For those of you who are new to “RVSue and her canine crew:”
I love traveling around the western U.S. with my crew, finding peaceful and free boondocks in beautiful, natural surroundings. That’s been our life for more than six years.
Reggie, Roger and I are off the road temporarily as we prepare a house in Arizona to share with my sister, Nancy (and her dog, Marg), once she retires. They will move out here from Florida in mid-August.
The crew and I will resume our travels at a later date. Meanwhile we’re camped in our unfurnished house while the Best Little Trailer takes a well-deserved break in the backyard.
The monsoons are coming! The monsoons are coming!
I hope so anyway. The official opening date is June 15th, which is tomorrow. The forecast for today and tomorrow includes the possibility of thunderstorms!
Wishful thinking or spot-on forecasting?
We shall see.
About the house . . .
When it comes to decorating the interior of a house, I am a complete neanderthal. I’m all for having a can-do attitude, yet there are situations where one should accept that a talent is beyond one’s capability.
I know good taste in a room when I see it. Creating a room with good taste, however, is beyond me. I could try my very best to decorate this house and still would end up sucking all the charm right out of every room.
Fortunately, Nancy is an excellent decorator. She can turn a boring room into one with personality, a depressing cell into a delightful, comfortable retreat.
Plus the woman knows how to shop!
When we were considering this house, which needs a loving touch — well, actually a LOT of loving touches — I announced up front that I would make NO decorating decisions. I know my limitations and I also know that in this department, Nancy possesses unlimited talent and skill.
I bring this up because . . .
Readers asked who makes the decisions for paint color. This is how it goes:
I email Nancy asking her to choose a paint color for the walls, ceiling, and trim for the den.
Not a big deal, right?
I expect she’ll stand in a paint department with one of those color chip things in hand, run her finger down the card, and stop, saying “This is the one, right here.”
Then she hops on the internet, emails me the brand and the name and number of the paint color she selected, and I shoot down to the store and get it.
That’s what I imagined.
Well, I get no response about paint colors.
Days go by. I figure Nancy is consumed by the demands of her job so I don’t nag her about the paint. That is, until I can’t wait any longer and send her what I hope is a gentle reminder.
Nancy’s reply is illuminating.
She tells me she’s looked at numerous photos online through Pinterest and has been fretting over the decision since I first emailed her days ago.
Attached to her email is this photo:
So, do we go with “biscuit crumbs” and “tahitian vanilla” . . . or would “vanilla scone” and “white roses” be better?
And here I was thinking it would be a choice between off-white or antique white.
Fast forward —
The room is done in vanilla scone and white roses.
It’s lovely, of course.
Nancy picked these colors, she explains, because they work nicely with her fake fireplace painted “creme caramel” and her teal loveseat, both destined for the den.
(Nancy in Florida knows exactly where the fireplace and loveseat will be positioned in the den in our Arizona house. She hasn’t ever been in the den in our Arizona home. All she needed were the room’s dimensions and location of door and window. I know. Mind-boggling.)
When the den is furnished to “Nancy perfection,” I’ll post a photo or two for you homies.
Isn’t it wonderful that . . .
We’re all good at some things and horrible at other things? All we have to do is figure out what we’re good at and get out of the way of the people who are good at the other things.
I may be a total mess when it comes to decorating, but hey, I’m GREAT at backing up a travel trailer.
Not only that, I’m competition-level at speed-dumping waste tanks!
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