A brief, roadside post

Goin’ down the highway . . . .

The crew and I are on the road again. If I had my druthers, I wouldn’t be away from the blog for several days like I have been recently.  Bridget, Reggie, and I found a pretty, private camp in the forest that charmed us into staying for three days.  If there had been internet signal, we’d still be there!

This is an overnight stop on the way to the charming camp . . . .

P1060605Right now we’re in the PTV parked along the highway. 

The crew is asleep.  Such good travelers!

Thanks to those who keep my blog alive in my absence.  I appreciate your presence here and the positive comments and caring messages you share.  I read all of them.

P1060611I don’t know whether I’ll be able to go online tonight, since I haven’t yet located our new camp.  I hope to publish a regular post soon and catch us up.

I miss you!



It’s nice of you to shop Amazon from my links, even when I don’t post.

P1060614Do you know where this mural is?


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195 Responses to A brief, roadside post

  1. Ilse Werdermann says:

    Hi Sue, am I first?

    • Ilse Werdermann says:

      Enjoy your search for your next camp. I’m sitting in my living room surrounded by the mess that’s left after all the furniture and important things are gone. I sleep in my Lazy Daze out in the yard, but spend the days in the house spinning my wheels. I want to have my house on the market by the end of the month. Can’t wait to be traveling again.

      • Reine in Plano says:

        Ilse, If you’re having trouble “letting go” of some stuff because of the memories it holds it sometimes helps to take pictures to provide you with a visual for the memories and let the “stuff” go to someone who needs it. Although we don’t full time, I can understand the challenges – we’ve accumulated WAY too much in our house. Time for us to purge.

      • I understand fully your reluctance to let go of things, favorite and special things! When we decided to sell our home in NM and go full time, I had the same problem! I am the last but on our family tree, parents gone, no brothers, sisters or children to leave things with. But this was all I had of my family! Stuff! Stuff that belonged to my mom or dad. Stuff that belonged to my sister. Stuff that belonged to my grandparents. STUFF !
        Finally, I donated to Paws and Claws, the local pet rescue! I knew some of the things would bring good money for the rescued pets. At least it would be doing some good. As soon as I dropped everything off, I cried! When the crying stopped, I suddenly felt better! To this day, I have never regretted that decision!
        Maybe it might help if you donated some of your stuff where it could be used the most! Then it might just be easier to get on with your life. Just a thought!

        • weather says:

          Beautiful thought ,Geri,not just a good idea-a good heart behind it.

        • MB says:

          Geri, you are one of the few people I “know” whose situation is similar to mine. I have no husband, children/grands, siblings, mom or dad. (Lots of wonderful, supportive friends…just no close family.) My mom’s family kept everything for generations. My dad’s family did not but there were a few special things that made it through the deaths of his parents (he was 5 when his dad died and 16 when his mom died) and subsequent fracture of the family. I had a lot of things in my home that were meaningful to me because I liked “old things” and because of their “story”. But, a funny thing happened after mom and dad passed……instead of the things becoming more meaningful, they became less. I realized that they were just things. It was the “story” behind them that was important. And stories don’t take up any space except in the heart. I have been systematically getting rid of the stuff. Important family things are going to cousins….along with their stories. Not so important things are being sold or donated. And, like you, I have not regretted one thing thus far. One day soon, I will strike out on my own adventure. Because one perk (of many) for people like us should be freedom, huh? 🙂 I love your idea about donating to a rescue of some kind. And I wish you all the best as you continue your journey!

          • Thanks you! I am fortunate to have met and married Chuck almost 6 years ago! He is my family now!

            • MB says:

              🙂 Never met my “Chuck”. At this point, I’m kinda glad because I can do this crazy thing however I choose. Maybe I’ll meet someone on the road. Maybe not. I have always been comfortable with my own company…oh….and a couple (4) four legged family members. Enjoy your travels! Hello to Chuck. 🙂

            • I was happily divorced and not looking! Chuck and I just sort of happened! Might be worth noting that we met on the Casita Forum! Grin !!!

    • Sidewinder Pen says:

      Let me say (I imagine Sue would approve):


      (And also, from me, congrats on keeping on keeping on with the purging. Maybe I’ll see you and your Lazy Daze in the desert this winter — we came very close to meeting when I was at Sidewinder Road first learning the ropes of “desert boondocking,” thank to this blog.)

  2. AZ Jim says:

    This is the best I can do. 2 or 3?

  3. Barb from Hoquiam! says:

    2nd??? Wow

  4. R. now in WY says:

    We all know you’re going to find another fabulous spot.
    I’m tent camping near Pinedale, WY. Amazing hiking around here.

    • Kat says:

      For the absolute best hiking, hike to the inlet of Half Moon Lake – it’s in the Jim Bridger Wilderness area and gorgeous! After you cool off by swimming in the inlet, hike up to Fayette Lake (there’s a great trail other than the Pole Creek which is really tough) and camp in Paradise!!

  5. Barb from Hoquiam! says:

    Good luck finding a camp. Hugs to all… fighting complete exhaustion.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Ah, I remember you mentioning the weekend events and not feeling charged for them. I hope you can rest soon, Barb.

    • Krystina ~ Victory, Vermont says:

      Geeze Barb….hope you are feeling better by now!!! Please take it easy (ha) and just relax! Sending some prayers up for you! xxoo

  6. Lisa W says:

    We miss you also, however your happiness and good camps for you and the crew are more important to us than your posting every day or two. Hope you find/have found another excellent location.

    • PJ Crim says:

      I totally agree with Lisa, don’t cut short a stay in a place you love in order to blog more often. When you’re silent for a few days, we know you found a great spot and will be happy to wait to hear about it. Don’t let the tail (blog) wag the dog (life.)

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Lisa… Nice to know I’m missed by those I miss! 🙂

      Hi, PJ… “Don’t let the tail wag the dog.” Good advice. I’m thinking the blog is part of the dog. 🙂

      Hi, Geri… You’re sweet! 🙂

  7. Applegirl NY says:

    Safe travels! I have no idea where the mural is, but it looks like some that you posted in a town a while back.

    Take care, and hug the critters for us.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Applegirl,

      One thing that I’ve enjoyed traveling the west is the number and quality of murals in small towns. We came upon this mural a few days ago. I’ll be showing more, probably in the next post.

  8. Jean in Southaven says:

    Good luck finding a camp. Is the mural in Ajo or in that area? I love the horse. He is fat like my cats and dogs and me. Always love your blog and so sorry that Bridget is going down physically as you stated in the last blog post. I have my Susie that will be finding that rainbow in the sky before too long. I will sure miss her soft brown eyes and all the hair I have to vacuum. Take care.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jean,

      Thanks for the good luck wish. No, the mural isn’t in Ajo, although Ajo does have a few good ones.

      Give your Susie an extra hug today from me.

  9. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Safe travels!

    We’re not going anywhere….just along for the ride.

    We also manage to entertain ourselves while you’re looking for our next site!

    Had a laugh today….looking at Bridgee babees face…and just imagining her say Arr Bor REE tum!

    Have a great day !

    • Susan in Dallas says:

      “Arr Bor REE tum” was such a funny post! It just captured so much of Bridget’s personality in the tour she led. I think I’ll go back and read it again as I could use a good laugh today.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cinandjules and Susan,

      I read those two ar-bor-EE-tum posts again. It’s funny how once I start writing in Bridget’s voice it’s like she really is talking. It doesn’t seem to me that I make this stuff up. I just “listen” to what Bridget says! And I laugh, too.

      (For anyone interested, google RVSue + arboretum and the post will come up.)

  10. AlanOutandAbout says:

    Round and round she goes, where she stops no one knows.
    Enjoy the search.

  11. Pauline in Mississippi says:

    Your followers are the best!!! I want to thank each of you for helping my sister out when she doesn’t have internet. It is wonderful to see how you all pitch in and keep this blog going. I love you all for loving my sister Susan…or RVSue (Old habits die hard.LOL)

    Susan, hope you settle into the new camp soon. Lots of Love and Big Hugs to you, Bridget and Reggie

    • AZ Jim says:

      Pauline, your sis is easy to love and we do. I bet you were a great sister too…

    • Betty Shea says:

      Hi Pauline,
      Your sis is truly a free spirit,it is easy to love her and the crew!!
      I think you are a wonderful lady also!!
      I hope the weather has been OK in Mississippi….lots of storms here in Tucson area…I don’t mind them though!
      Take Care dear lady!

      • Barbara (Nashville) says:

        If it weren’t for Sue an this blog, some of our dreams would just sit idle. We travel vicariously, and pariently wait for the day we can do the same. She also gives solo women a lot of courage to get out there and just do it.

      • DesertGinger says:

        Betty Shea, I live in Tucson also, but I’m in NY for the summer. Maybe we can hook up when I come home in the fall.

        • Pauline in Mississippi says:

          Thanks!! It has been HOT in Mississippi but have had a few days relief with less humidity and temps only in the low 90’s. I enjoyed my 10 days in UPSTATE New York…weather was wonderful!!

    • lindale says:

      Your sister is an inspiration to all of us. Her joys are fun to read and her problems make us feel like family, sharing both the ups and downs. I may not post every day but I read every blog and hope to meet her some day on the road just to be able to tell her what an encouragement she is to me.

      And rest assured that even though she is traveling alone on the road, should she ever need anything, one post on here and she would have so much help on the way, she would be overwhelmed. I am just always amazed at how she finds ways to handle all her problems from electrical to getting stuck to bad neighbors.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pauline, AZ Jim, Betty Shea, Barbara (Nashville), and lindale,

      Love you, too!

  12. Cynthia from San Clemente, CA says:

    Back home from our Oregon road trip, doing laundry and cleaning out the RV. Sue, I have to share with you a book recommendation, based on your comments about other books you’ve enjoyed: The Oregon Trail by Rinker Buck. It’s a non-fiction account of the author’s and his brother’s recent journey in a covered wagon, led by a mule team, along the Oregon Trail from Missouri to Oregon. It’s full of history and humor. The book made me realize how the covered wagons that brought settlors west were really the first “RVs” in America, although they were less “recreational” and more “vehicular” in hauling the travelers belongings along the Trail. The opening quote from Willa Cather reminded me of you: “When I strike the open plains, something happens. I’m home. I breathe differently. That love of great spaces, of rolling open country like the sea, it’s a grand passion of my life.” It’s a book I think many of your readers would enjoy. I got my copy at Costco, but I’m guessing it’s available on Amazon too.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cynthia,

      I looked up the Riker Buck book. It’s over $13 for the kindle edition. Darn! I’ve spent $7.99 a book for the Lord Ramage series that hooked me and that’s a big jump for me. I usually read the free books or those under $4.

      I do like that opening quote! Thanks for letting us know about the book. I should remember to sign up at a library this winter when my travels slow down and look for it then.

      • Joy Sutton says:

        Sme librarys do ebks. A friend bought a card for one near St. Louis , maybe Washington mo . $10 /yr. she doesnt live there. She has one of the cheapest kindles. Might be possible. Has same time limits etc as reg books.

        • Cynthia from San Clemente, CA says:

          Yes, I have a friend who gets all her ebooks through our local library – that’s a great idea!!

  13. kgdan says:

    Toppenish, WA?

  14. Michelle from Salt Lake,UT says:

    Just love following your blog! We are going to try and go to Yellowstone in a few weeks. We figure the crowds will be down and we should be able to get the wheelchair to at least see old faithful. If anyone has been there please let us know what other sites hubby may be able to get to. Thanks in advance for your input!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Michelle,

      You’re going to Yellowstone!

      When the crew and I went through it, we entered at the south end and exited at the town of West Yellowstone. Along that route there are more geysers and weird, bubbling pools of weird, bubbling stuff and I do believe a boardwalk/ramp went by them.

      I admit we didn’t explore much of Yellowstone. It was more a drive-by experience.

  15. Patricia in Colorado says:

    I love that brown and white pinto, paint? He looks very happy in all that long grass! I always think “oh that little town looks like a great place to settle down in,” and then Sue goes along and finds another!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Patricia,

      There were two of those horses, both beautiful and well-fed.

      I, too, think… gee, this would be a nice town in which to live… and then a moment later I’m thinking…well, maybe for a month or so and then I’d be tired of it and want to go somewhere else.

  16. Toni says:

    I may not be boondocking but it sure felt like it the other evening. I’m dog sitting at my niece’s lovely home in Connecticut. I had just settled down on the sofa to watch tv when suddenly a huge black bear strolled by the back door. There are reported sightings all over Connecticut and my neighbor saw one in my backyard but I never actually saw one myself until that moment. It was tagged. I’m told he is a common sight in the neighborhood especially on trash night (which it was). I saw the trash strewn all over the next morning.

    Now I have the frying pan and spoon to make a racket in case he returns.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Oh, wow, Toni! You don’t need to drive into the forest, the bear comes to your house!

      Frying pan and spoon, yes…. An air horn would be fun!

  17. edlfrey says:

    The mural is on a building in Canyon City, OR.

    • weather says:

      Thanks,Ed-you saved me from chasing rabbit trails all over the web looking for that 🙂

    • Gayle - SO CAL Beach Boomer says:

      You sound so confident about this so I actually believe you!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      YOU GOT IT, ED!

      The mural is in Canyon City, Oregon. I’m wondering if you found the answer on the internet (utilizing your excellent research skill) or if you remember standing in front of the mural . . .

      • edlfrey says:

        The answer came from a combination of the two.

        I went through Canyon City some years back and remembered that there were murals. I knew that you were in that area so I did go to the Internet to confirm my guess that was where this mural could be found.

        Thank you for praising my research skill, one of my few talents. HA

  18. kgdan says:

    Just completed our first trip out with the new (to us) trailer & TV. We went over White Pass over and up to Forks. Celebrated my 50 yr HS reunion. Visited the Forks Logger’s Museum where I was able to show Gil the fire lookout I spent summers in while in college. The new rig is fabulous and appears to require very little more effort to set up than the Casita; other than it has 4 jacks rather than 2. Lots more storage. It tows very nicely. Now if we can get all the chores done . . . we would be really excited to get back to life on the road.

    • BadgerRickInWis says:

      Glad the new rig is working out for you. I would love to see some pics of how you got the recliners in there. Sounds like Gil is feeling better and that you two are enjoying your summer.

      • kgdan says:

        Actually it is a double reclining loveseat with a console in the middle. The footrests are powered and inside the console there are 2 outlets and 2 USB ports for charging the electronic gizmos. We measured carefully before selecting this one. Three furniture guys installed it They took the back off and lifted it in. Relatively easy with 3 people doing it.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I’m happy that you and Gil are pleased with your new, bigger rig. I bet the kitchen produces great meals. 🙂

  19. CheryLyn(Oregon) says:

    Hi Sue,
    I know you are getting close to my neck of the woods. Right now most roads east are closed to fires and several areas around Baker City, OR are under level 3 evacuations. I am getting cinders at my house on the edge of town. Fires all around us and a 100,000+ acre fire out of Jordan Valley in southeastern Oregon. take care-check trip check for road closures.

    • Stay safe CherlyLyn! Fire sounds close if you have cinders landing at your house! Keep in touch and let us know what’s going on in your corner of the world!

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, CheryLyn. Please stay safe!

    • Pookieboy in SE Texas says:

      stay safe cherylyn…..we went thru the same thing in 2011 when had to evacuate 2 times in the same summer the fires were so close to us….we had 3 campers and 2 pickups and one car to get out…it was a mess but we got thru it safely….

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Gee, CheryLyn, cinders at your house? I hope that’s all you get…

      Thank you for your concern. The crew and I have dodged the areas burning and haven’t been caught in smoke other than what I reported occurring between Bend and Burns.

      I did follow your suggestion… No fires on our route for today.

      Stay safe!

  20. Calvin R (Ohio) says:

    Odd as it may sound, this kind of “here we are along the road, not sure where we’re headed” post echoes with me. The freedom and ease of self-containment is a major attraction of the road for me.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Calvin,

      What you refer to is very important. Evidently, from comments I’ve received over the past few years, I give the impression of being very brave. Your comment had me thinking about “self-containment” … How does it influences my lifestyle with the crew, specifically my driving not knowing where we will camp for the night.

      Because the BLT is a self-contained rig (meaning it has everything one needs, such as bathroom, water, fridge, etc. to live without hardship or deprivation) and also that it isn’t very big, I am free to take risks regarding camps. Knowing how easy it is for the BLT to make camp wherever gives me confidence to travel with spontaneity.

      Let me put it another way . . .

      When the crew and I set out in the morning for a new camp and I don’t know where that camp is, it doesn’t matter very much. It’s not scary because I know that if I can’t find a camp I can always pull into a turn-out or park next to an abandoned building or wherever. I don’t have the worry of wondering if the BLT will fit or where I’ll have bathroom facilities, etc.

      As it turns out, we’ve never ended up in a situation where I have to park along a road or somewhere similar for the night. The closest I came to that was Laramie. I couldn’t find a good camp before becoming weary and we ended up in a Wal-Mart. Anyone who has read my entire blog knows it is rare for us to camp in a parking lot!

      Self-contained and small… That’s what makes me seem brave on the road!

      Thanks, Calvin, for bringing up this topic. Obviously you “get” it!

  21. weather says:

    Gosh,Sue-your overnight camp looked really nice to me.The one you found so charming must have been terrific,I look forward to your photos and story about that one.Thanks for today’s pics and post,it’s good of you to leave a place you liked a lot early to “stop in here”with this treat .I get breaking camp and moving on to do that -rather than post in the PTV and go back.There are always other gorgeous places to see and be in-you’ve certainly proved that .By now you may be at the next one,I hope it,too,is pretty and private,and that at the moment you three are happily discovering that.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, weather,

      You’re absolutely correct on breaking camp rather than returning. In this recent situation we had to drive down a curvy, mountain road to a town for signal. Going back up the road wasn’t appealing, even with a “charming” camp available to us.

      We did find a good camp, not for the usual reasons, though… More about that in the next post. I hope you’re enjoying a “pretty and private” day, if that’s what you seek. . . .

      • weather says:

        ….not for the usual reasons,though…could mean a lot of different things,sending whatever blessings best suit your situation.Thank you for your hope for my day,so far it has been pretty and given me what I sought,and promises to do more of the same .

  22. Susan in Dallas says:

    You’re first picture brought cool thoughts to me and we sure need them here in Texas. The “cool front” came thru and it’s under 100 but not a cloud in the sky and hotter than blazes. I think it feels worse this year because we had such a nice wet spring and late start to summer. It’s catching up now.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Susan,

      That Texas heat is gonna’ get ya’…. It may be late, but it comes on strong. I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know. I’m glad my blog can blow a cool breeze, at least momentarily in your mind. 🙂

  23. Andrea in Glendale says:

    Sue, your blog reminds me of a fun game we use to play when we were younger…remember Red Rover Red Rover. Everyone holds hands waiting for someone to come running at them to try and crash through the barricade you’ve all made. With you and the great people in this blog that continue to support, nothing that life throws at us can bring us down.. There is always someone to give good advice and we are made stronger by the life learnings from each other. “Ya did a good thing here.” ( line from the movie Footloose). Thank you.

  24. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    The overnight camp is a pretty site. Can’ wait to see pictures of the last last or next ones.
    The horse is just gorgeous. By the looks of him, I’m guessing someone must own him and he is not wild. I have no idea where the mural is, but it is beautiful.

    Have to tel you this funny. Angel, sleeps with us and normally is in be all night. Last night she got down and went for a midnight snack. She is to short to get in our bed, so you have to lift her up. So, when she came back, she had something in her mouth and I thought ‘What could that possible be?” Turns out, she brought me my socks!!! LOL

    • carlene says:

      Thank Barbara, they care for us in all ways… amazing! Bless your little Angel!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Barbara,

      Great story about Angel! When I finished reading it the first thought I had was… “just like a rat terrier to do something like that.”

      Angel sounds very intelligent. Maybe the socks were her way of saying, “Get on your feet and lift me up into the bed!”

      Sounds like Angel has found her place in the world.

  25. Mary Alice Cure says:

    When we pulled into Datil Well Campground in Datil, New Mexico, I thought of you right away. Our site was pretty separate from other sites, water near campsite, pit toilets, largest number occupying campground was 4, tiny A frame room with free wi-fi, and older age pass fee was $2.50. It is also 21 miles from Pie Town and fabulous pie. Lots of forest campgrounds but not at this price.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Mary Alice,

      Oooh, you found a gem! Wow, only $2.50 and with free wi-fi. That is a deal!

      “It is also 21 miles from Pie Town”… Often the distance and difficulty to a campground is a good thing. I like those kind of camps. Away from the crowd . . . It’s fun discovering them, isn’t it!

      • Chuck and I have camped at Datil several times and really love it there! If you go to my blog and enter Datil and hit the search button, I have several blogs on it! Great little gas station/grocery store/restaurant combined at the Datil crossroads! In the grocery, look up high…. A huge HUGE rattlesnake skin, maybe 15 feet, hangs on the wall! Great little town, near the Continental Divide and Pie Town NM!
        Yea, I think you would like it Sue!

  26. cate walsh says:

    Hi Sue and Crew, Sue’s sis, (& the faithful blogorinos),

    I extend a hearty “ditto” to everyone’s comments today about: how much we love RVSue, the furry ones, and each other; how we would much rather that Sue take the time to find a good camp and not cut short her stays at nice places because of the blog…I sense that we are very loyal and will still be here when you return, Sue. We DO miss you, but please no pressure!

    Oh poor Oregon, and the other states having forest fires, the beautiful wilderness, and the people needing to leave their homes! Please God…could we have some rain? Be safe…don’t drive into danger anyone. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Now a question from some reading I was doing earlier today. It was an article on Boondocking “rules” and I’m assuming author was really referring to the times folks do an overnite at a WalMart, or casino, etc.

    Besides the ask permission (always). It said “you are parking…not camping” and Don’t put out the lawn chairs, or the awnings, or the grill, and don’t put down the leveling jacks or run the generator”.

    So this doesn’t mean BLM’s or other natural settings, right?

    Thanks everyone. Sweet dreams,

    • lindale says:

      I believe this refers to rest stops and Wal-Marts. On BLM you can set up a real “camp” with chairs and tables. At the others, you are just “parking” for a night.

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        Yep, that’s Wal-Mart (and similar places) etiquette (which is not “boondocking” to me but rather “overnight parking”). I adhere to all those etiquette rules except that I don’t always go in to ask permission. Reason is, I often pull in after dark, and if there are a number of other RV’s already there (and it’s not on the Wal-Mart “no” list), I just quietly pull to an out-of -the-way place and turn in for the night. It’s not so much being lazy as that I don’t necessarily want to announce my presence by traipsing across the parking lot after dark (not exactly unsafe, but the “night parking lot crowd” isn’t always folks I want to meet and greet), and if there are other RV’s there it’s exceedingly likely to be okay to park overnight.

        I do typically go in the next morning and do some shopping, which they probably prefer anyway.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cate,

      Great comment. As for the parking, not camping… The etiquette of not setting up a full camp at Wal-Mart arises from the fact that one is a guest at a business establishment and anything one does should not detract from that business. If people make the parking lot look like a settlement, customers will be put off, and then the privilege to spend the night in the parking lot will be taken away.

      I don’t know if you’ve read all my blog. Most of our camps are BLM or National Forest camps and you can see from the photos that I set up a full camp at these camps, whether in a campground or boondocks.

      As for the term “boondocking” it originates from the word boondock as used to mean a remote place (out in the boondocks). Therefore I think of a boondock for an RVer as a remote camp. I misuse the term often, as do others, using it to mean any camp by oneself without amenities provided, simply a camp in the desert, forest, wherever there aren’t people.

      • cate walsh says:

        Hi Sue,

        Thanks for clarifying and confirming…because the writer didn’t specify places like WalMart…I was concerned I had misunderstood something about “boondocking” in general.

        Yes…I’ve caught up with most of your postings including the older ones, and I’m having so much fun and learning so much from your blog. So yes again…I did notice that you set up in natural settings complete with your lawn chairs, run, doggies beds, etc..Hence, my interest in making sure.

        Thanks also to lindale, Sidewinder Pen, and others for reasurance on this question.

        Happy Trails,

  27. Sharon Elsmore says:

    I think that’s Vale!

  28. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    Cate, that would be correct. Boondocking is like going to Quartzite, AZ or other parks where they do not have water, electric, facilities etc. You are totally off-grid, using generators or solar for power, having your water and propane tanks filled to operate without depending on outside services, like we do living in our homes.

    • Barbara (Nashville) says:

      P. S. There is a book out there called RVing for Dummies. I forgot who wrote it. I think it is available on Amazon but I checked it our from the library and it is a wealth of information for beginners. There is also information on “gorving.com” Hope this helps.

    • cate walsh says:

      Hi Barbara,

      Thanks for confirming what I thought regarding the “rules”. I was pretty sure writer was talking about places like WalMart, and I understood how important it was to be respectful to the business. I just wanted to be sure as I hope to boondock lots!
      Funny you should mention the book The Complete Idiot’s Guide to RVing by Brent Peterson. I just happened to take it out from my library and plan to buy my own copy from Amazon (on Sue’s link of course). Please keep the resource suggestions coming as I need all the information available to make good decisions.
      Thanks for getting back to me,

  29. Pamela K. says:

    Wow. I guess i’m left pretty speechless about now. Came to check in and see if Sue had posted a new blog spot. Sue enough, and from the road, no less. I also noticed that several of you may have read my posting of late yesterday night (previous page). If anyone thought that I was applying some sort of pressure of Sue for not posting before hand I assure you that was NOT the case or the intent. I wrote in good humor and jest. Mainly to lighten up the woeful comments and Bridget’s health. Unless I completely missed the point, Bridget is slowing down. Just that, slowing down for her advanced years. My own Golden Retriever is almost 18 years old now. Slow as molasses at times, but far from having one foot in the grave already! Some days I, too, feel like she does, we all do unless we are still young enough or healthy enough to not have those kind of days. I don’t think Sue misunderstood my homorous jest at all, she understood me and humored me back. That’s what she does when she can and when it is safe for her to do as she and her crew travel. So, I find it sort of sad that I would find myself, yet again, having to defend myself as if I didn’t care about Sue’s happiness and was only wanting her to blog again at any cost to that. The sheer thought of that being the case is just all out wrong, period. So, why is it that other people can tell jokes, make remarks in jest and I seem to always have someone or some group on here turn around a thought and make it seem as I am not a very nice or caring person? No, I wasn’t named by name, but geez…reading this was not rocket science. If Sue has a problem with me, she will let me know and like friends do, we will work it out. Otherwise, please don’t start a fire and then having others join in with you. Just saying I was a tad bit shocked at all the comments about Sue’s happiness and safety…as if I somehow didn’t feel that way too. It just hit at me pretty hard.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pamela,

      I didn’t misunderstand your jesting comment under the previous post. It was obvious to me and to anyone that you were kidding around by exaggerating your need for another RVSue post. I don’t think that anyone reading that comment could miss that it was written as a joke.

      You were stung by comments that appeared after your joke, comments regarding me breaking camp in order to post.

      I believe what happened is something that I’ve experienced also. I read a comment and feel a stab –“What a rotten thing to say to me?” Later I return to the comment, give it a fresh look, and realize the person wasn’t even talking about me! Like Ron says in his comment, it’s “the problem with the internet . . .”

      In the first paragraph of this post I explain how I like to keep the blog current (paraphrasing here) and that I left a camp I really liked in order to get internet signal for making another post. A few readers reacted to that paragraph, urging me to enjoy my camps as long as I want, they’ll be here when I get back, etc. One reader responded to my “I miss you!” with a reply that she missed us also.

      In short, the comments that stung you were not directed at you at all. They were a reaction to what I wrote. I’m sorry you thought that anyone was directing a message toward you. They would have written those comments whether they saw your joke or not.

    • cate walsh says:

      Hi Pamela,

      I’m pretty certain that no one (including me) was “busting your chops” for joking with Sue. Speaking for myself, I was responding to SUE’s comments…sending her some love and support for her choices. Also, I don’t know that Sue is concerned about this, but if I was doing a monitized blog I might worry that too much time between postings might lose me some readers. I doubt that will happen to Sue….she has a great following.

      I’m newer to this blog than most, however, my sense is that these are caring, non-judgemental, supportive, fun people and that they don’t mean you any harm.

      I would miss you if you stopped commenting here! You have offered me a ton of great advice and information including being sure to buy military/police grade pepper spray. I have much appreciated that you give me detailed info about many things that a newbie needs to know to enjoy RVing and be safe.

      Take care of yourself and keep talkin’ to us,

  30. Ron says:

    Pamela K.
    I for one did not read it that way. The problem with the internet it is just black and white on a page with no way to understand the writers intent unless the writer goes into great detail. And I think that many people read into something that is not there, like reading a paragraph quickly and then commenting on it without really digesting what the person said. I am fairly new here, (from just before we lost Spike) and I find on the whole a really caring and loving group.

    • Pamela K. says:

      You are sweet to give me your honest reply. On the whole I would agree that the group here is a loving and caring group. If I didn’t think so I would not come here as often as I do. I do really enjoy it here. That said, and rightly so, I am a tad bit different in my thinking from many of the group here. Sometimes, thankfully not often, that does tend to cause me a few problems. See, I’m not a loner. I like noise at times. I enjoy using a generator when needed and for a short period of time. I tend to enjoy people who camp near me and often welcome a visit or two. I ride motorcycle…I know, bite me now, lol. But I do enjoy it and I try to be respectful of the places, times and hours I ride and never at night. I even enjoy tourist-traps as a fun go-to-see-what’s-there kind of thing. And yes, I have been known to even let those places part me from a few bucks for worthless stuff I later throw away or donate…I admit I am weak 🙂 So flaws and all, I come to enjoy the news, the friendship, the view from the computer’s passenger seat. It isn’t that I don’t relate to others here, I just admit that I travel my own roadways and camp my own camp. At 60 plus I most likely won’t change. I’m a free spirit of a different sort I guess. Not bad or good in that, just my own person…it’s how I roll…but I do try not to roll-over anyone in my travels, real or cyber 🙂
      BTW, Nice to meet you! And thanks again for your sweet reply.

      • Krystina ~ Victory, Vermont says:

        Good morning Pamela 🙂 I believe my personality closely mirrors yours and I get in trouble all the time with my “joking”. I am always amazed when someone takes me the wrong way….especially friends that know me. I have tried to change many times but it never seems to stick. For me, your posts always amaze me with what you know. You seem to know EVERYTHING and if you don’t, you look it up! 🙂 Keep on keeping on Pamela K.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          You’re right, Krystina. I do see you and Pamela as being close in personality…. You’re both “people persons.”

          I disagree though that anyone took Pamela’s joke “the wrong way,” if that is what you’re saying. Please see my reply to Pamela above.

          I hope you are healing well.

          • Krystina ~ Victory, Vermont says:

            I don’t think I read those reply’s…been a bit crazy here. I am feeling much, much better. I see my primary care Dr. on the 24th and I will go over everything with her then. Missing being on the road!! 🙁

          • Pamela K. says:

            I think you are right about being a “people person”. It is at the very base of my nature. But I have been burnt by it several times in the past, some times were very cruel and cut deep into my soul, so I have tried to learn to resist being so much a “people person” now. A burden I carry with me I guess…I do try to keep it in my pocket most of the time. Such is Life.

        • Pamela K. says:

          Awww, thanks Krystina! You’re the Best! And yes, we are a lot alike. I, too, have noticed that when reading your replies to certain things you enjoy or don’t enjoy all that much…the many flavors of life! Life never seems to amaze me! What makes a person’s heart sing and sometimes grounds anothers. It really is the puzzle that never gets solved but it always keeps us amazed and amused 🙂

      • Cinandjules (NY) says:

        In regards to comments…..everyone is entitled to their opinion…period. Nothing wrong with being a tad bit different..aren’t we all? I know I am!

        Depending on ones writing style…using the Internet can make a simple statement seem offensive…when it might not have been meant that way. The above comment is in no way directed at you specifically….see what I mean?

        What’s great about this blog is… It brings people together from all different walks of life and people who are at different places in their life. But together we all come to experience and enjoy Sue and the crew’s journey.

        • Cinandjules (NY) says:

          Just be yourself…..no one judges here!

          We have fun! Blogorino is a word you won’t find anywhere else. (Who coined that word??). Not to mention…what folks do in an attempt at being the first post! Lastly…when the word Arr bor REE tum makes you laugh….you know you’re in the right place!

          Smile and have a great day

      • Gayle - SO CAL Beach Boomer says:

        Hi Pam, Thanks for standing solid and sharing your beliefs! I’m a lot like you. I enjoy being around people, but not necessarily interacting with them. That way, I get the best of both worlds — the energy and joy of being around people who are having fun without being entangled in any dramas. I love to see families at visitor centers, on the banks of rivers & lakes fishing with their dads, and around campfires. They are making memories and I don’t believe parents don’t realize that until many years later when they have those memories, too. Good memories are so much comfort! I had no idea that times would become like they are, and good memories neutralize today’s realities. Haven’t tried camping near generators or ATVs and the thoughtless mindset that often accompanies that. It couldn’t be good. As for worthless stuff, I actually have 50 coffee mugs for all 50 states to which I’ve been, exception of Alaska mug, which says: “Alaska or Bust!” These mugs inspire lots of memories, because a few I made with my own travel pix. My only concern about my camping preference is: I worry that total solitude would emotionally overpower me. You know how it is — quiet is so darn noisy!! I’m one of those meditators who only last 3 out of 7 days at a spiritual retreat! Apparently, I’m not a fully realized yogi, but tomorrow is another day, another campsite!

  31. DesertGinger says:

    I’ve been following Sue and crew for a good while, and I will be for a good long while more. Have to see where she is going next and keep us with news on all my friends here. Isn’t it funny how we can come to care about people we have never met, and likely never will meet. But if I meet a really sweet guy who collects camp stoves, I will think it’s Rick. And if I meet a thoughtful guy who takes bird pictures, I will think it’s Alan. And if I meet a guy with a live for dogs who built his camper, I will know it’s Rusty. And then there’s Cindy, and Weather, and Pamela and Shirlene and Denise and Elizabeth and Krystina and so many more. I wouldn’t know any of you by sight, but by feel…yes. All good, kind, lovely people.

    • BadgerRickInWis says:

      And if I ever meet a woman with the grit, determination, bravery, wit, and wisdom to overcome obstacle after obstacle and yet never give up on her dreams I’ll ask her if her name is Ginger. 🙂

    • Pamela K. says:

      Bless you! Lord knows we have all been there as you have had your many travels in the ups-n-downs of health and wealth. We have laughed, cried and held cyber-hands and friendship-hugs through it all. You’re right with the names you mention and all the other names that come to mind too, Cate, Barbara, Nancy, the list goes on. We are like a time capsual in a circle. A circle built around RV Sue and her crew and all of us together. We don’t close ranks either, there’s always more room for new ones too. Y-even Barbara’s little pup Angel is now an included star too. Did you read today where Angel gifted Barb with her socks, too cute 🙂 🙂 🙂 And not to forget your pup and how we were so glad you had the friends to help you with her while you were so sick recently. Dag girl! You are now sick again? We MUST do something about that! Surely Camolet had some kind of rule against being sick too many days a year.
      Hugs and get better soon 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      A lovely message, Ginger, and I know you would’ve written everyone’s name if that were feasible!

      I found your phrasing quite touching. “All good, kind, lovely people.” Oh, yes.

    • weather says:

      “…I wouldn’t know …you by sight,but by feel …yes.”-beautiful,Ginger!

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      Still hoping to hear that you are soon over this health issues thing…I fight with mine right along too…but you have had it worse!! And selling or renting a house…argh…the last place we sold was in 1999 and it was such an awful experience…we simply have not been able to go through buying again. We talk about it, we even look sometimes…but just can’t do it!! I guess we are kind of vagabond types inside…as we like being able to move when we want to do so!! Without being tied someplace by owning a home…the last place we owned…I could write a book about that town…and all we went through…maybe we are afraid of being “roped and chained” like that again…
      Thanks for the nice remarks, including my name too…there is indeed a long list of folks here that would be oh so nice to spend time with besides online!! I do also identify with those who talk of being misunderstood…heh, the story of my life. And joking? For the most part have to leave that area alone…esp. online. Too easy to be misunderstood and my skin is rather thin I guess…

      Best wishes to all…whatever you are doing and wherever you are today!!

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hope you feel better soon, DesertGinger! You have lots of adventures in your future! Along with my get well wish, I am sending wishes for you to be blessed with a renter soon! :-).

    • Cynthia from San Clemente, CA says:

      Ginger: You are such a staple here, I always look forward to what you and Weather have to say. I too marvel at how we can feel such an attachment and concern for people and animals we have never (physically) met. Perhaps because we live in a world with too much communication, too much noise, and too much technology there’s a part of us that wants to disconnect from being overly-familiar with too many people. And yet, there is that very human (and dog and cat) need to connect and care. What I like here is that most of us don’t know what each other look like (except for Sue’s photo on the banner), or what kind of car we drive, or what kind of house we live in – and yet, we can still be friends. It’s really lovely.

  32. BuckeyePatti says:

    Okay, ya got me. Where IS this mural? It’s pretty kewel, would love to see it up close & personal someday. Always awaiting your next news when you’ve found another fabulous camp!

  33. Barb from Hoquiam! says:

    After a long day of convoluted argument online (not here) I nearly said something last night and it made no sense! So, I didn’t…

    I am thrilled to know and get to know each and every one of you. The ups the downs and the inbetweens… We all say stuff that gets taken the wrong way sometimes. Grown ups get through it. 🙂 But it still can ache for a bit.

    Hugs to all, from Hoquiam!


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Barb,

      “a long day of convoluted argument online”…. Sounds like you could use some hugs! 🙂

    • Pamela K. says:

      Oh No! Sending you hugs and comfort foods…in a cycber care-package!
      Loaded down with Ice cream, Hot Cocoa, little Andy’s Candies, flavored Peanut Butters and Pizza!
      There’s got to be something there that makes it all better 🙂

  34. Shirlene (Huntington Beach, Ca) says:

    Good Morning Sue, I was hoping to sneak this comment in this morning. I hope you are still here. It is Weather’s birthday today but don’t tell her I told you!. I know you would want to know. Hugs to all. 🙂

  35. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Enjoy your day Weather!

  36. Cynthia from San Clemente, CA says:

    Happy Birthday Weather! I hope you spend your day doing something wonderful 🙂

  37. Pamela K. says:

    Weather and Barbara,
    Birthday Balloons coming your way complete with b’day wishes inside…to be granted for the wishing 🙂 Enjoy your special day!

  38. Terri From Texas says:

    Sounds like alot of August birthdays here-Go Leo’s! Mine was the 10th! I got a lobster feast at Red Lobster (the extent of our fancy restaurant going)
    Yeah, sometimes you really have to read what you write twice if you are posting on the internet. Writing is so much more difficult than actual face to face conversation. I got so irritated yesterday cause a guy STOPPED in the crosswalk at the grocery store and started texting! I worry about society!
    Looking forward to seeing your next camp RvSue and Crew!

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      We so WISH the car manufacturer’s or cell phone makers would make it IMPOSSIBLE to use a cell phone if the car is moving…argh!! One reason for so many wrecks I think…we have had some awfully close encounters in the last few years. I always laugh when my kids try to say I need thus or so, in the latest models of such…whatever did we do before we had them? I do have one, yes, simple…cheap…does very little…mostly for emergencies today. I wish my kids enjoyed phone chats, or personal visits as much as I do…far more pleasing than texting…or emails…so I am with you…does make me worry about the future!!

      • Joy Sutton says:

        Unfortunately my hearing is such anymore that I enjoy texting more. LOL

        • Elizabeth in WA says:

          Well, Joy, it is very GOOD to hear that it helps you!! I feel it is better than nothing…and if I want to be in contact with my kids…I am forced into it…for the most part…

    • Happy 3 day late Birthday, Terri!!!

    • weather says:

      Happy Birthday week,Terri!

    • BadgerRickInWis says:

      Leos Rock!!!!

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Whoo-Hoo! Happy Birthday, Terri! 🙂

  39. Elizabeth in WA says:

    Wishing a fine day to Weather and Barbara, the birthday girls!! I hope you at the least get to have a fine meal…even if it is simple fare and you fix it yourself!! I was over at daughter’s on mine this year….and her husband comes in, finds me cooking and has a fit cause its my birthday (sweet boy that he is, he is the ONLY one who would care really that I was cooking on that day)!! I told him I am so tired of paying good money for restaurant food, only to be disappointed and at least that day, I was going to have a yummy meal…heehee…IF I can fix it…whatever is wrong with eateries today??? Any rate, if any inquiring minds want to know…I made chicken cacciatore (and no, so far as I know I am not Italian…though I have learned centuries ago, there was a bit of spain in me genes…ha!) And yes, the rest were happy to eat that meal too!! (If we were close enough to a Carrabbas Restaurant…I would have gone however…just sayin!! They were consistently good when we ate at them during our VA sojourn a couple years ago). SO may you ladies have a fun day, whatever fun means to you!!

  40. Terri From Texas says:

    I am with you, Elisabeth, on the car thing, but the guy I was mad at was actually crossing the street and stopped in the middle of it so he could text. I’m sorry but people that stupid should be ejected into outer space since they already live there.

    • DesertGinger says:

      That made me laugh out loud! Happy belated birthday wishes Terri.

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      Yea, understood…same kind of people…ones who either do not care about anyone but themselves, or else think they are invincible?? Or maybe quite simply you were invisible!! I often ask hubby, the driver…are we invisible?? Heh, if you saw our vehicle, you would NOT think we were!! Amazing…

      Might have wanted to be hit too…you never know…people do a lot of strange things these days…or else we just know more about it due to internet, etc.?

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      PS…hope you had a fine birthday too!!

  41. DesertGinger says:

    Happy birthday Weather and Barbara! So many August birthdays. I’m the 28th. All my friends will be camping at Lake George, and I can’t afford to go, so I will probably just be at home. I’m ok with that, I like quiet time. I hope you guys have lovely days doing what you like.

  42. Pamela K. says:

    I’m curious about your STOPPING-Texting guy… When that happened, were you moving very slowly. Did he seem at all concerned when he saw you coming or after he reliezed you were there? What did he do next, hurry away or jut glide away like no-big-deal that he stopped there?!
    Glad it ended well!

  43. Alison PNW says:

    Hi Sue! I’m enjoying reading about your “road less travelled” time in my neck of the woods. Your photos just get better and better. Hope you make it to the Wallowas or Blue Mtns. Unsure how the boondocking is but the Tucannon River area might be to your liking. A quiet place.
    Here is a BOOK RECOMMENDATION for you and your blogorinos.! The book is: The Big Burn, by Timothy Egan. It’s not a novel, but it is fascinating read especially relevant for us who use the National Forests. Did you know these lands were created out of the crisis of the big forest fires in Idaho and Montana in 1910?
    The story of how those fires were fought is heart reaching, and the resulting story of Teddy Roosevelt saving the wild forests is fascinating. We should not take these lands for granted!

    • Kitt, NW WA says:


      The Big Burn is a great read! My husband and I listened to it on CD and were awed by the fire and its impact on the forests to come. We call these types of books “Who Knew” books because they contain so much more information that we ever received in history class. Check out the new The Wright Brothers by David McCullough. Another great Who Knew book.

      Spot on with your recommendations of places for Sue to consider while in this area. There are so many beautiful quiet spots just waiting to be discovered.

      Sue, I hope you have found one of those spots to set up your chair, read, walk the pups and enjoy! I am looking forward to seeing all the new places you have been. As always your pictures and words transport us from the hustle and bustle of our worlds into the quiet beauty of the forest. Ahh…


  44. Terri From Texas says:

    Hi Pamela,
    I stopped at the crosswalk to let people cross. He crossed too-halfway-then stopped completely absorbed with his little texting machine. It briefly crossed my mind to lay on the horn but I contented myself with reving the engine as I went around him! I drive a red F150-ya can’t miss me! Happy birthday to all the August babies!

    • Pamela K says:

      Hi Terri,
      I asked because sometimes people are truly clueless and other times they are insurance cons…waiting to be tapped by a driver and then that driver just made that con a full years pay in 5 seconds or less. It’s pretty common among certain sets of folks and in the better areas of the city where nice cars and great insurance pays out without so much as a question. With today’s cell phones it makes the old con even easier too. You think they are texting and they are not, just pretending to be. Then, in court, no text, no phone call, no gaming, a guaranteed *No Win* for the driver for lack of proof. These guys are often in the crosswalks because it is a legally *safe haven*. I never go around them, sometimes they will walk into your car. And the result is the same. I would sooner run out of gas first, lol. As times get harder, more of that kind of stuff floats to the surface… Glad it worked out well. Just be extra careful to look for that kind of con. Oh, and they almost always glance up to size you up for just a second before stopping, so look for that. That guy may not have been a con but they are out there in numbers these days…

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        We have seen quite a few things that made us wonder about that aspect too, Pamela…usually with cars however…

  45. weather says:

    A BIG THANK YOU to everyone that wished me a happy birthday,I am touched and appreciate it,and you,very much!Not wanting to use half of Sue’s page I thought it best to express my deep gratitude for the happiness you’ve given me in this one note.I see a new post-see you there,hugs ,blessings and smiles,weather

  46. Lisa says:

    Hi there, well I’m catching up, only two years behind you now! I have been cheating some by skipping most comments, shame on me! Oh well, besides living in the past I am having a bit of trouble finding the RV resources and shopping page. I looked in the pull down menu and sidebar, but can’t find it. I am a blonde, all natural, and am exploring all this on my phone so…….. Could the mobile site be different? Help gang, and thanks.
    On another subject, I love those murals and cute little church’s. Do you have any inside pics?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Lisa,

      I eliminated the RV resources and shopping page. It duplicated what other blogs do sufficiently well and my statistics showed it wasn’t opened enough to justify the extra effort. You may come across other references such as something in the sidebar which I later removed. The blog evolves.

      No, I don’t have inside pics of the church. I wouldn’t feel comfortable taking them.

      Thanks for slogging through my old posts. I can understand you skimming over comments, there are so many!

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