Okay, what’s this all about?
Hot Topic provides a place for blogorinos to enjoy each others’ company when I don’t have a post ready.
I don’t know if this format will work or not. Several readers have expressed disappointment that days go by without a new post and without a new start in comments. Since I have trouble keeping up with you guys, let’s see if this fills in the gaps in posts for you. I’ll continue to post as usual.
Everyone is invited to enter the comments section and join in the conversations. The following conversation starters are only suggestions. Other topics are welcome. Feel free to “use” the comments section as you always have.
I thank you in advance for your participation in our blogorino community! — Sue
Lake Crescent, Olympic National Park, about 17 miles west of Port Angeles, Washington
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Current Hot Topic:
Of all the camps shown on this blog, which is one that appeals to you? Why does it?
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Do you plan to camp there?
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If you’ve already camped there, what can you share about it?
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Do you have a camp to recommend?
(Please be specific and include location that is clear to folks from other parts of the country and other countries.)
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What is it that you look for in a boondock, a campground, or RV park?
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NOTE: For help remembering camps, you can use the archives sorted by month in the sidebar at right.
To find a post about a particular camp, do a web search such as “RVSUE + (name of camp or location).” Feel free to link to former posts.
Remember this camp?
For many years, well before I hit the road in the Best Little Trailer with my crew, I longed to visit Olympic National Park.
Fairholm Campground, “Lake Crescent, Washington” — September 2013
Go ahead, blogorinos and new people!
Tap on the title of this post or on the word “comments” below and write something in the reply box, as brief or as long as the mood strikes you.
To see products recently purchased by readers or to browse and shop at Amazon, follow any of these links:
Lazy Susan
Murphy Wall Bed Kit
Big Dog Water Fountain
Red Sonic Bloom Weigela
Women’s Leather Moccasin Loafers
Oregon Benchmark Road & Recreation Atlas
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