Lazy days boondocking

Monday, March 11

Bob and Jeff come up the lane with Homer trotting alongside.  After a brief conversation, Bob leaves to return to his campsite to prepare for a day-trip into Phoenix.  Jeff and I and the crew climb into the Perfect Tow Vehicle.  We both need to pick up some milk and want to find a new place to walk.

I pull into Woody’s Grocery which is a convenience store.

I don’t think there’s a regular grocery store in Tonopah.  Milk is $3.99 a half-gallon.  Back in the PTV I notice I’m low on gas.  A stop at the pumps reveals the price for regular is $4.09, so I don’t buy much.

Before we reach the BLM road that goes to our campsites, I turn onto another BLM road and park.

“This will make a good walk toward that side of the mountain.”  I sling my camera around my neck, grab my walking stick, let out the crew, and we’re off.

Talking with Jeff is such an engaging experience that it doesn’t occur to me to take a photo at any point on our walk.  (That’s why some of the photos don’t match this post.  I took them previously during an early evening walk on the day the sky turned an incredible blue.)


I tell Jeff I want to look for campsites along the way.

“I want to have other options in case the next time I’m here the road we’re camped on now has too many campers on it.  I want to come back to Saddle Mountain.”

We discover four good sites and another lane to explore.

We don’t go to the end of the road because it’s getting hot and we have milk in the PTV.  I may go back to that road and drive further in to explore it all the way to the mountain.  I’m quite sure there are more good places to camp along that road.

The afternoon passes quickly.

I don’t do anything special.  I read my book, go online, play with Bridget, chase after Spike, and watch Judge Judy.  Oh boy, here we go again.  A young woman has found herself in a mess after she let a man she just met sleep on her couch for three months (yeah, right) and then loaned him a thousand dollars . . . .

Surprise, surprise! 

He refuses to pay her back now that he’s got a new couch to lie on in the home of another woman.

Apparently there’s no shortage of gullible young women in this world and the leeches who prey upon them.  Every time I turn on Judge Judy, there’s another pathetic woman plaintiff standing next to her sorry-excuse-for-a-man ex-boyfriend.  Anyway . . .

I get four television channels here and they’re all in English! 

Tuesday, March 12

(This is a photo of Jeff,  Homer, and Bob on top of a knoll at the base of Saddle Mountain right before sunset a few days ago.)


Jeff leaves this morning. 

He’s still a member of the world of work and has to get back East.  Bob stops by and we walk our canines together.  We have so much to discuss!  On the way back, the crew and I stop at our campsite, while Bob and Homer continue on to theirs.

“I’ll get my Benchmark and be back in a little while,” Bob says as he heads toward his home.  I promised Bob I would share information on our Arizona boondocks.

I crank out the awning because the sun is directly overhead now and it’s warm. 


Bob comes back and we jabber for a long time.  Before we know it, it’s afternoon . . .  Gee, we both have blogs to write!


And I’ve got a dishpan stacked high with dirty dishes . . . .


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48 Responses to Lazy days boondocking

  1. Barb L. says:

    A full dishpan- sounds like my place. Would love to hear your favorite meals- any tips for small space cookery?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi Barb,

      My favorite dishes are plain, unhealthy and fattening. Stuff like fried potatoes and onions or sausage and peppers or pasta with pesto . . . Think high-carb and high-fat. Ha!

      I usually eat boring stuff like Greek yogurt, salads, canned soups, grilled or sauteed chicken breast, etc. That’s why I don’t include my meals very often on this blog. Sorry!

    • CT says:

      Barb L., thought I’d butt in here with a cooking comment. Since I became a fulltimer, I find that I do a lot more meals in my slow cooker. It doesn’t take up a lot of space & everything is in 1 pot which means not a lot of cleanup. I like the fact that I can use this 1 appliance to make a basic soup or a full meat & potatoes meal. I also got rid of nearly all my cookbooks – not enough space & they’re heavy too. I get 99% of my recipes online now. There are so many recipe websites that I never am at a loss for a new recipe to try if I want to. Don’t know if you have the space, but I also use my toaster oven much more than I did when I had a house. I can bake, broil or just make toast. It really comes in handy.

  2. Teri in SoCal says:

    What a beautiful place to be.

  3. Mary Ann (Pontotoc, MS) says:

    Sue, ‘majestic’ and ‘surreal’ are the only adjectives I can think of to describe these photos, whatever day you took them. God certainly paints a beautiful sky! And those two precious pups sure are some happy looking critters!

  4. earthdancerimages says:

    I just finished all my dishes! Feels great to look over and see the dish drainer full of clean dishes and pots and pans!

  5. fossildreamer john says:

    Hi Sue, I always loved to shoot the ==== with someone who knew when it was time to leave,
    than again other days they could stay all day.. guess it just depended on the guest,, My best dish was chili, would cook enough for about a week,, good thing I only lived with my dog max
    ” Poor max ” I tell everyone, This is Max and he permit’s me to live with him…
    Safe Travel’s Sue…..

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, John,

      I can honestly say that since I’ve been on the road, my guests have never overstayed their welcome. We always seem to know when it’s the right time to go back to our campsites. I don’t know why that is. Probably has something to do with the relaxed pace and the honesty (lack of superficiality) of the people I’ve been fortunate to meet.

      Chili is a great dish to make in large batches and freeze portions. I use to do that a lot in my younger days. Regards to Max!

  6. cinandjules (NY) says:

    Another day in paradise………………..enjoy!

  7. Rob, just outside of Alamogordo NM (Holloman AFB) says:

    It sounds like you need more dishes or bigger dishpan! It always seems a shame to waste a nice afternoon on chores .

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Aha! But I don’t waste a nice afternoon. That’s why I use a dishpan. I take it outside, set it on a little table, and wash and dry while in my camp chair enjoying the sunshine and breeze! Sometimes I wash and dry while I have company, too.

  8. Laurie from Southern Oregon says:

    Hi Sue,
    Glad your enjoying the desert and sun. It’s nice to have company once in awhile. Just wanted to update you on Coach Net roadside assistance. Wendy, my traveling friend had yet another blow out on a front tire this time.(guess she should have gotten all six.) Soooo… anyway we are stuck in the middle of nowhere Texas with a blowout on the side of I-20 about 15 miles to the closest town(Pecos). We call Coach Net and the lady gets the info and can’t quite find out where I’am, so she tells me to call 911. I say “what, isn’t that illegal?” Feeling rather stupid i call 911 and say “um can you tell me where I,am the roadside lady suggested I call you.” She tells me with out hesitation, like it’s a daily occurrence . I relay the info to Coach Net and In about a half hour from the blow out Hector arrives and makes short work of the tire change.I’m very impressed with Coach Net. Now that’s what I call service!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Geez, what’s with the blown tires? Are they inflated properly? Well, I’m happy to hear Coach Net came to the rescue. I appreciate the update and I’m sure there are readers who do, too. Stay safe and enjoy your visit with the new baby.

  9. Timber n' me says:

    Hi Sue, We moved south ’bout 5 cliks and now we’re on Prescott National Forest, Rd.,068, off Hwy 89 to the east. Kibab National Forest requires campers to camp 30 feet from the center of the road and we don’t like camping in goatheads, we got a warning, so we moved. Prescott N.F. only requires 300 ft., and 14 day’s camping, then move 20 miles to another camp. There are only two Vets getting ready to move out of their home’s and then we’ll have a permenet home thru the Vash -HUD, the VA is neet in helping us Veterans, should be in a house by May 1st. after we get settled, I’ll cook up some Tuna fish casserole with green beans and a real salid with home made Honey Musterd. Timber say’s hi to your Crew,,,,see ya

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi Rusty … Wow, Kaibab NF is only 30 ft. from the road center? Not so nice. I remember the 300 ft. rule when I camped at Willard Springs off Hwy 17. I think that’s Cococino NF. I know where you’re camped now.

      Your new living arrangement sounds exciting! Another chapter in your life, Rusty. You might end up liking the easy life with all the modern conveniences! Hi to Timber… Take care.

  10. Rattlesnake Joe says:

    Nice weather here at Wikieup AZ today. Everyone is in a good mood and the snow has melted off the mountains. Lizards are out but no sign of snakes yet, however I have heard rumors of a couple of cowboys running into one or two. While the hunters were out looking for Javelina up in the hills I found their tracks all around my Casita a couple of days ago here in the RV park. Guess those critters are smarter than the hunters. There is one pesky woodpecker that is waking me up now almost every morning by his irriating squawks wanting his humming bird juice. I’m gonna have to have a talk with my neighbor about all the racket that he is causing with an empty feeder ha. This is all the news from Shangra La.

  11. stanw909 says:

    Wow. My two favorite bloggers in the same vicinity. What a treat but glad you’re both still being productive for your fans.

  12. Kellee says:

    I love the photo of Bridget and Spike under the awning – they look like they are smiling! My husband is starting to look for trucks to tow and we are developing our 5 year hit the road plan! I can thank you for that – my husband is always asking where is Sue? He is finally starting to see this as a real possibility! YEAH!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      That’s fantastic, Kellee!

      I like that you have a 5-year-plan and not a “someday.” I believe the more you see yourselves “hitting the road” as a reality that WILL happen, the better your planning and the smoother your transition. I’m so glad your husband is on board and you both can look toward this goal together. Exciting!

      • DeAnne from TN says:

        Yep! I’m working my eight year plan. Great thing I am doing for myself and for my plan is that I have found a one bedroom apt. vs. the four bedroom I am renting now. Savings of $275 a month. And, I am having a “Make an Offer” sale. Like a yard sale, but I will accept reasonable offers on everything. I’m sure to clear of this house of stuff and bad memories.

  13. Linda Sand says:

    Hmmm. I always thought of you as a person who prefers solitude. But you have three chairs under your awning. 🙂

  14. Cathy S says:

    Thank you times ten!!! For adding the links for each month. I am soooo enjoying seeing your smart/frugal life Ms Sue. Again, a huge thank you from all us tablet users

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Cathy. I should have put those links up sooner. (Cathy is referring to the monthly financial reports available for viewing from the header — “Money”)

      We’re getting the same heat over here in Arizona. I’m not complaining! Spring is here!

  15. Ron says:

    Wow ,remind me to never go to court around you Sue. LOL
    1 1/2 days till the landing of my egg.

  16. Jeannie says:

    Hi Sue, I’ve been following your blog for a couple of months and have enjoyed it so much that I went back to the beginning to read EVERYTHING. Very entertaining and a lot of good information. My 17′ LD will be ready in May…waiting for the grandkids to get out of school in June so they’ll be able to come with me on the trip from WA state to TX.
    The posting from your “pick up day” in August, 2011 stated you paid extra for a hitch extension. Were you talking about the stinger that inserts into the hitch receiver or something they mounted onto the trailer itself? Thanks so much and stay cool.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Cathy… This is hard to explain without a diagram or photo . . .

      A hitch was already installed on the PTV before I left Georgia. However, the height of the hitch ball (which is another piece) was difficult for the shop to determine by long-distance phone call to Texas . So I waited until I was at the Casita factory to have the additional piece attached to the hitch(which had no ball yet). The additional piece (the extension with ball) angles upward to hold the hitch ball at the correct height. I’ll be posting photos of the hitch with ball within the next few days and you’ll see what I mean.

      Congratulations on ordering your Liberty Deluxe!

  17. cinandjules (NY) says:

    I have a question for you.

    Since Casita only sells from their factory in Rice….how do you “really” know the interior layout will fit your lifestyle without actually seeing it in person?

    For example: The Freedom deluxe has the captain chair/dinette area. But is there enough space in the aisle to move around? How does one pick their model?

    • Cathy S says:

      Popping in here as we have the Freedom and have been living full time in it for 9 months. Two of us …and our dog, a westie have learned the “dance”… an acquired skill that improves with practice. There isn’t a lot of room. But…in ease of driving, towing handling, and in every other way…Casita is huge

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      The people at the Casita factory will arrange for you to tour the inside of a Casita belonging to someone near where you are.

      Or you could be like me and look at a brochure and the Casita travel trailer showroom at their website and make a decision based on that. It was easy for me to eliminate the Freedom because I don’t need two captain chairs. I could eliminate the Spirit because I don’t need a dinette and it takes up room I’d rather use for something else. It became obvious that the Liberty Deluxe was the right model for me and the crew.

      Cathy’s comment says a lot about adjusting to a small living space and why Casita people love their eggs.

      • Cathy S says:

        I just found out that most Air Force bases have Casitas available for rental. Even if you can’t rent one, perhaps you know someone who can get you on base and over to look at one? We took out the table and both captain chairs….don’t miss them…needed more counter and storage space.

      • cinandjules (NY) says:

        Just wondered how ya’ll chose. Before we bought our “C” we must have climbed into hundreds of different models/configurations.

        I like the Freedom because of the dining area..but I don’t like the stove near the bed. I like the Liberty layout of the stove but dining area is right in the aisle. The Spirit has the dining box seats but the stove is the same as the Freedom.

        Guess what it comes down to is practical space and personal preference. Hopefully someone nearby (heh heh) has one.

        Thanks for your input Cathy…..interesting that you took the chairs and table out opting for more space. Browsing the casita site and read the thread on “why?”

  18. Rattlesnake Joe says:

    I knew it! Not only fame but now with her Amazon gig, fortune is soon to come. Why I’ll betcha it won’t be long until her name will be in lights for receiving the first Golden Saguaro award for best blogger in the wild west.

  19. Bluhm says:

    I was at work at a state park today and a man asked me if I was RV Sue. I told him I had read your blog and asked him if he was a blogger, but he said”No”. Thought you’d like to know your fame is growing!

  20. Hazel says:

    Do you use the slow cooker off your solar 12 volt or 110a/c investor power ?

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