A blogger’s wish

Sunday, June 23

Since we’re in bear country, I’m not using my little, folding charcoal grill.  This noon I roll chicken tenderloins in Mrs. Dash’s onion and herb mix and put them in the fry pan.  It might not be any better keeping bears from smelling food, seeing as I vent the Best Little Trailer whenever I use the propane stove.  All that cooking-chicken aroma goes right out the ceiling fan.  Oh well, I hope there aren’t any hungry bears downwind.  The chicken sure tastes good.


This wildflower is popping out all over.

I didn’t take many photos today.

These are a few pictures from this morning.  The crew and I walk in the sunshine to warm up from the early morning chill.  It must’ve dropped into the mid-30s last night, the coldest we’ve had it up here at 8,975 feet.  That’s the price to pay for perfect daytime temperatures!  I can hardly complain.

I like sleeping in flannel pajamas in late June.

I’m still trying to regain my strength and stamina.  The body aches are practically gone, my lymph glands are no longer sore, and I have a good appetite.  (I don’t think I’ll ever lose my appetite!)  I just need to take it easy.  I’m sleeping a lot.  So please forgive this unimaginative, uninspired blog post where, as you’re about to read, my emotions run unchecked.


The light on the creek sends sparkles through the aspens.

A blogger’s wish . . .

I’ve fallen behind in some of my blog reading.  So I go over to see what one of my favorite bloggers has written lately.  As I’m catching up on past posts, I see that this blogger has set me up for criticism.  That’s bad enough.  Then the bunch of rattlesnakes who comment frequently on his blog (I’ve been the brunt of their remarks before) jumped on the opportunity to snipe at me.

I admit I’m hurt to find that included in that group is a person I considered a cyber-friend.  This is someone I’ve met in person and praised online.  This person has been in my home!

I realize my blog posts and comments section aren’t on the level of Socratic discourse.

I think I ought to be able to present a topic for discussion without being attacked.  I mean, do these other folks lack the reading comprehension to understand that the title, “Horrendous behavior or just a man having fun with his kids?” is not judgmental?  It and the accompanying post presents both sides of an issue.  I’m thankful for the vast majority of my readers who are intelligent, kind, and can READ!

The following is an edited version of a comment I wrote recently.

You know what I wish? I wish being a blogger was like joining a special club. Not a snooty club, but one that any blogger can join regardless of skill or talent, and once joined, the blogger could count on encouragement and support.

We would revel in each other’s success and reach out when a fellow blogger is hurt by life or by cruel comments. We’d share ideas about how to handle confusing technology, how to increase readership or even make money on our blogs, how to manage the unique problems of blogging, etc. 

A spirit of camaraderie would prevail. 

No one would write posts with veiled barbs or outright insults.  No one would encourage conversations in his or her comment sections that belittle another blogger.  No one would find themselves reacting defensively and negatively, as I have done here, perpetuating the cycle of competition and hurt.

Imagine if all of us were as the leaves of the aspen. . . gentle hearts with light shining through.

Imagine if all of us were as the leaves of the aspen. . . gentle hearts with light shining through.

That’s my wish.  I guess it goes in the same, old, dusty file as world peace.

Y’all take care.  I apologize to my kind and loving readers.  Now that I’ve had my say, I’m going to bed.


A big THANK YOU for every purchase, large or small, made through my blog!  Here’s a look at what readers have bought from Amazon through my blog.

Roku 3 Streaming Player

iBikeConsole iPhone Shock-Protected Bicycle Holder Mount

THE CRUSHER Aluminum Can Compactor

Born to Play: My Life in the Game

Kindle Fire HD 8.9″ 4G LTE Wireless-Band Wi-Fi, 32 GB

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127 Responses to A blogger’s wish

  1. mockturtle says:

    Sue, a friend of mine who has a blog encounters the same thing. It’s unfortunate but I’m afraid it’s one of the hazards of blogging. 🙁

  2. Sierra Foothill Mama says:

    Sue – I have poked around looking at other blogs and yours is one of a kind. Some I can learn from, others may have a topic I want to see, but yours is the only one I think of as a friend that allows me to enjoy her journey. Since I an still working with a long commute, I only follow you blog. I do not have time for idiots or negative people. Even with your schedule, that I so greatly covet, you don’t have time to visit these negative people. Keep you chin up, you are on the right side of the issue. You do not throw stones and you are a good person that I respect.


  3. Joy A. - No. Ca says:

    You know some people simply have those sharped barbed tongues and just can’t resist using them and they don’t give any thought to the fact that the big guy upstairs is keeping a tally.

    Hey, I find your blog to be upbeat for the most part and very enjoyable. Just me, but I wouldn’t have jumped to any conclusion about the man with the net. If it looked wrong to you that’s OK, you were the one that was there…. first hand, not all the rest of us interlopers with our easily voiced opinions.

    Thick skin comes in handy sometimes. Keep up the good work.

  4. Joy A. - No. Ca says:

    Say that wild flower popping up all over looks like a variety of Lupine (Blue bonnet). Does it smell?? I’m not sue I’ve ever seen a lupine that doesn’t smell. Any way you’ll find itty bitty little ones, average size ones, large ones and even big bushy ones. They are very prevailant out here in the West.

    • Sierra Foothill Mama says:

      Joy, I think you are right about the flower and even more right about focusing on the positive and beauty not the negative.

  5. Laurie from Southern Oregon in South Dakota :) says:

    Hi Sue. I’ve been busy working here in SD ,so I have not commented much. You know being in the blog world there are always going to be Haters and people that are never happy no matter what. They will bitch and complain and always find fault in everything,but themselves. For crying out loud people quit taking everything so seriously we all die in the end. There is a cyber world that does exist where people do encourage and help just as there are in the world. God knew that there would be unhappy and rattlesnake people in the cyber world that is why he created the “delete key”.
    Sue know that most of us have your back and enjoy your blog and can read. Do not let those 1% get you down. We have a lot of good people in your blog community and the rest we just ignore. Carry on my cyber friend and let the cyber bullies fall to the wayside.

  6. janesjournals says:

    People are the same whether in person, on a deserted island, in cyberspace, or wherever. Some are kind and thoughtful, others are mean-spirited bullies. Don’t let the meanies spoil your fun or push your buttons!

  7. AZ Jim says:

    Sue, always hold you head high and remember when they nip at your legs it because they are trying to take down a superior. I only read one blog and it is yours. Envy breeds evil little people. Ignore your detractors and relish your adoring fans. You are above the stuff you are allowing to bother you. Pity the small ones…… Truck on with your little crew….

    • DeAnne in TN says:

      I don’t read any others. From your first post, you exuded warmth and helpfulness. Your circumstances are very similar to mine, and I won’t be traveling with someone else. That information would not be as usable as yours. Your true friends are right here.

  8. Reba Johnson Cargile says:

    Bet those other bloggers have been bullies all their lives. I say, kill’em with kindness! Keep a smile on your face, everyone will wonder what you are up to!
    Take care,

  9. Barbara B says:

    Hi Sue,
    I agree with the ladies above. Some people just can’t keep their ugliness to themselves. I am a faithful follower and you are the No. 1 in my book. There are only three others that I follow with any regularity, but your are my daily read.
    Whoever this you that participates in the ugliness certainly wouldn’t be invited back to my home nor would I bother reading that site either.
    I am sorry you are feeling under the weather, hope you are feeling better soon.

  10. Linda in NE says:

    I’m so sorry you’ve been picked on by the mean comment writers. I wonder what they get out of putting unpleasant comments on the blogs of people they most likely don’t even know personally. I read blogs because I enjoy them and while I don’t always agree with what the writers say, one can disagree without being nasty. If I really don’t like the direction a blog takes I just quit reading it. I enjoy yours, keep writing and don’t let the creeps and bullies get you down. After all, they have to live with themselves and I bet it isn’t pleasant. 😉

  11. Regina says:

    Hi Sue: When I read your blog about the father and his kids I had the same response you had. What to do? You were NOT being judgmental. I appreciated you concern on what to do. I love reading you blog and what you are doing. We will start full timing in early Oct. 2013. Maybe we will run into each other some time.

  12. cinandjules (NY) says:

    Damn………..I missed dinner again?

    Don’t waste your energy on those who will always be in your rear view mirror.

    I too have browsed and notice most of “them” have an average of 5-12 comments. I think you average no less than 100. The writing is on the wall…and on the site meter.

    As for your cyber-friend…hypocrites are the worst….smile in your presence and then stab you in the back. Nice! I’ve noticed NONE of them have been back..probably lurking.

    So put your foot on the accelerator and continue on….I truly enjoy reading your blog and being a part of your journey. Thank you for taking the time to share.

    Enjoy your evening…………..rest up!

  13. Sue, we know you personally, however we met because of your great blog! Emily O suggested we start reading all about you and your travels 2+ years ago!
    You are the real deal! You are sweet, thoughtful and perservering with a touch or orneryness! 🙂 Let the shallow people slide on by… they are devoid of any real depth or feelings! Snarky remarks only lessen their value as human beings! When you let them hurt you, you are giving them what they wanted in the first place, so pull up your big girl panties and stick your tongue out at them and just keep on writing the best blog on the internet! Chuck says they are just jealous and green with envy and just ignore them! We love ya gal…. crew too!

  14. We spent a few nights at Newton Creek outside Yellowstone and a Grizzly visited our outside stove vent. This was in the morning from dinner smells the night before. Careful before you open the door if you suspect they are around. We kept the paw prints for a few days that you could see in the dust on our Airstream. No scratches. Feel better soon!

  15. Jay says:

    I agree with Cinandjules; you have built a popular blog. Now that you’ve graduated from the little league, people will envy this and will snip at your heels.

    There is power in having a blog with as many readers as you have. Have you ever been in a public position? If not, the snipping may be a new thing, but believe me it is inevitable. And gives you a chance to sort out the fake friends from the real ones.

  16. Dedra says:

    Your the only blog that makes me laugh!
    I look forward to reading your blog.
    Thanks to you, I’m not afraid to solo travel, now.
    I really enjoyed my solo trip.

  17. bob says:

    Interesting how people see things. You posted a two sided situation and asked for opinions. Now it was clear there would be a variety of responses and in the end you would tell what you decided. No where was there a right or wrong suggested but some folks are my way or the highway. Right or wrong and never multiple ways of doing things. I deal in politics. I confess to being a bleeding heart northern liberal. I love my motorhome and our dogs and we have a ball when we travel. I meet so many neat people many of whom disagree with everything I hold holy but somehow we seem to have fun and get along when on the road better than when in a community. The salvation for this country is when we can find common ground, disagree without being disagreeable and if you are a person of faith please follow the basic rules. I am not but will still follow those rules because they are the basic tenants of human dignity and survival. I love your blog Sue for so many reasons and I like your analysis of yourself and the world around you. Of course I like the fact that you are nuts about dogs. I’m most happy that you are happy. I can feel the mountain cool. I am at my cottage on Lake Michigan and where it is 90 inland it is 62 cool degrees here. Tomorrow I represent an unfortunate soul in court and many would say he doesn’t deserve my advocacy but the advocacy is fundamental to our country and innocent until PROVEN guilty must prevail. I hope you feel better. At 71 I just can’t stop fighting for truth, justice and well….you know the rest.

    • mockturtle says:

      The salvation for this country is when we can find common ground, disagree without being disagreeable Yes! If we can agree to disagree and still like each other the world will be a much better place!

  18. Sherry says:

    I know how easy it is to have your feelings hurt by people you thought were your friends. I haven’t read the blog to which you refer but I hope they didn’t mean what you think they did. Your blog is yours and you have every right to post whatever you want without worrying that someone will slap you for it. Seems very unkind to me. I hope you won’t dwell on it. If my blog were as popular as yours I’d just imagine it was a bit of jealousy coming through. When people are wildly successful, the public seems to always want to find some dirt or make it up if they have to. Perhaps you’ve run into a group of National Enquirer writers. :-))

  19. Dawn says:

    Definitely lupine up there.. beautiful, isn’t it!

    Glad you’re feeling better. Stay careful in bear country!

    You’ve built a really strong blog community because you share useful information and because you take us on your adventures and those of us house-bound really appreciate that. I don’t read every day, but pretty much every day. Must have missed the dad and kid one. Regardless, you can’t please everyone…and those that are snippy will go away.

    You present a blog that is worth reading, and most of us recognize and appreciate it.

    Carry on. 🙂

  20. Rita from Phoenix says:

    Sista and I tent camped in Glacier NP and we asked if bears broke into cars like the bears in Yosemite NP. The ranger said ‘Our bears are dumb. They haven’t learn to do that yet.’ In Yosemite, you can’t leave ice chest or cartons or cans of food in the car cuz the bears have learned to recognize these food containers and learned to break into cars. I saw a sedan totally demolished by a bear because someone left food items in their car. The car widows were broken and the upholstery ripped to shred. I think only CA bears know this but not anywhere else. I’ve seen bear repellent but I’ve never bought one to use…but I think it’s a good idea to have one…just in case.

  21. Pauline says:

    I started to go down through the comment…thought of saying something on each one. Instead I am going to give a group hug to all of you for your stand with my sister Susan. People can be so hateful and hurtful. Susan is not writing this for “fame and fortune”. She is letting us in on her life and her travels. To me, it is a honor and a privilege to be allowed to share this with her. Yes, she is my sister and I love her and YES! I am upset that some people can’t see past their own selfishness and jealousy.
    Thank you all so very much for standing WITH my sister.
    Love to all

    • DesertHawk - Las Cruces, New Mexico says:

      Hear! Hear! Good For You. Well Said!

    • gingerda says:

      Pauline, I can imagine how upset you must get when you read hurtful comments (or hear about them) about your sister. It makes me mad too when I see some rude comments. I love reading Sue’s blog and even though I’ve never met her, it’s like hearing from a friend when I read her posts.

  22. Marg says:

    Well Sue, one of these days I hope to have a traveling blog too, just for my friends and family to keep up with where we are located. I have been reading blogs to get ideas but honestly, yours is the one I come back to each time. The Bible has many interpretations. When it tells you to turn the other cheek, it does not specify top or bottom. You do not have to suffer idiots. Their attempt at humor or criticism lost them readers. Does it worry Spike? You should pay it that much attention.

  23. mary ann (pontotoc ms) says:

    your sensitivity is one of the things i love about your blog. it’s tough being sensitive when others are thoughtless and cruel, especially if you counted them as friends. but now that your eyes are opened, take comfort in knowing you didn’t lose much when you lost their friendship! i would not read your blog if you were disrespectful of fellow human beings who may be different or down on their luck, but i find nothing but respect for others here, regardless of the person’s station in life. big hugs for you & the pups!

  24. Mick says:

    IMHO: Reba got it right; kill’em with kindness!

    A step further; totally ignore negativity. Even discussing others negative remarks tends to bring it to this wonderful group. I love you All!

  25. tinycamper says:

    Sue, the old cliche is true. Your friends won’t stab you in the back, and the rest of the people don’t matter.

    You have brightened the lives of countless readers who wish they had the opportunity and the courage to follow their dreams like you have.

    We love you, Sue. We are proud of you. We wish we were more like you.

    Don’t let small people with their small minds get you down.

  26. Let’s move on to happier times. Killing others with kindness is always the best. We have our standards and we are sticking to them. I am living the dream of full-timing also .. got a lot of inspiration from this blog to just do it.

  27. Eileen P. says:

    There are so many elements of your blog that make it so much fun to read. You delight in the wonder that you experience. You share the challenges and life’s little annoyances. You aren’t afraid to present an occasional “what would you do” question that challenges your readers thoughts and belief systems. You don’t hold back, and you encourage your commenters not to hold back. Your style is fun, respectful, and sometimes hilariously irreverent. You honor your reader’s time and demonstrate respect for their opinions. It’s an outstanding combination and makes me, a “since November 2012 daily reader”, laugh out loud. We find boorish behavior in our workplaces, our schools, in our politicians, and sometimes in our families. It can be so hard to ignore the boorish ones, especially in the moment. Someone in an earlier comment said it best. “You are on the right side of this issue”. Keep on keepin’ on.
    Eileen in Phoenix

  28. Becky says:

    I am sorry that others chose to be catty about your post. Some people just like to be grumpy and make comments at other peoples expense. Anyway, those who choose to act that way are just showing their own insecurities.
    I haven’t commented lately but do read your blog daily. I was in withdrawals when you were offline for a few days. 🙂
    Once we are able to hit the road full-time, I hope to enjoy life as much as you have been able to!

  29. Brian says:

    It’s easy to complain and find faults.
    It’s harder to create something like this wonderful blog and take the high road like Sue has done.

  30. texastom says:

    I decided that there are people that I don’t need to like me. I would need to sacrifice too much of me to get that done.

    You have a blog that some will find threatening. Their problem not yours

    I love my friends in spite of their faults and sometimes for their faults.

    You keep writing and we will keep reading

  31. Nita says:

    A similar thing is happening on Facebook. I joined as an easy way to communicate with my nieces. Since my daughter and I are apart we do the same. Some people will even chime in on personal conversations or opinions even though it’s none of their business. I applaud you for your thoughts on the man and his fish net. No one has the right to harass an innocent creature no matter how small or large. He’s setting a poor example for his children. I love your comments and your photos in particular. I love the west and can no longer travel as I once did. Your blog keeps me going!!

  32. Teri in SoCal says:

    I just want to thank you for putting yourself “out there” for all of us to read and follow along. You are appreciated.

  33. Rev. Mary says:

    Keep up the positive attitude and forget the bad. There will always be people who look for someone or something to put down. Love you and pray for you every day. Rev. Mary

  34. lonewolfgal says:

    Sue, bear (get it?) in mind that, when it comes to your blog, you have all the power. If a comment is rude, snarky, thoughtless, inflammatory, disrespectful, antagonistic, offensive, or downright hateful, there’s no rule that says you must let it stand. Off with its head! Delete that sucker forthwith! You’ll feel so much better.

  35. alison - pnw says:

    So sorry to hear that someone you welcomed has instigated hurtful comments to you! Some people can’t handle success in another person. People will love an artist or musician until they are successful, then will say they “sold out”. And your blog is wonderful, and has become successful!

    And of course its so easy to be a troll when you don’t have to see your target face to face or be held accountable for what you say.

    Its a shame when someone can’t handle simply discussing various points of view about a situation with out brining in everything they think is wrong with the country from Obama to the NSA to immigrants. If we can’t live with people we disagree with how can we hope for peace anywhere else?

  36. Renee (from Datil) says:

    Whoever made the comments obviously didn’t have a mother who beat into them (verbally) “if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.” Nobody’s perfect, & everybody’s not going to agree with what everyone else says all the time. So just let it go, & don’t go telling tales all over your own blog. Sneaky, sneaky way to sabotage someone. I have no patience with those kinds of folks. There are numerous blogs I read, and I don’t always agree with them, but I’m certainly not going to either call them out or say bad things behind their backs. Move along folks, nothing to see here Sue, keep doing what you just like you’ve been doing it — there are many more of your readers who’ve got your back!

  37. Nickie says:

    I just wanted to say to keep your chin up! Your blog is so wonderful, and enjoyed by so many. Reading your writings is one of the best parts of my day. It always brings a smile to my face, and makes me feel so peaceful and good inside. Thank you for sharing your life with us. Please don’t let the meanness of a few get you down, or cause you to change the way that you write. You have a wonderful gift!

  38. Dave Burdick says:


    You have an excellent blog, NOTHING at all to be ashamed of. In fact, many, including myself, wish we could put things into words as good as you do. Don’t let it get you down, many of us missed you when your site was down, and many of us are happy now that you have it going again. Don’t let a few bad nuts ruin your great pecan pie. 🙂

    Dave (Marcia and Bubba and Skruffy)

  39. Rob says:

    Blogging comments… I saw an attitude in the blog that I could not believe, I was shocked & I commented.
    If this labels me mean or a hater or hurtful in the eyes of your disciples … there is nothing I can do about it.

    • Sierra Foothill Mama says:

      Perhaps YOU are the one with the attitude – ya think?

    • cinandjules (NY) says:

      What you wrote here was totally different from what you wrote there:

      “I’d forgotten about the finger pointer… I was shocked when I read that blog, what a rotten thing to do to someone!
      I really think people who are just not able to mind their own business, people who HAVE to tell others how to live, HAVE to force others to live their way are the reason we humans have so many wars.”

      You guys carrying on “over there” making fun about “calling her out”….how does the shoe fit now?

      • cinandjules (NY) says:

        Okay….I had a menopausal moment.

        Rob with all due respect…….the contents of your comment has no validity to it whatsoever. No one forced anything upon anyone.

        Peace be with you.

        Sue I apologize for bringing this negativity to your wonderful blog. Feel free to delete my post…after all it’s YOUR blog.

    • Marg says:

      Rob, perhaps if you are “shocked” then maybe that is the time not to comment. Please do not read CNN news or you will most surely be shocked beyond reason, certainly shocked speechless. Now, that is a good concept.

  40. Diane says:

    Sue, I hope you wake up well and rested in the morning. Your pictures today and the thoughts describing them are poetic. I enjoyed them.
    The person who hurts on the net is a coward who finds it easy to lash out at another
    where there are no consequenes for their actions. It’s alarming to you because I think you are just not made that way. I think you can put it behind you, and rise above.
    Back in the “Day” they used to say…”Keep on Trucking”
    Love your Blog.

  41. Reine in Plano says:

    I’ve always felt really sorry for folks that mistreat others whether physically or verbally. My thought is that they treat others the way they EXPECT to be treated and how sad to live your life expecting to be stabbed in the back or hurt every day of your life. Pity the poor folks and move on. YOUR readership is supportive and really enjoys the daily stuff whether fun, silly, beautiful or thought provoking.

    I still smile when thinking about opening the door so you could close it. Like looking for my sunglasses when they’re on top of my head. It’s the ordinary stuff that you have the gift of making extraordinary that keeps us reading.

  42. Val R. Lakefield On. says:

    Hi Sue & crew. Hope you feel better soon. I was having a swim today & afterward while sitting on the dock, I’m thinking…”wonder if RV Sue put up a new post yet”. So you know when we are thinking of you during the day, you, the crew, and your blog have made a difference in our life. I cannot go anywhere at the moment due to elder care. Sometimes I worry that I will be too old to travel once I’m able to. Then I read comments on your blog about 82 yr olds in motor homes, paddlers in their 70’s. Your blog gives me HOPE! I can relate to you in so many ways. I too, often like my own company, through your blog, I have learned that there are many of us out there. You also make me laugh…..Please do not let negative comments get you down. Your fans outnumber your critics by a country mile.

  43. Elizabeth says:

    Well, you are not alone I think….looks like Ms Tioga George has given up on open blog anymore…not that I blame him. This is exactly one reason I do not have my own blog…my thin skin (thin because life has dealt me far too many of these critical types to be related to as well as having lived the most years so far in life in a town CHOCK full of these types)…sorry loosing my optimism for even finding very many really nice people anymore…I think most of them have already died.

    But hopefully there are enough of us who do not feel this way, to keep you online. I do enjoy reading what all you experience and the photos, so please keep writing.

    There is a seemingly nasty culture springing up in this country…in Feb. 2012 we visited our daughter and it was such a nice relief to find polite drivers even tho this is a large city area in this state. Well, I find it is nearly as awful now, to drive, as is in on the east coast where we have lived the last 10 years. So disappointing…but I think people overall are as a whole not improving. Maybe it is what has resulted from the “me generation”??

    Hope you feel better soon…it is harder to be optimistic when we feel badly too!!

  44. Susan Preston says:

    Don’t let the snippers get you down Sue! Somebody’s always going to be jealous and feel the best way to make themselves feel better is to beat up on someone else! As my mother used to tell me, “Consider the source”.

    Hope you feel better very soon. Big hug to Bridge & Spike!


  45. Cheryl Ann says:

    Sue, the hubs and I just spent 8 nights up in the Sierra Nevada, between June Lake and Silver Lake. We both noticed that we ate more and slept more! We are at about 8500 feet (I think)…anyway we are home now, back in the desert. From nights in the low 40’s to nights in the high 70’s…sigh…I slept in my flannel PJ’s and our cabin’s bed had 2 blankets and a heavy comforter. I guess our bodies like the mountains better than the desert…that’s all I can think!
    ~~Cheryl Ann~~

  46. spumoni says:

    I didn’t take your blog post as judgemental at all. I truly felt that you were in a quandry about what to do and wanted opinions/advice. Some people feel better about themselves when they talk bad about others, its a shame.

  47. Rawn Stone says:

    Well Sue I have never commented even though I have enjoyed your blog for some time now. Just remember people who write nasty are just giving a inside view of themselves. In my observations they are not happy in their own skin. And since you write sweet, funny, insightful blogs, we get an inside view of you! Safe and fun travels to you, Rawn

  48. carol says:

    Your bloggers wish is my wish for the world,
    People change, the hunter lays down his rifle and
    picks up a camera, the racist becomes a minister
    the uneducated become enlightened. But it’s hard
    living with them until then. Tongue in cheek,lol.
    Thick skin, shrug them off, u know u r a good person.
    Some people cant have a two way conversation with respectful
    converse and seeing the many shades of gray in life.
    I like the “what would u do scenarios” the many opinions give
    me food for thought.
    Thank-u, i think we have alot in common, my horses keep me grounded
    to a home, but thru them i travel the many forests of washington

  49. Donna in CT says:

    Wow. Look at all the friendly supporters you have! Use that delete button for that tiny percentage of bullies. That’s all they are, schoolyard bullies who are jealous. I’m so proud that you shared your feelings with us and didn’t resort to their ugliness by calling them out by name. It’s probably good for them that you didn’t. We would have invaded them and told them just what’s what! Hmm, I know somebody who knows somebody. Want them taken care of? (Joking. I really don’t. ) Just want you to know we have your back.

  50. Jan Johnson says:

    Love your blog…don’t let those jerks pull you down to their level…you are a wonderful blogger that I look forward to reading everyday! I ordered the Kindle Fire on your blog. Praying you feel better soon..Hugs from Oregon..:)

  51. Barrie says:

    Hi Sue,
    Your blog is the best. Please don’t let critics influence the way you blog. There will always be those who think they know best; others may be envious. The proof is in the pudding. You have a growing and loyal following. I read every post you offer.


  52. rootmeansquared says:

    I haven’t commented on a blog before but I have to tell you how much I enjoy your posts. I read several blogs every day but your’s is one of the first I go to.

    Thank you for sharing your experiences.

  53. Kellee says:

    Sue: The photo of the aspens is incredible! I love aspen trees – I could hear their flutter through your photo. Be careful of the bears (but get a photo if you can! ;))

    Don’t let the turkeys get you down.

    Kellee, Becker and our new foster dog Blue

  54. Micky says:

    “Imagine if all of us were like the leaves of the aspen… gentle hearts with light shining through.”
    I love your writing Sue, and that little sentence, and the picture that goes with it, I find as inspiring and beautiful as anything you have written here.
    Thank you for sharing your life with us! Thank you for letting me see that next year, as a woman with her two dogs, this lifestyle can happen for me too! You inspire me every time you write. Hugs to you!

  55. Rosemary in PA says:


    Try not to take the general negativity personally. It seems that every site that allows commenting suffers from this. On many blogs, you can hardly read a few comments before it turns into bashing and hatred. It really scares me sometimes to think that people can be so cruel. And they use the internet as an opportunity to vent whatever are the true hostilities that they are experiencing in their lives.

    However, when someone that you considered to be a personal friend does this, that is a different story. I would contact that person directly and express your disappointment and how tell him how this hurt you. It’s possible that he was just trying to be like those other commenters and didn’t consider that what he was saying could be seen as hurtful to you. If he apologizes sincerely, forgive; if he brushes you off as being overly sensitive, forget him as a friend.

    And keep up the good work and feel better soon!


  56. Gaelyn says:

    There always seems to be some in this world who take joy out of others misery. I pity them, but don’t have to friend them either. Keep on. And feel better soon.

  57. Walt says:

    Constructive criticism – if presented in a thoughtful and respectful manner – is one thing. Attacks are quite another. As a blogger whose readership numbers in the single digits, I haven’t encountered this situation. Yet I find myself shying away from writing about certain topics I feel like saying something about, even though I know the likelihood is small that anyone else will see it.

    Having said all of that, let me say that I love your blog – from the “mundane” posts such as the shopping trip to Wal-Mart to the more “thought-provoking” posts, such as the one about the man and the children along Ivie Creek. As a former reporter and newscast producer, I have to say that you have done a marvelous job of staying “fair and balanced” (apologies to Fox News for borrowing their slogan) whenever you present ethical dilemmas or other serious subjects.

    I’ve read a number of travel and full-timing blogs, and I’ve enjoyed the vast majority of them. But yours is one of only a handful that I keep coming back to. As they used to say back in the day, keep on keepin’ on!

  58. Elidh says:

    Hi Sue!! Of the bujillion blogs out there in the cyberuniverse, I only subscribe to 2, and yours is one of them! I’ll say no more!

  59. Rita from Phoenix says:

    Unfortunately we find negative folks all over, in the work place, at home, even people you considered friends sometimes see things about you and criticize. I remember so well in high school, I was ostracized from certain groups but it didn’t bother me….I didn’t need them. To this day, I feel the same way. If someone doesn’t like my friendship or company, they don’t have to be around me and I don’t have to be around them. I totally ignore them…best way to calm a tantrum…let them have their tantrum and ignore them and eventually they will go away. They’re like kids…they want attention. For years my boss at the work place teamed me up with the most ornery and unpopular person in the office. All the snippet remarks, eye rolling went away after several weeks of ignoring snide remarks from them. I kept my mind focus on the project and the work at hand. I didn’t react to them and their behavior went away.

  60. Eddie says:

    This kind of stuff is why I would never put every detail of my life out there for all the world to see. Maybe for friends and family but not for every yahoo in the world to see. If you do, you have to be ready for this kind of human behavior. At least you find out who your real friends are. To each his own.


  61. Rik says:

    Sue there are always snakes in the grass even when you are running a non-political blog. Most of us enjoy your site for the entertainment and info value. These are sad people you have to deal with. Keep up your spirits, your living an idyllic life.

  62. Barb says:

    Sue, I wish all were kind hearted, but they are not. A couple of bad apples show very poorly–toss ’em!
    Thank you for bringing good, solid and thought provoking conversations. Each of us needs to be careful, safe and strong.
    Hugs from Hoquiam!

  63. Susan in Dallas says:

    I loved reading all the positive comments on this post. They basically said all the same things a good parent tells his/her children as they encounter the folks who have no purpose except to hurt others – “Consider the source” being my favorite.

    Your life sure gives honor to mine. Makes me realize just how great the small events we do in our daily living can be adventures. I am very thankful that you have the courage to write every day and enlighten, amuse, and expose many people to experiences they would not have the chance to encounter.

    Hope you are getting the R&R you need and please ignore the folks who just don’t have a clue. They must be SO unhappy and jealous and don’t even realize it. How sad for them.

    • Donna in CT says:

      “Your life sure gives honor to mine.” Wow. Great comment and food for thought. Being grateful for the small events of our lives is the way to really live.

  64. Mindy Reed says:

    Sue ignore the hateful they unfortunatly will always be with us. I do hope your feeling better! Enjoyed the photos as usual.

    I’m so hooked on your blog I went through withdrawls when you were switching over.

  65. Louise says:

    I ready many blogs for various reasons. The ones I love, however, create a more beautiful world that I can visit regularly. I am so grateful that you blog, Sue.

    Let me also point out two things:

    First, your blog is exceptionally successful, and that does bring out the worst in some people. As an example, two years ago a successful knitting blogger was attacked for being a role model that promoted a traditionally female, domestic activity. The attacker suggested we all take Sukie as a role model of strong womanhood instead. Problem: Sukie is a fictional character, a telepathic waitress who is one-quarter fairy and is married to a vampire. Huh? Some people have no sense at all — and are probably unaware of their own motivations.

    Second, everything hurts more when you’re physically ill as well. I don’t know why, but that’s the way it works. The physical pain magnifies the emotional distress.

    I hope you are healthy and happy in a day or two. Please, keep creating that kind and thoughtful world for us.

  66. cinandjule (NY) says:

    Good morning!

    Today is a new day! Hope you slept well and your body is recharged….

    Good morning to you too Spike and Bridget.

  67. rvsueandcrew says:


    I went to bed yesterday around 6 p.m. I awoke in the middle of the night and read your comforting messages to me. Soon I was in tears. How I treasure each of you! I read every message again this morning. Your wisdom and caring make me smile.

    You’re so right. Why should I care about a few, when so many good people support and encourage me?

    Usually I am a “kill ’em with kindness” sort of person. I’ve used that method successfully for years and I tried it with a few of these same criticizers.

    Years ago I kept a flock of chickens. One was smaller and weaker than the rest. I had to remove that chicken because the others wouldn’t stop pecking at it. They would’ve killed it otherwise. That’s the way it is with some people. If you let them get away with one peck, they keep pecking and pecking. I refuse to allow anyone to put me in the role of victim.

    I’ve opened the door for apologies and, as of yet, I’ve received from only one, whom I’ve wholeheartedly forgiven. None from the rest, just laughing denials. Well, I’m out of their “chicken house” for good! I’m done with them and their blogs.

    Back to the positive!

    There’s a silver lining . . . Some of my readers commented here for the first time. To you I extend a warm welcome and thanks! I hope we hear from you again. And to each and every one who came forward to lift me out of the hole I’ve been in… I send you sincere thanks and love. How very fortunate I am to have you in my life.

    You are as the leaves of the aspen . . . gentle hearts with light shining through.

  68. Patricia O says:

    Dear Sue,

    I have been following your blog since a very long time. And commented very little. As a matter of fact, I don’t read the comments because… well, I’ll keep this one for myself if you don’t mind.

    But I do love very much your posts and photos. I have been reading a lot of RV blogs and got bored after a while. I don’t mean to be nasty but just relate a fact. I became tired to read about surgeries, dinner menus and museum visits. But you have a knack to be inspiring in any situation, yes even when you have a headache or you cook chicken 😉

    That’s unfortunate that you have been disappointed by someone you considered a friend and I feel your pain. But he, that’s life. Just know that there are many people out there who appreciate you, your crew, and what you have to bring to the world. Keep enjoying life more with living on less!

    Hugs to the 3 of you!

  69. Caroline near Seattle says:

    I enjoy reading your blog and looking at the photos as I follow along with this new life you’re making. It’s very heartening to watch a person bring thier dreams to fruition. There’s something very positive and energizing about it. So keep on bloggin … 99.9% of us are here to enjoy the peace, simplicity and tranquility of your lifestyle each day and to offer you encouragement . Personally I rarely read the comments … people get too free with their negative thoughts when they can remain anonymous. It’s your blog I’m interested in.
    I don’t understand why a ‘blogger friend’ would take pot shots at you. Jealousy? Or maybe putting you down makes them feel better about themselves? Who knows. People can be so disappointing. That’s why I prefer dogs!
    Hope you’re feeling better. There seems to be a flu bug going around. Seems to run its course in a few days. Cheers!

  70. wheelingit says:

    I JOIN you in that bloggers wish! It’s certainly the way I try to live my life and write my own blog. Sorry you’ve had to endure such pettiness. Sadly, the more popular your blog becomes, the more likely it is to bring out “haters”. Why, I do not understand, but that seems to be the trend. Recently I got some very intense, personal nasty comments on my own blog which had me wondering why I bother. But then, I do believe the positive side outweighs the limited negative side. That’s certainly true for you. Just look at how many people you inspire & encourage! The few “haters” out there are really not worth your time. So take heart…your blog, your success and your warm personality is all very catching…and I for one am happy to sail along for the ride.

  71. Rita from Phoenix says:

    So glad you decided to ignore the few who irritate! They are no more than a bothersome blood sucking mosquito buzzing around…just shoo them outta the way. I’m humming ‘oh happy days are here again…hum, hum’ Let’s go site seeing and see the next camp with RVSue and crew!!!!

  72. Marg says:

    Sue, you took up for Tioga George. I thought that was very admirable. I do not know why people have to take pot shots at people. My granddaughter was bullied and that is something so wrong. She is beautiful. I had red hair and freckles with white eyelashes and eyebrows. I was never bullied and I came from a small town. I do not know why this happens. My granddaughter really is beautiful, so humble and sweet. Maybe the answer is envy.

  73. Jan Johnson says:

    Thank you, Lord for repairing Sue’s spirit and her body. We love you, Sue…Jan from Oregon..:)

  74. Rattlesnake Joe says:

    Years ago when I was in my early 40’s, I ran into an old miner who lived out in the deserted desert all by himself. He invited me in for coffee and I liked the old codger right off. It wasn’t long and I was pouring my heart out telling him all the wrongs that have been done to me in my life. He listened politely until I ran out of steam then he said, ” You know what your problem is young feller”? “No what” I said in great anticipation? “He looked me in the eye and said, ” somewhere along the line you got the crazy idea that life is fair. Well it ain’t…you know that if life was fair, we’d all be born old and live our lives backwards”. I’ve never forgotten those words of wisdom and now here I am passing it on to you.

  75. cinandjules (NY) says:


    Neat……… how the paths of strangers meet, stories and words of wisdom are exchanged and they end up being engrained in our brains forever!

  76. Sheri says:

    okay….Group Hug!!!

    • Donna D. (stickhouse in CT) says:

      Love it! Wouldn’t it be cool to someday have an RVSue and Crew rally? All of Sue’s fans could get together and meet each other. Sue might not want to have so many people together at one time, but she could join via internet. LOL

  77. Ruth Young says:

    I just caught up with your blog after several days off. So sorry you had to endure the “negatives”. Your blog is certainly a highlight and usually brings a smile and a chuckle. Gotta love Bridget and Spike! Beautiful front/back yard you have!

  78. rvsueandcrew says:

    I appreciate the reaction of readers to a recent guest in this comment section. I want you to know that I delete your comments only because I deleted his. It was heartening to read that you weren’t fooled by the false flattery.

    I’ve taken one last look in my rear view mirror and the crew and I are moving on!


    • cinandjules (NY) says:

      You go girl!

      Put that pedal to the metal…tear off that rear view mirror and leave them in the dust.

      Looking forward to the road ahead!

  79. BuckeyePatti says:

    Hope that you are feeling better today. As you can tell, you have an ARMY of followers that would go to bat for you, any day of the week. If you are ever really in trouble, there would be bunch of us willing to fly to wherever…to help you! That alone speaks volumes 🙂 Sorry about the people that have to be PITAs (pains in the ass).

  80. Bill & Ann says:

    Oh my! Such support for a wonderful blog! Love the blog. Wish I was as talented in this regard. Mine leans more towards breaking glass. Ha! Could I ever take after crazy people with my broken glass. Don’t mind me. I’ve been working too long cleaning bathrooms and fire pits today. Your aspen pictures are beautiful. Would make lovely wall photos. Keep up the blog and keep well.

  81. Michelle SLC,UT says:

    Sue, thank you for your blog! As I spend my days taking care or my husband who had a stroke 4+ years ago. You are the bright spot in my day. I enjoy the pictures and you adventures. Especially Spike and Bridget.
    So thank you and take care, this old lady is hoping one she can get out and see the world. Till then I truly enjoy your travels.

  82. stan watkins says:

    I have not read all the comments today but you should measre yourself by the good people you attract and not the bad. I sure can see how you would be hurt by someone who you considered a friend but now you know the truth about the so called friend. Better to know now than later. I oddly don’t feel bad for you but for your betrayer because that person has shown their true colors. We don’t have to always agree but being mean is not needed. Continue on your adventure and leave the haters behind they will get what they deserve out of life.

  83. Dave says:

    First off, I am glad you are feeling better today. After reading all the comments concerning this issue, there is not much more to add except to tell you that the inspiration I have garnered from your travels and lifestyle has been a major influence in my own adventure. I just hope that I can also live up to the standard of professionalism that you display on a daily basis. Thank you for opening your life for all of us to be inspired to a greater level of passion for life.

  84. Teresa Harris says:

    Sue, I remember when my daughter was in junior high, and she had a bully who would not let her alone. She was hurt because she saw someone who was her friend laughing with the bully. I told her the reason her friend was laughing was out of fear. She did not want the bully to turn on her. You would think as we aged, we would become wiser, but I still see people who just get sucked into the chaos of it all. Some people thrive on it. Me, I’m too tired. Got more important things to do. (Like read your blog every day and love it) Keep it up! Glad you are on the mend. Tia in NC

  85. Jeri in sunny Phx says:

    Hi Sue,
    I’d like to add my whole-hearted support, admiration, and appreciation for you and your blog to that of your many reader/commentors! THANK YOU for all of the the time, effort, love, and tears that you have put into your wonderful blog!

    To repeat what others have already said; YOU ROCK, and the trolls don’t matter.

    I’m glad you’re feeling better! Here’s to another giant group HUG!!!


  86. marcia in pa says:

    I read a few other blogs, but yours is the only blog that I look forward to each and every day. You have a wonderful way with words, and I appreciate your common sense, down-to-earth honesty. It is a *shame* that certain bullies and divas can use their *pithy* comments to throw digs at another blogger just to *try* to feel superior. I guess some *spoiled brats* never grow up. 🙂

  87. Timber n' Rusty says:

    Well Sue, I pray your feeling better, say, would you give your babies a hug from me n’ Timber? and like the lady above said, for them kind of folks, that’s what God gave the delete button for,. Glad your back and on the up n’ up, ,,,,Rusty

  88. Rattlesnake Joe says:

    I use to get Altitude Sickness too, until I learned a trick. The trick is to stop every once in a while get out and streach your legs. This allows your body to aclimate to the high altitude. Try not to race to your destination, just take your time get out of the PTV and walk around a bit, then in the next thousand feet going up in the mountains, get out and do it again and again and again.

  89. Dixie (N.MN.) says:

    Hi Sue,I’ve been gone and not been able to catch up with your blog–I REALLY MISSED reading It!! I’m truely upset someone would attack your blog—-You are so loved!!! Put your head up ,throw your hair back and go forward with class–you rock girl!!! Hugs to the pups!! Dixie

  90. Ed says:

    “I’ve fallen behind in some of my blog reading. So I go over to see what one of my favorite bloggers has written lately. As I’m catching up on past posts, I see that this blogger has set me up for criticism. That’s bad enough. Then the bunch of rattlesnakes who comment frequently on his blog (I’ve been the brunt of their remarks before) jumped on the opportunity to snipe at me.”
    I copied this portion of Sue’s posting today to remind all the people that suggested using the delete button to remove criticizing Comments that they were NOT made on her blog site. I read that site also and Sue left a Reply that slapped them back quite well in my opinion. I’m not sure why it became part of her post here today but your outpouring of support brought tears which I guess is a good thing.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      One probable reason I chose to blog about it was to vent some more. Another reason was to inform all the bloggers and commenters who may be tempted to snipe at me in the future that I will call them on it. And because they played the “Who me? What did I do?” ploy that one often sees in elementary school.

  91. cozygirl says:

    I’ve been curious about altitude sickness…and if any alternative support out there that helps. Especially one who might have Meniere’s disease…I’ll have to research that more before we hit the tall mtns! Just catching up…and see how much all your cheerleaders love you…me included! Hopeful those who have offended others, have learned from all the supporting comments above! Life is to short!

  92. Ladybug says:

    Wellll…….since I can’t comment on the Monday post, I’ll do it here. *evil grin*

    I’m sure Spike was only whining because the wait staff had high-tailed it to venture out before providing him with his morning vittles! And I’m hoping you’re keeping the PTV and the BLT hooked up just in case you have to vamoose in a hurry.

  93. G says:

    I have always said, there is a right way and a wrong way of saying something. Even if being critical or giving opinion, there is a respectful way of doing it.
    Just like some people never learned or bother to say ‘thank you’ there are just as many that like to say things in a mean spirited way.
    Amazingly, some of those mean spirited people seem to ‘love’ your posts or maybe they use it as their own way of amusing themselves by ‘striking’ back.
    Keep up the great work Sue, you are an inspiration to 99% of your readership and you also entertain the 1% that like to be nasty…. 🙂

  94. Judie says:

    Hi Sue, haven’t had an opportunity to read the referred to post yet but will do so. I’m sorry to hear that some people choose to be such behinds. Life is way too short to have to put up with that and while I’m glad you have and use the delete button, I think it’s quite juvenile of them to behave in such a manner. If they don’t like your blog, move on. You have been kind enough to share your life with us and for many of us, it’s the only “fulltiming” we have. I personally thank you for each and every post. I look forward to them and enjoy every one. I prefer to be around upbeat positive people who don’t feel like you are entitled to their opinion whether you want it or not. As you have seen from the number of responses, you have many true fans out here. I realize that doesn’t stop the pain from the barbs of those you considered friends but I hope it helps you to be able to remove them from your life and move forward in the knowledge that you have true friends and fans even tho most of us have never met you. God bless you and the crew Sue! I pray for your continued improvement in your health and safe travels for all 3 of you. Just one of your many fans from Alabama.

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