“How fortuitous!”

Several of the photos in this post are from the day Roger and Reggie met at an RV park in Rogerson, Idaho, in the spring of 2017.  In the moments you see here a lifelong friendship began.

“How fortuitous!”

I blurt out those words as I step out the back door of our house in southern Arizona.

You see, Roger didn’t sleep well last night.  And when one of the crew doesn’t sleep well, none of us sleep well.

Several times between the hours of eleven and four, Roger hops out of bed and whines to be let out.  I quickly obey because I know he means business and yesterday his stools were loose.  Not full-blown diarrhea.  The sort of thing dogs go through from time to time.

Particularly dogs like Roger. 

Roger eats anything with the slightest resemblance to food, emphasis on “slightest.” More than once, actually many times, I’ve said the words,

“Roger!  WHAT on earth are you eating?”

Probably this eat-anything behavior is a carry-over from when he had to scavenge for meals and never knew for sure he’d even find his next meal.

(BTW, a while back I replaced ALPO in the boys’ diet with 4Health and they digest it well. ALPO was making them psychotic.  No kidding.  Weird.)

Same with water.

Roger drinks water from any source.  Whereas Reggie would have to be crawling-on-his-belly thirsty to drink out of a ditch or puddle or any place other than his water bowl, Roger is compelled to take a sip of any and all water he finds.

Although I’m good about not having standing water on the property, I did place the birdbath bowl on the ground.  I do change that water every day.  Even so, it’s not something Roger should drink.

Yet I’m sure he has.

(I’ve since raised the birdbath off the ground.)

Anyway . . .

About “fortuitous.”

I’m getting there!  

Because of the poor night’s sleep and because I’m a napper, around 4:30 today the boys and I settle into a delicious nap.

“Boom!  Boom!  Boom! . . .”

A car stereo wakes us up.

Oh my, the light through the window is pink! 

I swing my legs over the side, slip into my slides, and scurry to the back door, grabbing the camera on the way.  Reg and Rog are tight to my heels.

“Oh, look at that sky! How — okay, readers, altogether now —


 Sunset over the Backyard Fence, Southern Arizona

And how glorious!  If that car hadn’t come along and awakened us, we would’ve missed it!

~ ~ ~

Friday, November 30

Roger is much improved today.  He eats a little breakfast (and finishes off his supper).  I don’t catch him at the right time to check his stool, but everything else indicates he’s getting over whatever ailed him.

After lunch I go to the Resale Shop.

This is the place where I search for big pieces of furniture.  I’m looking for the quality and condition that’s practically impossible to find at a thrift store.  Items cost more at the resale store, but they’re a heckuva lot cheaper than buying new.  Especially furniture!  This is the same shop where I purchased the love seat that’s in our living room.

Immediately I spy the chair.

It’s a Drexel in excellent shape. Immediately I love the color, the fabric, the style, and the petite size.

The cost of the chair plus tax totals $85.48.

Hmm . . . This chair will pair nicely with the duck lamp in our little “den.”

And here’s the chair cozied up with Dorky Duck!


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“I would like to recommend the Instant Pot.  I just ordered it from Amazon.  I bought the smaller size a few months ago but found myself wanting the larger 6-quart size. I gave the mini to my daughter and just received the larger one. Imagine making fall-off-the-bone baby back ribs in less than an hour, also soups and stews in 20 minutes that taste like they’ve been cooking all day. It can also be used to saute or as a slow cooker. Very versatile!”  — Marilu in northern California

“I’ve been using my Instant Pot for over a year now, it makes great cheesecake too!” — Adrienne

Instant Pot DUO60 6 Qt 7-in-1 Multi-Use Programmable Pressure Cooker, Slow Cooker, Rice Cooker, Steamer, Sauté, Yogurt Maker and Warmer

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RVSue and her canine crew is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.

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