Creating an oasis in southern Arizona: Our house goes to pot!

Thursday, August 23, at home in Arizona

(Photos for today’s post focus on plants in pots around the outside of our house.)

Leaving the crew at home with Nancy and Marg, I drive the Perfect Tow Vehicle to the auto repair shop.  It’s time for an oil change and probably a tune-up.   The PTV has been idling rough lately.

The young woman behind the counter suggests I drop it off early Monday morning.  To get an idea of their pricing I ask how much for a tune-up:  $34 and change.  That’s good.  I’ve paid as much as 45 bucks (Flagstaff).

Nancy will follow me in her car.  It’s nice to have someone available to take me home, rather than having to sit in the auto shop waiting room.

~ ~ ~

Rain showers off-and-on all day.

Nancy remarks:  “What an odd day.  Rain like this reminds me of New York.”

In between showers I manage to mow the side yard and a portion of the back yard where the grass is tall and thin.  The rest never dries out enough to mow.

The first couple days here the plants needed frequent watering and misting to revive from the journey west.   No longer.  Humidity is high and they’re loving it.

~ ~ ~

Horned lizard and I have something in common!

During the previous mow of our yard, I discover the homes of two horned lizards when the approaching roar of the mower rousts them from cover.

I’m relieved they scurry away instead of becoming immobile where I don’t see them and then the mower will . . . . well, you can imagine.

Anyway . . . 

What do I have in common with Horned Lizard and Water Meter Lizard?

Allow me to explain . . .   

One day before Nancy and Marg arrive from Florida, I fuss around clearing out the large, covered patio area to make room for their stuff.  I place items that I’ll want with me when traveling and camping into the back of the PTV.

Horned Lizard is fussing around in the dirt nearby, at the outside corner of the chain link fence. While I watch, fascinated, she (he?) creates a shady burrow next to a rock and a weed.  The rock serves as a patio for sunning and the weed provides shade.

“You’re busy today, too!”

Horned Lizard takes a break, half-climbs up the rock, and remains motionless in camo, one eye trained on me.

Whenever I go out to the PTV, I stop by Horned Lizard’s little abode.  Sometimes she’s home, sometimes not.  Today being very rainy, I wonder about her and decide to pay a visit.


The burrow is all filled in with no sign it ever existed.

Well, how about that.  Kind of like a good boondocker.

Leaving no trace.

See, I finally did get to the point.  

Horned Lizard and I have something in common.  Maybe you do, too!

~ ~ ~

The plants in this post are only a few of all that are here.

Readers in comments refer to house plants.  These aren’t house plants.  They’re plants in pots that created an outdoor oasis for Nancy and Marg on her patio in Florida.  The plants in pots create similar relaxing retreats here in southern Arizona on our front porch and back patio, along with wicker furniture, and even a fountain.

We shall see if Florida plants can adapt to Arizona.

Over time I’ll post photos.  At this time, Nancy is still arranging and rearranging to get everything just right, inside the house and out.

As she wrote in an email from Florida, “You’ll get tired of me primping (the house) all the time.”

I don’t think so.

I’m glad that someone else is doing it and not me!


NOTE:  I’m very appreciative of the way blogorinos create a relaxing retreat in the comment section of my blog, conversing with and caring for each other.  Thank you for participating while I step back and focus on life here at home with Nancy, Marg, Reggie, and Roger.  — Sue


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