Monsoon rains appear; More camps in AZ, UT, WY, and CA

Friday, June 29, in Arizona

Today’s post includes photos of various camps enjoyed by me and my crew, except for the first one which was taken from our backyard, yesterday before sunset.

No roof work today.

The roofers will return on Monday as there is much more work to be done.

First thing this morning I load up the Perfect Tow Vehicle with branches and dead yucca, neither of which bag up easily for the regular trash pick-up.  I cut a low branch off the pine tree and toss that in. (There’s more to be cut off the pine but it can be bagged.)

Lastly, I wheel a trash container full of construction refuse left behind by the previous owner and heft that into the back of the PTV.

Lone Rock dispersed camping, Lake Powell, Utah

“Goodbye, sweeties.  You stay.  I’ll be back in a little while.”

A few pats for Reg and Rog and I board the Perfect Tow Vehicle.  I haven’t had breakfast yet, being in a big hurry to beat the incoming heat.  Instead I sip a freshly made and frosty smoothie on the way to the transfer station.

One of my best decisions:

Buying a personal smoothie maker!  I have a smoothie every day.  I like to take a smoothie out to the porch.  Even on the hottest of days, occasional breezes waft through the pine boughs and across my chair.   Sitting in a shady spot while sipping an icy smoothie through a straw is very refreshing!

Falls View Campground, Olympic National Park, southwest of Quilcene, Washington

This morning’s smoothie:

Almond milk, orange juice, frozen raspberries, frozen banana, frozen pineapple, and flax seeds.

Recently Wal-Mart had a sale on frozen fruit and I stocked up with different kinds.  Now I know which fruits make the best smoothies.  Strawberries, pineapple, and banana are my favorites.  (I buy fresh bananas, let them turn very ripe, then freeze sliced pieces in zip-loc bags.)

I prefer almond milk over coconut milk.  And carbonated water flavored with fruit makes a light, refreshing drink (Thanks to a reader for that idea!).

Pelican Lake, BLM free camping, west of Vernal, Utah

A bit of breeze and I’m motivated for yard work.

Under a blue sky with a few clouds, I take my saw out to the pine tree.  Several limbs were cut about 2-3 feet out from the trunk.  Who does that?  The condition of that pine has been bugging me.

I lift the saw to begin and WOW!  RAIN!  The boys and I dash to the porch.  My realtor had described how the rains of summer appear suddenly.

She wasn’t kidding!

This rain is a deluge.  I sit in my camp chair on the porch and watch it pound the street. Reggie and Roger watch, too.  When the rain lessens to a gentle shower, our resident sparrows and finches alight on the chain link fence to fluff and flutter their feathers in it.

We experience two more sudden showers within a few hours.  In between I remove those ugly stubs from the pine.

Anvil Draw boondock, Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area (west side), Wyoming

Saturday, June 30

The fun thing about Saturdays this summer are Nancy’s emails about her shopping forays. She’s living in a well-to-do area of south Florida.  It’s an expensive place to live which is one reason she began to think about moving elsewhere for her retirement, leading to our plan to share expenses in Arizona.

Anyway . . .

Her neighborhood thrift store and consignment shop are stocked with quality items, to say the least. The bargains are so good that it makes sense to grab and haul them to Arizona.

Ashley National Forest, south of Flaming Gorge, Utah

Saturday mornings Nancy goes hunting.  

A previous Saturday she scores the perfect light fixture for over the dining room table and a painting.

This morning she sends an email reporting that she bagged a light fixture and a coffee table for the living room!  She’s refinishing the coffee table as I type this.

(The hunt is still on for a full-sized sofa for the living room.  The love seat from her apartment will go in the den.)

Kofa National Wildlife Refuge, between Quartzsite and Yuma, Arizona

Coming home to cuteness . . . 

As I pull up to the house after a trip into town, the boys recognize the PTV.  Happily they trot and wiggle to the gate, tails wagging.  I squeal their names with delight to make sure they know I’m as happy to see them as they are to see me.

Sometimes I get the chance to watch them before they realize I’ve driven up.  They look so cute, little sentinels for their home.  I sense that Reggie and Roger like their yard so much that they don’t mind staying to guard it.

Full moon over the Big Maria Mountains, Midland LTVA, Blythe, California

In fact, I believe they prefer staying to going, especially when, like today, I bring home a rotisserie chicken for our lunch!


NOTE:  To read about and see more of the camps in this post, do a web search for “RVSue + name of camp.” — Sue

~ ~ ~


The people of Eastpoint are taking steps to recoup from the devastation caused by the recent wildfire.  Today a “Charity Low Country Shrimp Boil and Cornhole Tournament” is being held to raise funds toward purchasing replacement mobile homes.

If you would like to help the victims who in many cases lost everything they owned, make a check payable to “Franklin County Disaster Relief Fund” and send it to:

Franklin’s Promise Coalition, P.O. Box 192, Apalachicola, FL 32320


Geri, a blogorino and Eastpoint resident along with her husband, Chuck, confirmed for us that all donations will go directly to the victims.  Thank you for sharing.

~ ~ ~


To see products recently purchased by readers or to browse and shop at Amazon, follow any of these links:

Kids Sun Hat w/Neck Flap
Men & Women’s Flip Flops
Oscillating Outdoor Misting Fan
Organic Mosquito Insect Repellent
AICOK Personal Smoothie Blender
Marine/RV Polish & Gloss Enhancer

RVSue and her canine crew is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.

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