Wish granted and recalling a free camp among Ponderosas in New Mexico

Saturday, June 16

This summer the crew and I are off the road.  We’re camped in the house in Arizona we will share with my sister, Nancy, and her dog, Marg, beginning in August.

~ ~ ~

I wanted rain and, good golly, rain is what I got.

Lots of it!

It started yesterday with a gently falling mist that turned into a light, intermittent rain overnight.  By 8:30 a.m today we have a steady downpour.  If desert plants could vocalize, they’d be squealing with delight right now.

As you can understand . . . .

I’m not going to run outside in a downpour to take photos for this blog.  Instead here are pics of a pleasant and free camp enjoyed in May 2016.

~ ~ ~

As biorhythms go . . . 

Reggie and Roger are definitely morning dogs.  This is good because I’m a morning dog, too.  Except in the crazy days of my young adulthood, invariably I fade around 9 p.m. and, without a compelling reason to stay up later, I’m in bed before ten.

Lately the boys and I wake up around 4:15, fully rested and raring to get the day moving. Of course, it’s still dark out which means the night critters could be roaming about.

But the boys have to go out!

I turn on the back yard light.  I watch them trot over to do their business under the little mesquite tree that they chose as their restroom facility the first day at the house.

I wait at the back door.  Soon they dart past my ankles, eager for breakfast.  Roger pirouettes in joyful anticipation while Reggie, with tail wagging, fixes his gaze upon me.

Translation: “Get ON with it, woman!”

I put the water on the stove for my french press coffee and proceed as ordered by the canines-in-charge.

This little routine works fine and dandy.

For the three of us.  I wonder how biorhythms and potty breaks and breakfast schedules will meld when Nancy and little Marg move in.

Huh.  Should be interesting.  We’ll work it out somehow.

~ ~ ~

The thunderstorm arrives . . . 

Well, I did want rain.

Sunday, June 17

Blue sky and sunshine this morning.  Nary a cloud.

Happy Father’s Day!


NOTE:  Follow the link for more information and photos of “Apache Creek Campground, Gila National Forest.


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Large Baby Tent
Fire HD 8 Tablet
Women’s Knit Lounger
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Ready Set Joe Single Cup Coffee Brewer
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