Spa treatment for the Best Little Trailer; Roosevelt Lake, AZ, boondock amid cactus blooms

Photos in this post display scenes at a boondock situated on a bluff near Roosevelt Lake, Arizona.  Pinyon Mountain provides a dramatic backdrop.  

Bridget, Reggie and I camp here in April 2015, postponing our annual trek north in order to see the opening of the scores of cactus blooms.  We are rewarded beyond anything I could have anticipated.

This post comes to you from our recently purchased house in southern Arizona.  We await the arrival our permanent housemates, Nancy (my sister) and her dog Marg, in two weeks.  RVing will resume sometime in the future.

~ ~ ~

August 7, 2018, in Arizona

Today is a special day for the Best Little Trailer!

The BLT is going to have a spa treatment!

A few days ago I call a carpet cleaning company and a man by the name of Ken sets up an appointment for today at 9 a.m.  Having an appointment gives this procrastinator the necessary motivation to finish emptying the BLT of everything not nailed down.

I’m surprised at how much is crammed in all the cupboards.  My new cart transports heaping loads of stuff to the patio.

 I clean the BLT’s kitchen and fiberglass surfaces and take down the curtains and curtain rods.

Gee, the carpeting looks terrible!

Having nothing inside the BLT reveals how dirty her walls have become.   By nine the BLT is ready for her steam cleaning.

I’m immediately struck by the efficiency of the steam cleaner crew.

Ken jumps out of the truck and meets me at the front gate.  A preteen girl (his daughter?) follows. Together we walk to the back yard and Ken steps inside the BLT.

“This will clean up nicely.  See this here?  That’s glue.  That won’t be removed.”

Ken peers into the carpeted cupboard which serves as my pantry.  

(I never liked that it’s carpeted.  I guess the idea is to keep things from sliding around.) Breakage and spills make this the dirtiest area.

“Stains won’t come out.”

“I understand.”

We agree on the price of $65.  

Ken estimates the job to take around 20-30 minutes.

In a flash Ken is in the van, backing to the backyard gate.  The girl has the gate open for him.  Ken gets a phone call while in the van.  The girl immediately opens the back of the van, unreels a hose and connects it to a spigot at the corner of the house.

Next she pulls out a large vacuum-type hose from a reel, bringing it around to the door of the BLT as Ken comes out of the van.  They get right to work.  Not a word has been spoken between them.

Very professional.

I go into the house where Reggie and Roger are wondering what the heck is going on.  I can’t let them outside because the cleaner van blocks the gate from closing.

“Don’t worry, guys.  Everything is fine.  You play while I get on the computer.”

When the job is done, Ken comes in the back door of the house.

I have his check ready.  I haven’t looked at the BLT’s interior yet, but I can tell from the way Ken and the girl operate that they did a good job.

Reg and Rog jump around  Ken’s feet as he gets out his phone, works his thumbs on the screen, and sends an invoice to my email inbox.

He thanks me, I thank him, we shake hands, and out he goes.

Not a moment wasted.

I follow Ken out and head for the BLT.  Ken goes straight to the cleaner van where the girl waits. She’s already put away the hoses.

(My gosh, it’s almost worth 65 bucks to see a preteen-er do her work without grumbling, sighing, or being nagged!)

A few seconds later  . . .

I call out to Ken, right before they drive away.

“Beautiful!  It’s looks fantastic!”

“Thank you!  Call us if you need anything!”

~ ~ ~

Oh, my . . . The Best Little Trailer has that after-spa glow.

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Interested in learning more about today’s featured boondock?

If so, take a look at the post, “Lingering at an exceptionally fine boondock in Tonto National Forest,” as well as posts before and after.

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Oh, I forgot to mention . . . 

I ordered new curtains from Amazon for the Best Little Trailer.  More about that in an upcoming post.

You know how it is, ladies . . . You have a spa treatment or get a new haircut and suddenly you need a new outfit, too!



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