A rest stop on wheels

Wednesday, January 28

Bridget and I leave Why, Arizona.

1-P1020330We travel north a short 70 miles or so to Painted Rock Campground. 

I thought we might explore southeastern Arizona next.  However, after carefully considering possible camps and the weather conditions for same, I decided against it.

I want to go where it’s warm!

Thursday, January 29

After one night at Painted Rock, Bridget and I follow Interstate 8 west.

The plan for the day is to drive the hundred-fifty miles or so to the west of Yuma, one of the most consistently warm places in the region.  On the way we’ll stock up at Wal-Mart, have the propane tanks filled, take on water for the fresh tank, fill the drinking water jugs, and dump the waste tanks.

We almost don’t make it to Yuma.

The day is dark and overcast.  What began as a mild headache about 4 a.m. develops into a major head-splitter by the time we reach Wellton, which is approximately 50 miles short of our goal. To make matters worse, I’m nauseous and my energy is fading fast.  I’m too drowsy to drive safely.

Gotta’ get off this highway!

I take the Wellton exit, zip over the interstate, and pull into a shopping area with several vacant stores.

1-P1020373I park away from any activity and let Bridget run around in the adjacent empty lot for a few minutes.

“Okay, sweetheart.  C’mon, we’re going inside.”

I open up the Best Little Trailer and we crawl into bed. 

I pull the comforter over us both.  Bridget is concerned.  She knows this is not our normal operating procedure.  As I doze off Bridget licks my leg.  She proceeds to apply her remedy to both legs, from knees to ankles.  Oddly, it is rather soothing!

After a few hours I feel rested and well enough to continue toward Yuma and beyond.

“Good job, Bridge.  Thank you for the dog-spit treatment.  It worked!”

Before leaving Wellton I fill up five water jugs. 

Five gallons for fifty cents is the best price I’ve ever seen for vending machine water.

1-P1020372I’m too drained for Wal-Mart. 

One has to be in fine form to tackle that place.

On the west side of Yuma, at the Chevron station at Pilot Knob, I fill the fresh water tank, dump the waste tanks, and buy propane ($22.61).  I think the guy makes an error, overcharging me for the use of the dump station ($10, when it’s usually a few dollars less), but I’m not in a condition to point it out.

I just want to find our camp and relax!

Have you guessed where we are?

1-P1020375The view from our new camp

I choose a spot next to a wash. 

That’s where most of the vegetation grows.

1-P1020392I set up camp in the usual way.

1-P1020374Then I flop into the lounger with a bottle of water.

“Whew!  We made it!” 

1-P1020383This is our third winter making a camp off Ogilby Road. 

Our previous sites here are too crowded this year.  I’m happy I found a less populated camp.

1-P1020390You may think it strange that we’ve returned to Yuma, having camped on the north side of Yuma less than a month ago.

We’re here for more than the warmth. 

Over the past couple of months I’ve looked at hundreds of adoptable dogs on a gazillion websites, hoping to find the next addition to the canine crew at a reasonable distance from our camps. Thank you for your many suggestions.  Trust me, I’m aware of the sites and the dogs that are available.

It’s become apparent that it is easier to move first and look for the right dog later, rather than choosing a dog first and then racing to get to it, including setting up camp and all, before the dog is scooped up by someone else.

As you’ve probably guessed, I’m partial to rat terriers.  It seems the best possibility of connecting with that special rattie is in California.

Which is why we are here!

1-P1020380We will absorb the warmth of the Winterhaven/Yuma area for a while and eventually we’ll travel through California looking for that special someone to complete our family.




1-DSCN1399Cape Perpetua, Oregon, 2013


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186 Responses to A rest stop on wheels

  1. Pat in Rochester says:

    I can’t be first?

  2. Pat in Rochester says:

    I hope you feel better. It’s hard to have to be productive when you feel lousy. I love how Bridget took care of you. Wonder if it was some ancient massage that she used on you.

  3. Connie & Mugsy (MN/AZ) says:

    There are no other posts as I reached the bottom, but my expectations of being first are low.

  4. Calvin R says:

    Terrier time = soon?

  5. Pat in Rochester says:

    Wow. I thought maybe the remarks section was broken, lol! I’ve never tried for first because there have always been so many already there. Lucky timing tonight. I would like to be camping out there somewhere. It’s sooooo cold here!

  6. Missed you by a day at Painted Rocks.
    I thought I had found a good campsite east of Gila Bend but it was closed off. With the rain and the thought of sinking into wet desert sand I backtracked to Painted Rocks and await my mail delivered at Gila Bend.
    Boy, I thought I was getting good at finding boondocking sites. Benchmark, Google Earth, and then I get fouled up by the BLM.
    Hope you’re feeling better.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Fortuna Robert,

      Sorry your plan didn’t work out. Hey, it happens. There are so many variables and contingencies and what-have-you when trying to score a boondock. I’m guessing you’re probably quite capable of finding boondocks by now.

      Painted Rock isn’t a spectacular place, but it does come in handy!

      • Sondra-SC says:

        I guess you gotta always be ready with plan B! You’re in a very nice spot Sue, I cant wait to follow along on the search for the ratta-tat-terrier! There was one in our local pound..then lucky dog the owner showed up looking for her I was planning to offer to foster since they were asking for a foster home…so glad she was found.
        I have the same issues with my hands as Rusty mentioned since broke both in 2013…I have to type with one finger on left hand so you can imagine how many mistakes I make–
        I’m still slugging away at the house I plan to rent out and it will be my path to salvation!!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Gosh, Sondra. I’m sorry about your hands. You do an excellent job of typing. Not one typo!

          Keep on keeping on with the house. Your reward awaits you!

        • Elizabeth in WA says:

          Sondra, I enjoy going to see your progress. Taping and mudding is such a laborious process!! Hubby and I built a house (with lots of help) when we were in our 20’s…took forever it seemed on the finish work. But worth it when done!!

          • Sondra-SC says:

            Hi Elizabeth…yes this dry walling the ceiling project has been very difficult so far, I was losing hope but then I just said…”what the heck am I worried about?” Perfection is never achieved!

            • Elizabeth in WA says:

              Heh, well you will find few professionals who can do much better I think!! Take your time and it will be ok. It is quite a job however!!

  7. We just left Pilot Knob this morning. Surprised you did anything at that Chevron station…it’s pretty expensive.

    Good luck with the dog search!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi Kevin and Ruth,

      I noticed the cheapest gas at that station is $2.99, whereas I paid $2.09 in Dateland. Of course I’m comparing apples and oranges, i.e. Arizona and California.

      Yeah, I’m frugal but there are times when the most expedient is best and I’ll pay extra for that.

      Thanks for the good luck wish. Safe travels!

  8. Jolene/Iowa says:

    Hi Sue, love you new camp and I am so sorry you had that bad headache. My kids sometimes get headaches that make them sick but it is rare for me. I am thinking there is an OTC headache medication for migraines that is suppose to be really good. I was thinking it started with an M.

    Glad to hear you are thinking of heading to CA. From what I have looked at I think you are thinking the right way. I do believe that is where you are going to have the best luck based on where you are at in the country to find a rattie.

    Feel better and take it easy for a few days.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jodie,

      You are fortunate that you aren’t prone to headaches. Sounds like that tendency skipped a generation. Poor kids. 🙁

      Yes, there’s a well-respected rat terrier rescue organization in California and there just seems to be more ratties in general. They are comparatively rare in Arizona and New Mexico.

      • Gayle - SO CAL Beach Boomer says:

        Finally! California has something for you! Welcome soon! Wish our legendary (hailed from TN) Huell Howser, with his public television show “California Gold,” was still alive. He loved to interview people who had an original take on CA life.

        It would go something like this:

        “Howdy, y’all! This little lady here lives in that-there Ca-see-ter!!”

        Lady? Lady? Where y’all goin’ ? Louie, get a nice shot a-her drivin’ away!”

  9. Tina says:

    Hi Sue,

    Sorry you were not feeling good. That looks like a nice place to camp.

    Take care, hoping you find a fur baby in California. 🙂

    Northern, Ca

  10. K & B in CO says:

    Glad you are feeling better and that you had a safe trip to the wilds of southern CA.

    It was good planning to move west when you did. It was cool and rainy last night, on/off today. We had a drencher here a while ago. We are enjoying the area south of Ajo down to OPCNM. We are thinking we will hold out here and then go to Yuma on Sunday. Stay at an RV park to take showers and do laundry. Weather next week looks great, and it will be nice to be back in the boondocks.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, K & B in CO,

      Thanks for the kind thought for us.

      You’re right… I did hustle on out of the Why/Ajo area to beat the rain on its way. I hope you have some good weather before leaving the Sonoran Desert.

      • K & B in CO says:

        Rained all night here, sometimes hard enough that I got up and looked around to make sure it was not flooding where we are parked. Chilly and still raining as of now. Things should be really green in a few days around here.

  11. Sorry you had an icky day! But golly, you accomplished a lot to be so yucked up! When I don’t feel good, I hibernate! Thanks to HRH for the magic massaging tongue! Dogs know when we are out of sorts and generally yucky. They want to make us feel better….because who is gonna feed them if we are all icky??? Grin! California dreaming … hope you find your new best bud there!
    Love ya girlie, give Bridgie an extra tummy rub from us for taking such good care of you!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Geri,

      I usually hibernate, too, whenever I have a headache attack. In this case I didn’t want to spend a rainy weekend in Why or at Painted Rock, so I made tracks to Yuma. It’s wonderful to travel with my own bed available whenever I need a nap!

      Yep, Bridget and I have to take care of each other. She was so sweet, trying hard to make me feel better. Boy, she really worked! My legs were slathered with dog-spit! Haha!

      Hi to Chuck, Doogie, and Radar… I miss y’all!

  12. debsjourney says:

    Hi Sue
    I have a good feeling that you will find that special pub very soon. Good luck. Sorry you had a bad headache but your Bridget worked her magic. Dogs have a way to help heal us in so many ways.
    I’m in my little trailer right now after a busy day. I’m proud to say I hitched up and set up my camp without any help. Yippy!! Enjoyed visiting with friends and sharing good food and a roaring fire. Tonight it’s chilly should get down into the 40s but I am toasty. I’m still trying to get over this nagging cough otherwise I’m feeling better. Good night and be well.

  13. Norman in San Diego says:

    Hi Sue,

    Got to love the warm weather of Yuma. I was visiting Yuma two weekends ago and it was 75-80 degrees in January. Not bad. The travel trailer that will work for me was in stock a dealer there and it was sure fun sitting at the kithen table in that trailer and dreaming.
    Have a wonderful headache free weekend and welcome to California.

    Norman 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks for that nice welcome, Norman.

      Oh what fun, sitting in your dream travel trailer. I couldn’t do that, being in Georgia when the BLT was at the factory in Texas. I sure did dream over the brochure though. 🙂

      Yuma is hard to beat as far as warmth in the winter… Although San Diego ain’t a bad place to be neither! Have a good night…

  14. weather says:

    Whew,is right,what an enormous relief!That must have been among your most grateful times ever to have your home with you.Sick at the wheel is much worse than any other time,great that you left the road ,took care of yourself and got ANY camp.

    Bridget to the rescue,precious!With all the day called for and held you still found a place you know and enjoy,your strength really is amazing,as is so much that you’re blessed with.What a journey and story you have,from it’s beginning to now and beyond.Being a full blown fan of California ,of course,I expect it to have the perfect dog to be with you through the next part.

    Love the Oregon photo and what that day was like for you,I remember that post.One of the highlights in today’s was that price for water,I laughed at your including it because that’s the kind of thing that brings me a lot of satisfaction,too.Funny how when it’s for things that matter and we have to ,we pay for them without blinking or losing stride.Good stewardship-lovely moniker for being cautious with every dollar or just being cheap,Ha!Let’s go with that one!

    Hope missing Walmart hasn’t made you go without anything you want or need for comfort.Sleep well when you do,n’nite

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, weather,

      You’re in a wonderland of snow! Twelve inches is the last I heard. Hope you have the provisions for yourself and your crew. I know you’re keeping warm, having prepared well.

      You are so thoughtful. I always have plenty of food on board, either in the BLT’s cupboard or fridge, or in the “pantry” bin I carry in the back of the PTV. I only wanted to stock up on perishables. The important thing was to get the tasks completed that involved the BLT. Once those things are done I can unhitch and take care of everything else at a later time, using the PTV.

      You’re right about frugality. I do appreciate a bargain, even when it saves me only a few dimes. And then on the same day I’ll pay dollars extra, simply because I want to be on my way!

      I’m hopeful about finding our pup in California. It will be such fun to introduce him to you and the rest of the blogorinos!

      Have a good night’s rest.

    • weather says:

      In springtime the pinks are on blossoms,summertime’s fields bring the yellows,autumn’s famous orange leaf shades -only a winter’s sunrise here paints the whole lakeside and sky with the those colors.As the ice everywhere glows softly in the stillness I remember your writing “I could’ve missed it all” in your Happy Tears post and feel the same way.This morning ,like so many others,all that would have taken was going back to sleep for a while,instead if I need to I’ll take a nap later on.

      The day in 2012 when you saw the Pacific’s powerful waves instead of your first glimpse’s foggy quiet,and making it to the camp you’d chosen Thursday despite a headache’s interruption-both days you took a nap,for entirely different reasons. The little time outs we take never make us miss it all,they help us reach it.

      What if we’d had the easier life we sometimes wanted or expected?I watch people long to go new places,try new things or see more of this world have to settle for less all the time.They didn’t have to develop resilience or strength ,so didn’t.My point is our rough days were a gift ,though it didn’t seem that way at the time,Sue.The search for a new crew member has had closed doors for an unknown yet wonderful reason,recent parts of my journey have ,too.

      The “if only’s “-so and so were here or had been there,had been a different kind of father to my child,boss, neighbor,person ,financial boon,etc. all really gave us today.A day when we do have the gift of being free and well able to keep getting what we long for and were meant to do because life made us become and stay strong.The day you got the BLT,the day you really felt the west’s ocean-accomplishments you’d dreamed of .Such milestones that you did something rare-asked someone to take your picture to preserve what you knew was significant,a life changing moment.

      This post,these days have the feel of being on the cusp of new ones,woo-hoo!

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Your words are riveting, weather. There’s nothing for me to add except thank you, thank you… for enriching me… again.

      • Applegirl NY says:

        What a lovely post, Weather.

        • weather says:

          Thanks,keep as cozy as you can,in three weeks the coldest part will be behind us if winter’s pattern holds true!

          • weather says:

            just saw that your heading for Fla by then, yippee you”ll be toasty even sooner!

          • Cinandjules (NY) says:

            Weather pattern…..is there a pattern? This has got to be the weirdest winter since we’ve been here!

            Are in in the northeast somewhere?

            • weather says:

              Oneida Lake.In “normal” years the third week of February ends the coldest snaps temps begin a steady climb upwards.

            • Cinandjules (NY) says:

              Until recently I thought for some reason or another you were in AZ.

              Never been to Oneida Lake…only driven past..if we take the gorge road to Rome enroute to Syracuse.

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        All you share is so very true, Weather!! SO V E R Y true!! If only we could see things as a gift that feel so bad at the time!! If some very painful things had not happened in my life (and I have cried buckets of tears…did you know in Psalms by the way that GOD collects our tears?? That was an amazing verse to find.) Any rate, we would not have experienced the 16 most significant days of our lives thus far!! We got to spend 16 beyond description days in the most Holy of Holy cities in the world!! I am sure you know which one I speak of…and we just traipsed along at our own speed after hiring a guide for a half day when we first arrived, well after we rested a couple days, and so we could get around and not get lost. Met people from many places in the world. One couple we stood an chatted with for almost an hour…were from Norway or Sweden….and we all wept tears when we parted, planning to at least meet once again in the next life….how amazing. Had the bad days not come, we could not have found the courage to go do this, nor had the funds to do so. And the lady we stayed with (hubby found her online…and we THOUGHT she had a little apt for us to stay in….but it was just a room in her house…I was almost panicked at first cause I prefer privacy)….but we got on so well with her…she emails yet and begs us to return…we cried at parting….and she is a forever friend. What gifts we could have missed!! I love the ideas you share here, Weather…and thank Sue too for letting that happen! (And of course, there are lots of parts of Sue’s blog I enjoy…the way she puts photos and stories together, etc).

        • weather says:

          What an amazing story ,Elizabeth,simply beautiful,such precious experiences!The being in Israel,Jerusalem,on your own, you and your husband, brave enough to dare,to try,hearts open enough to feel it all and make friends -you’ll always have them and everything the trip gave you and still does.Thank you for taking the time again to share so much…you’re a gift-the kind that feels good every time.

          • Elizabeth in WA says:

            Wow, what a sweet thing to say, Weather. I just feel blessed!! And by you and my friends on here and other places online too…though the internet years ago took away something most precious to me…now years later, these gifts…like a place like this to chat, etc. and the nice folks on here and around here and there online!!

  15. You are in our prayers tonight for renewed strength and rest in your body. Hope you find the perfect new member for your family.

  16. Diann in MT says:

    Sue and Bridget,
    Your travels are so sweet. Bridgy, you helped your Mom out, instinctively. You are a Wonder-Pup!
    Sue, you’ve got a plan, girl! There’s no stopping you now in finding the new crew member. Good luck and God speed.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Diann,

      Who knew that finding a pup would take this long? Of course, I am being fussy. This dog has a big job ahead of it!

      Wonder-Pup is fast asleep under the covers. She never delays her bedtime. 🙂 You have a good night, Diann.

  17. Timber n' me says:

    WOW SUE, Your fast. I , well, we are prayin’ ya get your buddy to add to the crew ,,,,,,,,,,,,us ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,OH,,, Taker easy and get some rest, OK? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,us

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Okay, I’m getting plenty of rest. I went to bed at 6 o’clock yesterday. I was worn out!

      Thanks for the prayers, Rusty. I hope all is well with you and Timber.

      • Timber n' me says:

        Well, it started raining right after I put the S. P. on top and got the wires thru the wall, I just finished sealing every thing with quick dry sealer just in time and it was getting dark. I hook’d up the 30 amp charge controller inside will it rained outside and all is working great. We didn’t go shoppin’ for supplies today even that we’re camp right close to Walmart, up Cregy Wash BLM 14 day camp, we’ll go in the morn, I had to rest my hands, they were locking up a lot, doin’ the solar work and I push’d my self to hard to get the job done in one day. Our water system is commin’ Tuesday and I’m takein’ a lot of potazium, banana’s, to be ready for the work commin’ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,me

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Great report, Rusty! You are so talented when it comes to setting yourself up, getting your camper how you want it. I wish I knew more.

          You’re gonna’ love having more power. Sorry about your hands. I appreciate you typing a message to us.

    • Timber n' me says:

      PRE 13, number I mean.

  18. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Glad the dog spit therapy worked!

    Salt free water? Hmmmm…….

    I don’t remember that photo of you and the crew!

    Enjoy your evening!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cinandjules,

      Thank you… We did enjoy last evening. I hope you did, too.

      I don’t get the “salt free water” either. This water doesn’t taste any differently than other water I’ve bought elsewhere. Oh well, gotta’ have a gimmick, I guess.

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        My friend of many years, who is currently traveling about, camping as you are, someplace there in Arizona, tells me that she gets ill from the salty water….I told her to try to buy what she drinks at least, from sources elsewhere, spring water, and maybe it would help her. It did. But apparently it is hard to find water that is not too salty?? At least the places they are.

      • Lee J in Northern California says:

        Hmm..I wonder if the water has been run through a reverse osmosis system?
        We do indeed have salty water, we had it tested…so we got a RO system for our drinking water. Our tested water was off the charts for boron, who knew? Lots of things won’t grow here because of the boron in our aquifer , too shallow a well..even though the water table is high..you have to go really deep to get delicious water…so we just run it throught the system! Is that more information than you bargained for? Lol

        • Elizabeth in WA says:

          She said it had been through RO system. She has high blood pressure however, and us folks usually have to be more careful. I was surprised to hear that the water was salty. But then the only place in my adult life I have been in AZ was Phoenix.

  19. Chris B says:

    Wow! Are you telling me that we are not only the “Golden State” but also have a above average Rattie population? 🙂 After you missed out on that cute little guy named Butter, I went online and looked up rat terriers and saw that there were lots of Ratties in California but I didn’t think that you were up for driving in Southern California. It can be an adventure in a bad way and it’s something that you gotta be up for if you aren’t a resident.

    Glad that you are feeling better! Keeping our fingers crossed for you, Sue!

    Chris B

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Chris,

      I don’t know if I am “up for driving in Southern California.” Especially with the BLT tagging along… I’m hoping it doesn’t come to that. Think I’ll find any $4-a-night campgrounds around San Diego?

      Yes, California has a bunch of ratties… as does Florida, Georgia to a lesser extent, and the mid-west, too.

      • Chris B says:

        The $6 BLM campgrounds near El Centro are too far away. You might have to splurge for a campsite if you want to be closer or find a casino or a Walmart. I know that you love RV park settings as much as I do (zero on a scale of 1-10) but if you are on a mission to find Fido, you may have to compromise. We stayed at Santee Lakes once and it wasn’t too bad during off season but it is a regional park and they charge a whopping $42 per night. It would be about 1/2 hour to the city of San Diego. We usually boondock in the desert (free) when we are down that way but it’s a drive to get to San Diego.

        • The Fairgrounds in San Diego during the off season is where we stayed to get some cheap SD RVing. About $22/night. Yes, it’ll be a bear to get there, traffic wise, but literally EVERY place in CA is like that……unfortunately.

          The place is called Surf & Turf RV Park, on Jimmy Durante Blvd in Del Mar.

          Ok, the best part about staying here is….drum roll, please……Dog Beach!!!!

          Yes, it’s only a mile away from there. It makes it all worthwhile….believe me!

          Good luck, Sue!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Well, actually I was kidding about a $4 camp near San Diego. Thanks for the info, Chris. $42 dollars a night to camp. Amazing.

  20. rollininclover says:

    You are my Tioga George! Haven’t commented here in a long time, but have faithfully followed your posts from the beginning. I recently purchased an Oliver Travel Trailer, and hope to be retired and a full timer by the end of the year. Many good wishes to you and Bridget as you search for the pup to add to your crew. I’ll keep you in my prayers.

    • Sue CleanerGreenerVegas says:

      Best wishes on your retirement travels,rollinclover. I, too have been reading Sue’s blog for 3 months without a single comment……These blogorinos and Sue are the quiet inspiration for Mark’s (my husband) and my own dream………..without ever knowing us!! Two thumbs up to this ccommunity!!

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Hi, Sue CleanerGreenerVegas,

        Welcome to my blog and to this community of wonderful, helpful, kind, funny, and considerate blogorinos! We’re glad to see you here. Now you’re a blogorino, too!

        Thank you for reading my blog. I encourage you and Mark to follow your “own dream,” in whatever form it may be. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, rollininclover,

      That’s the perfect name to use, being the proud owner of an Oliver. Sweet! Congratulations on your acquisition. I wish you many exciting adventures in your new home-on-wheels.

      Thank you for putting me in the same category as Tioga George. That’s quite a compliment! Good hearing from you… Stop in again anytime.

  21. Elizabeth in WA says:

    Glad you are feeling better….it was a good choice to get to a place to rest a bit. Funny about Bridget….our last dog was like that too. We thought she was just a “licky” dog. Guess there are others out there like that. I was the only one who would allow her to lick me….it washes off I told the others. And truthfully it was quite relaxing. A massage of sorts…but the kind that does not hurt!! Hope you will not have to drive too far into CA to find your next rattie. Gives me a headache just thinking of that drive. But maybe you will find some place not too far over the border.

    • rvsueandcrew says:


      You know what I meant about Bridget’s spit-bath being relaxing! 🙂

      I hope I don’t have to drive in terrible traffic in order to pick up our new crew member. I’ve avoided the west side of the mountains in CA for that reason. I have my eye on some rescues closer to where we are now. If they don’t come up with the right one, I’ll venture closer to metro areas. Ya’ do whatcha’ gotta’ do….

  22. DeAnne in TN says:

    My Boston used to crawl under the covers at night and lick/wash my legs from the knee down to the ankle every night. Sue, you’re right–it was somehow comforting and was very relaxing. I used to call it my nightly bath. I sure do miss it, and my Roxie.

  23. Sidewinder Pen says:

    I have a soft spot for that particular boondocking area 😀 It’s interesting to think that it was just over a year ago I stopped there for my first “SW style BLM type” boondocking, inspired and informed by you here on your blog (thank you!). (Although I realize that spot is not technically BLM.) Hard to beat the weather there this time of year.

    I like your plan re: California and a rat terrier. I hope you and a wonderful new crew member find each other.


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks for the hope, Pen, re: a rat terrier.

      That place where you camped off Sidewinder looks like the parking lot of Mesa RV! Fortunately there’s a lot of room around here other than that.

  24. AZ Jim says:

    Oh…Missy sorry you had one of your headaches but at least you had your little fuzzy nurse to look after you. I’ll be watching to see how the quest goes for the new companion. Don’t overdo it now, hear? *Hugs

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Jim. I had some things to take care of yesterday, our first full day at this camp. Today I’m not doing anything more strenuous than taking a stroll and reading (I already cooked breakfast for Her Royal Haughtiness.)

  25. Betty Shea says:

    Aaaw!w!!Sweet Bridget…taking care of Mom..I have a Wheaton Soft Coated Terrier…Irish “Poor man’s ranch dog”!#
    Seven is his name…they are known to be true healers…I believe he is!##
    Take care …take all easy…we love you RV Sue…so does your baby Bridget..if she fusses at you to slow down..listen to her…she is Gods Angel and she is looking after you….you lucky lady !!
    Stay Warm !!
    And I want to thank you…my web stats say I get more Clicks from your blog than any other !!
    And I need them!!
    Hugs to you and your fuzz pal !#’!!

  26. BadgerRickInWis says:

    Puppy kisses, good for what ails ya.

    She is such a sweetie, glad your feeling better.

  27. phxkayaker says:

    Trust you’ll find the right new crew member soon! We’re excited to head to Q on Monday for next weekend’s Fiberglass Gathering.

  28. Chaunte in West TN says:

    Hi Sue and Bridget!
    I’m glad you’re feeling better from that ugly headache.
    How lucky for you to find a quiet spot to rest as well. I
    had a complete hysterectomy back in May 2014. I came
    home from the hospital and before I could even get out
    of the suv, my 4 lb GiGi (Chihuahua) had jumped in and
    made her way to my belly where she proceeded to make
    her self comfortable! She stayed there for the next week
    unless I was up moving around. I’m thinking she knew
    that I didn’t feel well and she protected me! Even my
    little 5 lb Spike(also a Chihuahua) couldn’t come close
    or he got it! Enjoy that warm weather for us. Temps have
    been up and down for several days here in Memphis. Cool
    to mild days and really cold at night. They’re even talkin
    bout a little frozen stuff here on Sunday night. That’s ok
    we’re staying home for the Super Bowl, Mother Nature
    can bring it on!!!
    Oh my, I will be so tickled when you finally find your new
    fur baby! It could be very soon. hmmmm…….

    Have safe and peaceful travels~
    Chaunte, Shea, GiGi, and Spike

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You have a devoted, canine fan club, Chaunte. Dogs are amazingly perceptive. I’m sure you’ve heard of dogs alerting owners of cancer and other health problems. They take care of us as best they can. Best wishes to you and your crew!

  29. Wheelingit says:

    The dump station fee was probably right. The Pilot Knob guys raised all their fees this year. They wanted to charge us $20 (!!) for our big rig, which I declined. The dump at the RV park on Ogilby Road (near the ghost town) is only $15 and it includes water, so that’s where we go now. Glad you’ve got a good spot and some warmth!


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I wondered if they raised the prices. The man was exceptionally polite. He told me he appreciated my business, something one rarely hears any more. Hmm… I’m wondering if business has dropped off.

      Thanks for the tip on where to dump and get water. Unless that RV park charges according to tank size, it’s still cheaper for me to take the BLT to Pilot Knob. I’ll take a look . . . .

  30. DesertGinger says:

    I wonder sometimes if I could be a full timer; I like having friends and neighbors. My dear neighbor across the street has been helping me with Chloe. She comes 2 or 3 times a day and takes her for walks. Really so helpful. Don’t know if I would want to always be alone, at least while I’m having health issues. Who knows, maybe I will get well and strong and feel adventurous again.
    For now, happy to hear your plan Sue. It’s a good one.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re right about traveling alone when having health problems. Since you like having friends and neighbors nearby you may like traveling to an area to stay in a park that has a clubhouse and such, where people go year after year for a few weeks or months at a time. Friendships develop, you can socialize as much as you want, and you have a different place to explore. Some people have a route… a month here, a month there. Lord knows, there are a lot of “friends and neighbors” in Yuma!

      Or enjoy the home you have and the friends you have made there. 🙂

      I’m happy to see you here, Ginger. You will get stronger with time.

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      Hubby and I have kind of concluded that we probably won’t be RVers ever either. Our health has not done well this last year. And our daughter here needs us for a couple more years before we could go off. But it is good to have a different life than you dreamed of too…sounds to me like you have a great neighborhood!! And THAT is no small gift!!

    • Cinandjules (NY) says:

      Follow your dreams! You can be a sometimer!

      Don’t let your medical issues control you…once they are under control..AND they will be….do whatever you feel comfortable with!

      • Diann in MT says:

        Thanks, Cinandjules,
        I am a part timer, enjoying the fruits of nearby FS campgrounds and MT state parks whenever I can get away. I would love to be a “Sue and Crew”–a magical life, but I don’t think I will get there. If one is committed to a partner, that partner has to share the same dream. Not gonna’ happen.
        So, little by little, I design long weekends where we can enjoy the RV life in our little, but well equipped, 12 footer.

        • Cynthia says:

          Diann: Your post moved me. You are right, we have to work with what (and who) we have). I have a full-time RV dream. My husband doesn’t. But he is wonderful in so many other ways, I just adjust. I guess life is all about morally acceptable compromises.

    • Toni says:

      I’m thinking the same Ginger. Since my nephew died I wonder if I want to be far away from my family now. My personal doctor passed away in November too at a very young age. I’d been seeing him more than 30 years. Plus, I have a heart attack and a stroke under my belt. My thoughts about the rest of my life are all over the place now when just a few months ago I thought I had it right. In any case, I do know that I want to live how I want to live whether it is in a senior apartment or on the road. Freedom is my destination however I come to find it.

  31. Lacy says:

    LOVE that last photo!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Lacy,

      That photo is special to me. Spike rarely tolerated affection. That photo captured one of the few times he let me sit and hold him.

  32. Dyann Meschi says:

    So glad your girl was there for you, just like the faithful pup she is. I’m so happy to hear you’re wanting to have another sweet Rattie, especially one in California. We haven’t had much rain lately and in a drought, so it’s getting to be desert like. I’m sure you’ve heard of NewRattitude…there are a few foster homes here.

    P.S. I love your blog!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Dyann,

      Great seeing you here! Yes, I’m familiar with that organization. It’s excellent.

      Thanks for the nice message. I’m glad you love my blog. 🙂

  33. Anne says:

    California? Really?

    I could swear that I saw you at a Winco grocery store “near Sacramento” the last day or so… But I didn’t speak, to respect your privacy.

    If it was you, hope you found what you were looking for!



    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Anne,

      I do get around but not so fast that I go from Why to Sacramento to Yuma. Ha! Good to know there are RVSue look-alikes roaming the streets and stores, throwing people off my trail. 🙂

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      It is a strange thing seeing people who look like others we know. A year or so after my brother died, I saw a guy in the grocery store who looked exactly like him from the backside, same shoulder length haircut, same color, same walk…so I hurried to look and see if he was like him from the front. And thankfully was not…but for those steps I walked behind him, it was somehow comforting to see. We lived in a tiny town once and about the time we moved away, a woman came up behind me and knocked me in the back on one knee….I almost fell to the floor as I had recently injured that knee, and looked around wondering what on earth? It was a very embarrassed lady who was positive I was her buddy whom she had been friends with for years. Said even from the front I looked nearly identical to her friend. I told her I was sorry anyone looked like me, but I found it very interesting that there was someone who did (and I am not a skinny person by far either…so this lady must be large too…) I always watched to see if I could meet this lady during the rest of our time there. Never did. They say everyone has a twin someplace…guess Sue’s must be in Sacramento? Funny…

  34. Rob says:

    I’m glad you’re doing better Sue, being ‘not right’ is never a good thing. The best of luck with your hunt for another member for your family!

  35. JazzLover WMa says:

    Glad to hear your head splitter has gone, I’m sure Bridget’s spit-lick had a lot to do with it. Think you could bottle it & make a few dollars for her food with it? No, probably not. Thank You for the Flashback. You will soon be three once more. Enjoy the warmth, wind chill of -23 predicted for this neck of the woods today.
    Stay Well,

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good heavens, 23 below? That’s not right! Oh well, it’s almost February. Which means more of the same. And then comes March. Which means more of the same only dirtier. And then April when the snow turns to mud. And then there is May when spring lasts two weeks. And then there is June which can’t decide to be spring or summer….

      I’m so mean! I couldn’t resist, having lived in the Northeast myself. You have a good day, JazzLover. Stay Warm!

      • JazzLoverWMa says:

        OK, so I’m going to totally ignore your weather forcast for the next 5 months as February may be more of the same but with a bit more sunshine, March, we pretty much ignore March as it’s the naughty child, April mud is a blast to plow thru in 4WD, May is a constant struggle to deceide what piece of clothing to wear when you go out the door even if it does only last 2 weeks, and June, well you hit the nail on the head there. Love your sense of humor. Being from NY state you well know how “delightful” winter can be. Enjoy the warmth, keep the beautiful pictures coming, as well as the flashbacks. That’s what keeping a lot of us warm back here.
        Stay well.

  36. wendy says:

    Thank g for dog spit! Wendy

  37. Bless Bridget’s heart–she knew just what you needed. Our pets are amazing, wonderful little creatures. Glad you’re feeling better & found a nice spot. We’re next to a wash & love it. Ari loves it too–smells, places to check out. A wash has it all in her world!

    It’s exciting to think you & Bridget may have a new buddy soon! I’m happy for the two of you.

    I know what you mean about Walmart–Jim usually stays out in the truck when ‘we’ shop there but whew–it’s a lot for one person! Shopping at Fry’s in Yuma was a dream compared to Walmart!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Dawn,

      Next to a wash is where the best campsites are when boondocking in the desert. Dogs like the surface for their paws. I’m glad you found a spot you enjoy. And I’m happy to see you haven’t left the desert warmth just yet!

  38. cat Lady in Baton Rouge says:

    Saw this article about a rat terrier and thought of you…enjoy.


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Amazing story, cat lady! Yay for rat terriers!

      Thanks for the link.

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      Loved this story Cat Lady!! I believe it…my daughter has a hairless rat terrier. He is small, but has the heart of a St. Bernard, with some German Shepherd mixed in…afraid of nothing!!

  39. Krystina at Wellton, AZ says:

    Did you try the headband I made you with the magnets in it?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Oh, no!!! I forgot all about it, Krystina! Darn. I can’t believe I forgot it! You were so nice to make it for me.

      That would’ve been the perfect time to use it. I could’ve put it on at 4 a.m. and maybe all that suffering would have been averted.

      Oh well, I’m sure there will be a next time… 🙁

      • Krystina at Wellton, AZ says:

        It would be great if there wasn’t a next time! Do you drink ALOT of water? If not, you really, really should. Isn’t it nice to have at least 500 Doctors looking out for you(including Bridget)? xxoo

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          It is nice having 500 doctors looking out for me and Bridget. They don’t charge anything! 🙂

          So you forgive me for being a knucklehead…. whew.

          I try to drink a lot of water. I resisted buying the individual bottles of water — plastic waste not being good. I’m back to buying the bottles again because I end up drinking way more water.

          I ate cheese. I was doing fine with cheese, then it hit me. That’s the way it goes. I haven’t eaten chocolate in months. I probably could eat it again for a while and then, wham! I guess I build up to a toxic reaction.

          Well, that’s more info than anyone needs to know…

          Have a great day…. Granny!

  40. Renee (from Datil) says:

    So sorry to hear about the headache. I remember well the migraines I got 3-4 times a week when I was working. Since I retired 9 years ago, I can count the number of migraines I’ve had on one hand. When I did get them, Dave would have to chase the dogs out & close the door because they were determined to help me feel better. With numerous dogs walking around the bed shifting position, it wasn’t all that conducive to sleeping — bless their hearts for trying.

    It’s been a strange AZ winter, it seems. Or maybe the Congress area always gets tons more rain than Yuma. It’s definitely cooler here, which is OK, but the rain has been a bit surprising for me. Enjoy the warm!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Renee,

      At first I was confused at your mention of the Congress area and then I recalled you have a place at North Ranch. I wouldn’t be discouraged about the rain. The weather is screwy almost everywhere. Next winter probably will be totally different.

      On the other hand, if Yuma’s weather starts getting weird, then the world is in a heap o’ trouble.

  41. Terri from Texas says:

    Whenever we go shopping in Walmart (or any store, for that matter,) my spouse gets sleepy and says there is not enough air in the store!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Maybe that’s a good thing.

      I tell you… no offense to men in general… but let me say this to y’all… If you aren’t helping, get outta’ the way! Husbands hanging around, thinking they’re helping by pushing the cart for “the missus,” making irrelevant suggestions, parking themselves in the way, taking up space… errgggh! There’s a logistical pattern to grocery shopping. Learn it or wait in the dadburn car!

      Okay, where was I….

      Hi, Terri from Texas! Nice hearing from you. 🙂

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        WOW you hit that one on the head, Sue!! I have made many remarks to Hubby to the effect that these men who are lost have no business in a grocery store!! HA!! Been working on Hubby teaching him proper manners for stores for awhile…and he does good now. Sometimes I tell him I just want to do a lot of looking and maybe he would like to wait in the car. And when I suggest it, he happily does. YEA…2 happy campers!! He never used to shop. Not even for his underwear. But in old age, now he LIKES it…imagine that…he gets more treats this way…heh, I did not get him many. But he seems to love coupon shopping too…saving money while solving puzzles, so to speak.

  42. Applegirl NY says:

    I love that last picture, too, Sue. It seems to really speak to your lifestyle and what is important to you. It’s almost like the three of you are looking ahead.

    Hope you have a great time at your new camp, and that it provides the opportunities for you to seek a new crew member.

    20 below with the wind chill, here in NY. YIKES!!!!…… leaving for Florida 2 weeks from today.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Applegirl NY,

      You’re right about that picture. It says a lot about the vagabond life with the crew. I even see poignancy in the name of the location — Perpetua…

      Yikes isn’t a big enough word to describe 20 below! You are going to sooooooo love being in Florida.

  43. Being able to pull over and get in a real bed for a couple hours is such a bonus when those “out of nowhere yuckys” hit you! Hope you stay uncrowded in your current spot – it will be in the 80’s by the end of the week 🙂

  44. Shirlene (So. Cal) says:

    Good Morning Sue, I hope California gives you all you need and want…and then you can get the heck back to your special vagabond life…I pray that the roads of California are good to you, if makes me think of a fish out of water….There are some of us blogorinos in the area if you need help with anything,,,otherwise we are just on this quest with you from the backseat of the PTV….

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Shirlene,

      I’m late with a good morning, so “good afternoon!” Thanks for riding along with us as we search for a copilot. I appreciate the offer to help.

  45. Nancy says:

    Hi Sue,

    This is my first comment and I have a link I wanted to post to you. Not very computer literate so please excuse if I’m off-topic here, but it’s about a heroic rat terrier who saved a child from being abducted. Let me know how to send this to you if not here.

    By the way, I’ve been reading your blog for about a year now, and because of the inspiration I went out and bought a used Class C for my future travels.

    Love to read of your adventures.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Nancy,

      Welcome to my blog! I’m happy to see you here.

      Computer literacy is not a requirement for blogorinoship. We bumble along together here, helping each other whenever we can.

      Thanks for wanting to share the hero rat terrier story. I believe you’re referring to the same rattie at the link that cat lady posted a few comments above yours. What a great dog!

      I remember another rat terrier — this was several years ago — who killed a rattlesnake in the yard, close to a toddler. The boy’s mother was mowing the lawn at the time. The rattie killed the snake. No harm to the boy. No harm to the dog.

  46. susan says:

    Sooooo happy to hear your are on the hunt for that special addition to your family! The perfect Rat Terrier is out there. Lots of rescues I know.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Susan,

      We’ll be even happier when that special guy is found and brought home to the BLT! It’s an overwhelming task …. I’m trying not to drive myself nuts about it while at the same time keeping tabs of the dogs at rescues in order to know where to camp next.

  47. Nancy says:

    Here is the story of the heroic little rat terrier. I had never really heard of the breed until I started following your blog.


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks for the link, Nancy. It’s my pleasure to introduce you to rat terriers. It’s an interesting breed ….

      Ratties like to sleep completely under the covers. It’s not uncommon for them to “talk.” Spike used to make little sounds back and forth with me, in conversation tones, before falling asleep (in his younger years). Rat terriers typically have a bit of craziness… very prone to silly antics and devious behaviors (sound familiar?). Intelligent, loyal, spunky, and brave. Love ‘em!

      • PookieBoy(houston) says:

        Sue, ratties sound like my chihuahuas…have 2 that sleep with me, one in front and one in back snuggled up against me under the covers….ha!
        check my email every day to see if you have a new adventure for me to read…keep up the good work, girl…

  48. I’m so happy you and The Bridge are going to make the trek to CA to find your new crew member!

    After your bloggorino who posted about Rattitude (I forgot who it was….sorry!)…I went to their site also, and “Liked” them on FB so now all the Rat Terriers ready for their furever homes will come up in my Feed (I have nearly 300 FB friends).

    Most of my FB friends are either animal nuts, rescues, other pet sitters, clients, or other RVers. I push the envelope when it comes to animals, on FB…..all the time…LOL!

    I had a feeling this was the way you would go, Sue. I, like the rest of us here are eagerly awaiting to see whomever it may be will pick you out, and exclaim, “Me, Me, Me!”

  49. Cynthia says:

    Sue: The Pet Rescue Center in Mission Viejo (where we got both of our rescue dogs) currently has a young male rat terrier/mini pin mix and a 3 year old rat terrier/fox terrier male who looks absolutely adorable. They are lovely people to deal with. If either dog is appealing to you, let me know. I have friends there.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cynthia,

      Thanks for the tip about the two dogs. I looked at both. One is being treated for mange. A long time ago I took a dog out of the pound that had mange. I treated him for a a few weeks and finally he was okay. However, it required several baths. I can’t risk having a dog that’s susceptible to mange because I have limited facilities for treating the condition. The dog appeals to me otherwise. The other dog, not as much.

      Thanks for the offer to help, too.

  50. Lynda H says:

    If you’re still interested in reading tales about pioneer women, I would recommend the books of Sandra Dallas and Jane Kirkpatrick. Have read and loved them all. I am just now reading “Agnes Canon’s War” by Deborah Lincoln, a mix of women traveling across America and The Civil War. So for so good. Historical fiction about strong women is a favourite theme of mine.

  51. Cinandjules (NY) says:


    Question for you regarding fresh cab! When you had it in the PTV did it make you sneeze? I know it kind of affected Bridget.

    Reason being….I just put a fresh packet in my car! This morning I had a craving for Almond croissants…damn it if we forgot to get them at Trader Joes last weekend! Without thinking, I normally take the packet out if AO is in the car…..don’t want to contribute to her puking episodes…but I forgot!

    Halfway down the hill, I start sneezing…sneezed all the way to Syracuse…85 miles! Sneezed so hard, one of my contacts became unseated while on the thruway!

    While I was loading up the cart inside TJ’s it stopped! As soon as I got back in to drive home…it started again!

    I love the balsam smell …it just makes my nose tickle.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cinandjules,

      That’s very weird. Sounds like you’re allergic to balsam fir. I never had any problem with it, neither did Spike. Yes, it gives Bridget a headache so I stopped using it. Even after removing it several months ago, I think a trace of it remains because it still bothers her if we ride without enough ventilation.

  52. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Good morning, Sue!

    Glad that you and Bridget are snuggled in warm CA! Sorry about the awful migraine. I know how the pain and nausea can wipe one out! It will now be sooner rather than later that your new crew member finds you! I send you good wishes and prayers for leading you on the right path. I am a firm believer that everythin….good, bad, and in the middle, happens for a reason…you are well on your way to recruiting the new co-pilot! 🙂

    Hope everyone enjoys their super bowl Sunday! I will be doing laundry and cleaning house most of the day. I will turn on the game just to catch the commercials and the half-time show. Hope it is a good game and that your team wins! I don’t have a favorite team this year. If Chicago was playing, that would be a different story! 🙂

    Have a wonderful Sunday, Sue and Bridget! Sending you hugs from me and Gracie pup from our “balmy” 16 degree neck of the woods! 🙂

  53. weather says:

    Saw this guy,Hunter,on the web.

    http://www.adoptapet.com/pet/12325070-vista-california-jack-russell terrier-mix

    Caught my eye because in his second photo he had an interested intelligent expression that happy dogs often have.Maybe it’s to pull at your heart strings ,so to speak,that most places use photos of pups with sad looks on their faces.I wouldn’t choose a friend that always looked sad,as to me it seems that would always burden my heart.Anyway,thought I’d mention this little guy because a lot of folks would like a really young dog that photographs well,is healthy,trained,travels well,gets along with critters and people.You know ,just in case that kind of stuff appeals to anyone.At the very least it’s fun to look at cute faces sometimes,even if they’re on dogs too far out of the box to want for any reason.

    Good morning Sue,it’s nice and sunny here,though a mite chilly out for sitting in the yard,so I didn’t.The small changes in light that began last week are making my canary finches sing more.Guess it’s how the colors dance as they come in through the window they’re beside.Hope what’s outside your windows makes you as happy as they seem.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, weather,

      I can see and hear your canary finches singing in the sunbeams. What a cheery way to start the day!

      Thank you for the link to Hunter. He would make a great friend.

      I have to admit that I’m preoccupied this morning. I’m dealing with a situation that I’d rather not discuss in this public place right now. I need time to sort things out. I’ll post about it when I’ve had a chance to reflect.

      I apologize to you, weather, and to anyone reading this, for being cryptic. I’m fine and Bridget’s fine, so no need for worry. Just that stuff happens and that “stuff” takes priority for a while.

      Everyone…. Enjoy this Sunday, the first day of February!

      • weather says:

        Your reply didn’t come across as cryptic,more as reasonable,easily understood, to the point and truly nice.May your stuff be resolved with no difficulty and leave you in peace.Sending blessings until your free to post or chat.

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hunter is adorable! 🙂

  54. AZ Jim says:

    There’s a rumor here in Arizona that Sue won’t be available today due to she and Bridget both being at the Super Bowl. But, hey! It’s just a rumor.

  55. Hi Sue and Bridge!

    So glad you’re feeling better and could stop and rest. Bridget is such a sweetie.

    Isn’t that last photo from the first time you saw the Pacific ocean? OMG, that post cracked me up! I remember you described it like a movie with the music playing, running in slow motion to the crescendo, then it comes to a screeching alt. There it is, the Pacific with the bad weather. I can’t remember what song it was but I hear Beethoven’s Ode to Joy when I think about it. Heheheeee

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Carrie,

      You make me laugh. Here I’d driven hundreds of miles to see the Pacific Ocean. Big anticipation. I get there and what do I see? FOG.

  56. Janna says:

    IF, IF, you haven’t found a new family member by summer there is an organization in Billings, MT called Rez Dog Rescue–rescuing dogs from the Montana Indian Reservations. I’ve noticed rat terrier type dogs frequently on their Facebook page when they list locations for their next “adoption day”. There is the usual number of border collie/herder type dogs but I also see some Bridget looking dogs. Good luck with your search!

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