A new campsite and a look back at our day in Florence, Oregon

Yesterday we moved to a better campsite at Delmoe Lake!

1-P1060463It’s better for many reasons.

The Best Little Trailer is in the shade and the Perfect Tow Vehicle is in the sun.  It’s quieter here than at the other site.  I like the soft, soothing sound of wind brushing through pine boughs overhead.  The lake can be seen from inside the BLT and from the picnic table.

A path goes from the campsite down to the beach.

1-P1060464I leave my camp chair along the path. 

I take the chair out onto the beach so I can sit and watch the ducks and wading birds through my monocular.  Also I can keep an eye on Bridget and Spike as they wander around on the sand.

1-P1060459Should I travel more? 

That’s what I ask myself.  We’ve come so far and I have no doubt that grander places to camp and explore are not a long way from here.  However, I’m content where we are now.  I feel like I’m on a vacation that can last as long as I wish.  We will leave soon, but I’m not in a hurry to go.

I like to read my kindle books sitting right here.

1-P1060465Last night as darkness fell, coyotes howled from across the lake.  Later, after Bridget and Spike fell asleep and while I was dozing off, I heard the hoots of an owl.  Deer visit the campground.


The lake level continues to drop.

Of course, that means . . . more mud!  If you take a close look at the first photo, you’ll see that Spike has his black boots on.  After I took that photo, I ran up the path to intercept him before he jumped into the BLT and onto the bed.  If I can keep him outside for a few minutes, the mud dries and falls off.

You know Spike has to go back for more!

1-P1060439How different is sweet Bridget . . . Little Miss Clean and Tidy.

She wouldn’t dream of stepping in mud!

1-P1060340-001This morning Bridget took off after a chipmunk, chasing it up a tree.  Apparently she didn’t learn from The Oregon Chipmunk Incident when she injured her leg.  I do remember the worry and indecision about whether to put her under the knife.  I’m glad I didn’t opt for surgery.

Remember this photo?

dscn1365It was taken September 5, 2012, when the crew and I spent the day exploring Florence, Oregon.  People thought I was playing favorites by pushing Bridget in a stroller while Spike had to walk!  That stroller was instrumental to her healing.

The registrations for the PTV and BLT are due this month. 

When we come off this mountain, I need to drop a check in the mail to the Pennington County Treasurer in South Dakota in the amount of $138.50.  The registrations will go to my mail forwarding/legal residency company, America’s Mailbox, and then I’ll have them send the registrations with sticker to a post office . . . wherever we may be.

Hmm . . . “wherever we may be.”  I don’t know where “wherever” is!



Here are some recent Amazon purchases made through my blog:
Sterling Silver Filigree Round Hoop Earrings
PikStik-Pro Aluminum Reacher, 32″
Oregon Road and Recreation Atlas (Benchmark Atlas)
Wrangler Men’s Big Rugged Wear Stretch Jean
Teva Women’s Tirra Leather Sandal
Master Lock Fifth Wheel/King Pin Coupler Lock


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61 Responses to A new campsite and a look back at our day in Florence, Oregon

  1. Alan Rabe says:

    It is a beautiful, and wondrous world we live in. We were put on this earth to enjoy it, both man and beast. Just roll the dice and go where they say. Just try to enjoy the journey as well as the destination.

    When I hit the road I plan on using Americas Mailbox, how are they for you.


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      America’s Mailbox works great!

      Have you read much of my blog? I’ve done a heckuva lot of “journey.” 🙂 Time for some “destination!”

      • Alan Rabe says:

        I have read all of it, it is why I am here. You are leading a fascinating life. When I started out in photography, in the mid 80’s in Arizona, I had a mentor who taught my how to develop and print negatives. I would go off to all kinds of great places to get subject matter. He used to berate me to death because all I had was shots of the destination and nothing of the journey. I had to learn to force myself to watch the landscape as I passed, looking for any images or little side trips, I became a better photographer and came to enjoy the trip almost as much as the destination.

        As always, Enjoy.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I can see where that would be true.

          The only journeying I’ve done lately is walking the beach or taking the trash down to the bins. 🙂

  2. Carolyn says:

    Such a pretty place. If I had a nice mellow pine tree breeze and … “I feel like I’m on a vacation that can last as long as I wish.”

    what else is there? until you get bored and move on… at least that’s what I did. There was a part of my journeying that I needed to keep moving because I wasn’t at peace … but oh, baruther ~ does nature ever comply with peace gettin… 😉

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Carolyn, for teaching me a new word! … baruther! 🙂

      You touched on the key to enjoying where you are… Being “at peace.”

  3. Mark Watson says:

    ….”Should I travel more”?….
    You’re retired. What’s the rush? You can always travel tommorrow.

    Mark Watson

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Yeah! That’s what I say!

      I’ll have to leave before the weekend. I don’t want to go through another weekend listening to OHVs and dirt bikes racing around the campground.

  4. Diane says:

    Absolutely LOVED this one Sue…I felt like I am there also…I would have a very hard time leaving this place. The sounds at night, chair on the path, crew having so much fun, peaceful beauty…really doesn’t get much better, just different. But I know the explorer in you will be calling in time…I think they call it “Wander Lust” Take Care, Thanks for sharing with us.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Diane. This is one of those posts written after I told myself I had nothing to write about. There’s ALWAYS something to write about! Your comment tells me it was good I sat down to the laptop and tried to put something together. Thank you.

  5. Glenda says:

    Love the sound of wind moving through pine trees…………beautiful! Takes me back to a time when we had a small caravan on the coast where we could go on the weekend when the kids were small. The park was full of tall pines and that’s where I remember the sound from AND the sound of pine cones falling on the roof!!! The black cockatoos that caused the pinecones to fall…………….wanders on the beach, watching the kids play in the rock pools…….arrrhhhhhh nice memories!

  6. Diane says:

    By the way I know you read, this has nothing to do with the blog but wanted to share a writer I am reading right now and can’t get enough of him. I read when I am in the woods at night. If you like mysteries and the out doors, CJ Box’s, Joe Pickett novels
    Just finished “Trophy Hunt” exciting!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Your timing is very good, Diane! I’m looking for new authors and that book sounds like a good one. I’m trying to remember where I put my list of authors that readers recommended in comments a while back. 🙂

      • Diane says:

        Sue, these books are clever and take place in areas I suspect you may know out west. Some are better than others, but all are good. Hope you agree. I can’t wait to read the next one. HA!

      • k&p Catalano says:

        Hi Sue,
        I had a thought about book and author ideas. Maybe you could add a page for your readers to leave comments about their recomendations. Then you’d have them all in one place…maybe call it the BookMobile or Suggest-A-Book or RVSue’s Book Club or BookPhish (fishing for good book tips) or have a contest among your readers for a good title.
        I love reading your posts. I went as far back to the beginning of the Rusty and Timber story so I could I could get the whole picture. The whole time I read I found myself swinging from guffaws of laughter to gulping back tears.
        I think I’m caught up now…
        k- of k&p Catalano

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Hi, k!

          If you went back to the beginning — back to pre-retirement and planning days — all the way through our two years on the road, you know what an incredible experience becoming a full-time vagabond has been and continues to be.

          Thank you for your ideas about a book page. I may do that. Right now I’m not taking on anything new until the follow-up story on Rusty and Timber appears in the Arizona Republic. A book page sounds like a project for the winter when I hibernate!

          Nice to hear from you! “Guffaws of laughter to gulping back tears.” . . . Love that!

          • k&p Catalano says:

            Yes…for a retired gal, you sure do have a lot on your plate to keep you busy. Really love your posts!

            We won’t be hitting the road for at least four years but am really enjoying the journey to get to that vagabond place.

            Say Hi to Bridget, Spike, Timber and Rusty!
            and please tell Carolyn I love ‘baruther’…what a great word!!!!

  7. Ladybug says:

    Gotta love a camp site with a ready-made ‘library’!

    Have you noticed much change in the weather? I’m hearing reports from those up north that the nights are getting into the 40s/50s. Even here in the South, we’ve nudged the upper 50s at night, but we’ve been a little under the norm nearly all summer. Feels like fall is in the air; kinda wonder if we’re in for a rough winter, as mild as it’s been!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi Ladybug… I move around so much.. not just distances but also elevations . . .that I don’t know if there’s a change in any particular location. It is cool here at night, in the forties. I’m wearing long pajamas again!

  8. Pat Kitchen says:

    Still reading your blog 🙂 Love your sense of adventure and your wit. What do you enjoy reading? Take care, PK

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi Pat . . . I’m happy to know you still read my blog. What do I like to read? Well, historical fiction, biographies, Western fiction, mysteries, adventure, history. I hate romance novels and science fiction.

  9. Bob says:

    Yes, by all means stay while it feels good and then move on when the time appeals to you. That looks like a gorgeous place. Male dogs seem to have the mud need. My female is very dainty and male, well you know, not so much. I love audiobooks and travel time is much enhanced when I get into one. When I head from the midwest to California in the motorhome with a good book filling the hours I have driven a thousand miles just to keep the story going. Drove from WI to LA in 2 1/2 days while listening to Stephen King’s Gerald’s Game. Stopped for walks with pups and an hour of rest and woke up anxious for more book. Too old for that now so park in a great place, sit back in chair and listen to the book. Sure glad I can replay as sleep often takes over. I love your blog. It slows me down. Glad your pup is doing well with that leg. So often they stabilize if the tear is not total. She may get a little stiff with it over time. Some great canine meds for the aches of old age. Thanks for sharing your interesting life.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Bob, and thanks for sharing some of your life, too.

      Yes, I took a chance not taking Bridget in for surgery and I do expect she’ll have aches in a few years. Spike gets achy sometimes after a very active day. I give him a buffered aspirin once in a great while. I suspect he’ll need something stronger as time goes by.

      Nothing like a good book to make time (and the miles) fly by!

  10. Libby Nester says:

    Wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your blog. I live vicariously through your travels. I am from the eastern panhandle of WV and camp in the surrounding states part-time. My husband and I are retiring in the next 6 months. We are planning on continuing to part-time.

    I hope to be able to explore the great Western United States. I’ve been to New Mexico twice in December both times.

    Thanks for all the valuable information! Wishing you happy trails.

    I went back and read your blog from the start. It took awhile. I love your crew. Bridget and Spike’s personalities are as different as day and night. It was so cute how Spike made the most out of the mud situation and Bridget stayed as clean as possible.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi Libby!

      I hope you do explore the West. Living in WV and camping in the surrounding states, you know mountains. But seeing the mountains of the West will take your breath away. It’s a dream worth pursuing! I send you an early “Happy Retirement” wish.

      Thank you for letting me know that you enjoy my blog and love my crew. I appreciate you reading from the beginning. That’s a lot of reading!

  11. Beautiful shot of the deer! Do they come that close? Spike didn’t bark and scare her off? Spike is such a riot with his black boots routine! LOL! Friday morning, both Radar and Doogie Bowser are getting groomed with summer cuts and toenails trimmed! We will bathe them on Thursday. Both are good about getting a bath and Doogie loves to get groomed. but Radar…. he’d rather not! Hugs to the crews and you!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Geri . . . No, the camera zoomed that deer in closer. It is surprising though how they come to the edge of the campsite to graze when there are acres and acres of uninhabited land across these mountains. Maybe they feel safe from coyotes?

      Yes, Spike did bark and scare off the deer but the photo I took didn’t show it well. Actually I see one or two deer visiting almost every morning.

      Radar and Doogie get the beauty treatment! It’s funny how dogs can be so different. You have a great crew!

  12. Looks like a perfect location. Why move on when you are enjoying yourself!

    Darn that mud lover!! That is really nasty mud. Luckily, they both don’t love it.

    Where would be without our Kindle in this life on the road! What a great tool!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, John and Pam . . . Boy, Kindles came along at the right time. I wouldn’t be able to tote around all the books I read.

      The mud isn’t as bad as it looks. It doesn’t smell! If it did, Spike wouldn’t be allowed to sneak off for mud play.

      Last night I thought I’d leave today as the weekdays are passing quickly and I don’t want to move on the weekend. But this morning is so beautiful, the lake absolutely still except for the family of ducks and a few fish jumping . . .

  13. cinandjules (NY) says:

    Love the camp site and Spike’s almost hipster boots! He is such a goof!

    Chippers make that clucking sound that attracts attention…our well trained (yeah right) SaraAnn will still chase them until she hears the “LEAVE IT”! She looks back and seems to say..oh yeah I forgot! So Bridget probably just forgot for a minute.

    What’s great about retirement is………..there IS no schedule…you do what you want to do…when you want!

    Can you believe it’s already the 7th of Aug? I think we are already headed into Fall…the ferns are turning brown and it’s cold. Oh cripes that means the “S” word is just around the corner.

    Enjoy your day!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi cinandjules . . .

      I notice Bridget has a new thing — selective hearing. If she’s doing something she really wants to do and I call her, she turns away and pretends she didn’t hear. But if I change my tone to angry, then she hears.

      This summer is racing by. Because of the elevations and higher latitude, I feel like we’ve had a very, long Spring and only the beginning of Summer. Fine with me! It seems like only a few weeks ago you were up to your windowsills in s#%*! (Um, maybe I should clarify that word… I’m talking about frozen precipitation.) 🙂

      Enjoy the lake!

  14. AZ Jim says:

    Hi Sue! We had some rain yesterday, it didn’t get over 85 here in Surprise. As far as your thoughts on moving, the world moves fast, time flies but you don’t have to. Relax and don’t recriminate yourself for enjoying the time spent at the wonderful spots you find. Sterling Hayden in his book, Wanderer, said “The years thunder by, The dreams of youth grow dim where they lie caked in dust on the shelves of patience. Before we know it, the tomb is sealed.” The bottom line is, DO IT! And at your speed. As i see it, it’s not the land covered, the miles traveled, it’s the treasures along the way.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jim . . . Very wise. Love the last line.

      Unfortunately the weekends here can be murder for a person who seeks peace, quiet, and natural beauty. I never would’ve made it through last weekend if it weren’t for the hope that all the combustion engines (8 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.!), yelling parents, screaming kids, chainsawing (weekend lumberjack) and loud music would eventually leave by Monday. So I’ll have to go soon, probably tomorrow.

  15. John K says:

    You should get a hammock, nothing like swinging in the trees and napping, reading or just cloud watching.

    So, when will you start thinking about heading back south the the winter? When you go will you lope along taking your time or make a beeline for warmer climes?


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi John . . . I can’t tell you where we’ll be this time tomorrow! To answer your question the best I can, it depends upon how far north I go and how long I stay there. I like to avoid having to “make a beeline” anywhere, although, as big and wide as this country is, sometimes it’s necessary.

      I’m not a hammock person. I do miss my lounge chair. I like to put it way back and watch the tree tops and clouds, and take naps in it. I’ll get another one as soon as I can.

  16. Pauline says:

    WOW!! The words and pictures transported me to that blue chair! What a beautiful site…one of your best. Travel safely and at your own speed. You have the luxury so enjoy it…as I know you are. I love the “boots” and “sans boots” pictures of Spike and Bridget. What a pair. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pauline . . .. Isn’t this a great place? The crew and I just came back from the beach for lunch. I read the newsletter about the reunion and about your plans for NYC. Talk about WOW! I love that you’ve never stopped diving into new experiences your entire life. Glad you had a great time in NYS and are home, safe and sound. Love you!

  17. wheelingit says:

    Looks like the PERFECT campsite. That whole question of travel is a good one and it’s been on our minds too. We slowed down a lot these past few years. I don’t see the need/want to travel 5,000 miles/year anymore and am becoming a total “west” gal. Will we ever travel East again? I don’t know. I can see us bumping around the places we like best out here for a while, but going slow.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi Nina!

      I have no desire to cross the Mississippi again. My problem is getting my two sisters on THIS side of the river!

      I probably will do more “travel to see new places” and slow down in years to come. I’ve found a good pace for us now… Athough I’m finding it hard in this area to find good places to hopskotch the way I like and still avoid people.

  18. Sherry in Oregon says:

    Hi Sue …. what a life, eh?
    Hey …. I know you probably get lots of suggestions, but if you’re looking for something good to read, I’m ADDICTED to the PBS series “Call the Midwife” and recently read ALL the books the show is based on — I really loved them.
    I’m not interested in medical stuff so much, and I’ve never been one to be that interested in other people’s babies, but I adore the characters & the stories …. Jennifer Worth can really tell a tale.
    Our Kindle gave up the ghost a little while ago, but I have a second generation one that was never activated, so I just have to bite the bullet & do that & transfer the 50+ books we’ve downloaded. In the meantime I’ve been holding & reading actual books! However, I LOVE how the Kindle allows you to take a whole library in a trailer or in a carry-on for travel.
    Keep journeying/destination-ing and reading!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Sherry .. . Right after I eat my lunch I’m going to look up these books suggested to me by you and Diane. I have a 2nd generation kindle.

      Thanks for the suggestion. I really love how you can get more books anywhere you have a signal.

      Yesterday I finished “When We Were Strangers” by Pamela Schoenewaldt. It’s about the life of an immigrant from Sicily (late 1800s). It’s one of those cheap books Amazon offers, but a good one nonetheless.

  19. Tesaje says:

    Where do you hide out on weekends? I’ve found weekends to be a lot harder and more unpleasant too.

    Love the black boots on Spike. My dog self-cleans too. And my female dog is not prissy in the least. She’s been known to roll in something dead and in mud. The prior female dog was the same way except for self-cleaning. It is just specific dog personality more than sex.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Tesaje. . . “Where do you hide out on weekends?” Good question. I wish I knew a good answer.

      I don’t mind having people around for two days, people who work all week and need a break, who respect nature and are considerate of others. However, I’m about to lose my mind with adults and children on OHVs and dirt bikes who think nothing of joy-riding back and forth under your window for hours at a time, revving their motors or stopping to let them idle (I don’t know which is worse!).

      I’m all for self-cleaning dogs! Nice to hear from you again . . .

  20. ronaldesears says:

    another great spot. I got my Kindle Fire today in the mail. I have given a couple of these as gifts and finally broke down and got one for myself. I enjoy the feel of the book, but good used books are getting harder to find in the shops around here. I think I will really enjoy it once I get it figured out…be safe..

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You will enjoy it, Ronald (or is Ron better?)… Before long you’ll wonder what the big deal is with holding a paper book.

      • ronaldesears says:

        Ron is what I go by…the biggest problem I had last night was putting it down to go to bed. I started a Zane Gray book and he’s one of my favorites to read.

  21. Hi RV Sue & crew! I’m sooo excited, I went all the way back to the beginning to read about all your adventures, and now I’m finally caught up to the present! Thank you so very much for sharing all your tales from the road! Good, bad, clean, or muddy, they’re all interesting. 🙂 You have a great skill for writing, and also a wonderful eye for photography!! Lots of great info from your commenters also, I’ve taken note of several books mentioned that I want to read.

    I have a few years yet to go in the workforce, but thanks to you I have a wonderful vision for my retirement years! I would absolutely love to be doing what you’re doing and plan to start now laying the groundwork. Makes it a little easier to slog through the workday with such a lovely goal to work toward. 🙂

    Love the latest news from Rusty & Timber! I’ll figure out what I want to send them and keep you posted. What a wonderful group of folks you have here following your blog!

    Happy trails! Hugs to the crew!
    Take care, Linda

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hello, Linda!

      Good for you! You made it all the way through my blog! You’re right about my readers and their comments. They’ve taught me a lot and helped me get over the bumps in the road.

      I’m happy for you, having a vision for your retirement. It makes me sad to see and hear about people who’s idea of retirement is the absence of work. We need challenges and change to keep us aware of the value of each day. Best wishes to you in your planning, Linda!

      Thank you for taking the time to write. I enjoyed reading your message.

  22. Rattlesnake Joe says:

    Is the cost for the PTV & BLT registration for one or two years in South Dakota? That price seems pretty darn good to me if it is for two years. You sure have the knack for finding bargains. With all the ‘time in the world’ that you have…have you ever thought of writing a book or maybe some short stories?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Joe . . . Thank you for the compliment within your suggestion that I write a book or short stories. Every time someone tells me I should write something, I reconsider the idea.

      It comes down to this… I write best about my personal experiences. I detest the idea of rooting around in my past to come up with stories, and if I’m holed up writing all day about the present, I soon wouldn’t have anything in the present to write about!

      It seems like my blog posts are effortless. In truth, they are far from it. (Often the simpler the writing, the harder it is. Verbosity is easy.) Writing and maintaining this blog takes a good chunk out of my day. (Not complaining!) It’s true I have time to walk the crew, read books, and take photographs. “All the time in the world” that I seemingly have to give up is actually very little time, because each day is already packed with what I want to do to live a full life and what I need to do to be a full-time vagabond and blogger.

      Gee, ask a simple question and look at me going on and on… 🙂 . . . being verbose!

  23. Bill & Ann says:

    A perfect day, it seems.

  24. Randy from Mn says:

    If you are ever looking for a different view, try swinging through North Dakota and across Northern Minnesota to see Lake Superior and then swing down through the prairie. We ain’t got none of them damn mountains ruining our view

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Oh, Randy…. I’d love that! So many places, so little time . . . Maybe in a few years . . .

      Nice to hear from you.

  25. Virginia says:

    Hi Sue:

    Looks like you are finding some great places to camp these days. The Rusty and Timber story has ended to well for them both thanks to your support. It’s almost a tear jerker to see them so happy in their new home. Now Rusty is speaking on behalf of other homeless vets in AZ. That story just keeps on giving. Just goes to show how a little bit of kindness goes a long way. Too often, the poor and homeless are forgotten in this country. It’s like no one wants to aknowledge any of it. Loved the pictures of the crew and Rusty and Timber.

  26. dawn moore says:

    Hi Sue1
    I sure enjoy hearing about the escapades of the Crew. I finally met the rat terrier/hound cross pup that my son & his family have had for about 7 months here in suburban Dayton, OH. He’s a peach of a dog! If you’re interested in historical fiction, you might enjoy anything written by Timothy Egan. He’s written about the Dust Bowl & now about forestry/forest fires called “The Big Burn”. He writes about history but makes it seem like fiction. Stephen Ambrose does the same thing & as well as Egan.

    We’ve had an El Niño summer in the Northwest–dry & warm–which also means we may have a cold, snowy winter. I like the El Niño cycle much better than the mild, wet La Niña cycles. I also believe that our El Niño summers impact much of the area west of the Rockies. It’s all connected here on the Big Blue Marble.

    Take good care & enjoy your lovely spot. Stay warm–the days are definitely getting shorter.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi Dawn… Interesting weather info… I hope that means I’ll see the Pacific this trip. Last summer I saw more fog than ocean!

      Thanks for the author recommendations.

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