Creosote in bloom, Buckeye Hills Recreation Area, Arizona
There are close to 340 comments under the previous post as I type this, many of them enthusiastic reactions to the Best Little Trailer’s makeover, as well as personal plans and updates of readers of this blog.
Tuesday, March 8
Bridget, Reggie, and I motor into Buckeye to do laundry. Along with clothes and towels, I have the curtains from the Best Little Trailer and her two runner rugs to wash.
I take the crew on the walk-about they’ve come to expect during laundromat visits.
When the curtains and rugs are done washing, I fold them up damp and put them into the Perfect Tow Vehicle with the crew. Once the rest of the laundry is dried, folded, and packed into the PTV, we head over to Wal-Mart for a few fresh items to add to the larder.
The weather today is pleasantly cool.
I put the curtains back on the rods. Bright and fresh to go with the new bedding. Outside I spread the rugs out on the mat to finish drying.
“It’s so nice out. I bet you two would like a mid-day walk.”
Watching Bridget and Reggie trotting alongside each other, a glimpse of a similar scene comes to mind.
I recall Spike and Bridget, side by side.
A chubby hiney and a skinny hiney, a long tail and a short tail. We’d walk along like this, at a fairly brisk pace, and Bridget would swerve over and plant a kiss on Spike’s cheek. My original crew . . . *sigh* . . . .
At that moment Bridget swerves over and plants a kiss on Reggie’s cheek!
I could sit in the road and cry!
Oh, it’s too nice a day for crying. I smile at my sweet crew, thankful.
Reggie, like Spike, doesn’t react to the kiss — except, again just like Spike, there’s a new lightness to his step.
“Okay, at the top of this little hill, we go back. I need some lunch.”
Later . . .
I’m inside the BLT, sitting at the computer table with my chair facing the back window. I resume replying to the many comments under the previous post.
What a great bunch of blogorinos!
Bridget is comfortably ensconced in soft pillows and puffy comforter, settled in for a delicious, afternoon nap.
Reggie also makes a cozy bed for napping.
The crew benefits when RVSue doesn’t make the bed in the morning!
While typing away at my laptop, a strong wind begins to blow.
The ceiling vent rattles and the fresh curtains billow.
What is that out there? Oh, it’s the laundry basket I left outside . . . . Ha! There it goes!
I wait until Bridget and Reggie stir from their naps before going out to take the photo above and to collect the basket and also the rugs that have dried. The crew comes outside, too, for after-nap potty break.
Gosh, there’s something exquisitely fine about standing in a peaceful place like this — no people around — a panoramic view — a cool wind blowing.
“All done, cuties?”
Bridget and Reggie stand at the door.
“In you go! It’s kibble time and I have more replies to write!”
I appreciate every Amazon order, large or small, placed through my blog. Here’s a sample of what readers recently purchased:
Giant Delivery Bicycle Basket
4 Pocket Hanging Wall Organizer
Spiral Rainbow Column Windsock, 40″
Women’s UPF 50+ Roll Up Straw Hat
Luggable Loo Portable 5 Gallon Toilet
Oil Cloth Stella Cherries Black Fabric
The Best Little Trailer snuggled in her nest of palo verde
Read the blog. Its nice to see the sunshine. We are facing days of rain and wind here. Can’t wait to get warm enough to open windows and have the curtains blow in the breeze. I think that is one of the things I miss most. Open windows all year long. Great photos again.
You, my friend, are fast today! Warm here in Laughlin with windows wide open, enjoying the breezes coming through. Trying very hard to get over a very ugly cold that has taken over my bronchial system— out, out with you!!!
Gosh, Kathy… I assume you’ve gone to a doctor about that.
No—I am determined to beat this! I will admit to knuckling into OTC cough meds though. Got something with guaifenesin which gave me a real reprieve last night. Feel much better today. My mainstay is hot toddy with mix of tea, honey, lemon, eucalyptus oil, thyme oil & rum. I have had this before & know it is a matter of time as long as no infection sets in. So far so good. Thankful for the very nice, warm weather here.
this very ugly cold has the northwest in it’s grip! my cough is finally retreating after 4 weeks. hang in there.
Keep on getting better, bess and kathy.
thanks so much.
Thanks re the photos. Sending sunshine your way…
I’ll take all the sunshine we can get but Kathy and Bess can keep their colds. Hope they get better.
Nice update, Sue. When I saw the first walk picture I was reminded of how Spike and Bridget used to walk side by side. It is so sweet that Reggie and Bridget sometimes do the same. Ah laundry day, I need to do press soon. One of the very few things I miss is my own washer and dryer. Have a great rest of the day.
Can’t believe I’m near the top.
You are number two. Congratulations.
Hi, Lisa W… You almost made first place!
You know? I thought I’d miss my washer and dryer but I don’t. When I had them the laundry was always in process, never completely done. Now I take everything to the laundromat, come home, put it away, and that’s it. Plus the laundromat gives me something to write about. 🙂
I can’t tell you how much I love this post. Your crew just enjoying life and being in a family together. Priceless!
Hi, Suzette in Tennessee,
What a sweet comment. I hope you’re having a good day, too.
Home from school today–maybe top 10? Hello to everyone!
Hi, DeAnne in Tennessee,
Great seeing you here! I hope you can enjoy your day home from school (and not being sick or anything). Spring break is coming soon…
Not sick–took one of those things that teachers affectionally call a “mental health day.” Lots of work, state testing next week–I was fried. Spring break in a couple of weeks!
I understand. Ugh… testing. Yes, a break is a good idea.
Hi Sue! Glad that you are enjoying your day and the weather. In NC right now, it is short sleeve weather. All of the red bud trees are blooming. I think a mourning dove has built a nest on my back patio. Oh well, now I will have to walk around the building to put my trash out, so that I won’t disturb her. A small price to pay for an upclose view!
Hi, Dawn in North Carolina,
Thanks for that lovely picture of spring in NC and for reminding me of the redbud tree I used to sit under . . . .
Mourning dove babies to come…. sweet!
Love the sweet kiss and how snugly those two look as they rest.
Me, too, Audrey. The little, precious moments in life . . .
Morning Sue and crew and Blogerinos. Blustery and damp here in northern California as well. Our local Folsom dam, a flood control dam and reservoir was rising so quickly at 124% of where is should be at this time of year, that they have opened 5 of the big gates. Created a spectacular scene. Water rushing down the river, cleaning out drought years accumulation of debris, making it new again. They tell us 2 to 4 inches of rain between now and Monday and 2 to 4 feet of much needed snowpack will be added. Yay!
Kitty Mandy recovering nicely from her dental surgery and extractions. Husband stable. It’s a better time for us. Sending out good wishes to all and happy safe travels. Special hug to DG as you recover.
Good morning, Velda,
Rushing water, pouring out of the reservoir — a welcome sight during years of drought. Thanks for sharing that happy report. You did a great job describing it.
Yay for you and your family! Mandy is a nice name for a kitty.
BTW, DesertGinger wrote an update. It’s near the bottom of the comments under the previous post.
Thank you Velda. Nice to hear from you,
Ahhh! You have a sweet crew?I’m so happy for you ☺️
Thank you, Ronda in western Washington. They bring me much happiness.
Mornin’ Sue!
Gosh I love fresh dried stuff in the wind… Bet the BLT smells heavenly.
That Bridget! What a sweet sweet moment, and you caught it! Oh geez… tears here too. Spike is certainly still a part of the crew, in spirit that is for sure… I hope the new blogerinos go back and read about your start… and him. 🙂
Every time I see your new splashes of color, I think gosh I need to get some of that stuff you spray on to keep curtains from fading! I had to take Moosee’s out last year and I did not want to change them out but they were faded… I ended up dying them with RIT which was OK, but the last time I was out there I noticed they are faded again… just the side panels as they are not lined nor are they covered like the front ones… I need to dye them and line them too I think… and maybe spray 🙂 Someone in another trailer group wrote about a spray that keeps stuff from fading… My silly brain gets reminders from the oddest of places! Thank you for the visual post it note in my head!
OH MY GOSH I was looking at the Amazon list and I did Not Know they had oil cloth! I usually get mine in Ocean Park at Jacks (WA coast) but the Amazon prices are GOOD. And the selection! I like to see what people buy, and also love your recommendations.
I hope you got some decent percentages… I am really trying to remember to link up between your blog before I order stuff–recently got a mattress so that would be a pop I would hope!
Well, I am procrastinating on my WORK on the upcoming walk, roll and stroll. Gotta get back to it, but it sure was nice to ‘go camping’ for a few minutes this morning! Thanks Sue and Crew!
Hugs from Hoquiam where they say we need to batten the hatches again… its a blowin’ out there!
Hi, Barb from Hoquiam!
You sure do get the weather there…. Hang on!
About the spontaneous kiss photo — We’re walking along and I’m taking photos of the crew ahead of me, one pic right after another, and remembering Spike at the same time. That’s when Bridget swerved over to Reggie. I think I have a photo of Bridget kissing Spike, but heaven knows where it is.
Yes, I saw a mattress order and it did give me a hefty commission. Usually by the end of the month enough orders have been placed to put me at an 8% rate. More orders, higher commission. Thanks, Barb.
Oil cloth — a handy item. When I saw that in my orders report, I thought it would be good to post it here because many blogorinos said they were inspired to do some sprucing up. Oil cloth is great stuff when you want practical, easy-care, and color, with or without pattern. I used it in my classroom to cover the beat up, shabby tables (and then the students wrote all over them… oh well).
Dyeing fabric is a crap shoot. I’ve never had success with that. Maybe that’s why I like white for windows. Colorful curtains do give a happy look though.
Best wishes for your roll and stroll… Always good to hear from you!
Amazon gives commissions? I would never have known if it weren’t for your comment, Sue!
Found a photo of Spike and Bridget almost identical to Bridget and Reg walking side by side…
rvsueandcrew says:
April 2, 2013 at 9:30 AM
It still tickles me to see Bridget and Spike trotting along, side by side, in their little black suits. Bridget will sneak a kiss on Spike’s cheek — so cute! They both get excited when I get out the harnesses.
Thanks, Cinandjules! I looked it up and enjoyed the memories. And that post gives proof I didn’t make up the part about Bridget kissing Spike. 🙂
Spike standing in the dishpan soothing his paws…made me smile…such a good boy. I do miss the “soakings”
That photo made me pause and smile, too.
I went to this date and didn’t find the pic.
It’s the post before that one, April 1, 2013.
“Trouble comes in threes”
The photo is of Bridget and Spike walking side-by-side. I don’t know where Cinandjules found my mention of Bridget kissing Spike.
Oh, that photo of Bridge kissing Reggie brought tears to my eyes. How incredible that you managed to catch it!! I wonder if Miss Princess Camera Shy had known you were ready if she would have kissed him?? It seems like a beautiful day for everyone to be nice and cozy in their new digs. It’s gorgeous here too – so I have the windows open, the music on, and I’m cleaning – I just finished vacuuming the dogs – LOL!
Hi, Cynthia from San Clemente,
“. . . I have the windows open, the music on, and I’m cleaning.” Well, isn’t that a picture of a woman in spring…. 🙂 More gorgeous weather for you — That’s California!
About Bridget’s kiss… There are times when things occur with such poignancy and timing that one can’t help but think they are more than accidental or coincidental. That kiss did remind me to be grateful for what we had with Spike and what we have with Reggie — and with Bridget, too, of course.
Vacuum the dogs… Ha! I don’t know how you are allowed to do that!
Hiya Missy and gang. I am using the number one photo as my new desktop. It’s perfect for spring. How cute is that, Bridget kissing Reggie? When I think of little Spike it makes me sad all over again. I see him laying down in a few inches of water in my mind. He was and always will be a sweetie to me. Thanks for always giving us a place to charge our minds with the things you experience and share. I bet you were a great teacher.
Thank YOU, Jim. Yeah, the Spikester was one heckuva dog. Most of us have known a dog who will always be a part of us. I know you and Detta have. Gosh, one time I was walking Reggie in a wash and the sand was so soft it made his footprints/pawprints bigger. I looked up expecting to see Spike. I don’t think I’ll ever get over the loss. I suppose that’s as it should be.
Anyway…. Yes, yellow creosote blooms, very springlike. I’ll change my desktop, too. 🙂
Precious moments…THAT’S why I love your blog so much Sue. Like stopping to smell the roses. You describe these moments so well. The unexpected kiss from Bridge…and billowing curtains in a freshly decorated trailer…brighten up and make my day. Thanks.
You’re welcome, Andrea in Glendale.
It’s good to enjoy the little things. You don’t have to rush around doing big things to stay happy. Ha!
Wishing you many precious moments…
I’m positive that Maya can read my mind and here’s proof that Bridget can read yours! Thanks for the sweet photo of those two.
You’re welcome, Pam and Maya, Still in NY,
Who knows? It would make sense that they can. All Bridget has to do is look at Reggie a certain way and he does what she wants him to do! (Well, maybe that’s a universal, female skill.) 🙂
Hey, 25th isn’t a bad spot. I altered my plans because of weather today too. There must be something in the air. I’m not cleaning, but I am cooking. My Tommie has had some GI upset, so it’s chicken and rice for him. Am I the only vegetarian that makes a rotisserie chicken for my four footed boys?
My old man,Buddy the geriatric cat, enjoys the chicken too. It seems that plain chicken and white rice cures a lot of ills for my boys. I make it for Buddy in an attempt to put some weight on him. He’s a healthy eighteen year old, but I don’t like to feel his backbone when we cuddle. I’ve also made him Calf’s liver when his gums were pale due to a flea infestation. Thank goodness that was short lived. Buddy lives inside and so unless Tommie or I bring in fleas, Buddy lives a chemical free life. No more vaccinations for the old man either. I got a letter from the vet yesterday saying he was waived from anymore vaccinations. He’s a tough old man, but I’m not taking chances. Tommie gets regular flea and tick protection. Sue, what do you use for the crew? do you have troubles with bugs living in the desert?
Your little BLT sounds so fresh and cozy. I will be redecorating too once I do my renovations. Once I have the funds from selling some stuff it will be full steam ahead to make the changes and get ready for the road, YeeHaw and Yipee!!
Oh, I know I could search back and figure this out, but could you tell me where you got your curtains? I have cafe rods in my trailer and am thinking of something similar. I wish I could post pictures here, but if you want to see the step wise progression, check out the fiberglass rv dot com site. I am Lisa in FL.
And I love the pictures of the pups snuggled and sleepy. Especially that one of Reggie yawning in your previous post. What a sweet face to wake up with. It’s so nice to see Miss B up and walking with you and kissing Reggie. Have you started to give her something for her aches and pains? I think my old man Buddy could use something some mornings.
Hi, Lisa and her pack in South Florida (for now),
Enjoyed your newsy comment!
To answer your questions:
No, I don’t give Bridget anything “for her aches and pains.” She doesn’t seem to be in that kind of discomfort, only when she pulls something or sleeps “wrong” and then I give her Tramadol. I suspect Bridget is aging much like Spike did (similar breeds), and I don’t want to start dosing her when it might be hard on her stomach. Her periodic reluctance to go walking with Reggie and me looks more due to being tired easily (her weight, her age, panting). Like a lot of us, she doesn’t always feel like exercise.
We haven’t encountered any fleas or ticks so there’s no need for a preventative. (Bugs like water.) At Bridget’s age I don’t vaccinate her. Reggie is up-to-date.
Where did I get my curtains? Amazon, of course. These are mine: Lorraine Home Fashions Jackson 58-inch x 24-inch Tier Curtain Pair, White
And here are similar curtains, the kind without grommets, for those who like eyelet: Lorraine Home Fashions Ribbon Eyelet Window Tier, 60 by 36-Inch, White, Set of 2
Remember when ordering curtains, you need to buy at least twice the width of your windows so the curtains have folds. It’s easy to forget that!
You’re taking great care of Tommie and Buddy. I hope the digestive upset is cured.
How wonderful!!!
Lynn B. (Baltimore, MD)
And it’s wonderful to see you here, Lynn B. in Baltimore, Maryland. 🙂
We’re getting up to 70 degrees today here in Michigan. Very unusual. But then this whole winter has been very unusual and we are not complaining. Glad you’re having a good time, and that Bridgett loves Reggie. We knew she did, but it’s nice she let him know.
Hi, Dawn in Michigan,
In the seventies, how nice! Yes, the weather has been surprising. Enjoy!
hi dawn, are you getting antsy to go camp with your doggie? with that warm weather, i would think you are ready to go in the tent. much love to you, bess
Oh yes Bess! There have been a couple of nights, if we still didn’t have wet snow on the ground that I could have camped out with a lot of blankets! I just bought a screen tent to take with us up north so that we can sit ‘outside’ and not have to hide in the tent all the time! And I have a reservation for a campsite right on Lake Huron for the second weekend in June. Can not wait! 🙂 Katie says she can’t wait either.
Hi Sue and Crew!
Love your post and the pics of the crew. What a sweet kiss Bridget! Let’s see if I can get this to post. I’ve commented twice in recent posts and they didn’t show up. I’m still here too!
Hi, Kelley in SoCal,
I don’t know why that happened. Did you check later to see if they were slow appearing? Darn. I want you here! 🙂
As always, we never know when a new post from RV Sue is going to arrive but we always get a lot of enjoyment from reading them when they appear. We will never be “First” but totally understand the good feeling being “First” must bring the winners. We really liked it that Spike gotta lil’ mention today. We often read your older posts as we learn something useful in each one. We should be on the road again in April for our first (much delayed by a relative’s health issues) long trip out west. We’re dying to try out our new solar setup with some boon docking on AZ, CA, OR, BLM land etc. and hoping it won’t be too hot when we get out there. At least it can’t be as humid as our home base in Houston, TX. Have a wonderful rest of the day.
Thanks, PD in Houston, Texas,
Oh, the anticipation of finally taking off on the planned trip and boondocking with your new solar! I’d be antsy, too!
It won’t be too hot in April in Arizona if you watch your elevation. Yuma will be hot because it’s so low, of course. Flagstaff, Prescott, Sedona — the higher places — will be fine, just have to watch the weather and not park where you will be “mudded in” if it rains.
I hope you will keep in touch while on the road westward … We’re here to offer suggestions on places to camp, how to moderate your temperatures, etc.
You have a wonderful day, too. Good hearing from you!
I just went back to the last blog and read everything to catch, I had missed a lot! I must comment about something, sometime I am reluctant to comment because I don’t want to seem overly pushy…then I read your comment where you said you felt like you were carrying rocks in a shovel…regarding a lack of comments.. To tell the truth I had not considered that… I love the interaction I will try to be better about commenting.. I think my background of living my youth with a totally dominating mother then being married to a man that is constantly correcting me has led to my reluctance. I will work on that!
Thank you so much for putting the links to things folks buy. Helpful! Last summer I had my old well loved oilcloth on my picnic table when camping at Alpine Lake campground…when I was putting things away in preparation to leave, I realized my oilcloth was…gone! Some rotter had helped themselves! I have been wanting to replace it but have found the cost too high, until you posted the link to Amazon. I was able to order a piece just like my old one at a fantastic price, so thank you!
Now I need to find some table clothe weights like I had to keep it from blowing around…the ones I had were shaped like grape bunches that clipped to the edges of the cloth. I hate thieves!
Thank you, Lee J., for planning to contribute more to this comments section. You already have kept conversations going and several times and I’ve appreciated that. Yes, it makes it more fun (and easier) for me when people join in. I don’t like to beg! Ha!
That’s crummy about your oilcloth stolen off your picnic table, along with the weights. How do people enjoy a picnic on a stolen tablecloth? I’m glad you found what you like on Amazon to replace it. Thanks. I appreciate the feedback on those what-readers-ordered links.
Here’s a selection of tablecloth weights and clips. Amazon has more than these:
Coghlan’s 527 Table Cloth Clamp
Prodyne Metal Garden Dwellers Tablecloth Weights (Set of 4)
Esschert Design USA Aged Ceramic Tablecloth Weights, Set of 4
Wow… Here are some pricey grape clusters!
Purple Grape Cluster Tablecloth Weights – Set/4
These are more reasonable… 🙂
Prodyne Metal Grapes Tablecloth Weights (Set of 4)
Such a tender endearing moment with Bridget kissing Reggie! What a treasure they are! As for laundry there is nothing quite so wonderful to smell as fresh clean curtains! Yep I think you officially started the spring cleaning frenzy:) I’ll be cleaning the windows inside and out on the rv. Just love sparkling glass! Then the toy hauler part. That sure will be a challenge. Enjoy the day!
Hi, Karen,
I agree… Love the smell of Tide on the breeze. 🙂 You mentioned another thing on my to-do list. Clean curtains need clean windows! I clean the windows and then the desert dust comes back and they need another cleaning. Good luck with your projects!
Sue, I’m not surprised there were so many comments, the makeover is beautiful!! So colorful and everything coordinates so well…even the colander!!
Sweet memories of Spikey…clearly the Bridge loves her family…and that snuggly spot on the bed! Enjoy your fresh Springtime Clean BLT!!
Thanks, milliehubbard,
One thing about the blogorinos — They have a lot of enthusiasm! It was fun having scads of folks oohing and aahing over my decorating. Thanks for adding your thumbs up! 🙂 And thank you for remembering Spikey with me.
Love the nice scenic photos. Bridget wandering over to kiss Reggie was the sweetest thing and the two hineys walking together was too cute.
Angel has already had two walks today. She wiggles her little but down the road, like Miss Priss, when she isn’t sniffing her way around the neighborhood. Last night she had me laughing so hard. I was putting her med into a small slice of hot dog, evidently, WAAAAY too slowly, so she came over to the counter, planted her back against the cabinet, stood on my foot and tried to get up my leg for the wiener. The vet she would stop taking the pills when she realized I put it in the hot dog. Ha! She watches me twice a day and still wants it. If she does drop the pill on the floor, I tell her to pick it up and she eats it. Such a good dog.
One of my friends at exercise class today told me her 15 yr old Sheltie died during the night. Ruth was visible upset. She said, when they woke this AM, the dog, who also sleeps with them didn’t stir. When she checked, the dog had gone over the Rainbow Bridge during the night. The vet said it was probably a stroke. Ruth said what was so bad is they just took her for a checkup last week and the vet said her heart was strong and she was in good health. So sad. Ruth and her DH are in their mid-eighties.
Hi, Barbara in Nashville,
What a shock for your friend and her husband. They must be hurting terribly.
That Angel of yours sounds like a little smarty-pants… uh, if she wore pants. 🙂 I’ve never had a dog that would take a pill on command. That shows what a good girl she is. No wonder you love her, the way she makes you laugh.
Awww, I’m so sorry for your friend Ruth and her DH. How sad for their Sheltie. I have heard of friends’ dogs passing in their sleep and would like to think that it was quick and painless for them. Our pets are such sweet companions that love us unconditionally that I would hate to think they suffered in any way.
I never get tired of your pictures of Bridgett and Reggie…they are the best except for my two babies
Hi, Judy in Horn Lake, Mississippi,
That’s good to know! I certainly do post a lot of pics of my crew. You understand. You have two of your own. 🙂
Slogged to Walmart this morn in the pouring rain, but alas, no turquoise colander to satisfy my colander envy?. But I did see your quilt and shams and have plans to go back and buy them for a much needed guest room “up-do”! Ha! They are so reasonable, love the colors and quality! Has rained four inches here with eight more inches expected by tomorrow, so building an ark may be in order! Happy trails!
Gee whiz, Penny. That a lotta’ rain!
Aww, too bad about the colander. Maybe when you go back for the quilt and shams, there will be one on display. Over in the aisles for candles and picture frames, I saw a ceramic candle holder in the same aqua. Not practical for the BLT, of course, but might be nice in your guest room. Look at me, decorating your guest room. Ha!
Be careful with all that water if you have to be out on the roads…
Ooh, now I’ll want that, plus a turquoise lamp! Yes….terrible flooding starting here….northern Louisiana getting bad! Feast or famine!
Yikes! Be safe… to shop again soon. 🙂
Not even in the top 10 this time, oh well. That’s how it goes sometimes when life takes over (over the blog that is).
I loved this episode of Bridget Loves Reggie!
Hi, Renee Galligher in Idaho,
That’s a great title for this post, “Bridget Loves Reggie, too.” I had to add “too” for Spike.
Your life over this blog? You mean my blog isn’t the center of your world? Hee-hee. Nice hearing from you again, Renee… Now get back to your life! 🙂
Hi Sue, what a happy post you had today. That picture of Bridge kissing Reggie was just too precious. She was thinking about him too! What a sweet girl.
It’s a dreary day here in the East, it’s been raining since yesterday around noon and will continue until Saturday!! We need it, but geeze all at one time!
Stay safe out there and rock on, judy
Hi, Judy in east Texas,
I hope Bridget’s kiss lifted some of the dreariness from that long stretch of rain you’re experiencing. You’re right — it’s badly needed. Some of us need sunshine to help our moods, to chase away the “rainy day blues.” It will come back . . . 🙂
Thank you for sharing my feelings for my Bridgie.
Nothing like the smell of items that have hung outside to dry! Unfortunately where I live, I am not allowed to hang laundry outside, it is considered an eyesore and those who do get ticketed by the village… yes we actually have a person who walks around the town and looks in peoples back yards to see if there are too many toys outside or laundry hanging….etc… sigh.
I got such a big smile seeing Bridget kissing Reggie! Awwww!
Hi, Laura,
Actually, out here in the west (I don’t know where you are), the air being dry and the temperature warm enough to have the windows open, I can hang the curtains while damp and they dry inside. Not fuss, no wrinkles…. oh, and no one peeking around to see if there’s laundry hanging. Egaads, when did people get so weird that laundry on a line is an offense?
No need to answer that… That’s the way it is for people who live according to looking good,. *sigh*
“Huggles”… another great word invented! 🙂
Sue, your writing of your blog just keeps getting better and better…
its so enjoyable to read about your life out west…..
thanks for doing this for us blogorinos…
You’re welcome, Chuck. And thank you for the encouragement that keeps me writing!
I love your blog!
Thank you for telling me, Kathie.
I just love all your crew pictures and antics. Loved that Bridget kissed Reggie just as she always did with Spike. It is good to be able to remember Spikey with such good people remembering with you. Our ‘kids’ leave pawprints on our heart and are never forgotten. Even though I started reading your blog from beginning to present this past Christmas eve, I too felt like I knew Spike and cried when I read of his passing as if it had just happened. He certainly was a special boy! Course they all are in their own way?
Yes, they all are in their own way. It’s nice to be able to share “pictures and antics” with you.
Love the new updated BLT, but especially Bridget’s detailed description of the new decor. Still laughing! HRH does have a way with words.
“Here it is everybody — ” Hahaha!
Lovely post. I really enjoy your posts and your photos, those pups are so adorable. I read about the redecoration and update of your BLT and enjoyed that too. Looks so sweet and homey in there. I love glimpsing peoples homes. You guys live your lives so quietly and poetically really. It’s what I try to do in mine.
Tread lightly on this earth as if it’s sacred ground because it is. 🙂 Thank you, Elaine.
i love this thought about the earth being sacred. i agree.
Hi Sue,
Greetings from San Diego. Nice job on the remodeling and upgrades. Did you get any of the wild wind and rain on Monday?
Hope all is going well and still enjoying your adventures.
Norman 🙂
Hey, Norman in San Diego! Greetings to you from Buckeye Hills!
We got some wind — the strongest was overnight — and no rain. Several readers are being deluged and it makes me miss rain. We haven’t had a good downpour in a long time. I know, be careful what you wish for. 🙂 Have a good evening, Norman.
its been raining here for 2 straight days and really bad today…
all 5 dogs have been under my chair due to the thunderstorms
lightening show early this morning…
Oh, your poor, little babies… Chihuahuas hate storms. I can see them shivering. 🙁
I’m so inspired to shop but I don’t need anything. Wish I could go home. Want to be in my little place. Maybe ill buy some shoes…my standby!
Oh mann. Such sweetness! Maybe Bridget has found her man-pal. You’re amazing for catching it on camera, Sue.
Hi, Dawn from Camano Island,
The kiss was a lucky shot. I’ve missed more great shots than I’ve captured! You don’t know about those. 🙂 Yeah, Bridget is a sweet girl. She tries to make Reggie behave. Sometimes she snaps, never hurting, of course. And then she’ll go and be tender toward him.
Ok, I ordered a pair of sandals and some cropped pants from llbean, and feel much better. My surgeon just came and said I can go to rehab tomorrow! Hooray! As much as I love my ocean view I am happy to be moving On! Yay Me!
Headed in the right direction indeed!
That’s great, Ginger!
Yahoo Ginger! What good news!
Have you ever worn Born brand shoes? They are from Sweeden I think…I have turned to comfortable shoes but still like some style… I love their maryjanes…
They have yummy summer sandals too…
Thanks for your recommendation of Born shoes…always on the hunt for good shoes…and once you can no longer wear heals, the cute ones are a lot harder to find!!
Good to hear you are going ahead Ginger!! Keep up the hard work of rehab too!!
That is great news Desert Ginger
Yeah! Onward and Upward D.G.
I love laundry day!
And Bridgee planting a kiss on Reg was adorable! Glad you were able to capture it!
Hi, Cinandjules in NY,
“Adventures in Laundry” by RVSue . . . . coming soon!
What a sweet post ! I’m feeling so relaxed and peaceful just reading it.
Lovely memories your making Sue…..?
Hi, Linda a.,
Relaaaaaaax. . . Watch the billowing curtains . . . . You are feeling sleeeeeeepy . . . 🙂
I can totally feel your contentment in this post. It’s lovely. So, if I click on something you’ve listed as someone’s purchase and decide to buy it too do you still get a commission since I went to Amazon from your site but not from “shop Amazon now” link? Hope so. I like when you post those purchases. Fun way to shop.
Sure, Linda Rose. If you click on any link on my blog that sends you to Amazon, I get a commission on anything you purchase from Amazon within the next 24 hours.
Let’s say you click on the windsock link in that list. You don’t want a windsock. You don’t buy a windsock. Instead you bop around Amazon and buy a few kindle books, sign up for kindle prime, buy a gift card and also a pair of shoes. Amazon sends me a commission on all those items. And you went to Amazon through the windsock link. Pretty neat, huh. 🙂
Thanks for the feedback on the links and thanks for giving me an opportunity to explain how this works.
Hello Sue and fellow blogerinos!
It has been several months since I’ve commented and I’d like to share why. After medical scares for bladder cancer, then ovarian cancer; (both inaccurate and a 3 month waste of time) it turns out I had diverticulitis. Dec 26th my rectum exploded and I was helicoptered to Harborview Med Ctr in Seattle with a poisoned gut. On New years eve a blood clot in my left leg resulted in an above the knee amputation. I’ve been in a rehab facility since Feb 17 learning how to stand. I have Foley and a colostomy catheters. Prognosis is to be fitted with a prosthetic at the end of the month and develop the strength and balance to use it. I have not given up on full-timing, after all it’s my left leg that’s gone, and I’ll drive and automatic. I’m 60 years old and the hard part is this nursing home and the full-time residents.
So anyway, that’s where I been.
wow, you really were hit with a bunch of challenges that must have been scary. i am glad that you will get back in RVing full time and i know that you will learn to walk again with your new leg. it is hard to do the PT but your attitude is good and it sounds like you are a hard worker.
about rehab places, the long-term residents do sometimes have a depressing influence on the rehab people. sometimes the staff is depressed too. my mother-in-law was in a rehab after a fall and the attendants wouldn’t help her go to the bathroom or give her a shower, and we were paying extra for the services. we moved her to a different rehab place and the long-term residents were kept separate from the rehab clients. she made rapid progress, the PT was perfect, the rooms were nicer, & the staff was very attentive. we learned that having a beautiful dining room and lobby doesn’t mean that you will get beautiful care.
i hope you keep in touch with us and let us know how you are doing. you don’t have to carry this load by yourself and we can help keep you cheered up on your rehab journey home. best wishes! bess
Chey, I’m so sorry for all that you are going through!!
What a terrible thing to happen Chey…so very sorry…I do hope you are mended as well as can be soon, so you can get out of the nursing home. A dear friend has worked in them many years and says all are too understaffed to really do a great job taking care of someone!! Hang in there!!
Hi, Chey (Washington coast),
Having been made aware of the initial diagnosis and then reading your first lines in this comment, my heart was filled with relief and happiness. No cancer! Then, reading on, I was stunned. What a tough time for you!
“I have not given up on full-timing” tells us you have not allowed these immense challenges and disappointments to overwhelm you. You have not let despair dampen your spirit. You have an incredibly strong spirit!
I cannot express how much I admire your fortitude. Additionally, your words “the hard part is this nursing home and full-time residents” show hope and a resolve to get out of this valley to a brighter place. Where is the hope and resolve in that phrase? You see it as a “part,” not the whole. You see it as something that will pass, that there’s much more for your life than what you are experiencing now.
My heart breaks for you! It is my wish that you keep your “eyes on the prize” . . . through the physical therapy and all the rest, whatever it takes.
As another reader said simply and well, we are here for you, Chey. Feel free to express yourself here, on good days and those not-so-good.
Thank you for writing, dear one. God bless you!
Welcome back to the comments, Chey! I’m very impressed with your spirit to get through your rehab…. you have survived the worst and are on the mend. I’m convinced that you’ll be determined to get back on your “feet”. My sister in law just died on Christmas Day after a 3 year struggle with ovarian cancer… it’s a good thing you don’t have to deal with that demon…
Oh my Chey! That’s tough. I am trying to get transferred to a rehab today or tomorrow. I think I will only be there a few weeks, just getting my strength back after heart surgery. After I had my knee replacement. The rehab was essential in getting me back on my feet. They can really help you if you Re in a good one. I wish you the best. Hang in there and keep,us posted.
You are young and will soon be walking along with your new paw. A few days ago I saw a man at the beach attaching his prosthesis and off he went just as fast as I. Later, I saw him riding a bicycle. Can you tell I was impressed?
We are waiting to see how the first steps go.
Chey, God Bless You and Keep You. What unbelievable challenges you’ve had and will have. A loved one of ours also had an amputation within the last couple of years. There was physical as well as emotional healing that needed to take place – it’s such a shocking change. I am happy to report that our family member is fabulous! Emotionally and physically. You will get there too. I will pray for you.
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, Chey. Sending you positive, healing energy and wishes for a speedy, healthy recovery.
This post reminds me of films written and directed by artists skillful enough to include poignant scenes , yet leave an audience refreshed and comforted in case they need to be reminded families that love each other can still be made… The subtle use of -fresh blossoms, wind, curtains to blow cares away-little ones napping on a comforter -unseen author and audience exchange notes to inaudibly connect like the family did with the unseen member and each other -final brilliant touch, closing with a sweet picture of home- …promising that more happiness is just up that hill a bit …as everyone leaves to go back to theirs.
Good thoughts Weather!! We have had plenty of challenge and loss these last couple weeks…nice to come see what Sue writes here…a comfort. I feel so for Chey and others here with all they have gone through as well…we never know who is going to need comfort next do we??
Beautifully written, weather. Your ability to see “into” the story astounds me. You weave together the elements and details of my posts with such insight, with such finesse, that I find myself reading your comments over and over. With each reading I am lifted up.
There are several people who read this blog who need to hear “more happiness is just up that hill a bit.” Thank you for making that message loud and clear with your gentle voice. 🙂
Yep, what Sue said….. 🙂
Nicely said, Weather.
Yesterday looking eastward I saw a dark, cold earth through the rain. I grabbed my umbrella and walked the other way through a pink fog hovering over the blue water. Birds staying in the shelter of the trees sang by the dozens. As I paused to listen, see and take in the beauty in this world I realized how close we are to the bright days of spring and a wonderful new season in life, too. I wouldn’t have taken that walk, felt the renewed enthusiasm and hope it brought into what had looked like a grey day if I didn’t have an umbrella.
If all umbrellas were grey I wouldn’t own one. Mine has a painting of Bengal tigers sitting on the bank of a lake at sunset on it. It’s beauty captured my attention long ago and has so enhanced my life. The details, elements and underlying message in your posts are like that umbrella’s beauty, are why people have followed your blog, hoped for and found brighter days .I wouldn’t touch the ugly strings and barbed wire feel many writers present. It’s a privilege and pleasure to weave the silken threads you provide, Sue. I’m honored by your appreciating it.
You did it again, weather. 🙂
I like the analogy of the beautiful umbrella. I think it applies to you, me, and all the blogorinos. We have umbrellas popping open all over! Together we make a place of shelter from the pelting of this world’s often cold rain.
You walk in gratitude. Thank you for showing us what that is like.
Great that the Bridge loves Reggie. So sweet. Those heart dogs never really leave us, do they? Nice to get the similarity with new dog. They are very lucky dogs.
Hi, tesaje,
It is wonderful how Bridget and Reggie have become a team, even though they are very different in temperament, personality, backgrounds, and stage of life. Our dogs set good examples for us, don’t they… 🙂
Sweet Bridget!!! I’m always amazed at the sheer joy and uncomplicated love our pets bring us. What a beautiful moment and one to treasure. I actually got teary myself when reading it. I’m looking at my two aging border collies Katie & Roscoe sleeping at my feet as I type this. Your post just reinforces for me how blessed we are to be a part of the lives of these gentle and loving souls, albeit far too briefly! Thank you!
You’re welcome, Dineen in Bozeman, Montana,
Oh, you’re at that stage with Katie and Roscoe when the moments shared become more and more precious. I bet you find yourself looking at them and making “memory snapshots.” I remember doing that with Spike, and now the same with Bridge. Yes, we are blessed to be a part of their lives!
Logged tonight after almost two weeks….what a surprise lots have happened…..playtime, a kiss for Reggie, and new BLT make over. I love the bright colors.
Good to have you back, Rita in Phoenix, Arizona! 🙂
What a magical moment, your memory of Bridget’s kiss on Spike …then next, Bridge sweetly kisses Reggie. That has made my day! Profound.
Take Care Sue and Crew
It’s a pleasure to share the “magical moments” with you, Diane. I hope you are having a great day!
I was thinking Sue…just like it is wonderful when one’s children get along well…so with our doggies too…when they are loving and happy together. We never had problems with our dogs getting along…but we were somewhat particular as to what breeds we mixed up too. Sometimes around here with all the doggie people…we see some pretty funny mixtures…lots of big ones alongside tiny ones too!!
Hi, Elizabeth in Washington,
You mentioning “big ones alongside tiny ones” reminds me of how much fun Reggie had playing with the much bigger black lab at Baker Dam Reservoir Campground north of St. George. That was the time I had his tether hooked to the camp chair. He was so excited to see his new pal come to our campsite that he dragged the camp chair out into the road! How they did play!
I know you have sweet memories of your pup. I hope they bring you many smiles.
When I saw the picture of Reggie and Bridget, I thought of Spike. He was Old Welcome Wagon Spike. He would always try to sneak off and visit the neighbors every chance he got.
It was so sweet how Bridget gave Reggie a kiss.
Hi, Libby Nester WV/PA,
“Old Welcome Wagon Spike” — I love that! He did enjoy meeting new people and dogs.
Oh my, I’m sitting facing the back window and a road runner just ran by! The first one I’ve seen here… 🙂
May your day be one of happy surprises, too, Libby!
OK….”the kiss” brought a tear to my eye too. Maybe Bridget was “remembering” too…I believe they can hear our thoughts sometimes. And love the sleepy scene. Interesting how from across the country, in totally different places, you and I had the same kind of day. I have my farm job (for now) but now I also have a computer job that I come in and attend to a couple of times/day. I was sitting on the sofa doing that with the door open….listening to the birds celebrating Spring’s approach…..and a cool breeze blew in….and Bella was breathing deeply in her sleep beside me because she had been out in the sunshine with me….helping me gather fallen pine needles from the tree farm on the place to use as mulch……and all I wanted to do was take a nap. It reminded me of a book I used to read to my class, The Napping House. Have a great day out there! MB & Co
Hi, MB from Virginia,
What a great comment! You write well. . . “listening to the birds celebrating Spring’s approach.” Lovely! I can hear the birds, smell the pine needles, and feel the breeze. 🙂
Thank you. Enjoy your day!
The crew and I are on the road to a new camp today! I’m curious to see how the new cabinets hold together as we travel. I haven’t bought longer bungee cords yet but I’ll make do with something in the meantime.
Well, I’d better get busy packing us up and hitching up. Thank you for contributing your thoughts to my blog. I always read every word!
Bye for now,
Good Day Sue, on to a new camp, how fun…more pictures for us to comment on, and maybe more up-do pictures? I hope where you land is as peaceful and beautiful as the last spot, with hummingbirds waiting to welcome you. Travel safe.
Hi, Shirlene,
I hope you had a good day today. We arrived safely at our new camp. Your wish for us worked. 🙂
have to giggle. i came here to pick up the link to amazon–found 2 posts and comments–now i have forgotten what i wanted to pursue on amazon
That’s funny, Joyce! Thanks for intending to buy Amazon through my blog. 🙂
Thank you for the lovely photos.
I am having a problem connecting to Amazon from the post. I use a iPad. Anyone else having a problem?
Never mind it is working now!
Great! Thank you, Michelle, for wanting to enter Amazon from my blog.
Yeperey we moved, That spot draws the wrong kind of folks whether they are Lowd OHVs or Whisky drinking wanna be Mountain Men that don’t care about their type of language or how they move in a camp next to others,,,, nuf said on the mater, they’re down the road and we are far away of em in a quiet spot and there’s no room to camp next to us neither,,, ,,,,,,,,rusty
i am glad you found a new spot. it helps to be mobile and to know when to move on. your attitude is a shining example for us all! bess
Thank you Bess,, it seems that what I see in some that seems to older men out to have a good time means that they must use bad words and bad water to make them selves tough looking and bold,,, yes I too was that way a few times in my far distant past and realized that way of life is not right in life,, in other words,, I grew up with my lord in a bigger way and as I moved on I asked him to bless them with wisdom and a choice to change their attitude,,,,,,,,
And the funny part is, they will have a real bad hang over and just might not be able to cope with life in the morn,,,,, and we wont hear it,,,,,,,
Well, Rusty . . . Sometimes the only thing you can do is move. I’m glad you found a quiet spot away from them.
Thank you Sue,,, oh the kiss made me reminisce of Spike too,,,,, Hope you found a good camp too,,,,,, rusty
We did! I’ll blog about it tomorrow.
Yep. You made me all misty here and I don’t need to tell you what paragraph done that to me.
Hi, Sandi…. Spikey touched a lot of hearts.
Hi Sue, thank you for your reply to my post in the previous blog: dinette or no dinette in a casita. My original thinking was I would sleep in the side dinette area of a SD and then build a work desk spanning the width of the trailer in the back with a foldable chair like yours in the aisle. I need an area where I can set up my sewing machine in order to earn some extra $. I also like the extra window in an SD. But now I see how versatile your Casita can be so that is why I said I need to rethink this.
Oooh this is so fun! Gotta sell the house first!
BTW, the SD may have an extra window but I don’t think it has more window space. With the LD you have three large windows that wrap around the back. “Six of one, half dozen the other.” 🙂
Hi sue, about to place an order on amazon and would love if you get something from it.. how do i do it, just access your link to The items are already in my shopping cart. Love your blog! New reader
Welcome, Nancy! You’re a new reader and already you want to shop Amazon from my blog. How nice of you! Yes, all you do is enter Amazon from any link, doesn’t matter where it’s located on my blog or what the link is for as long as it takes you to Amazon. Then anything you buy will earn me a commission. Entering Amazon by clicking on any of the ads works, too. You won’t receive any confirmation that I received a commission, but you can trust that I did. 🙂 Thank you!
BTW… I hope you will comment again. If you do, please put your state by your name so we can recognize you. There are a couple of Nancys who comment.
We’re home from our Florida travels. What a wonderful and refreshing time we had. Sue, so much to catch up on. I loved the BLT makeover, and I will try to go back and read the comment section.
Like everyone else, I love the picture of Bridget and Reggie. I also enjoy how you mention Spike from time to time. What a special guy he was. We often talk about the critters we have lost. Each one of them special in their own way, and all loved very much.
Saw some red buds, forsythia and daffodils in bloom in Virginia over the last couple of days. Yeah!!!! Spring is on the way!
Hi, Applegirl in NY,
Welcome back to NY! Soon you will enjoy the heavenly sight and smell of apple blossoms. I’m glad your trip was refreshing and you arrived home safely. “red buds, forsythia and daffodils”– oh my!
A delightful day of Spring Cleaning 🙂 The kiss is priceless.
Mrs. Rattlesnake and I a few years back had a couple of Aussy Shepards. Cody the male and Zoe the female. When my wife took them for a walk in the neighborhood Zoe would give Cody a sweet kiss too. They loved each other and people all the time would comment on how married looking they seemed. These two Aussy’s were the joy of our lives and were so smart, its like they used mental telepathy. I never had to scold them they just seemed to know what we wanted them to do. What a blessing they were.
Cody and Zoe — a match made in heaven. You describe them so well, Joe. I can see how they were the joy of your lives. Our sweet pets give us more than we could ever give them. I know those memories are treasures for you and Mrs. Rattlesnake. Thanks for telling us about your special ambassadors of love.
Well seeing that demure kiss lightened my day…. I remember Spike and your loss. We just lost our Isabella 2 days ago. We been blubbering like a baby here … thanks for such a sweet post, it was comforting Sue. Give the pups a hug for us.
I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your faithful companion. In comparison to our human relationships, our pets are with us such a short time but what an impactful time that is. You blubber away – it is a fine testament to your Isbella.
Please know that all of us here understand and share your loss.
Oh, Box, I’m sorry you are going through the heartache of letting Isabella go. The first week is so tough! My condolences to you both.
So sorry for your loss, BoxinTheCompass. I hope each passing day gets just a little better for you all.
Thanks for the nice comments and wishes everyone… she was older girl and had health issues and we were told she was unadoptable but we did to give her her last years filled with comfort and love… just was hoping we would have had her for more than 4 years….
She was very comfortable and loved very much… in her last years of her life she couldn’t ask for a better life than what she had before!
Another day on the road for Bridget, Reggie, and me! Even though I want to tell you about our new camp and share the photos I took, we need to get moving. I like to do most of the driving in the cool hours of morning, especially when I don’t know where we will spend the night.
I don’t know if we will have internet at our next camp as I understand it is “spotty” in that area. I’ll do my best to find a site where we can keep in touch with you. Then there will be lots to share here!
Bye for now,
Safe travels, look forward to reading all about it when you can do so.
Okay, southern CA blogorinos, my friend is looking for a place to go tent camping. Preferably not more than 2 or 3 hours drive from Huntington Beach. On a lake. Prefer dispersed or informal camping. Suggestions?
Hi D.G. My brother goes to Lake Skinner… it is only a couple of hours a way…I have been there once, good fishing, on a lake, but I cannot tell you about the weather. There is also Irvine Lake, but I have never stayed there, looks kind of iffy…
P.S…get better quickly…we are all hoping you will be home soon…
Hemet lake has fishing and camping or if one wants to get away from the L.A. Basin, one can camp and fish up at Silverwood Lake state park east of the highway 15 and above Hesperia on highway 138, take a good coat and a good warm sleeping bag + a water proofed tent,,,,,, rusty,,,,, oh the PCT goes thru there too!
Hey,,, There was a white car parked up the road from us on the next camp spot, looking like they were taking photos of our camp or us,, gonna stop tellin’ where we’re at on the map,,,,,,,,,
Gosh, Rusty, I hope they leave you in peace, that would bug me, too.
Thanks weather,,, thinkin’ bout getting the laser pointer out and put a nice RED DOT on their hood,,, n’ watch emm move out real fast,,,,, nnaaa
sorry,, this dang Cuban Cigar gave me a attitude
hahaha, that’ll happen. Be safe and blessed ,hug your beautiful Piper an extra time for me
Will do that weather, she’s lookin’ at me with that “it’s time to go for our walk Dad,,,,,,,,
Hey Sue & Crew! If you’re still at Buckeye Hills, so are we! Just for one night, then we’re moving on to Wickenburg. If you’d like to come on down and let Reggie play with Princess Roxie, please do. If not, that’s OK too. We are parked at the restrooms on the loop (to the left as you come out of Robbins Dr.) Look for the a-frame camper and orange kayak.
We’ve moved twice since Buckeye Hills. I hope you enjoyed your stay there!
hi blogerinos! Barry and i are going to Yellowstone this summer in July, from Eugene Oregon. do any of you have places you like to see on the way going and coming back that you would like to share for boondocking?
we would make a circle and can go either north first toward Spokane and then over to the Park or we could go east first to the Park and come back through Spokane.
i have a list of the sites that RVSue has visited over the years so i am looking for suggestions on exploring Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Washington. i know Oregon pretty well. i will be using Benchmark maps.
thanks for any suggestions. bess
Wow bess in Oregon, that’s a great trip and in July just about everywhere will be hot in the low areas around Yellowstone as I recall, but you could go to American Falls and see all the names on the Rocks of those who came across back in the 1800s, see the Grand Tetons n.p., then up to Yellowstone then up to Glacier n.p. and over white pass, thru Corduore lane, Idaho , the thru Spokane and back, sorry my spell checker must be on a Vacation too!
thanks Rusty! i will incorporate your suggestions.
my family crossed on the Oregon Trail in 1863 but i don’t know if they went to American Falls. i will have to check it out.
i know it can be hot in that neck of the woods. i used to have to buck hay bales in 110 degree weather before sun block. and being a redhead, my skin was crisp and red. luckily we have AC in our car and our vintage trailer does not. i have some battery powered fans and i usually can find a stream to dip my face and feet in.
where do you and Piper go in the summer?
We usually head for Sisters area and up to Round Lake near 3 Finger Jack,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
i know that you are a private person, but if you ever would like to meet up in that area, we go there a lot every summer. Sue might be able to get you my contact information when she gets settled. or not.
Love what you’ve done to the place Sue. The blue colander is a great accent is a perfect compliment to the pretty tangerines.
That’s so cute of Reggie to indulge Bridget with her PDA (public display of affection). I bet he got a little puffed up and lighter in the step. Dogs are so “in the moment” and can teach us so much with their ability to not dwell on loss or negative events of the past.
To all of those here that have been dealing with health issues and loss my heart goes out to you and I pray there is much healing and joy for you to come. I’m also reminded that I am blessed indeed and never take anything for granted.
Hi, Utah Bonnie,
Thank you for your message. So true! The key phrase is “to not dwell on loss or negative events.” A big loss or setback brings forth grief and the length of grieving is different for everyone. Like many, I still grieve for a decades-old loss, but like you say, there’s no point in dwelling on it.
Just a reminder to everyone who visits Sue’s blog… if you buy items on Amazon, it is so easy to follow Sue’s link to Amazon and if you do… she gets credit for your purchases. I do not buy much on Amazon, but I know that Sue appreciates us using the link on her blog.
Sue does not charge anything for allowing me to “hitch a ride” with her on her travels with her sidekicks Bridget and Reggie. The least I can do, since I am already going to buy this or that on Amazon, is to first come to her blog and then follow the link to Amazon!
I love the blog and look in my e-mail every day for her updates! First thing I open is her updates, when they are there and when they are not there, I wish Sue and her furbabies well and I sigh and hope that there will be an update the next day.
I also, truly enjoy reading all the other posts by all the other followers! I am a 56 year old woman who knows I will not have much to retire on when it comes my time to retire and reading EVERYONE’S reply’s here, gives me ideas and inspiration that this might just be the way I want to retire… keep it simple! Love and Huggles to all!
Great reminder, Laura! I agree 110% with you! I view Sue’s blog as a gift…she shares her adventures and life with us, and by doing so, has created a community of caring blogorionos. What a special place! 🙂
Keep your dreams alive! Where are you located? Could you please add your state behind your name? It is fun to see just where all the blogorinos are located. Have a great day! 🙂
🙂 Denise… You rock!
Thanks for asking Denise and that is a wonderful idea! I will try to add my state from now on. I have always lived here.
How thoughtful of you, Laura, to explain that Amazon sales made through my blog help me and the crew. Thank you for your kindness.
Good morning Sue, and all the blogorinos!
Wishing everyone a wonderful day! 🙂
I will catch up with you on your next post, Sue! 🙂
Good morning, Denise! You have a wonderful day, too. See ya’ later!
I can’t remember how I found this blog…… But I am so glad I did, it is like a breath of fresh air !
I’m glad you found us, too, Wendy!
I hope you will tell us a little about your life in Thailand some time, when and if you feel like it. I enjoyed reading about your dog (sorry, forgot the name) taking a tuk-tuk ride to celebrate a birthday. 🙂
Morning Sue, I’m playing catch up lately as my computer at home is down. Your new color scheme for the BLT is super, or as a friend would say, “A blast from the past”! Kind of a psychedelic theme which reminds me of the Beatles & Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band album. What a refreshing burst of color for spring. Can see the kids took right to it. Loved the picture of them walking down the road together, also made me think of the pictures of Spike and Bridget doing the same thing so many times before. The kiss was just so touchingly sweet. Now as to your burning rubber down the aisle in wal mart, I would have paid money to have seen that one! Your redo has made me think I should do the same here.
Happy Spring Sue & Crew, Be Well.
Jazz Lover
Good morning, JazzLoverWMa . . .Thank you and Happy Spring to you, too! I’m pleased you like my “blast from the past!”
Heya Sue!!!
Okay, I’m so far behind, I didn’t even get to read these comments but had to jump in and say hi to you!
Love your Bridget & Spike kissey-face memories, and that she does the same to Reggie, too….melts my heart….boy, I know we all sure do miss Mr. Spike 🙂 The fact that she did that just as you were thinking about it, blows my mind!
Hope all is well with you…work has been crazy busy for me, plus I’ve had a sick hubby at home, just when he recovered my mom got sick & super dehydrated, and we had to take her to the ER, then to rehab for a week (she gets to come home today!), then finally I got some dumb cold as well..probably from running myself ragged! I’m juuuusst getting over it…..
Okay, I’m headed outta work now to go pick up Mom! I’ll try to pop in again, hopefully I’ll be caught up by then 🙂 Take care!
Hey Marla, sorry for all the “stuff” you are going through…good to see you again. Take care.
Morning, Shirlene!
Thanks for saying hi! Hi to you as well!! We’re getting through all of the sickie stuff, now if I could just catch up at work!
Hope you’re enjoying the new rig a bit!! 🙂 I’m sure you are counting the days!!