Black Friday; projects, big and small

Remember the wood pallets I mentioned a while back?

They’re stacked in the corner of the yard not far from Horned Toad’s home on the other side of the fence.  Roger checks the pallets every day, running around and sniffing each side, frustrated that he cannot get to the center of the pallets.

That’s where little lizards and the bigger Horned Toad (also a lizard) relax in the knowledge that they’re out of his reach.

I don’t like clutter around my house.

I finally get around to tossing the pallets over the fence (sorry, toadie lizards!) which puts the pallets next to the road at the side of the property.  I hang a cardboard sign on the fence — “Take away, free!” and place a similar wood sign at the stop sign near our house.

I intend to take photos of my pallet display for this blog.

However, when I go out there with my camera, I find a man and a woman happily loading the pallets into the back of their vehicle.  We greet each other and I learn they’re my neighbors from across the street.

“We just came home from work and saw your sign!”

I don’t ask how they will use the pallets.  

Probably break them up to feed into their patio fire ring, a ubiquitous feature of our neighborhood.  After they drive away, I take the photo you see above Reggie and remove the signs.

Gee, that was fast and easy.  

I have a bunch of projects in progress.

They’re stacked up like wood pallets!  In a previous post I showed you our “new-to-us” love seat.  I’m going to change the cover of the center cushion.  That blue doesn’t add any warmth to the room and I like warm colors.

I find a couple yards of fabric for a dollar (you know where!) that I like much more. Below you see the fabric draped over the cushion.  I haven’t cut or sewn it yet which is why it’s wrinkled and oddly shaped in the photo.  That center design needs to be positioned better, too.

When I tire of this fabric, I can change it again.

I also found a good-sized piece of quality fabric with a nice texture (again, only a dollar).

The color in the photo isn’t quite right –it isn’t orange — because in real life the reds pair up well.

Previously I had picked up throw pillows for 50 cents each which that fabric will transform. . . . if I ever complete the project, that is.

Big plans, eh?

Reggie and Roger claim the loveseat as their daytime nap place.  Over time the oil on their fur will surely dirty the seat cushions.  The throw doesn’t protect well.  How could it when paws immediately bunch it up to make a nest!

I take up the throw and instead keep two cheapo beds on the loveseat (photo above).  The boys hop into the beds and stay off the cushions.

Friday, November 23

Today is the day after Thanksgiving, the infamous Black Friday.  Rev up your shopping motor!  Amazon has great deals going on today and throughout the holiday season.

Today is also the day the fence panels are to be delivered!  

They are coming from Home Depot.  I like how the customer receives a phone call an hour or so before delivery.  That worked out very well the day the washer and dryer were delivered.

Dennis plans to be here to accept the goods for me.

He drove to Home Depot last Wednesday and personally picked out the panels and posts.

“I want to make sure you get good wood,” he explains.

More about the fence in a future post!


NOTE:  Thanks to everyone who contributed a Thanksgiving story under the previous post.  Some were funny, others poignant; all enjoyable to read.  More stories about the holidays, past, present, and future, are welcome! — Sue

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RVSue and her canine crew is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.

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