A day at the campground

Bridget, Spike and I get a late start on our morning walk.

"Now Spike. Remember what we talked about. If we meet somebody, be polite but don't go on and on about yourself."

Spike meets someone new to add to his wide circle of friends. 

"Hi there! My name's Spike. What's yours?" "I'm Bobo the Bichon from Alberta, Canada."

These two are instant pals.

"I'm from Georgia. I live with Bridget in a 17-foor Casita Liberty Deluxe. We have an exercise pen. Do you like chew bones? I got the biggest chew bone in the world and I chewed it all up. We saw a coyote and . . . .

"Nice to meet you, Spike. See ya' around." "Okay, Bobo. Welcome to America, Buddy."

Today’s a slow news day. 

Bridget, Spike and I went to the library and the post office in Truth or Consequences, and on the way back to the park, I hit Walmart for groceries.  This afternoon the crew enjoyed the sunshine in their pen while I read my Kindle in the camp chair next to them.  Even though it was a slow news day, we enjoyed the day!


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0 Responses to A day at the campground

  1. Hotel California says:

    That is one bichon post.

  2. alan white says:

    Sounds like a great day!

  3. Kim says:


  4. Jool says:

    Hello all! Sue, I hope you got your new Kindle. And I was wondering if Spike and Bridget already went through the giant chewbones. I love your posts, thanks for your faithful updates.
    — Jool

  5. Sounds like the kind of day I had today. Sometimes no news really IS good news. Just taking it easy is nice. The dogs look pretty laid back in their pen. 🙂

  6. cathieok says:

    I have just finally caught up with your blog. Found it a few days ago and have been reading it every spare minute I have. Even read parts out loud to my husband on a trip to Tulsa to take our 5th wheel in to the dealer for some warranty work. Two questions: has Spike lost any weight with all his walks, and have you discovered the liners for crock pots? Makes clean up a cinch. In fact, you can pick the whole bag up and pour into a container if there are leftovers. Or, I haves just closed the bag up and put in the fridge.

  7. Donna K says:

    Cute post…always like to hear from our fur friends! Agree about the crock pot bags – they are wonderful.

  8. tinycamper says:

    Hi, Sue,
    Love the day to day updates. It’s nice to see that every day isn’t an adventure-packed adrenaline rush (which would be exhausting), and some fulltiming days are just like a slow day at home in a sticks & bricks… only in your choice of front yards. 🙂


  9. Reine says:

    Glad you had a relaxing day. Everyone needs one of those occasionally.

  10. cathieok says:

    Sue, don’t know if you are subscribed to the daily free kindle book list or not.
    I get an email every day with a list of free kindle books. Some good, some not interesting to me, and every once in a while a really good one.
    I think that link will work. Sometimes I am not qute as techie as I think I am!

  11. Kim says:

    Oh yeah – crockpot liners are essential. They are kinda pricy for what they are (plastic bags) but worth every penny. Not only is clean-up vastly simplified, you can just stick the bag in the fridge for leftovers. Wal-Mart always seems to have them stocked with the saran wrap etc…. and many grocery stores too. When I can’t find them, I use the oven-baking bags and they do fine in a pinch.

  12. Terry says:

    Just wondering – since you have your LD configured with a permanent king-size bed, do you have any indoor table to use? If not, where do you compose all these fascinating blog posts?? :0)

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Terry!

      I have my Liberty Deluxe set up with a full-size bed. I removed the tables as they were getting in the way and I’m not entertaining anyone inside my Casita.

      I sit in the corner of the bed with my back against pillows in the curve of the wall between the back window and the side window. From this spot I can use my laptop, watch television, look out three windows, and monitor the burner heating water for tea.

      If I need a table, I use a folding bed table or I go outside to the picnic table. I’ve always liked sitting on a bed to read, use my laptop, even eat a meal. Nothing formal in my life!

      I’m happy you find my blog posts fascinating .. .

  13. Bob says:

    Sue, the crew did a good job on the blog today. I can picture Spike telling the story and Bridget pecking out the words. I guess they let you take the pictures. I’m also impressed with how much my two girls can say … without a large vocabulary, and with a lot of expressive body language.


  14. Pauline says:

    It is always a good read, even on uneventful days. I am going to check into those crock pot liners and I signed up for on the Kindle email list…bought a 99 cent book. So glad Spike and Bridget are doing so well. Love you lots!!!!

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