A life well lived; a lady well loved

Monday, September 19, 2016

Bridget has passed away.


This is the story of her last week with us.

Bridget wags her tail now and then, yet she weakens each day. She enjoys riding in her “car,” relaxing in her doggie bed under the pines at our Luna Lake camp, and resting on my chest in the lounger, heartbeat to heartbeat.


Sunday night, the eighth night since Bridget stopped eating, she does not sleep well and her condition deteriorates.  Monday morning I wrap her in her blanket and place her in her bed on the front seat of the Perfect Tow Vehicle.


With Reggie alongside in his bed on the floor, the three of us travel our last miles together, north to the veterinary clinic in Springerville.


I stand in the open door of the PTV, stroking Bridget while we wait for the clinic to open.  The veterinarian arrives.  Leaving Reggie in the PTV, we take Bridget inside the clinic where she gently slips away at approximately 9:20 a.m.


Bridget’s body is wrapped in her blanket and resting in her bed on the seat beside us as Reggie and I return to Alpine.

I find a serene site for her burial.  It’s on a slope at the edge of a pine forest.


Nearby, below her place of rest, a creek meanders its way to the San Francisco River.  Here and there it slows and forms the reflective pools you see in the photos.  I sit on a rock near Bridget’s grave, listening to the whispers of pines and imagining Bridget and Spike exploring the stream bank together.


Tuesday, September 20

Reggie and I return to the grave.  Reggie watches me from the PTV as I climb down the bank and wade across the stream.  I gather fresh pine needles and sprinkle them around the area to make it tidy.

At first I thought I’d make a marker.  Realizing that would draw attention to her spot, I choose instead to place pine cones on her grave.  Bridget liked to play with pine cones.

“Goodbye, sweet Bridgie.  You lived your life well.”


Thank you, dear readers.

I appreciate your loving support of me and my family over the past week.  You are a great comfort.

Reggie and I will stay at Luna Lake a few more days and then we’ll be off to see what lies beyond this bend in the road.

P1140179Sunset over Luna Lake, September 19, 2016


NOTE:  Good news about Rusty and Piper!

Rusty was released from the hospital.  He is convalescing under Piper’s watchful eye while camped on Mingus Mountain, Arizona.  For details read Rusty’s report near the end of comments under the previous post.

Continue to heal, Rusty, and do what Nurse Piper tells you!  — Sue

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361 Responses to A life well lived; a lady well loved

  1. Dan in Michigan says:

    I am so sorry for your loss Sue. Looking back over her pictures, those she would let you get anyway, I think what a wonderful life you gave her. Bless you Sue.

  2. The pine cones were such a perfect marker, and brought even more tears to my eyes.

    Bless you all, and may the memories of Bridget and Spike bring you joy.

  3. eliza says:

    aww. thank you for sharing this. i will miss her too.

  4. Corkerinna620 ( AL) says:

    R.I.P. sweet Bridget. Heartfelt condolences Sue and Rwggie.

  5. Phiesty in Utah says:

    While I was fairly sure that the reason for your delayed posting was Ms. B’s final days, I know it was not an easy post or time for you. Keep her memory close and just hug on Reggie. I’m sure he will need you as much as you need him over the next days. Hugs to you both ()()()

  6. Michelle from Salt Lake,UT says:

    Hugs to you from us.

  7. Elaine in BC says:

    I’m so sorry Sue and Reggie that you have lost your great friend. I’m sending you a big warm hug.

  8. Dawn from Camano Island says:

    Loving thoughts of one of the world’s sweetest, most determined dog. Bridget, you will be missed. I’m so happy that you & Spike are together, frolicking through doggie heaven. Hugs to you & Reggie, Sue.

  9. Deb D says:

    So sorry for your loss. Bridget was so loved . Tears are flowing for your loss.
    She always had a happy smile. Hugs to you and Reggie .

  10. Willow (AZ) says:

    Bridget had a beautiful life, full of adventure and love what more can we ask for…? Love to you Sue. Keep traveling the road less traveled and sharing your adventures with us.

  11. kgdan from Wapato, WA says:

    With tears falling I send you love and blessings, Sue. We all loved Bridget so much but not a fraction of how much you loved her and she you. Godspeed Bridgee.

  12. Dawn in Asheville says:

    I am so heartbroken for your loss. There just are no words, please know, though, that I mourn, too. Gonna miss that lady. Hugs your’s and Reggie’s way.

  13. So sorry for yr loss. Yes she had the perfect life! And yu gave that to her! Yu are in our thoughts and prayers!

  14. MollyLuvsRoadtrippin (WA) says:

    Bridget and her cute hiney will always be in my heart – a life well lived indeed.

  15. Pam and Maya, Still in NY says:

    Well now Bridget is with Spike and both are watching over you and Reggie. I’m crying, thinking of all the wonderful times I have spent reading about Bridget and her adventures. Many warm hugs to you and Reggie man, I’m going to go sit with Maya in the flower garden now and think about how beautiful and short life is.

  16. Once again I have no words, only tears of gratitude for the love you gave her and the happiness she gave the RV Sue Nation. Love to you Sue. Bridget and Spike are loving and living across the Rainbow Bridge together.

  17. Barb from Illinois says:

    Oh the adventures you had and the roads you traveled together. A life well lived indeed. Hugs to you.

  18. Kim in TX says:

    Thank you for writing and allowing all of us into what is really very private and emotional. It’s clear that you loved Bridget (and Spike) very much. May we all of us treat one another with the same level of respect and empathy.

  19. Wendy (Illinois) says:

    Tears for your loss. Bridget had a wonderful life. May the memories of Bridget and Spike help you heal. Thank you for letting us in your life.

  20. Sue says:

    I’m so sorry Sue. Sad to read this. Bridget sure had a great life. RIP dear Bridget and wishing for you, Sue some peace in your heart. It’s never easy to say goodbye to our best friends. I lost 2 in June. My beloved Jasper dog and kitty Sassy. So,the loss still lingers. Fly with Angel’s Bridget!

  21. Jane in Bremerton, WA says:

    Oh, Sue, you’re in my heart. What a wonderful life you got to share with Bridget! I’m sure Spike was waiting for her on the other side of the rainbow bridge. Comfort to you and Reggie as you adjust to this new family.
    Blessings, Jane

  22. Pat in Rochester says:

    Sweetly written. I’m so sorry Sue. Hugs to you and Reggie. I hope he is coping with the loss of his friend.

  23. Denise in Georgia says:

    Oh Sue, I am so sorry.

  24. Stephanie from Albany OR says:

    I’m a late comer to your blog but even in such a short time the love within your family was obvious. Your pictures are a beautiful tribute to a beautiful soul.

  25. Maggie in VT says:

    Goodspeed, Bridget. You are my Jenny-dawg’s hero.

  26. Marilyn in Dania Beach says:

    We all can only hope to be treated as well as Bridget was by you, Sue, in our last days on this earth. She chose her parent wisely and had a wonderful life as a result. Not many dogs get 5 years of wonderful sniffing while traveling all over the western US.

    So sorry for your loss of your dear friend. You are in all our thoughts.

  27. Georgina Lentini says:

    So sorry to hear.

  28. Des says:

    It’s hard to type through tears. Thank you for sharing Bridget & Spike with us for so many years. They will always live on in your heart. Give that little Regginator a hug from me. Des

  29. Rachel Smith says:

    My heart, my prayers, and my thoughts, are with you and Reggie. Take care of each other.

  30. Jean in Southaven says:

    I feel like a part of me has died. I feel like I knew Bridgett as my own almost. I am going to miss her. Thank you for sharing. I have prayed every night since your last post for you and Bridgett. I knew this was going to be your next post. Love you RVSue. God bless and keep you always.

  31. Chris G. says:

    RIP beautiful Bridget. I am so sorry for your loss, Sue.

  32. LeeJ in Northern California says:

    So very sorry

  33. I am so sorry Sue and Reggie. I will miss the regal Miss Bridgett too. Hugs to you both8

  34. So so sorry. What a fabulous life she had! And now she’s with her pal Spike again.

  35. Kathryn says:

    Sue, I am sorry for your loss. Like many of your readers, I’ve been through this myself, as recently as last month. It is hard to have to let them go even when we know it’s their time to go.

    Bridget sure had a wonderful life with you. I especially loved reading about Bridget’s travels in her car.

    You and Reggie take care.

  36. Judith camper says:

    So sorry Sue and Reggie. Briget will always be with you in spirit and memories.

  37. Mick'nTN says:

    My condolences Sue and Reggie, RIP HRH Bridget, with a tear … Mick

  38. Gail from Buckeye AZ says:

    Dear Sue and Reggie I send my love to you both at this very sad time. I know you will both miss Bridget but she will always be memories in your hearts as well as memories in the hearts of all your readers. As many are doing I sit here with tears in my eyes and hurt in my heart for you both. The good thing is all the wonderful years you had with Bridget and Spike and that I am sure brings back many many happy memories for you. Bridget passing brings many of us memories of the Dear Pets we have lost in the past and we all know how hard this time is for you. We all share your loss in our own way, Miss Bridget was a Beautiful Special Girl! Hugs for you and Reggie.

  39. Jan NH says:

    I knew I shouldn’t have opened this post while still at work…tears streaming as I read. Knowing the time is coming doesn’t ever make it easier.

    May you find comfort in your wonderful memories, all of the wonderful times and the love you shared. I’m so happy you had this wonderful summer in CO with Bridget and Reggie for your memories. My heart and thoughts are with you, Sue and Reggie Bridge is now running free with her other love, Spike. Find comfort in knowing what a wonderful life you provided them both.

  40. Lucy says:

    So sorry for your loss Sue, it’s always so hard to lose a family member.

  41. Retiredcajunlady says:

    How lucky Bridget was to have you as her human, Sue! You did give her a wonderfully well lived life. And she gave you joy and love. How blessed you both were to have each other. She will be missed, but she will have all that love you gave her to take with her. Know that you are in our thoughts, in our hearts, and for those of us who pray, in our prayers. Take care. Belly rubs and hugs for Reggie, too!

  42. Peggy says:

    So sorry. I loved hearing stories about Bridget. You gave her a wonderful life. I will miss her.

  43. Glenda Prince says:

    Dear Sue,
    I’ve been following your adventures since 2011 and haven’t posted until now. I am so sorry about sweet Bridget. My heart aches for I know how you must feel. I will continue following along and will add to the conversations from time to time. I shed a new tears for you, Spike and now Bridget.
    Glenda in East Texas

  44. Jenny Johnson says:

    So sorry to hear about Bridget—we lost our Sam (cat) about a month ago—Losing a pet is so hard not a day goes by that I dont think of him and wish him back—Glad you have Reggie to focus on –he will help you through the rough times. Thinking of you

  45. Adrienne in Carlsbad, CA says:

    I am so sorry, Sue. Bridget was our dog too.

  46. Anna from NC says:

    Love, prayers and tears. You are an awesome doggie mom.

  47. Sonia W says:

    Usually I do not comment, I just read everything you put out there. This comment is really hard for me to type. As soon as I read the title I began to cry. See I lost my fur-baby 1 year 13 days ago. He was loved just as much as your Bridget. The heartbreak is indescribable, the lost is unbearable. I hope Reggie is thriving, my Chihuahua did not once I returned home without Simba so I had to get another fur-baby to help him. RIP Bridget.

    Here is something I’d like to share with you that the vet shared with me when they returned Simba to me:

    Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
    When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

    All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

    They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

    You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

    Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together….

    Author unknown…

    • Judy in East Texas says:

      That is a beautiful story.
      Thanks for sharing it.

    • Renee Galligher - Idaho says:

      I’m so so sorry for your loss, Sue and Reggie. I know the heartbreak too real having four of our own beloved. It’s hard for me to type as tears blurr my vision. I know that you know we are all here for you, yet that comfort may pass too quickly given the pain you must be in. I often can’t bear to read the Rainbow Bridge in full as it breaks my heart instead of giving me comfort. Take care Sue and Reggie, I know that you know that as time goes by, you will gather strength. Take care.

    • Barbara (Nashville) says:

      This was a beautiful remembrance.

  48. Theresa says:

    I’m so sorry for your loss, Sue. Bridget was a sweetheart. I’m glad you were able to bury her in such a beautiful place.

  49. Judy in East Texas says:

    SUE…..my heart is in great sorrow for you. May Bridget’s trip over the Rainbow Bridge be joyful and that Spike is waiting for her with open arms.
    Your friend from afar, judy

  50. Linda in NE says:

    I’m so sorry for your loss, RV Sue. Bridget was well loved and lived a good life with you. She’s on to her next adventure and you and Reggie will continue with yours. Give him some extra hugs, he will miss her too.

  51. JoanneG in San Rafael says:

    I am so sorry for your loss, Sue. Bridget was one lucky dog to have shared your adventures and enjoy your wonderful care. I hope she and Spike are together again.

  52. Cynthia from San Clemente says:

    I have cried so much the last week, as I’m sure you have; I didn’t think I had tears left. I do. I will miss that stubborn little turn of her regal head when she didn’t want her photo taken. I will miss that ample rear end turning and heading back to camp when she was ready, regardless whether anyone else wanted to return or not. I will miss those motherly glares directed at Reggie when she thought he was being too exuberant or silly. I will miss her. I will miss hearing about her. I will miss sitting down at my computer and looking for a new post with her photo in it.

    Her resting spot is beautiful and serene, just as she was. But that is only where her tired earthly body is – HRH Bridget, Queen of the Crew, is with Spike now. I can’t say anything else, nothing makes it easier or better. I can only send you hugs, prayers, and love.

  53. A dog could not have lived a better life. RIP Bridget.

  54. Marshall Richer says:

    I am so sorry Sue.

  55. Gloria Blagg says:

    I am so sorry to hear about Bridget. I know you loved her very much and will miss her. She had a wonderful life. Hugs to you and Reggie.

  56. I’m sorry for you loss. Blessings, Lynn

  57. Janis harrison says:

    Rest in peace sweet Bridget. I am so sorry for your loss sweet Sue . Huggs Grandjan

  58. Crystal. T@B owner in IL says:

    🙁 They give us so much, and want so little in return. It’s so sad that their lives are so short, and we have to continue without them.

    Thank you for being such a great dog mom.

  59. Marilu off the coast of Italy says:

    What a wonderful life you gave Bridget. I’m so sorry for your loss. Take care, Sue and Reggie.

  60. Martha in PA says:

    Oh Sue! I’m so sorry for your loss. Bridget was a treasure. You gave her absolutely the best life a dog could have and you let us love her as well. She and Spike are romping together in heaven now and they are looking down and thanking you for so many years of selfless devotion.

  61. weather says:

    …heartbeat to heartbeat…her final times and miles with you( for now) spent with the love and dignity that such a lady deserved- beautifully done, Sue,- the life you gave and spent with her. I’ll be back in a bit after going outside to wish darling Bridget a personal Bon Voyage and give thanks for her journey thus far, and for you.

    • weather says:

      The best kind of gift to give someone is one that keeps making life better. That’s what you gave to all that were blessed by getting to know you Bridget. You made us happy by being as beautiful and sweet as you are each time we had the chance to see you here, and left us with that and something wonderful to keep.

      By being one to make your own decisions about what you enjoyed and were willing to do you made us wonder why you made each choice, made us really think as we tried to understand you. That-being attentive to one we love- made us notice more about what’s lovely in everyone and in this world. You gave us the lasting wonderful gift of knowing how to love with more depth by really seeing as we took the time to look , take in and appreciate the good and beautiful -in you, then because of that practice, in each other and in ourselves. I’ll miss so much about you …

      Thank you for all the joy in every smile you brought by being part of our lives. Thank you, especially, for making us better at finding and cherishing that and giving it to each other Bridget. You made each field of flowers you were in prettier by being the prettiest one in it, and are still making our lives richer by having been among us .

  62. Kristi & Daisie (Nampa, ID) says:

    I lost my sweet Angel kitty last December while full-timing. Her ashes are still with me while I decide on place to put her. San Antonio was not the right place. Many hugs and love to you. I’m glad you had such a lovely place for Bridget.

  63. Debbie Gatchell says:

    My deepest sympathy Sue. I hope in time you will remember her with a smile instead of tears. I have so enjoyed following you and the crew. She will be missed by all your readers.

  64. Gingerita in NE Indiana ( for now) says:

    Rest in peace, Miss B. Hugs to you and Reggie, Sue.

  65. Sheila Melcher says:

    There are no words except to say I’m sorry and sad, even shedding a few tears. She will always be in your heart. ❤️

  66. Velda in Roseville CA says:

    My heartfelt condolences to you, Sue and Reggie, upon your painful farewell for now. Rest in peace sweet Bridget. Know you are mourned by many who loved you from afar. I can almost imagine Spike reaching out a paw saying come on Bridget you need a good soak in my creek and a rest here in the sun.

  67. Kathy in MI says:

    In the end there is only Love
    So sorry for your loss and ours….

  68. Suzan in Atlanta says:

    So very sorry for your loss. <3

  69. Sherri D says:

    I shed some tears for you. It is never easy to say goodbye to our furry friends. Hugs Sue, very heartfelt hugs to you from me.

  70. Teri Live Oak Fl says:

    So sorry for your loss.

  71. Peggy says:

    I read every post and I very rarely comment but now I must say I’m so sorry for your loss. Bridget was a well loved and cared for little dog and though it’s painful to lose her, she’ll always be with you in ways you’ll discover as I’m sure you have with Spike. Take care Sue.

  72. Sadie in KY says:

    I can only imagine the joy, love and laughter that will be shared by Spike and HRH Bridget, The Crew of RVSUE, as they recall and tell of their amazing travels and adventures stories with all the RVSUE Dogorino followers at the Rainbow Bridge. Tails will be wagging for sure.

  73. Chris B and Diego says:

    There’s nothing for me to say. Your blogorinos have said it all. We will miss the little queen.

    Chris B

  74. Jan in Montana says:

    So sorry to read of your loss to your crew

  75. Pam from Wisconsin says:

    So sorry for this loss. Bridget handled it with grace and dignity.

  76. Ilse says:

    So sad for you, Sue. I can hear Spike, though, cracking jokes once again at the expense of his buddy Bridget and her voluminous behind. I am very glad you found Reggie last year!

  77. sharon from oregon says:

    Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
    When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

    All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

    They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

    You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

    Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together….

    Author unknown…

    • Chuck Hajek says:

      My wish is that the Rainbow Bridge had visiting hours…….

      • Renee from Idaho says:

        Oh so true!

      • Pat from Mich. says:

        It does – in your dreams.

      • Cynthia from San Clemente says:

        I know this sounds silly, and some would say creepy, but I have the ashes of my three cats and one dog who have passed on. Each is stored in a pretty container in various parts of the house. Every week when I dust, I pick up their respective containers and talk to them and envision them at Rainbow Bridge waiting for me. It isn’t quite as good as visiting hours, but it works. I’ve told my son when I go, I want my ashes mixed with theirs and scattered somewhere beautiful together. OK … now that you all know I’m a little weird …

        • Val R. Lakefield On. says:

          Doesn’t sound weird to me at all…..I once read of a fellow who said he believes that when we pass, all the pets we have had in our lifetime will be there together to meet us.
          It is a lovely thought.

  78. MKReed says:

    Oh so true ~ a life well lived a lady well loved ~ thank you for sharing her life with us. I can imagine Bridget and Spike romping through fields and exploring streams.

  79. Cheryl Kline says:

    I am so sorry to read that Bridget has passed. I know she is resting in peace. I just lost my sweet Gracie last week she was my traveling companion and best friend for 12 years so I know there is pain and heartbreak in losing our four-legged companions. Safe travels thank you for sharing your journey with us.
    Cheryl, Tennessee

  80. sally s jacob says:

    Sue, I have been sharing your adventure from the very beginning- but not often commenting.. just enjoying “my RV Sue and Crew” life as though I am right there every post. The loss of Spike and now sweet Bridget is very hard. My thoughts are with you- and I hope you and Reggie are taking extra care of one another. May we all love and care for our four footers with such love and grace as you have always done. It is never easy to let go because you love them enough to do it they way you know they would want. Hugs to you and Reggie and I hope a rainbow shows itself to you soon just so you know Spike and Bridget are watching over you both and saying thank you Sue for a life so well lived.

  81. Diane J says:

    Rest in peace….HRH Bridget….such a lovely place.

  82. Cari in Plano TX says:

    I knew as soon as I saw the title of this post that HRH Bridget had left us. Tears filled my eyes as I read the first sentence. I am so sad for you and Reggie and send prayers for comfort your way. Miss Bridget was with you at the beginning of this new chapter of your life, and I know she and Spike will continue to share your travels. Her aversion to the camera, her unerring way of finding the way back to the BLT, get watching the sights go by – just a few of the memories I have. You were such a great parent for her and I am sure she loved you very much.

  83. Rick & Brock the dog, WA says:

    Hugs to both you and Reggie on the loss of Bridget. Blessings and safe travels.

  84. She was a happy little lady and knew she was loved. Rest in peace Bridget. My thoughts are with you Sue.

  85. MnDreamer says:

    Thank you, Sue, for sharing your lives, even this sad time of Bridget’s passing, with us, your readers. Peace and blessings to you and Reggie.

  86. A gal in Maple Valley, WA says:

    Thank you Sue for creating a blog with Bridget as the leading lady star. Thanks, also, for sharing her with us for these past few years. I have enjoyed her so very much.

    I will go out today and get a rotisserie chicken in her honor to share my furry pal.

  87. AZ Jim says:

    Missy, I can say nothing to make it better. In my heart for a couple of days now, I knew. Still, today when I read this, tears fell. It’s heartbreaking to live through for you and I am so sorry the end had to come for the Princess, but so happy for the life you gave her. She is with Spike now and not hurting. Reggie will miss her terribly too. The older I get the more these things hurt…. Detta and I send a *HUG*

  88. Annie in Oregon says:

    So sorry to hear about Bridget. I got behind in my emails so I didn’t see this coming. What a good life she had with you and what a presence she had. She will be missed by all. Wishing you peace and comfort during this time. ???

  89. FloridaScott says:

    Dear Sue and Reggie,

    Here I am a grown man with tears streaming down my cheeks. I Got to love Bridget just like I got to love spike. For me, Bridget was something Extra Special. I’m so sorry for your loss. Keep on Keeping on RVSUE & CREW !!! Your Blogorinos will be with you for your next adventure!


  90. Dave Stewart (in missouri for now) says:

    So sorry for your loss of your dear friend, and companion. You are in all Of The Blogorinos thoughts. loss of a loved pet cut so deep. you are in our prayers.

  91. Jan Johnson says:

    I’m so sorry. Somehow I knew yesterday. I was thinking of you and her and I just had a feeling. Crazy how you never met someone or their dogs, and yet over time you feel you know them, deeply care about them, enough to openly weep when I read this. Bridget was obviously a special girl with her own unique personality. I know it will be so hard to not have her there in the coming days. I hope Reggie is okay. I know you are strong and will be okay. I love how and where she was buried, little vagabond dog who wandered the country and was loved beyond measure.

    I know you have probably seen it, but I love this quote by Dean Koontz – “Dogs, lives are short, too short, but you know that going in. You know the pain is coming, you’re going to lose a dog, and there’s going to be great anguish, so you live fully in the moment with her, never fail to share her joy or delight in her innocence, because you can’t support the illusion that a dog can be your lifelong companion. There’s such beauty in the hard honesty of that, in accepting and giving love while always aware that it comes with an unbearable price. “

    • Cynthia from San Clemente says:

      I had not seen that quote Jan. Thank you for sharing – it really expresses the universal feelings we all have about our dogs (and cats too).

  92. Lisa, Tommie and Buddy in NJ says:

    Tears for your loss,
    Hugs for your hurts ,
    Wags, cuddles and kisses for your healing.
    If I am wrong about what awaits at my end, I only hope I return as one of your crew. There could be no better life.

  93. Marysia says:

    Missed quite a few of your posts while backpacking for two weeks in the high mountains of Wyoming. And, just now I read about Bridget. So sad for you. Thank you for giving her an incredible life.

    Run Free, Bridget!

  94. BoxinTheCompass says:

    Oh I loved Bridget so… she reminded me of my Cleo with those beautiful eyes. I too will miss her, maybe we will meet someday at rainbows bridge. Bridget was such a sweet girl. So sorry for your loss, we all share in that.

  95. Peggy anderson says:

    So sorry for the loss of Bridget!

  96. Heather Fisher says:

    Oh, Sue, I’m so sorry for your and Reggie’s loss. At least Bridget and Spike are together again and they’ll be waiting for you when the time comes.

  97. katydid in Chicago says:

    I sorrow for your loss, yet rejoice in the face of a life well-loved and well-lived. May you and Reggie find comfort in each other while you slowly heal in your grief.

  98. Karen LeMoine says:

    Crying for the loss of your precious Bridget. She took all your love and memories with her. She is now with Spike! Comfort hugs for you and little Reggie. Your journey along with Reggie’s continues.
    I’m happy she had such a wonderful life traveling and enjoying her life on her own terms. That and her love for family is her legacy.

  99. Linda Rose, Muffin, Murphy, Molly & Midgy says:

    I know you’re hurting and I’m so sorry. I know I’m hurting with you a little too. I have to tell you how much I appreciate your kindness to us your “blogorinos” in warning us that Bridget’s last days were near. I have a few tears today but when Spike died I wasn’t prepared and cried for a long while. God bless you as your heart heals from this loss. You are a wonderful pet parent and any fur baby that shares a life with you is well blessed!! I’m sure Reggie is missing her too. Hugs for you both and licks from the 4 m’s

  100. carlene back on the road says:

    Rest in peace sweet Bridget and say hello to Spike while you two get reunited.

    Sue and Reggie will care for each other during this time of loss and adjustment. I wish you both rest and peace.

    Hugs from Carlene and Corky

  101. Tears along with you. So very sorry Sue. You gave her a wonderful life. I’m sure Bridget is still riding right with you! Hugs.

  102. Susan says:

    I will add my tears.

  103. Jules MN says:

    Sue, I have no words. Thinking of you.

  104. Duke of Paducah says:

    My heart goes out to you Sue as you continue your journey – as I do.

  105. Martha says:

    Ah, I hardly knew Bridgett in the few short months we have been following you, but I wept when I read your tribute to her and the beautiful burial place you chose for her. I am sorry for your loss, Sue and Reggie.

  106. Deb Knoxville TN says:

    So very sorry to hear this news, Bridget was a darling girl.

  107. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    Shedding tears right along with you Sue. I am so sorry for your loss. We all loved Bridget, especially that beautiful smile and the bright eyes looking back at you from her car. She will be missed just as we miss Spike, but you gave them both a great life.
    Hugs to you, Sue and Reggie. R.I.P. Bridget.

  108. ApplegirlNY says:

    What a beautiful life you gave Her Majesty. Bridget was well loved and will be well missed – by all of us. Praying for you at this difficult time. God bless you.

  109. Lots of good dogs in doggy heaven to greet her… my pup Shane from when I was a kid, my Newfy who save my life when I got too far out in a CO reservouir… Sam. Bob Wells, great dog Homer. Others will be there soon. I like to think about Doggy Heaven. Very sorry for your loss, Sue.

  110. Ilse Beijen says:

    I am so sorry for your loss. You are in my thoughts.

  111. Airstreaming Pagey says:

    Bridget will be missed and my heart breaks for you and Reggie. She is now once again with Spike and knows she was well-loved.

  112. Lisa, Tommie and Buddy in NJ says:

    I hope you have some time to be whatever you need to be, to rest in the process of saying your goodbye. I will never look at a pinecone the same way again.

  113. Sandy says:

    So very sorry for your & Reggie’s loss. I know the pain you feel. RIP Bridgett

  114. Linda-NC says:

    You and the crew have been on my mind a lot the last few days. There is really isn’t anything else to say that everyone hasn’t already said-so many people have enjoyed your travels with Spike, Bridget and Reggie. I am so saddened and will miss her doggie smiles and shy camera routine. She was a gem and always will be remembered by your readers. A wonderfully written goodbye to a great lady. Hugs to you and Reggie. I do believe dogs go to heaven.

  115. Barb from Hoquiam says:

    Oh Sue. Sending you loves…

    Hugs always
    Barb from Hoquiam

  116. Kitt, NW WA says:

    Dear Sue and Reggie,
    I am so sorry to hear of Bridget’s passing. No doubt she is together again with her beloved Spike, soaking and splashing in a sunlit stream.
    I hope you and Reggie find peaceful journeys ahead, filled with happy memories.

  117. Oh Sue,,, I’m truly sorry for Bridgets passing the Bridge, she had a great life with you and Reggie and now she and Spike are together again in doggy heaven exploring others they have met here on earth while traveling with you on your many journeys, (crying),, please be safe and take it easy, many sorry full hugs,,,, RIP Bridget with Spike,?

  118. christina says:

    I’m so sorry that Bridget has gone. I have tears in my eyes. she lived an incredible life with you and got to experience so many things. My thoughts are with you and Reggie.

  119. Kay Dattilio says:

    I’m teary over the Divine Miss B, a dog I never met or ever petted…I’m so very sorry…..

  120. Gail on the Olympic Peninsula says:

    Sue, I imagine many of your readers feel as I do, that we have lost one of our own extended family. I have grown very fond of all of you, as I have been allowed to follow your journeys and adventures, and I will miss sweet, independent Bridget. I wish comfort and good memories for you and Reggie.

  121. Toni (CT/NH) says:

    I’m very sorry for your loss, Sue. I’m sending you a big hug and prayers. What are we to do without Bridge?

  122. cateW says:

    Dear Sue and Reggie,
    I am sorry to hear of your loss, and appreciate that although I am feeling sad…you prepared us for the possibility so it wasn’t a sudden shock. Bridget, I came to love you thru your Mom’s stories and photos. You brought such joy to all, and I like to imagine that you will continue to be one of our special angels on the road and in life.
    Bless you forever.
    Hugs to Sue and Reggie,
    Love Catew

  123. KC --Pacific NW says:

    My thoughts are with you. The happy memories of time spent with our four legged companions are forever treasures in our longer life spans. Reggie will of course do his best to bring a smile to your face and to snuggle up as well.

  124. Cinandjules (in da zone) says:

    Sigh….we all knew this was coming! Been thinking about you and the crew constantly! Glad Bridgee babee spent her last week as she always did….as a part of the crew, enjoying the scenery in her chariot! Her gravesite is lovely! Pine cones are her!
    My heart is sad…..but then again happy that she is with Spike….sassying him as she always did! You are the bestest mom! I know Bridgee and you comforted each other with the passing of Spike. I feel for little Reg man…as his best buddy as he knows is now gone! Take care of each other…and I am so truly sorry for your loss!
    Rest in peace Bridgee babee and God speed!

  125. Sharon in MO says:

    Sue and Reggie, so sorry for your loss. You gave Bridget a wonderful and exciting life, and she gave you unconditional love. May your memories carry you through each day ahead.

  126. Chuck Hajek says:

    All of your friends and Blogorinos will miss HRH Ms Bridgett, not as much as you and Reggie, but you have made her a part of our lives and she will be missed by all of us. She and Spike have crossed the Rainbow Bridge but my question is….why does Rainbow Bridge NOT have visiting hours?????

  127. Rosalyn says:

    So sorry for your loss Sue.
    I will say nothing more in my futile attempt of softening an unimaginable sorrow.
    RIP Bridget. Give Spike a loving nuzzle from all of us.

  128. Alice (So. Fla) says:

    My heart breaks for you and Reggie. She was a very special girl. Pine cones will always remind me of her. She’s with Spike now and watching over you.

  129. Marieta says:

    We are so sorry for your loss. I was crying while reading your post to my husband. I know how much you loved her and she you and Reggie. She is waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge. If you don’t know that story let me know and I will post it here. It is beautiful and so comforting. We will all miss her. I hope Reggie is as good as Bridget was at writing the occasional blog! Take care and have Reggie give you a hug from us.

  130. Judy F. says:

    So sorry for you loss!!!

  131. Susan in Dallas says:

    Dear Bridget – gone but not forgotten. You are remembered with love and laughter by us all. I will miss you and your endearing antics sweet girl. Take care of yourself Sue.

  132. Larry in AR says:

    What they said…tears and all.

  133. Chas anderson says:

    Spike and Bridgette helped all of us to smile and love them like our own.

  134. Brenda says:

    It is so sad when they go, they make our lives so rich. A tear and a hug from Georgia.
    Brenda and her crew, Chica and Africa

  135. I love how yu put everything into a really good story too!

  136. Luis in Teaneck, NJ says:

    So sorry for you and Reggie. Ms. Bridget is in heaven now. Both of her and Spike are having the time of their life together again. It was so nice and touchy from you to place pine cones on her place. She would be proud of you. Such a classy lady-dog. For you and Reggie, a big hug and peace and serenity. All the love from NJ.

  137. Geri says:

    Look out Heaven, here comes Bridget! Heaven better have an extraordinarily beautiful pair of angel wings for this sweet dog, because she was loved by many and will be missed by all!

  138. Paula in Indiana says:

    Dear Sue, I am so sorry about Bridget’s passing. I know how much you will miss her. I will miss her big happy grins and the occasional stink-eye she would give when she didn’t want her picture taken! She had such a wonderful and adventurous life with you and Spike and Reggie. Who could ask for more ? I wish you peace. Hugs to you and Reggie!

  139. Collene S. says:

    Very sorry. Take good care of yourself and Reggie.

  140. Liz from WA says:

    I’ve gotten behind in reading your posts so was a bit shocked to read of Bridget’s passing. What a dear and gentle soul she was. I am so very sorry. But you gave her such loving final days. Hope Reggie takes seriously his new responsibilty of making you find your smike and laughter again. You will be in my thoughts.

  141. Utah Bonnie (now in Montana) says:

    I’m so sorry Sue. I was so sad to check in with your blog and see that Bridget has crossed over the rainbow bridge. Nothing can prepare you for the finality of losing a best friend but I’m happy to know that Spike has his best girl back at his side for more adventures. I hope Reggie can find solace amongst the pines.

  142. Ann of Tacoma says:

    Tears here. Thank you for the sweet post, Sue. What a blessing your family is, heartbeat to heartbeat indeed, forever.

  143. Julie, Molly & gizmo (Idaho) says:

    My sympathies to you Sue. What a wonderful memorial to her memory from you & fellow blogerinos. I will give my two fur babies extra hugs tonite. Julie

  144. Pamelab in Houston says:

    Dear Sue and Reggie –
    What a sad day and I am sure filled with some wonderful memories. Bless you, Sue, for all the kindness you have shown for Bridget and all your pups. We will all miss Bridget, but not at keenly as you and Reggie.
    I am so sorry for your loss.
    Hugs and love from Pamelab in Alto, MI for now

  145. Pookie in Todd Mission, tx says:

    oh my………my heart goes out to you, reggie and bridget………..
    I cried for you and Bridget….I felt like I knew ya’ll personally…
    I know you will recover from this and go on down the road and
    find another Miss Bridget but until then remember that there
    are many of us out here mourning with you…
    love to all of you….

  146. Ray Warner says:

    I’m sorry to hear about Bridget. I’m sure you will miss her.

  147. Claudia says:

    May Bridget’s new wings take her on many more wonderful adventures.

  148. Vicky in PA says:

    Hello Sue, I’m so sorry for your loss my thoughts and prayers are with you. I know what it’s like to lose a loving companion, my dog Milo passed away last year and it still hurts but reading your blog helped heal my heart. Thank you for sharing your life’s ups and downs and especially for sharing Spike, Bridget and Reggie.

  149. AlanOutandAbout - Alpine AZ. says:

    I am so heart broken at your loss. Although I can’t think of a better place to be buried. Perhaps Cleo and Bridgette will be playing together.

    Luna Lake is a little jewel isn’t it. The campgrounds are very spacious as you said. If you can both the diners in town have good food but a little pricey, but you are in the middle of nowhere.

    Best of luck in your future endeavors.

    I have been in Silver City for 2 days now and have just gotten around to checking up on the blog, so I am a little behind. SC is a very nice little city. The Walmart is not your typical Wally world. During midday I went in and went to the speedy checkout and there was no one in line. I told the cashier that this couldn’t be a Walmart. He laughed.


  150. Donna n Girls says:

    Oh Sue, my condolences. Good dog Bridget, good girl. You did good.

  151. Mary says:

    Read your post today, thru tears. I lost a cat and a dog , so know your grief We are blessed to have them as part of our family. They give us so much love and ask for so little in return. She will be greatly missed. Am praying for you. Love Mary

  152. Laura R says:

    Sue, so sorry for your loss. We just lost our little Peanut a week and a half ago. When you lost Spike we lost Reba. We have Suzy to help us, as we share our grief together. I am sure Reggie will be there for you now, just give him all the love he can stand. Love your blog. Please take your time to grieve, and when you are ready come back to share your story with us.

    • Cynthia from San Clemente says:

      Laura: So sorry for your loss too. When I read here how many of us have loved and lost our wonderful pets, and how deeply it affects us all, it makes me realize what a huge part of our collective lives they are.

  153. Rochelle in IN says:

    Of course I am sorry for your loss, but I’m going to focus on the “glads”.

    I’m glad you had so many good years with Bridget.
    I’m glad for the special memories you will always have.
    I’m glad you shared Bridget with us.
    I’m glad for the smiles Bridget gave me (thinking of the pictures of just her legs when she would dart under the BLT at the sight of the camera).
    I’m glad to imagine the reunion of Bridget and Spike.
    I’m glad you are willing to share both high and low points in your blog.
    I’m glad Bridget had you for her Mom.

    I celebrate Bridget’s life and the joy she brought to so many.


    P.S. I am also glad Rusty is doing better and is camping again with Piper.

  154. I’m so sorry Sue, we will all miss Bridget, but none of us can understand the depth of your loss, because it’s different for everyone.

    You gave her a wonderful life, I’m sure she wouldn’t have asked for anything more.

  155. Linda from Oregon says:

    My prayers are with you. Bridget was lucky to live her life with you. And you were blessed to have her in your life. I know that you have a hole in your heart that nothing we say will fill it but your memories help some. Thank you for sharing.

  156. Beth, currently in Congress, AZ says:

    Sue, I’m so sorry for the loss of HRH Bridget, I know how much it hurts…. You’re in my prayers.

  157. Tom Moore says:

    Bridget live a full life and was loved by many.
    We should all be so lucky.
    If I come back I hope its a dog in RV Sues camp.

  158. Shelley in California says:

    I am so sorry for your loss. You gave Bridget a wonderful life! Her passing was much like when I lost my Casey last March, I knew it was time and it became evident she needed help to the bridge, I suspect you have kept some painful things from us and you knew it was time to end the pain. Hugs to you, you took care of her in her time of need.

  159. Laura - Illinois says:

    Hello Sue,

    When I first saw what this post was about, my heart sank and I felt such overwhelming sorrow, but then I began to think about your being blessed to have had the wonderful advice from the Vet who cared for Spike and advised about taking him up into the mountains and burying him, you did Spike honor and your also did Bridget honor, I LOVE the touch of the pinecones! I am feeling such sorrow for you right now…. fur babies burrow themselves deep within our hearts and into our souls! Give Reggie a scratch from me and know that you are both in my thoughts….

  160. Leander Linda says:

    So sorry about Bridget. Pets give us so much joy but it’s always so hard to see them go.

  161. Pat from Mich. says:

    They are never with us long enough. My tears are for you and Reggie (yes, dogs feel grief when a loved companion dies). Bridget is running free in the meadows over the Rainbow Bridge with Spike. RIP dear one, an awful lot of people will miss you.

  162. Deena in Phoenix, AZ says:

    Dear Sue and Reggie,
    Condolences for your loss. Your words are truly spiritual. I am imaging the conversation that Spike and Bridget are having and it will take many a day to catch each other up on their adventures. Take Care Sweet Sue and Reggie. We all love you.

    Deena and Miss Mollie

  163. Cheryl B. says:

    RIP Bridget. I am so sorry for your loss. Thinking of you, Sue.

  164. Pamela Avery says:

    RIP sweet Bridget. Thinking of you and Reggie as you continue on through this journey called life together.

  165. Marcia GB in MA says:

    Dear Sue and Reggie, my condolences on the passing of your sweet Bridget and many blessings as you begin this new part of your journey together. Thank you for sharing both the good times and the difficult times with us. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  166. Rover Ronda (WA) says:

    Looks like you found a beautiful resting place for Bridget. The pine cones are very nice. Hugs to you and Reggie ❤️
    And Wow Thanks for sharing from your heart. I’m sure that was very hard to write. I wasn’t that strong; I had my niece call everyone. May you n Reggie have some peaceful healing time. I know a few days is not enough. She’ll be missed forever but joy will come.
    Love you, Ronda

  167. Millie says:

    The Angels in Heaven are rejoicing because one of their own has returned home. They are with us for such a short time but they bring so many blessings when they choose us to spend their earthly days with.

    Sue, you were, and are such a loving Fur-Momma to your babies. Bridgie had a wonderful carefree life.Thank you for caring for her in such a loving way right to her crossing. She is with Spikey now and they are with you in your heart, always.

    These comments, posted by your extended family, are a lovely tribute to Bridgie, and to you. Safe travels and hugs to you and the Reggie-man as your journey together continues.

    Wishing you peace and love.

  168. Rhonda - South Central Missouri says:

    Bless you Sue, my heart is hurting for you today. Our babies are here for what seems like a very short time but they are in our hearts forever. Little Bridget was such a neat little lady and we will surely miss her.

  169. Wheelingit says:

    I’m so sorry she’s gone, but I feel blessed to have met her and know that you gave her the best life possible. What a beautiful resting place for a beautiful doggie. She’s at peace now, probably chatting to Spike and having a fine old time with no more pain or aches to hold her back. Lots of love and healing to you both.


  170. ValGal (westernWA) says:

    I am so deeply sorry for you, Sue. What a hard thing. I hate it when fur kids pass on. I am crying for you all.

    Take what comfort you can in knowing you gave her love and a wonderful life. Take extra care for yourself. I hope Reggie is doing ok with it. Hug him close.

    Sending you love and hugs. Thinking of you.

  171. Terri From Texas says:

    My sincere condolences, Sue. I have so enjoyed reading about you and your crew over the years-I wish I could think of something to say which would comfort you. I personally believe animals have souls and I think both Spike and Bridget are in paradise right now together waiting for you! Please be at peace!

  172. Kat & Cookie Dog in NY says:

    We are so very sorry. Gentle hugs to you and Reggie. She lived a very happy life I am sure.

  173. So sorry to hear of Bridget’s passing, Sue. She lead a full and glorious life and will be remembered and loved by her many admirers. Hugs to you and Reggie as you continue your journey!

  174. I was so sad to read your post of Bridget’s passing. It is so painful to lose a dog you loved so much and who loved you unconditionally. Our pets offer so much comfort to us in life. I know Bridget will be sorely missed by you and Reggie. My heartfelt condolences for your loss.

  175. Teri in SoCal says:

    She and Spike are probably catching up and having a wonderful time!

  176. david greybeard says:

    What a wonderful adventure you shared with your dear friend, Bridget. I know she adored you for it. As always, thank you for sharing a just a little bit of it all of us. Best wishes to you and Reggie.

  177. Jolene/Iowa says:

    Hi Sue,

    I have been busy since getting home from work until late Tues. evening and I almost dreaded coming here to your page because I was afraid of what I would see. As the tears are streaming down my face you have my deepest sympathy.

  178. Mertinkentucky says:

    Sue, my heart breaks for you. I am so,so sorry! What a wonderful life Brigitte had with you and crew. My thoughts and prayers are with you my friend.
    Love and peace,
    Mert and Asia Mae

  179. Bridget was our girl, a bright-eyed spirit who did things her way, and loved her human unconditionally. She never met most of us, but we all loved her as if she was sitting under our picnic table every day. Ms. Bridget will be sorely missed.

  180. Rosie in West TX says:

    Dear Sue and Reggie, don’t know what to say… the tears won’t stop… my heart aches for you both. Sure gonna miss those precious brown eyes so full of love for you. You gave her a wonderful life. May God comfort you with His tender love and keep you and Reggie safe as you continue your travels together.

  181. Renee (Datil/North Ranch) says:

    Isn’t it amazing how these little creatures worm their way into our hearts? Even when they aren’t “ours..” Although your stories & photos of Bridget made her a part of our family, too. I sit here with tears for you, Bridget, and all the pups we’ve had over the years that are now awaiting us at the Rainbow Bridge.

    I hope — and am sure — that Reggie will help you heal. You will remain in my thoughts, and Bridget, along with Spike, will be remembered with very fond memories.

  182. Jean says:

    So sad for you, it’s not easy saying goodbye to your girl. Hold her in your heart, she was lucky to have found you ,Spike and Reggie.

  183. Oh, Sue. I am so sorry. Bridget was a very lucky doggie to have had you to love and care for her. Prayers and hugs.

  184. Annette says:

    I am so sorry, RV Sue. May peace be with you.

  185. JunieLou CO says:

    It is so sad that we have such a short time with our fur babies and I’m so sorry Bridget had to leave you and Reggie. The cutest memory I have of Bridget is when you would take walks and when she got tired of walking she would just sit down and wait or, most likely, she would just turn around and head home….you could follow or not but she went. She was a sweetheart and we all loved her too. Hugs to you both.

  186. Liz says:

    I’m so sorry. You and Reggie gave her a wonderful life. Bridget gave you & Reggie a wonderful companionship during her time here. Prayers & hugs to both of you.


  187. Judy Johnson says:

    Words just can’t begin to express such sorrow at Bridget’s parting. Praying that you are comforted with many sweet, happy memories.God be with you in a special way as your life changes. You were blessed…so was Bridget.

  188. I’m going to miss her guest blogs….


  189. Val R. Lakefield On. says:

    Sue & Reggie, I am so sorry for your loss. Her resting spot looks beautiful. We will all miss her very much.
    As with Spike, a donation in memory of dear Bridget will be made to the Lakefield Animal Welfare Society, an organization I am proud to be a founding member
    Having been through this myself, as have many others, I know the next few weeks will be difficult. Please know that you are not alone in your sadness.

  190. Sally in MI says:

    So very sorry for your loss. Hugs!

  191. Don in Okla. says:

    Dear Sue and Reggie
    Such a tough note to write thru blurry eyes. So very sorry for your loss. Love, hugs and prayers to you both as you go thru this very sad time.
    Don in Okla.

  192. My heart is broken for you. And for us. I’m sure there are many of us here who can say that – in our own way – we came to love little Bridget. She will be missed. But, oh the memories you have! I know you will cherish each and every one – and you cherished each and every day with her.

    Peace to you….

  193. Pauline in Mississippi says:

    Susan, I am so sorry. We knew this was coming but it is still so very hard. You deserve time to grieve and spend time with Reggie.
    We will all will be here when you get back.

    Love you so very much!!!!!

  194. Sue, I am so sorry for your loss. We blogorinos will miss that sweet little girl very much, but rejoice that she had such a wonderful life with you. Rest in peace beautiful Bridget.

  195. Linda a. says:

    Oh my, my…… My heart truly aches for you.
    She had a wonderful life and a wonderful mother.
    Bridget seem to belong to us all. My condolences . XO

  196. Dineen in Bozeman says:

    I am so very, very sorry about Bridget’s passing!!! Even though I’ve never met you or the crew, my heart breaks for you all, just like it did with Spike. I’m sending prayers to you and Reggie! Goodbye sweet Bridget!

  197. Debra (CO) says:

    Dear Sue, I am so sorry and heartbroken by the loss of your sweet Bridget. You gave her such a wonderful life. I do pray that all the memories of the last few years will bring you comfort. The memory I will always have of Bridget is the first ride in her new car and how happy she was, the picture of her looking back at you with such an expression of joy. That was so precious! Prayers to you for peace and comfort.

  198. Linda Sand (Minnesota) says:

    So many hearts have a hole in them today. We’ll miss you, Bridget. Thanks for sharing your life with us.

  199. Ken in Queen Creek, AZ says:

    So sad for your loss. What a wonderful life you gave her. Rest assured that you did something good! RIP, little Bridget.

  200. Sharon says:

    So sorry about Bridget. My heart is breaking for you and Reggie right now. I have grown to love both Bridget and Spike since I discovered your blog. Both of them will continue to travel along with you and Reggie in your travels and watch over you. Many prayers are being said for you all. Rest in peace Bridget.

  201. Sue, I am so sorry for your loss. Words don’t really mean a lot at times like these. I firmly believe that our beloved pets wait for us on the other side. Spike and Bridget will be waiting for you. Meanwhile they will be living on in your heart and your thoughts.
    The pine cones were a perfect marker for her resting place.

  202. Gary says:

    RIP Bridget, you brought many a smiles to those reading this blog over the last few years. Sorry for your loss.

  203. Phyllis in Phoenix says:

    Goodbye sweet Bridget. I will miss when you guest blog for Sue, and the way you hide from the camera.

  204. Marlene says:

    Times like this are so hard. I pray that God will help all of you to find peace and continue your journey knowing that Bridget and Spike are still right beside you in spirit without the burden and pain of their aging and sick bodies. All of you so fortunate for the love of each other and the happiness you each have brought to each other.

  205. Elizabeth in WA says:

    Even though you knew her time was arriving…still no one can really prepare well for this…partings are so very hard. I hope you are doing ok considering and I send my condolences and empathy. She had a great life for a dog I think!! I was telling our last spiritual advisor how even though he might think it weird, I just feel so strongly that at least our last dog, so beloved, would be on the other side. His words I will never forget, “Why not? Life does not end here!!”

  206. BadgerRickInWis says:

    I just can’t get this image out of my mind of Bridget and Spike walking along on the other side of the bridge as Spike leans over and gives her a little peck on the cheek. “Come on Babe, You’re gonna love this place.”

    Thank you Bridget for all of the smiles you have given us and the many lessons you have taught me personally. Perhaps the most important of these is that if you truly want something in life the best way to get it is to simply to expect it to happen. You were always true to yourself and always such a good and loving girl. You will be missed by so many. Rest in peace my Queen, I will love you and hold you in my heart forever and always.

    Sue, I know your heart is broken and no words can ever fill the void that you are feeling. But please know that you have done such an amazing job in your role as the Royal Attendant to the Queen. You gave her a life that other dogs can only dream of. Always loving, always understanding and right to the end doing everything possible to give to show her how loved and cherished she was. Ya done good girl.

  207. C.W. says:

    Bridget had the best life any traveling companion could hope for .
    I am sorry for your loss.

  208. Rose in Houston says:

    I know this must be a very difficult time for you and I offer my sincere condolences. What a truly splendid life you gave her and what joy and love she was able to share with you. I hope you are able to find comfort in the comments all your followers have shared.

  209. Mel from North Texas says:

    As I said in closing to you last week, you always do what is best – and letting Bridget join Spike was the right choice. this all must be so hard for you – sorry I am a day late in reading your post…passive avoidance – by now you must know that your Blogorinos care deeply for you and join you in your mourning for our beloved Bridget… Take comfort in that fact.
    Reggie has a new responsibility now …taking care of you and assuming the role as your guest blogger – I believe that is what Bridget would want – she has been preparing him since the day he joined the crew…Now the of you will find your path forward and continue to make us laugh…. Just not today.

  210. MelindaK (TX) says:

    As you can tell from all the comments you are loved. My heart felt condolences for the passing of Bridget. From the start in Georgia to the beautiful resting place you found for Bridget she has become a part of our lives and will be dearly missed. Your post and photos were beautiful done in such a difficult time. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Reggie.

  211. Lee C says:

    So sorry for you loss.

  212. Ann M says:

    Oh, Sue, I am so sorry to read this blog post. There are really no words that have not been said, but just know that all of us out here who read your blog will miss that little stinker! She had such a great personality. And I pray for peace and healing for you and Reggie. Ann M

  213. Tawnya says:

    I love you !

  214. Melinda says:

    Sending love and peace to you, Sue. What a lovely place for Bridget to rest.

  215. Lori S says:

    Sincere condolences. Bridget was a pip and I enjoyed her antics. She will be missed.

  216. Marty says:

    Dear Sue, so sorry for your loss of beloved Bridget. She has given me much joy thru your words and photos. Thinking of you warmly and wishing you and Reggie some comfort in the days ahead .

  217. Tina says:

    Bridget and Spike, together once more. There’s not much one can say over the heartbreak of such loss, except that we truly understand. Your fur kids have a great life with you, and actually, the kindest and gentlest departures as well. One day you will all be together again. When our beloved dogs have passed, I have sensed their presence in spirit for weeks afterwards. And we still love and talk to them. I’m pretty sure you understand this. Sending healing energy and prayers to support you. RIP sweet Bridget.

  218. Linda in MN says:

    So sad to hear about Bridget. She knew she was loved, and you gave her a great life.

  219. Gal and a cat in Fl says:

    Oh how heartbreaking. I have not read in a while and just catching up and didn’t expect this! I am weeping like the rest of us blogerinos as we felt like she was family, like our own. How sad I am for you dear Sue. Peace be with you.

  220. So very sorry to hear. Thank you for the wonderful life you provided for Spike and Bridget and for all the stories of your travels. Enjoy our new adventures and make lots of fun memories with Reggie. Peace to you.

  221. Monica-CA says:

    Miss. Bridget, a lady so well loved. Thank you Sue for sharing Bridget’s travels. Hugs to you. Safe travels and peace!

  222. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Dear Sue,

    I am so sorry for your loss. I am so sad that Bridget has passed away. I am also happy that she had such a wonderful life with you, and that she is now reunited with her sweet love, Spike. I will miss her dearly. Crazy how I am crying as if she was my own….I love that little girl.

    Please take good care of yourself, Sue. You can rest well that you did your best for your girl. The pinecone marker is perfect – Miss B would approve. I pray that you and Reggie will find peace and comfort in knowing that Bridget is happy with Spike, and that they are always with you. Sending you and Reggie loving hugs from me and Gracie pup. Love you lots. xxxooo

  223. Rhonda Patrick says:

    No words can express your loss but you told of Bridget’s passing with such love. You and Reggie are indeed in my heart. We have 4 much loved dogs and one perfect cat resting under the trees in our back yard. They all passed over the rainbow bridge at different times over the years. They are still missed. Always will be. There are pinecones on their graves too. When I look at them I will also always now remember Bridget and Spike as well. Safe travels.

  224. Steve says:

    Sorry to hear about your loss. You gave her as great a life that any dog would want or could have. There is nothing said that can take the pain away but try to remember all the good times. Believe me, I know how hard it is. I’ll be thinking of you and Reggie, when the hounds and I are on our daily walk.

  225. Mary Batt says:

    Dear Sue, The comfort you took with Bridge on your chest she also took from you. The pain is as great as the love. There sure is no way around it. But Bridge had so much life with you and Spike and Reg, she was a lucky dog to find you! The pictures of the pines, stream and hillside show your love and honor for Bridge and her days end. She moves with Spike now. She was a lucky dog that you found her. You and Reg take care now. Let the earth and travels do their healing.

  226. Wendy in Thailand is in Australia says:

    Sorry for your loss. Hugs!!!

  227. Elizabeth says:

    So sorry Sue. ((((Hugs))))

  228. Nancy from South Georgia says:

    I am crying like a fool. My husband asked me what was wrong and I said “my friend’s dog has passed away” and I know how she feels.

    Sue, Bridget had a wonderful life and a fabulous Mom. You did exactly for her what she was hoping to be able to communicate to you. Thinking of you.

  229. Linda L says:

    So sorry for your loss! ??

  230. Mitchell says:

    I am so sorry for your loss.

    R.I.P. Bridget.

  231. Laurie in NC says:

    Hugs to you and Reggie. Such a sad but beautiful good bye to a much loved friend.

  232. MB from VA says:

    What a lovely, peaceful post. Fitting for sweet Bridget. Love and sympathy from VA. MB, Wyndy and Bella

  233. Chuck says:

    Dear Sue: I’ve been a mostly quiet follower of you and yours for a long time. Although we’re saddened by Bridget’s passing, we’re comforted by the fact that she takes her place right next to Spike all snuggled in that special warm place in your heart. She knew she was dearly loved…is there anything better?

  234. vickie carter says:

    So sorry for the sorrow you are going thru right now.Peace in knowing Bridgett is in no more pain.

  235. Rhodium in RI says:

    You have built a remarkable community and now it has lost a dear, dear member. In a very minor way we all share your deep loss. Thank you for letting us be part of your life, the mostly happy but occasionally sad times.

  236. Speed Gray says:

    Sue, so sorry for your loss. But what a great life, and fond memories, you two had together.

  237. Bob Miller says:

    So sorry!

  238. The Zoo says:

    We are so sorry for your loss. Many tears are shed.

  239. Candace H. says:

    My condolences to you both. How lucky you all were to be together. Hugs and blessings to you.

  240. Gene in Ohio says:

    So sad…so sorry.

  241. Janet Johns says:

    I’m a lurker rather than a poster. I’m so sorry it was time for Bridget to go. We love our pets so much and it is so hard when they leave us behind. Condolences.

  242. Bob McQuade says:

    So sorry Sue. Fortunately, and most unfortunately, we have been through this before, it hurts, but in time the good memories take over.


  243. Linda in Manito Illinois says:

    What a wonderful adventurous life Bridget had!! All our pet family members should be so fortunate to have such a life. So much attention from you, and her ‘brother’ Reggie, and Spike before that. And that you were with her non-stop all the days of her life, especially the last week. We should all be so loved, and so fortunate.
    Thoughts and prayers for you, and may your heart soon be filled again with peace, knowing you did the right thing.
    Deep breath, deep breath.

  244. Noni Smyth says:

    I’m so sorry for your loss, Sue.

  245. Bridget’s passing has made me feel a little nostalgic. I went back to your beginning posts and have started reading history. Again. I wanted to relive some of Bridget’s (and Spike’s) adventures. I think I’m going to enjoy them even more, now that I “know” you a little better. So glad you have those archives online still.

    And I hope today finds you feeling a little better. And tomorrow a little better still.

    Hugs to you both….

  246. Dearest Sue, it’s so hard, and I am so sorry to hear this sad news. My heart is hurting for you.
    Yes, a life well lived for sure, and Joy, Shiloh and I are honored to have met her. Joy is 13 now….my Golden Girl. Still the most joyful person I know, but slowing down considerably. I think about what lies ahead daily. I can’t help it. They are our family and closest friends and companions.
    Big hugs to you girl.

  247. Laurie says:

    Dear Sue,
    I am so sorry for your loss. Bridget was a special dog and your readers came to love her as much as you did. You gave her a wonderful life and she made your life more wonderful. Thank you for sharing your lives with us on the blog. Although I don’t post often, your blog entries are a high point of my day. You and the crew always inspire me. Take it easy and take care.

  248. Kellee says:

    Sue and Reggie – I am so sorry for the loss of Bridget – she certainly did have a well lived and loved life and that is all we can ask for. Thank you for sharing her with us over the last years and know that we are thinking of you and Reggie as you travel on.

    Kellee and Cooper, Aja, and Deacon

  249. Linda says:

    I’m so sorry Sue. Hugs and prayers sent over the miles. Linda

  250. Rob says:

    My condolences on your loss Sue.

  251. Julie Green says:

    Sue, I continue to read your blog faithfully.
    My sincerest condolences on your loss of Bridget. She and Spike indeed had long and joyful lives with you. I know they are running through wildflower filled meadows, towards a nice cool stream in which Spike will soak. How blessed they are, as well as you and Reggie.
    Love, Jool from North Texas

  252. Bob Martel says:

    Truly a sad moment for which I am most sorry. The blog headline sums it up pretty well. Take care.

  253. Pat (Ky) says:

    My heart goes out to you, Sue. May you find comfort in your faith and this outpouring of love from the blogorinos.

  254. S. Kaeseman says:

    God took a Blessed Guardian Angel back home to his loving arms and to her loving friend Spike this week. May they be walking the fields and forest of Heaven.
    My God keep you strong and continues to Bless you Sue and of course Reggie man until you all meet again in Heaven. Fair Winds and Following Seas my Dear Bridget, you brought extreme Joy to my life over the years I knew you even if it was only through pictures, your taking over Sue’s blog and Sue’s stories.
    S. Kaeseman SK1(SW), USN (RET)

  255. Linda G. Hughes says:

    I let out a loud “oh no” when I read about Bridget. My heart breaks for you, we lost our baby of 14 years a short while back. So sorry but she is with Spike now and having a ball!!!

  256. Dawn in NC says:

    Sue, I read your post with such a heavy heart and then started to cry. Thank you for your beautiful post of Bridget’s last week. I am so sorry that she had to move on from this life. I can only imagine a fraction of your grief. As others have said, you gave Bridget the best possible life she ever could have had. I loved reading about her, seeing her photos (both of hiding from the camera and smiling for it), and reading her guest blogs. Thank you for sharing her with us.

  257. John McDonald in Duluth MN says:

    A loving tribute to a loving creature returning to a loving Creator.

  258. Sandi Stewart says:

    God speed to you and yours.

  259. Tony says:

    My condolences. You are in my prayers. I have four 4 legged kids myself and know how they become a part of the family. God Bless and God’s speed.

  260. Laura - Illinois says:

    Oh one last thing Sue…. if you ever feel alone, look at all who have responded to your recent loss and who are reaching out with love to you… you are loved! Huggles!

  261. Garth Bacon says:

    So So Sorry for your loss.

  262. BadgerRickInWis says:

    Hey Bridge,

    One more thing that I forgot to mention in my first note. Ya did a REALLY good job trainin’ the new kid.
    Give my love too all my canine friends on that side of the bridge and good luck trying to keep Spike out of trouble. Sweet dreams Princess.

  263. Hal says:

    Sue, I am so sorry for your loss. All of us who read your blog on a daily basis have come to love Bidget to. Also know we love you and Reggie to. Take care good lady.

  264. Mary Western Washington says:

    I’ve a long time follower of your blog, but have never commented before. Your decisions and love of Bridgett are truly an inspiration for all of us and our furry friends. Holding her heart beat to heart beat says it all. Bridgett knew she was loved by the way you lived. Loss of our furry friends can leave a hole in our lives.

    Hugs and prayers across the miles.

  265. Such a beautiful and loving tribute …all my love to you and Reggie…

  266. Gail says:

    So, so sorry for the hole in your heart. Bridget was lucky to have you in her life!

  267. Carolyn H in AZ says:

    So sorry for your loss. Keep the memories close.

  268. Retiredcajunlady says:

    Hello Sue. I woke up to a little nose nudging me cause he needed to walk, and thought of you and your pups. All I kept thinking was how lucky, how blessed both you and Bridget were in knowing each other. I know your heart is aching and so is Reggie’s though he doesn’t have the words to say it. Nothing except time can stop that lonesome feeling for her. But do know that you gave her so much. A world of sights and smells that many dogs never get to experience. Even when walking to explore campsites became hard for her, you got her a buggy so she could ride and still have experiences. Love. So much love between a pup and her human. Feeling sad at her loss is normal and won’t end in a week. She was a special pup with a personality that most humans can’t equal. I hope today finds both you and Reggie well. Whatever y’all are doing, where ever you guys are, I hope you find some peace of heart. Belly rubs and hugs for Reggie and prayers for you all. Hugs.

  269. Stan Watkins says:

    She’ll wait for you to some day help guide you home as she did so often in life. Good dog. Good dog.

  270. Dave says:

    So sorry to hear about losing Bridget, Sue.

  271. Andrea in Glendale says:

    Such memories of sweet Bridge , thanks for sharing all of them as well as her passing. I see her with Spikey, that’s a good thing. Take care, love to you and Reggie

  272. Julie E from CO says:

    I’m so sorry to hear about dear Bridget, Sue. My heart breaks for you and Reggie. You gave her a wonderful life full of fun and adventure, and a sweet car. <3

  273. KelleyinSoCal says:

    My heart aches for you and Reggie. Bridget was a special girl and we all loved her. Thank you for sharing her life with us. We will miss you Bridget! Give our love to Spike!

  274. Donna Flanagan says:

    my heart breaks for you and Reggie. tears are flowing freely.❤️❤️

  275. Laurie in AJ AZ says:

    You will be missed Bridget

  276. Jason in NY says:

    As you probably already know we all grieve along with you! I don’t post much but I have been a blogareno for years.
    My thoughts and prayers go out to you and the Reginator.
    God bless you Sue!

  277. Allie says:

    So sorry to hear this. 🙁 While news like this always hits me hard, it’s especially close to home as I have two aging large dogs and recently found the oldest’s cancer is back. I recognize I need to savor every day I have left with him. If I’m lucky that could be 6-12 months, but one never knows. Dogs are such terrific travelers and make exploring and life in general more fun. Heading off on an extended RV trip with mine in a few days for some quality time on the open road.

    I know the only thing that will bring me peace is remembering what amazing lives they led; hope this brings you peace as well.

  278. katelyn-hooks says:

    Hey Sue I’m sorry about Bridgette.
    I love your blog and I think it’s great how you live your life and when I graduate high school I’m going to live the same way but in my car.
    Love ya Sue, keep doin.

  279. Irene in N. Illinois says:

    Ah…dear Bridget…a special little lady. Because of you I will forever remember the
    correct pronunciation of ” Arr-bore-EE-tum,” and the way you felt so special when the camp host in the golf cart wanted you to sit right next to him, and that special day when you got your “car.” You leave us with so many happy memories. You have touched the lives of so many people, and I will miss you immeasurably.

    Sue and Reggie, I’m sorry for the loss of our sweet Bridget. May her many happy memories comfort you.

  280. Linda (Wisconsin) says:

    Very sad to learn of Bridget’s passing. The pinecones were a lovely idea. She was a beautiful girl. I’m glad her final days were spent naturally. The journey continues.

  281. Brenda in Texas says:

    Beautiful Bridget, I will miss you… Rest well dear little girl. Hurry to the Rainbow Bridge, Spike is waiting for you. Sue, my sincere condolences, I feel your pain.
    (((((((((((hugs)))))))))))) to you and Reggie.

  282. Karla in Kentucky says:

    Have just read the news and am trying hard to hold back the tears. It brings back all the memories of the precious furry friends I have lost through the years. The thoughts that console me are the memories and love we shared. Bless you and Reggie in all your travels together. We are fortunate to love and be loved.

  283. Sandy Riley says:

    So sorry for your loss of Bridget. My heart weeps with yours & Reggie’s. Blessings & hugs to you both.

  284. Jo in OR says:

    Heartbeat to heartbeat…such love. HRH will be missed. She would want her brother Reggie to continue to explore, play and take care of Mama. Sue do whatever you need to do to grieve, take time for you and Regie. We will all be waiting to see your next destination.

  285. Diann in MT says:

    God Bless you, good dog parent. Spike and Bridget had the most wonderful time on earth any dog can know. Reggie — you have some wonderful years yet to come. Take good care of Sue right now. She depends upon you to lift her sprits and comfort her during lonesome times.

  286. gayle beach boomer says:

    Dearest Bridget: Thank you for your life and thank you for my tears at having to say good-bye. As I told your wonderful Mom, RVSue, I never had a dog and never knew how wonderful is their unconditional love and playful joy is, until I started reading about you. Go play with Spike, who I’m sure has been waiting impatiently for you! Thank you for being.

  287. Sherry Waldrop says:

    May you find comfort with your precious memories

  288. Sue, I am so sorry you are going through this so soon after Spike. You are such a strong, independent woman. I’m wishing you peace and comfort in the coming days.

  289. Pauline in Mississippi says:

    Dear Sister Susan, you have been on my mind and in my heart and prayers. My heart hurts for you. Bridget was such a big part of your life and she brought such joy not only to you but to us who read about her days. We have watched her grow older and marveled at the wonderful care you gave her. She lead a queen’s life. I know you are heartbroken and you will need time to grieve. Lots of people love you, care for you, are praying for you and we will be here when you can come back.

    Sending BIG HUGS and LOTS OF LOVE to you and Reggie.

  290. Pauline in Mississippi says:

    DEAR BLOGERINOS….. thank you so much for your love and concern for my sister, Susan, aka RVSue. As I read all the kind comments, the tears flow. You certainly are a special group of people. I know Susan is reading your comments and right now can not comment. I think we all can understand that. Bridget and Spike were both such big parts of her life as her writings do attest. She loved them dearly….they were family. She is probably hugging Reggie close and finding comfort in your kind words.
    THANK YOU for loving my sister.

    • 🙂 your support is much needed at this time. Thank you.

      • Renee Galligher - Idaho says:

        So good to hear from you Pauline. Thank you for reaching out. I only know Sue though this blog, as well as getting to know Bridget and Reggie. I’ve come to love all three of them, but never came to know Spike in the same way. My heart aches for Sue, but I know that in time, not having Bridget will become more bearable and having Reggie to comfort her and bring laughs to her face will also cheer her up. It’s never the same when you lose a loved one, no matter how many legs they had, you love them just the same, sometimes more than your two legged ones. Our beloved pets only know unconditional love. Take care Sue and Reggie and come back when you’re ready.

    • milliehubbard says:

      Dang, there you go, making all of us cry again…we do love your sister, she has given us a place to come together and share in her wonderful journey. Her generosity of spirit in sharing her life with us…even the painful parts, is what makes this blog such a special place for all of us. We experience joy, laughter, curiosity, wonder, sadness…real emotions as we travel along with Sue and her Crew…and we thank her for sharing her travels with us. Bless her.

  291. DesertGinger says:

    Her Royal Highness will be missed so much. She stole my heart years ago. Thank you for all you did Sue. You gave her a wonderful life.

  292. Hilogene in Az says:

    First time posting here although I read every post. I am sorry for your loss and hope that you and Reggie find peace. I was moved by your blog on Bridget’s love and her passing, so much love in your post and so well said.

  293. Dear Sue,

    I was dreading reading your next post because I knew the inevitable reality of what was coming. Having lost my most beloved Labrador in April, and having been an avid follower of your blog for many years, I knew I would grieve right along with you when Bridget died. I recently read the below quote on someone’s Facebook page and found it to be very comforting. I hope that it gives you a little comfort as well, as you go through this very painful time of grief.

    “It’s true, when I come to you in dreams, I’m really there,

    When you see me out of the corner of your eye, I’m really there,

    When you sense me around the place, I’m really there,

    I haven’t left you, not really,

    My spirit is everywhere, but especially with you.”

  294. Piper (Virginia) says:

    So sorry for your loss. She had a great life with you. Thoughts and prayers are with you.

  295. Jolene/Iowa says:

    Hi Sue,

    I wanted to come back again before a new post again to give you a hug today and read the comments. I couldn’t even read them last night when I first read this post. The pain of you losing Bridget was too much to read all the comments too.

    I hope you know how much we all love you and Reggie. Take care Sue, we will be here when you come back. Much love!

  296. Karen in NC says:

    My heart goes out to you and I wish you strength and peace during this difficult time.

  297. Eloise in Idaho says:

    May you find comfort and peace in knowing so many people care about you and share your sorrow.

  298. Diane McGarry says:

    My heart goes out to you and Reggie. Sweet Bridget has crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. XOXO to you and Reggie.

  299. Mark says:

    So sorry to hear about Bridget. I am thankful you prepared us in the last few posts, we all new her time was short. You, Bridget, Spike and now Reggie have brought us so much joy over the years. Seems I have lost a number of friends the last couple years with the last one a good friend and coworker of nearly 25 years. Cancer seems to be the main cause of most of them. That word is beginning to make me cringe when I hear it. Hugs for you Sue and Reggie.

    Salina, Ks

  300. Barbara in Phoenix says:

    Dearest Sue, I’m so saddened to hear of Bridgets passing. I feel I’ve gotten to know her through your blog and also when she guest blogged for you. What a girl! What a personality! She will surely be missed! RIP sweet Bridge.

    Welcome back to Arizona! Looking forward to your many adventures here in my wonderful state. I’ve moved here from California over 25 years ago and you have taken me to places I’ve never been to, especially in the NE part of the state. Take care and wishing you and Sir Reginald safe travels!

  301. There are many, many tears being shed for Bridget, the lovely lady that many of us never met, but knew so well.
    It is a blessing for her that you allowed her to pass with dignity and that you found such a lovely spot to lay her to rest.
    Our thoughts and hearts are with you…..

  302. Dixie says:

    Dearest Sue & Reggie, So sad to read about Bridget. It will just take time to heal but you will never ever be without the memories and love that you had with Bridget. Sue-you are the Best!! No dog could have asked for better!!! Much Love to you & Reggie in the coming days and weeks-Adventure on!!

  303. Cat Lady says:

    I wouldn’t have missed the ride with you, Spike, Bridget, and now Reggie for anything in this world. The highs…the lows…we’ve experienced it all with you. You’ve graciously shared The Crew with your blogerinos and allowed us to consider them to be “our crew” too. We’ll reminisce, laugh, cry, and grieve along with you. You’re in our thoughts and prayers, Sue, and we all love you. Hugs to you and Reggie. We’ll be here waiting when you and Reggie are ready.

    Cat Lady

  304. 11blade says:

    As Carol has expressed in her Facebook citation….

    “I haven’t left you, not really,
    My spirit is everywhere, but especially with you.”

    Bridget will live on in the cloud….literally. You have enriched all of our lives with your writing about Bridget’s antics, your beautiful photography and the loving care you take of all your animals, people & this blog.

    I’m so relieved to read that your last hours with dear Bridget were peaceful. I’m sure she sensed that you would take care of her lovingly to the end and that made her transition all the more peaceful. Thank you sharing these most personal times of your life publicly, even when the news isn’t on the sunny side.

  305. Oh Sue, my eyes are wet with tears as I write this. Sorry for your loss. I’m glad you have Reggie there to keep you busy. Bridget was well loved and cared for. Here’s to peace and comfort in the days ahead. {HUGS}.

  306. Hi Sue,
    You had prepared us but I was still shocked and saddened when I read that Bridget had passed. I have been with you with Bridget and Spike. Now they are both together. How is Reggie doing. Hope he is not depressed. I am so sorry for your loss. You gave them a wonderful life with love. Prayers for you and Reggie to get through this painful time. Sharon from Fla.

  307. Rhonda Olsen - Palm Springs, CA says:

    I am so sorry for your loss.

  308. Diane, Blue Ridge Mts, VA says:

    Sue, we knew it was her time… but still tears flow for this little sweatheart. I can see her passing over the rainbow bridge and being greeted by Spike. What a wonderful life she lived! My heart is with you. I am so glad you have the Reggie Man. Love to you both, Take Care Sue and Crew

  309. Tesaje says:

    What a beautiful send off for your lovely Bridget. They never last long enough but she had a wonderful life with you. Condolences to you.

  310. Heda says:

    I’m so sorry I’m late in sending my love and sorrow to you for losing little Bridget, the perfect companion. I’ll miss her so my heart goes out to you and Reggie. She was an absolutely gorgeous girl so I don’t know why she didn’t like having her photo taken! But regardless you got some really beautiful shots of her with her sweet personality shining through. Take care my friend.

  311. Barb in Washington state says:

    awwww Sue 🙁 I have tears as I am reading the last few entries….so so sorry for your loss..you’re right…she lived a GREAT life 🙂

  312. Deadeye, in The Texas Hill Country says:

    Sue, you and Reggie are in my thoughts. So sorry. She left many good memories for you and us.


  313. Cynthia (& Scout) says:

    She was a Queen, well and truly loved. Much love and sympathy to you and Reggie.

  314. Kary E says:

    Oh, Sue, I’m so sorry. Godspeed to Lady Bridget.

  315. Dear Sue.

    I am so sorry for your loss. She lived a good life.

  316. Linda Esoll says:

    We will all miss sweet Bridget. Take care.

  317. WI & FL Beverly says:

    I just checked in on your blog and was so sad to learn about Bridget. I’ve been a follower of yours since you were first making plans to take to the road full time. I’ve grown close to you and your pups, through your wonderful stories of life on the road. Bridgee has sure had a wonderful, adventurous puppy life and so well loved. She will be missed.

  318. Oh Sue…I am soooo sorry. What a life you’ve shared with your girl, she had the best of the best. You are truly the best mama, and you’ve chosen such a gorgeous resting place for such a beautiful girl. Prayers for you and Reg, you know we all love you! And, we all know the two best buds are back together again, running around, waiting to see you again….so try not to be sad for too long. Be strong, take care of you. (sorry for my delayed condolences, it’s not on purpose! I’m still here, just far behind…)

  319. Rachel Smith says:

    Hello Sue, another dear lady I know just lost her little companion too. It has been so hard to read about your losses, knowing that I will face that again, someday, with my little girl, unless I go home first. But it has also inspired me to write a post about how Macha and I found each other. With your permission, I would like to dedicate that post to your Lady Bridget. I am also going to ask the other lady I know, if I can mention, and dedicate it to her sweetheart, as well. Please let me know if this is okay, and if it is, if a picture of your Lady Bridget is a possibility, could you send your favorite one to me? I would like to post it this Saturday, since my Macha will be 11 years old on the 22nd.

    Thanks for thinking about it, whatever your answer may be, it will be good. Take care, talk to you soon.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      That’s very sweet of you, Rachel. I love your idea! I’ll send the photo soon. Right now I’m working on the next post which is why this reply is so short. Talk to you later!

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