Before I take a short break from blogging, I’d like to leave you with a cheerful post. — Sue
Monday, June 4
Man, is it hot!
Southern Arizona’s temperatures climb into the 100s this week. In a stroke of excellent timing, a few days ago, I order a smoothie maker appliance from Amazon.
Next I need smoothie stuff!
Much to my delight I discover that Walmart has strawberries on sale! A full pound of produced-in-the-USA strawberries for only a buck-fifty!
Wow! And they’re beauties, too!
(Sheesh! All these exclamations are tiring!)
I buy two pounds of strawberries.
Next I heft a huge watermelon into my cart. Now that I have the new humongous fridge, I can buy huge watermelons.
To this I add a cantalope (another great buy at 75 cents!), a pack of blueberries (those suckers never seem to go on sale), a bunch of bananas (not as ripe as I’d like but they’ll do), and a couple avocadoes (33 cents each).
I zip over to dairy and grab a container of almond milk and another of lowfat vanilla yogurt.
Not that I know what I’m doing because, in my typical fashion, I didn’t look at one recipe from the kindle cookbooks I downloaded that contain hundreds of recipe ideas.
Then the blender arrives and I get busy! What fun!
My first attempt contains strawberries, bananas, vanilla yogurt, and almond milk. I push the button, the blender roars, and Reggie goes airborne down the hall to the back bedroom.
About 30 seconds later . . .
Gee, looks kinda’ thick.
I add water and hit the detonate button again. Before putting the container in the fridge to chill, I pour smoothie mixture into two molds for frozen pops and save the rest for drinking later.
Aren’t these cute? Am I having fun or what!
Like I said, it’s hot these days.
This means the boys and I hang out in the house most of the time. I can amuse myself with the stack of books I brought home from the library and the thrift store, plus the ones I downloaded to my Paperwhite.
And, of course, there’s always the internet, emails, the activity on this blog, etc.
But what do Reggie and Roger do?
Besides eating and sleeping and play-fighting, they pester me, that’s what!
Gee, these guys need some toys. I should go to the store and replenish their supply.
And that’s how I stumbled upon all those good buys on fruit at Wal-mart.
Later . . .
After a lunch of rotisserie chicken, still warm from the store, I unpack the toys. Even before I pull the first toy out of the shopping bag, Reggie and Roger are bug-eyed and excited.
How do they know I bought them stuff!
Reggie is thrilled with a long, lime green toy.
Hmm . . . Does he remember the late Limey from long ago?
“A dog and his dog” — Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge — March 2016
Roger sees.
With a yank he takes the lime green toy away from Reggie and shakes it violently. He trots around the room holding it in his mouth.
“Gee, Roger . . . .”
Reggie inspects the tug-of-war rope and mouths one of them. I bought three because they’re only two dollars each. The boys have an old one that’s out in the yard somewhere.
This way there are two for playing inside and two for playing outside. Or so I planned, but, as anyone who’s read my blog for any length of time knows, my plans are often overthrown by the crew. Mostly by Roger-dodger.
Roger sets to work moving every item outside.
He places them on the blue mat and stands over them with a proprietary air.
I move the toys inside and Roger takes them outside again.
Anyway . . .
Reggie remains happy.
He accepts the order of things. In fact, I believe he enjoys keeping an eye on Roger so he can grab whatever Roger has claimed as soon as Roger is distracted or takes a break.
It isn’t long before both boys lose interest in their new toys.
That’s when I pull out the big guns, more accurately . . .
The Big Bones. (No, they aren’t chicken bones.)
I hold one out to Roger and immediately he clamps his jaws on it. He carries it to his bed and starts gnawing on it.
I hold out a bone to Reggie. He sniffs it, looks at it nervously, and then backs away.
“It’s okay, Reggie. It’s just a bone. See Roger? He likes his bone.”
I place the bone in Reggie’s bed. Gingerly Reggie pulls it out of the bed by one end and in doing so it makes a clattering noise on the tile floor. Reggie panics, drops the bone, and jumps into my lap.
Moving this little tale forward . . . .
Roger tires of his bone.
Roger: What to do? Can’t leave it lying around for Reggie to touch! I must find a hiding place!
Roger carries the bone from one room to another, down the hall, through the living room, the kitchen, around he goes.
There’s no furniture!
The rooms are bare and there’s no place to hide the bone! Roger MUST PROTECT his bone!
“Okay, Rog, come on. ” He follows me to the back door. “Go ahead. Go on outside and bury that dang thing.”
Which he promptly does.
Later, after the three of us are in bed for the night, Roger gets up and runs through the house from front door to back door and comes to me making urgent noises.
“You’re worried about your bone, aren’t you. Okay, you’re not going to settle down until you check.”
I let him out.
Sure enough, by the porch light I see him head over to the fence where it’s buried.
And here I thought toys and bones would make this day simpler!
NOTE: Do you have a favorite smoothie recipe? BTW, I didn’t want to spend the money for a Nutribullet. This little machine, AICOK brand, received great reviews on Amazon and several mentioned how easy it is to clean. I agree. So far it’s met my expectations.
AICOK Single Serve Blender for Shakes and Smoothies
Oh, I almost forgot to report on my first smoothie! It came out pretty good! Refreshing on a hot day. I haven’t had one of the freezer pops yet. How can you mess up a freezer pop, right? — Sue
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