Time for another jumbled post.
I have so much I want to tell you that I hardly know where to begin!
Odell Creek flowing beside East Davis Lake Campground, central Oregon
I find out the source of the mysterious sound!
Remember Ed and Lorraine? They have the Casita I showed you in a previous post, the one with the solar panel on top. Anyway . . . .
They left the campground for a few days and now they’re back. As I’m chatting with Ed, the sound I can’t identify repeats in the distance.
“Excuse me, Ed. Hear that? What is it? I’ve been hearing it for days and it’s driving me nuts.”
“It’s a snipe,” he responds. “A very interesting bird. They make that sound with their tail feathers as they dive.”
To learn more, I go online to Cornell’s Lab of Ornithology:
“Air rushing over the Wilson’s Snipe’s outspread tail feathers creates the haunting hu-hu-hu winnowing sound, described as similar to the call of an Eastern Screech-Owl. The sound is usually produced as the birds dive, but can also be generated when the bird levels out following a dive. Males perform the winnowing flight to defend territory and attract mates. Females also winnow prior to breeding, but stop as soon as they begin to nest.” — allaboutbirds.org/guide/Wilson’s Snipe
(The photo at right is from wikipedia.)
Here’s a recording of a snipe winnowing.
When flushed in the field, the snipe flies in a zig-zag pattern, making it a challenge for hunters. The word “sniper” originates with this elusive bird.
Wow! What you can learn on rvsue and her canine crew!
The crew and I drive around looking at a few of Oregon’s beautiful lakes.
North Simax Beach, Crescent Lake
Another view of Crescent Lake
Odell Lake as seen from Sunset Cove Campground
Bridget and Reggie seem overwhelmed . . . the waves, the moss, the darkness.
We also go to the town of Crescent one day for gas, bread, and eggs. It’s only about 15 miles from the campground.
Okay, now for the search for a quiet weekend camp!
Examining my Oregon Benchmark atlas I notice a forest road along Odell Creek, south of Davis Lake.
“Let’s go see what’s down that road!”
The road is very narrow and, of course, dirt. At the end it opens up to a campsite!
The crew is anxious to explore!
To my surprise we come upon another campsite next to a small pond!
This campsite is accessible from the same forest road!
Bridget and Reggie thoroughly enjoy sniffing around, hopping over logs, and seeing what’s around the next bend in the trail! I find subjects to photograph!
Whew! Too many exclamation points!
As pretty as it is here, I’m not convinced this is the right place.
The forest road looks like it is traveled a lot and there’s something too closed-in about the campsites.
“Well, this makes for a fun outing, doesn’t it, guys . . . . ”
Next . . . The search continues . . . .
Canine Corner: “Trust” by Bridget and Reggie
“Miss Bridge?”
“Yes, Reggie?”
“What is WRONG with RVSue?”
“Well, let’s see now . . . Could you be more specific?”
“We coulda’ boondocked next to that pond! It was a super place!”
“Ours is not to question why, Reg. She gets an idea in her head of what she wants and we have to trust she knows what she’s doing.”
“But I wanna’ boondock!”
“I know, I know. You’ll get to boondock. Now go play with your blue monkey. It’s almost time for bed.”
Hi RVSue…
Great pictures!!!!
Thank you! What an honor! I’ve been wanting to thank you for all the encouraging comments over the years for solo travelers. I am in a position where I can go anywhere / anytime because I am retired; I own a brand new Casita that I have learned to back up but I still have a fear of traveling great distances alone. So thanks for writing about how you overcome trials. Reading about your adventures and comments from other bloggerinos help me to see it can be done!! By the way, your fur babies are adorable!!!
Retired and with a brand new Casita — You’re all set!
I can understand your hesitation about traveling long distance. Try to let go of that thinking. In these days when you can bring communication devices with you, distance doesn’t really matter that much.
Wherever I go, I don’t feel like I’ve traveled far because I’m always home.
I’m happy that you’ve found my blog helpful… Yes, “it can be done” and you can do it!
I’ll encourage you along with Sue. Go you! One thing I try to remember is actually how difficult it is to be alone these days – I mean, even when you try! So there is that.
However, all that said, it can still be a bit scary. I remember in my earlier towing days, going through those road construction zones on the Interstate where they really narrow it down. Whew, needed a chalk bag for my palms! And my first big mountain pass…. well, I built it up so much in my mind that it was actually anti-climax when finally got to it. One nice thing is that you won’t be in a hurry, so you can always pull over and relax
In addition to “mod comms” such as cell phone, hotspot, etc. I really like to run a Scangauge II when towing (presuming your vehicle is 1996 or newer). This is a small gauge that is just easy plug and play (literally snap it in and go) and shows you exact engine coolant temperature, transmission temperature, and (as they say) much much more!
One of my fears about the mountain passes was that I’d be going along thinking all was fine when suddenly the needle would peg and steam would start coming out from under the hood. With the Scangauge II, I can watch the temps in actual digits (not vague needles, or in the case of the transmission, nothing). That gives me piece of mind. Also, the Scangauge II can read codes (check engine lights) so you know what you are dealing with (you can look up codes on the Internet). This gives you knowledge before going into a shop, and/or if you are in the boondocks, you can find out if it is a “nuisance” code (take your time getting to the repair shop), or an actual “fix now!” type of thing.
Anyway, how cool that you have a new Casita and the time to go! Which layout did you get?
Ha ha, and peace of mind, too!
Pen always has good advice. Don’t be overwhelmed by the Scangauge though. It’s great if you want it. I use a different method.
I practice not getting myself nervous about what MIGHT happen. When that kind of thought comes into my head, I get rid of it!
Thanks Sidewinder Pen and RVSue for the information. I have so much to learn! I also appreciate the solar and internet antenna info listed above. It all helps. I know I just have to do it!!
P.S. I have the Spirit Deluxe.
Hi, Geri!
Wow! That snipe sure makes a haunting sound! I listened 3 times! I can see how hearing g it in the wild would grab your attention! Then knowing that the sound comes from the tail feathers is even more curious!
Beautiful photographs! I agree with Reggie! I liked the pond camp, but the creek camp looked pretty good as well! Hahahaha! You are getting as liberal with exclamation points as I usually am!
As beautiful as all the scenic shots are, I absolutely love the last two images the best! The one of Reggie and Bridget is amazing!!!!! <= lots of !!!! Then the last one of Reggie sleeping with his blue monkey…priceless …. such a sweet boy! Glad to read the canine corner too! It always brings a chuckle or two! Hope you find the perfect weekend hideaway camp!
I couldn’t get the video to play (I think I need to update my Flash, so it’s probably just me), but in looking for another one I found this nice segment. You can read the transcript, or stream or download it as an .mp3 file – so there are options. I enjoyed it.
Nothing but the page will automatically load just by clicking the link, btw.
I checked the link again and the video plays.
Yes, it was just me needing to update my Flash (which is what, about twice a day these days?). I have to close my browser(s) to do it though, and I was in the middle of a bunch of things.
I ended up liking the segment I linked to though, with the little interview/explanation.
That winnowing could sound really spooky!
About the snipe…. They make that sound often, in the morning and at dusk, even in the middle of the night. I never see them diving!
#3 Maybe
Hi, Tina!
Received my Oregon Benchmmark atlas yesterday. Immediately went to the East Davis area and, sure enough, there you were in the PTV wandering down a forest road on a reconnaissance mission.
Ha! Those tiny, hairlike roads go to the great camps!
Cute!!!! (too many exclamations!)
I love your adventures, Sue. You make even the shortest trip down a side road an adventure.
You know. That campsite looks like a high schoolers’ party place. Or, even big kids. Keep on keepin’ on. You are a lesson in trusting the old intuition.
The need to camp is here. Just have to wait for the weather to warm up and stop raining in these parts. I am planning a solo boondock the last part of June. Funny, I printed a message of yours that you posted last year. It’s a comforting explanation of how to back up: hand on bottom of wheel, steer in direction of where you want the trailer to go… etc. It will be on my lap as a tangible piece of confidence when I back my trailer, all by myself soon! Thanks, Sue.
Another way to think about it (which I only mention because it’s nice to have a number of options and then see which one “clicks” the best) is to think of “driving the hitch.” This happens to be the one that works for me, but we’re all different
Thanks, SP.
I’ll try that too.
You’re welcome, Diann,
A solo boondock coming up! Fantastic! Yes, you can back that trailer by yourself. I know that because you are willing to try!
If you’re nervous when backing up, remember this: You can always pull forward — way forward — and try again.
That is so true, and good to remember. I find that if I’m taking a few tries, oftentimes people come up to me. They mean to help, but it actually makes it harder for me to concentrate. I find that if I have something ready to say, I feel smoother. Something like “Thanks so much, but I’m just practicing, so I may be going back and forth a bit; I’ll let you know if I need assistance.”
One time I was taking my little 13-footer (super short tongue, which always makes a trailer harder to back) onto a ferry. This required backing down through some trees, onto/across the beach, and onto the ferry (which just pulled up on the beach and lowered its ramp to embark vehicles). It was taking me a number of tries, so one of the ferry hands requested that he do it. Normally I would have said, no, I’d like to, but I figured okay, let’s see how this goes. Well heh, he had a worse time than I did! Finally he said “Okay, now I see that you were doing really well – this thing is hard to back!”
If I’d been going to full time in that trailer, I might have had the tongue extended. That said, I’m sure a 16- or 17-footer is much easier. I know my current trailer (even longer) is a dream to back compared to that super short 13-er. But anyway, even that could be backed with some practice and just taking my time (as Sue says :))
Interesting, Pen. Yeah, there’s a big difference between backing different trailers.
I decided from the beginning to do things by myself.
One time I was trying to back into a tight spot at a crowded campground. There wasn’t room to go forward opposite the site, so a sharp turn had to be made while backing up. A guy watched and wanted to help. “How about I give it a try?” he calls out. “What would you do that I’m not doing?” I asked in reply. He said, “Turn the wheel more sharply.” “Can’t do that,” I replied. “It’ll jack-knife. Here I’ll show you.” It jack-knifed. Then he let me concentrate on backing in, which I eventually did.
Good reply, Sue (“What would you do differently?” (and yet not actually giving over the wheel to someone else). Especially when it wouldn’t work, LOL.
I learned a lesson many years ago, when I was driving for my job. I had to take a bus into residential areas and get into unusual places. One night (yes of course it was after dark) I needed to back down a snowy alley and in next to a residential garage. I was doing okay, taking it slow and easy, when a neighbor came out and offered to help. I said “thanks but I’m okay” however, he insisted. Being much younger and more self-conscious about “not being disagreeable” (not that it really is, but in many places women were socialized this way), and so I let him help me (he stood in back of the rig and gave me guidance).
Well… that worked really great until…. “CRUNCH”…. the rear roof of my bus took part of the soffit of the garage off. Swell! After that I learned to be firm and say something like “thanks for offering, but this is my job and I’m totally responsible, so I need to do it myself.” Anyway, fun night…. NOT. Ah, the good old days
Now it’s different and I can take my time… whew.
Beautiful pics. Oregon is so green. Enjoy your day !
Thanks, Deb. I hope yours is good, too!
Your knack for finding awesome sites……spot on!
I love Canine corner….makes me smile.
I can hear their little voices…cute!
I spent summers in my youth, back when we actually had rain in the valley, and snow in the mountains, enjoying the wonderful Sierras. Now its so dry, they just do not feel the same. Your photos evoke memories, of how it used to feel for me in the mountains. Thanks for the memories. I can almost hear the rustle of wind through the trees and the babble of the water rushing by.
You’re welcome, Velda.
Such pretty country! And, as usual, your photos capture it so nicely.
Thanks, Pen.
OMG! That last pic of Reggie coupled with the little canine chat is wonderful. You must do a book for children and pet lovers heavily illustrated. Great job Missy…Thanks for being here.
You’re welcome, Jim.
Wow, Top 20 and I read the post.
The last photo of Reggie made me Laugh with a AWWWWWWWWW,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,As always your photos are great,, Have a great weekend and hug them babies from us,,,,,,,,,,, me
You have a great weekend, too, Rusty!
Hi Sue, It looks like it’s goin’ to be a longer trip, cause of windy conditions, then rain by the end of the week., So we’ll just mosey along, No worries,,,, wind and Heat, I’ve been on I-15 in the past and noticed the truckers doing ’bout 4o mph goin’ north, so I inquired why with the CB, and got a answer,,, “in this heat and wind, it’s best to take your time and let the speeders make repairs,,,,,, your truck will run cooler and you’ll get there just the same, $aving $ and getting to your destination only a little later”. Have a great day and give a hug to the pups,,,,,,,,,,,,,,me
Best to be safe…. You have a great day, too.
I understand the campsite hunt!!…When I get the good vibe-it’s the right one!!
Love the Canine Corner-Bridget and Reggie are sooo sweet !!
Always nice to see you here, Betty Shea.
LOL! Reminds me of the episode on “Cheers” when the guys took Frazier on a snipe hunt.
Reggie’s eye looks a little squinty still.
I noticed that eye too Toni. I imagine Sue is aware and keeping it under surveillance. It’s apparently not bothering the little fella.
Toni and Jim…
That photo was taken several days ago. His eye isn’t completely better but he doesn’t squint as much. The vet said it could take several weeks.
Looking at Reggie’s eyes it occurred to me that maybe he’s having a reaction to something too. You know, allergies. Terriers especially are susceptible to grass allergies. Maybe you could have some Benadryl in your first aid kit for the dogs just in case (bee stings, bites, etc). Of course check with a vet for dosage.
Gee, I was going to pick up some Benadryl and forgot when I was last at Wal-Mart….
Interesting thought about grass allergy. Reggie’s eye is looking great after being camped here for a couple days….. where we’ve walked over pine needles and NOT in grass. Hmm…..
You never know! I had a cat once that suffered severely with some kind of allergy and I have to give him DEPO shots regularly. The poor cat couldn’t get away from himself. When I moved, the symptoms disappeared and never returned and he lived to be 19. As for Reggie, maybe even cleaning his eye area with a wet cloth at the end of the day might help if he’s coming in contact with an irritant.
Thanks, Toni.
Great pics today and nature lesson! I can’t wait to use the “sniper” trivia question on someone to show them how smart I am – LOL. Love the last pic of Little Man with his blue monkey – so sweet I’d just want to wake him up and kiss him.
Hi, Cynthia,
I know what you mean about Reggie. I kiss him when he’s sleeping. I can’t help it!
Something about the eight photos with water in them,from the one above “Odell Lake as seen…”and going down…..-the fallen and/or dead trees,way the grass clumps near water’s edge,dark shade of evergreens-makes all of it look like badger,snake,fisher turf.Not that any of those would bother anyone unless they were given a reason to,I just mean I wouldn’t sleep outdoors there without a tent at least.Anyway,I’m glad you didn’t choose those exact spots as a site,to me they lack a certain fresh or homey feel.
Love both photos of Crescent Lake and the ones with the crew and little flowers in them,mostly though I love Canine Corner ! Now I’ll go listen to your mysterious snipe’s sounds.
Hi, weather,
I should have included some photos showing the open areas which would’ve shown more of the campsite. You’re right, however… We did come across a garter snake while walking along the river. Also about the “fresh or homey feel”… That wasn’t there.. . . .
You are able to capture the “real feel” aspect of places in your photos,that makes it easy to imagine what’s there,how being there would affect one.You know how strewn NY state is with rivers,lakes,ponds,creeks,water falls.Between this,Canada and many other places I’ve been ,familiar characteristics become good predictors of what to expect by looking around with all the senses one has attuned.No need to put into words exactly how that plays-it’s either right or it isn’t,as you so well know.
BTW-the snipe links were great,thanks!No wonder you were unable to describe the voice-it wasn’t one,how funny
It remains difficult for me to imagine that sound is being created by air through tail feathers. The snipes are here at our latest camp, too. I’ve yet to see one!
The feathers make wind tunnels-picture flutes-high notes,tubas-lower ones than you’ve been hearing.In flight,unbidden,their natural defense plays for them,mimicking the sound of large predator birds like owls-lovely to consider how each is given what they need.
And it was you who suggested it might be an owl!
Nature is fascinating, even when one perceives it in a superficial way. The more one learns, the more one can perceive its intricate and awesome beauty. Snipe tail feathers — amazing!
I was thinking the same things about wildlife. So simple, having what they need for survival. I think that a lot when I observe the geese in my backyard. So simple, adequate. And all we humans get is our brain.
When you first mentioned the “snipe” I thought it was a joke, because I’ve seen movies and read in books about a fictitious “snipe hunt” as a rite of passage for boys. So a snipe really exists? I learn something new every day.
Bridget is so pretty sitting sideways back on her behind, tail tucked in; such a lady!
And Reggie with the blue monkey! Too cute!!
Hi, Nancy,
That Cornell link takes you to a page that mentions the “snipe hunt” trick. I never heard of it before.
Bridget sits leaning on one hip, like women do, showing off curves…
Cute Reggie is really mean to that blue monkey. I’m impressed that it’s held up this long!
Snipe hunts were a tradition at Girl Scout camp, a sort of initiation at a certain age.
Went back and listened to the snipe. It is kind of an eerie sound, in a way. Sounds jungle like, reminding me of the old Tarzan movies. The photos of the water and flowers are so pretty. Canine corner always make me laugh and the accompanying photos are so sweet.
Hi, Barbara,
Thank you for the compliments. As for the sound of a snipe, once you hear it, I doubt you’ll forget it!
How cold is the water this time of year? Too cold for a swim?
Hi, Kris,
Oh yes, way too cold for swimming…
We just finished our last class for the week. I have tomorrow free. Unfortunately, I also woke up with a sore throat and cough, so am planning on heading to urgent care after dinner. I need to start antibiotics STAT to avoid another bout of pneumonia. I spent a year inTucson without catching a cold, and I’ve been here a week and I’m sick. So ther you go, my reason for moving.
Love love love the doggie pics. They are so cute! And canine corner resumes! Love that too. Those campsites did feel a little claustrophobic to me too, Sue. You are turning into a desert girl at heart…wide open spaces. Trees are nice but can create a closed-in feeling, at least for me.
My dinner time. Hope everyone is great! Big hugs.
Hi, Ginger,
I’m sorry to hear you’re sick, but glad you’re going to urgent care. Take good care of yourself . . . .
Good Morning Desert Ginger…OH NO…sick???? Please get well soon. Hope you get some good meds to make it all better.
Hi, Sue!
Glad that Ed was able to help you solve the mystery sound! Very cool! I appreciate the links that you add for more info. I always learn something new! You all are in an exceptionally pretty area! Well deserved of all the exclamation points!
All of the pictures in this post are beautiful, but the pictures of Bridget and Reggie are the best! Little Mister all tuckered out and snuggled with his monkey…just too cute!
Hope you and the Crew enjoy the rest of the weekend! Sending you hugs from me and Gracie pup!
Hi, Denise and Gracie pup,
I appreciate the feedback on the links and trivia topics I put in my blog. Thanks for the compliment on the photos.
Reggie sleeps with that blue monkey every night and during naps. He makes me laugh when he’s sleeping…. He looks like he’s grinning!
Have a good evening!
Oregon has been my favorite armchair travel with RV Sue and her canine crew! It is so beautiful! I really wish I could move there from foggy smoggy Georgia. I had no idea of the origin of sniper! You really do learn something from this blog almost every day!
I can’t tell you how much I look forward to this blog – having a tough time with a heart arrhythmia that had gotten so much better now keeping me at home and keeping me from succeeding at a new job (along with other health issues), financial devastation, kids almost grown, seniors next year, without being able to take them camping as I always dreamed, just so down. But this blog always perks me up, inspires me and gives me hope.
Thanks for taking me along on your journeys and giving me a sweet green reprieve from stressful issues every day!
Dear Jan,
I’m very sorry for all the discouragement and disappointment that has come your way. My heart aches that you are going through tough times. I wish you continued improvement for your health, your finances, and your spirits. If my blog helps you deal with current stresses, I’m glad of it.
Thank you for the thoughtful note of appreciation. Better days are on their way!
I love Oregon and it sounds like you and the gang are having great time.
One thing we have gotten into in Oregon is poison oak. My husband seems to
get it very easy. I think Oregon has a lot of it….. You being careful?
Hope so ….. But maybe you don’t attract it…. Luckily I don’t .
I’m Enjoying your journey’s ….. Always!
Hi, Linda a.,
You’ve done me a favor mentioning poison oak. I need to look at a picture of it to remind myself how to identify it.
I used to react to poison ivy that grew along the fence line of my property in Georgia. I was careful to stay away from it, but the crew didn’t know any better. I’d pick up the oil when I hugged Bridget or Spike after they had brushed against it.
Our present campsite isn’t a place where poison oak grows, so I have time to study what it looks like! Thanks.
Aren’t fresh lemons supposed to dissipate the oils of poison oak or ivy, if rubbed on immediately after contact? Maybe others will know…I have heard to carry a half lemon on you when out in areas that have it…just in case…well, carry inside a Ziploc baggie anyway…
Avoiding it if one can is a good idea.Interesting tidbit about creation supplying what multiple living beings in an area can use:rabbits,birds,deer,muskrats can feed on those plants that are called poison by us,frogs and other wee things use them as shade and shelter,almost always nearby will grow a type of milkweed the leaves of which when ripped produce a sap that if applied and left on stops the itching from a rash and dries up the blisters if they develop.
Yes, one certainly does learn from RVSue’s posts. Someone had commented about the Cascade Range. So, I looked at their blog and noticed that they read a book called Fire Mountains of the West The Cascade and Mono Lake Volcanoes. I now have that on my to read list for this summer. I was also intrigued with the photo of the lava rocks forming a dam in your previous post. It’s very interesting how lava can appear to just stop. Hopefully, I’ll learn more about that phenomenon as I read the book, otherwise it’s good old google for the information. The Snipe is new for me too. Oregon sure does look pretty. I’m enjoying the ride! Thanks!!
You’re welcome, Monica,
With your interest in lava, you would enjoy visiting Craters of the Moon in Idaho. You can read about a California campground of lava in this old post,
“Fossil Falls: Lava, lava, lava“
Love the photos! So enjoy seeing the pups in their poses.
Gil & I had a very long day and are now sitting in ‘shock & awe’ at what we have done. Before us is a beautiful ‘new to us’ 21′ Passport Ultra lite trailer. Though only 4′ longer than our Casita, it feels gigantic to us. We are so excited about it. The sellers were very gracious & everything went splendidly. Thinking about sleeping in it tonight. Thank you all for all of your good wishes.
Happy Birthday!! What a present!! So happy for you…will have to go search and see how this trailer is…if we ever go out, we need something a bit bigger than what RVSue has I think!!
It is the smallest trailer available with a walk around bed, which was high priority.
Good choice… Get what you want and need with the smallest rig in which you’re comfortable!
Whoo- Hoo!! Congratulations!! You all kept the tradition going….buying a trailer on one of your birthdays!
Happy Birthday Kathy and congratulations on your trailer! I know what you mean about a “walk around” bed!!! My bed has walls on three sides so I have to crawl into it!! AND you cannot make the bed. I kinda make it while I am still in it as I “scrunch on my butt” out of it! Have a great day.
Good evening Miss Sue,
I have been reading daily but not posting…I am currently up in the Sierra foothills at Columbia doing the annual Diggins event. Someone wanted a heads up about it and I totally forgot untill tonight.. So..tomorrow is the fourth and last day. As usual it has been hot, tiring, dusty, exhausting and totally fun.
I got my picture in the Union Democrat, newspaper fro Sonora, so if you are curious about my looks..I am the lady in the gray dress holding the lid on the pickle crock.
The Modesto Bee has a video, but I am unable to view it due to slow connections here in the RV park. It seems to be a video of Wendy using the horno wood fired oven, today she made some cinnamon rolls, among lots of other stuff,, oh drool…hope there is one left in the morning!
Boy! Do I remember all the reasons NOT to camp in a park, right now someone’s campfire smoke is about to ruin me..ugh. Long live the queen of boondocks !
Good evening, Lee J.,
You have an excused absence. Is this you holding the lid on the pickle crock? Columbia Diggins photo in Union Democrat
I looked for the video in the Modesto Bee but couldn’t find it.
Yep, that is me! My husband made us a big batch of fermented sour pickles, they are wonderful for keeping a person from getting cramps in this heat, especially with all the clothing we have to wear!
Funny, excused absence, cracked me up!
You’re cute in that bonnet.
We just started our first spring batch of lacto fermented pickles. I absolutely love them.
“lacto fermented pickles” — not a phrase one hears often!
Thanks for your reply…… I forgot to mention concerning poison oak that my husband
has gotten it several times from his horse that LOVES to eat it when they
come up on it on trail rides in the foothills here in central Calif.
Apparently horses don’t get any issues from it. But petting and rubbing their faces
is all it takes for him. Needless to say, he is getting wiser…. The husband,
that is! Lol.
Hi Sue,
Just stopping by to see how you are. Glad to see more Oregon beauty. Is that snow on those mountain caps? How gorgeous is that? Im glad to read that you dont worry about what might happen and just put that thought out of your head. Thats how to live in the here and now I believe. Question? Do you feel like you are always camping or do you feel a sense of being settled as you travel about??
Hi, Lenore,
Yes, that’s snow! The wonders of creation never cease. . . .
Good question — Do I always feel like I’m camping? No, I don’t. If I were traveling and sleeping in a tent, maybe I would. And maybe the fact that from the start I didn’t have a house to return to ….
Quite the opposite. I always feel I’m home.
Reggie-man is so happy. Love his sleepy grin. This is such pretty country, so glad I am getting to see it through your lens!
Hi, Dawn,
You should see Reggie’s reaction upon awaking! The instant he realizes where he is he hops with happiness, wagging his tail and behind, rolling around in the covers, kicking his legs with pure joy. Makes me laugh every morning.
It’s fun to share what I find with you!
Reading your blog on a Sunday morning, coffee, and bacon cooking. All is right in the world. Thank you for sharing this journey Sue.
You’re welcome, Sandi. Thanks for sharing a glimpse of yours!
When Ed said the bird was a snipe, I thought he was pulling your leg since back in the day it was a joke to hunt for the elusive “snipe”. How interesting to find out that it’s really a bird! Love the pic of Reggie and his blue monkey. So sweet, no wonder you can’t help but kiss him when he’s snoozing.
Hi, Patti,
Apparently hunting for a snipe is no joke — I hear them every day and never see them, even though I try my best with my monocular.
Reggie and Bridget had their breakfast a few minutes ago and now they’re both curled up sleeping. Little sweeties…
Beautiful pictures!
Wonderful info on Snipes!!!
Thanks, Lynn!
I camped on Fish Lake on Steen Mountain one spring weekend and was kept awake by the winnowing snipe until early in the morning. I think I’m hearing them here in the marshes of Red Rock Lakes NWR, but haven’t been able to see them yet.
Hi, Marilyn,
I tried to figure out your location from your blog… Red Rocks Lakes NWR is where? And where is Steen Mountain?
You do interesting and valuable work. I enjoyed your photos!
Steens Mountain is south of Burns, OR. Close to Malheaur NWR. You were near Steen’s when you drove from Rome to Hwy. 20.
I have always wanted to camp at Fish Lake. We have camped at Page Springs, close to Fish Lake.
Good Morning…Great pics!!! Love all the green and the natural look of the downed trees and the water. I too like the open space…and my solar does too. Reggie Man looks soooo adorable in his little bed with his blue monkey and I love the pic of the two of them sitting. Sooooo, yesterday I decided to drive to the coast. I put the address of the State park I wanted to go to (Humbug Mountain State Park) into my GPS. Wonderful drive on a beautiful day. As I am driving, I see a really big, colorful sign that says “WELCOME TO CALIFORNIA”!!!!!!!!!!!!! I almost drove off the road. UGH UGH. When I started the trip I was near Grants Pass. I think that maybe there was not a good road over to the coast from there so the GPS took me South into CA and then North to the park. I was on Rt 101 and the coast was beautiful. Love the BIG rocks that jut up out of ocean. When I got to the park it was situated in a tiny space between two mountains…ZERO sun…none. As you said, I didn’t like the feeling the campground gave me so I moved on. LONG day….LOL
Hi, Krystina,
I can picture the route you took because we went over the same roads, only in the opposite direction. Going south along the coast, we passed Humbug and stayed at Harris Beach SP and Alfred E Loeb, then went into CA. At Crescent City the gas was over $4 a gallon. Made a turn, returned to OR, stayed at Panther Flat, and went through Grants Pass . . . Yes, you did have a long day! Where did you end up spending the night?
Thank you RVSue for all that info!! I was too tired to go any further so I stopped at a Walmart. Did you know that the Oregon motto is “She Flies With Her Own Wings”. I guess this is the state for all of us women who fly solo.
No, I didn’t know the Oregon motto. Good ol’ Wal-Mart…
The sun’s warmth as it rose yesterday made all but a few perfect clouds disappear.By late afternoon a breeze brought darker ones in from the west.Overhead could be seen the two types meeting and making thunder.Standing in the middle of that on the height of this property is an experience that would take pages to describe fully.A few highlights are the birds screeching instead of singing as they call their young to shelter, a few dozen trees turning their leaves upside down in preparation as their rustling turns so loud it matches the volume in the lake’s waves.Because by then all the flowers had been open for hours absorbing the heat the scents surrounding me as they blew by with butterflies finding hiding places made me stand just breathing…
Last night the thunder became so powerful the house shook a few times.We slept well afterwards with the sound and smell of rain.Walking to hear morning song I saw not a branch had broken,none of the homes(house,nests,dens) of we that share this property were damaged only cleaned and freshened.The stems on the purple and white phlox that are already bloomed on the hillside have even more new buds ready to open.June begins tomorrow.Most weekend drives have the treat of seeing families and friends gathered by old white churches to celebrate commitments being made to love someone.Rainbows do the same thing.It’s barely sprinkling outside now,that often brings one.I’ll watch for it while going to get more dog food later at a pet store .They sponsor animal adoptions for folks like you,Sue.People willing to commit to love the ones they rescue from a life without that.A coffee cup is being raised here to toast the wonderful hearts you and others here have!Good morning
Good morning, weather! What a relief to see you here!
I woke in the night with the thought of you, a definite feeling of concern that wouldn’t let me sleep. Several times I dozed off, only to wake with that same feeling. Is she in danger? Did I offend? Is her troupe okay? What is wrong?
My pleasure in reading your descriptions of life around your home is exponentially greater this morning! Wow! Thank you. I raise my coffee cup to you!
Hi Sue,I’m smiling about you having pleasure today.Replying has taken some time because I wanted to treat yours with the profoundness it deserves yet share my genuine happiness. This house is built on a foundation dug out of hard rock,it’s walls are thick and solid the way homes were made over a hundred years ago.For it to be shaken by thunder means danger is present-believe me I was aware of it-repeatedly reached for the peace within to know that once again it wouldn’t be allowed to bring any real harm …The abject glorious beauty here at times can simultaneously overwhelm me with what a gift it is and remind me of sharing it with my husband -I use everything I have within me to focus on how grateful I am that we had those times when I need to,it’s a struggle I’m practiced at winning,you know,…sometimes rain isn’t all that wets ones face,light and dark don’t just clash in clouds…My older dog had less sparkle in his eyes ,less strength and steadiness than his usual air and stance of youthful confidence by bedtime yesterday.Troubled by that when I woke in the night I checked on him ,his breath- remembering he’d eaten quite a bit of grass yesterday as if to help an upset stomach. By this morning he was much better,thank God.I hope you know that my honesty isn’t to evoke sympathy,I need none,victory is always within reach.I tell you all this to show that your rare gift for perception worked again.There are things that try to offend me-you are never one of them friend!!!You sensed me fighting off trouble that fear without faith would allow,thank you for caring enough to be so connected.It’s a beautiful day and life is good
Now I understand! Whew! I don’t know what to say.
Yes, “It’s a beautiful day and life is good.”
may your sleep be undisturbed and hold sweet dreams,I expect mine to,n’nite
Good Morning, Sue and others! It’s finally bright and sunny! We had about a week of rain which means no mowing which means tall grass. I was cleaning out logs from under our fence and out slithered a rattle snake and he/she was not happy to have been bothered. I did not know I could run so fast backwards! It curled up but then relaxed when it realized I was as scared as it was. I was able to get some pictures, to prove to my family that I was not lying, and got a short video of his tail shaking, rocking and rolling. It went back under some brush and I think I’m going to let the yard people finish the job! I see snakes frequently in our yard and on our porch, but this is the first rattlesnake I’ve seen. We had a several foot long black snake on our porch hiding from the rain so we just left it there. 2 weeks ago I was able to trap a huge, huge snapping turtle, bigger round then a basketball, in a cooler, and got it in the back of my car and dumped it about a mile away, close to a creek. It was so scary because it kept raising up his head and front leg to get out of the cooler and I was really nervous because I didn’t want him climbing up to the front as my passenger. I’m still not sure how he got into our yard. Then 2 days ago, I found a smaller nice, sweet turtle and I took him to our creek, then helped a rabbit that was tangled in our fence. One of my cats brought me a present of a half-eaten rabbit and before I could get the other half cleaned up, our big dog ate it and the next morning I was cleaning up ‘you know what’ out of the carpet. Sue, as usual, love your pictures and adventures! Kay from KC!
Hi, Kay,
You love my pictures and adventures? Sounds like all the excitement is at your house!
Wonderful images today, Sue. You make me feel as if I am there where you are taking the pictures. I had never heard the call of a snipe until I went to your link. I have seen some, they really like to hide in the reeds making them nigh on invisible.
Thanks, Lisa, re the photos. You’ve seen a snipe? I’m still listening and looking!
I am really enjoying your adventures in Oregon. I will head in that direction when I retire next year. Thanks for your blog Sue.
You’re welcome, Don. Oregon is even better “in person.” I’m glad you will retire soon.
What a wonderful area! I can hardly wait to be in Oregon and No California. It won’t be long now. My new home on wheels a 27ft Salem Le is in the shop. I ordered a slide cover so I don’t have to worry about leaves and twigs getting stuck. Also a Maxxair fan which I can use even in the rain with sensers. A bike rack and a few other things. I should be moved out of my home and into my new home July 1st. I’ll book a RV park fairly close to me now for one week to get used to my trailer and relax before really getting on the road. Man I am getting excited, still getting rid of stuff. will it ever end?
So much to do in the next few weeks.
I know you must be loving where you are. hugs Deb
Deb it’s great to hear you excited and all your good news.I hope you tell us all again on the new post-so many here will want to know and will be happy for you.I hope the final tasks in front of you go well,you really are doing an amazing job with everything you know
Hi Weather, I am only a few weeks away from beginning full timing and it’s such a crazy time for me. Getting ready for a huge change of lifestyle. wow I have a youtube channel with over 300 subscribers now. Sharing my journey. RVDebs Journey