Monday, June 25
I’m in the middle of preparing a post for this blog when an email arrives from my friend, Geri, who lives in Eastpoint, Florida, with her husband, Chuck, and their pups, Radar and Tater. Readers of this blog may remember them from previous posts when we got together in Bluff, Utah.
Blogorinos know Geri and Chuck from their participation in the comments section.
Wildfire at Eastpoint!
Here’s an excerpt from Geri’s email:
“We had a horrible wildfire here yesterday! It was just a few miles from us and 40+ families lost their homes! We were under an evacuation warning, in other words be packed up and ready to go! It was so serious even the weather channel and a national news channel mentioned it and showed videos of the fire!” — Geri
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How you can help:
Make checks payable to Franklin’s Promise Coalition, Fire Disaster Fund.
Send to Franklin County EOC, 28 Airport Road, Apalachicola, Florida 32320.
“This is a small fishing village, many living below poverty level! This fire may be gone, but the scars will remain for a long time!” — Geri
UPDATE — 6/27/18:
Geri reports that the wildfire is the result of a controlled burn by the Apalachicola Forest Service that wasn’t put out completely.
In an email she writes:
“The State of Florida will not DECLARE the Eastpoint fire a disaster because of the low cost of the residential neighborhood. If you have a million dollar home you could get FEMA money. Yet the POOR people in Eastpoint can’t get help because they are POOR!!!! What is wrong with this picture?”
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In the next post . . .
We will return to our regular format of news from our house in Arizona with photos of a boondock in the past.
NOTE: Have you been affected by wildfire this summer? Has smoke or fire changed your travel? Tell us about your experience or what you know about the fire situation. — Sue
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