Waiting for rain in Arizona; revisiting a boondock in Utah

Friday, June 15

Photos in today’s post take us back to September 2015 when the crew and I made our camp in Fishlake National Forest in western Utah.  This is one of my favorite boondocks.

Long-time readers of this blog may remember the scenes shown below.

Now don’t get confused . . .

This post comes to you from Arizona.

This summer Reggie, Roger, and I are camped in the house we plan to share with my sister, Nancy, and her dog, Marg, when they move westward from Florida in August.(Boondocking will resume at a later date.)

In yesterday’s post I hoped for rain to kick off the monsoon season.  It didn’t happen. Today looks more promising.

The sky is overcast with gray clouds!

After an hour of painting an interior door and baseboard trim this morning, I put away brush and paint and turn my attention to cleaning up the yard.  I load the Perfect Tow Vehicle with clippings and trash, leave the boys behind in the air conditioned house, and head down the road to the transfer station.

When the back of the PTV is empty, I drive onto the scale and pay $6.50 to the man at the window.  He’s smiling due to the possibility of rain.  In fact, when he hands me my receipt to conclude the transaction, instead of wishing that I have a nice day, he sends me off with what I hope is a timely suggestion:

“Go dance in the rain!” 

How very Arizonian!

I’m still loving smoothies!

Every day I take a smoothie out onto the porch.  I sip through a straw while Reggie and Roger play.  I love our porch so much that I eat almost all my meals out there, unless it’s too hot.

As for continuing the painting started in the morning, I’ve given up on that.  The den is on the east side of the house and afternoon light in that room makes it difficult to see what I’m doing.

Which gives me an excuse to watch a movie instead!

I sit in my lounger in the back bedroom and watch a DVD from the library.  The boys curl up in their beds and nap.


Later . . .

I’m out on the porch this afternoon when a light rain begins.  It doesn’t last long.

Already I understand why year-round residents like monsoon season!  After a couple weeks of temperatures in the high 90s and low 100s, the cooler breezes that herald rain are refreshing.

I did see rain coming down on distant mountains.  It’s hard to say if it will move this way.

P1070316Ah, the road beckons . . .

In order to come up with photos for this post, I open up memory cards from previous years.  Browsing hundreds of photos of our camps and travels sparks the ol’ gypsy spirit in me.

I’m grateful I have this house as a base and I’m super excited about Nancy being a part of my life again.  At the same time I look forward to the time when the crew and I will discover more of our beautiful country and more special boondocks like the one I display in this post.

Wildfire alert!

If you’re traveling and camping, do keep up with the latest reports on fires.  National forests and their facilities, as well as roads, may be closed.


Wherever you are this summer . . .

Whether in a stationary home or on the road RVing, I hope you are safe, well, and happy. Feel welcome to jump into comments with a few words or a long story or something in between.  Whatever suits you.

This blog is a better place with you in it!


NOTE:  To read and see photos of the boondock on Oak Ridge Road, go to the 2015 post:  “Horses, a calf who’s lost his mama, and the mule that saves the day.


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