Summer wrap-up!
With much to report since my last post, this entry is a collection of snippets gathered from the past several months. Life at our southwest Arizona home continues to be a mix of challenges and blessings the way life always is.
I apologize for the lapse in posting. You are never far from my thoughts and hopes for your happiness and well-being never cease. — Sue
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So, here we go . . .
After dreaming about roses for the 30-foot flower bed that runs the length of the front porch, Wal-Mart has the sale I hoped for. It’s late spring and not a good time to plant roses. Regardless, I take the risk and scoop up ten bushes of cherry-red Knock-outs.
Turns out Arizona has one of the hottest and driest summers, according to my neighbor’s recent memory.
If I can just keep them alive through the summer . . . .
It’s touch-and-go in July. It looks like the war may be lost. I fertilize them on Labor Day and, wow, victory! Bright, beautiful blooms over healthy, dark green leaves — I count 22 blooms on one bush alone!
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Dang, I love our truck!
It’s a 2013 Chevy Silverado, V8, 4×4, with an ARE camper top.
The crew and I haven’t gone camping with it yet (too hot). Gradually I’m outfitting it for a new-to-us style of camping.
From Amazon I purchase a Luggable Loo portable toilet and a Wolfwise privacy “room” to put it in. I got a nice-sized cooler with wheels last spring for our camp at Blythe, California. Next on my wish list is a little propane stove for making coffee. Not sure which brand to get . . . .
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Rabbit Village!
The rabbit population in our neighborhood has exploded! Rabbits are everywhere, including three that reside within our fenced yard. Roger chases them. They zigzag so much that he can’t keep up and quits. I don’t think he really wants to catch one; just has to show that this is his yard. Reggie chased a few times. Now he sits and watches the chase with mild interest.
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Friday night crisis!
Absentmindedly I press the lever and . . . “Oh no, the toilet doesn’t flush!”
What to do? I don’t want to call a plumber over the weekend. Hmmm . . .
“Aha! Now’s a good time to try out my new Luggable Loo!”
The portable toilet does what it was designed to do and the following Monday the plumber unclogs the drain ($119).
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A great start to every day!
Since last spring Reggie, Roger, and I go for early walks around the neighborhood. We take off at first light, sometimes so early the neighbors’ automatic lights are still on. Anticipating daily highs in the 90s and often into the 100s, the cool morning air is a delight.
Reggie appoints himself personal trainer. At the first seep of light through our bedroom window, he pops up like toast from a toaster and burrows his head under my back, pushing with hind legs.
“C’mon! Get up! Let’s go!”
Once we’re out the door, Roger sets a brisk pace as we head down the middle of the road (in the middle lessens stops for marking bushes).
Watching what I eat, plus this daily walk of only 1-2 miles, takes off the extra pounds of winter-weight!
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Everything’s clearer now!
Over the summer my vision becomes increasingly cloudy. A visit to the eye clinic confirms what I suspect — cataracts. Laser surgery is scheduled.
It being The Summer of 2020, here’s the routine: Get tested for Covid, self-quarantine for ten days, have laser surgery on one eye, recover, get tested for Covid, self-quarantine for ten days, have laser surgery on the other eye, recover.
In case you have cataracts developing, I want to assure you the surgery isn’t something to worry about. Just go ahead and get it done. It’s not a big deal. You’ll be happily surprised how clearer and brighter your world becomes.
The morning of the first surgery . . .
I’m lying in the reclining chair while the technicians bustle about, preparing me for the procedure. My blood pressure is taken.
“Excellent! Usually blood pressure rises before surgery. Yours is perfect!”
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Sorry, no photos!
My camera is old and worn-out. I can take pics with my phone, although I find it more difficult to get the composition I want. The port for the cable to transfer photos to my laptop is also worn-out. A wireless transfer is possible. It’s a cumbersome and tedious task, especially getting the photos into Picasa. I’m hesitating to spend the bucks for a new camera at this time.
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Expenses are piling up.
In addition to the camera, my glasses are old. The eye clinic gave me a new prescription for progressive lenses which I prefer to use instead of readers. This on-and-off business is not cutting it!
Oh, and the air conditioner died. Yep. Happened in June and we’ve been living without a/c ever since. I blocked the skylights and a western window and set up two oscillating fans. Amazingly, we haven’t suffered. By 5:30 p.m. it’s hot in the house. That’s when I take a cold shower (heavenly) and then, sometimes, the boys and I go out on the porch while the house cools.
The HVAC guy showed me photos of how the coolant poured out from several leaks, making repair costs nearly half the price of a new unit. It’s a hybrid (gas and electric/heat and ac) and sits on top of the roof. The estimate to replace with a quality unit is $5,000 plus.
Since the heater part still works, I probably won’t have the unit replaced until after the first of next year.
All those years boondocking prepared us for this! Funny how that works!
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The summer of 2020 . . . .
Life for Reggie, Roger, and me has been good these past few months. I’m grateful for our many blessings, large and small. It’s not all cherry-red roses, of course. The main thing is we’re happy, healthy and content, and I know this is where we should be at this time in our lives.
Thank you for being here. I appreciate you sticking with rvsue and her canine crew, through thick and thin.
God bless you,
RVSue and her canine crew is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.
Reliance Products Luggable Loo Portable 5 Gallon Toilet
It works! What more can I say?
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WolfWise Pop Up Privacy Shower Tent Portable Outdoor Sun Shelter Camp Toilet Changing Dressing Room
I’ll put the Luggable Loo in this privacy tent and that will be my restroom when truck camping. It will also be my dressing room. (Ever tried getting dressed without standing up?) The tent provides plenty of room. Easy to pop up and easy to fold up, once you get the hang of it. Stores in a handy bag.
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I used this cooler when we camped at Blythe, CA, last spring and was pleased how it kept my food cool. It’s the perfect size to slide into the truck bed next to the mattress.
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You can use any of the links above to enter Amazon. Then shop for whatever you want and a portion of what you spend supports this blog. Thanks! — Sue
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Ahhh!! Good to read your update! You’ve been missed! And yes, 2020 has been a doozy!
Good to hear from you.
So happy to see your new posting. Glad eyes are better. I live up in Gilbert, AZ & yes we have beaten all the records for heat. I also live alone with a pup (8 yrs old) & mostly enjoy his company (except at midnight when he wakes me to go out).
Looking forward to more postings (hopefully with photos of the pup’s).
Whoo Hoo, just thinking of you and there you are. So glad all is well. Yes, 2020 has been interesting.
Oh Sue! How wonderful to hear an update! It’s like catching up with an old friend! Thanks so much for keeping up the blog so we can all chat in the comments. I’m excited for you about truck camping. A grand, new adventure awaits. I’m making some big changes in my life right now as well. Nothing I’m ready to share publicly yet. Maybe later! Good for you to be able to drop the pounds that you wanted to. I’m working on getting healthier myself. I’ve started to get the exercise portion in place. It’s controlling the eating that’s the hard part for me.
Can’t wait to read everyone’s comments!
Dawn, I laughed about the controlling the eating! Isn’t that the truth!
It’s all about the motivation. When my doctor said I needed to lose 40 pounds before having the surgery I need–poof! The desire to overeat went away. Not the best way to get motivated but, hey, whatever works.
Whatever changes come, I hope they will be good ones for you, Dawn!!
Thanks Elizabeth!
Hi Dawn! So glad to hear that things are going well with you. And I hope your new adventure is as grand as can be! I’m trying to get healthier too… that when the time comes when I can go and do some things I’m dreaming of, my body will cooperate! LOL! It’s hard though as I am definitely a comfort/bored eater…..not good during times such as these. Oh well…..We’ll just do our best, huh?
Take care Dawn!
Hi MB! Great to hear from you. Are you still out boondocking, or are you back in VA? I think that everyone has been struggling with Covid eating! Just be kind to yourself and do the best you can. I think everyone can be their own worst critics if they’re not careful!
I’ve been back for a good while. But it was sooooo nice finally being there for a bit.
And you are so right about people being their own worst critic. I certainly am.
So glad you are doing great!
What a nice surprise to see a post from you! I have thought of you off and on over the summer, wondering how you are doing.
Due to the pandemic, we aren’t returning to AZ this year but are still discussing the possibility of moving there full-time. We shall see. It’s hard to think about leaving Oregon permanently, but the past wildfires came within 20 miles of our town and we’ve been living with hazardous air since (although today we have the blessing of rain and clearer air). But many have lost everything so we are grateful to have our home.
Take care,
I am so glad your home was spared. These fires have been heartbreaking and terrifying to read about. Stay safe!
I’ve been following your journey for the last few years and it’s so comforting to hear from you again. Be safe be well!
Hi Sue,
Great to have an update! I love rosebushes but I kill everything I try to grow, sad but true!
I laughed about Reggie getting you up in the mornings! Bo would do that too if he wasn’t sleeping in his crate at night.
I am so glad you got your eyes fixed, I guess that surgery has come a long way since when I was a nursing student and our town had patients come from all over the world because we had the world famous Wolfe Eye Clinic there. Those patients were in the hospital a few days and special diets and everything else. Glad it has gotten easier over the decades.
As far as a camping stove, I have never heard anyone complain about a Coleman stove.
I can’t imagine living in the AZ heat without AC but I guess you are right, all your boondocking prepared you for it but still not fun.
Rick, Bo and I are doing well. I just had Bo neutered on the 3rd of Sept. So he is a happy, energetic 16 month old dog now and we just love him. Our fur babies keep us young!
Take care and hopefully fall will go a little smoother than summer!
Hi Sue, I am so happy to see you in my inbox. I have no new news, not much happening…still living in the Pacific Northwest. My pooch friend, a rat terrier who I adopted when he was 11 is 15 now and fit as ever, although I did make him a bench for the foot of the bed to get up easier. We go for walks but mostly we been stayin’ home and savin’ lives! Reading about your a/c woes brought back memories of Coalinga CA without a/c and dips in the bath to cool off, awful. All future Amazon orders will go through you, Holiday shopping is coming!
It’s nice to hear from you again. Thanks for the update.
Wow I couldn’t believe a new newsy post! I had to laugh at Reggie popping out like toast to nudge you out of bed. I pray each day the a/c or nothing with expensive repairs happens. With cost of everything going up I cringe at the thought. Take care
Great to see your post today. I usually go back to your last post to read new comments but for some reason couldn’t see them.
Have some changes of my own coming. Was going to work couple more years or so but my company as offered a great Early Retirement package to those that qualify (which I do ). Did some financial figuring and decided I am going to take it. Final date TBD somewhere between 12/31/20 and 12/30/21. Won’t know until mid- December but have asked for as late as possible as I don’t want to draw SS until 2022. Will sort it out but at some point will buy my long awaited travel trailer. Decided to keep the house and just do trips. Some short some long. May eventually sell my NH house and move to warmer local after I check out the country.
So great to hear from you and hear about your house, new camping digs and of course your boys!
Jan in NH (for now )
Hi Sue & Crew!
Glad to see a new post and hear that you are doing fine. Congratulations on the rose garden, sounds Beautiful! Sorry to hear about your a/c going kaput. That had to be tough going through the summer. Thankfully you should have cooler temperatures soon.
Were still in Silver City and may soon be residents. We really like this little town with the Gila Forest nearby, accommodating year round climate and friendly people. We decided its time to hang up the keys and settle down. We put a contract on a little house and hope to close mid October. We only full timed for two and a half years so we didn’t even put a dent in your record! Wish us luck and cross your fingers, were going to need it!
Be Well & Stay Happy!
Florida Scott, you may just have to change your name now becoming a resident of Silver City. It is a nice, friendly town just big enough with good climate and of course the Gila Forest close. Best of luck.
Thank you!
We only full-timed for a year and a half so your two and a half years is pretty darn good to us!
You’re welcome!
I love reading posts about folks who traveled around and found the perfect spot for them to put down roots….for awhile or forever. I always Google the place to see where it is and what “attractions” are there.
One day I hope to do the same. I did get in one good trip to AZ last year but that will have to suffice for awhile…..but not forever.
Best of luck in your new home!
good to hear from you Sue, I can’t imagine being in Az with no a/c… Got my cataract surgery 4 years ago… so great to be able to see clearly… Sue is right it is an easy thing to have done, don’t wait… get it done.
We’re planning for RV camping trips starting in December, been grounded here at the house since the lockdowns started in early April. We’ll stay fairly close to home until this whole pandemic is over, praying it happens sooner rather than later.
So happy to hear all is well. The worst part of cataract surgery, from my experience, was doing all the eye drops in the right order.
It was great to hear about the roses. Hope springs eternal.
I truly appreciate you, too. Thanks for your update. You’ve been a busy bee.
Glad the Loo came in handy. Extremely good acquisition, in my estimation.
Your comments made my day, Sue. Stay safe.
Hello RVSUE, How do you do? So good to know that you and the boys are well and dealing with the life that is living in S.E, Az. having spent a few years in Benson understand of what you speak, no a/c, toilet not flushing, uninvited animals,etc. You have always been a lady that can adapt to changing circumstances. You got a lot of good use from your old camera, as we know. Priorities come first. I still play with shades and awnings on south and west facing windows just as my grandparents used to do and it still works. Made some sun shades for the windows on the mh in Benson with a material I bought at Home Depot in Tucson sun screen or something similar maybe? Worked so well did the same here in Ma. with great results. Can buy a entire bolt of the material in either tan or black back then.
Will stay with you where and whatever you choose to do, also not a fan of fb tho I go to see the relatives. Thank you for this post, Glad you love your new to you truck. You just made my month! Take Care and Be Well, Hugs to Reg and Roger.
What a pleasant surprise, I am glad everything is okay with you and the boys. Can’t wait to hear more about camping with the Loo and shower closet.
How good to hear from you!
And the three of you are healthy. I remember camper shell camping. Always wished I got the taller one so we could sit up. Roses still ok I hope. Look forward to any pictures you take because a keen eye can overcome the limitations of a phone.
What a newsy post (with your usual optimistic outlook )
Your roses must have brought you a lot of pleasure. I don’t need to see any photos (as great as they always are) , the process and camera expense aren’t things you need to be an entertaining writer.
It is nice how your travels prepared you to adapt to heat (and cold), luv
that you have a personal trainer, ha!
God bless you, too, Sue
I have a question. If I post a link to your blog and people come to it from that link does that help you or do they need to find it via a browser and then come into it?
I just want to make sure that if I am telling people about the blog if you get benefit from people visiting your page that I do it the right way to help you. Because if things like this can help you to get that AC taken care of, I will for sure do it to help you.
So glad to receive your catch up. More glad you are okay during this insane year. Looking forward to future stories. Sincerely Janet
So great to hear from you Sue! Glad you can see clearly again and y’all are doing well too!
For some reason checked your site this morning but there was nothing new. Few hours later got the email saying you posted. Appears ESP works.
Certain you know all the cooling, airflow tricks from your economy years in the South but don’t forget sleeping lower is cooler. But then there is the issue of getting up.
Glad you and the boys are well
We once bought a luggable loo (actually different brand, same idea) when our son and his wife were coming to visit for a few days in our one-bathroom apartment — “just in case” we ever had an urgent need while they were in the bathroom. We didn’t use it then, but have a couple of times since when there were overnight or weekend toilet problems. When we’ve rented RVs, we’ve even taken it along, since we were dry camping and in an unfamiliar RV not sure what our tank capacity would be. Figured better to have it and not need it than vice versa.
Like everyone else, nice to see that you’re alive and well and get a little bit “caught up” on your summer. Don’t know what kind of phone you have, but IF you have one that can email, you can just email your photos to yourself. That’s what I do rather than futz around with the cable and all. Just a thought.
Stay well and enjoy the arrival of fall and cooler weather!
Holy Arden!
I just clicked on your link (I had no idea!) and salivated over your recipe for creamy blue cheese potatoes. I live on the road and don’t have an oven, but this gave me all the feels, and I plan to do some creative work here recreating this the best I can stovetop! Perhaps I’ll end up with a crusty bottom instead of a brown top. No matter, because if it has bleu cheese in it, I’m also certain you couldn’t ruin it! Cheers!
Thanks for mentioning this Suzi…I went and saw Arden’s website too…lovely food ideas!! Will be frequenting them too, now!!
Hi Arden, your food blog is beautiful! Are you still doing this? I would love to follow and hear more about your time in CR
Blessings..Texas Sue
So good to hear from you again and know all is well with you and the crew. We have had record heat here in Texas with triple digests numerous days. Doesn’t help with the stresses of covid!
Thanks for sharing your good outcome with cataract surgery… will be in my near future as well.
Anxious to hear of your travels!
So happy to see your post, as always. I had the cataract surgery recently too. You’re right it was a piece of cake. I thought the worst part was the 2 Covid tests. All is well here with my girls.
Great to hear from you. And your truck camping is coming along. Our Governor has announced yesterday that NM state parks will be opening to NM residents on Oct 1 so am going to use the area State Parks to work the bugs out of my adventure into truck camping, since I need electricity to run my oxygen concentrator at night. I was getting discouraged there that the Parks wouldn’t open before it got too cold. I am invigorated now. Glad to read your cataract surgery went so well. I love seeing things with new brightness, am awaiting my new glasses – yes, the heck with on and off with the reading glasses.
Hello Sue and boys! It’s good to hear from you. I can vouch for it being a doozy of a summer. Record high electric bills here in Phoenix and it’s almost like a bad winter where we stay inside. I’m sorry about your A/C. Those darn things pick the worst time to give trouble. One of my A/C units went out in Aug of 2019, but luckily it was repairable and has been doing fine since. Ive been doing some camping and your work is still my first reference. I keep telling you this, but a book by you would come in mighty handy when picking out a camping spot. I’ll be willing to bet that more than a few of us blogarinos would pony up some $$$ for it. Take Care
So glad to see your post, Sue. I’ve been thinking of you lately. Wish I had some good news to share. Unfortunately that is not the case right now.
Things have taken a drastic turn for the worse here lately. My sweet Angel is having more heart issues and I don’t know how long she will be here. She is retaining fluid and on a diuretic twice a day, but she is still coughing and has trouble breathing lately. She won’t eat dog food anymore so I have to cook for her.
My hubby had another stroke two weeks ago, speech is very slurred and he is very weak. I am trying to get some care to come in to help, but not having much luck. Need someone to get him up and bathed and get him back in bed at night. It is really taking a toll on me, physically & mentally.
I am thankful that I am still healthy for the most part and thankful that neither of us has gotten COVID-19. Getting ready to get some new flooring in the house. Probably going the VLP route due to Angel having urinary issues with the Diuretic and hubby having to be pushed around in the wheelchair. This carpet is 14 years old now, so I guess it’s time.
Has anyone heard from Rusty? How is he doing?
So sorry to hear this Barbara. That’s a lot of difficulty at once, to say the least.
One of my sisters had a stroke about four weeks ago and passed away a week ago yesterday. It seems like these things are getting more common.
Wishing you all the best. Take care.
From your neighbor in Hendersonville, TN
Carrie, I am so sorry for your loss. This has been such a tough year for so many.
Thank you so much Jolene. A tough year indeed.
The doctors told us she had a mild stroke “a long time ago” also. She was only 52 years old.
The family has all come together to support each other though, that’s the bright side (I always try to find one). Her memorial is postponed until later due to the pandemic. That’s good for us. We’d rather celebrate her life than mourn her death.
Anyway, I just wanted Barbara to know I feel for her but now I feel like I hijacked her comment. I’m sorry Barbara! I think I’m going on so people know strokes happen at all ages ’cause this caught us off gaurd.
So sorry to hear this Carrie…loosing a loved one is very hard, and surely made harder during this time of global difficulty!! My prayers for you and your family too! (I appreciate yours too!)
Thank you Elizabeth!
I am so sorry for your loss Carrie.
Thank you MB!
My heart goes out to you Barbara…it is not easy being a caretaker!! My husband has to have help too…and because he is forgetful, keeps me on my toes keeping track of what he is up to, so he won’t overdose or forget meds etc. I hope you find a helper!! It is not a good option, even if one is rich, to be in a nursing home these days. I too, am fairly strong yet, so am hopeful we can stay on our own for as long as we can…I wish that for you as well!! Sorry about your furry pal…it is so awful that dogs live such short lives!!
I don’t know how y’all do it! My bedtime prayers will include y’all tonight!
I am sorry to hear about everything Barbara, I will keep all your situations in my prayers.
LVT, Vinyl Plank is a very good option. As flooring installers we have really seen a shift toward this product. One of the best products we have installed in this product line is one that is exclusive to Home Depot called Lifeproof. There is a difference in the LVT’s and plank products on the market and this one is far better than some. Well worth the money you spend to get it and then find a good installer and you will have beautiful floors that should hold up to what you need.
Hi Jolene ~ Have you ever installed the above LVT on concrete slab floors? Or does it need the underlayment? Wish you were close, I’d hire you guys.
We had it installed on concrete and it works great. Pretty easy to install.
Hi Barb, Sorry I didn’t see this earlier. Yes, we have installed this on concrete slab floors. As long as the floor is level it should work good. Nice thought of hiring us but we are a bit far from FL. Lol. Have a great day!
Barbara and Carrie, words are inadequate to express my concern and sorrow for you both. You are in my prayers.
Thank you Dawn!
Sorry to hear what you’re going through Barbara. Being a caregiver is very draining. I guess it’s difficult to find in-home help because of Covid, but will pray for you that something turns up.
I’m so sorry to hear that you’re going though all of this right now Barbara. It would be difficult at any point, but this year just makes everything seem even more daunting. I hope you can get some help soon. I understand, on a much lower level, your emotional/physical exhaustion. I hope you can do something for yourself at times when your hubby is safely in bed…..even if it’s just snuggling with your Angel, something to drink (wine, tea….something stronger) and a good book.
Love from VA!
MB, Bella and Molly
Wish I had a transporter ~ I’d come help you all. Sending big hugs!
So great to get your update!!! We enjoyed it so much. Take care and God bless you and your household.
Thanks for the update, Sue. I’m so glad your cataract surgeries were successful. I have dry eyes and cataracts so that’s not good. On the plus side, I love dogs so if things go from bad to worse I’ve got something to look forward to, lol. Hugs to the boys. Take care, Sue.
Well, Sue, it is good to hear how things have gone over this long summer!! Sorry to hear you have such a huge expense to take care of but hope you will find the best repair person to do it. Seems a strange place in such a hot climate to put an AC!! Glad you found roses and kept them alive and found them on sale!! GOOD DEAL!!
Glad to hear from everyone else here too!! If nothing else, a lot of changes have had to be made for us and most I assume, this difficult year!! Shopping is ever harder. Though stores are stocked better now…I have less on my list I can eat too due to a kidney trouble now cropping up…always something…but hey, HOPEFULLY I will loose weight in this process.
The best news in a long time happened today…that VERY LOUD person upstairs moved out!! After 6 long difficult months, she finally went elsewhere. No idea why. But we are so glad and pray whomever comes next is quieter!! We do have terribly loud construction noises on this property as they are building more units. I am still hoping to relocate if hubby gets enough better although. We have some hope he will as we found out about magnesium oil for one thing and it arrived last week and we have seen some improvements since he began using it. He has less pain and that is good. It is hard enough not being able to get around very well. I have several thick books to go through yet (read some others too) in trying to help him.
Hope this next year will be a better one for everyone!!
Good to hear from you Elizabeth! It has been a tough year for sure. Rick and I are pretty much staying home when we are not out doing my job. I am very careful and always wear my mask, have hand sanitizer and social distance when I can. For high risk people this has been so hard.
Take care and I hope things continue to improve for you and your husband!
Thank you Jolene…I am sure prayers are what get me through the hard days…and one can never have too many!!
So glad your noisy neighbor is gone and pray you get a nice quiet one! I can relate, been there!
Oils are so good that way! Whoot!
OH yeah Elizabeth! I can’t believe I almost forgot to let you know… there’s a website – and they have a “help map”. So people who can go shopping for you do! Walmart is involved too. I hope you’ll sign up for Nextdoor in your neighborhood and neighbors who want to can do some shopping for you. I haven’t used that part (the helping people) but do enjoy the site.
Thank you Carrie…one never knows when such will become more necessary!!
You’re welcome!
Hi Elizabeth! So glad to hear that your home is a bit more peaceful now. At least the construction workers quit and go away every afternoon.
Magnesium does seem to work wonders sometimes. I don’t have the rub….though I may try some……but I take some every day. There are several different types as I’m sure you’ve found in your research. Some are good for muscles, some for the heart, some for rest……Best wishes in your quest for pain relief for your husband. Make sure to take good care of yourself too!
Love from VA,
MB,Bella and Molly
Thank you MB…I read in my book that while taking magnesium by mouth (which we have done for years now) and even by IV does have good effects, the best effects come via putting it on the skin as it apparently gets absorbed into the body better! That was news to me. And no, I cannot say I have read yet of the different types…maybe you can suggest a source for that. Appreciate all the info I can get!!
Sending hugs to you, Elizabeth
So glad to hear from you, Sue. That picture of the crew brought a big smile to my face. We just sold our 1996 Silverado 4×4. Loved that truck! Stay well and safe!
Hi Sue,
Good to hear from you again. Did you sell the BLT? It has been a hot humid summer in San Diego. The camping in a truck camper shell seems to becoming popular again. Very simple and basic. Great way to go.
I was thinking about something like this for my truck
Great idea! Amazon sells them, too.
How. Neat!
Dear Sue,
Wonderful to hear from you. I don’t know what I can add as others have already said it. I agree with everyone that you certainly were missed and we are glad to hear you and the kids are doing good. I’m always on the lookout for any and all posts from you. Take good care and god speed.
Sandi in Delaware.
So good to hear from you. This year has been a challenge for all in many different ways. You seemed to have managed anything that came your way. I was happy to hear about the roses. It took a lot of care, but you did it! I loved hearing about Roger and Reggie. They have such personalities. Take care and keep combating the heat.
Glad to hear that you and those two precious little boys are well. Your life these days sounds much like mine. I’ve even got two precious boys also, but mine are feline instead of canine. Stay well, all three of you!
Oh Sue, it is so good to hear from you and to know that you and the boys are doing well. Reggie “popping ip like toast” gave me a chuckle. Sorry to hear about your A/C troubles but if there is anyone who can manage through it that would be you! Your roses sound lovely and I am truly impressed since I failed to get Knockouts to thrive here in NC. Will they bloom for you all winter? That would be just lovely. Glad your surgery went well and that you have clear vision again. Through the years I have really enjoyed your photos and selfishly hope you can get back to taking those great pictures but I of course understand that you have other priorities (dang that A/C unit!).
Wishing you continued health and happiness and big hugs to the boys!!
Wonderful to see a new blog post and hear that you are well. It has been a very long hot summer. We have temporarily settled in Prescott Valley, AZ, living in a park on a yearly lease. We needed a safe place to wait out this pandemic. Finally had enough of not traveling and took our little motorhome (purchased just before everything shut down) and our traveling in cooler weather for a few weeks. Currently enjoying some very fine state parks in Oklahoma. I had no idea how green everything would be here!
My best to the three of you! You have been missed.
Great to see a new post!!! Hi to all you Blogerinos. Nice to see you here again. I loved the update, Susan!!!!!
Covid 19 has kept us close to home so haven’t got much to report from Mississippi other than to day , IT HAS BEEN HOT!! Thankfully the high today is supposed to be 77°!!!! I am loving it. I NEVER complain about cold weather because I complain all summer long about the heat.
Love and Big HUGS to you and the crew!
Hi Sue, Crew & Blogorinos ~ It’s a happy day when there’s a post from Sue! So as not to repeat the above comments I will just agree with it all. Love hearing about the changes some folks have made. Sending love & sympathy, well wishes & prayers!
The farmer’s market is still closed. Last I heard, Oct. maybe. I decided to be done with it & just be a customer to still see friends. Was cleaning houses for quite a few friends. That came to a screeching halt as you can guess why. Also, was getting tired of it.
I also have an a/c that requires my great a/c guy to come once a year to clean, bring my special filters and add some freon. Eventually, that will be an big investment. A few years back he mentioned if I was ready to replace it he would give me $$ for it as he has customers that would buy a used one. Maybe not anymore. Might just move before that.
Our Corgi, Cheddals, has a new nickname, little leaker. She’s going to be 14 next month. So bought the underpads used for seniors chairs/beds to put on her bed with a folded top sheet over it. Works until she gets too hot & moves to the floor. Between her shedding & this … well, good thing we love her! An aquaintance actually said “It’s best just to get rid of her” What?! Well this is too long. Hugs to all, at a distance:) Barb
(((Hugs))) at a distance!
Nice surprise to see your email!
Look forward to your next camping adventure.
My wife and I will soon be spending seven weeks in Rhode Island with our first grandchild, Lia. We’re not too excited!!
Cheers John in Duluth
Happy to see your back and ok. Missed yah
Hey there!
Been missing these!
Covid Bites!
Stay healthy and run the “kids ” behind the ears!
Hugs from HOQUIAM!
Happy to hear you and pups are doing well. Thanks for the post. Best wishes and stay safe!
So good to hear from you Sue, and to get an update on R&R. I’m curious – with this new style of camping you’re planning on, does that mean that you won’t be camping in the Casita any more? Happy to hear you managed to save your new rose bushes. They do love heat so I’m not too surprised. Unfortunately, I lost two beautiful silver sheens in the heat and the rest of my yard looks like hell – all sorts of burnt greenery. When it cools down a bit, I’ll go out and trim it all back.
Sammy is really slowing down and we had a vet come to the house a month ago to do a “quality of life” assessment on him because he was going through a bout of diarrhea (sorry!) that we couldn’t clear up with pumpkin and we didn’t feel we could be objective about whether it was time to say good-bye or not. The vet said he didn’t think the diarrhea was related to his other underlying issues and that he had some time left. Such a difficult decision …
Jim is really battling pain in his feet and legs – may have to have surgery again. We see the orthopedic surgeon next week and will see what he says.
My DIL and I are going up to Idaho next week to look at property – we were thinking about moving up there, but I can’t see that big of a move if Jim isn’t ambulatory.
I do remember what today is – may Princess Bridget’s memory be a blessing. Love going back and looking at old photos of her and Spike.
Thank you for mentioning Bridget. I didn’t remember the date but remembered she had a beautiful resting area. Hugs, Sue. I had to go back and find the old blog post about it. She was indeed a special little lady.
Cynthia, It is so hard when our fur family start to slow down. I will always remember how tough it was for us with Harley. He loved us so much as did we him.
Praying for your husband, I hope he can get fixed and feeling better.
Cynthia, I have no idea if such will be of help to your husband, but we have a couple products we have been using for a few weeks, one of them just 2 weeks and have seen some help with pain for my husband. Both can be found on Amazon. For almost instant pain relief, we use the Frankincense and Myrrh oil…comes in small bottle with eye dropper. And though it is a slower process, we got some magnesium oil to rub on after showers, to the places that hurt which for my hubby are shoulders, elbows, knees and feet. Already he is sleeping much sounder and quieter at night. Before we started these, I was up a lot at night…often going elsewhere to sleep as he was thrashing all around on the bed, trying to be comfortable. We have a sleep number bed with nice topper, so you cannot get a much better bed. I am beyond grateful for this relief. Neither are horridly expensive…you might try that on your husband. For mine, it often helps him to not need to use Ibuprofen…so anything we can do to avoid such is good. Neither should interfere with any other thing. I will be thinking of you and praying you will find some solutions too!!
Elizabeth, how do you use the oils? Topically? Just rub them in? I do have Frankincense – I would need to order some Myrrh.
Yes, Cynthia, just drop them on his skin and rub them in a bit. Usually just after a shower as I feel that opens up pores a bit more. We are still seeing help for him at least in the lowering of his pain. He stubbed a toe very hard the other day and last night it was all swollen and puffed up and black and blue. Today, after I put some magnesium spray on it, it is not swollen and most of the bad colors are gone!! Remarkable for a diabetic especially. Generally when I rub the oils on my husband, I do it with my left hand. I have what is called Dupuytren’s contracture in the middle of both palms, tho’ yet not painful nor keeping my hands from being used…so far just using on the left hand…and that knot is lessening!! I cannot believe that as I have not read that anything will help aside from maybe surgery at some point. I am going to be putting it on both palms from now on and see if it continues to lessen that. I say if something does not HURT you…why not try it out? They call what doctors do: Practicing medicine…and indeed they practice on us…so why not try a few harmless things is my idea…any rate…hope this helps. Wishing you guys all the best too!!
Elizabeth, I wanted to let you know I’ve been using the frankincense and myrrh on my husband’s feet and legs and it really does seem to help!! The doctor said nothing is torn inside – he just has some really bad tendonitis. He also started physical therapy and that, in combo with the essential oils, seems to be doing the trick! Thank you so much for your suggestion. Hope you and your husband are doing well.
Just saw this Cynthia…so glad to know it is also helping your husband…I use it at times myself if something is paining me!! Wishing you and your hubby all the best!!
Snow Peak LiteMax Titanium Stove, GST-120R-US, Ultralight, Compact for Backpacking, Designed in Japan, Lifetime Product Guarantee
Hi sue- we use one of these with either a moka pot or our small kettle on it to boil. Then use the pour over method to make coffee. Very simple, and economical.
co Suzi
Hi Sue,
Nice to hear from you and hear your news. We like our backpackers stove from Snowpeak. Amazon has them. We have a small kettle for making pour over coffee, and that stove heats up water fast! The little fuel canisters are easy to find, and efficient.
I just wrote, so we don’t have much news. We are currently “in your spot” on Canyon Ferry Lake. Yes, on purpose! We camped at a different CG 2 summers ago, further South, but decided to try “yours” at Riverside. Other than being very smokey, and the water being turned off, it’s great. It’s packed tho’ with all big rigs. We feel so tiny next to them. That site is nice bc we don’t have to look at that big long row of behemoth rigs along the River.
Today we are in Helena trying to find haircuts for both of us, and then a Walmart run. Oh- before I forget, we found water at the visitor center at the dam where you cross to go to camp.
You’ve had a busy year for sure. I’m glad your eyes are done, but sorry about your AC. Timing is everything! ACs crap out in summer and heaters in Winter. Isn’t that how it always goes? I am grateful your life is rich with wonderful blessings in the midst of all the 2020 drama.
Thanks for writing,
Suzi, Larry, & Kitty
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!! I just saw the Birthday Wishes sent to me on the last blog. So sorry I didn’t thank you earlier. You really made this 75 year old feel great! I have often said and will continue to say that my sister Susan’s followers are the nicest people.
Thanks again
We are, aren’t we? HaHaHa It’s a nice place to share conversation Pauline. It’s good to hear from you too. Happy Belated Birthday! Sue’s is coming up too, I live in an October baby world , myself, and 3 other family members as well. I just went ahead and added your sis to my family list.
Hope life back there is treating you well!
Belated Birthday best wishes, Pauline!! Reaching 75 is a good thing!!
Hi Sue,
I don’t know why I didn’t think of this earlier because I have seen them working before and they work great. If you didn’t want to replace your AC unit next spring yet if it is still heating ok, what about a portable unit? I have seen these that can move from room to room before and they work good. You could maybe put one in your bedroom and go cool down when you needed to.
Belated Birthday wishes to Pauline!! I hope it was great!
Well what a surprise to see a post from my favorite person who has been busy in the past, good to see a post on your blog, I was wondering if you have stop writing and I got a little worried. Well I got a lot of medical procedures done and I am proud to say that I have no Cancer in my body at all due to the fact that I am drinking a lot of Creosote tea and taking Astragalus to build up my white blood cells in which fights the bad ones, I am also trying to lose weight by going for short walks to Safeway and Walmart’s store a mile and 1/2 one way to make up for the times I have been working on my “N” scale Railroad in my Studio Apartment here at Liberty Point U.S. Vets in Prescott, my Tremors are gone by me using my hands in building the 3 ft. X 6 ft. layout which has mountains and fake water Falls and a little river that goes through the town and on to the ocean. I miss you all and Piper has a new and great home with 3 children who loves her dearly behind Jerry and Elizabeth’s home in Kentucky and that makes me feel good to know she’s fine, for I would have to have papers to keep her here, but I get to see and pet the Service Dogs that are here, about 11 and 1 Husky named Brandy. Well I which you all a pleasant weekend and be Blessed to all,,,,,,, Rusty
Hi Rusty! Wow, sounds like you’re doing great! I’m so happy things are going well for you!
Rusty, it is so good to hear from you. I’m sure it was tough to leave Piper with someone else, but it’s wonderful that she has kids to play with her and it’s just awesome that you have service dogs to love on. I’m sure they are grateful for the attention you give them. I’m so glad you posted because so many people have been wondering how you’re doing. Glad to hear you are feeling better. God bless you!
Hi Rusty! It’s good to hear your voice after so long. Your little railroad sounds amazing! Oh how I’d love to see it. You’ve put so much work into it over the years that it must be really something.
I’m going to have to google creosote tea. That’s a new one for me. The astragalus is no stranger however. I put my Kitty on it when I found out he has poorly functioning kidneys. I understand it’s a great herbal supplement that aids in many things.
I’m so glad you are cancer free and doing so well! Also Lady Piper too! I’m glad she has a bunch of kids to romp and play with, and that you get updates. Thanks again for checking in Rusty.
Hugs, Suzicruzi
Great to hear the good news about both you and Piper, Rusty. That had to be hard having to rehome her. I’m glad she’s happy with her new family. Take care and stay in touch.
Great to hear from you Rusty! I was just wondering about you the last few days! Glad to hear you are doing good. Nice that Piper has found a great home! Take care and God bless!
I’m sorry that I didn’t reply to you sooner than normal but I was being reminded by the camera person that I need to get up early in the morning for a day of PR for Liberty Point and to be prepared for a walk to Walmart while being filmed talking to a new fellow Veteran inviting him to Live at Liberty Point U.S. Vets Community. The community is for the Homeless Veterans who are in need of a safe and secure place to help them cope with their lives and get a better chance of living and possibly getting a job and their own home. I live here and have been through the system of getting my own apartment like I did before when I received a Voucher for the last home in Chino Valley back in 2013 to which RV Sue and the Crew visited with me, you have to go back to the Blog and read it, I had to leave the house because of Black Mold in September of 2014 and became homeless as some people say but I didn’t think I was homeless for I built another camper on my truck and lived again as a Boondocer. This I have said that I have traveled enough and it is time to settle down till I go on my last Journey with the Lord. So it looks like I’ll be here for a long time hopefully and I don’t mind helping the team to help fellow Veterans get a better way of life,,,,,,, Rusty
You have a great attitude, Rusty…and no doubt helping others will prolong life!! Wishing you all the best!!
Thanks to all, I live really well here and now in a year I have accomplished a lot, Prescott is a great place to live, we see all the seasons and in using Amazon for the things that I buy I hope it works out for Sue + I have Prime for the shopping and Videos at night, you all have a pleasant week and be Blessed and Breathe well,,,,, Rusty
Great to hear you are doing well Rusty, God bless
N scale is a great size. I got started on making miniature building kits in the early 1970s when my husband at that time gave me an N scale train for Christmas. Then for Easter he gifted me a Dremel motor. I am still designing and making buildings in miniature in 2020! Not of of them for model railroads, some of them are very teeny others are rather large.
I will be camping in Arizona all of this winter. I will think of you and your train set when I get close to Prescott.
Good morning all,
So good to hear from you Sue! And I’m glad that most things are going well. As I tell my girls….if you’re OK….I’m OK…..and we go from there.
I had decided not to write a post since I really have nothing to add….but here it is anyway LOL!. My life has gotten very “condensed” lately because of Uncle’s declining mobility and the virus restrictions. Most days I just feel kinda stuck. Not depressed. Just…..numb. But I know this won’t last forever. And I am thankful that I have a tiny space on my own property to weather this storm. And grateful that I can provide my uncle with a safe place during this time in his life.
Really glad I took that AZ trip last fall as I wouldn’t have been able to this year. It gives me hope…..
Best wishes for a glorious Fall!
MB, Bella and Molly
Hi MB,
I love your attitude “If you’re OK…I’m OK”! You are such a blessing to your uncle. I really admire the way that you care for him. I’m sorry that you feel stuck. Just remember that you are right, this won’t last forever. I have often felt stuck in the past. This year has been a year of “unsticking” for me. I am so glad that you got your trip to Arizona last year. Who knows, you may be able to go next year. Next year is almost here! Covid can’t last forever! (At least, that’s what I tell myself.) Hang in there.
Thanks for the information on the eyes. I think we are about the same age ( born in 48) and I am scheduled for October. Supposedly I won’t need glasses for distance anymore. That will be strange after first getting them in 5th grade. Now if other body parts were as easy to upgrade. I would not mind a new memory chip. And don’t worry about pictures. Composition is everything and you have a great eye.
Hey Sue and Crew and Blogo’s!
This blog is such treat-even sans pix! I think you “center” our little worlds! And your words are pix enough! Thanks!
Your success with the knock-outs give me hope to try again…I was not as careful as you and hoped they would ‘take-off’ with time…they didn’t!!
So glad you are posting your findings with your new prep purchases…we have been considering all of those this year! We spent our bucks some place else but will get back to the fun stuff later.
When our central A/C went out, we bought a small window unit about $220 from Lowes. It did a really good job making us comfortable in 1 bedroom, bathroom, and 14′ x 22′ living/dining area. Doubled sheets and closed doors blocked off the kitchen and rest of the house. This was in SE Louisiana with high 90’s and 85-90% humidity!!
We put the W.U. in a bedroom window. It was a dream effectively making the adjacent areas livable. Sure beats being miserable for months till you can deal with a $$$$ new unit. The $220 window unit would probably buy you time for 1+++ seasons. Once, years ago, we saw one “installed” in a tent in a LA State campground! Resourceful camper to survive tent camping/living in the summer heat. You only need a typical household outlet to plug into. It is a 110 plug, not a 220. So now we have a ‘back-up system’ to our central A/C…they always seem to break in the worst heat, too! God bless cold showers!
Glad you have taken care of the cataracts…I will remember what you said about not waiting, too.
HA-HA! I especially love to hear how Reg and Rog handle their Wake Up Sue and Walk duties. Sweet!
Well we are having fun doggie-sitting our son’s 2 Springer Spaniels. We are in a rain pattern for a week or more but the temps are delightful. Today was a walk/run in the rain! We will all be damp, muddy or sandy for the duration…they are so much fun to watch as they fly around the yard in sheer joy.
We also have set up a butterfly, hummingbird, bee garden and hope to see chrysalis’
soon…the caterpillars are doing their best to get to that stage!
We are watching the tropics daily/nightly, and I will start a beef stew when I finish this note to every one…lots of carrots, potatoes and onions, some cabbage, green peas? too. Looking forward to enjoying the cooking and eating of it…hope to have leftovers I can freeze, too!
P.S. We just finished looking at tap-dancers on the internet…search for tap dancing or “The Golden Age of Hoofin” So much good stuff to see on the internet!
Mary B in Abita Aprings, LA
Enjoyed your post…and also bits of the Blogos lives…
Well you were certainly missed! May be another few months for you to get through all the comments :-)))) Glad that you’re all safe and sound and meeting your challenges with your usual chill attitude. Truck camping sounds too rough for us these days, but looking forward to seeing how you all like it when you’re ready to venture out. Hope our days continue to get cooler, we’re sure enjoying the cool evenings.
I really hoped you hadn’t left us behind. So great to hear from you. Helen and I passed through AZ in August and I kept thinking I would spot you and the crew out for a walk. That didn’t happen, but at least you’re still walking! Please stay in touch.
Hi RVSue,
Congratulations on your Rose Success! I air layered to get roots from some old favorites of mine from WA. Building our fence has been delayed so they are still in large pots inside a small wire enclosure around our lime tree. They are doing well.
We love our truck too! It’s so easy to get remote. We still have our Bigfoot travel trailer, but now it’s our “guesthouse”. We only pull it when friends or family travel with us. We put a TopperEZLift under our ARE canopy. We have the “weekender” package. We have a Queen bed in ours. It’s so nice to have that extra tailgate space! If you ever come down to Tucson, email me, we’d be happy to show you how we have ours set up. We’ve never seen another TopperEZLift in a campground. And of course, they’re practically impossible to notice on the road.
Thanks for the chuckle. I loved the analogy of Reggie popping up like toast
Glad to hear things are clearer now. Wish you all the best.
Rover Ronda (formerly of western WA, now full time Tucsonans)
Good to hear what you have been up to! Glad you and the boys are doing well.
I started the summer having another heart surgery. It was pretty dicey. I had a 25% risk factor and spent 11 days in the recovery room before I could be moved to ICU. Was unconscious or delirious for 5 weeks. Wound up spending 2 months in hospital. Got home at the end of July and have had home health since then. Just starting to get back on my feet.
Then I found out Chloe is ill and terminal. She has lung cancer. I am babying her along as well as I can but it won’t be too long. I’m extremely upset about it.
So my life could be better. On the other hand I got to enjoy her for almost 14 years. And I got a second chance at life myself.
Meanwhile I am engaged in volunteer campaign work from home: phoning, texting, writing postcards.
So that’s my story.
Gosh, what a difficult time it’s been for you. I hope your health improves rapidly. So sorry about Chloe, each day with her now is so precious .
Oh my goodness Ginger! I’m so glad that you made it through that ordeal are are safely at home. Home Health Nurses are wonderful!
I’m sorry to hear about Chloe. No matter how long they are with us, it is never enough. Give her a kiss on the head from us and know that there is someone in Virginia thinking of both of you.
MB, Bella and Molly
You must have good genes, Ginger, to survive all you have! It is hard to lose our pups…we only had one we got past 16 years old…they just do not live long enough!! Enjoy the time left with her!!
God Bless you Desert Ginger. And many prayers for Chloes last days with you as you ready yourself for her passing. I’m so sorry.
Oh my gosh Ginger, I have wondered so many times how you’re doing. I’m so sorry to hear about Chloe – thank heavens you’ve had many good years with her. I think we have less than a month left with our Sammy. Not sure how old he is since he’s a rescue, but I’m guessing about 13 or maybe 14. It is so very tough to say good-bye to them, but really an honor to be able to make that decision for them. I’ve always said it’s the final gift of love we give them. I’ll be thinking about you in the coming weeks. So glad you got the “second chance”!!!
Hi Sue and Crew!
It is good to hear from you! I too have been in the process of setting up a home. We have land, Sue! Happy Happy, Joy Joy, ding ding ding! 20/20 has definitely been a Wild and yet Wonderful year, in so many ways, and on both sides of that fence!
I am delighted to hear about your roses! One of these days I will have flowers out in my front yard to! These last few months, my Battlefield has been my garden! But it’s growing! I’m hoping I can Harvest something before the cold gets to us up here.
Take care dear friend!
Hi Sue, Roger and Reggie, great to hear from you.
Glad to hear overall things are well for you all and so happy your eye surgery went well.
Sorry abut the AC going out, but knew you and the crew can handle almost any setback
with gusto and calm.
Hope to see pictures of your new Chevy truck. The portable toilet is was/is a great idea and so happy you had it when you needed it. You sure have taught me a lot and we haven’t even started traveling yet. Thanks ahead of time for sharing your knowledge and adventures over the years. Even when it comes to having the new home.
Look forward to more post when you write them.
Until then, thanks again for sharing and keeping us posted on your lives.
May God continue to Bless you, the crew and your families.
S. Kaeseman
Hi Everyone!
With the weather turning towards fall for most people, I’m wondering what you have been cooking? I have been busy making soups…vegetable/beef and a vegetable summer chowder. I’ve been wanting to start what is called a whole foods diet, which is mostly plant based cooking with vegetables and minimally processed foods. The problem is, I don’t find a lot of the recipes appealing. Anyone have any recipes or cook books that they would recommend in this area? I’m just trying to get healthier and lose weight. I’ve joined a Crossfit gym. So far I’m going twice a week, with my goal being to work up to three times a week. They adjust the workouts to your fitness level, so I am able to participate.
Love to hear any recipes or thoughts you may have!
I have the book called Eat Right 4 Your Type…and I am about 1/6th through reading it…so no idea if this will help me yet…but I think it could. This person says depending upon your kind of blood type, will give you an idea of what you should eat…they SAY weight should fall off when you go on what is correct for you. Interesting idea and worth a try. I know working out is good…but it does not seem to help every person (my daughter here is one)…I mean muscles are good…but so far for her the fat has stayed…argh!! But maybe you are a lucky one that will benefit…I hope so!! I am also still working on ideas for more of a whole foods diet too!! I am like you…well, we all want things to TASTE good right?
Hi Elizabeth,
The book sounds interesting. Thanks!
Hi Dawn, I also love the soups and stews. Losing weight gets tougher the older I get. I just try to take recipes I love and do my best to reduce the bad stuff in them. Also part of my problem is that Rick and I like different things and buying food to eat two different ways gets expensive!
I love looking through cookbooks for fresh ideas!
So glad you and the pups are doing ok!! Great catching up. We`re always here – and always checking to see how you are. Love to the 3 of you!!
Hi Sue,
I was wondering if you ever visited Red Lodge, MT while you were in this area of Montana? It’s on the way to BigHorn Canyon, do we stopped for a few days. Oh! It’s lovely!! We have a nice Boondock outside of town off West Fork road about 12 miles. Bear, moose and hiking! The town is a nice small mountain town, but developed and modern.
I wanted to mention a camp we had further back, when we crossed into Idaho from WA. It’s called Skookum Creek, and it’s a developed DNR CG, and free. Technically it’s in WA, but you have to access it from Old Town, ID. along the Pend Oreille River. It’s a close runner for best camp we’ve been in, I think..? Gorgeous meadow and small creek winding through the meadows and grasslands, and each site backs up to that. Each site is very large, and hugely spaced out from other sites. It was actually somewhat of an anomaly. We’ve Never seen anything like it before. We had deer galore, turkeys, birds of every kind, waterfowl and an owl. There was coyote song occasionally to round it out.
We have been on all new roads, and finding all new camps since we left Vancouver the first of August. We headed out to the North Cascade Highway via Wenatchee first and then slowly worked our way East on Highway 2. We found a new means of a quick overnight camp- Snowparks! They are usually just a big parking area, with a toilet. Along our mountain routes we’ve made use of them for an overnight, 3 times.
That’s it for now. “Hello” to all the Blogerinos” from Red Lodge Montana. We will be heading Southward tomorrow. Nights are really cooling down!
Hi Sue, (blushing)
I googled your blog and red lodge right after I hit “send” on my comment above. Sheesh, what an idiot!
Soooo…. You’ll like this li’l story about Palasades CG. We heard about it from another RV friend who told us to check out this CG. We drove up there 5 days ago after rolling into Red Lodge. Abruptly we came to the locked gate across the road. No signs, no nothing, just a locked gate. Talk about disappointed! Faced with a very small parking lot, made for cars only apparently, Larry begins the laborious task of making about a 15 pt turn-around, while I hop out to go pee. I had my pants unzipped when I hear, “Bear, you’d better get back to the van”. Cripe! There she was, a small cinnamon black bear walking through the bushes a bit too close by. I got two good videos of her though, and she remained a safe distance away. I was thrilled to have a “safe bear encounter”!
Anyway, we drove up the road to another CG, Sheridan, and same exact thing; locked gate across the CG entrance with no warning signs! Grrrr. (No pun intended). Luckily we had a small side road, and tiny intersection to maneuver around for a turn-around. A sign on the main CG sign 1 mile back up the main road would have saved us a bad washboard wild goose chase. Any- Way! All’s well that ends well, right?
Seeing our bear friend made all the goose chases well worthwhile! Every cloud has a silver lining.
Thank you for writing a comment. I’d like to reply individually but it’s too much! So I’ll leave a few remarks here instead.
First of all, I send wishes for better health to all who are ill or dealing with the aches, pains, and upsets of aging. Also I wish comfort to those of you who are grieving.
Carrie in Tennessee — I’m sorry for the pain of your loss.
My heart also goes out to those of you who are seeing the signs of age in your pets and/or are dealing with their sickness or infirmity. May you have many more memories to treasure.
Hugs to Barbara and Angel in Nashville. Sending best wishes for strength for your husband and for you, Barbara, as his devoted caregiver.
Cynthia — You are a dear for remembering Spike and Bridget on the anniversary of their passing. The memories were especially sharp this year, don’t know why. You take such good care of Sammy. God bless you both and Jim, too.
Barbara in Florida — You’re a good mom, coping with your little “leaker.”
Desert Ginger — I wondered what happened to you! I’m thankful you made it through your most recent health crisis and wish you many more cuddles with dear, little Chloe.
Some of our blogorinos have changes coming into their lives. We wish you much happiness as you enter a new phase.
Florida Scott — Congrats on the house. Silver City, NM — a great choice!
Rusty — I’m happy that you are happy in your new home! More trains!
Jan in New Hampshire — Early retirement, how exciting, especially if you get that travel trailer you want!
Dawn in New Hampshire — Good luck with the changes you are planning!
Elizabeth — You are amazing! Wishing you and your husband good health.
Norman — No, I haven’t sold the BLT, even though the money would come in handy. I just can’t bring myself to do it. As soon as it’s a bit cooler, the crew and I will go truck camping. That experience may help me make a decision re: the BLT.
Jolene — Links to my blog don’t interfere with anything. Thanks for wanting to help. However, never post a link to Amazon with my code embedded. That’s a big no-no. BTW, I appreciate you removing the rvsue name from your group.
Eliza — I didn’t need eye drops for the cataract surgery. Antibiotics were injected during surgery and, as I was unaware, that was easy for me.
John — Have fun with the grandkids in Rhode Island!
Millie — The Knock-Out roses will bloom spring through fall here and then go dormant during the winter, losing their leaves. I’m loving the ones I have. Now I’m getting greedy and wanting them in every color!
Suzicruzi — The campgrounds near Red Lodge close at the end of Labor Day Weekend which is why the crew and I skedaddled so soon. Good thing we did because a snow storm hit a few days later. Your post from Helena had me wondering when you’d start heading south. Winter comes fast to Montana and Wyoming.
Wow, that’s a bear encounter tale that must be told over and over! Thanks for sharing your stories, Suzi.
Well, I probably left out some replies that I wanted to make. Know that I appreciate each one of you and send a big welcome or welcome-back to new and returning blogorinos!
Slightly cooler weather here means we are outside longer in the morning. Reggie and Roger chased each other around the house several times, something they haven’t done in quite a while because of the heat. I laugh watching them — Reggie is super fast and Roger tries so hard to catch him but never does until Reggie lets him.
Roger runs when he has a purpose; Reggie runs for the pure joy of it.
Bye for now,
Thank you Sue!
Glad y’all are enjoying the temperature drop! It’s getting nice here too.
Thank you Sue!! Heh, so glad it is cooler there too!! Today went to get a few groceries and it was only 66 degrees…and the cleanest air I have seen for many months!! I felt so invigorated and strong!! Thanked GOD I feel thus even in less than perfect health!! LOVED breathing in that wonderful clean air!! (Nope don’t cover my nose OUTSIDE when no one is near me!!!) I just love FALL…always have!! Even the breezy days!! Used to have long hair to let blow in the breeze…argh…USED TO!! HA!! Thanks for updating us…hope all your problems with the house get fixed soon too!! We had to get one of those portable AC units you put a hose in the window and catch the water when it is collected out….nice for dehumid conditions too!! In NC when the house AC went out…it was just fine with a few well placed fans. Might even be cheaper to run…hope you keep feeling cool enough!! Give those boys some hugs from me!! So cute they are!!
So nice to read a new post for you Sue. Take care you three x o
Has anyone heard from Denise?
Thanks for asking, Dawn. I’m missing Denise and Cinandjules, among others. Hope all are well.
I miss them , too! Though I check in here daily I haven’t had much to say …still loving life , Creator and creation.
Always glad to see your comments, Weather…well, right now most of us have to live rather quieter lives even than usual…just glad you are ok!!
Thank you, dear lady, hugs!
Hi Everyone,
I had an epic cooking fail last night. I tried to make homemade clam chowder for the first time. Needless to say, the whole did not equal the sum of the parts. I threw the whole thing out and threw away the recipe to boot! Maybe I was doomed to fail, as I had really high expectations. Don’t think I’ve ever had better New England clam chowder than from a restaurant in Boston called Legals.
Well, don’t feel alone in that, Dawn!! I have my share too…and frankly? I think oft times the ingredients we can manage to get just are not up to par!! Especially this year…so blame it on the ingredients instead of the cook!! Ha!
I agree with Elizabeth, I have had plenty of epic fails over the years and there were times it was for sure the ingredients. That is one thing I have never made. Keep trying and never give up!
How fantastic to see an update! And with good news and progress. I really enjoy your writing, whether you are on the road or at home ;).
Well, friends, if you want to know what I made us for food recently (did not want to go to store so used some canned goods, etc that I had on hand…and tonight using some of leftovers for yet another meal). Nothing spectacular…but I will say I have tried out chicken, turkey and beef by this company and been well pleased. Here is Amazon link: If they are out, sometimes Walmart carries or Lehmans…but you will wait for MONTHS on Lehmans so I don’t recommend it…maybe if you live where that store is, you could find it there. Yesterday I poured the contents of the can into a pan (it is JUST meat and salt)…it makes its own very thick broth in the can. Warmed it till very hot, strained off the broth and put the meat in a lidded pan to keep warm. When close to eating, I made the broth into gravy (you know cornstarch and water…needs no salt in my opinion). Then instant mashed potatoes. I had also steamed some cauliflower, broccoli, and carrots and made a “fake cheese” sauce to pour over it. I know…lots of carbs that meal…but sure tasted good. So we had about half the meat left. Today I put the bit of turkey gravy and turkey, some dried onions, parsley along with the water in the can of mixed veggies into pan to heat, added the veggies of this can and warmed to a boil, then poured into a pie plate which I had lightly greased. I made some homemade gluten free drop biscuits (to which I added some dried sage) up to drop on top and it is in my toaster oven now. I expect we will have half of this left over for tomorrow or to put in freezer. IF you are fortunate enough to not have allergies…any boxed or canned biscuits should work just fine. I am cooking it at 375-400 in my little toaster oven. I figure it will take about 25 minutes or maybe a few more…just test biscuits with toothpick or metal tester for such to see when done. Hope this idea might be useful to someone else. Usually I make chicken and biscuits, but I can see no reason not to use turkey or even Beef…and whatever veggies you like or have on hand!! Bon Apetit!
PS…forgot…I added a bit of Almond Milk to the broth/gravy mixture while in the pan…make your sauce as thick as you prefer gravy to be…even make up a bit of butter, flour, milk gravy and add to it before putting in pie plate for baking…
Wow Elizabeth! You are much more creative than I would ever be cooking from my pantry! Your dinner sounds scrumptious. I’m looking up recipes to make for next week. Probably another soup. I absolutely love dipping a hearty bread into my soup broth. The Publix bakery here makes these compact sourdough baguettes that are delicious. If the ingredients haven’t gone bad in my fridge, I will make a Mediterranean pasta salad tomorrow.
Anyone else cooking anything scrumptious this weekend?
Thanks Dawn…it is getting to be soup weather here again now…so nice when it is cold!! Hope yours turns out like you like it!!
Hi Sue and my blogorino friends!
It is so nice to see your update, Sue. So glad that you, Reggie and Roger are doing well. I am so sorry to hear about your A/C conking out on you. Glad that your boondocking skills are still serving you well in your home. What a bummer about your camera, too. You paint such a vivid picture with your words – photos are an extra bonus! Your description of Roger’s antics had me chuckling. I could almost read Reggie’s thoughts while he watched Roger chase the rabbits in vane, “Sigh….I keep telling Roger that it is a lost cause to go after the bunnies, but NO he just HAS to do it. Sigh….” Then comes the eye roll gotta love Roger’s energy and his zest for life!
Gracie pup and I are doing well and holding our own. The pear trees in our yard have started to turn red – so pretty! I love the Fall colors and the cooler temps. We have two toads who made a home near my back door since they were very small…the size of a walnut. They are now about the size of a plum. Last night Gracie got a little too close to one – it was funny watching her startled reaction when he jumped. Freaked her out but not enough to prevent her from getting in Mr Toad’s face again! In addition to the toads on the ground, I have a little (3”) bright green tree frog that occasionally clings to the storm door screen. I keep the backdoor light on at night which is provides an all you can eat buffet for my little friends!
I apologize to everyone – I have not had a chance to read the comments. I think of you all often and keep you in my prayers.
This has been an extremely hard year for my family. Along with the passing of my little sis we have had other losses to deal with, too. I know others are dealing with loss – my heart goes out to you. Sending you warm healing hugs.
The past few months I have been busy working on starting a side hustle. I am still working out the kinks and will share more once it is up and running. Something to earn some extra money, provide enjoyment, and most importantly keep my mind busy. Sue, I have been ordering supplies over the past month or so….jewelry related items and packaging/shipping supplies. I hope you received credit!
Sending you, Reggie and Roger lots of love and hugs from me and Gracie pup! Enjoy the rest of the weekend! We were happy to see your update – you were missed.
Everyone please stay safe and well. Have a great weekend! *hugs*
It’s great to hear from you,Denise! I’m glad you and Gracie pup are ok, and sorry for your family’s losses. Your yard and critters sound delightful!
Autumn where I am has certainly cooled the temperatures, average 62 degree days. Leaves are slow to turn color because of the lake’s warm water, we are nowhere near peak colors yet. Most birds are still here many stay year-round. Last night with Mars being so close I clearly saw it’s red light, and a falling star!
Hugs and blessings to you and yours, to Sue and all blogorinos
Hi weather & Denise~
I stepped outside late afternoon yesterday and was surprised by a beautiful rainbow. No rain, lots of blue sky and sunshine. A few dark clouds, but no rain hitting the ground. Still in the high 80’s low 90’s. Picked some weeds this am until the sun came over the neighbor’s roof and the humidity picked up. So many weeds!!! I’ve not been keeping up with them most of the summer. Just too darn hot. Pick em when I can – a bucket or two at a time.
My son has spotted an owl at night on that same neighbor’s roof. It explains our decrease in squirrels in the yard. Can’t find him in our trees, but did find a partial owl pellet left as a clue.
Thanks for your updates. Hey Elizabeth, which brand of frankincense and myrrh do you use? Magnesium spray? So many to choose from on Amazon. Hugs everyone!
Hi,Barb, nice to see you here! How nice, a rainbow ! Seeing an owl is on my wish list.
Hi Barb,
Here is a link for the magnesium spray:
And one for the Frankincense and Myrrh:
And here is one for another product we have used for decades, that also provides pain relief usually:
You won’t find the Firm cream advertised anywhere as helping with pain…but for some reason, maybe unknown reason, it does. I do not feel it will help enough with the worst arthritic pain, but for people like me, with lesser kind, it does work. I clean out a small old prescription bottle and squeeze some in, and carry that small amount in my purse at all times. It is nice skin cream and smells nice too, but I save it for pain times. It is expensive, but we never go through the entire tube in even a year…you do not slather it on, but just enough that it will cover the hurting area to about an inch past, on all sides. Hope something will be helpful to you too!!
A little update on my NC daughter that we had been SO worried over…she finally figured out that a digestive pill her doctor gave her was causing the horrific gut pain…she thinks possibly because it has some part of beef in it and she has problems eating red meat. So even the best product, given by the best doctor, does NOT mean it is the best thing for any one person. We all need to be a bit of our doctors in ways…they simply cannot always figure out everything without our input. We are so thankful she is doing better…we are not in a place to be of much help to her now and we were in a real muddle as to what to do. (We have sent her money so at least she has enough to purchase whatever is needful, pay medical bills etc…but that is not a lot of help).
Wishing you all the best, Elizabeth
PS. Please fix those links the best for your use, Sue.
Barb, I wrote an answer on here, but maybe something I said would not be accepted in this crazy thought control situation that many find online these days. (And I do not want to cause any issues for Sue either…) IF Sue is willing, she can send on my email address to you and I will answer you that way…sorry…do you have your own blog where I could send you an email?
Hi Weather, I love the Fall season, all the colors and all, and you even saw a falling star!! Have not seen one in many years…but I remember that thrill!!
Blessings to you too!!
Hi,Elizabeth,autumn really is such a beautiful season! This is the first one I will have 3 families’ children trick or treat here for Halloween, so today I bought candy. I hope to see them playing in raked leaves piles soon, and making snow angels and snowmen in several weeks
Hi Denise,
So glad to hear from you. I am so sorry for your loss. Words are just inadequate at these times.
I am glad to hear that your side hustle is something you enjoy and provides you with the benefit of staying busy and extra money. You are very thoughtful to, as Tom Bodette says, “Leave the light on for you” for your little frog friends.
Dear Denise… I’m sorry you and your family suffer another loss. God bless you.
Today, October 15th, is my sister Susan’s birthday. I want to wish her a Very Happy Birthday and am sending her lots of love and big hugs!!!
Thanks Pauline for reminding us that today is Sue’s special day!! Have a great birthday SUE!! I hope you and the boys will find something fun to do and that the weather will be extra nice too!! May this next year of our life hold good things for you!!
Happy Birthday to you…Happy Birthday to you…Happy Birthday dear Sue…Happy Birthday to you!! Enjoy your special day!
As always, Gracie pup and I send lots of love and hugs for you, Reggie, and Roger! xo
Today is a beautiful day in southeastern Arizona, the kind of day where throughout the day you stop whatever you’re doing to say out loud, “What a gorgeous day!” Reggie, Roger and I are enjoying every minute and I’m thankful for the many blessings that have come our way. I hope your day is blessed and beautiful, too!
Great to see Denise here again, as well as other dear blogorinos who’ve been gone a while. I love you!
We love you too Sue!
Sierra Vista is gorgeous this time of year! Belated Happy Birthday Sue. Hope you have a great year.
Not sure how “Benson” got changed to “Sierra Vista”?? Benson was what I said.
Happy Birthday Sue!
Late on wishing you a Happy Birthday Sue, but heartfelt non the less. Be interested to know how you and the boys make out with the truck camping. I tried it with an old Datsun pick up and a friend back in the late 70’s. No go but loved the little truck, Oh the good old days when the body didn’t mind sleeping in the bed of a truck, a few chuckles here on that memory. I’m sure what you decide about the BLT will be the best for you and Reggie and Roger. You make going on line one of the highlights I look forward to. Hugs to the boys. Be Well.
Thanks,having a blessed day,love you, too! Thought of you as I walked outside on a gorgeous day here
Hope you had a very Happy Birthday, Sue. I think about you and the fur babies often. Take care.
Sue, spent the last 2 nights truck camping. What a learning curve I am accomplishing – just like the early days of traveling with the new Casita. Made lots of notes, going to work on some of those changes and adjustments and go out again for a couple more nights in a couple of weeks, before it starts getting really cold
Happy Birthday. The weather has been beautiful and such a great birthday present for you.
Happy Belated Birthday Sue! I had signed up, after posting questions to Elizabeth, to get notifications of follow-up comments in my email. I never got any which is why my answer is delayed. Was checking email instead of the blog.
I also would love to get Elizabeth’s email address from you. I have a hunch that since we have asked you to do that before that by doing so you will then be giving us your personal email address. I could maybe get it by going through Jolene’s fb page, but I don’t do fb and never will. Does anyone know of any other way to get an email address without posting for all to see? I would love to have her for an email friend as we have things in common.
I don’t really like turning your comments into a party-line phone talking about things I wouldn’t tell the world. I’ve noticed you, Sue, are very guarded about your personal life on the blog & I try to remind myself that when writing a comment. It’s nice to have the connection but how REAL is it. When I talk to someone about a blog I read, that’s how I describe it. I can’t describe them as a friend or acquaintance, we’ve never met. I find the internet a strange part of our lives. I gives you connections to people you never would’ve met, which is great BUT it leaves me feeling just terrible when something happens. I grieved AZ Jim & Detta. I couldn’t believe I got so upset over someone I had never met. It was awful and I really struggled with my emotions. When Geri died my son had to stop me from driving up to go to her memorial. He knew the many reasons I shouldn’t do that. Miss you Jim & Geri!
So as much as I would love to have that email address, I know it probably won’t happen. It’s kinda sad because people are lonely or looking for a connection to someone they grow to like. Ya know, you make this connection, but that’s as far as it should go, I guess. And people just don’t get the fb thing. The people that use it think it’s so great, but people that don’t have very good reasons not to. Maybe if you have a business, but not for personal stuff.
As much as I love you all, what is it? Sending love & hugs thru virtual means, does it have the same effect? Knowing you are loved through only your words that have to be guarded. Should we be spending this effort on ourselves or our family makes more sense, but reaching out does have something I can’t put my finger on. I remember my first reply from Sue. I was so excited. It’s like getting a call from a famous person. I can’t even imagine what it is like for Sue. To “meet” all of us and then to not know what happened to so many who do not comment any more. So if she has our email addresses, she could contact those people, but she doesn’t, to guard her privacy. I so get it, but if it was me, I would try to find out despite the email address. Boy do we live in strange times. Looks like a good spot to end my rambling. Sorry it’s so long. Been thinking about this a long time and really wonder how others feel or can put into words what I cannot. Going to send you love & hugs anyway & hope you find the warmth and goodness of my effort.
I get it. After 8+ years you get attached. I feel there is no easy answer- for Sue, or for us. I guess we have to remember to live in the moment and cherish each day as it comes.
Blessings to you… and hugs too.
Hi Barb, Just so you know I don’t have Elizabeths email either. She is not in my FB group. And this group I started is for this exact reason. We don’t have the emails that Sue has and some people want to stay connected in the event something happens here.
And you are right, we don form friendships. I am so thankful for the friendship I made with Geri in FL on FB before she died. Sometimes things will come up in my memories on there and I will see a comment from her and it puts a smile on my face.
It is also one of the reasons that I have had something linked with my name on here for several years now so that people can reach me outside of this blog.
Hugs to you and everyone!
For many reasons, my friends here, I don’t go on FB. And time has only shown that to be the best decision for us. Originally when my Hubby worked for the govt, he was TOLD not to go on FB, Twitter, none of those… But I never wanted to be online there anyway…too much possibility of running into difficulties with kin, frankly. I know for some folks, it is a good choice…just not for us. Sorry…
Sue could easily help with email addresses without giving up her privacy. Maybe she will think about doing it.
No matter what email I set up, it quite possibly would generate several emails to me, now and on into the future.
I’m the kind of person who feels an email deserves a reply. A reply leads to more emails which leads to more replies (or hurt feelings). Then too much of my thinking is bound up in emails.
Please let it go. Thank you.
Sue – you could set up the email, use it to send the email addresses and then delete the email. Simple. No emails for you to answer. No worries. And it would make a lot of people happy.
Hey Elizabeth, I totally understand. I know for some people it is not a good thing. For me, I love it and it works out great for my family as well.
My church I attend and volunteer with each Sunday is also there on FB as well and I have several groups connected with my church, and other groups as well.
So for me, living rural like I do and I am a fairly social person, I really love it. But I totally get it is not for everyone!
Possibly Sue could set up an email just to answer people – as in your case, forward your email to those you would like to contact. Seems simple enough. She would not be giving up her privacy. I hope she will at least think about it.
Susan, It is ok if Sue does not feel able to connect us. It is something we have to accept. My Hubby and I were the victims of a sociopath a few years ago…and we lost a great deal of money in that so-called “friendship”…we helped this woman so much as we could spare and then she destroyed us within the faith community we were in. Fortunately, we had to move shortly after that, in order to be where we are now in order to help our daughter who was having to move. But we are not the same either. The trust factor was so damaged, I am not sure how much we will ever again be involved face to face with people we do not already know. Some things in life are so awful a person cannot completely return to what was. He and I have always been an easy “mark” for being used I guess. And now we are old and with a lot of health issues, and frankly most of our doors are closed. So I assume Sue may also have had some more than difficult times and needs to be sure she keeps some doors closed as well. I understand that. And I appreciate your concerns too. But really it will be ok…limited connections are still connections. And it is ok.
I feel bad you were a victim of a scam! It is truly awful that there are people out there that have no problem stealing someone else’s money.
I hope Sue has not suffered the same fate! Even in Arizona’s small towns like Benson, you are never far from the next scammer. So I can see why she wants to be very careful. I hope she has security in place to avoid our emails being used by some unscrupulous person.
Susan…. A search of your email says that you’ve only been commenting here starting about a week ago (unless you’ve changed your email address). Considering that, I assume you aren’t aware that I’ve asked people NOT to speculate where my house is located. Since you’ve done so twice in this short period of time, I feel it necessary to state again that I do not appreciate the name-dropping of possible locations of my home. It stirs up interest. I know bloggers who ended up selling their home because its location was revealed. Please stop. Thank you.
BTW, I don’t live in Benson.
Dearest Sue,
I am so sorry! I thought my long comment showed that even though I was wishing you could do that for us it also showed I was resigned to not being able to have such from you AND that I would be ok with it. I am sorry Susan didn’t and kept making suggestions. Please accept my apologies and sorry for the hassle. Lots of love to you & a huge distanced hug!
Susan, you know Sue doesn’t want to be involved with emails between readers, and she doesn’t want references made about her location, yet you don’t simply comply with her stated wishes. You are being unfriendly towards her , and I find that to be offensive and rude behavior. Please think about whether or not your comments add to the peaceful and loving feelings in this community Sue has allowed to grow before writing again.
Weather – I have followed, and commented, on Sue’s blog for years. I still miss Spike and Bridgette! I felt attacked for no reason. I simply asked if she could get a throw away email to let some people connect off the blog. What was wrong with that question? She has all of our emails. The only reason I could see that she wouldn’t do that for her very loyal followers, and I include my self, is that she was worried about losing her amazon money. I did not request she tell anyone where she lives. I am sure, you and many others know exactly where she lives but we choose to respect her privacy and not post her exact address etc. I just did not appreciate having my post changed, nor did I deserve to be attacked for asking a simple question. I will continue to follow her blog when she posts.
Elizabeth I feel the same way, I was an easy mark all my life until I finally stopped and yes now that I’m passed retirement I just don’t have it in me to trust. You’re right, a connection is a connection and sometimes a distant one is all that’s needed. I don’t comment very often but I enjoy the ones that do and whatever Sue wants to share. I’m enjoying my life,my family and the friends I have. I wish God’s blessing on each blogorino Love and hugs to each——TexasSue
Sue has asked us all to let it go and gave her reasons. In respect to her we should do exactly that, Let It Go! To continue to ask her to do something she does not wish to do is in my opinion, disrespectful, and I’m sure that is not your intent.
Barb…. I hope you will see this. I want to reply to your comment below but the thread doesn’t allow another reply.
Your “long” comment was not long; it was one of the most heartfelt comments this blog has ever received. Very thought-provoking and insightful, especially the part about the feelings brought on my the absence of those who used to comment.
Of course, I, too, know the ache when folks no longer speak here. Your words remind me that there are tender-hearted and loving people “out there” who share those feelings of loss.
You have been a blessing in my blog-life, Barbara. Thank you for taking the time and effort to write so sincerely — I did find “the warmth and goodness” your message conveyed.
Oh Sue! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am in tears. I was never much of an internet person until I found your blog. That led me to a few others that I really enjoy reading. Some I comment, most I don’t. But “here” it feels like best friends & Family. Maybe that’s what I’m not understanding. I moved away from all of that after my husband died from cancer. To be in the sun instead of the cold winter. Summers are tooooo hot & I miss so much down here. Friends & families funerals, weddings and the newborn babies I so want to hold and love, etc. I guess the internet has filled the void, but I’ve thought about it for a long time and it is not working and is causing harm to people. Fights and estrangement over fb, my favorite little mom & pops closing because of big internet companies and shopping online in general, they can’t compete. Debates with people in comment sections over whatever & people feeling safe enough to say things they probably would not say face to face,
I got into a debate, some may have seen it, on one of Al’s sidebar links without saying who. I didn’t think he would post my reply & I should’ve known not to try to talk politics with someone with such different views. He did post it finally and practically called me a nazi. I replied again, but he chose not to post that, thereby censoring me. What’s the point? There is just not enough LOVE in this world today. Respect! What’s that? I don’t think people have much any more for their fellow man when on the internet. In my last comment, that is not there, after all that was said, I wished him a good day & much love & happiness because what else can you say after that.
I probably shouldn’t have moved away from Wisconsin (HI Badger Rick! always loved to read your posts) and see how just that one state name prompted that memory. It feels like our life is one big word game. What will “trigger” you? And there again that word attached to guns is now attached to words. I have grown too attached to the internet & get alot out of it, but long for the days before it was released onto the public. Which BTW came first through my kids going to college & them required to have internet access. So what good has it done for our society in the areas other that knowledge? And mostly for people/humans in general when it comes to caring for your fellow man.
Oh, dear me, I have rambled on again. Well I hope it’s food for thought for all y’all. (A funny phrase down here, I first heard standing in line at a taco bell & found myself just laughing inside because, again, words are different to different people) I enjoy reading your words, Sue (& weather who can put things so beautifully) and every other person who comments here. Its gives me that connection I am not getting from my own family. So thank you all for giving me a bit of yourself to read about and imagine what goes on for you and you families. I don’t have any grandchildren (yet, but still hopeful) and so when reading about these things I get some joy from/for you. I’ll finish by wishing you all a good day and much love & happiness in your world. . . . .
What you see as rambling I see as a heart felt baring of a soul , Barb.
In your earlier comment was the idea of friends on the internet mattering as much as those we have met in person. I absolutely consider some people I have met here to be friends, some are especially precious to me.
One positive thing the internet has given us is understanding people of different cultures and with different points of views than ours. I may strongly disagree with some, yet still wish them well.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings. May joy be within you.
Well written, Barb…you know, regardless of what we think politically these days, whatever happened to civility? Oppsss…thunder…gotta run…laters…
Hoping things will work out for you too Barb…and all others here. This lockdown has been hard on all of us really. But day by day…hang in there!!
We moved years ago in order to be near our only (at that time) grandchildren. Some of who are grown now. That did not mean we saw much of them either…but a little. Then moved clear back across the continent again, in order to be near the 2 here. Due to lockdown have not seen much of them either. So it goes. I have heard that many are dying of loneliness…and indeed that may be so. At least that is something we have to fight in whatever ways we can, in order to keep our immune systems working. I am most grateful for Skype. And places like Sue’s blog…at least that!!
Thank your for your replies, weather & Elizabeth. Just want to let you know, I am fine. This is something that I have been wondering since “Uncle” Jim died. You may have noticed I was silent at the time – did not comment for a while. I was trying to get through the dreaded holidays without my precious family. Then, I could say I was a bit depressed mostly just sad. Now is not much different than before the lockdown. Don’t eat out, etc, a homebody, always have been. Was dealing with being swindled by a sister who fraudulently changed/forged my parents will. I could write a book. Anyway, I have a son who lives with me and we keep each other as happy as can be. We each have our own knowledge, which leads to deep conversation about a variety of subjects. I’ve been hesitant to write about all this because – don’t want to be a downer on this mostly happy blog. Wishing all a great day, my friends. Love & hugs to you.
Sending my condolences for all these sad events, Barb…and they are not things one gets over in a week, either. Most people today prefer to read of only pleasant things. So yea, there are things one does not share. I remember on the long ago movie series of Anne of Green Gable and how Anne told Murilla and the others that they would be surprised at all she wanted to say and did not (some semblance of that). I so identified with Anne in so many areas of that series…loved watching!! Glad you have a son to share your life with there. My husband is still here with me and we find times to encourage each other. It would be harder to be living alone. Although I always say, alone is far better than living with those impossible to please people. Thanks for sharing!!
Hi Barb,
I’m sorry for all of your losses. I don’t ever consider people grieving or suffering a downer. It is just where you are right now. It is our honor to sit with you during these times, just to keep you company. Anytime to you need to reach out, we are here.
A big belated Happy Birthday Sue!! Not having a cell signal means being late sometimes, but I know you understand! I hope you ate cake!! You used to post about one special piece of desert for your birthday, and I sincerely hope the the tradition still stands. Cheers to another lap around the sun in good health!!
We’ve enjoyed Wyoming, and now Utah as we continue to slowly head South. It’s been warm and glorious still, although the early mornings can be a bit chilly. But with high 70’s during the day, who can complain?
Hugs, Suzi, Larry, & Kitty!
Thanks for yor reply above. Would just love to hear about Wyoming? Did you go to Laramie? Enjoy Utah. Sue’s pictures were awesome and I don’t say that lightly.
Happy Belated Birthday Sue! I hope it was wonderful!
Been following you for so long – before I moved out to the PNW six years ago – probably for at few years before that, too. Glad to see this update!
Happy Belated Birthday!!
Many. Many blessings to you today and always!!
Hi Sue!
I just saw your sisters’ Happy Birthday to You! Well, I don’t know if you are still celebrating…but very warm Happy Birthday Wishes to you! Loving this weather lately-so nice to be outside AND liking it! Camping weather!! :-)) Butterflies like it, too.
Mary B in Abita Sp. LA
Elizabeth & Dawn ~ (Hi, AGAIN, Sue
Thank you for your replies above. You’re very kind. And yes, Elizabeth, they are not things to get over quickly. Took years to get used to losing my best friend & soulmate. Don’t want to say too much of family stupid drama. I could never do that to someone let alone family. I think of myself as an empathetic, compassionate person, but have a very hard time when I am wronged by someone. When I moved down here, 14 years ago, found out fairly soon the childhood friend that helped with all of that had ulterior motives. Felt very betrayed. Thought we were closer as had known each other since 3rd grade. I would confide in her, like this, but it was not mutual. She is a user and deciever & (a drunk) looking back on the years, now is obvious. Besides all this, I am a very happy person (& have grown a thicker skin) have a good sense of humor and laugh alot. Honestly, have gotten over the bs of the above. It is cathartic telling you though. So, thanks for being here for me & everyone else. Wishing peace for everybody & I’ll hang up the party-line now:) Love & hugs to you!
Barb, Just know you are not alone in experiencing that kind of friend. It tooks YEARS for me to realize some things (as I have always tried to overlook most actions that were not nice), but in the past year or so, remembering events, comments, actions of several…though I considered them friends, turns out they really were/are not. Unfortunately one of them is related by marriage. Otherwise, that would totally be the past. But one can maintain a great deal of distance, and just polite behavior in the few times I have to be in their presence (the part of Psalm 23 that says “Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of my enemies” came to me a great lot and enabled me to pray well before, during and after encounters). I am not sure how such people improve our lives. Heh, cannot see that yet. But I am glad to finally have figured it out as to who they really are. There is no reason to waste our time on such people. And they are more to be pitied too, cause those they gather around themselves, tend to be just like them!! And with friends like that who needs enemies?? Truth is much stranger than fiction I do believe…ah we could write books, eh?? Sending you hugs!!
Elizabeth, I was told by a mutual friend of my old friend down here that “God wants us to have relationships with people” but agree with friends like that who needs enemies. Forgiveness is important for the soul. I’ll forgive them for me, because of who they are. If I ever talk to them again, I’m not sure I could hold my tongue completely. Like most who don’t like confrontation, it is easier to let it go. We tried many lawyers, with the sister thing, but was told they would eat up any profits. We don’t look at it as profit. Just fraud, forgery, elder abuse, losing a family home with its lifetime of contents and most important memories. So that’s what it will be. Looking at old pictures of happy times there has a bit of trauma still in the back of my mind. I guess it is a bit of the wisdom of old age. She’ll have to answer to Someone in the end. What a life of bad choices. Glad I am me which does cause me to pity them some. Looks like we have a start on those books. I’ll read yours if you read mine. Ha ha! Much love to you, my friend.
Morning Sue, crew, & Blogerinos,
Yesterday we toured Valley Of the Gods, and this morning I watched your slide show of same- dated May 9, 2013. Now (after my comment) I shall read the comments. While we were heading back to camp, I too wanted to photograph the Zig Zag mountains in front of us but didn’t. I sorrily regret not doing so after seeing yours. I didn’t think it would come out.
The Valley of the Gods is beyond description or comment. It is something one must witness for themselves in order to truly ‘feel’ the feels you get when you see the pretty pictures for the first time. Being there in person is powerful. Just no words can do it justice. In your photos were Bridget and Spike. Wow. That also brought back some emotion. Those were sweet and precious times for you (and us) I know. It was so nice to relive those photos and memories Sue. I’ve taken to googling most places we go, to see who else has been there and blogged about it. I love when you pop up on the search. I eagerly read the post and most times I do remember, then, that you’ve been there before us. I believe we might be in one of your old campsites at Sand Island as well. The one where you can see the petroglyphs through the Casita’s back window. It feels so strange… I had a Navajo Taco for dinner last night, on the porch of Twin Rocks Cafe. The have discontinued the pizzas, but the taco was delicious!! Larry had the Mole Chicken on Spicy green rice, with a fry bread on the side for scooping. Poor Kitty waited (im)patiently in the van for his salmon treat when we got back. The sunset over Bluff was gorgeous. Not to mention all the golden cottonwoods in town and at camp. They are putting on a good show right now!
Today we head to monument Valley. We made a reservation at the KOA as there is nothing else around right now available for camping (covid shutdowns). At least we’ll get showers and can do some laundry, and other chores I like to do when we have running water, like hard boil a pan of eggs, and boil pasta for pasta salads.
This region is expecting “unseasonably cold temperatures” beginning Sunday morning, through the middle of next week, with this storm coming through. We have the Wave3, and will have plug ins for the heat strip should we need both. However, if it does get in the low 20’s, Larry is worried about freezing pipes. You know, we can’t really outrun it, unless we pack up now and head West towards Vegas or Cedar City at least. Something like 400 mi.
We had been outside of Moab for a few days, then Boondocked further South of Moab, sort of near The Hole In The Rock attraction. We were up at about 7,000’ and heard about the storm heading into the Moab, & the Monticello area off the Colorado ridge, so we hurried down lower. The Moab area is expecting snow tmro, but just a little. Apparently we are just in its path no matter what, even here. I think we will stick it out and pray the storm misses us, or that the temps don’t get as low as they are predicting. What would you do?
We have had an amazing run of beautiful Fall weather Sue! Just amazing!! It’s late October and we have been in shorts and tee shirts for weeks! In Moab last week it was low 80’s. Loving it!! And goodness, back at Red Lodge where we were one month ago, they are at 1° and under snow. The same with lovely Seeley Lake in Montana. Brrrrr!! What a difference a month makes!
I’ll report fully in the days to come. It’s been a dream to see Monument Valley, and drat if the weather is not cooperating! And you know we NEVER make reservations nor pay upwards of $50/night to camp. Welp. Whatcha gunna do but accept it and go with it, right?
Ooooh! I almost forgot to tell you; we found a red fleece sweater for Kitty when we were in Red Lodge. He sports it might handsomely if I say so myself!! It looks so similar to Reggies and Rogers. I do wish I could show you a picture! Ha! A cat in a red fleece- too darling!!
xoxo Suzi
Suzi, Totally enjoyed your update. Wish I was there myself. Looking forward to future comments. Thank you for the date of Sue’s coordinating post & photos. I’ll be checking it out later. Kitty descriptions sounds so cute. Have fun & stay warm.
Dear Suzi, Larry and Kitty,
Always a pleasure to get a new report from you experienced boondockers! I enjoyed your comment very much. You mention the memories from my blog and your comment does the same for me….. the wonder of Valley of the Gods, enjoying Bluff and eating at Twin Rocks, the campsite at Sand Island, golden cottonwoods, Spikey and Bridge trotting along in front of me on our walk down to the San Juan River in the evening….. *big sigh*….
Larry’s concern about the freezing pipes reminds me of the time the temps dropped below freezing at Percha Dam camp. I was very concerned, too, and received this assurance at that time — You will have the interior of the Casita warm which will help (some say opening up the channel helps, don’t know if it’s true). Also, even though temps drop below freezing, the time period is relatively short.
Isn’t it great to be able to extend perfect weather by moving around? I loved that! Of course, inevitably you will be caught in cold/snow. Tell yourself it adds richness to your experience— Ha! Actually, my memories ARE richer for the experiences of the cold and snow in CA, Utah, Arizona….
I’m glad you’re going to Monument Valley. Even if the weather isn’t what we all consider ideal, you may be surprised by the beauty a storm will bring to such a dramatic landscape.
Thanks again for reporting here, Suzi. You bless us all.
You’re very capable navigators — I’m impressed!
Oh, you asked what I would do. Probably exactly what you are doing. In matters of living close with nature I’ve always tended toward “the path of least resistance.” Whatever comes your way, whether comfort or discomfort, it won’t last.
OH my your report brought back memories of a business trip Hubby and I took to Phoenix years ago…also ate our first Navajo Taco in a tiny hole-in-the-wall place…that led to my finding a recipe in an old cookbook put out by a magazine…and from there, went many experiments in developing, years later, a kind of taco shell that was gluten free. It is indeed fine food!! Thanks for sharing your trip!!
Good morning from Virginia!
Thank you so much for the virtual tour of one of my favorite areas in the world. And you are so right about The Valley of the Gods and Monument Valley! Pictures are beautiful but being there is truly indescribable!
It’s hard to believe that one year ago, I was preparing for my AZ trip. I couldn’t stay but just being there for several weeks did a lot for my outlook. I don’t know when I will be able to go again. My uncle is in a steady decline, mobility wise so I don’t know how long it will be before I can get away. But my girls and I are taking day trips to hiking trails within a couple of hours of here. The scenery doesn’t change as much here as it does there (One of the things I LOVE about AZ…in a couple hours it can look like a whole different state!) but getting away still helps.
I hope your travels continue to be glorious and that you will keep sharing them!
Love from VA.
MB, Bella and Molly
Hi Sue,
We got Snow! Lots of Snow and big flakes are coming down right now! We got at least two inches with more on the way. This is a Big deal for us former Floridians. Our little trailer has been Great, were toasty warm. Were in an RV park here in Silver City so have the luxury of full hookups. Had to buy a silly expensive heated hose but it worked like a champ in this 29 degree weather. Tonight is forecast to be 19 degrees so wish us luck!
Hope all is well and Good with you. Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!
Be Well & Stay Happy!
Good morning SCS! I was wondering if you’d mind sharing what kind of travel trailer you have. Does it have it’s own furnace? Thanks for any info you care to share. Hoping the heated hose is continuing to preform well! And have a wonderful, snowy day!
MB from VA
Good Morning MB! I would be happy to share. Our trailer is manufactured by Cruiser RV. MPG Model 2000RD. Its 24 ft with heated tanks and an enclosed underbelly. We cut Reflectix to fit all windows and inside backs of cabinets. It really helps to keep summer heat and winter cold out. We use the ones cut for the windows on an as need basis and store them away when not needed. Have a Super Great Day MB!
How do you get them to adhere to the windows?
Good morning, Sue and my fellow blogorinos! Happy Halloween!
We have had an odd week weather wise. Just about every morning and some evenings our area was blanketed with fog. One night I could not see past my next door neighbor’s house it was so thick. Very appropriate for Halloween! It was a grey, gloomy, rainy week. It is wonderful that today is sunny!
I have enjoyed watching the trees in my backyard change into their colorful autumn garb. When it is rainy and grey, the colors just pop! A tree in my neighbor’s yard absolutely glows at sunset. I have noticed the that birds and squirrels have been extra vocal and busy gathering seeds, berries, and bugs. I wonder if they are preparing for an extra harsh winter? Has anyone heard? Is a cold, snowy winter predicted?
Sue, sending you, Reggie, and Roger lots of hugs from me and Gracie pup! I hope you enjoy the weekend! We love you! Take good care!
Lovely description Denise. I can “see” it through your words. I haven’t heard weather forecasts for around here but we have lots of acorns this year. I know this because Molly thinks it’s her duty to pick them all up and put them in our bed! LOL!
Have a wonderful Sunday!
MB, Bella and Molly
Hi MB!
Of course your sweet Molly brings you acorns! She wants to share her treasures with you! At least that is all she is bringing in…my sister’s border collie/beagle/chow/setter mix loves to behead little lizards and bring the carcass into the house. Ewww!
I hope you and your girls had a wonderful Sunday!
I had a semi-productive day. I broke down a bunch of shipping boxes for recycling and organized part of the guest bedroom. I have not had overnight guests in …forever…the bedroom inadvertently turned into a catch all. Just getting rid of the boxes made a huge difference. With so many things being delivered these days, the empty boxes pile up quickly. I will be making a weekly recycle drop off to help keep the cardboard explosion in check.
I finally caught up on reading the comments on this post. You a blessing to your uncle, caring for him and providing a safe home during his declining health. I know it is very overwhelming being a caregiver. Remember to take care of yourself. So glad to hear that you are able to get short breaks to take the girls hiking. Are you hiking trails in the blue ridge mountains? I bet the skyline has been gorgeous with fall colors.
Take good care MB, Bella, and Molly! Sending hugs from me and Gracie pup.
…love and hugs…
Doesn’t it feel good to get a space cleared and organized? When I do that, I just stand and look at it for a few minutes…..and then keep going back. LOL!
The girls and I walk/hike anywhere from around our 6 acres….to a couple of local places we’ve found that have easy trails…..and some places on the Blue Ridge Parkway. They are just far enough away to discourage us from going as much as I’d like. But, I’m trying to set aside one day/week to go a little further from home. I am contemplating making a day trip to the beach. I haven’t seen the ocean in a long time. It’s about 4 hours from where I am to the nearest beach. So, I’m thinking that if we leave at about 5 AM we could be on the beach by at least 10. We could walk, sit, find some seafood and leave at 3:00….back home by 7-8:00. If I can find someone to check in on Uncle while I’m gone, we just might do it.
Hugs back to you and Gracie Pup from the three of us!
Hi MB!
Do it! Yes! Go to the beach! Even if it is only for the day, the change of scenery for you and the girls will do you all good. You may already know this…Virginia Beach does not allow dogs on the beach. If I remember correctly, you either south of me in Richmond, so a NC beach may be your destination. Or if you are NW, maybe a MD beach. Sea spray, calming waves, toes in the sand…a great way to decompress and relax.
I hope you are able to get someone to check in on your uncle so you can make plans. Grab that little slice of heaven!
Sending love and hugs from me and Gracie pup!
It’s great to see you here, Denise. We still have some yellow, gold, and orange leaves that have not fallen yet here in central NY State. A lot of our wildlife stays here all year around, Lord, I just love seeing them all. They are predicting a slightly warmer than average winter here, with about average snow amounts. Hugs and love to you and Gracie pup. Hi, Sue and blogorinos, I hope and pray you are all well and happy.
Hi weather!
Your description of your little piece of heaven always sounds so lovely! It is wonderful to see the birds and animals during all the seasons – they bring so much joy! Some colorful leaves are barely hanging on their branches: most of the pretty color show is now on the ground. I was happy to see two bunnies in the backyard…I had not seen them for a while. Our deer(s) have been snacking on the nandina just off the patio. It makes my heart smile to know that my yard is a safe haven for the wildlife.
Thank you for the love and hugs! Gracie pup and I send love and hugs back for you and your crew! Have a good evening!
Aloha Sue and Friends!
The last time I checked in we had been at Swaseys Beach, Green River UT, outside of Moab, and at Sand Island CG outside of Bluff, UT. I was lamenting that I failed to get a photo of zigzag mountain. Well, dang it, we went back up there, drove up the Moki Dugway (sans Casita ) and stopped at Goosenecks SP, “Wow!” This of course led us back to ZigZag Mountain, and I got my photo!! Yay!! Stunning! Next we headed to our reservation at Monument Valley to wait out the storm with electricity and hot showers at the KOA. Brrr! We hit 19° that next morning, but thankfully we had electricity so we ran both heaters as needed. Goodness, A month has passed and we have been all over since then. We have seen snow and ice and warm 80° days in Henderson, NV.
You’ll never guess where we are right now? We are in “the primo campsite” at Pahranagat NWLR. Not the “primo of the primo” but just the primo. Blogerinos pls reference blog post April 27, 2017 for photos of our site. We of course went to the little peninsula but it was in mid-day shade and had a very cold breeze off the lake. We are expecting 25-28° tmro morning, so we turned around and retreated to “Primo Site” because it was open, and because it was in the sun. Happy dance for full sun to warm us up inside in preparation for our very cold overnight lows. It is absolutely lovely here! Thank you Sue!!
I want to add we enjoyed the bluff overlooking Lake Mead outside of Page AZ after we left Monument Valley. Sue, you were spot on about the views over Lone Rock from up above, vs down below on the beach. We had a super neighbor up there that we enjoyed the evening sunsets with, Everett and his dog Angus. This was during the Blue Moon, so we had an incredible show for about 3 nights of the moon rise up over the lake. My gosh, it was fabulous!! We also had the great weather to be in tee shirts and shorts there. Crazy to think we were just at 19° a couple days before that. From Page to Kanab, to a tour of Best Friends, to Henderson, NV. This time around, LV Bay CG was packed! Yuk! We took an undesirable spot the first two nights but luckily traded up to an outer site with a canyon view. Not bad! We got haircuts, did laundry, got the tires rotated, stocked up at Trader Joe’s (my weakness, haha), and enjoyed some 80° weather. And of course those quail- those darling little quail that hang out there. I swear the quail population has really grown since we were there last Fall!
Let’s see, we stopped at Valley of Fire for a night on hour way here for hot showers, YUM! We had Big Horn Sheep walk right through camp. It was well worth the $20 for the stay there. This is our last stop before heading to Havasu for the last 2 weeks of November. We had some time to kill yet, so on a whim we decided to come check this place out. It’s gorgeous!! There are both a Casita and a Scamp here as well. We’ll only stay two nights, and we’ll head South for good. It’s time to get to warmer climes. But holy moly, it’s been a blast thus far!!
Sue, you gave me too much credit last time for being good Boondockers. We had a very good teacher! I can’t tell you enough times, how much your blog had prepared us for our journey. And even today, I research, read, and re-read your blog many times to get ideas. Tears came to my eyes when I saw Bridget and Reggie in the post from here in the early days. Trust me when I say, your generosity in sharing your travels with us has made a huge difference in our ability to find and choose the perfect camp sites.
Time to heat up some soup and warm up the interior of our little home. I’ll keep in touch. I sure hope this finds everyone and all the doggos out In Blogerino-land happy and well! Sending positive vibes to you all.
Love Suzi, Larry, and Kitty
Dear Suzi,
Thank you for your post. Enjoyed it very much. Sounds like you are having a great adventures. Wishing you more good times. Hi to Larry & Kitty!
Barb, thanks!!
Hi, Suzi!
Thank you for taking the time to share your travels with us. It is so special that you, Larry, and Kitty have found and stayed at so many of Sue’s special spots. Sue’s blog truly is a great guide, sharing so many spots that might be overlooked or passed by.
Glad that you all were able to find hookups for heat, showers, and laundry. I love Trader Joe’s, too! Reading your post reminded me that I need to stop in there soon if I want to pick up some of their holiday items. I love the little shortbread stars that are dipped in dark chocolate and then sprinkled with white nonpareils. Last year I waited too long and missed out. I might have to pick up a couple extra packages to stash in the freezer.
I look forward to see where you take us next! Safe and happy travels! **hugs**.
Hi, Suzi!
Thank you for taking the time to share your travels with us. It is so special that you, Larry, and Kitty have found and stayed at so many of Sue’s special spots. Sue’s blog truly is a great guide, sharing so many spots that might be overlooked or passed by.
Glad that you all were able to find hookups for heat, showers, and laundry. I love Trader Joe’s, too! Reading your post reminded me that I need to stop in there soon if I want to pick up some of their holiday items. I love the little shortbread stars that are dipped in dark chocolate and then sprinkled with white nonpareils. Last year I waited too long and missed out. I might have to pick up a couple extra packages to stash in the freezer.
I look forward to see where you take us next! Safe and happy travels! **hugs**.
Hi Everyone!
I’m going to be out of contact for a few days, so I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving a little early!
Thank you, Dawn, have a nice holiday yourself.
Thank you Dawn! I hope you and everyone here have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
A Happy Thanksgiving to all here too!! Spent my afternoon changing recipe and making a gluten free apple pie…well, still more changes to come…don’t we all want such to be perfect? We shall see how it tastes tomorrow. Daughter plans to bring some of their food and wants some of ours (like the pie)…since we are under gov rule here not to meet in homes….so we shall exchange over the patio fence I guess. Daughter in NC had minor surgery today and so far seems ok…for that we are VERY grateful!! Though of course, we all wish we were together!! One year we went to a lake house for Thanksgiving week…even the little kids remember. Worth every expensive cent it cost too!! Maybe next year…
Hope everyone traveling stays safe on the road…this is the worst weekend for car travels…so don’t take chances!!
Blessings to all, Elizabeth
Happy Thanksgiving Sue, Reggie, and Roger, also all my friends in Blogerino-land. Blessings to each and every one of you!! Enjoy the gifts of this day.
xoxo Suzi, Larry, and Kitty in Lake Havasu City Arizona