A Big Event at home and revisiting Wetmore Campground, Oregon

In case you’re new to my blog or you’ve been away, the crew and I are spending the summer in Arizona in our recently purchased home to be shared with my sister, Nancy, beginning in August.  Reggie, Roger, and I will return to RVing with the Best Little Trailer and the Perfect Tow Vehicle sometime in the future.  

In the meantime I’m inserting photos of previous camps as I write about our life in Arizona.

Today’s photos feature Wetmore Campground in eastern Oregon.

Wetmore Campground is one of three, inexpensive campgrounds along Route 26 between John Day and Unity, Oregon, in the Blue Mountains of Wallowa-Whitman National Forest.

Bridget, Reggie and I camped there in the month of August and we had the entire campground to ourselves!

You can read about the three campgrounds at my August 2015 post, “Oregon, Yellow Pine, and Wetmore Campgrounds.”

Thursday, June 21, in Arizona

Oh, I have to tell you about a big event that occurred recently!

As reported on this blog, I’ve been loading up the Perfect Tow Vehicle with lawn debris, household trash, and various junk left behind by the previous owner, and hauling it all to the transfer station.

After getting rid of two full loads —  and the PTV packed to the ceiling is a LOT of trash — I decide the time has come to assume the last indicator of home ownership.

Regular trash pick-up!

I read the phone number off a neighbor’s green bin set out along the street and make the call.  Soon I’m delivered a very large, green bin-on-wheels of my own.

You might not think this is a big deal.  Maybe you rolled your eyes or even snorted at the exclamation point (above).

Well, let me point out something.

I’ve been on the road with my crew for over six years, camping mostly in places with very little or absolutely no amenities.

One of the first things to master at a new boondock, besides finding a decent-size grocery store, a drinking water spigot, and a propane dealer, is where to get rid of one’s trash.

Not always easy to do.

Once that’s figured out, one has to transport one’s trash and dump it.

So, yes, having a truck come by and pick up our trash qualifies as A Really Big Event.


$24 a month for once-a-week pickup.  I go online, open the email from the refuse company, follow the link provided, and set up my account.  I pay for two month’s service.

I bet you think that’s the end of me trash talking, don’t you.

Oh, no.  There’s more.

In anticipation of trash pickup the following morning, I set about filling up my bin.  First I heave in a large lawn-and-leaf bag filled with pine needles and some kind of miserable little plants that put out miniature daggers that stick into paws.  (I would like to keep the pine needles for mulch but that will spread the misery around.)

On top of that big bag I place three smaller kitchen bags.  Since there’s still room, I bag up more of the pine needles and miserable plants and place that on top.  I have to press on the lid to make it close all the way.

Happy Homeowner Me wheels the bin to the street.  

Ah, this is nice.  I could get used to this routine.

Later . . . .

I may have mentioned that the local library provides me with a wide selection of movies, television series, documentaries, and how-to’s on DVD.  I have a stack of DVDs for the BLT’s little television which is presently set up in our bedroom.

After a morning of painting the inside of the house and after fixing lunch, it’s relaxing to push back in my zero gravity chair and watch one of my selections.

Or in the evening . . .

After the boys are nestled in their beds nearby, I pop in a DVD in lieu of computer time. Last night I watch “The Mosquito Coast” with Harrison Ford and Helen Mirren (both considerably younger than today).

The characters in that movie take full-time boondocking to a level I never want to go!

Okay, let’s back up a bit.

It’s the evening before Trash Pickup Day.  The bin is out at the street.  Reggie, Roger, and I have had our supper.  I tidy up.  I sit on the porch and gaze at the distant mountains or wave to neighbors as they pass by walking their dogs.

The boys play and chase each other around the house and yard until they’re worn out and ready for bed. We go inside and the two tired pups get a drink and head for our bedroom.

I take a shower, get into my nightgown, brush teeth, etc.

Ah, now for choosing entertainment for this evening . . . . I’m in the mood for a couple episodes of Seinfeld. . . . . Wha?  Where are the DVDs?  I always keep them right here by the TV!  (Pause)   Well, I must’ve left them in the PTV. . . . .  

(I picked up three DVDs from the library earlier that day.)

By the time I’m outside approaching the PTV, I’m pretty sure I’m not going to find them there.

I bet I mistook the Wal-Mart bag with the DVDs in it for a bag of kitchen trash.  Oh, crap! The DVDs are in the bin out by the street.  Yep, that’s where they are.  No doubt about it.

I go out to the bin in my nightie.

I look around surreptitiously, hoping the neighbors aren’t watching.  I open the lid, pull out the large bag of pine needles and misery plants and toss it on the ground.  I reach into the bin, untie the first kitchen bag, and proceed to pick around its contents.

Nope.  Oh boy, two more to go.

I open up the second bag, push aside the rancid chicken bones and numerous pieces of junk mail urging me to purchase mortgage insurance, and there to my relief and delight is Jerry Seinfeld making a face at me.


NOTE:  Hey, here I am sharing with the world another one of my dumb moves.  How about you going into comments and telling us something dumb you’ve done?  — Sue


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164 Responses to A Big Event at home and revisiting Wetmore Campground, Oregon

  1. Pam bohanek says:


  2. Second??? But it keeps saying it’s a duplicate?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Elaine,

      That’s a WordPress glitch whenever a large number of people are accessing a site. It happens to me, too. Refresh the page and it’s fixed.

  3. pookie and chuck in Todd Mission, tx says:


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You sure are, pookie and chuck! I’m happy to see you here. Missed you! I hope all is well with you and yours. 🙂

      • pookie and chuck in Todd Mission, tx says:

        i am lurking and reading your every post tho i usually dont comment…health hasnt been good this year but glad to see you settleing down in one place for a while….
        pookie and chuck

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I wondered that you might be having health problems. Wishing you good health and happiness, pookie and chuck.

  4. Donna Parker says:

    Hi, Sue. I haven’t read your blog in a good while, so I was surprised to see the changes in your lifestyle. (I went back a ways and caught up a bit.). Somehow, it made me happy to read that you’ve bought a house and will have a base out of which to operate. Plus the company of family. I know this blog is very important to you, but clearly it’s not your life. Best wishes to you and your sister for new adventures together!

  5. Columbus Calvin says:

    I might be fourth. Don’t feel bad about getting the wrong stuff in the trash container. Some of us, like me, have to go through that to learn caution.

    That’s a pretty campground. The picture of Bridget in her royal carriage brought back memories.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Calvin,

      Oh, I don’t feel bad. Doing “dumb” things is part of my lifestyle. Ha.

      Yeah, Bridget loved being pushed in a stroller. You’re right… It was her royal carriage and she was the queen.

  6. Dawn in Michigan says:

    Good thing you figured that DVD thing out before the garbage truck got there!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Dawn,

      That’s what I was thinking. If I hadn’t decided to watch a DVD that evening and went online instead, I wouldn’t have noticed that they were gone until after the truck picked up the trash the next day. I would’ve had to pay the library for three DVDs.

  7. Stephanie Turner OR says:

    Dumb moves. One I recall easily, with no small measure of embarrassment still, is when many, many years ago I was talking to my boss’ wife and referred to her as ‘a little old lady” to her face. Yep. She was little, she did look old, and my brain just put the words together and out they came. She laughed graciously but was shocked. So was I. It was never the same. No, he didn’t fire me as he was fooling around with someone on his staff, he knew I knew and so I made it thru that one. I did change jobs shortly after. 40 years later and I’m still embarrassed.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Gee, Stephanie, I gotta’ say, among all the dumb things to say, that’s pretty dumb. hahahaha… You must be a delight at parties. 🙂

      Okay, I’m teasing. We all have said things we wish we didn’t. Kind of handy having that bit of info on the boss. Poor wife gets cheated on and called ‘a little ol lady,’ too!

      Thanks for starting this topic for us…

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Your comment started me thinking. Over the years I’ve had 4 bosses who were cheating on their wives…. a school principal, two executives, and a minister.

    • Linda in NE says:

      It never hurts to know where the bodies are buried. LOL

  8. Geri in the FL panhandle! says:

    💗. don’t think I’m gonna talk about the stupid things I do!!! 😂😁😂
    Nice to have garbage service coming to the front door! One of the good things about being stationary!
    Hugs to the boys!

  9. tamra says:

    dumb stuff I have done? oh, where do i start?
    OK, how about this one: not being used to having a garage, one morning i begin backing the car out before the door is all the way up. smash! suv need a new rear window…
    yup, dumb!

  10. Nancy in California says:

    Hahaha!! That’s one of the downsides to living in a house. Ya gotta worry about what the neighbors think! Well, you don’t have to, of course, but most of us do, I think.
    I too have made a career out of doing dumb things, altho many of them seemed smart at the time. One that didn’t was the time I was exiting a beach parking lot. I exited, rolling smoothly over those deadly spike things designed to keep people from sneaking in the exits, you know, they have big signs saying “Do Not Back Up! Severe Tire Damage”. Just then, i saw movement out of the corner of my eye. I only remember thinking, “a bird!”, and proceeded to throw it in reverse, running over the spikes and blowing my 2 rear tires. My passenger looked at me in disbelief Like I had never in my life seen a bird in a bush before! 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Oh, Nancy, I think you are presently in first place in Dumb Things I’ve Done. That’s a biggie! You must’ve felt so foolish and, on top of that, you had the hassle and expense of two ripped up tires.

      You know, I’ll always think of you from now on whenever I drive over those one-way spikes.

      • Nancy in California says:

        Hooray for me!! Even funnier is that several years later I watched a Catholic priest, friend of the family, do the exact same thing! At a beach parking lot. Don’t think there was a bird ID at stake, he just wanted to go back for some reason

  11. Suzicruzi from The 'Couve says:

    Hi Sue,
    I have to chuckle as I’ve often done the same thing trying to multi-task. I’m sure that’s where my Jade ring went; either to the dump, or to the donation center in a pocket of one of the many things I’ve recently donated. At least you found your Seinfield!
    We are 7 days out from heading to Rice. It seems a lifetime ago when I was just thinking “maybe we can do this…”, and now it’s here. I found out I have to come back “here” in mid August, as one of the little spots on my hand I had looked at several weeks ago, turned out to be a naughty one, and I’ll need a MOHS procedure to dig it out. Is that what you had done on your nose? I remember you too, got checked before you left on your journey, and had to have something removed from your nose. They couldn’t schedule me soon enough before we left, and so I’ll just come back when they can fit me in.
    Enjoy your day! 😊

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Suzi,

      Yeah, I had that procedure done. “So it goes, Mohs nose” I’m sorry it means you have to go back.

      I can feel your pain about the Jade ring. That’s one of those “I could kick myself” situations. I hope it went to the donation center and not the dump. At least someone eventually got to enjoy it.

      Seven more days. 🙂

  12. VictoriaEP formerly in Estes Park says:

    Dumb, or at least, funny move today. I’m sitting in my RV and hear water running. I look in the kitchen, the shower, the toilet. Don’t see any water turned on. Lift the sofa seat to look at my fresh water tank. No apparent leaks there. I can hear the running water everywhere, even in the bedroom. I go outside to see if the water spigot connection came off. Nope, everything there looks fine. I turn off the water spigot and go back inside. Still hear the water running. So I pull my phone out of my pocket to make an appt for an RV repair because, dang, there’s water running somewhere! Except that there isn’t. When I look at the phone i just pulled from my pocket, I see that my white noise app is open and set to a ‘rain’ setting. No wonder I heard that water running everywhere!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hilarious, Victoria! You’re like the crew! Okay, I shouldn’t share this, being as I’m a lady and all, but here goes.

      Recently I was in the master bathroom and Reggie and Roger were in the bedroom. I was on the toilet and, ahem, I, well, I passed gas, okay? Reggie and Roger jumped up and ran down the hall barking at whatever creature had made such an awful sound. Hahaha! I thought I’d fall off the throne laughing.

      • Stephanie Turner OR says:

        That’ll teach ‘em there is such a thing as too close!

        Several of these have me laughing outloud! Thanks for the chance to laugh. Yesterday was a rough day so this is good timing for me.

      • Geri in the FL panhandle! says:

        😂 😊 👍😵 FUNNY! A SW C.F.

      • Barbara from Camano Island says:

        This one got me laughing out loud, too. 😂🤣🤢

      • JazzLover says:

        That is just priceless, no other word necessary. How long did the boys keep looking/barking? Cannot get the grin off my face. Thanks.

      • CherylLynInLowerThumbofMI says:

        If the third time is the charm, what’s fourth? Dumb computer, or the user. Had to “chime” in on this. I know I’m late to the “party”, but better late than never.

        My dog Joe an all black Reggie & Roger look-alike, passes gas while sleeping; and when he does he jumps up like a firecracker went off and stares at us as if to say, “Why’d you do that?” He doesn’t “pass gas”, he audibly FARTS (Bless his heart)!! LOL. After he chastises us for waking him up, he sniffs his hiney then goes back to sleep! Dearly love him, though.

        It’s raining as I write here in our little paradise of Vassar, MI. In the high 70’s. That’s cold for this time of year. But the corn looks like it will be farther than “knee-high” by the 4th of July!

        Sue, prayers for all the Blogarinos you have accumulated all of these years that are in need. Your entertaining prose is delightful! Pictures, divine! May God Bless you, Nancy in her travels in August, Reggie, Roger, and Marge; once you are again reunited!

        Thanks for all you do! Granting you peace and tranquility for the next great episode in your life.

        P.S. Love the new format you’ve created! :}


        • JazzLover says:

          CherylLyn, your story about Joe is just priceless! “He doesn’t pass gas, he audibly FARTS, bless his heart”. Then he tries to make you think it was you! Thank you for a very hearty laugh. Peace to you also.

    • tamra says:

      now that’s funny! laughing with you you, not at you!

    • Suzicruzer says:


    • MB from VA says:

      LOL! Too funny!

  13. Lisa in San Diego says:

    my dumb thing is not remembering where I parked my car on a Los Angeles street

    at night when I walked back to find it, I couldn’t!

    after walking around for an hour, I finally bought a map at a gas station, figured out the exit and which way I had turned, and found the car

    that was an important lesson

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Gee, that’s kind of scary, Lisa. At least you didn’t contact the police and report it stolen. Good presence of mind.

    • VictoriaEP formerly in Estes Park says:

      I’ve started taking photos of street signs so I can find my way back. Better than breadcrumbs!

    • Cat Lady outside Tijeras, NM says:

      Use Google Maps and drop a pin.

      Sue, you had me lol…haven’t we all done something similar? I’m getting excited for Nancy and her furbaby to arrive. Soon.

  14. Donna n Girls Chandler, AZ. says:

    Hi Sue,

    Dumb a** things I’ve done, let me count the ways.
    I made a lemon pie for dinner, we had company over, and my measuring cup didn’t have a 1/4 line so I thought 1/3 is close to 1/4 so I used 1/3 cup of fresh lemon juice and of course I cut back on the sugar because I don’t like it to sweet.
    First clue was when someone dropped their fork, I was bringing in the coffee, and then the look on my husband’s face. Boy,that was one sour pie.
    The girls and I are in Glenn’s Ferry, Id. Not at the state park at Trail Break r v park. They have a deal, three nights for the price of 2. 60.00 total full hook ups and cable. Love it here. I thought of you when I decided to come here, you seemed to enjoy this town.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Cooking mistakes. I’m sure blogorinos have plenty of material to share on that sub-topic. 🙂 How embarrassing to have people for dinner and then you serve them food that’s inedible.

      Yes, Glenn’s Ferry is nice. It’s in a handy location for an overnight or a few days when crossing east < -> west in southern Idaho. I’m glad you got a good deal at the RV park. A good deal enhances any experience.

  15. Hahaaaa!! Reminded me of the time for some reason I put my purse in the freezer!!! Couldn’t find it for 3 days LMBO!!!

  16. Cinandjules🌵 says:

    You are too silly! Dumpster diver desert woman!
    For some reason…desert plants have some sort of pokers them! Check with your garbage company…along with our twice weekly trash…you are ALLOWED 10 extra yard size bags! I know…a bit late with the info.
    Enjoy…I’ll be back…Annie Is insisting its pool time!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cinandjules,

      I spoke with the trash people. They allow the yard sized bags. Most of the stuff I hauled away were tough to bag…. tree limbs, those large mounds that yucca plants produce when part of them dies off, broken boards, empty paint cans, and so forth.

      Besides, as a new customer, I really didn’t want to line the street in front of the house with all that stuff. And once you make the decision to haul it away, you might as well throw it all in and skip having to bag it.

      I’m glad Annie likes the pool. I remember she didn’t at first.

      • Cinandjules 🌵 says:

        Oh good! Geeze…I wouldn’t even know where to haul the big stuff!

        Annie is now part crocodile…she likes it better when Jules is here to play frisbee and races her back across the pool! It’s a one frisbee throw now…so I fling it…she looks at me like…yeah? I walk on the cool deck, which isn’t the least bit cool…climb onto the ledge in the pool…and she jumps into the water..it’s a race to grab the floating frisbee. While reaching for the frisbee..I slip off the edge…AO grabs the frisbee and swims back toward the steps. So I’m already totally wet..what the heck…I swim behind her..APPARENTLY grabbing a hold of her like a dolphin tow is frowned upon in this establishment! Out she goes and that is the end of swimming today! She glared at me and said…wait until I tell MOM! Sheesh!

  17. chas anderson says:

    Well one time I drove to work and took the train home.

  18. I once had breakfast with the wrong guy…I was so embarrassed I couldn’t finish my breakfast. We were at a rally and met a young man. We got along great so he asked if we could meet for breakfast. I said ‘sure!’ Next day, I show up at the restaurant and see the tall, slender, young man with the gray cowboy hat and approach the table and say ‘good morning’ and ask if he got home alright. Without batting an eye he says he had a little trouble and names a city almost on the other side of the state. I think & say to myself ‘what the heck?!’ but don’t say a word about that statement. We start to eat breakfast when the waitress hands me a folded napkin. I open it to find a note ‘I thought we were having breakfast?’ OMG!!!, I look up and the waitress points in the direction of the note giver and I see the young man in police uniform. The young man at the rally was a policeman but was casually dressed in off duty cowboy duds when we talked! He forgot to tell he’d be in uniform. I slinked out of the restaurant making excuses and didn’t go back….by then I was almost hyperventilating from shock and embarrassment. How can I forget this most embarrassing moment? I never have.

    BTW we, in the city of Phoenix, get two containers – green for regular trash & blue for recycle trash and the bill is included with our water bill. For water and trash pick up, I pay about $45 a month. The recycle and regular trash get picked up on the same day. However, I haul my own bulk trash to landfill near me. I learned my lesson in owning a home…nice to have a small to mid size pick up truck. For years I paid or begged sisters to haul stuff….not anymore 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, rita,

      It’s always good to have some kind of vehicle with which you can haul stuff, anything from trash to treasures. That’s one reason why I love my PTV. I’ve never owned a truck so I don’t know much about them.

      That story of breakfast with the wrong guy would make a great scene in a movie. I wonder what the cowboy thought of you!

      • I have no idea but the fact that he didn’t act surprise & ask questions drove me crazy and the fact that I didn’t ask anything about his comment that he made about the little trouble clear on the other side of the state also drove me nuts. I told myself never again…hahaha We were all so young (early 20’s) so that could be the reason.

  19. Deena in Phoenix says:

    Ha Ha Ha, the funny things I’ve done…Oh my. I too am enjoying today’s stories.

    Since I hurt my shoulder, I’ve been using a fanny pack – phone, inhaler, couple of necessary cards and of course, car and house keys. I “most” times place those two sets of keys on table near the entrance into the apt. I was leaving for a 1st visit with a neurologist (not able to move arm – ps stroke) so I grabbed the keys, left, locking the door and put house keys in pack…went to unlock the car, I tried to use my LA Fitness keys to ping the car – argh!!! – searched for CAR keys – not in pockets or fanny pack or in my hands or in the car or on the top of the car…back to the apt, searched everywhere (yes, freezer was 1st place, LOL)…called relatives for assistance (before Uber)no one was available. Rescheduled appt was two weeks out. Now, I did a spring cleaning type of search for those keys, finally remembered that Partner had backup car keys in her trunk (hadn’t opened yet). I was worried for myself…thought about a different type of medical appt was needed. I was angry with my lack of keeping good habits. Three days later, I was getting out Partner’s set of keys to ping the car door when I noticed that this was my set of keys (have a turtle on the key fob – a skunk resides on Partner’s)…now question is: had my set been in the fanny pack all along or did I find & without thinking return to table then placed in fb?

    I personally think that this was Partner getting me to 1. forgo neuro exam – shoulder improved, no issues now, no stroke 2. clean apt, 600 ft doesn’t get to dirty 3. remember that I have 2nd set of keys 4. face opening her trunk…like to think it was #4 as I laughed and cried and put some of her things out to enjoy…found many stories she wrote about us and the many adventures we had (lots of dumb things too but much happiness).

    BTW, Zo was here yesterday, was oil paint time…He did a story (on five canvases) about your two crews meeting in the new yard…once he explained to me then I saw what he painted, different ears, colored spots and tails – he is four…now hanging on my bedroom wall…so sweet!

    For 25 years had two separate trash bins – recycle & trash; apt complex has those large
    trash containers with no separation…I still find myself separating putting recycle in clear bags. Funny thought – keep separating trash but lose my car keys, LMBO!

    Take Care Sue, R&R and the blogorinos

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Deena,

      I enjoyed your story, especially the part about you NOT having any further neurological issues!

      Forgive me if you told me and I’ve forgotten, but I’m not sure….. Has Partner passed and you live alone? I couldn’t tell if those messages from Partner were from “the other side” or not. I hope you don’t mind me asking.

      Thanks for entertaining us with your confusion over keys. You take care, too.

      • Deena in Phoenix says:

        I don’t mind answering. Partner passed March 2016 and Miss Mollie passed June 2017; been in the apt 23 months now. It is amazing to me how much I still communicate with both of them and the rest of our fur & feather family members.

        The “Other Side” has been part of my life since childhood or maybe I was taught that family and friends that have passed will always be there when needed. Strange things happen, feeling and sensing a particular person, never had any fear just joy and love.

        I read your blog out loud to Partner. When rereading from the archives or reading out loud to the Kids, I remember our initial conversations, reactions, laughter and tears, wonder at the camps, people you’ve met and the wonderful blogorinos…I am glad the archives exist for RVSUE & CREW…one of my happy places.

        Take Care and You’re Welcome

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          It’s touching to me that you and Partner shared my blog and now it serves as a memory jogger of good times with her. Thank you for replying to my question. I have similar experiences with a person who passed away almost 18 years ago. I look forward to someday seeing from his point of view. 🙂

          Best wishes for you always, Deena.

  20. Cinandjules 🌵 says:

    Do you remember when…..you first met Dell at his RV place and while discussing his life he mentioned he had eleven children and six wives?

    Your reply STILL to this day…. makes me laugh!

    Speaking of Dell and Skeeter….miss his smile and the little guy!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Yeah, I think I remember. What’d I say… “All at the same time?”

      I spoke with Del on the phone recently. He and his canine crew are back in Utah, all doing fine. Even little River is hanging in there, more gray fur on his muzzle.

      • Cinandjules 🌵 says:

        Yep it was classic!

        Your posts often makes me chuckle! That seriously had me roaring! Oh no she didn’t say that! 😘

        Oh good! Glad to hear!

  21. Barb from Hoquiam! says:

    Ahhh! Dumb Moves. How much time ya got??? 😛
    Recently, when taking a shower, and getting out of the shower, I um… slipped. Well. Let me tell you–this 59 yr old NEVER DID the splits before and shouldn’t have ever gone there, but… she did. As I sat there… sort of… crying… in agony… and of course the hubs cannot hear me (why oh why are hearing aids taken out at night?). So I am there… NO idea how to get up. I rotate… a little. Agony. Humiliation. Total package. I inch it… and turn, roll and find my way… but cannot stand upright. Nothing has snapped. No broken… but LORDY am I bruised. It has been two weeks. I am nearly walking OK now… though still stiff to a point.
    BARBIE turns 59 too this year (I hate her) and I just gotta share the following…


    PS Of course I had to share about this on my facebook page and at work… because I was hobbling around for days. Rather big doses of humiliation and silliness than one by one questions.
    5 days after this foray into gymnastics? Our building burned to the ground… The museum which was housed along with a Sr. Center, and our social services offices… gone. Infirno. My office sat under 4 ft of water.
    I am already tired of summer.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Barb,

      Your comment was in my spam bin. I’m so sorry I didn’t find it sooner. I think the youtube video put it there.

      It’s only a 10 second video… Good ol’ Barbie, making women feel inferior for almost 60 years!

      Gosh, Barbara, your slip story might have been funny if it didn’t involve so much pain. Yikes! Nothing to be humiliated about, in my opinion. Bathroom falls are common and dangerous. And then your building burns up? I’m sorry for all that was lost. And now you face clean-up from water damage.

      Gee, things have got to get better for you soon!

      I think it only fair and kind to send Hugs TO Hoquiam. Heal up soon, Barb.

  22. Rob, at the ocean in New Jersey, slowly heading towards Maine says:

    It sounds like you’re really enjoying this new adventure. That’s great to see!
    Movies & old TV shows… If you have Amazon prime and enough internet you can watch all kinds of things.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Wow, on your way to Maine! I can taste the lobster dipped in butter. 🙂

      Hi, Rob! I don’t have Prime. Since signing up for unlimited data for this blog, I watch more Youtube but I still have to be careful because, by the end of the cycle, the speed goes way down. Library DVDs are free and will suffice, at least until I’ve seen them all. That should take a few years, since I haven’t watched TV shows or gone to movies in years.

      Enjoy your trip up the coast!

    • JazzLover says:

      Rob, if you are going up route one through Wells Maine and to be there for the night and like steak, check out The Steak House. Have eaten there several times, never been disappointed. May have a line if on a weekend, or in season. Wicked good steak. Safe trip.

  23. FloridaScott says:

    Hi Sue, Reggie & Roger!

    We made it to Eastbank campground in. Chattahoochee Fl. Just wondering, do you get pulled into then pushed aside by the 18 wheelers? It is a little bit of a white knuckle. Is this just something I need to get used to?. I have a weight dist hitch but a larger 24′ trailer. I figure we have made it almost 25% of the way to New Mexico. Enjoying all your posts and adventures settling into your new home base. Looking forward to your future travels. Your blog is an invaluable resource of information and I thank You so much for that.

    Stay Happy & have Fun!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Scott,

      Great to have you appear here…

      No, I haven’t had the experience of being pulled into an 18 wheeler and then pushed aside. Your tow vehicle with trailer is at least 6 ft. longer than the PTV/BLT. Maybe that’s why (I assume you don’t tow above 60 mph). I don’t have a weight distribution hitch. I use a friction anti-sway bar.

      There is something similar that happens to me which I find very weird. On an interstate in the righthand lane, vehicles pass on our left, of course. I notice that low vehicles (not pickups or high-riding SUVs), when they pass, they swerve to the right toward my driver’s door.

      This is not an optical illusion. I’ve purposely fixed my gaze on the center line when a car is about to pass us. Then I watch where the car’s right side is in comparison to the center line, as it passes. Often they are only a couple inches from the center line. I can see them correct shortly thereafter, moving left.

      The only thing I can figure is they anticipate my rig being much shorter than its 34 feet and mindlessly swerve over. Very disconcerting.

      I’m glad my blog is helpful, Scott. You be happy and have fun, too! I hope you aren’t being cooped up in rainy FL weather.

      • Anne P in NC says:

        Wow. Interesting to hear you say that about being passed. I have a 15 ft fiberglass trailer with a Honda Pilot as tow vehicle. Returning home to NC from Canada recently, I noticed the same thing several times. The passing cars, and yes, they were low vehicles, were only a few inches from the center line as they passed by my left front fender. Yikes! Then they move over… I hadn’t put all those factors together.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          It’s weird! I also think that these drivers, when they approach our fiberglass trailers from the rear, they don’t think they’re travel trailers and don’t anticipate a tow vehicle. I had one guy come so close I swerved to get away from him. Low cars going fast are the worst.

          • JazzLover says:

            A lot of drivers have never had any interaction with, or knowledge of an RV, thus don’t know what close proximity when they pass one does to both tow vehicle and trailer at high speeds. Sad but true.

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              What you say is true, JazzLover.

              What Anne and I refer to is something different. The cars are driving into our lane. There’s no pull exerted by our rigs.

              I suspect it’s a visual perception error. Fiberglass TTs look small from the rear and the drivers assume a shorter length. Being in low cars they don’t see the tow vehicle until after they’ve swerved toward our lane.

  24. Linda a says:

    Oh, Sue, your funny but believe me I bet everyone who
    has garbage pick up has had to garbage dive at least
    once over the years. I have had to do it more than once
    and we have a small commercial type bin !
    One time was a $3,000 dollar check that mysteriously
    got put in the trash with junk mail. Think I wasn’t flinging
    garbage bags all over while upside down. Funny thing
    I sure didn’t want anyone to know how dumb that was. Lol
    Happy for you and your boys to be so comfortable and
    enjoying a nice change.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      A $3,000 check? Oh, Linda, I would be IN that trash bin! I assume you found it.

      Yeah, we’re comfy here. The boys love the house and yard. They act like lords of the manor. It’s funny to see.

  25. Harriet says:

    Ok I’m in, the list is long but here is one. Years ago, I was working as a supervisor at a grain elevator . This particular week , I was working the late shift, 11:00 pm to 7:00 am.

    If you’ve ever worked these hours you know how hard it is to get your proper rest during the daytime so you sleep until the very last second possible. I got up , dress and headed for work. A few hours into the shift, one of the guys asked where did I buy my shirt. I told him, then asked why he wanted to know because it was just a regular short sleeve tee shirt. He answer made my face as red as that shirt. He said, “cause I never seen one with the pocket on the back before”. Ugggh

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I laughed out loud, Harriet! That’s a cute story and a cute remark from the guy. Supervisor at a grain elevator — My blog has the most interesting blogorinos! Thanks for the fun comment.

      • Harriet says:

        Just the tip of the iceberg, also worked for 20 + years on the Mighty Mississippi as a marine dispatcher co-ordinating movement of barges. Used to joke that I told everyone where to go and what to do when they got there. Managed to acquire a 1st Class Western River’s license to operate a Tug Boat. Fun times, enjoyed my work life. Very unusual jobs for a Catholic school girl.

  26. Pat McClain says:

    Haha! It’s lucky that you didn’t decide to go to bed early and watch the DVD’s the next night!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re darn right, Pat. I don’t know what three DVDs cost these days but whatever the amount, I didn’t want to pay it.

  27. Elizabeth in WA says:

    Well, Sue, it sounds like you are pretty normal for our age group…ahem! Glad you REMEMBERED the bag and where it might be in time!! We are always SO GLAD when we remember something…who knew we would be so forgetful before either of us are even 70?? Oh well…we do live in a lot of stress right now, so I guess that excuse will work for now.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Elizabeth,

      I find myself doing things to help my memory, stuff I’ve seen older folks do over the years. I think of something I need to do the next time I go to town, so I write it down, make a sign. I also always put my keys, wallet, hat, and such in the same place. If I want to take something somewhere later in the day, I put it in the PTV or in front of the door where I’d have to walk around it in order to leave. I’ve even put post-it note reminders on the steering wheel.

      We’re doing okay, Elizabeth, compared with others our age. I’m thankful for that and I know you are, too.

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        Yes, we are still alive!! And I have already lost quite a few…so yep, grateful for that too. Yea, I tend to try to leave things in the usual places too…and I made a BIG SIGN which I have pinned to the curtain over the front door for hubby that says: CELL PHONE, WALLET, and he added FAN OFF (as sometimes it is too cool to leave the huge exhaust fan on when we are gone). He is forgetting worse this year…sometimes it scares me…but I have some books to read and research to do and I hope to find some things to at least HELP slow that down. I know some of it for him is stress too. And to offset all that, we try to find small ways to celebrate, each day that we can.

        • CherylLynInLowerThumbofMI says:

          If your husband enjoys crossword puzzles or even word searches, that’s what is keeping my DH’s memory sharp. He always been a puzzle freak! Also, if he likes doing things on the computer, Solitaire is excellent for eye-hand coordination. Just a thought! Blessings :}


          • Elizabeth in WA says:

            You are right Cheryl…we both work on Sudoku every day…plus other studies from time to time. But time rushes on…and it does what it does…

  28. Nivrapa in AZ says:

    Howdy Everybody!

    Ah-h-h-h, yes, a true rite of home ownership–hiring a garbage truck for regular trash pick-up.

    These comments are a hoot! I sat and laughed out loud at several. I sometimes think Sue could charge a membership fee for access to the comments. It may be more lucrative than her Amazon Associate percentage on some days. If it got rid of CAPTCHA, I’d join in a heartbeat!

    Dumb stuff that I have done??? How much time have you got? In addition to putting the truck insurance payment in the church offering plate, there is the time I tried to enter the car wash at the wrong end. Yes, of course I saw the “final touch” crew waving their arms and towels over their heads. I thought it was a zealous welcome. In my defense, I was in an unfamiliar town and distracted by the Dunkin Donuts shop across the street, wondering how to navigate from here to there.

    I mentioned both these recent mishaps to a neighbor during a morning coffee session. She expressed some concern for my errors in judgment and pointed out that I had another birthday coming up and that maybe my mind was not as sharp as it should be. A lively “discussion” ensued and it all ended when I told her that happy hour and nap time were not synonymous in my world as they were in hers–a sure sign of decline in mental acuity. I don’t know if that is true, but it made her pause to think about her own cognitive skills. If she knew that I had searched for my missing house keys for three days this week before finding them in the freezer on top of the frozen veggies, she would be making phone calls to check on vacancies at local assisted living facilities. I had been to the grocery store and in my haste to get the frozen food put away quickly, they fell out of my hands without me knowing it. Big deal! I knew they were around here, someplace. I had used them to let myself into the house. And, besides, I found them, right where I left them!

    Please, don’t mention the lost keys episode to her, okay? I’m afraid she would tell me it’s time to “hang up the keys” and I don’t think she would mean on the key hooks by the door. Shhhhh.—Audrey

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Howdy, Audrey! You’re funny. Anyone who can write detailed stories from memory like you do still has her wits. Good retort about nap time and happy hour! A clever way to say Mind Your Own Business. 🙂

  29. Lily says:

    Years ago, my husband had taken out the trash bin and rolled it out to the street with just one bag in it. Shortly before he went out he had put lotion on his hands. Just before bedtime, he asked me if I had moved his ring from the usual place he puts his stuff for the evening. We tore that house apart looking for it.
    The next day, having resigned ourselves to the fact that a very expensive men’s diamond wedding ring was gone forever, I walked out to the curb to roll the can back to the garage. I heard something rattle and looked in. Lo and behold, THERE was the ring!
    It’s a darned good thing our trash pick up person was lazy that day and just seeing one bag, apparently grabbed the bag without turning up the can.
    Close call!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Quite a story, Lily, with a happy ending! How relieved you both must have been.

      You remind me of something that happened to me. I hope I’m not repeating myself. I lost my wedding ring. This was the ring from my first marriage. It was a simple band that had little monetary value. My cheap husband bought it for 25 bucks. What can I say, I was young. Anyway…. I had no idea what happened to the ring as I never took it off.

      One day I’m in the bathroom on my hands and knees cleaning the base of the toilet. This put me in a position where I looked into the toilet bowl from am odd angle. There was my ring in the toilet! It wasn’t visible when standing above. The amazing thing is we had flushed that toilet several times since the ring was lost, but it wasn’t carried away.

      This was an omen on the marriage which soon ended up in the toilet. I flushed that POS out of my life.

  30. Ruthie in Fontana says:

    I am loving this post! I can just picture the sight of you searching thru the new to you trash bin. What with all the pokey plants and garbage. Glad you found your DVD’s. My embarrassing time was when I was in High School (over 50 years ago). I was invited to go to the Senior Prom with a boy I had only known for a month. He picked me up. We were both dressed in formal attire. He drove us to the restaurant. When we went in a guy directed us to a room with other formally dressed people. We sat down at a table and they asked if we wanted steak or chicken. We told them what we would like. While we were eating we were staring at each other with very dumbfounded faces. We finished eating and a guy followed us out the door and said the dinner was for a senior college group! My date offered to pay but they sent us on our way. My first and last time “Crashing a dinner”.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Great prom story, Ruthie! Not only did you go to the prom, you got a nice dinner your date didn’t have to pay for. 🙂 You must have looked more mature than high school seniors, a nice compliment.

  31. Eileen says:

    Dumb things I’ve done? – So many of them that I wouldn’t know how to start choosing just one. I’d like to do life over again ONLY IF I could retain the wisdom I’ve gained through these 73 years!!… lol…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Eileen,

      I agree. The only part of my life I’d like to live over again are the years 2011 to now. These are the best ever!

  32. MB from VA says:

    Oh Sue…..too many “DUH MB!” moments to list! LOL! Years ago (before debit cards) I would put part of my teacher’s pay into the bank for writing checks for electric bills, rent…and then keep cash for gas, food and fun. I would sit on my bed and write the checks and put the cash into envelopes. Welllll……one morning I went to the place I kept my recently acquired cash….ie……all of it……and it wasn’t there. I went into a full out panic! Then I made myself calm down and backtrack….where had I last seen it? Then what did I do?….ect……until I saw myself picking up the mound of papers and envelopes that were piled on my bed after paying my bills. I ran to the trash…..thank goodness for my procrastination when it comes to taking it to the dump (I haven’t had trash pick up since we moved out of town when I was 15)…..and there it was! It had gotten under the pile and I picked it up at the same time! WHEW!

    On another subject….I had a funny (and sad) thing happen yesterday. One of the positives about living where I do is the tiny town with a library, grocery store, small restaurants….and a church whose chimes fill the air on the hour. A farming town….lots of pick-up trucks in the parking lots…..including mine. But also the county seat with a beautiful, historic courthouse near the newer one. ANYway, I was getting my groceries yesterday and chatting with an elderly woman in front of me. When she was finished bagging the woman’s groceries, the very young cashier thoughtfully put the bags into the cart for the woman. There was no bagger and usually you have to reach over and get the bags yourself. The woman thanked her and left. I told her how thoughtful it was too. Then I told her that when I was a kid there was a bagger at the end of each line who put your groceries in the bag….the bags in your cart….and took the cart to your car and put them in the trunk for you. Her eyes got big, “Really?”. I said, “Yes. And at the gas station, they pumped your gas, checked your oil and tire pressure and washed your windshield for you”. That was too much for her….”WHAT????!!!”. LOL!

    Have a great day Sue!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      That’s funny, MB. Something that was a regular, expected part of living (not that long ago) is incredible for a young person of today. Not only did the gas attendant pump the gas, check the oil and tire pressure, and wash the windshield, he thanked you for your business and welcomed you to return, and all while wearing a uniform and a smile.

      Your two anecdotes are connected in a way. The possible loss of your money for “gas, food and fun” illustrates how a credit card can help us avoid hardship, which is a good thing. On the other hand, the credit card was part of the change to people pumping their own gas and paying without any service from an attendant.

      Thanks, MB. I hope you have a wonderful day!

      • MB from VA says:

        You’re right….they are connected. In fact..just the other day I was making plans to go back to using more cash. Lots of reasons but one funny one is that without paying with cash, I no longer have change to put into my “Trip Jar”. It used to really add up in a year.

  33. weather says:

    Thank you for the link to the post about your stay at Wetmore Campground, Sue. That place is so nice, your only having paid $2.50 a night to have a whole campground to yourselves is amazing. Seeing the doe and her fawn graze at the edge of the campsite would have been one of my favorite parts of being there. I clicked on the link to see a zero-gravity chair like yours at Amazon, that link isn’t working though, you may want to change it.

    Having trash picked up at home is a such a convenient service to have, I understand your being so happy to have that now. Having wheels on the bin makes it even nicer, the ones without wheels are often heavy and awkward to carry or pull along the ground when they are full. I’m glad you found the DVDs, your going out in your nightie make me chuckle. That wasn’t something you had to think twice about before, now that you’re in a neighborhood it’s an entirely different experience.

    One of the dumb things I did turned out to be a fortunate experience, though when I initially realized that I had made such a big mistake I was upset. I actually bought one house while thinking I had bought a different one. Calling that dumb would be putting it mildly, in my defense, confusing one place for another wasn’t hard to do. Both houses were near each other, had been built by the same company, were very similar in appearance, their addresses were almost the same, like 400 Sunrise Ave. and 400 Sunset Ave, and I had offered the same price on both places.

    The house I bought because they accepted my offer was worth more, because it had two working fireplaces and hardwood floors throughout. The one I thought I was buying had no fireplaces, fairly cheap carpeting , but a much nicer kitchen and bathroom. I was out of town while finding out someone had accepted my offer and only came back in time for the closing at the bank. I didn’t know which house I had been given keys to until I drove to the address on the key ring! So I changed a few things in my house, had a much nicer home to live in and made a tidy profit when I sold it.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, weather,

      You have written one of the most intriguing, beginning lines to a story: “I actually bought one house while thinking I had bought another one.”

      Wow! What a shock it must’ve been when you drove up to the house. . I imagine you had many moments when you thought, “If I had bought the other house and not this one . . . . ” — different neighbors, for one thing. I’m glad it turned out so well for you.

      There are times when I feel decisions I’ve made weren’t really made by me. Your house mix-up seems like one of those kinds of decisions. 🙂

      Thanks for alerting me to the broken link and for taking the time to write. Your help and participation are always appreciated, weather.

      • weather says:

        You’re right, Sue, I definitely saw the hand of Providence in it all. One neighbor I met while living there became my closest friend for several years.

    • ApplegirlNY says:

      Weather, that is an amazing story. Not only did you overcome the shock, but you turned it into something positive. Wow.

      • weather says:

        Hi, Annie, to me perhaps the most amazing part had to do with the fireplaces and hardwood floors. Few other homes in that area had those. I kept them in great shape and featured them in my sales ad when selling the house. I needed to make a hefty profit in order to move to San Diego and start over there, where the schools would be more helpful to my son’s future. The guy that bought it was moving there because his company transferred him from a city with more expensive properties. He chose my house because of the fireplaces and woodwork, paid my full asking price and loved the place.

  34. Renee G says:

    Hi Sue, I saw your new posting last night, but it was late and I was tired. You see, I too was enjoying my large green garbage bin by filling it up in anticipation of garbage pickup day, but wait, there’s more . . . my DH rented a second one for only an extra $2.50 a month (or a few cents less or more) and let me tell you that it is wonderful. No longer do I have to cram yard stuff into the bin along with the garbage. The new bin, of course came nice and clean, so into it only goes bagged garbage, and the other previously owned bin, which is pretty dirty inside due to grass clippings and etc, is now the yard waste bin. Love it! Even though I cut my backyard grass high, I still bag it to keep the doggies from dragging in clippings, so everything goes into my yard waste bin. Well worth the extra investment. Can’t do THAT at a boondock! How do I know? Because, I too have hauled the garbage from camp back home or to town. Nice. The little conveniences of city (or town) living. Now, you know what would really be the pièces de résistance? Scheduling the local service that comes to your house with a truck that lifts your garbage bin, cleans and sanitizes the inside with a hot jet stream of water, dries it, then returns it to your curb! I never thought I would have so much fun talking trash!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Renee,

      I never heard of renting a second trash bin. It’s an obvious solution for households with a lot of trash and that’s a very reasonable rental price. Be careful what you wish for…. a sanitized trash bin would add more to your bill.

      When boondocking, trash removal is a bigger issue for me than for some because I don’t burn anything. I know boondockers who practically turn trash disposal into an art form, leaving very little to transport to a refuse container.

      Thanks for stopping by to talk trash with us, Renee! 🙂

      • Cinandjules 🌵 says:

        Yep a second one is a couple of dollars more. 24 for one, 28 for two…

        • Cinandjules 🌵 says:

          Oops…hit the wrong button.

          Back in Calee we had recycle bin, green bin and Reg garbage. It was common for people to ask to use their neighbors green bin when doing serious yardwork. Most of the time folks wouldn’t even HAVE any green waste..

          In NY we have a free green dump on the hill!

          Heads up…so you don’t worry…my dearest friend, the Queen from Lincoln Ca is visiting until Tues…so I will not be here. She’s in for an AZ heat treat….isn’t she? Shhhh

  35. Toni says:

    SomeTHING dumb I’ve done?! LOL!! How dumb have I been, let me count the ways!! I think I’d need a full book with several chapters of dumbness.

    I’ll at least start with the most recent – my current marriage. Wow, was I dumb.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Toni,

      I’m sorry you’re going through that. I wish you better times soon.

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      I wonder how many women would walk through the same door again?? You need not feel dumb Toni…you must be a very kind and sweet person!! Otherwise how could you have gotten snookered? At least that is what I tell my daughter…currently going through a very nasty divorce…V E R Y!!

  36. Pauline in Mississippi says:

    I have laughed out loud at some of these.!!!! Blogerinos are so funny and so human. I have done several of the things posted above. My first time voting in Mississippi I commented to a co-worker…Gee, it is really different here…you VOTE for a LIBRARIAN???!!!!!! Several people looked at me strangely until one person finally figured it out and said….I do believe the word is LIBERTARIAN !!!
    Oh Well..

  37. Terri in Tx. says:

    Gee, the fact that I got out lasagna from the fridge to reheat the other night, covered it with foil, turned on the oven, and Then when Bret came home from work I opened the oven and it wasn’t there doesn’t make me feel so bad now when reading about other people’s mishaps! Not to mention that the lasagna was sitting in the fridge with the foil on it, and the oven had been turned off but was still warm! I did not remember doing any of that!! Yikes! 😰
    Oh well! I enjoyed reading about your past campgrounds-I just keep reading…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Yikes is right, Terri! Methinks your mind was somewhere else, definitely not in your kitchen! 🙂

      I don’t know about everyone else, but reading these “dumb stories” from blogorinos has me feeling pretty good today. There are lots and lots of folks like me, roaming around not knowing what the heck they are doing. haha!

      Thanks for sharing your lasagna story, Terri. I enjoyed it.

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        Well, you know ladies, we probably DID know what we were doing at one point…I find when I get interrupted, it is harder to get back to where I was. My step-mother-in-law was one funny lady. She used to say all the time to herself, “Ok Ruth, time to get back on the trolley!!” We had some hilarious times with that woman…turns out she had Alzheimers but when it took away her natural inhibitions…wow, was it a hoot the things she did!!

  38. Dawn in NC says:

    Gosh Sue, I love your “trash talk”! Ha! 😉 I also love seeing the picture of Bridgette looking lovingly back at you from her chariot. Thanks for that. As for dumb things, there are too many to count. I think I recounted last blog how instead of putting my name on a prayer request from church, I responded with my RVSue blog name, Dawn in NC! Talk about a whoops! ;-o

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      That is funny. I wonder if you’ll hear folks saying things like, “There, there, Dawn. Don’t worry. God knows where you are. You don’t need to include your address when you pray.”

      I like how your blogorino identity is with you always. Ha!

      Thanks for mentioning Bridget’s sweetness. She was the most enigmatic dog. There was much about her I never could comprehend but I do know she loved her rides. 🙂

  39. rvsueandcrew says:

    A reply to whom? Has it appeared yet?

  40. ApplegirlNY says:

    I firmly believe that if you can still buy your reading glasses at Walmart, you don’t have a vision problem (that’s my story, and I’m sticking with it). Since they’re pretty inexpensive I have them scattered throughout the house, so there’s always a pair available. On more than one occasion, I couldn’t find any of them, only to discover I have several on my head.

  41. Kitte says:

    Combed through my vehicle all day …then, Lettuce in the freezer compartment!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Kitte! What is it about freezers that makes them grab our stuff? 🙂

      I once lost an avocado in the Perfect Two Vehicle. Several months, maybe years — I don’t remember — I found a petrified avocado in the pocket of the driver side door. At first I didn’t recognize it for what it was… What is this thing? A hand grenade?

  42. Gingerita says:

    I have made so many dumb mistakes. I baked and served a layer cake to guests with the wax paper layer still in it. I made a potato salad with what I thought was an onion from my Mom’s porch. Turned out it was some sort of flower bulb. Luckily that was caught before eating. I have turned on the oven with stuff stored in it. I don’t store stuff in the oven anymore lol. Thanks to my being dumb enough to marry again I am now stuck in the Midwest broke , angry and trying to figure out how to fix my life. Live and learn I guess lol.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Not wanting to trivialize your situation, Gingerita…. I have to say, your comment has the biggest punch in the fewest words of any on this blog. POW!

      Seriously, I hope you find the path to a happy, contented life. Thanks for writing.

      • Gingerita says:

        Thanks, things will work out. Just feeling a bit sorry for myself this morning I guess. Rough patches don’t last for ever. Thank you again for your kind words .

  43. My first thought was that Nancy’s arrival is timed well with so much work getting done now :-)) Your own washer and dryer, and now trash service, surely seem like luxuries now. How fun!

    At least you caught the missing DVDs before they made their way to the dump!! I’ve made that same mistake without the same luck.

  44. Barb in Florida says:

    Hi Sue and Crew

    Nice post and funny comments. Resting after a hot, humid farmer’s market. Luckily, they provide electricity and I can take my fan. This is my slow time. Hard to sell blankets and hot packs when it’s 95 degrees. I have a casita camper order coming up soon for two twin blankets, though.

    Dumb stuff…….I try to limit it to one per day! Nothing yet today, surprisingly. The funniest one that comes to mind is a Homer Simpson moment. Was doing yard work and laid the rake down the WRONG way. You know what’s coming….yes, I did it. Stepped on it and hit myself in the head. I started laughing and looking around. NOBODY saw it. I wished somebody did – it was hilarious. I think I saw it coming and didn’t get hit very hard. Needless to say, learned my lesson and also lay stuff down so it won’t fall if the dog is out with me.

  45. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    I too have gone the wrong way over those strips. I was at working a booth at a festival and couldn’t find a parking space, so I pulled behind a bank, which was closed, and rolled right over the strip to keep you from going the wrong way at the drive-thru. Felt Like a complete idiot. Even more so that my car was only about 6 months old and had to replace my tires.

    The passing gas and boys barking was hilarious.

    I have plenty more I could share, but I am trying to get everything caught up work wise, so I can get back to my house purging. Co-worker’s issues are going well and she is back to do her own work and DH’s health issues are improving some, so I have a little more time to breathe.

    I will finish reading comments a little later. Enjoying reading these hilarious stories.

  46. Ozarkjoy says:

    My story is actually my daughters. I belong to an online group for my special hobby which I share with my 3 daughters. The hobby not the online group. They don’t have time for a lot on chitchat.

    There was a big convention in Atlanta I decided to attend and my 3 daughters decided to go with me. One daughter and I were to Leave from one airport and the others were to leave from different airports. It was right after 9-11. Our tickets said to be in the airport at least 30 minutes before departure. My daughter who was driving got lost on the way and 30 minutes was all we had. But with the new airline restrictions and inspections they were now saying 2 hours. And they refused to let us board. They tried to make us buy a new ticket but with the written 30 minutes on our current one they did finally allow us to reschedule a later flight. Like 10 hours later. Since we had prescheduled all of us to arrive in Atlanta at the approx same time. We were really out of sync.

    So the one went to the convention hotel checked in on her own. Bear in mind these were my friends that I had been to many convention with over the yrs. She went to the dinner and meet and greet party that night without me. Told what a great time she had the next morning. Lol. Then she didn’t seem to know any one she should have the next day. Turned out she had gone to the wrong group. They had a much fancier meal and free drinks. It became the joke of the week. The insurance company dinner was better than that embroidery group. Lol We have to pay for some very expensive machines.

  47. CherylLynInLowerThumbofMI says:

    OK, more trash talk…This is about 20 years ago…We have a female friend who’s divorced, she has two children, a girl & a boy. My DH worked with the lady @ a Boys & Girls Detention Center (Groovy Juvy), in Flint [old Nick-name]. We met, then got involved with caring for her children in the summer and after school in winter. Her hours @ work were noon – 8PM.

    She’s one of THOSE people who shopped for Christmas in July! Asking us to store 2 Beanbag chairs for her for the kids. She had placed them in black trash bags…Yep, you guessed it! We “stored” them in our garage, came time for rubbish pick-up & DH put THOSE bags out with the rest of the bags. We didn’t realize it until about the 23rd of December, when she asked us to bring them over.

    Frantic at our realization, we made a mad dash to Walmart, found the colors she had chosen, thankfully, and were out $40! Expensive dumb move! Funnier, still, never saw the children sit in them EVEN once!

    There are more incidents, but I’ll just leave it at this one, until the subject comes up again. And it WILL! LOL……..until next time!


  48. Terri in Tx. says:

    Wow-I still have my original 1970 lime-green bean bag chair my parents gave me when I was 10 yrs old. Its in great shape although I used it alot-it even went to college with me! My two cats started sleeping in it so that’s what it is used for now. I love that thing! One of the best gifts I ever got.

    • Dawn in NC 🐈 says:

      I had a bean bag chair in college. It was awesome. Made it with me to my adult years until one of my cats kept peeing in it. That was the end of That chair!

      • Cheryl in The Lower Thumb of MI says:

        EXACTLY what happened to mine. I would have loved to have the lime green, I got a blue one. So, to compensate for that, when my family made their last move to accommodate taking care of my Grandma, I painted MY room lime green with bright yellow & green flowered wallpaper! Lived there 5 years w/my folks, then married my best friend! 40 years+ of “living & loving together”.

  49. John Abert says:

    Don’t feel bad, Sue! While passing through Laughlin’s Ridgeview Resort in ’94, I mistakenly threw out a plastic grocery bag containing all our exposed 35mm film from our trip. I discovered the error after we were already in California and called the resort. I knew where I had placed the bag in the bin, and one of their staff was gracious enough to find it. I sent them a prepaid and addressed Priority envelope inside of another one, and they packed all the film in it and sent it to us at a General Delivery PO several cities ahead of us, where we retrieved it the next day after it arrived. Whew! What a relief! That was a close call!

  50. Lana in Phoenix says:

    Hi, Sue. When I was 16 , we moved from western South Dakota to southern California. After several generations in South Dakota, it was a difficult move. Most of you probably won’t know about Terry Lee dolls, but they were very popular when I was a child. Back then, we used sturdy barrels to pack everything to move. All of my dolls were packed in one barrel. Guess which barrel accidentally went to the dump and which barrel was moved to California!

  51. Gloria in Prescott, Az. says:

    Has any one ever tried to compare your baby foot print on your birth certificate with the foot you have when you get your first drivers license? I was taking off my shoe as that was what they seemed to want in Pasadena, Ca. I had never felt so dumb in my life. They were obviously pulling my leg.

  52. Cynthia In San Clemente says:

    Oh my, so much to catch up on … we are on a two week trip from SoCal, up the Oregon Coast, across Highway 20 and currently at Clyde Holliday State Park, pretty close to the Eastern Oregon sites you mentioned. It’s been a great trip so far except two rock dings in the windshield on our second day out (with a $1,000 deductible on what I’m guessing will be a $3,000 windshield replacement), but hey, we’re all safe and moving on to Boise tomorrow for three days before heading south toward home. This is the first really decent internet connection I’ve had.

    Ok, I died laughing over your escapade out to the trash bin in your nightie. Oh how I’d love to have a pic of that!!! My most embarrassing stunt? Being in my shorty nightie (with no undies on) and having my hotel room door close behind me when I pushed my room service cart out into the corridor. I was many years younger and many pounds lighter and some handsome man headed to his room was nice enough to call hotel security for me. If it happened now I’d probably be out of luck!!

    Loved the pic of HRH Bridget in her royal carriage – I miss that girl!!!

  53. Dawn in NC says:

    OK, this is way late to the party, but I had to share what happened to me last night! After church, someone complimented me on my lipstick. It was red dye from a cherry slushie I’d eaten two hours earlier! LOL 😉

  54. Nancy from South Georgia says:

    Hi Sue,

    Haven’t been on here for a long time….just life and its ups and downs. But let me congratulate you on your new home and the upcoming reunion with your sister.

    Here is a story you might enjoy: About 10 years back I was living in a place that backed up to some woods, and there were armadilloes that we’d see from time to time. Also we knew they were digging in the front yard because of the little holes they’d leave. It got bad enough that I could hear them in the early AM moving around underneath the slab foundation of the house. One noise in particular drove me nuts….when the little critters would slide under some piping and it would make the weirdest “plinking” sound as their bands on the shells scraped under the plastic PVC plumbing pipe.

    So I got enough one night and got the bright idea that I’d take something and trap one, and maybe they’d panic and scatter, and, greatest of all hopes, move away. So I decided my plastic laundry basket would do….I’d stand motionless in the front yard, holding the basket, and when it got close enough (they don’t see well at all) I’d drop that basket right down on top of it.

    So I was standing in a white nightgown, out on the front yard, 3AM, motionless, holding a basket in place at waist level, bent down, waiting for the creature to appear….and my neighbor drove by and saw me. She’s a nurse, was coming home from a late shift, and there I was like an apparition. She looked startled and hit the gas to get away from what she felt was a lunatic, and I so I left a note on her door the next day explaining the situation.

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