live there now, I fully understand how far out and isolated you are. So, it occurs to me that you might want to carry a small bicycle with you or better yet, a mo-ped. If something happens that causes the PTV and BLT to be stranded way out “there,” you will need something to move you back into some kind of settlement so you could get help. Believe me…it’s NOT fun to have to dig your way out of sand, especially by yourself.
Been there, done that four or five times.
Thank you for the cautionary note, Emjay. Sorry I’m late responding to your comment. It seems no matter how far out I go, there are people around. I usually have phone or internet service. And I try to stay out of the sand! I appreciate your concern and will remember your warning.
I have heard good things about you from Al and Kelly and I trust their word! My husband and I lease a lot in North Ranch. Prior to leasing, we parked in the RV portion. As a paying member of Escapees, our feeling is that you shouldn’t have had to apologize for your experience. Not only that–you own your blog and are entitled to express yourself. You were treated rudely and want you to know that our friend was treated much the same when he visited us–you are not alone! I follow your blog; haven’t commented until now. Enjoy your travels; stay safe; and keep up with your interesting blog!
Thank you, Bev. I apologize for not seeing this and responding sooner. It was nice of you to share this with me.
You have made my day..I found your Blog through Rv-dreams community..I so understand what you share and hope to be on the rd myself soon. I am emptying my small apt. daily, researching etc.Thanks for sharing I will keep reading and intend to be on the road less traveled soon!
I’m happy for you! Now that you’ve made the decision, doing the research and downsizing will make for an easy transition. Good luck! And thank you for letting me know you will be following my blog.
Hello Sue. I have a blog http://www.bohemianbeachjunque.blogspot.com and we are just starting the
trek toward living in an RV. We made the first major dump of possessions andI am now looking for a smaller RV to purchase. We probably won’t be vagabonding anytime soon, I have a job I really love. I look forward to your future posts.
Catherine Lee
Good for you, Catherine! I wish you the best!
Just want to let you know that i have been following your blog for a long time because i relly enjoy reading about your adventures. this is the best blog of all the blogs I follow. before i go to bed at night i check for new blogs if none first thing in the morning is check to see if there’s a new one.Just want to thank you for your blog and all that you write about. Thanks
What a nice comment . .. I’m happy you are following along with me and the crew, Abel. Welcome and thank you for letting me know you like my blog.
Sue, Not sure where to put this question so I decided on here since you obviously look at all the comments all over your blog. GOOD FOR YOUI! I’m wondering what made you choose the Casita over any other type of RV. If it was wanting something really small, I’ve seen a lot of little RPods around. They seem the same size. Did you consider those and if so, why did you decide against them? I’m going to have to downsize and want to get all the knowledge I can especially from folks whose judgment I trust.
Sherry. . . There are a lot of reasons so I’ll try to state them briefly, though it’s tough for me because I love my Best Little Trailer so much.
Fiberglass molded shell — less chance for leaks as it ages (a common rv problem)
Appearance — looks “more than the sum of its parts’ rather than pieces put together
Model Choice — I could pick a model (Liberty Deluxe) that allowed for adapting to suit my fulliming needs (Installation of storage drawers)
Light and airy interior — It’s small but doesn’t feel it.
Size — Just enough room, no more than I need
Ease of towing — I could forget it’s behind the PTV!
Ease of cleaning — vinyl floor option, fiberglass surfaces inside and out
Reliable manufacturer, good reputation, other happy devoted Casita people and forums for support, no dealer middle man,
Price — within my budget
Choice of high-lift axle and heavy duty tires — important for a boondocker
Could opt out of furnace — wanted catalytic heater (propane)
Doesn’t have an oven — Not important to me, didn’t want to lug one around, take up space
Adequate refrigerator/freezer for one person
Quality appliances, i.e Fantastic Fan
Television with built-in antenna
It’s cute!
I’ll think of more, I’m sure. These are the basics. Thanks for trusting my judgment. The final decision, as you know, is yours, finding what suits you and your way of camping.
Welcome, Doreen and Joe! Glad to have you with us! Nice of you to take the time to say hello . . .
Sue, found your blog thru another of your followers who also follows my blog. You and I are a lot alike in the fact that we relish our solitude! I can boondock in the desert for weeks at a time without seeing another soul and be perfectly content! I will be tagging along with you if its OK….
Hi, John! Welcome! I’m glad you are with us.
I could have written that next-to-the-last sentence myself. The ability to be content alone with oneself is a priceless gift we share. You seem like a kindred spirit. Go in peace, bro…
I’m following your blog with great interest. My plan was to sell my 13 footer this spring and take off in a 16footer after the sale of my house. I have been derailed by stage 2 breast cancer so am in the midst of chemo followed by radiation. I will have to delay my “dream” another year but am living vicariously thru your blog.
Oh, Robin, I’m sorry you are going through that. My sister Pauline recently finished chemo, surgery, radiation, and she’s doing great! I wish you much strength and healing. I’m glad my blog helps you dream your dreams of rv travel. I’ll think of you the next time I get lazy and toy with the idea of not posting. God bless!
Just found your blog! We have a lot in common–age, sex and personality. I, too, am a loner but never lonely. It’s not that I don’t like people—I just don’t like being around them very much. 😉 My rig is a Born Free Class C and tow a Honda CR-V. Furry companion: A half-Lhasa named Bucky. If I see you on the road I’ll give you a wave.
Please do wave, and hit the horn, too! You have yourself and Bucky set up very well. Welcome to my blog and happy travels!
I love it, too!
Greetings rvsue,
Came across your blog……..absolutely love it. Don’t change a thing.
Where in upstate are you from? We retired and moved from CA to NY,a place called Brantingham Lake in the ADK Park. In the woods, on a lake..not alot of people..away from the rat race. Drove across in a 24 ft Class C with one dog, and three cats. Thinking about getting a Casita to wander around the US and enjoy it.
Have fun with the crew………..and if you get up this way…you’re more than welcome to stay on our property.
Hi and welcome to my blog! I’m happy to hear you like it.
I grew up in a small town south of Glens Falls. You sound like adventurers!. I recommend the Casita to single people . . . a couple might find it confining, although I have friends who are a couple and they’re very happy with theirs.
How nice of you to offer me a place to park! Thank you. A trip to the NE is not in my immediate plans, but one never knows where the road will lead . . .
Best wishes to you both and your canine/feline pals.
Been enjoying your blog and travels for several months now. We had a Casita for five years, and have been over many of the same routes. Beautiful country.
BTW, we loved the Casita but decided to try a small motor home. So last year bought a nice used Born Free “Built for Two” (22 feet of fiberglass, so it still feels a lot like the Casita.) We will soon make our annual trek from AZ to MN, so we’ll be visiting some of the same areas.
Here is a suggestion. Since you are in Green River, you might want to make a side trip to Arches NP and Canyonlands NP. You can boondock along the Colorado river on Highway 128, which is a pretty drive all by itself. If you have time, take a trip to Dead Horse State Park. Moab is fun to visit too.
As you head east, don’t miss the Colorado National Monument just outside Grand Junction CO. We finally visited it last year, and were sorry we had not done so earlier.
Happy travels. If you visit my blog, be sure to read about the goofy hat.
Hi, Darryl,
Congratulations on the new rig! Your Born Free sounds perfect for the two of you. Have a safe and enjoyable trip back to MN.
I appreciate the tips on where to boondock. I may very well stop at those NPs on the way back to southern AZ. As I write this I still haven’t determined my next move!
Hey RV Sue, and your crew… I’ve been following you about a month and look forward to your new posts. You write so well, and I enjoy details of your daily interactions with fellow travelers. I hope to someday travel and be unbound. Working on building a monetized blog now, and paying off my RV. I will be nearly debt free after that and working on growing a mobile income.
Thank you for your dedication to your blog and your readers. Your Casita is adorable and your pooches are living a charmed life, as are you. Goddess be with you. <3 Nicole
Thanks for commenting, Nicole, and for the compliments on my writing and my Casita. I am indeed living a charmed life.
Best of luck to you as you work toward your dream. The effort and sacrifice, no matter how great, is worth it to be “unbound.”
I just saw my PV and truck. Thanks allot for posting it. You’ve made me famous now. Thanks all for your comments. I’ll be posting the video to my YouTube channel soon. Greg
You’re welcome, Greg!
I especially love when you add Spike’s comments. I found http://www.voki.com where you can make talking avatars. I made one for my dog Casey and put it on my blog. I’m sharing because I think you may have fun playing with it… if you have time. 🙂
I was introduced to voki back in my teaching days. I had forgotten all about it. Sometime when I have strong signal I’ll go look at it. Thanks! I bet your Casey avatar is cute!
Hi RVSue,
Just wanted to say hi. We were neighbors last Saturday, 4th, on the Madison. I was in space #3. Then I move up river for another night.
Well, gee, Garth. . . Which one was space number 3…. I’m trying to remember. What’s your rig? Did you float the river or are you a fisherman? Wish I knew you were there . . .
I was just to the east of the out house. I would have loved to float the river, but no tube. I am an old kayaker and white water rafter. I did try some fishing but was skunked.
Darn it, Garth! We could have used my inflatable canoe. It’s a two-seater! It wouldn’t have been a whitewater experience, but at least you’d get to float. Don’t feel bad about the fishing. I saw a lot of people trying, but never did I see anyone pull in a trout or anything.
A float down the river would have been great. But, I thought you did not like people to drop in. Next time I get close I will stop and say hi.
When I’m in a campground, I drop in on people and they drop in on me. No problem.
What I don’t like is having a stranger search me out and find me in an isolated spot. It’s kind of scary to have someone I don’t know show up on my doorstep when I’m camped by myself, like in the desert, and there’s no one else around. Makes me nervous. That’s what I’m trying to avoid.
Sorry I haven’t made that clearer. Next time, do stop by!
Enjoy Oregon and see you next time we are close.
Afternoon, Sue,
Hope you enjoy your time in Oregon! The weather should be nice for you this time of year. Now that you have been on the road for over a year, what have been your biggest obstacles and what have been some of you biggest enjoyments? Just curious–you know, “The Year in Review.”
Hi Collier…. Can’t think of any really big obstacles. No internet in mountains has been an obstacle as far as my blog goes. It took a while to get the solar up and running. My biggest enjoyments have been the smallest things… Eating breakfast outside in a new camp, coming over a rise and have the view make my heart skip a beat, watching Spike dart toward a new place to soak, waking up to the sound of cranes, sunrise through saguaros, swimming and rafting in the Madison River, grizzlies up close! Oh, I could go on forever . . . Nice to hear from you again, Collier.
Good Evening,
I also have a Casita Liberty Delux, and have had it since March 2009.
My Wife ( Allene) love to travel in the Camper, and I love to work on it while we’re @ home.
We are not brave enough to be full-timers, sorry to say, we have to much stuff to leave behind.
Today, or I should say for the past two Months I have been re- working the kitchen, I know I crazy, but the Casita is a large toy. you may wonder how a person would re-work the kitchen.
Well here goes, I have pretty well cut away the kitchen and replaced it with a Unit which
contains 4- Drawers and a Garbage can. Why, I could never find anything in the cavern under the sink / stove. New deeper sink, turned the stove around by 90 degrees. We have also installed Twin Memory foam beds, Plus just about everything that came in in.
We live in a place called, Hideaway, TX, just north of Tyler, TX. I also have a new Puppy, A British Labrador Retriever called, Mr. ENZO Dos.
Keep having a great time,
sd & allene
I emailed you, Cindy.
God’s blessings on you,
Timber, and Rusty from Camper Ken in Tempe, AZ
Not sure if you are headed north or south-but there are some wonderful campgrounds on the WA coast too–we are in Hoquiam (Gray’s Harbor). Ocean City has a state camp which has a beach path. Love the blog and enjoy your thoughts!
Barb who pulls a 1969 Aladdin!!!
It’s been five days since your last post, and I’m hoping you are just busy, and not in a jam somewhere. I’ve been following your blog for a few months and enjoying the stories of your travels immensely. I’ve got one more year to go before I can go full-time. We have a lot in common. Loved the book, Party of One…
Hi There,
I have a van dwelling blog at http://www.tinsilly.com and I am looking for people who dwell in their vehicle full time and travel around to guest post by answering some questions I have already compiled. You could delete, change or add to the questions it’s totally up to you. The last question gives you an opportunity to link your favorite blog posts about your travels to my blog and have my readers visit your site if they are interested.
If you would like to participate I would ask that you go to my blog and click the icon for email under my social media area.
Thanks so much and hope to hear from you.
Got here via Rusty and Timber story. I already love this blog.
Thanks for telling me so, Sandy. Welcome!
Hi Sue,
You should become a writer….your blog is a story book in its self.
I am so glad you were able to help Rusty and Timber, I got to your site via Escapees, someone mentioned it on there. Anyway, we are hopeful to hit the road early to mid 2013. I sure wish sooner. We did have a MH once to do 3 weeks in Oregon and loved that state, so beautiful. We drove all the way to the Northern tip, just a breath taking state in my opinion. I am originally from the east (NY & NJ) and have lived now 20 years in Las Vegas, NV. Hopefully not for long.
I have two questions for you….
First is, what do you use to find your state park campgrounds? and
I TOO have 2 four legged babies. They are super white. As white as a poodles, they are Bichon Frises. My question is…. do you ever worry about them getting snake bitten, skunk sprayed, or squirrel/possum bitten? Lastly, where we live, there are no flees & ticks, I know there are collars out there but are they enough to protect them from flees or ticks?
The girls being so white and skin so pink have kind of sensitive skin so I fear the flee bites (the west nile virus stuff too) and the ticks. Have any advise and or suggestions?
Thanks much….wishing you and your crew much health, happiness and venture in your mobile life.
Judi… I apologize for missing your comment until now. Thank you for your kind words. To answer your questions . . .
I watch the crew very closely. Spike chased a possum once, but I caught him in time. I thought their habit of sniffing bushes would cause them to be bitten by a snake or something. So far nothing like that has happened. As for fleas and ticks, I’m amazed how few we’ve come across since crossing the Mississippi. I think all tolled, the crew has had one tick and maybe two or three fleas between the two of them. Amazing.
My wife & I are also full-time RVers. We love the life. What do you do about mail? Hope to see you on the road sometime. Bob
I use the mail forwarding service, Americas Mailbox, located in SD. Do a google search and read about them at their website.
I’m sorry, Bob, for the delay in answering.
Hi Sue- I’ve been following you for a few months and just wanted to make contact. I am a loner, teacher, dog owner and single woman working on the courage to do what you have done. I bought a camper van last month and I will be living in it next week. Your blog provides daily inspiration. Thank you
Hi Pamela,
You’re welcome. Thanks for writing. Dear me, it takes over a month for you to get a response from me. I apologize. By now you are living in your van. I hope all is well. Best wishes to you.
Hey, JimBob! I don’t know why I haven’t seen your comment before now. What a great life, isn’t it? I love being out in nature with just my crew. I’m sorry you can’t be alone any more, but it’s good there’s someone to look out for you.
You’re right… I’m a lucky lady… God has blessed my retirement years. You stay FREE, too! Thanks for writing to me.
Hi, Sue! I learned about your blog from a mention on RV Dreams. I found your comments and the ongoing discussion here about “loner-ness” – if you will – thought-provoking and illuminating.
I suppose I wrestle with the loner and the communal sides of my personality. (I guess I’m a bit of a split personality in that sense.) Several years ago, I had something of an emmotional meltdown while out in the RV with my wife and son. We were the only ones in the campground, and the isolation hit me hard at what was a vunerable time in my life.
On the other hand, most days I find that one of my favorite times of the day comes in the evening when my wife and son have gone to bed. I find I am most at peace in those times. I suspect my wife believes there is something wrong or at least unhealthy about my desire, even need to have that alone time. She feels it is a reflection on her when it is really is more a chance to reconnect with myself without having to put on the various public faces (husband, father, co-worker, etc.) that are required when you are around others.
Now in my 50s, I am much more comfortable around other people and more social than when i was in my teens and 20s when I was a loner in perhaps a more negative sense of the word (almost afraid to be around others). Even now, though, I find I can usually take just so much of being social before I begin to feel a bit overwhelmed.
That, however, is one of the great things about the RV lifestyle. There is no single right way to live it, and it lends itself to both the social and the loner sides of my personality. We hope to fulltime one day. (Mentally and emotionally, I could go on the road now. Financially, my wife thinks we need to wait several more years. She’s probably right, but I wonder . . . ) Until then, I enjoy traveling vicariously through the blogs of others on the road. I also plan to look at the book you recommended earlier in these comments so I can get more in tuoch with my inner loner-ness.
Continued safe and interesting travels.
Hello Walt, and welcome to my blog!
Life is a journey, eh? Part of that journey is discovering ourselves. I do hope you’ll read Party of One. The book makes it clear who is a loner and who is not. The main indicator, I think, is whether being around people drains you or invigorates you. I know if I’m around people too long, I have to take to my bed to recover! I’m pretty good, at this late date, at keeping that from happening. Now that I have wheels, if I start to experience people-drain, I can turn the key and go away to be by myself. Everyone, including non-loners, need alone time.
One thing I had to get over — and the book helped me with this — is feeling there is something wrong with me because I cringe at the word “party” and prefer my own company to anyone else’s. Now that I accept myself as I am… now that I’m proud of who I am… I’m able to experience life honestly.
I appreciate you sharing so much about yourself, Walt. Good luck to you and your wife as you plan the timing of your retirement and the years beyond.
Thank you for the good writeup. It in fact was a
amusement account it. Look advanced to far added agreeable from you!
By the way, how can we communicate?
Now that I’ve read your About, it sounds like it was a good thing I didn’t know you were camped nearby when I was in Anza-Borrego! I might have dropped in on you, and now I know better than that. 😉 I say this with great understanding and an open heart; I figured I’d better explain that, since we can’t hear tone of voice in writing! Anyhow, I’m with you on the loner thing. I sometimes enjoy talking with other campers, but I often enjoy utter solitude–of which I had plenty in Blair Valley over Thanksgiving!
Thank you so much for sharing your monthly expenses. It makes fulltiming seem so much more possible than I’d thought!
Hello Sue and Crew. I have been following your blog for several months and really do enjoy it. We are not full timers yet but hopefully within the year. We do go out for 6 weeks at a time ,usually Arizona and New Mexico ,(we live in Virginia ) and love it. Our travelling companions are 2 long haired rescue chihuahuas and they are awesome little campers. You mentioned about reading the westerns and enjoying them because you know about the places that are mentioned in the story line. I do the same thing with J.A.Jance — her stories take place in the southern Arizona area and it is so nice to be able to relate to the story even though it is fiction. Keep up your great work here and I look forward to reading more of your adventures. —- Fran
Hi Fran!
Good for you, providing a home for two rescued chihuahuas. You’re another reader recommending Jance.
Thanks for following my blog. I’m glad you’re with us! Good luck planning for full-timing. I don’t use the word awesome much because it is so overused, but I have to say… This full-time vagabonding is awesome!
Hi Sue
This is Henk from Henk from BC Canada! I left a comment for you about when you were going to travel to OR anyway I am in Yuma and would like to visit you.I will be here for a few more days before I go to QZ..do you have time to visit maybe tomorrow.I could come with my truck,ph 702 739 4981
Hello, Henk!
I didn’t say so in my blog post — always want to keep the readers in suspense where the next camp is — but I’m all set to leave here tomorrow, first thing in the morning as I have a long (for me) drive. I’m flattered that you would want to meet me. I’m nowhere near as interesting in person as in print! Sorry, maybe another time our paths will cross. Enjoy Quartzsite!
Hello RVSue! I just came across your blog and I must say I love your attitude and style! As my husband and I are getting ready to celebrate our first year on the road I’m always looking for blogs created by like-minded nomads for tips and ideas.. It looks like yours will be entertaining and informative so I look forward to reading more! Safe travels to you 🙂
I am looking forward to following your blog that my new full-timer friend (Kyra) directed me to. Hubby and I are in process of downsizing now and hope to hit the road within the next two years when he joins me in retirement. Right now we have to settle for wkends camping in our travel trailer here in the midwest but we cannot wait for the time we can head out with no schedule. Of course our puppy Bailey will be with us as she loves rving.
I love your descriptions about the loner aspect of your travels and can relate. A few years ago I was fortunate enough to spend a week driving through Utah by myself (I was there for an advanced fire training course for work) and had a wonderful time. Am looking forward to retracing those steps after we go fulltime. This time no rental car or hotels, will be great. Kris
Hi Sue, I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to share your life with us (vicariously through the internet anyways!). You are an inspiration whether you mean to be or not. I lost my husband of 32 years a few months ago and have been toying with the idea of moving, but, I’m a gypsy at heart. We did a lot of camping and a lot of traveling while married and it was always our dream to go cross country after we retired. I also traveled for work for 12 years and LOVED seeing the countryside, especially out west. So, I had been looking into ideas for how to retire early and travel but was a little hesitant because I’d be a female all alone. Like all of you, I don’t mind being by myself, but, it’s a little frightening with all that could happen and wondering if I was capable. You, and your readers/followers/commenters have inspired me that not only could I do this by myself, I could ROCK doing it by myself! I’m 51 right now and figure if I can stay working til 55, I’d be able to truly afford this lifestyle without worrying. I look forward to continuing to read your blog and any others so I’ll be able to do this the best way possible! Blessings!
Hello, Eve!
Welcome to my blog. My condolences on the loss of your husband. Losing a companion of over 32 years must be very difficult and painful.
I’m happy to read that you are looking to the future! Living on the road full-time won’t seem as frightening once you read how others are doing so without harm, and enjoying themselves immensely. I hope the adventures on my blog help you as you plan for a secure and exciting retirement.
Thank you for your kinds words. Feel free to join in our discussions and to share your own plans as they develop. We help each other here!
Sue, I think one of the things that makes this blog so wonderful is your ability to bring your adventures and reality into play for us who are still ‘home bound’.
And doing that has become one of my biggest motivators to keep writing it.
Hi Sue,
My husband I spent lots of time in the southwest desert you visited so I really enjoy reading your experiences in those familiar spots. I have to admit we were never attracted to living in RV. We never visualized ourselves surviving in such confined space and we had a great friendship and marriage we valued so much. We loved Anza Borrego and spent there every spring 2-3 months. We hiked, took endless pictures of blooming wildflowers, ate grapefruits and dates, bought fresh fruits and vegetables on Fridays in Borrego Springs farmers market. We loved every second of our simple lives. We too once in a while enjoyed meeting people but the biggest pleasure we had during those hikes where we didn’t see anyone.
Sadly, my husband died recently. I know that with my broken heart it’s too early for me to decide where, when and how I need to continue with my life. A friend of mine directed me to your blog when I mentioned that maybe, just maybe, one day I’ll buy myself RV and travel to some of those places my husband and I liked visiting and revisiting. I would also want to discover new areas. Still I’m having a hard time to envision myself in RV. How do I drive this big thing? Have do I empty and maintain all plumbing? How do I get an air card, solar panel, cell phone which is going to work everywhere and on and on? There are more questions. Nonetheless, the more I follow your blog the more I’m attracted to this option. I really enjoy your boondocking stories.
You’re inspiration Sue. I want simple life. I need to watch my budget but I want a cat. How traveling in RV with a cat would look? How do I decide? After almost 20 years making all decisions with a partner it won’t be easy to make those crucial life changing choices on my own. Yes, you’re a huge inspiration and I thank you for sharing your everyday life. BTW, I returned two books to our local bookstore and today ordered them on amazon.com through your website. Not only I’m saving $12 but I’m pleased to add some points to your account. Keep on traveling Sue
Hello, Reina, and a big welcome to my blog! I hope you continue to learn and follow along with me and my crew and my wonderful readers.
My sincere condolences on the passing of your husband and friend. It sounds like you have many memories of happy times together.
You are going through an immense adjustment, and you are wise not to make any big decisions just yet. Buying an RV and taking it on the road by yourself can be overwhelming. I like that you aren’t pushing this option out of your mind. Instead you’re mulling it over, learning what you can, trying to envision if it’s the life for you. I’m happy my blog may help you formulate the next stage of your life. I wish you the very best, whatever lifestyle you choose.
And thank you for your kind words and your support of my efforts via Amazon sales.
We’ll travel these roads together and see where they lead!
I’ll be dropping in on you! Just kidding!
Hey there Sue!
I was just looking thru your site and thought ‘what the heck, wonder how January $$’s went’. I don’t really LIKE seeing what you spend, it seems private-but WOWZERS! I am so impressed and excited for you! 51%. Wow. And, you are living life YOUR way, that suits YOUR NEEDS and WANTS. I love that. It still seems bad to me, to be peeking into your private life, but I think it is great!
I sure hope Amazon works for you. I love my kindle, and am enjoying ordering from them via you.
Hugs to you.
How very sweet of you, Barb. Hugs back to you!
I know, showing my income and how I spend my money is alien to everything I’ve been taught and practiced my entire life. This blog is an exercise in freeing myself of conventional restraints. I see a greater good in sharing my personal information. I’ve realized there are many folks who would love to live this incredible way of life, yet the worry of money holds them back. I hope by showing how I live and what money it takes to live my way will free others to consider what they can do. You don’t have to have a $350,000 motor home to live your dream!
Yes, I’m thrilled with the savings of this lifestyle. For years I figured I’d be a “bag lady” during retirement. Then I discovered the vagabond alternative. It’s turned out to be greater than my biggest dreams.
Thanks so much for ordering Amazon through my links. If people continue to do so like they have this past month, I see my next set of tires paid for, a new Sirius XM radio, and gas money for more adventures. Gee, now I’m letting everyone see how greedy I can be. 🙂
So don’t feel bad about “peeking” into my finances. I’m happy to share the information. God bless you, Barb.
I have a DEAR friend (we have known one another since the 7th grade) and I passed your website on to her a number of months ago. She is a person who can also SAVE on a limited income. She saved her quarters and painted her home with the proceeds… she is AWESOME. She travels (WORLD travel!) on her limited funds… It CAN BE DONE, but it involves planning…
I think it is grand, as we get (ahem) ‘older’ to realize that we really don’t need all we thought we did. I am SO grateful, to NOT have the 4 bathrooms to clean anymore!!! I doubt my hubs and I will take to the road, full time, but thru your adventures, I am learning to make the trips we do take more FUN, Fruitful, yet FRUGAL!
Blessings to you as well!
Hi again Rvsueandcrew,
You’re really inspiration to so many of your readers who dare to dream of simpler but such fulfilling life. In my previous message I told about my husband who just recently died. I’m so sad and lost. I read some of your older posts and learned about Rusty and his lost dog. I would be honored if he (Rusty not Timber) can accept some of my husband’s items. I’m not talking about old useless clothes but for example “church” sweaters or a down coat that he used maybe twice. I could make a list then Rusty could decide what if anything would be useful to him. I know I can donate everything to any local charity but knowing that some items Rusty can wear could help me with my own emotional healing. Rusty’s simple life reminds me of my husband’s life philosophy. I’ll understand if you don’t want to be involved in this endeavor or if Rusty is not interested in a little gift. I’m not sure how to proceed since I’m not too comfortable about plopping my yahoo contact for anyone to see.
Hi sue,
I’m from the north east so I did not know about BLM’s how do you find all of them do you have a guide/map? I cant wait until we have enough time to try full timing so my wife can get to see all she wants to see in the US she has never traveled. We to will be doing it on a very small budget so any info you can share would be of a great help!
Jason from NY
Hi Jason… Do a search for “BLM” or “BLM (and the state or location)” or “dispersed camping BLM.” The website is http://www.blm.gov
Hey Sue…just curious……Did you camp a lot before you went full time?
Never camped a day in my adult life.
Me neither. (-: Been to 48 states but never camped. Can’t wait!
Thanks Sue!!!!!!!
I cant wait to get out of the daily grind and Camp all the time!
Hi Sue,
I Love your blog – so much so that I have nominated you for the Sunshine Award! You can find the details of the nomination here: http://americangypsygibberish.com/2013/04/04/the-sunshine-award/ As always, you are under no obligation to accept or follow through with the award caveats, I just wanted you to know that reading your blog brightens my day!
Simply fascinating!
Unfortunately, we still have four more years before we can get out there, fulltiming. While we’re not going to be doing it in a molded fiberglass, we do have a new Fox Mountain 235RLS (27′) 5th wheel that we plan on doing it in. We’ve already been told by more than a few “you guys are nuts”. If you can do it in your little Casita with the two critters, we can do it in our much larger (in comparison) 5er and our critter, Molly.
Your blog gives us motivation and hope amongst all the nay sayers. I can’t wait to get home and read more of your travels!
I enjoyed reading your comment, JC. I had naysayers, too. After a while, the naysayers accepted my plans. As time went by and it was almost time for me to hit the road, I could see envy in their eyes. Go for it!
I’ve been browsing online greater than three hours today, but I never found any fascinating article like yours. It’s
pretty price enough for me. In my view, if all web owners and bloggers made just right content as you probably did, the web might be a lot more useful than ever before.
hi, sue, just found your site last night while pursuing my endless rv search. i’m in lake dallas, texas and have visited the casita factory now several times. no matter what other rigs i look at, i just keep coming back to the casita. thinking about full timing, just me, 60’s female, and my buddy, 14 lb rescued schnoodle, merlin.
i have so many questions for a full timer in a casita. how does it do in cold/hot weather? is the ac/furnace/insulation up to the task? what size would you recommend? i’ll be pulling it with a 1995 ford ranger, casita company says i can pull any of them, but would need a bumper adjustment for the 17 footers.
what do you do in storms? we just had a horrible tornado that tore up granbury, tx this week and i shudder to think what would have happened to merlin and me out exposed somewhere.
what about cell phone and internet service? do you experience areas where they won’t work? who, in your opinion, offers the best services for the best price? do you us americas mailbox to forward mail?
are you a member of good sam club or any roadside assistance company?
good luck with your lifestyle, i want to join you on the road at some point! regards, claire
Claire… Welcome to my blog! I’ll give you a few quick answers for now as I’m traveling in an area right now where there aren’t many cell towers. Feel free to ask me again sometime in the future under a regular blog post.
Tornadoes… I don’t camp in tornago-prone areas. If in a house or an RV, you’re vulnerable to a tornado in any situation.
Some places we camp there is no internet or phone. I like remote places! Canyons typically don’t have signal.
I use Good Sam emergency road service.
I find the Casita is fine for cold or hot weather and I live in both, usually with no air conditioning. I have a propane heater. If you want to live in perfect temperature all the time, a Casita won’t be that way. Be prepared to dress warmly in cold weather.
I have to stop now. I need to find where we will camp tonight!
thanks so much, sue, for getting back to me so soon. i love following your adventures out there and merlin and i hope to get out in it sooner rather than later. be safe and have fun
Hi Sue! My husband and I have been following your blog for awhile and love it. We are a month in to our RV lifestyle, and we have our own canine crew of 3 dogs with us. I just started blogging at nealysonwheels.wordpress.com. We’re not full-time yet, but we’re on a 4-5 month trip right now and we’re loving it. Just wanted to say a quick hello!
Hello to you, too, Jennifer! Isn’t RVing great? I’m happy for you both and your canine crew.
Hello Sue,
Your blog is another blog to further inspire me and just get a fiberglass egg rv and a tow vehicle and travel and explore solo. Life is way too short! Hmm! I wonder if I can travel with a future cat. Is your Chevy Express a 1500 all wheel drive?
Hi Miranda,
Hubby and I travel with 5 cats in a 24 ft. Born free, so I know it can be done. You just have to start early with a younger cat or kitten. As we have adopted each cat, the older ” experienced kitties” seem to calm the newbie by being so relaxed themselves. In a few days even the newbies were behaving like “old hands”! None are in cages and several like to sprawl on the dash to see and be seen ( always interesting when we pull up somewhere, pay tolls, park entrances and so on). We keep litter boxes under the sofa/ bed- which they access through a door behind my seat. We can block it off and clean from the outside, so it’s a daily process. Unless it’s major feeding time, we only have two bowls out at all times- one water, one dry snacks. These are the kind that are non-spill with a rubber sticky bottom. They sleep where they like, though we’ve put pads out for them in various favorite spots. We aren’t full- timing at present, but this has worked well for our many and sometimes lengthy trips. Good Luck!
Hi Sue,
I really enjoy your blog which I discovered from Fiberglass RV.
I live on the Washington Olympic Peninsula and was excited to see you are heading this way. I don’t know of any BLM-type camping sites up here which you prefer but I am familiar with some places which may cost a bit but are worth it. Right now the weather is gorgeous – you picked the right season to visit.
I live between Sequim and Pt Angeles. If you feel so inclined perhaps I could drop by to meet you in person when you pass through. Wow, meeting a real celebrity!!!
Safe and happy travels.
Greetings Sue,
Found your blog after finding Bob Wells site on cheaprvliving.
Thank you for posting about your adventures.:)
Hi Sue,
I was bopping around your site some today between projects and found your links on the bottom of this post for Bridget and Spike are dead. No doubt missed when you re-did the site.
Thank you, Tesaje. I’ll fix that.
Hello RVSue! Love your blog! It was posted on rv.net. Love your dogs too! You are living your dream life for sure! Looking forward to each of your posts!
Enjoy God’s beautiful country! Hoping to do that in a few years when we retire.
Good for you, Jill! I hope your dreams are realized!
Hello Sue. I read in the Arizona Republic the story of Reed and Timber and saw the blurb regarding you and your website. So, here I am, checking out your blog. Applause to you for helping find Reed’s beloved dog.
Also, I’m the author of a book that you might find interesting. It’s entitled Howling Across Bridges. The characters in my book remind me of Reed and Timber and maybe a bit of you. It’s about a young veteran named Colt Mercer and an abandoned dog he rescues and names Jekyll von Bickerstaff. In this heartwarming tale, they set out on a journey across North America to find Colt’s elusive “noble purpose” in life. Jekyll’s unqualified love touches Colt in many ways throughout the story. As Colt states in the book, “I owe so much to my kind-hearted yodeler, who brought light to my darkness and joy to my despair. The highest irony was thinking I rescued him, when in fact, it was he, in every conceivable way, who rescued me.”
Howling Across Bridges is available on Amazon for just 99 cents for the Kindle edition. I priced it as low as I could to help financially challenged vets and others who may be struggling with life. Here’s the link: http://amzn.to/Sn4A9T
I also have a blog that you might find interesting at jamesmillerbooks.blogspot.com.
BTW, having lived in Alaska for 31 years, I know a little about traveling too.
Fair winds,
Jim Miller
Greetings Sue, I was looking for a way to contact you and ended up in your “About” page. It’s funny, I thought that I was weird before I read about you. I could totally relate to your behavioral profile from beginning to end LOL. A “loner”, but a lover of all living beings and Jesus, as well. So, there is someone of your kind out there (I’m sure that there are more like this…). Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I just put in an order from Amazon.com this morning and wanted to make sure I did it right. I clicked on your link to get to Amazon and went from that. And no, I’m not an RVer, I just follow the beauty of your site. Keep it up, best wishes! Regards to the Canine Crew.
Hi, Paula!
Another kindred spirit! Welcome to my blog! It’s interesting feedback for me that you like my blog even though you aren’t an RVer.
Thanks so much for ordering Amazon products through my blog. You did it right. Once you enter Amazon from my blog, anything you buy gives me a commission.
Best wishes to you, Paula.
Oh you are very welcome, Sue!
Yes, your writings are simple and pleasant to read and I am sure that more non RVers love it. Wishing you and the famous Canine Crew lots of happy adventures!
I just ran into this quite by accident. I have been all over this desert for 30+ years and never ran into you out there. My wifeand I hunt Ghosttowns. Been doin’ it for half my life and been to over 250 of them in Arizona. We still get out now and then and maybe one day we’ll run into ya. It would be a pleasure. Good luck out there and keep havin’ fun. Jim.
Ihave some things I need to order thru Amazon, if I knew how to access my account, I know I have an open acct, cuz I set out to order some books once, couldn’t understand why the or didn’t go to form. Later my debit was billed by Amazon, never received the books but I do know I have an acct.My advice to wannabes, don’t Wait!!shortly after I retired, I had a debilitating stroke. Then our paid for fiver burned.Fortunately we had a a vintage Lazy Daze, but my handicap stops me.I wonder if ifi rely wanted to go that badly. When I’m cured, I’m gone, no more farting around!! another great book for introverts is “Quiet” wonderful book.available onn ebooks.
Hi, Jean,
Call Amazon and get it straightened out. They are very helpful and patient. I’m sorry you had that bad experience.
I don’t know if you realize this… Your email address has a word (before the @) that activates my spam filter. Maybe that’s at the root of your problem with Amazon. If you have trouble posting comments on blogs, your email address is probably why.
It pains me to read of the setbacks you deal with. I wish you a steady recovery and may all your dreams come true!
Hi Sue. I just came across your blog and could not stop reading them! I read them all as in short order and eagerly await the next. I do have a few questions if you don’t mind me asking. I am curious as to how you feel about your personal security while camped in remote area. Either from humans or animals, do you feel safe? Where do you find all of the inexpensive campsites that you visit. Is there a particular publication you use or is it just your own research? Do you feel comfortable leaving the Casita in a remote spot while you travel into town? I am planning to do the same thing in a 24 Element. I am so inspired by your blog! Thanks so much for sharing your experiences and rest assured I will not “pop” in as I too am a happy loner!!
another who just found your blog..( I found it through a retirement blog).. would love to have a Casita (over a Scamp) but not happening soon. My wife and I drove out to Idaho then northern California then down to Barstow then home in 2011. Then last year, out to California via I-40. Spent a couple of nights in Tehachapi. I love the desert out there. Plus, really liked the Painted Desert and Petrified Forest in Arizona.
Be careful out there, Sue
I like your blog. My wife and I have a rat terrier named Daisy that looks like your but she’s a lot smaller. She weights 8 pounds and I’ve got a Jack Russel named Jack of course. My dogs love camping and we are almost full time RV’ers. We’re home just about 2-3 months out of the year and the rest of the time we stay on the road. We’re on our way to Florida right now though for the winter months. My bath tub cracked on me here in PA so I’m at a stand still right now. I ordered one from http://www.rvpartscountry.com and they said it’d be here today and I ordered on Monday, so hopefully I’ll be back on the road tomorrow after I get it installed.
I dont normaly comment on blogs but I LOVE your blog! So much information and I love reading your posts. My husband and I love camping. Its just hte two of us we have been unable to have kids yet but we do have two furbabies that we love. For us theres nothing better than camping. For along time we camped in a tent….I wasnt the biggest fan of going to bed cause…well I dont like tents. Love camping though and everything else but the sleeping part. A few weeks ago we decided to upgrade our tent to a camper. Bought a new used one at http://www.bigdaddyrvs.com/usedRVsForSale.aspx Took it our for our first adventure this weekend. Camping in the middle of no where while my husband deer hunted. This camper has a generator so I was right at home reading and cooking while he was out hunting a big buck. Anyway thanks for posting. LOVE Reading your blogs~
You’re welcome, Teresa. I’m glad you didn’t give up on camping because of the tent issue. I don’t like tent sleeping either. I know you will have a great time with that camper. It’s wonderful to be able to get away from civilization. This is something you and your husband can share, rather than you staying home waiting for him to get back from a hunting trip. Enjoy! Thanks for writing.
I was camped next to you in Bluff, Utah in the spring. And not having read your blog till today, I “picked up the vibe” that you like to be alone. I too am a woman who travels alone frequently, and enjoy my privacy. But I can be chatty too. So I’m glad I got your vibe.
Kit, Durango
Hi RV Sue and Crew
I am a woman who travels from BC Canada towing a pretty much self contained goose-neck Living Quarters horse-trailer with my horse and dog on board. I am spending the months of February and March 2014 camping and trail riding in Southern Arizona again this winter. I have done this trip horse camping to Arizona three times before, once by myself in ’07, and the past two winters ’12 and ’13 with a friend and a second horse. I do however, find it much MUCH easier and more peaceful traveling alone.
I am a person who doesn’t believe in putting metal either on my horses feet, in the form of iron shoes, nor in their mouths, in the form of iron bits IE: I ride barefoot ( trimming the hooves myself in the model of the wild horses) and using bitless bridles…..so that makes me a bit of a “square peg in a round hole” with some of the older-school horse folks
This winter I do have another couple in their own rig making the minimum 4 day trek,(winter weather being the deciding factor) from BC to AZ, with me. They will have two horses and a large dog with them. We will likely do some camping together and trail riding when we get down to the desert but have no commitments to spend the entire winter together. I do also link up with some past acquaintances in certain parks and other areas of the state where we are always dry camping without hookups and often getting water from windmilss. These folks are also travelling with LQ trailers with their horses, from various points across the USA and Canada.
I own a small acreage in BC and often think of just selling out and becoming a full time vagabond like yourself, wintering in the desert and summering in BC. I admire your courage to just live outside the box (altho you ARE in a nice little box really!). I lived for nearly 20 years on a tiny floating home 8’x28′ moored to a dock on a tidal river outside Vancouver BC and kept my horse at a nearby farm. It was a wonderful lifestyle and my neighbours were all unusual and interesting human beings.
The first time in my life I ever owned land was when I bought the raw land I am on now and had a small comfortable home built to the gyproc stage 3 and a half years ago. I personally did all the inside finishing of my home, plus doing all the fencing and outbuildings with used building materials many of which were free.
I enjoy my property and nice home, but I do find it a lot of work looking after 5 acres, horses and garden/lawns/weeds etc, and I do like it tidy. Having the courage to quit working and opt out of the home ownership vice, as you did, appeals to me. I have my own small part-time service-oriented business and rent out a suite in my home in order to afford to eat, feed my animals, etc. I don’t have a mortgage (so my expenses are quite low) but I wonder if I could make it work…….
I am 57, healthy so far and have abundant energy and most importantly a positive outlook. I, like yourself never feel lonely. I have people around me when I want them but I choose to spend a lot of time either by myself or with my animals. I guess most folks worry about how they will manage when they get older and arent as mobile nor as energetic. Do you worry about those things Sue?
On my unit is a older 22 watt solar panel. I read your friend Handybob’s blog and would love to ask him some questions about my panel but dont suppose he answers all the queries he must get! He sure seems to know his stuff! What I am wondering is whether I should be expecting this older panel to charge up my single 12 volt RV battery. Anyway sorry I have blabbed on so long but wanted to give you a bit of a picture of our lives ( me and the crew!) and wanted so say how I think what you are doing is great and I love reading about your travels. Adios for now! Lorraine
Kudos to you!!!! I am completely in awe of your journey!
Hi, I’m a 60 yr old woman also traveling alone with my dogs, I have 2 now and will have 3 come summer. I haven’t been on the road lately but will be again soon… am headed to Quartzite next week. Have been thinking about updating my little 1996 Class B with something newer and taking longer and longer trips… maybe full time, I’m not sure. Investing in a more reliable and a bit bigger RV is a big step. Looks like lots of great resources and stories here on your blog am looking forward to following your postings! Am planning to head to Alaska in late June / early July.
Hi Sue,
I go to pick up my new to me 17′ Casita tomorrow(2010 Freedom). I am a college professor with a big dog named Spike. I sold my sailboat 4 yrs ago to put my son through college intending to buy another one someday. I decided to get a trailer instead and explore a possible way to retire(I have 8 years). The women’s RV group recommended I look you up. Yay. So far you have answered many of my questions about The Salton sea, Utah….. I am going to meet with the Casita group in AZ in February. I need a shake out trip.
Maybe we will cross path someday.
Hi, Ellen,
Congratulations on your new Casita! I wish you and Spike many wondrous adventures. Retirement “on the road” is fantastic. My regards to my fellow Casitans — enjoy the gathering!
I apologize for not replying to every message in a timely manner. I’m having trouble keeping up with all you wonderful people who take the time to write here! Please know that I appreciate your comments — I read every one carefully, although sometimes long after you’ve written. Please feel welcome to comment under the regular blog posts. I’m better at keeping up with those.
Thank you for writing!
Hi RV Sue! What a lovely blog. I am taking my time, reading it like a long novel. So relaxing! I can relate to the “loner” label, as I am that person also. I am unsure whether I would find full-timing to be my goal, but I can live vicariously through your blog! A little about me… I am nearly 71 y.o. (arrgh!); my mother passed away last year at age 102 1/2, and I’m still transitioning from my caregiver role to my own life. My hobbies are quilting and knitting, reading and travel. I have a lot of quilts in the wings, so am staying close to home until more of the dust settles. Thank you for your blog, thoughts and humor. Annette in Omaha
You’re welcome, Annette. We probably do have a lot in common, except for the quilting and knitting, that is. Thank you for introducing yourself. I’m happy you found my blog!
We will be going to Lajatis and Terlingua and then on to Quartzite. This will be our 1st time to Quartzite during the large gathering. We have a Liberty and enjoy your post. We have a blog also.
Have a great time in Quartzsite. I was there today and the RV Show is on!
I just found your site and wanted to invite you to provide a guest post for our site Retirement And Good Living about your RV adventures.
We launched our retirement site at http://retirementandgoodliving.com which provides information on a variety of topics including retirement locations, travel, finances, health, hobbies, volunteering, part time work and much more to boomers, recent retirees and others thinking about or planning for retirement. BTW you don’t have to be retired to guest post on our blog.
Currently the blog section of our site is comprised entirely of posts by guests on a variety of topics. To date over 100 guests from around the globe provided posts to our blog.
Please send me an email and I will forward additional information.
Hi Sue,
This is Mary and Maya from Paris. I love your pictures and woul love to share some of mine with you! They are mostly from here in Paris but in the summer I have been to the south of France with friends.
Here is a recipe for you thats easy and
6 medium onions, thinly sliced 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
6 tablespoons olive oil Freshly ground pepper, 6 twists of the mill
8 oz. tinned Italian tomatoes
drained and roughly chopped 1 oz. roughly chopped basil
Salt 1 1/2 oz. butter
6 large eggs
1 Cook the sliced onion, with all the oil, in a medium frying pan over low heat until it
is completely softened and has turned a rich golden brown color.
2 Add the tomatoes and salt. Raise the heat to medium and cook for 8 minutes, stirring frequently. Turn off the heat and tilt the pan to drainoff all the oil. When
the oil has drained off, transfer the vegetables to a bowl and allow to cool.
3 Beat the eggs in a bowl until the yolks and whites are blended. Using a slotted
spoon add the tomatoes and onion? then add more salt, the grated cheese, pepper and chopped basil, and beat everything into the eggs.
4 Melt the butter in a 12 inch frying pan over medium heat. When the butter begins to foam,and well before it turns brown, add the eggs, turn the heat down to minimum
When the the eggs have set and thickened and only the top surface is runny, after 15 minutes of very slow cooking, run the fring pan under the grill for thirty seconds to a minute, or until the top face of the frittata has set. ( When done the frittata should be set, but soft. It should not be browned either on the top or bottom side.) Loosen the
frittata with a spatula and slidee it onto a warm round dish. Cut into 4 pie -like
wedges and serve.
this recipe is from Marcella Hazan The classic Italian Cookbook.
I hope to hear from you soon,
Mary Neill and maya
Hi Sue. Don’t know how I’ve missed your blog, but glad I happened upon it. I think it was the reference to Ajo boondocking, as we plan to go there if we can drag ourselves out of the Anza Borrego Desert. Thanks for passing on the info about the mine-side being closed off.
Peace to you and your crew! Lynda from stillhowlyntravels.blogspot.com
Hi Sue
I have been directed to your site several times from other blog sites. I am definitely a lurker, a term I had never heard till I met Rene from live work dream in Slab City two years ago.
I am sending this note this evening because we are camped directly north of your spot off the American Girl Mine road.
Knowing you guard your privacy and I respect that, I just say hello, love reading your stories.
Your nieghbour
Sneaking in here to tell Bridget that she was mentioned in my little blog yesterday as a role model for our Tessa. I’m showing Tessa pictures of Bridget boondocking without the privacy of a fenced yard – and that Spike is always around too!
HELLO TO EVERYONE WHO HAS COMMENTED ON THIS PAGE! I’ve enjoyed reading your introductions and messages.
Please forgive me for not replying to each comment here. I’m finding it difficult to keep up with comments. I hope you will visit the main comment page and write to everyone there. I’m more likely to see your comment in a timely fashion if you post there, rather than on this page. Thank you!
To find the comments section, look at the small type at the bottom of each blog entry. It’s a very active area of my blog and I hope you will join us there.
A pleasure to meet you, rv sue.
Hi Sue, Your blog is great. I recently retired and am hoping to rv across America in my own Casita. My only holdup right now is I’m caring for my folks ( in their mid 80s ) and I’m enjoying this time with them. Still I’m saving for the Casita and will get a later model pick up. I like your idea of the van but I’ll need the p’up bed for a small motorbike. Enjoy your travels. Oh, almost forgot. I’ll be traveling with Fergie, my corgi, and Oakley, my tri color who knows what rescue buddy.
By the way. Presently, I live in Florida and go camping in my pop up camper, named “the dog house” . Fergie and Oakley love it.
My wife and I are planning to go full time, we have an 1988 Mallard, and our income is $1360 a month with no savings. Any suggestions. What does your solar run, and how much power do you have with the solar. How much does it cost to get solar.
Hi, Patrick . . . Great to hear from you!
I’m no expert but I think you would be fine with a 200 watt panel like I have (or two 100 watts). A friend of mine has put together a list of components with prices and an estimate of the labor that it would take to set up solar like I have. I will try to put that together soon on the page called “Solar” in the header.
I don’t know how much of my blog you have read. I have shown over the past 2+ years that one can live year-round on public land and thus pay no camping fees. The times I have paid a fee to camp were by choice. I could’ve camped in a no-fee area. I don’t know what expenses you have. Looking at my Money reports should give you an idea what it costs for one person.
I’ll try to put up that solar information soon. My connection is slow where we are presently camped, so I’m not sure when I’ll get it done. Best wishes as you plan for a life of full-time vagabonding!
You’re welcome, Debby. Thanks for stopping by and introducing yourself. I’m happy to have you with us.
It is so exciting to plan for your rig and where you will go with it. Best wishes to you and your canine crew!
Most of your autobiography seems to fit with one notable exception. You say you are not sentimental. Perhaps that is what you would like to be, but it isn’t what you are. I don’t mean to bust your cover but anyone who’s the least bit perceptive and has followed your blogs, know I am right. I like “RV SUE” just as she is.
Thank you, Jim. By not sentimental I mean I don’t keep anything to remind me of a special moment or day or person. I don’t have one photo of family. When married I never remembered our anniversaries. No special souvenirs, trinkets, jewelry, letters, cards, songs . . .
A pleasure to read, as I am very similar. I’m still looking for a place to post my mini- shower idea. Aside from the bath- wipes which work very well, sometimes only a shower will do! Kept mine under $12 at Wally mart by buying two long white ” liners”, two spring bars, and a bit of white velcro to close the two sides. I have a shower attachment for my sink, so just stick the sides together, soap up and then rinse, while standing in a cheap platic bin about a foot high. The spring bars go across the aisle between my cabinets. Liners inside the bin or bucket. Easy to empty when done. I use biodegradable soaps, so no problem in where to empty. So nice, cheap, workable little shower for my Sporty. Hope some of you like the idea and can use it. Just wanted to share this tiny idea. Happy trails…..,
I think we were cut from the same cloth because I related to everything you said. I am planning on RVing full time within 4 yrs. My only problem with wanting and planning that is I have a sciatica problem so I am not sure how it will work but I plan on seeing how I do. Happy trails
Sharon Lee
I have sciatic problems as well, plus leftover issues from a broken back. I’d suggest that you get things like hoses and electrical cords in as light a weight as you possibly can. I bought an Xhose, and a 25 foot flat roll-up hose. I have shorter cords and hoses to attach to them if I need them.
Almost forgot–since I have the water supply and the batteries under my bed/sofa, I also got two pretty heavy duty hydraulic lifts to help me get to them. Hope this helps you as much as it has me.
Happy Trails and good luck
My Aunt shared your blog with me, and I am SO glad she did! I have a dream to sell all my belongings when I retire at 70 (only 19 more years to go!), buy a truck and fifth wheel trailer, load up and see America for 2-3 years. I’ll have to be innovative as I have two parrots and will need a way to secure their cages inside so they can safely travel with me. My current canine companion will be long gone by then, but I’m sure there will be another. My Aunt knows of this dream and thought your blog would be interesting to me; she was exactly right!
It is encouraging to read your exploits and realize that I really can make live that dream too. Keep writing, and I’ll certainly keep reading. Wishing you very blessed and safe travels with your canine companions!
Nice to meet you, dayna! Welcome to my blog! Thanks to your aunt for bringing you our way.
I’m sure there is a safe and manageable way to RV with parrots. I hope you will ride along with me and the crew as you whittle away those 19 years ’til retirement!
Sue how do I contact you with a question that only you will see?
Please let me know
Hello Sue- was turned on to you today by a client, Laurie A.who will be retiring to a new motorhome w 2 dogs next year. Love your descriptive voice. Now I’ll always think of salad dressing when I see a grassy meadow, and a fall over a cliffside as a place to park. “I’m…analytical, compassionate, and curious. I love words. My exceptional ability to amuse myself is one of my greatest life-tools.” has as already made it into my cool-quotes folder, as this section also describes me. As a Hairdresser I thrive with people, but have always arranged part of my days for solitude since childhood. Never demanding it, I just disappear. Wish I were thrifty! I’m frugal, but that’s momentary; thriftiness comes from a PLAN.
Can’t see how I missed your “subscribe here” link, but I have. How to, please? Thanks for sharing.
Welcome to my blog, Julie! I’m glad you found us. Thanks for introducing yourself.
If you go to the Home page and look at the sidebar on the right side, you will see a place to subscribe. Also there are hints how to find the early posts and how to open up the main comments page (click on the recent post title). We discuss all sorts of topics in that comments area, rather than here, under my introductory page. It’s easy for me to miss a comment placed here, so in the future, I hope you will join us in the comments under the post. You’ll meet good people there.
I’m the opposite of you regarding frugality. I do believe, if I won the lottery, I’d still keep my 2005 PTV and my 17-foot trailer, and I’d camp for free on public land!
So very sorry to hear about the passing of your beloved Spike. RIP Spike.
Thank you, Donna. I invite you to comment under the main “home” page. I almost missed this!
Presuming you do not already know, you are presently in a very historic area.
Just south of you is the route of the Immigrant Trail, the Overland Trail, the Mormon Trail, etc. All of these followed the Sweetwater Valley.
Located on that trail, just 50 miles SE of your position, there was a Stage Station (1890s) called Myersville. One of my ancestors and her husband operated a Post Office at that site. That is until she started pilfering the mail and her misdeeds caught the attention of the authorities. It cost her a year of her life in the Wyoming Territorial Prison for her mistake.
Just some trivia for the day.
Interesting, Steve. I know this is a historical area, but I didn’t know those details. Yes, there’s the Handcart tragedy site where a group of Mormons, about 400 or more, were trapped by a snowstorm (?) and 77, I think, died before help arrived from Salt Lake City.
Gee, I wish you’d commented under today’s post where others will see it in a timely fashion. Comments are lost under these heading pages.
Nice to hear from you!
I just recently found your site and I am at starting with your older blog so I can start from the beginning 🙂 I do not know what I will do when it comes time for me to retire (I am currently 55) but I know that I will not have much to retire on, so I am doing research here and there and trying to put money aside for that time. I am really enjoying your blog so far and I am up to july 20 2011. I love how you write and I am looking forward to reading even more, but it is time for me to go to bed, I am way past my bedtime! lol…. I was reading and reading each post and realised what time it is and that I had been enjoying your writing so much! Thanks for sharing your adventures…. Huggles from Laura O.
Love this blog and its commenters!!
Hi Sue, I am glad you found my post. I knew it wasn’t right the minute I hit the post button. I was going to wait until the weekend and then copy and paste to the right area. I’m sorry for the loss of Spike. It hurts. We have 18 beloved pets buried under the trees in our yard. That encompasses 25 years but each baby left a bit of a hole in our hearts. I too hope we can fulfill our dream and tow off into the sunset. Take care and have a very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year. Tell Bridget she looks gorgeous in her purple sweater. I hope Santa Dog brings her a yummy bone to chew and a big box of her favorite cookies.
Hi Sue,
We need to talk. Traveling solo (with two munchkins) in a ’94 “Free Spirit” what Larry Gamble calls the bastard child of a Freedom and Spirit Deluxe. Don’t ask. And a somewhat underpowered Aerostar van. I love the van part. Split and go. I posted a comment to your burro post. Found it when I was researching some stuff on BLM holding sites. I see you don’t have a contact link and I respect your privacy. I feel the same. However, I would love to touch base and swap Casita lore, etc. You can reach me through my website and the email listed. Happy trails.
Hi, Kerry,
I’ll look for your comment under the burro post. In an amazing coincidence I found this comment. Welcome to my blog!
In the future, comment under the current post. That way I won’t miss your comment and all the readers get to read what you have to say. Feel free to “swap Casita lore” there… Several of my readers have a Casita or are considering one for the future.
Yeah, vans make great tow vehicles… Love all the storage.
Hi, Sue;
Discovered your blog today on a comment posted today in FiberglassRV. How exciting to read of your kindred spirit travels! My pitbull and I camped summers in BC, WA and OR in a 2005 13′ Scamp. I’m considering boondocking full time and hope you will share some insights and steps you take on these issues:
Personal Safety – I’ve been run off the road by a large RV and car-jacked at gunpoint in Sonoran Desert – so steps you take for security would be appreciated.
National Parks – their no-dog policy except in campgrounds and parking lots keeps me out.
Where do you leave your dog while you’re away? (Can’t leave a dog in a hot trailer/car.
Campground fees – can be exorbitant, costing up to $35 a night during summer – if you’re lucky to have a reservation. And casino/walmart/truck stop parking lots – unsafe, unfun.
So, what to do?
Thank you for your wonderful blog. Happy new adventues…
Marilyn… I’m going to move your comment to the main (home) page’s comment section so that others may see it. This page doesn’t receive much traffic. It may take a while before it appears there with my reply.
Hi Sue!
I am so happy to have found your blog! I, too, am a 60-something solo gal (with, right now, 3 dogs…2 Portuguese Water Dogs and a little rescue ShihTzu….). After over 37 years in healthcare, I lost my job , and have not been able to find re-employment……so I guess I’m retired!
I do have savings, and right now I own a s&b on 3 acres…..but with no income, it’s becoming impossible for me to continue being a “homeowner” in New Jersey! This month my Social Security monthly checks began arriving, HOORAY! With my Medicare payment automatically removed, my SS check is about $2100/mo…..and I was wondering if you think I could live on this monthly amount…..traveling the country in a small TT? I don’t need much “space”….just a bed, a bathroom, a kitchen and somewhere to sit and watch tv, read and play on my computer! Oh, and a nice lounge chair under the stars!
I haven’t caught up on your blog from the beginning yet, so excuse me if my questions can be answered there….but do you boondocks “only”, or do you stay in state or national parks sometimes? Are you ever nervous boondocking alone? How long can you stay out at a time? Do you have solar set up? A generator?Are you on any maintenance drugs…..and if so, do you think it’s easier to have them mailed to you via a mail service or do you do the nationwide Walmart pharmacy thing?
Do you have an medical emergency plan for your dog’s should something happen to you where you need to be hospitalized (this is my main concern….who will take care of my dogs if I’m carted away in an ambulance!) Do you have something set up for this senario?
My next step is to get rid of all my crap, sell my s&b, purchase a little rPod or Shasta Airflyte and a tow vehicle, and GET ON THE ROAD TO SEE OUR GREAT COUNTRY!
So many questions, I’m sorry! Maybe one rainy day when your stuck inside, you could find the time to reply! Thanks so much, Sue……..you’re one of my new heros!
I’m about to get a Casita Spirit 17. I think it was you I saw on youtube when you got your Casita. Loved it!! You mentioned you were from Athens. I’m from Duluth, retired anesthetist. Can’t wait to get my RV. Looking forward to talking to you and reading your blog. I’ll start a blog as soon as I get rolling.
Congratulations on choosing a Casita, Jan!
No, I’ve never been videod for youtube. At least not that I know of!
In the future, please comment under the main home page where the most recent post is so that everyone can see what you’ve written. This page isn’t visited regularly.
Good luck!