Thursday, August 16
I open my inbox this morning and find news from Nancy.
Disturbing news.
“We lost about 3 hours yesterday due to the tire so drove until 9, then collapsed at a Days Inn. The truck is old, 200k miles, the tire guy said it’s leaking brake fluid and we discovered the lights on the trailer aren’t working. We are up at 4:30 to work on both. Not exactly a great situation, never considered we would end up with a crappy old truck that burns a ton of gas.
“Marg is a trooper, me not so much. Hoping today goes well . . .
“Will keep you posted. xx00”
What the heck?
Budget Truck Rental sends them off on a 1,900+ mile journey in a truck/trailer like that?
In an email reply I commiserate and tell Nancy that she, Frankie, and Marg have the prayers and good wishes of blogorinos from all over the country and beyond.
~ ~ ~
Around 7:30 a.m. Arizona time, I check my inbox again . . .
More news from Nancy!
“You can add for your blogorinos, wiper blades shot and the rain water leaked into the cab, right into my purse before I realized.
“Good news! We just gained an hour, almost to Pensacola.”
~ ~ ~
8:00 a.m. Arizona time I open this:
Check back for further updates!
I’ll post them as I receive them.
~ ~ ~
At 3 p.m. Arizona time, Nancy sends this drive-by photo:
~ ~ ~
The nightmare continues!
Around 5:30 Arizona time and 7:30 east Texas time, I receive another report from Nancy:
“We are completely broken down in TX, this truck is not going any further. We are in a roach motel waiting for service truck. Budget is worthless. The best I can figure is a service truck will come and determine it can’t go and we will get another truck and have everything loaded into the new truck. Budget said they transfer the stuff.
“Will keep you posted.”
~ ~ ~
NOTE: “Day Two: Back on the road, leaving truck troubles behind.” Yeah, right. Thanks a lot, Budget. — Sue
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