Tending to the Best Little Trailer and the Perfect Tow Vehicle

Saturday, August 25, in Arizona

I should move the Best Little Trailer away from this mesquite tree.  

Using a hose with pressure nozzle, I blast mesquite pods that have dropped from the tree and become caught behind the awning.  After a thorough rinsing, I set up my step ladder and begin wiping away dirt from the fiberglass.

That’s when I see stuff inside the air conditioner.

Hmm . . . what is that? A nest!   A bird’s or a rat’s?

With pliers I pull the grass, sticks, and whatever through the narrow openings of the air conditioner’s outer frame.  A final rinse of the BLT and I quit for lunch.

~ ~ ~

Margaret the Westie naps on Nancy’s bed.  

Meanwhile . . .

Reggie and Roger play on our bed before their naps.

~ ~ ~

“Your eyes look tired, Reg, and your ears are droopy . . . .”

~ ~ ~

“Never mind me, Reg.  Go to sleep, honey”

~ ~ ~

“Look.  Roger’s already snoozing.”

~ ~ ~

Later in the day . . . 

After a brief shower I happen to walk past the BLT and notice mesquite pods on her roof and sticking out from under the awning.

I haven’t hitched up to move the BLT because I don’t want to make ruts in the soft, wet ground of our back yard.

For supper Nancy cooks up a big iron skillet of black beans made with salsa and serves the dish with a side of Zatarain’s yellow rice and a Cabernet Sauvignon.

We eat together on the porch, sitting in wicker chairs at a round table.  The porch palms flutter in a soft breeze.

Reggie, Roger and Marg play and chase each other around the house.  Nancy and I laugh.

Before going inside for the night . . .

We watch as the full moon rises beyond the cypress trees.

Another moon picture to add to my collection . . . .

~ ~ ~

Sunday, August 26

Nancy goes to town to pick up garden soil and a few other items.  Marg stays with me and the boys.

Brief pinking of the northern sky at sunrise

Nancy plans to transfer her lantana plants, along with a few others, to one of our flower beds.  We know this isn’t the time of year to transplant lantana (Spring is ideal), but what the heck. We’ll see what happens.

Same with bringing plants from Florida to Arizona.

As Nancy says, “It would’ve been traumatic to drive away, leaving them at the curb!”

The lantana transplant project is delayed by heavy rain.

Supper is vegetable stew.

Nancy enjoys cooking and is very good at it.  Me, not so much.

As the days go by, we gravitate toward those necessary homeowner tasks for which we are suited.  I mow, trim along the fence, cut branches, do non-skilled household puttering, etc. Nancy cooks, hangs pictures on walls, puts up curtains, etc.  We hope to achieve and maintain a balance that is equitable and enjoyable for both of us.

So far, so good!

After supper, Nancy sits on the edge of the flower bed and with a digging tool removes weeds and roots that have sprung up since I last weeded the bed.

Reg, Rog, and Marg play nearby.

Marg and Roger are perfectly matched in their play fights.

“This soil is better than I thought it would be,” Nancy remarks, turning over and breaking up clods of the dark, moist earth.  “I’ll add this garden soil anyway.”

“Yeah, it can’t hurt.”

Reggie joins in, too.  However, when the play becomes intense, he backs off.

While Nancy works on the flower bed, I watch Marg and the boys play and take photos for this post.  Most are too blurry due to all the fast action.

~ ~ ~

Coming up soon . . . 

I’m planning a short camping trip, only a few days, either immediately before or after Labor Day Weekend.

Today, Monday, August 27,  the Perfect Tow Vehicle is in the shop for an oil change and tune-up.

Can’t go camping without the PTV!


NOTE:  Knowing several readers enjoy learning new recipes, I talk with Nancy about featuring her recipes with photos.  They could be in a regular section called “Nancy’s Kitchen” or something like that.

I’m kicking myself for not taking pictures of the dishes I mention in this post.  (Too intent upon eating!)  You’ll see them, along with ingredients, when she cooks them again.  I promise. — Sue


To see products recently purchased by readers or to browse and shop at Amazon, follow any of these links:

Aluminum Tent Stakes
Flahavan’s Irish Porridge Oats
GSI Outdoors Bugaboo Frypan
Wireless Mouse with Nano Receiver
Friends Forever Dog Rope Leash
Platform bed frame, 4 extra inches high for under-bed storage

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