Sunday, November 25
Dennis and Gilbert put in another full day of work on the back yard privacy fence.
Now and then someone comes down the street, stops their vehicle, and hollers,”Lookin’ good!” or “I like your fence!”
Yesterday as the men are packing up at the end of their workday, one of my neighbors comes over to admire the fence. At that time the only section of the fence completed is the line between his property and ours.
“Was it something I said?” he jokes.
“Ha! Nothing personal, Tom,” I joke back, patting his arm. “Just think . . . You won’t have to look at the back end of my trailer.” I can’t help but add, “nor the back end of me running around in my nightgown.”
Tom graciously changes the subject.
~ ~ ~
This morning it’s chilly.
Dennis and Gilbert wear jackets as they work. I wear my “new” winter coat.
With his usual cheerfulness Dennis remarks, “This is good weather for getting work done.”
I add my two cents . . . “And it’s good weather for watching work get done.”
We discuss where the gate should go to allow access to the back side of the fence, between our property and the property that isn’t being maintained.
Fast forward . . . .
This next photo shows you what we were talking about.
Roger inspects the completed “maintenance lane.” (The gate is not installed as I type this. It would be out of photo frame.) The lane is four feet in width.
(The wood panel at the end is leaning there temporarily to keep the boys from leaving the yard before the job is done. “Sorry, Rog.”)
The mess on the left is the original “fence.”
It runs between our property and the property at the rear. Dennis and Gilbert will clean up the brush, remove a stump on the property line, tear down the mess of haphazard wire and posts, and replace it all with chain link and posts they removed from elsewhere.
Why the double line of fencing?
The two lines of fence provide room to cut back weeds and to re-apply polyurethane to the wood every few years. Otherwise we would have to trespass in order to do so.
Besides the need for access for maintenance, it provides a buffer between properties.
Sometimes it’s wise to anticipate the worst: Kids or other dogs on the other side of the fence making Reg and Rog crazy, the torture of hearing a basketball or tennis ball repeatedly pounding the wood fence, other noises, etc. Also, our sounds will be muffled, too!
(In case the photos confuse you, the “good side” of the fence faces outward on the sides where seen by the general public from the street and alley lane. At the back of the property the “good side” faces inward. Got it?)
More fence updates as the work progresses!
Both Dennis and Gilbert have regular jobs and family responsibilities and therefore fence work isn’t done during the week.
~ ~ ~
Remember the two dining room chairs?
I promised I would tell their story . . . .
They are a sad-looking pair sitting out front of the thrift shop. Folks pass them by with hardly a glance. I take a closer look.
The wood is scratched and worn but not badly. A corner of the frame at the seat is coming loose.
Hmm . . . I could knock that dowel back in place with my mallet. Nice wide seat. Some weave action going down the back. This has potential . . . .
The seats are covered with a drab brown material showing dirt and wear.
I turn a chair over and see that the seat can be removed easily.
The chairs are marked $5 each. I go inside the shop and find out that it’s half-price day.
To the woman who can’t stop grinning!
A few days after I acquire my “new” chairs, I’m at another thrift shop and find a bundle of this sturdy and colorful fabric. Only a dollar for several yards.
Today I remove the chair seats, iron and cut the new fabric, staple the fabric to the seats, replace the seats, and presto!
What do you think of the results?
Smashing, eh? I’m very pleased with the way they came out. Total cost for a pretty dining room chair: About $3.00 (and I have scads of fabric left over.)
If you want to give your chairs a make-over like I did, you need a staple gun. This is the one I got from Amazon: Surebonder 5525 Plastic Light Duty 1/4-Inch to 3/8-Inch StaplerIt fits my small hands and works well for me.
This morning Reggie discovers an excellent place to soak in those first, warm rays of the sun!
NOTE: I could use your help:
By writing a review of a product available from Amazon, you can help readers with their holiday shopping. I would like to include reader recommendations under future posts. (Include a specific description or, better yet, the ASIN number so I can find the product at Amazon. No links please.) Thank you for participating! — Sue
My Paperwhite ereader is one of my most enjoyed and practical possessions while living on the road or here at our house. The holiday season is a great time to shop Amazon for a Kindle Paperwhite for yourself or for someone on your gift list. — Sue
Cyber Monday Deals Week – Save $40 on Kindle Paperwhite (Previous Generation)
Shop Amazon Devices – Introducing the all-new Kindle Paperwhite
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