Today’s post features a boondock along the Big Wood River in Sawtooth National Recreation Area, northwest of Ketchum, Idaho.
Bridget, Reggie, and I camped there in August of 2016. After a short stay, smoke from forest fires chased us out of the area. (The last two photos show smoke on the mountains.)
At present the Best Little Trailer is parked in the back yard of our newly purchased house located in Arizona. Reggie, Roger and I are camped in the house awaiting the arrival of my sister, Nancy, and her dog, Marg, sometime in mid-August.
Monday, July 9 in Arizona
Mike the roofer and his helper arrive at the house at 5:30 a.m. according to plan. Usually Reggie has us up before 5:30. Not this morning. Therefore, the three of us are asleep and don’t hear the men arrive. We awake to the sounds of Mike gathering his supplies and ladder from the other side of our bedroom wall.
Roger goes ballistic!
Reggie joins the alarm, leaping from our bed with a high-pitched scream-bark. The two of them race to the back door, making an awful racket. I open the sliding glass door and the boys shoot out, loaded for bear. Mike squats to greet them and the boys switch from terrorizing to wiggling and pawing at him with delight.
A brief good-morning exchange — I’m glad I’m in my new nightie and not one of my old raggedy nightshirts! — and I retreat to the kitchen to put the coffee on.
The men work until approximately 10:30 when they come down off the roof and put the ladder and roof stuff away. I happen to be on the patio at the time.
“We’re gonna’ quit now,” Mike tells me.
“That’s good,” I reply. “It’s getting too hot to stay up there.”
Mike points to the southeastern sky.
“It’s not only that. See that rain cloud over there? The material needs about thirty minutes to set up. I wanted to complete this layer — we’re almost done with it — but with that cloud . . . . ”
“Good idea. Better to quit than to rush.”
As it turns out . . . .
It doesn’t rain until two o’clock and only for a short while. Still, it was wise of Mike to stop work when he did.
I don’t know much about summer rain in Arizona, but I do know how it can appear very quickly. The day can go from sunny to heavy rain in an instant, which can be a fun surprise depending upon one’s circumstances. Like the time the crew and I were caught in a sudden shower while up the street at the mailboxes.
Remember the photos of the green grape clusters?
The grapes were bee-bees then. They’re slightly larger now, still hard as ammunition. I do hope the cycle of daily afternoon rain, typical of monsoon season, begins soon.
The yard is burnt to a crisp with a patch of green weeds here and there where the mesquite trees throw shade.
It’s becoming increasingly apparent that I need to make a decision about lawn care. Hire someone and pay onward for years? Invest in a weed-whacker? A lawn mower?
Oh my, here I am thinking about lawn maintenance again.
That reminds me of an old post from when I lived in a house in Georgia. I wrote “I hoe and I hoe and I hoe and I mow and I mow and I mow.”
Soon thereafter I sold the house with the big garden and the big lawn and headed west with my original canine crew. I never thought I’d be needing lawn maintenance equipment again!
Closing with song . . .
“Up On The Roof” — Lyrics by Gerry Goffin
“When this old world starts a getting me down
And people are just too much for me to face
I’ll climb way up to the top of the stairs
And all my cares just drift right into space
“On the roof, it’s peaceful as can be
And there the world below don’t bother me, no, no
“So when I come home feeling tired and beat
I’ll go up where the air is fresh and sweet
I’ll get far away from the hustling crowd
And all the rat-race noise down in the street . . . . “
NOTE: See more of our Sawtooth NRA camp at: “Photo Essay: Boondock on the Big Wood River, Idaho!’
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