A mob moves through our neighborhood!

Sunday, February 10

Usually, the first thing the crew and I do upon waking is head for the back door.  This morning Roger insists we change our routine.

He leads us to the front door instead.

I step out on the porch and . . .

Oh my!  Deer!

A herd of about ten deer stare at us from across the street.  Reggie and Roger commence barking, of course, and charge toward the chain-link fence, the fur on their backs raised in a ridge of righteous indignation.

I rush inside to find my camera.

My haste, along with the dim light and the zoom, combine to produce photos of poor quality.  Oh well, not trying for a prize here, just want to show you another delightful, early morning surprise at our house in southeastern Arizona.

Look behind the deer in the above photo.

See that big agave plant?  It shows damage from recent overnight lows.  Temps do go down into the 20s (F) here.

Well, two little dogs going crazy on the other side of chain-link aren’t going to intimidate these deer. However, the sight of me moving around with a camera pointed their way is enough to send them trotting up the street with ears held back.

During our boondocking days . . . 

The crew (both original and present) and I searched for places where we could camp away from people.  We were rewarded with a variety of wildlife sightings across the western states.

These included pronghorn antelopes, bears (grizzly and black), moose, bison, burros, wild horses, coyotes, bobcat, foxes, kitfoxes, cottontail and jackrabbits, javelina, squirrels (including the Kaibab squirrel), badger, non-venomous snakes, prairie dogs, turkeys, sage grouse, owls, eagles, hawks, geese, ducks, road-runners — all sorts of birds, too many to list here — and several deer.

Now wildlife come to us!

Did you know in some places a herd of deer is called a mob?

“Aha!  That’s what the title of this post refers to!  Some mob.  Shame on you, RVSue!”

~ ~ ~

Yesterday, around 4 p.m., it’s finally warm enough to work outside.

I set up a low stool to brush on stain/sealant along the bottom couple of inches of the cedar fence.

The boys chase each other around the house.  I had made them a toy out of my old socks and the popular game these days is “Ha-ha, I got the sock toy and you can’t get it!”  Reggie usually initiates games.  He flies past with the sock toy in his mouth.

Boy, can that Reggie run!

Roger is fast, too, and although he’s giving it all he’s got, he’s at least six chihuahua-lengths behind the speedy Reggie Man.

What a pleasure to be outside again after days too cold or rainy!

Apparently the birds feel the same way.

Such singing! Cactus wrens are curious about me.  I look up from my work and for a brief moment catch sight of a wren peering down from the top of the fence. A cactus wren has made a nest under the eave of the covered patio so maybe I’ll see the babies someday.

~ ~ ~

Oh, my new ladder arrived!

And what a dandy it is!

I’m pleased that it’s a manageable weight (aluminum).  It has a nifty handle so it can be carried like a suitcase.

There’s a platform for a paint can and a place to hook on a roll of paper towels.  It even has a sliding drawer for screws and nails.

I like the sturdiness.  No sway at all.

Dennis and Gilbert came by today to work on the wide, double, cedar gate.

The gate swings open on wheels to allow vehicle access to the back yard.  The gate has such a wide span, plus the wind really tears through here at times, that it needed extra support.

Of course, I had to show the guys my new stepladder.

They gave it the once-over and I could tell from their reactions that they like it.

You know, I’m beginning to understand why men love tools. Tools open up possibilities.

Hmm . . . eight feet.  Gee, I could spy on the neighbors over the six-foot privacy fence.



Here’s a link to the ladder at Amazon:

Cosco 8-Foot Signature Series Step Ladder

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Do you have a purchase from Amazon that you’d like to tell us about?  Your product recommendations are appreciated by me and by your fellow readers.  Thank you! — Sue


~ ~ ~

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78 Responses to A mob moves through our neighborhood!

  1. ReneeG says:

    Good morning!

  2. Laurie in Eastern NC says:

    Good morning! We have herds of deer in our yard most nights and it drives my dogs crazy! We do not have a fence so we have to go out ahead of the dogs and run the deer off first. One evening we did not and the dogs took off after the deer running them off our land. It scared me so much because I did not know if the dogs would come back. As soon as the deer were gone the dogs came back very pleased with themselves! Have a good day!

  3. Columbus Calvin says:

    Good morning! That’s quite a wake-up sight. I don’t think we’ll get that here, but we do see small animals, including many gray squirrels and a few fox squirrels.

    Here in Ohio, we are changing over from snow to rain. Once we get past the flooding (which benefits fields here by happening before the growing season), we may go back to our regularly scheduled winter.

    That is quite a ladder. The shelf and towel holder further increase the possibilities. My ladders seem to be at their best in situations I hadn’t planned, but I’m so short that I always have one for too-tall cabinets.

  4. Pat McClain says:

    What a neat ladder! I will have to check that one out!

  5. Dawn in Michigan says:

    Good morning Sue and crew! It looks marvelous there, we here in Michigan are under another storm warning. Sigh. Guess I will enjoy sunshine vicariously through your blog.

  6. Jimk in Columbus Ohio says:

    Nice ladder and so handy. We have a few deer in our back yard from time to time. They enjoy any garden I might plant and the apples from our tree in the spring. I’m enjoying your weather through your blog.

  7. Cat Lady, Baton Rouge, La. says:

    Love the pictures of the mob, lol. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Stanley says:

    Ha … yes, click bait, i thought i was looking at my neighborhood watch email alert

  9. chas in pa says:

    This is the first winter that I have been able to watch the deer full time (leaving to AZ Thursday 2 months later than usual).We have a 2 herds.A herd of 7 does that are usually together.Then there is a herd of 3 bachelor bucks who are always together but never with the does.Then there is the big buck who is always alone.He is a 10 pointer and really big bodied.The does are his harem in all likelihood.It appears that some of the smaller does are last springs fawns.I have 7 acres in the middle of 500 acres of undeveloped forest and in the middle are scattered hayfields which is where they all seem to congregate.Fub to watch.

  10. Geri from the FL panhandle says:

    Good morning!💗. Love your tall ladder. We have 3 assorted sizes! It’s been a very mild winter here so far. No hard freezes! 😂 yay!

  11. Dawn in NC says:

    Hi Sue! As for recommendations, I can’t say enough good about the Keen Newport H2 Sandals! They are my go to shoe all summer. They are as comfortable as tennis shoes. Very versitile. It’s a good thing you can get them wet, as one of my cats threw up in mine. No worries, easily washed! ASIN B003O2SLXY

    I love seeing pictures of the mob outside your door! Very cute. Also, isn’t it funny how pets think some of the best toys are hand me downs from us! Case in point…the sock game. My kittens spent quite a lot of time playing with a piece of broken plastic knife, even running up and down the stairs with it! Speaking of my kittens, I have to tell you how naughty they were on Sunday. They have been known to take off with my watch when I take it off for bed. I usually try to put it places they won’t notice. So, Sunday morning, I had the watch by my pillow on the bed, thinking I’m going to get up in a few minutes. I fell back to sleep. When I woke up, my watch was gone! Where did I find it, you might ask? Well, it was soaking in the water bowl! Yes, the water bowl! The watch was supposed to be water resistant, but didn’t survive it’s bath that morning. I had to go out and get another watch! Those naughty kittens!!!

  12. weather says:

    What a beautiful experience to have all those deer close to you! I especially like the photo with the nine deer together. You may have missed seeing them if Roger hadn’t led you to the front door. I love the ways animals draw our attention to so much that’s wonderful in this world…

    Whether or not you get to see baby birds in that nest, how nice to have cactus wren feel safe to nest on your property! Not everyone who has wildlife around their home considers it a gift, I’m ever so glad that you appreciate it, Sue. While I understand some people not wanting the mess or potential damage to structures that some animals can cause, to me a place without several kinds of creatures sharing it just doesn’t feel right.

  13. Carlene and Corky says:

    Wow.. so good to see the mob visiting the neighborhood…
    And hello from windy central New Mexico… 40 mph and gusts to 60… yikes… Corky needs to go out but every time we head to the door he hides in his bed…
    Have a great day!!

  14. Lee J in Northern California says:

    What a lively and interesting post, thanks…and good morning!

  15. Linda Rose, Molly and Midgy in Carmichael, CA says:

    Boy those deer sure look well fed. I wish my two girls played together like Reggie and Roger. They were adopted 4 years apart and are ok with each other and occasionally play fight but not fun antics like your guys. I am starting to get the itch to get on the road with my Roadtrek. I’ll use some of your previous posts to find some good places to camp. I’m so grateful that someone recommended your blog several years ago. I don’t comment always but I always love to get the notice that there’s a new post! It’s only going to get up to 53 with lows in the 30’s here in sunny California.

  16. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    What a great morning surprise that was. I love seeing all the wildlife on my morning walks with Angel. She doesn’t bother any of the wildlife, except the Canadian Geese. When they are in the street (making a major mess, that I hate) she chases them back into the grass and down to the lake. Such a good dog! It always amazes me how she misses walking in their mess.

    Need to get busy. Hope everyone has a great day. Hugs to you Sue and the crew.

  17. jazzlover says:

    Boy that is so neat to have seen the deer herd. Had forgotten all the various wildlife you had encountered while living the good life on the road. Do you miss being on that? Know you have plenty to keep you busy getting your home just the way you want it and you have to stay put for awhile to do that.

    I’m getting itchy feet but am sure the low temperatures we have had brought that on. Love the goodies you find to bring home, some to fix, repaint, then look at as another piece of your home to make it more comfortable for you and Reggie and Roger. Your fence is so nice, Dennis and Gilbert have done a wonderful job putting it in and privacy is very important. You hit the lottery with the good folks you found to help with the house and yard. Enjoy the warmth!
    Be Well.

  18. Barb in Florida says:

    Hi Everyone! Thanks for the post, Sue. I was getting so excited as I was reading, getting ready to see your gates on wheels. Not today! Oh well, it gives you another one to write. Please do one on the gates though as we have determined that the wheel solution may help our double gate, also in the back for access, that has sagged pretty bad. My son also has two other single gates he has to build. So we’ll be waiting to see how they do it. Would love to see upclose pictures & some that show it working. Watched lots of videos and everybody does it different & not enough focused on this specifically. Also, what kind of hinges? We’re thinking the hook and eye type might be better this time around – not sure how to do it though.

    It amazes me what help I find here. From sagging gates to tax help, recipes to ideas for so much I can’t even begin to think of. Especially like prayers needed. My mother-in-law is failing – it’s a matter of days now:( after 13 years in a home with Altzheimers. She was one of my best friends. I love her so much. How many people can say that about their in-laws? I was so very lucky to find my soulmate and a great friend. She told me I was the daughter she never had & loved me like one. We had a nice visit in July when I was up for my mom’s funeral. She knew me right away. I was so grateful for that.

    Sorry to go on …. asking for things…..but somehow it helps knowing others are praying for her! Thanks Sue.

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi, Barb,

      How wonderful that you have such a loving relationship with your mother in law; you are blessed! I will keep your family in my prayers. **hugs**

    • weather says:

      You have been blessed with your mother in law, Barb. I will pray for her passing to be accompanied with peace amid the natural sorrow for the loss

      • Barb in Florida says:

        Thank you Denise and weather. She was a great mother in law. My father in law was the kindest man I ever met. I never heard him say a bad thing about anyone. My sisters were jealous – even they loved MY in-laws. My Mom & Dad were married two years and one day after my in-laws, so when we had a big 50th anniversary for my mom and dad, my inlaws came. My FIL had Altzheimers but his memory remembered all my neices and nephews and he said “All the kids came” and thought the party was for them and they were his family. By then they were. I do know how lucky I was. They gave me so much. They were a very special couple. Thank you again.

        • Elizabeth says:

          Wow…sounds like you really hit it with in-laws…so glad for you…but sorry your mom-in-law is fading…that is so hard!! I WISH I could have said the same about mine. Not the worst, but they kind of liked putting me through a grinder at times. I am happy to hear when others have a GOOD family to marry into!!

          • Barb in Florida says:

            Thanks Elizabeth. We’ve known this was coming for a long time. It sure doesn’t make it easier! She wouldn’t let me take care of her and chose to move into a home. She didn’t want that for me. She had taken care of her MIL. I could go on…..wonder if I got that from her. She told some great family stories!

  19. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue!

    It does not matter if the pictures are technically perfect. You captured the magical moment and that is what matters! It looked like they were all young does? Good boy, Roger, breaking routine, taking Sue and Reggie to the front door instead of the back door. You just had to check out the visitors, huh?! Do you realize how happy you made Sue? 🙂

    Thank you for the giggles….”six chihuahua legnths”….run, Reggie, run!! 🙂

    Nice ladder! I have a similar, shorter one that gives me just enough height to change the lightbulbs of my ceiling fixtures; I have 9 ft ceilings. The grab bar at the top is an invaluable safety feature. Maybe Dennis or Gilbert would be interested in buying your old ladder.

    In my minds-eye, I see you perched on the highest ladder step, surprising your nosy neighbor! Wouldn’t it be fun to beat Madame Busybody at her game?! I jest, of course! No need to waste precious time and energy on negativity.

    Have a nice evening, Sue. Sending you, Reggie, and Roger lots of love and hugs from me and Gracie pup! xo 🙂

  20. A Gal and a cat in Fl says:

    Oh I just LOVE the deer. As many as I’ve seen it’s never enough. Lucky you to have a herd so close. I can’t help but notice how HUGE your yard is. WOW. I can just see you picking up plants, trees, etc here and there this coming spring when they start to be put out. Yes!

  21. Rover Ronda says:


  22. Elizabeth says:

    Mercy me…what a tall ladder, Sue!! You are surely brave!!
    Was thinking…glad the boys have such short coats…with all the deer and potential ticks they carry, hopefully you could see if any of those nasty critters got on them!! Our dog got one when we lived in the SE corner of WA state…and yes deer and elk came around…I thought at first it was a leaf stuck to her…then I noticed the teeny little legs on the engorged thing. We lived far from town so I was determined to remove it myself. She had a hole in her hide about the size around of my little finger when I got done, but I was not about to leave any part in her!! She was so good and patient…even though it hurt. I feel certain she knew I was trying to help her!!

    • Barb in Florida says:

      Aren’t they gross? And the amount of babies they produce from that meal is alot. I’ve treated my home for fleas but never had or heard of anyone having a tick infestation. My parents house in WI had bad ticks in the trees and yard. Mom was always checking her dogs. They would treat the lawn every year. Years ago, WI had lots of Lyme and that chronic wasting disease that the deer would get, also carried by the tick.

      • Cinandjules 🌵 says:

        You know…word is there aren’t any fleas or ticks here. I tend to disagree with all the wildlife rabbits, bobcats and coyotes..how could there NOT be?

        Same in the ADK’s…

        We ALWAYS use a flea/tick preventative. Nothing nastier than finding a tick burrowed deep on a fur child. Back in CA I’ve dug out a tick..and yes left a hole making sure I got the entire thing and THEN some!

        Found out that the best way is to apply the preventative directly on the bugger! They back out by themselves…head and all!

        We buy the largest application and split it. AO dose goes by weight and the cats get .5 ml/cc.

        A tick can transmit bad juju….the preventative kills them before they are able to….peace of mind!

        We also prefer the application type mode vs the ingestion..

  23. Eileen says:

    What a wonderful sight to wake up to!!!! I live in a location where it sickens me to see the heirs of a very prosperous landowner forcing out wildlife with extremely dense housing developments (the ancestors must be turning over in their graves). If that isn’t bad enough, most of the residents & HOA’s have killed off much of the remaining wildlife with lawn chemicals & animal poisons; they can’t live without lawns as green as the neighboring golf courses, and many people don’t even want rabbits or squirrels in their yards (you should see the way they react to NON-venomous snakes!). I’ve gotten so heartsick witnessing the elimination of wildlife that I often think of relocating.

    • Elizabeth says:

      Eileen…your idea of relocating may indeed be good. We have friends who are vets and who worried about us and our pets as we lived for a time, a few blocks from a golf course. She said that there is 10 times more cancer to pets who live near a golf course…one can only wonder what that also means for humans. We began buying spring water to drink after that…though of course, one also contacts things in the bathing waters (we were on wells there).

    • Barb in Florida says:

      Hi Eileen,

      I don’t treat my lawn down here. I won’t even water. Let mother nature do that. I have the biggest back yard in my HOA and I get a lot of birds, squirrels, etc. Yesterday saw a 2 foot long black racer at my door. Just shooed him home under the palm bush where he lives. My neighbor told me he lived there years ago. I just let him be. I’m pretty sure he takes care of “things” for me.

      I agree with the dense building. They insist on cutting off the view of every lake here. A new hotel went up & it’s too near an old eagle’s nest that is used every year. The bird lovers insisted they fence-off and erect signs to keep people away while there are eaglets in the nest.

  24. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Shout out to AZ Jim…..you have been in my thoughts and prayers. **hugs**

  25. Suzicruzi says:

    Hi Sue, Rogg, and the Reginator 🙂

    “Still on Darby Well Road”.. “sigh”. Soon we will apply for residency. Ha Ha HA! What can I say? We’ve found a very comfortable Winter home. I must confess however, we’d have moved on by now if it weren’t so dang cold all over the SW!! We watch the weather daily, and can’t find a warmer alternative at the moment. The days are splendid however! Today it was almost 70 in the shade of our Casita’s awning. The thermometer said it was 73* in the sunshine. Well, a few cold hours first thing in the morning never deterred me before, so I’m not going to start whining now. After a couple cups of coffee and the sun beating in the windows, it’s safe to take my walk around 8 am or so. I feel like I know this piece of desert like the back of my hand now. I know all the small washes, and the one large Arroyo that runs through here, pretty well. We’ve been hiking up to Locomotive rock, Javalina rock, and Cow Pie rock, and pretty much everywhere in-between. This desert is a jewel!

    The town of Ajo is changing. Next to the Post Office, where the Oasis Theator used to be, is a new, darling coffee shop called Oasis Coffee. It is owned by a husband/wife team who are as nice as can be! It had been closed up and empty when we pulled into town in December. The husband is also a Border Patrol agent. He’s been a wealth of information to us as hikers; where is safe, and where we should avoid wandering. We have felt totally safe here thus far Sue. We haven’t seen a thing hokey since we’ve arrived. Apparently the 14 day limit no longer applies as BLM people pass us and wave almost daily. We’ve seen others parked in their spaces since before we arrived. Also another Casita from BC, parked near(ish) the main highway, when you first come in. They were here when we arrived. Neighbors have told us they stay until March… So who knows? It wasn’t our intent to put down roots, but as long as we are comfortable here and having a good time, we may as well stay until we find somewhere with warmer overnight temps.

    The Ajo Saturday Farmer’s Market started up about a month ago. We try to support who we can by purchasing a few things each week. “The Bread Guy” has a powerfully good Jalapeño loaf, that sells out quickly. We enjoy it sliced thickly, pan toasted, and topped with jalapeño jack cheese, letting it melt. Then we slather that with smashed avocado, and a sprinkle of TJs “everything but the bagel” seasoning. Yum! Also, I did find a small pot for $2 in the “scratch and dent” bin of a potter there, for my little Aloe plant. Poor plant has been wrapped in a damp paper towel, sitting in an open zip-lock since mid-December. It has developed the most interesting “slant”! Makes me laugh, as it has that “wind-blown” look you’d see of some weathered juniper at the top of a wind swept mountain. I doubt it will ever stand upright again. 😉

    I got a chuckle out of your post about Belly Acres RV park, Dennis and the propane service, and the stinky slinky he already has in place. Yes, it’s still the same… Dennis is quite the guy as is his wife Lori. We shower there weekly and do our laundry there while showering. It’s quite convenient! Dennis is quite the character! We enjoy going, mostly to enjoy the banter back and forth with him. It makes trailer chores much more enjoyable. Ha! Anything to make the dump station visit more enjoyable, right? Dump is still $7., and all the water you want is $5, or both for $10. We take the $10 deal, and he lets us fill everyting we have; trailer, jerry can, drinking jugs, you name it. Seems quite worth it, for a one stop shop.

    I really like your new ladder Sue. I’m going to look into it as we didn’t bring one. Larry is so tall he never needs one, but I’m short unfortunately. If I need to service the solar panels or tilt them, no dice without a ladder.

    A big shout to Rusty because I haven’t seen a post from him in awhile. Also, thinking of you AZ Jim. Heartfelt prayers….

    Suzi, Larry, and Mochi Kitty

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Thank you for sharing your latest news, Suzicruzi! Your description of the jalapeño bread with guacamole on it made my mouth water! You all sound so content and happy to be where you are…in the moment. Enjoy! 🙂

  26. Renee from Idaho says:

    Sue – are you ok?

  27. weather says:

    The first time I went to look through my window this morning to see if it had snowed there was a sheet of ice on the glass, so I couldn’t see anything outside. Thankfully, sunrise brought a slight increase in temperature that allowed the glass to become warm enough to see through. Now a light snowfall has replaced the freezing rain and sleet that had been falling for hours. As walking outside or driving would be perilous today is a good day to prepare something in my crockpot while I read a good book.

    My crockpot is just the right size to make a few servings in. I like it’s size, simplicity, looks and how well it works, so would like to recommend it to anyone that isn’t cooking for a large crowd every day.

    THE ASIN for

    Crock-Pot SCR300-SS 3-Quart Manual Slow Cooker, Silver (only $20.99 now)

    is B003UCGII

    A book I am enjoying is Chicken Soup for the Golden Soul. Among it’s many note worthy quotes one I especially like says “No man is poor who has friends.”
    I recommend that book to anyone that enjoys short, heartwarming or uplifting stories.



    • weather says:

      A reminder that my data plan will renew automatically tomorrow just arrived by email. It occurs to me that Sue’s bill for that also arrives each month , and that there are expenses involved with blogging. I hope a few more readers take the time to recommend a product, it can be small or large, inexpensive or pricey, new or an old favorite. I imagine if I were the one hosting this online gathering place, that helpful participation by blogorinos might go a long ways in providing the necessary enthusiasm and willingness to keep blogging.

      • rvsueandcrew says:


        • Lucy says:

          Hi RV Sue and crew, glad you amigos are enjoying your home. I have read that you got snow and rain & all that sort of H2O, good, water means life, doesn’t it ? Collecting rain water from our roofs is an excellent idea, love your water-tank. My gramma (who was a farmer in her younger years ) taught me an interesting trick to retain more rain-water, of course it’s not as easy as the water barrel collecting system. Here goes ‘ the trick ‘, for it to work all you need is time, energy, willingness and… a pitchfork !! When is known it will rain or snow you get yourself busy systematicaly & methodically sinking the ‘pitchfork teeth ‘ about 3 inches in D’ soil at a 90 degrees angle, then pulling it out straight up. The procedure is done ALL ABOUT THE YARD ( hoping said yard is not too large 🙂 ). Rain water and melting snow will sink into the soil ( thru the perforated holes ) & been deposited into the lower layers instead of evaporating & / or running off. Your lawn and your trees will surely appreciate your effort & your arms will toned & trimmed LOL. My regards, LUCY.
          Say hello to Reg. & Rog. for me & the 3 of you keep having fun !

      • Ruthie in Fontana says:

        Weather, You are a great writer and a great Sales Women, you sold me on the crock pot, enjoy Sue.

  28. rvsueandcrew says:


    Thank you for your comments. A special thank you to those who post product recommendations. I appreciate your help very much!

    I notice that the last post on Tioga’s George’s blog presently has 213 comments expressing condolences and thank yous to George for the gift of his blog. Those comments are sweet, but I can’t help but wish they had been written to him when he was alive and could’ve enjoyed encouragement and appreciation from his readers.

    I’ve been blessed with a readership that does participate and for that I am very grateful. If you wonder why I disappear occasionally, I do that to encourage you to take over the comment section.

    I love it when you interact with each other. If I comment, the ping-pong effect takes place: a person comments, I answer…. a person comments, I answer . . . . over and over again. Everyone directs their message to me. *sigh*

    YOU are much more interesting! And when you talk among yourselves, a delightfully warm atmosphere is created.


    Best wishes,

    • Elizabeth says:

      Sue, I enjoyed reading George’s blog…but when he changed it, making it more difficult to post there, I just read. I suspect others maybe were in that situation as well. And it was true that those who are living a similar lifestyle would have the most interest, of course. At one time, that life was one we considered. Now, it is not an option, for many reasons. So our interest was less too…though I always checked to see what he was writing about. Also, he made clear he did not need money anymore, once his son passed. So that is another reason perhaps to post comments? I am sure it takes you many hours a week to keep this blog going and I have appreciated being able to chat here some. If I was more computer literate, maybe I would have begun one too…but no time or energy really now, to learn something like that. So we hope you are able to continue on!! Thanks.

      • Barb in Florida says:

        I had trouble once he changed his comment policy. I also think he may have closed off the comments after a day or two so if you didn’t comment that day it didn’t show up.

    • Renee from Idaho says:

      Thanks for checking in Sue. Not knowing who checks in on you from time to time, when you disappear like this, I worry and wonder if you are alright. Yes, I think of Tioga George and am concerned that you will be in that situation and we may never know. Thank goodness you are alright.

  29. Cinandjules 🌵 says:

    Slick looking ladder!
    Deer heinys…..they look like the ones up in North country NY. We don’t have deer up here…signs posted along the 303 of donkeys or burros but haven’t seen one yet!

    Guess what DAY it is…………it’s hump day for all ya working Blogorinos!

  30. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue and fellow blogorinos,

    I hope everyone is having a good day! 🙂

    For those looking to make a quick meal, I would like to recommend picking up a Knorr One Skillet Meal packet. It has the grains and herbs/spices in the mix. You add fresh meat and veggies. Add a side salad and you are good to go!

    I have made the Steak & Peppers, Brown Rice, and Quinoa meal variety several times. I think it is very good. I have a Southwestern Chicken, Brown Rice, and Quinoa meal in the pantry…maybe I will try that this weekend.

    Amazon carries this item and offers more varieties than my local Kroger. 🙂

    Steak & Peppers ASIN: B075Q2C6BJ

    Southwestern Chicken ASIN: B075Q2DRX1

    Thank you for all you do for us, Sue! We appreciate you! Sending you and the boys lots of love and hugs from me and Gracie pup! 🙂

  31. During my single years I had an enviable collection of tools and it was always fun to get new ones! Like you said, it really opens up the possibilities around the home. How lovely to have the deer come to visit – the best kind of mob 🙂

  32. AZ Jim says:

    Hi Gang….I still am licking my wound from the loss of my dear Detta on Jan.30. When I feel more like it, I’ll be back when I can. I wouldn’t ever desert Missy’s fine blog. For now I’ll be reading but not posting much…

    • weather says:

      Thanks ever so much,Jim, for checking in, you have been thought about, and prayed for,by your many friends here. This is such a hard time for you, we understand your not writing much, take care of yourself, dear man, love, weather

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Dear Jim,

      We understand. Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers, even if you don’t feel like posting a note. Sending you a *hug*….please take good care of yourself. We love you.

    • Elizabeth says:

      Cannot imagine anyone would expect you to be chatty now, Jim. No doubt it will be awfully hard for some time. Sending hugs and prayers for your comfort!

      • Cinandjules 🌵 says:

        I was just sitting here thinking about you and Detta. Decided to check in “at the blog”. Great to hear from you. Take good care of yourself. I’m close (Corte Bella) if you need ANYTHING…oh wait let me clarify…I don’t do toilets! 😳 That’s Jules’ job!

    • jazzlover says:

      Jim, very sorry for the loss of your beloved Detta. Sometimes words are all we have to let another know we are thinking of them and keeping them in our prayers. Please take good care of yourself.

    • Lisa, Dad, Tommie and Buddy in FL says:

      Kudos to you Jim for even thinking of checking in right now. You are clearly a strong individual and I am blessed to know you, even if only remotely. If you ever want to escape the winter cold, we can meet up in Florida. Meanwhile I am praying for you in this tough time.

    • Renee from Idaho says:

      Hi AZ Jim – it’s so good to hear from you. I’ve been thinking of you and your dear Detta. I’m so sorry for your loss and can only wish for you a healing over time.

  33. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Just have to vent a moment….

    Sunday night in a Richmond city park, a male pit bull was tied to a post, covered with an accelerant, set on fire, and left to die. This happened across the street from a fire station. Crew ran out their bay doors with fire extinguishers to put out the flames.

    This poor soul has been named “Tommie.” He has been getting care at one of the emergency pet hospitals. Even staff from the burn unit at MCV (Medical College of VA) have been lending their time and expertise to help Tommie. Over 40% of his body is burned….including the inside of his mouth. It is horrific.

    On the way home from work tonight, I bumped into a city cop at a drugstore. I asked him if they thought it might be gang related, an initiation of sorts. He said they really were at a loss….it happened after dark; someone wearing multiple layers of purple pants was seen running from the scene. Not a whole lot to go on. There is a reward for information. I am hopeful that the poor excuse of a human being might have been caught on a security camera in the area.

    Tommie stood up today….a tiny good sign. The vets are cautiously hopeful, Tommie is not out of the woods yet. His burns have gotten worse…they are doing all they can to keep him comfortable. The poor thing cannot eat or go to the bathroom on his own. This just breaks my heart.

    I know that there is a special place in hell for those who abuse people and animals.

    Here is the latest update. Sue, please delete the link if you find this inappropriate.


    Gave Gracie pup some extra love and hugs tonight.

    • Elizabeth says:

      That poor animal must be going through hell…I have always heard that burn patients are in totally agony. I wonder WHO would put a poor dog through that?? I am sorry…putting an animal down, especially in such an awful situation, is not cruel!! Poor thing… People are beyond cruel…so many of them in our culture too. Been reading of late how they do things in Denmark and Scandinavia…and how much happier (though not richer necessarily) they are with life. This country is in bad need of some major changes. It is hard sometimes to have hope when you hear of such things as this story.

    • Cinandjules🌵 says:

      So many sickos in this world…whatever the reasoning behind it…surely Tommie did nothing to deserve it.

      Karma…is a beeotch. Someone will recognize the dog and or the multilayers of purple clothing. Has to be pretty close…last seen running away.

      An Indian Legend Says:
      “When a human dies there is a bridge they must cross to enter into Heaven. At the head of the bridge waits every animal that human encountered during their lifetime. The animals, based on what they know of this person decide which humans may cross the bridge…….. And which humans are turned away”

      No worries…there isn’t a shortage of handbaskets. Karma at its best!

      • Cat Lady, Baton Rouge, La. says:

        I always told my daughter to watch how a person treats animals and their parents…they’ll treat you the same way. People need to have done to them what they did to their victim. Inhumane?Why? It wasn’t when they did it to someone else.

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Sweet Tommie passed away at 3 AM this morning. As his dressings were being changed, he stopped breathing; his body shut down. I am saddened and relieved. The burns ended up being on his entire body. So thankful that the vets were able to keep him painfree. Heaven just got another four-legged angel! 🌈 🐾

  34. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hello, all,

    I hope everyone in the path of the latest storm stays safe! Take good care! 🙂

  35. Lisa, Dad, Tommie and Buddy in FL says:

    Hi Blogerino friends and family,
    Sue asked for recommendations an input. I am not quite sure how to do this, but here goes;

    I recently bought an echo connect and two echo dot “speakers” for my Dad. Once I figured out the setup, these echo dots are invaluable. By using the app on my smart phone, Dad can now call 911, or anyone else over our land line with just his voice! The voice command feature is so helpful because my Dad can’t read the contact information for the numbers stored on our phone; and now he doesn’t have to read them .

    This is even better than one of those L!f* alert buttons (“I’ve fallen and I can’t get up”). There is no monthly fee and the echo dot does many other things. It can play music, search the internet and act like an intercom. It’s going to be a great help in our house.

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Thank you for the review, Lisa.

      For those of us who live without another human, this is a game changer! A convenient helper, but peace of mind, too. I started to type “live alone”, and Gracie pup asked if she was chopped liver. 🙂

      I keep my purse (with my cell phone in it) on a chair in my kitchen. It is open, with the cell phone on top of it, with the strap hanging down. Years ago when I fell 3 feet off a step stool, and then down a flight of steps, I was able to drag myself to the kitchen to get to my purse on the chair and call a friend who came to help and wait with me for the ambulance. Without being able to get to a phone, who knows how long I would have been on the floor. The Echo would definitely come in handy, although I hope I would never have to use it!

  36. Susan in Oregon says:

    “You know, I’m beginning to understand why men love tools. ”

    I guess that means you are a really slow learner 🙂

    You learned to use tools at a very young age starting back when your mother put a spoon into your hand and you have never quit using them. Just stop and think about all the tools you use everyday of your life, a tooth brush is a tool, a comb and hair brush are tools, so is a coffee maker and a microwave and a stove.

    Lots of women love tools and use them for hobbies and to earn their living.

    • Shelley in CA says:

      Just my guess but I interpreted that to mean hardware tools. No need to insult or call someone a slow learner.

    • weather says:

      Within the context of the subject RVSue was writing about, it’s obvious that she was referring only to a specific category of tools. Words can be used as tools, some help build pleasant relationships , some are used as weapons in an attempt to hurt someone.

      The words in your comment could be taken as insulting criticism, though you may have been trying to be funny and friendly. RVSue is intelligent and experienced enough to have known everything in your last two paragraphs before you chose to write them. Your words, Susan, do not suggest that you realize that. Perhaps you should begin taking a few moments to read your comments, and thinking about how they might be perceived by others, before clicking on “post comment” from now on.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Susan, Shelley, and weather,

      No hard feelings here. I could’ve written that line better as “You know, I’m beginning to understand why men love their tools.”

      There’s an old saying that goes something like . . . “What a difference a possessive pronoun makes.” 🙂

      I’m going to eat breakfast and work on a post. I haven’t abandoned this blog, just been immersed in projects around the house, taking advantage of good weather to get things done. It’s hard for me to go from physical labor to settling down to write a blog post. If I start my day writing, I lose my ambition for physical labor. Wow, such big problems I have! 🙂

      Love you three,

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