Whoa! A chill in the air of southern Arizona!

Tuesday, November 13, at home in Arizona

I check the birdbath this morning and find the water frozen solid.  Low temperatures in southeastern Arizona are dropping to freezing this week.

This little guy (below) is feeling under the weather.  He hunches in the seed for about an hour, eating and resting.

Later I see him on the ground warming himself in the sun.  He can fly but he’s obviously weak.

I go to Tractor Supply.

While wandering through the bird supply aisle, I notice a suet holder that holds two blocks of suet.

Hmm . . . This might help them get through the cold . . . 

$5.99 for the suet basket and 99-cents each for the suet blocks.  My birds are worth it!

A couple days ago at the thrift store I pick up the feeder in the photo below.  I wasn’t shopping for another feeder, but there it was and, well, you know . . . .

I’m taken in by its old, rustic (and rusty) charm, plus it holds a lot of seeds.  I’m also charmed by the price tag of four dollars.   Already it’s a popular hang-out with the beak-and-feathers set.

~ ~ ~

As many of you know . . .

The crew and I are off the road and living in our recently purchased (aka mortgaged) house.  In order to live free of encumbrances when full-timing in the Best Little Trailer, it was imperative that I rid myself of most of my possessions.

In other words, now I find myself with an entire house to furnish.  Hence the frequent hunt for bargains!

Like this dorky duck lamp.

I fall in love with it.  It is one of my pricier bargains at a whopping ten dollars.

Okay, I know it’s corny and scuffed and definitely “dated.”  These duck lamps were popular fifty-plus years ago.  I don’t care about that.  When I “turn on the duck” I see mallards at Pahranagat in Nevada and loons and merganzers at Antelope Flats, Wyoming.

Ducks from around the West glide silently through my memories . . . . plus I have light!  I need a lamp!

More thrift store bargains . . .

I find these two clocks at different thrift shops.  The one on the left was a dollar and the one on the right was three, if I remember correctly.





Will they keep good time?

I take them home even though I have no idea whether they will work.

I clean them up, replace their batteries, and tighten their clock arms. Success!  Both keep good time and make a pleasant “tick-tock.”

The best bargain to date!

Good dining room chairs, made out of wood, are expensive.  I discover online that sixty dollars is very cheap for a good chair.  Most are way more than that!

Oh, well . . . .

I pull into the thrift store parking lot and spy two chairs sitting out front.   I leap from the PTV and sprint over to lift the price tag.

Ooh . . . only five dollars each!

And, lo and behold, it’s half-price day!

The chairs are a bit beat-up and the fabric on the seats is a depressing brown (that can be changed easily) but what the heck!  They’re $2.50 each!

I think those two chairs are the fastest purchase I’ve made in my entire life.  My feet don’t touch the floor on the way to pay!

In a future post, after I rehabilitate the chairs, I’ll show you before and after photos.

That’s all for now.

Hope you are well and happy . . .  or will be soon!



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