A heavenly boondock above Weminuche Valley

In the previous episode of “RVSue and her canine crew,” Bridget and Reggie, having had a picnic and fun at Williams Creek Reservoir, look out the window of the Perfect Tow Vehicle, anxious to see where we go next!

P1120332Williams Creek Reservoir, 25 miles north of Pagosa Springs, Colorado

“Okay, get into your positions, crew.  We’re going to search for boondocks.”

We drive Forest Road #640 a few miles north of the reservoir.

P1120323 We pass one boondock before arriving at Cimarrona Campground which shares the same name as a mountain peak (12,577 ft.) directly to the north.  The boondock is pleasant enough, although it is very unlevel.

NOTE:  To see an aerial view of the mountains north of Williams Creek Reservoir, go to peakery.com.


Cimarrona Campground is 27 miles from Pagosa Springs.


It has 21 sites.  Cimarrona Creek flows nearby, a short walk from the campsites, and there’s also a trailhead. Camping fees are $20 regular/$10 with senior discount.

Some of the campsites are short.  This one, although close to the campground road, is shaded well.

P1120326This next site can handle a longer rig.  One would step out of one’s rig to a copse of aspens and sit in deep, cool shade at the picnic table.


“Okay, I have another idea where we can look for boondocks.”

The PTV retraces her tracks south, past Williams Creek Reservoir and the campgrounds, to the junction of Forest Roads #640 and #631.  Instead of turning left which would take us toward our camp, we turn right toward Weminuche Valley.

P1120360Weminuche Valley, seen from Forest Road #631

Approximately a quarter-mile past the turn for the reservoir on FR#631, a two-track, dirt lane ascends a knoll on the righthand side.

“Hey!  That might be a boondock site up there!”

I park the PTV on the shoulder and set Bridget and Reggie on the ground. 

“C’mon!  Let’s check it out!”

P1120341What caption would you put with this photo?

We hurry up the lane and my anticipation grows with every step. 

This is nice.  Yes, very nice.  I like this! 

P1120357Is that a fire ring up ahead?  I think it is!


I twirl around, evaluating the site.

A fire ring . . . large, open area . . . a mix of sun and shade . . . These tall Ponderosas make good shade . . . breezy . . . no rodent holes . . .  no deadfalls nearby . . .The reservoir is only a few miles away . . .  oh, my, a view of the valley from our back window!

P1120344Bridget and Reggie trot across the campsite, obviously pleased to be here.

I take photos from different angles.


“This shade is wonderful, isn’t it, Bridgie.”


I want to investigate further up the lane.

I call the crew to come with me.  Reggie wants to go, of course, even though the afternoon sun is hot once out of the shade.  Bridget stands up, sees what I have in mind, and decides otherwise.


“Where ya’ going, Bridge?  Don’t you want to walk with us?”

Bridget is a lady with an independent mind.

She makes herself comfortable in cool grass in the shade.

P1120352“Okay, honey.  You stay here and watch us walk up the lane.  We’ll be right back.”

Gee, she’s a smart dog.  She definitely knows her own mind . . . .

“C’mon, Reg.”


At the topmost rise of the lane, I discover two more campsites!

One is above “our” site and looks difficult to access.  The other is on a dirt lane parallel to the one we’re on.  Both sites are nice enough with some shade.  I still like the first one we found the best!

I pull out my Verizon jetpack and turn it on.

Searching, searching, searching . . . Darn it!  No signal at all!

The camp host at Bridge Campground told me there’s no internet signal around Williams Creek Reservoir and beyond. 

Gosh, I wish he were wrong.  Well, that nixes this site for us . . .

“Okay, we’re going, little guy.  Bridget is waiting for us.”

At our approach Bridget gets up and joins us.

“Time to go home, sweetheart.  I bet you’d like a drink before we leave.”

P1120355I take a last look at the heavenly boondock and we head back to the Perfect Tow Vehicle parked below.

P1120342As the three of us walk the lane, I notice another distant view.

P1120359I’d walk the crew in the morning and see the sun rise over that mountain.  Oh, well . . . maybe someday we’ll camp here . . . . I’m glad for this day and for this place . . . and for our camp among the aspens and pines on Trail Ridge.

“Did you have fun today, guys?”

P1120358The answer to that question is obvious!



Follow any of the links or ads you see on my blog and, when you shop at Amazon, your purchases will send a commission to “RVSue and her canine crew.”

Here’s a sample of items recently purchased by readers:

GoPro Smart Remote
Trailer Tongue Jack Stand
MyJo Single Cup Coffee Maker
KEEN Women’s Whisper Sandal
InterDesign Leaves Fabric Shower Curtain
Aluminum Director Chair with Folding Tray and Cup Holder

P1120362Trail Ridge Camp


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117 Responses to A heavenly boondock above Weminuche Valley

  1. Julie says:


  2. Pat from Mich. says:


  3. Pat from Mich. says:

    Now I’ll go back and read and look at pics, lol. I usually don’t get get this close!

  4. Pat from Mich. says:

    I would caption your photo with Reggie saying, “C’mon Bridge, pick it up, we’ve got places to sniff!”

  5. Pookie in Todd Mission Tx says:

    wow what a report……..and so soon!
    now to go back and read….ha

  6. Dawn in Asheville, NC says:

    I guess that’s what keeps those sites sparse! No internet access…maybe in some ways that is a good thing 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re probably right, Dawn. And the fact that many people don’t consider looking for a boondock, preferring to be in a campground.

      If it weren’t for this blog, no internet access would be a good thing! The day will come when internet can be had wherever one camps….

  7. weather says:

    typo in post title, you meant Wemuniche right?, wanna fix it and delete this?

  8. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    These photos would make a great camp site even if it were only a few days. You could take a rest from entertaining all of us and just relax for a awhile. You know we can handle it especially with warning. That first site with the fire ring is fantastic, the crew really seemed to enjoy it.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I did consider taking the BLT up there for a few days. The reason I didn’t was I wanted to catch up the blog — I hadn’t posted this one nor the previous one yet — before leaving the area. There’s a big possibility we won’t have internet at our next camp and maybe the one beyond that one, so it was important to me to bring y’all up-to-date.

      Yes, the crew did like that site. They had a similar reaction to our present site on Trail Ridge. They know good boondocks! 🙂

  9. Hi Sue,
    I have a question and then much praise. First the question .. is your internet signal the same as your cell phone signal, both on the same carrier? Or are they separate? At that FR#631 boondock you checked out that did not have internet signal, was there cell phone signal?
    Praise! What a blessing you are! How generous of you to share the photos and the info and your thoughts. What a great life and how special that we can enjoy parts of it right along with you. Thank you!
    For my two cents, I love that photo you posted yesterday of the back of Reggie’s head looking out over the reservoir out the window of the PTV. I wanted to reach right out and pat his head and scratch his ears and sniff his hair. Delightful. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Ann,

      To answer your question…. No, there isn’t cell phone signal. I didn’t check it but that’s the impression I received from the camp host, although I don’t know if that’s just Verizon.

      Although both my phone and internet are with Verizon, the jetpack (aircard) picks up internet signal only.

      Yes, it is fantastic that we can live this life and also share it with like-minded people. I’m truly blessed.

      Speaking of blessings, Reggie is one of them. I know what you mean about that photo… Reg is hard to resist! 🙂

  10. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Bridgee has the right idea…belly on the cool grass blades….she can watch you as you scout ahead! Hmmm…no signal…Bridgee saying to herself…heh heh…I knew that! Cuz the man said..I pay attention to details…..that’s how come I always know my way back to the BLT! How was your walk RVSue and Reg man? Find anything?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Bridget is superior to Reggie and me. She doesn’t have to traipse around in the heat. The information will be presented to her in due time without her exerting herself unnecessarily. 🙂

  11. What a gorgeous area, it must have been tough to pass up that boondock! But still it was a lovely place for you and the crew to spend some time. It’s a treat to travel along vicariously with y’all! Bridget looks very cute relaxing in the grass. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      That place made a pleasant ending of our little excursion. It isn’t required that one camp in a place in order to enjoy it. Something I need to remind myself….

      I’m glad you are traveling with us, Linda.

  12. Marilu now in Northern California says:

    Darn, I was ready to set up my virtual chair and sit in the shade of the ponderosas with you! I guess that wouldn’t have worked if you couldn’t get on line. Keep enjoying the peace and beauty there. Scratches to Bridge and Reggie.

  13. Lee in Northern California says:

    I think I would have slipped my Keens off and walked around in that cool soft grass, right by the spot Briget was resting her belly. What a talent you have painting word pictures..thank you…

    I can just hear Reggie telling Briget his feeling about how he is leading the way for you…sweet doggies!

  14. Penny in AR says:

    That boondock would have been a hard one for me to turn down! So pretty, serene, and cool looking. Love that area you are in. Could just feel that mountain air…..hotter ‘n heck here!?. Have never pulled our camper out west, but when hubby retires next year we’re gonna!!

  15. Linda Rose, Muffin, Murphy, Molly & Midgy in Carmichael, CA says:

    I’m so glad you got to visit here but selfishly I’m glad that you try very hard to stay where we can hear from you more often?. Thanks for the details on this lovely location.

  16. retiredcajunlady says:

    Gorgeous as ever!!! Thank you for reminding me that there really is wide open spaces left to just be. It is one thing to know this in the head, but to see it through your eyes brings it home to my heart. So much beauty!
    Caption for picture: “Sue did it again, Bridget…another wonderful spot for us to explore!” Those two precious pups are two lucky dogs!!
    You are very dedicated to your readers, Sue. I think I would have been tempted to post a “BE BACK ONLY WHEN I HAVE TO” blog message, and stayed in that forest spot just to soak up the vastness,the beauty, and the natural simplicity of it all.
    Um, you mentioned rodent holes?!? Yikes! Do those little critters get IN the trailer or van? I have a unreasonable fear of mice and rats, probably close to the fear of snakes I have. Had you not mentioned the holes, it never would have occurred to me that wild mice of all sorts exist all over. Shivers!
    Thank you again for such gorgeous pictures and commentary. Belly rubs and hugs for HRH and Reggie-Man, prayers for you all as you travel.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, retiredcajunlady,

      It’s hard to ignore this blog after the years of effort to build its readership. I like keeping in touch with y’all. 🙂

      Okay about rodents… Some places have more than others. No, they don’t get inside the BLT. They do find their way into the PTV though and that’s a nuisance. They can get into the engine and chew the wires. I used to keep food items (canned and bottled) in the PTV until I found a plastic bottle of cooking oil had been gnawed, allowing oil to pour out and make a mess. One time in the desert a rodent chewed a plastic bottle of water in order to help himself to a drink.

      I’m pleased you enjoyed this post. Now forget about the dang rodents! 🙂

      • retiredcajunlady says:

        Oh my heavens, what an oily mess you had to clean up! That must have been awful for you. Water, being water, was messy but easier to clean….I hope! But you are right…in such beauty, mice are a small part and I won’t dwell.
        You have indeed built relationships with your readers as we look forward to posts and the beauty you share with us all. Truly, I thank for you the time you put into sharing.

  17. Susan in Dallas says:

    Beautiful site! Love the photos of Reggie when you are taking walks and exploring. We get a view of his backside and that walk like he is a dog on a mission! Not lookin’ back now, RVSue, got to sniff this place out! So cute.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Susan,

      You caught something about Reggie… He does trot along like “a dog on a mission.” It’s fun to watch. Hope you’re keeping cool in Dallas…

  18. Linda in TX says:

    Even though you couldn’t camp there, I’m glad you showed the area. It makes me happy sometimes just to know there are such beautiful places in our country!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      And maybe someone reading my blog will camp there. I like to show HOW I find boondocks, too, so that others will try to find their own. This one illustrates how easy it can be, just a matter of slowing down and looking.

  19. Rhodium in RI says:

    It seems Colorado has a lot of spectacular places to camp. If anybody wants to hike or fish, it seems there a lot of nice trails and creeks around. Truly a paradise. If you want to find a remote boondock with no internet over the crazy 4th of July weekend, I think everyone would understand.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thoughtful of you to mention that, Rhodium. I already have a plan. 🙂

      Another pesky detail that influences where we camp and when…. To stay longer in this area is problematic because there isn’t a dump station. One has to go 20-25 miles over a bumpy, dusty road to Pagosa Springs. If I’m towing the BLT that far — and I need to do that soon — I’m going to keep on moving to the next camp.

  20. Chey (WA coast) says:

    Hi Sue, crew, and blogerinos! I got my prosthetic leg! Won’t be long now…!
    Check out my Facebook page for some joyous photos…Chey Thurman

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’ll soon be on your way, Chey. Love your positive attitude! Great hearing from you… and to read that word “joyous.”

    • DesertGinger says:

      I tried to check your FB page but I think your privacy settings are too high. I could only see one profile pic.

  21. Ilse says:

    Caption for your photo: “Don’t even start Reg, I’ve already heard every butt joke”.

  22. Chey (WA coast) says:

    I was wondering if you’ll be going some of the areas you were chased out of by the fires last year? I’m thinking that the fuel has been spent and the grass and shrubs come back green. Hoping everyone has a safe and sane fire season this year.

  23. Jan Johnson says:

    What a beautiful, beautiful place! It gets my hankering up so much. It was 100 degrees here in metro Atlanta yesterday (aren’t you glad you got out of here?!) that felt like 106. It truly felt like a blanket was over us the minute we walked outside. The heat along with excessive traffic just make me homesick to be in the great outdoors, to explore the land as you are doing. What a great life! I know there are sacrifices, as I am one who has lots of books and art supplies, but wow you get to see so much of God’s beautiful art out there in those wild places. It seems a good trade-off!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Oh, Jan… That Georgia heat and humidity is oppressive, and even more so in the city with all that concrete, pavement, and traffic. How did people manage without air conditioning? You can only drink so many mint juleps and “sweet tea.”

      There is a trade-off when letting go of a house and property to live in a small travel trailer. The rewards of living small and untethered are great. 🙂

      I hope it cools down this evening with some breeze for you.

  24. Cynthia in San Clemente says:

    Caption for the photo: Reggie to Bridget – “C’mon Bridget, ladies first!”
    The entire area looks just beautiful, so green and peaceful. It’s a shame you couldn’t stay at that lovely spot you found, but nice to know you didn’t want to leave us without a blog post …. you know how impatient and worried we get!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Cute caption… Reggie is a polite boy so that fits.

      As many beautiful places at which we have made our home, and, God willing, the many more in our future, passing up that camp overlooking Weminuche Valley is not a sacrifice. It was fun discovering it and walking about with the crew.

  25. weather says:

    The site at Cimmarona with aspens , cool, deep shade and nearby creek is nice for being in a campground. The heavenly boondock one was a really great find. I love that instead of dwelling on being disappointed you were glad for the day, place and gifts you have received. The photo caption “Reggie looks to be sure Bridget is close, they like to explore new places together.” might fit.

    You mentioned in a comment that you may be without internet at the next camp or two. I’m guessing you that may move early in the morning tomorrow. I’ll take this opportunity to wish what I hope you have while you’re away from us. May cool winds ,easy roads, well being, joy and wonderful discoveries fill your days, and starlight find you sleeping with a smile from sweet dreams and crew cuddles.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I like your caption! I’d put it in dialogue form, “Stay close, Miss B. It’s more fun when we explore together.”

      We probably will move in the morning. Monday is a good day of the week for that. Thank you for the lovely wish. That has been true for us many times in the past . . . May the same be true for you!

      • weather says:

        Good morning 🙂 Did you wake up feeling ambitious enough to move? My day began with visits from each of the kitty family …happy sighs and dance… such a treat! They seldom gather on the same day any more. I hope something special greets you, too.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          A kitty reunion at “the old home place!” What a happy way for your day to begin, weather. Good morning…

          We will be on our way today. Yesterday I packed up most of the outdoor stuff before we went inside for the evening. Our new camp has no internet signal; I may drive to find signal as we will be at that camp through Independence Day weekend. I wish you the joy of this special holiday — freedom and the happiness it makes possible!

  26. Alaska Don says:

    OK, I know it’s not your fault…but after looking at all the boondocking photos…. I went out and picked up a VW Eurovan camper. No, it’s used and in Alaska, pretty rare. Still, looking forward to getting out of town.

    So, Sue, thanks for the kick in the seat to get another RV and get going.

    • rvsueandcrew says:


      Oops, sorry for yelling… I’m thrilled for you, Don. You’re gonna’ have a blast with that camper. And you’re in Alaska… Wow! What fun awaits!

  27. As always your post is beautiful Sue, ,,, I had to go back to the hospital very early this morning, 5:50 arrived, THE DOCTOR said I had a real bad reaction to the Antibiotic, Sulfamethox /Trimetho, it was making me sick ,I thought I was dying, my heartbeat was ill regular beats, and breathing, I felt weak and up chucking all the time, the doctor changed my medication to clindamycin 150mg, 2 cap, Oral, 4 times a day for 10 days, they xraid my stomach and my left leg to see if the infection is in my leg bone, none at this time , so we left at 10:12:50,,, I took my first set of the new capsules at noon and I’m doing well so far , ,,, so it looks like we’ll be heading back to Arizona soon,I don’t know, ,,,, I’m running out of camping spots, ,,, while I was in the er Piper was in the outside SHADED Lounge eating breakfast of Sausage and I was feed of French Toast with Sausage, Apple Juice and a Banana,,,,,, Your 3 have a great day and give your baby’s a huge hug from us,,,,,,,, rusty n Piper

    • retiredcajunlady says:

      Hiya Rusty. I am so very sorry to hear about your reaction. Antibiotics are great meds, but some can really upset our bodies. I am so very sorry this happened to you. Just a bit of advice I learned the hard way…if your meds say take with food or milk, be sure and do it. I didn’t once when I had cellulitis in my arm (and no appetite because of the fever), and wow did I get tummy troubles. I will have you in my prayers…and Piper too! Get well soon!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Oh dear, Rusty. You have had a bad time. I’m glad you made it to the hospital, got new meds and a thorough check by the doctor, and now you’re feeling better. What an ordeal! Sounds like Lady Piper was treated like a lady. 🙂

      I know what you mean about running out of camping spots in that valley north and south of Ephraim. Here’s an idea you might find useful.

      When the crew and I camped on Badger Mountain, a holiday was coming up and we were near the 14-day limit. I visited the ranger office down in town and told the ranger I was having trouble finding a camp for the holiday (which was true) and did he have any suggestions. He said to move to another campsite on the mountain and it would be okay to stay longer.

      You could tell the ranger that you’re trying to heal from an infection, you’ve had to go to the ER twice, you’re supposed to keep your leg elevated,and it probably wouldn’t be wise to do a lot of driving right now. I bet he’d give you permission to stay put or just move to another campsite on the mountain like I did. Next time you go to Wal-Mart, stop in the ranger office, it’s on the way.

      You really don’t need to be driving a long distance until your leg is healed well. At least stay in that area through the holiday weekend.

      Hope I don’t sound bossy. I care about you, Rusty, as do many folks who come here. We don’t want you to have any more emergencies! Love ya! Hugs to you and Piper.

      • I must go to the Pharmacy Monday morning to get more meds for the next 10 days I’ll stop by and see if they (N.F.) will do that for us, ,, Your not being Bossy, Sue, you just care, maybe I will go up Manti Canyon tomorrow, on the way back, ,,,,,,,,,

    • BadgerRickInWis says:

      I hope it all works out for you Rusty. Just know that there are lots of folks thinking of you and holding you in their prayers.

    • Krystina ~ Sutton, Vermont says:

      Jeez Rusty! You are having a really rough time. Sure hope the Ranger lets you stay until you are totally healed. Keeping you in my prayers.

    • DesertGinger says:

      Oh Rusty, take care! I think the others are right about staying put if you can until you are in better shape. My thoughts are with you.

  28. BadgerRickInWis says:

    “It’s OK Miss B. you can get in front of me and pee on stuff first.”

    Really like that site. It may not work for you this time but I’ve marked it on my San Juan NF map. Maybe someday.

    And that’s why your reporting of the “mundane days” is yet another thing that makes this blog so wonderful and unique. Most bloggers wouldn’t bother to report on a site like that if they didn’t stay at it. No matter how perfect it might be for someone else. Thanks for that.

    But this post made me curious about something (again). As you scout camps you check the signal with your cell phone. But doesn’t the Wilson antenna give you a significant signal boost? Isn’t there a chance that you might not have a cell phone signal but you would get a air card signal once you hook up the Wilson?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      As I scout camps I don’t use my cell phone to check signal. I use my Verizon jetpack (which hooks up with my Wilson antenna to provide internet connection).

      You’re right, Rick. The Wilson antenna does give a significant boost to an existing signal. One bar may go up to 3 bars, for instance. However, if there’s absolutely no signal at all, the Wilson can’t help, there’s nothing for it to boost. At this boondock my jetpack read zero signal.

  29. Cynthia says:

    I noticed that u use Benchmarks do u get one for each state? I have Allstays app but it doesn’t have all boondocks. I’m in Rv park in la Veta Colorado with my 2006 casita! Love it I pull it with Toyota pickup 6cyl. I’m a solo girl too. The Rv park is the pits so close to everyone but couldn’t find any place to boondock. Help help me Rhonda!!! I also got portable solar Renogy brand would like to try it. I noticed on my way from Taos that refr didn’t kick over to Auto so had to travel with propane on. Sure love ur blog?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cynthia, and welcome to my blog and to comments! You’re a blogorino! Plus you’re a Casita owner! Wow! I smiled at you saying you love it. 🙂

      Yes, I have a Benchmark for the ten western states. It was an investment that has paid off with hundreds and hundreds of days of free camping. I don’t know the area around la Veta… I’ll look at the map… Maybe there’s a forest campground which would be much cheaper than an RV park, especially if you have a Senior Discount Pass. I’m assuming you can live without hookups, that you can use your portable solar.

      About your fridge. It’s my understanding that running your fridge on Auto while you aren’t hooked up to electric will run down your house battery. Travel with it on propane.

      I’ll be back here later if I find a place to suggest for you.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        You could go north about 45 miles to Colorado City and there are campgrounds along Rte 165 west of there.

        Rte. 12/160 to Walsenberg, take I-25 to Colorado City, go west on Rte. 165 (exit 74), go about 9 miles to Rye, about 5 miles west of Rye is Aspen Acres Campground.

        Continue another 6 miles or so (Rte 165 becomes curvy) you will find four campgrounds at Lake Isabel. Further along Rte 165, another 8 miles or so is Bishop’s Castle Campground.

        Let me know if you have any questions or need more help.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Blue Lake Campground at 10,400 feet (Can you handle that elevation?) 15 sites, big enough for RV of 40 ft. Creek runs through CG, 1/2 mile from the lake. Fee: $17 regular of $8.50 with Senior Pass.

      Take Rte 12 south from La Veta, go about 8 miles to Cuchara. Five miles past Cuchara, turn right (west), go about 3 miles to the campground. Road is rough, but 4 WD is not needed.

      I’ll be back with another suggestion in a moment.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Purgatoire Campground, elevation 9,800 ft. pump for water, access road is rough (not good for low clearance vehicles). Camping fee: $17/$8.50. Two-night minimum on weekends (Fri & Sat) and a 3 night minimum on holiday weekends.

      2 loops… the grassy loop is for equestrian use. The other loop is aspen and spruce. Reservations are taken 4 days in advance (Reserve America) or you can try first come-first serve. Near river, creek runs through CG.

      Location: Go about 25 miles south of La Veta on Rte. 12, turn right (west) onto FR345, go about 5 miles to CG.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Very popular campground… Reservations recommended.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Oh, about boondocks… I can’t help you because I don’t know the area. Best thing to do? Ask the locals, “Hey, where can one camp around here, not in a campground?”

    • Krystina ~ Sutton, Vermont says:

      Happy to see you here Cynthia!

  30. Casitagirl from NY says:

    I have commented before, but I have a new email address which may not be recognized. My first thought for a photo caption was, “Hey babe, take a walk on the wild side!” I don’t comment often, but I am a faithful reader of both the blog and the comments, enjoying both in equal measure.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Casitagirl from NY!

      Your caption sounds like something Spike would say. I don’t know if you read my blog back when he was with us.

      Thank you for being a faithful reader. Feel free to join in our chatter anytime!

  31. Beautiful area of the country, both where you’re staying and where you’re looking. Bridget is one smart cookie 🙂

  32. pjreads says:

    Please do go ahead and camp at the site! I think most readers would prefer that you take a break from posting for a couple of weeks – because when you post again you’d have incredible pictures and stories for us to enjoy. I, for one, would rather wait to see pictures of a really awesome area than have you pass it up just because there isn’t internet signal. Go, go go!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, pjreads,

      Sweet of you to encourage me to move us to that boondock. We found it a couple of days ago. At this point it is close to the time to dump tanks. The nearest dump station is over 20 miles away so we might as well move to a camp in another area for the holiday weekend. I appreciate the thought though. Very kind of you…

    • DesertGinger says:

      Yeah…no. Two weeks is too long. I think we would lose our minds. 3 or 4 days pretty much pushes us to the limit and we start whining “where is Sue?” If you went away for 2 weeks I hate to think what would happen here.

  33. Michele in Sunset Beach, NC says:

    Caption, “Hineys R Us.”

  34. Krystina ~ Sutton, Vermont says:

    “Hurry Miss B, I think we might find some pine cones for you to munch on”.

  35. R. says:

    What a great spot in Colorado. Enjoy your summer here. I’m slowly starting my long adventure on Colorado Trail sometime soon. Meanwhile, getting use to a very high elevation by gradually going high elevation every a couple of days. Maybe I’ll see three of you somewhere. If you see dirty, tired, hungry and thirsty hiker with a big Osprey backpack waving from a distance that could be R, your longtime follower.

  36. Krystina ~ Sutton, Vermont says:

    My sister Michelle’s lines have always been better then mine!!! Hi sister-o-mine! Can’t wait to see you. xx

  37. Another Sue says:

    Hi Sue and Crew! I love your blog and life style. I am now retired, have the travel trailer and my two old dogs and am ready to try boondocking. Haven’t screwed up the courage to sell my house but I am seriously thinking of it. My problem is taking that first step. I just keep thinking I’m going to strike out and not be able to find a place to camp. I know once I get started it will be easier and I will get more adventurous but do you have any advice on taking that first step? My longest trip was three weeks, I loved every minute of it but I stayed in campgrounds – that gets expensive and wasn’t exactly peaceful. I live in beautiful North Idaho so I should be able to find a place to get started!
    Thank you for being so generous with your blog. I look forward to your new posts!

    • weather says:

      Hi ,Another Sue, and welcome if you’re new here. RV Sue and her crew are moving today so she isn’t online . There is a new post up. You might want to comment and ask for ideas about that first step there. Lots of fellow commenters(blogorinos) might have good advice.

  38. Sandi Stewart says:

    Looked like a lovely spot to chill out. Safe travels sue and crew.

  39. Linda Crowley says:

    I just figured this out! Maybe I shouldn’t travel alone..lol. I’m stumped by how you find such great places..LOVE your companion’s. ..take care. If you ever come east (cape cod area)your always welcome in my yard. Linda

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Linda,

      You don’t comment much, but when you do, I’m happy to see you! Finding great places to camp may seem difficult because you are in Cape Cod. I’ve been on the Cape — beautiful, but not much boondocking there! In the West boondocks are plentiful. This post illustrates how driving an unknown road can lead to a special place. Thank you for the invitation. 🙂

  40. Elaine says:

    What caption would you put with this photo?

    Com’on Bridget, I know there is something good up ahead!

    Love the pictures as always!

    I’m running behind on blog posts as I am still depressed over my dear friends passing.

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