
Thursday, November 27

Photo taken May 19, 2014, at our campsite along Ivey Creek, Salina, Utah

1-TomTurkeyHappy Thanksgiving from RVSue and Bridget

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88 Responses to Thanksgiving

  1. Gale McMahon says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to you too Sue!

  2. weather says:

    That tom looks so proud I think that he’s aware of how gorgeous he is,simply beautiful,Sue-perfect post 🙂

  3. Bill & Ann says:

    Happy Thanksgiving, Sue & Bridgit. Have a peaceful day. From Down in Why, Az. So peaceful; except for a few singing coyotes.

  4. phoneguy1212 says:

    Sue have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  5. Kitt, NW WA says:

    Sue and Bridget,

    May you have sunshine and blue skies on this Thanksgiving Day!


  6. Marilu from Northern California says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to Sue, Bridget, Rusty and Timber and the whole RV Sue blogorino family.

  7. We couldn’t be more blessed following you, Sue. Ride on!

  8. Suzi in MD says:

    Thinking of you today and wishing you and Bridget a very happy and peaceful Thanksgiving. I also want to say thank you for the effort you put into your blog and sharing your adventures with us.

  9. Ilse says:

    Happy Thanksgiving Sue! So many things to be grateful for, including the enjoyment I get from seeing this beautiful country with you. Thank you for doing what you do so the rest of us can dream.

  10. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Holiday greetings to all!

  11. Susan in Dallas says:

    Now that’s a picture to be thankful for! Must have been great to see him in person. Best wishes for a peaceful Thanksgiving with Bridget at your side. My son is in from L. A. and I’m cooking all his favorites.

  12. Elizabeth in WA says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to you Sue!! Gorgeous turkey photo!!

  13. Ingrid says:

    Great turkey photo and perfect shot for the post. Wishing you and Bridget a lovely Thanksgiving 🙂

  14. Kellee says:

    Happy Thanksgiving Day! What a great photo of a turkey

  15. Toni Matthews says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and Bridget. Hope to be traveling some of your peaceful campgrounds soon.

  16. DesertGinger says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to all. I have the stuffing and Brussels sprouts au gratin in the oven; working on mashed potatoes. Pot luck is at 1pm. Later I’m home with a good book and leftovers and my apple pie with vanilla bean ice cream. Yummy!

  17. Monica says:

    Awesome picture! I find it interesting that a bird can be so ugly and handsome at the same time. I’m thankful that you enjoy sharing a wee bit of your RV world and travels with us. Happy Thanksgiving!

  18. Betty Shea says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your furbaby!
    God Bless you and have the bestest day…:+))!!!!

  19. Mick'nTN says:

    Happy Thanksgiving RvSue&Bridget and all Blogorinos.

  20. AlanOutandAbout says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to one and all. Beautiful shot. You don’t get Toms in full display all that often.

  21. Susie in Destin, FL says:

    I’m thankful for you and your blog. You have given me so much courage.

  22. Tawanda says:

    Happy day of giving thanks Sue and Bridge!!
    Nice picture, how fun to have had the opportunity to see that display in person, in his free range world!!

  23. Donna 'N Girls says:

    What a great picture!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and Bridget from the 2 fuzz faces and me.

  24. Timber n' me says:

    Gobble, gobble, gobble, Nice great Tom. May the Lord Jesus Bless you and Bridget with Wisdom and Health, Happy Thanksgiving,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  25. Diann in MT says:

    Happy Thanksgiving, Sue, Brig, and Blogorinos everywhere!

  26. Velda in Roseville Ca says:

    Happy Thanksgiving all! We have a lot of wild turkeys in Roseville, but none as large,or fat or beautiful as your photographic subject. Have a blessed day Blogorinos.

  27. Deena - Peoria AZ says:

    Sue, Bridge and All of Your Blogerinos, Happy Thanksgiving.

  28. Wickedlady of Shelton WA says:

    Happy turkey day to you, Sue and Bridget.

  29. AZ Jim says:

    I’m sorta late to this party but left greeting on the last page. Anyhow here’s wishing you and Bridget and the entire gang a very happy thanksgiving.

  30. Utah Bonnie says:

    Sue, I am so grateful for your generous sharing of your journey. You’ve inspired a recently divorced artist to take up the gypsy life. I am in the process of getting my ducks in a row and cleaning out the stuff as well as looking into rigs, domiciles, etc. There is so much to do before launch but you’ve enabled me to visualize how that will look for me and my dog and kitty.

    Happy Thanksgiving

  31. Rob, still in WA state says:

    Thank you! And a pleasant Thanksgiving Day to the two of you.

  32. Happy Thanksgiving, Sue and Bridget:)

  33. Barb George says:

    Off to our Aberdeen VS Hoquiam 3rd Annual WATER BALLOON FIGHT! After that, we head to the Rustan Way kids house for fun and food. Got my Orting Grandkids shopping done on a certain Amazon link! YAY!!!
    Hugs from Hoquiam!

  34. Ann says:

    And to you and Bridget, Sue!

  35. Ukulele teri says:

    Have a great Thanksgiving day. We are enjoying the beauty of Sedona and then off to a vegetarian Thanksgiving meal. That turkey is safe from us.


  36. Wonderful picture. We are just down the road from you in Apache Junction. Glorious sunshiny Thanksgiving Day. Enjoy!

  37. Lisa W says:

    Hoping you and Bridget have a great Thanksgiving. Thank you for sharing your life with us.

  38. Paula says:

    What a beautiful turkey! Hope he’s having as good a day as the rest of us. Happy Thanksgiving.

  39. Needle in Plano, TX says:

    Happy Thanksgiving Sue and Bridget.

  40. CheryLyn(Oregon) says:

    Wishing a Happy Thanksgiving to all.

  41. Chaunte in West TN says:

    Hi Sue, and Happy Thanksgiving to both you and the Bridge!
    I remember Ivie Creek, it has been my favorite camp so far!
    I hope y’all have a great holiday and don’t get overstuffed!

    Chaunte’, Shea, GiGi, and Spike

  42. Cheryl says:

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  43. Noelle says:

    Love the photo! On my list of things I’m thankful for today is you, and the inspiration you provide for all of us to follow our dreams. Hope your Thanksgiving was a wonderful one!

  44. Michelle SLC,UT says:

    A very Happy Thansgiving to you and Bridget!
    Just to give you a update on our RV. We finally got our sprinter sportsmobile the middle of August. Went camping with aunt and uncle, learned the ropes. Then we found a full hook up campground at rainbow res. which is run by Tooele Army D. And the state of UT. Can drive right up to a handicap ramp. Hubby can go fishing. We went and stayed for a week and came home and went again. And again. Until they closed at the end of October. We have never had so much fun. Can’t wait for spring. It opens back up the first of May. We were the only ones there! Just loved it.
    So if anyone out there is worried about traveling with a wheelchair, don’t. We have enjoyed the freedom to be able to get out of the sticks and bricks. Hubby even caught a fish!
    Thank you so much for your blog and giving us the thought of “ya we can do this!”

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Dear Michelle,

      When I read you found a good camp and you and your husband went back, again and again, I laughed out loud with delight for you. Then you followed that with “We have never had so much fun” bringing forth tears through my laughter. I’m very happy for you both! Thank you for sharing your story here. Regards to your husband… 🙂

    • Velda in Roseville Ca says:

      I would love to hear more about your Sportsmobile. We almost bought one back in 05, but that was when it was difficult to get a Sprinter certified for CA pollution standards,so ended up with a Leisure Travel van that spring, which we still own and love? So happy you found a way to get out into the wilds.

      • Michelle SLC,UT says:

        Our Sportsmobile is a regular 2500 van. So only 19’4″. It has a pop up top. We have a UVL lift that is housed outside the van. Inside we have a porta potty and shower. Sink stove and fridge. Goucha bed/couch. We only have a grey tank. We also have 2 solar panels. 2 AGM deep cell battery. And a second alternator, that will charge the batteries in minutes. And can be used to run the AC. We got it out of CA. We put hand rails all around the inside.
        6+ years of being home bound. We love the freedom. My husband is way more alert and with it since we got the van. He had a massive stroke and has no use of his left side.

        • Velda in Roseville Ca says:

          Thanks Michelle for your reply. Sounds like you got the perfect RV for you two. Our Sprinter LT is 22 ft long and is the 2500 series, and we love it. We have a wet bath with both grey and black tanks. Sofa bed at rear which makes a king sized bed. All the rest similar to your I suspect. Do you have a wheel chair ramp? So glad it has been so positive for your husband. What a blessing for you both ESP after being housebound for so long. Take care and have fun. We love our Sprinter LT.

    • Jan in Montana says:

      That sounds like the perfect Thankgiving story. So glad that you took what must have been a huge leap in faith and had such a success. Happy camping.

  45. That is a stunning turkey! Good job getting him in full display.

  46. wheelingit says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to you!! Thinking of you and the doggie today. May you have lots of love, lots of sun & lots of happy, quiet boondocking hours 🙂


  47. Mert says:

    Happy thanksgiving Sue Bridget and all the blogorinos
    Peace joy health and happiness
    Mert and Asia (fat and fatter in the bed basically lifeless.. Food coma)

  48. Karen SC says:

    Happy Thanksgiving Sue and Bridget.

  49. Phyllis says:

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

    Phyllis in Oklahoma

  50. Lolalo says:

    WOW! Appropriate photo! Very nice.
    Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving Day, Sue.

  51. Teri in SoCal says:

    I hope everyone had a wonderful day!

  52. Pleinguy says:

    Hope you have a relaxing and peaceful holiday.

  53. Deb Larson says:

    Happy Thanksgiving, hope you and Bridget have a great holiday.

  54. Gayle says:

    Happy Thanksgiving RV Sue, Bridget, blogerinos. Perfect Thanksgiving photo!

    “RV Sue, time to get yourself a Walmart roasted CHICKEN!” said the turkey.

  55. BadgerRickInWis says:

    So much to be grateful for this holiday and high on that list is this community. May you all embrace the bounty of a an abundant universe.

  56. Tawnya says:

    Happy thanksgiving Aunt Susan! I love you!!!!

  57. Laurie in NC says:

    Happy Thanksgiving Sue, Bridget, and all the Blogerinos!
    Hope everyone had a wonderful day yesterday!

  58. Wendy in Thailand says:

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

  59. Lacy says:

    Belated Happy Thanksgiving, Sue! AND Bridget too. Thanks for sharing the good life with us.

  60. Kathy says:

    Belated Happy Thanksgiving!

  61. weather says:

    Covered in snowflakes as sparkling as their eyes the pups prance in hoping for treats-this time fruit is what we share.A diced peach and strawberries for them,mine dribbled with chocolate syrup- “Dining like royalty” the glad game is easy to play here.Good morning,Sue,using your adaptation(with no material things such as toys) is fun.Gifts tangible in different ways are sweet to consider,thanks for adding the twist!

  62. David in Boston says:

    Happy Thanksgiving a day late, Sue and Bridget. Many thanks for sharing all your travels. Hoping you had a lovely day.


  63. chas anderson says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and Bridget!!

    P.S I am thankful that my best buddy,my dog Juice, is thriving.You,and some readers, might remember Juice.She is the dog that had the cancerous tumor and had the front part of her jaw and teeth removed.She is healthy and playful and even getting a bit chubby.Thanks to Cornell University Veterinary School.

    Juice will be headed to Arizona with us after Christmas at home.

  64. Wayne Scott says:

    Great picture. Did you have that Turkey tied to a tent steak!! LOL
    Happy Thanksgiving

  65. gingerda says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and Bridget!!

  66. AZ Jim says:

    Well, Burp!, It’s over for another year. We had a real feast, just the two of us but I couldn’t ask for a better dinner companion than Detta. I did a little of the preparations and quite a bit of the cleanup. Reminded me of my days as a military trainee in the mess hall back almost 60 years ago scrubbing pots and pans, etc. I assure you this meal was much better than any I had there. I sure hope all of you had a great day too.

  67. Angie from SLC says:

    Hope you and Bridget had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Your blog puts a smile on my face and I can’t wait to one day be more of a spur of the moment RV’er. We travel in ours throughout the Spring, Summer and Fall but I am still working full time and have a few more years left. Luckily I get 6 weeks of vacation a year and that sure helps to be able to still work. Hubby retired a year ago this month. He has become quite the house husband!

    Keep safe in your travels and enjoy every day!!!!!

  68. Jim B In Dallas says:

    Hope you & Miss Bridge had a wonderful Thanksgiving! God Bless!

  69. Late to the party, but just a note to say we feel blessed to have found your site as we educate ourselves about the full-time lifestyle. How bad have we got it? I spent Thanksgiving day building our roof-top solar combiner box. A few months ago, I could not even pronounce “combiner box”. Happy Thanksgiving!

  70. Yay! I am thankful for this minute of WiFi to hope you and Bridget had a most wonderful Thanksgiving! Now to send it before I lose my signal! Love ya’ll!

  71. Dawn in MI says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and Bridge too Sue. Enjoy your weekend, I hope it is quiet and peaceful. We’ve got houseguests with two small children, not used to children, so it’s not so quiet. But fun in a different way…right? And eventually everyone goes home. Much to be thankful for in many different ways.

    • Az Jim says:

      Dawn, Keep repeating this manta to yourself…”We can do this…We can do this…We can do this”….earplugs help too. Happy Turkey sandwich week!!

  72. Terri from Texas says:

    A very belated Happy Thanksgiving! Just ordered 2 paperwhites through your blog. Keep a lookout! Finally convinced my husband it would be worth it for him to get one as well. Still eating Turkey! Hope you and the Bridge have a wonderful blessed weekend!

  73. Jean in Southaven, ms says:

    Happy belated Thanksgiving to you RVSue and Bridget and to all blogorinos.

  74. EV in Idaho says:

    Hello! Would it be possible for you to put a link to your Amazon site under your Menu heading at the top of your blog. For some reason, I can only get the link by going to the past shopping ideas you post at end of some of your posts. I want you to get credit for all of my purchases, but my old phone does not show your entire home page. Thanks so much! I so enjoy your blog and want to support your lifestyle with my meager purchases. I just ordered the Ken Burns “Roosevelt” dvd’s. I hope you get the credit. Take care and hug your little companion for me.

  75. cluelesscampers and canine (Eastern Missouri) says:

    Happy Thanksgiving Sue and Her Royal Highness, Bridget!! We are thankful every day for your blog. Your photos are amazing, especially liked the recent post with the close up photos of desert plants. Thank you also for sharing the ups and the downs; it is actually comforting to know that we are not the only ones “blessed” with breakdowns when we camp….I guess it just goes with the territory. We too ordered a Kindle paperwhite (and cover) through your blog this weekend; the blogorinos gift of choice this Christmas! I hope it show up on your sales soon.

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