Hot pocket!

Thursday, July 26

I’m trying something different for this post.  While sharing what’s going on with Reggie, Roger, and me at our house in southern Arizona, I’ll post photos of the steps to make one of my favorite lunches:

Mexican Hot Pockets!

The best way to make hot pockets, in my opinion, is to slather a small amount of refried beans on a flour tortilla. Cover that up with chunks of Italian seasoned chicken sausage, prebrowned in olive oil.  Then proceed as I show here.

Today I experiment using left-over rotisserie chicken instead of chicken sausage.  Not as good as using chicken sausage because I believe the more seasoning the better!

Maybe you know how to season the chicken to make it more flavorful.

However, since I seem to have achieved the eminent position of Grand Poobah of Rotisserie Chicken, my photos show that variation of hot pocket.

A few notes before I move on to other topics:

Large tortilla required.  Chunky salsa works best.  Olive oil is good. I like to use one whole green chili, rather than the diced shown below.  Use whatever cheese you happen to find in the fridge.  I used Havrati here.  Add or substitute other ingredients that you like.

This isn’t precision cooking.



Moving along . . .

Weedeater assembled and in operation!

Thanks to blogorinos who spoke up to remind me, I hooked up the charger to the battery the night before. In the morning I assembled my new toy without too much difficulty.

I do wish Black and Decker would improve their instruction booklet.  Illustrative photos are too small and unclear, and, therefore, not very helpful.  I rely more on common sense instead.

My new weedeater is BLACK+DECKER LST300 Lithium Trimmer and Edger.

(There’s another link to it in the Amazon orders list at the end of the post.  Someone else bought one, too!)

My review based on one use:

First off, the Black and Decker battery-powered trimmer weighs a little over 7 pounds. That’s not heavy. What makes it seem heavy is the position in which one weed-eats.

Per the instructions, you hold the weed-eating part at least 24 inches away from your feet, with one hand on the end near your body and the other hand on the handle, part way down the shaft.

If you can’t picture that, don’t worry about it.  My point is the position is uncommon for holding anything of much weight.

Think about it.

When you pick something up, do you hold it out in front of you with one arm and for an extended period of time, moving the object from side to side?

In other words, weedeating uses muscles that have been napping for a long time, probably since gym class in junior high.

It’s not the weed-eater’s fault if you wimp out after a few minutes on the job!

Which I did.

Rather than whine and quit, I’m assuming a different approach.  My upper arm, shoulder, and clavicle muscles (I don’t know if there are such things as clavicle muscles.  I wanted to use the word, clavicle.) — all these muscles need to get stronger.

Weed-eating is my new exercise routine for those muscles!

Are these photos making you hungry yet?

“I’m sorry, boys . . . .

It’s not done yet.  Can you be good and wait a little longer?”

“Sure, RVSue!  Save some chicken for us!  Right, Rog?”

“Yeah, Reg.  I love chicken. We’ll stand right here.  You and me, we’re the hot pocket guards! Haha!”

My exercise regimen:

Five minutes weed-eating, a break, five minutes weed-eating, a break, ten minutes weed-eating, and quit for the day.  I’m not in a hurry to give myself muscle strain.

To wrap this up:  I like my new weed-eater!  I completed both sides of most of the front yard fence, after raking aside the weeds and grass to make sure Horned Toad wasn’t hiding in there.

Update on the rainbarrel:

Ever get so annoyed with yourself you’d kick yourself in the bum if you could get your foot to go that way?

Previously I wrote on this blog that the rainbarrel would be delivered on Wednesday.

Well, I should’ve paid better attention.

It WILL be delivered on Wednesday, not THIS Wednesday, NEXT Wednesday, August 1st.  I might have ordered somewhere else if I’d caught that.

This summer is an exercise in patience!

The way the roof job is dragging along, Mike the roofer most likely will still be coming to the house by the time the rainbarrel arrives.  I’ll post about it after he installs it.

Ooh . . . I flipped that hot pocket at the perfect time!   Crispy and golden brown on both sides, cheese melted on the inside.

Cut it in half and you have two hot pockets!

“Lunch is ready!”

“Oh, boy, RVSue!  Can we have some of the cheese please with our chicken?”

“Well, I don’t see why not.  A little bit on a piece of tortilla.  Here ya’ go, Reggie.”

“And this one’s for you, Roger.”

Yesterday afternoon we didn’t get rain.

But it did rain around us.

After a day of temperatures topping 108 degrees, it’s a pleasure to sit on the porch and feel a cool breeze.

I watch gray clouds drifting with white.  A black bird floats effortlessly on air.  A shaft of sunlight forms a heavenly ladder through the clouds. A few moments and it’s gone.


Clouds fade and purple washes the sky.

“Well, boys.  I’m going inside for the night. You coming with me?  . . .

. . . Oh, wow! A rainbow!”



To see products recently purchased by readers or to browse and shop at Amazon, follow any of these links:

Mesh Bucket Hat
Tiki Solar Lanterns
Cultured Pearl Necklace
Horatio Hornblower Collector’s Edition
9-Speed Digital Hand Mixer w/Accessories
BLACK+DECKER LST300 Lithium Trimmer and Edger, 20-volt

RVSue and her canine crew is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.


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