A story about a mysterious dog

Saturday, November 28

P1080542The crew and I are camped at Midland LTVA about ten miles northwest of Blythe, California.

We’re camped in Loners’ Acres, away from the main section of Midland.  We and another woman camping closer to the mountains are the only ones over here.  I can hardly believe our good fortune!

Quiet days and quiet nights for an entire week!  Wonderful!

P1080518The Best Little Trailer and the Big Maria Mountains, southeastern California

~ ~ ~

The weather for the past week has been fabulous, too, warm enough for shorts and sandals.

This morning, however, it’s cold, in the high 30s with breeze.

Mid-morning the crew and I attempt to sit where the sun hits the blue mat and the heat reflects off the fiberglass of the Best Little Trailer.  It’s just barely warm enough to be comfortable and then that cool breeze hits me in the kidneys. Too cold!  Bridget doesn’t seem to mind.  Reggie looks unhappy, even though he’s wearing his green fleece vest.

“I think we need to go inside where it’s warm.”

That’s why I didn’t take any new photos. 

We’ve been inside all day except for a short drive to the trash bins on the other side of Midland LTVA and a few quick walks. 

The photos in this post were taken for previous posts.

~ ~ ~

Hey, how about a story?

Sure!  Why not?  Everybody loves a story, right?

This isn’t my story.  It was told to me by Henry (not his real name), the plaid shirt-sunglasses-and-ball-capped guy that welcomed me and the crew to Midland shortly after we arrived.

What I’m about to share with you (Henry said it was okay) is something that actually happened to him.

This event made quite an impression upon him.

It made such an impression that he thought to describe it to me, these many years hence, as we chewed the fat, he in the driver’s seat and me standing alongside the window of his pick-up.

P1080465Not many campers at Midland LTVA this past week.  Only a few more came in for Thanksgiving Day weekend

Henry begins his story . . . .

“Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  A long time ago.  I used to hustle the pool halls.  No, that’s wrong.  I used to let them hustle me at pool.  You know how that goes.”

“Yeah, that old trick.  Go on,” I urge him.

“I’d do pretty good, but I’d be worried about getting out of there.  Kind of dangerous.  So I always said that I’d play, but I had to leave when it was time because my wife, well, my wife promised to cut off my — I’ll clean it up for you — she’d cut off my private parts if I didn’t come home on time.”

Henry pauses a moment and looks at me.

I nod, and he continues, “That gave me an excuse to get out of there, you see.”

“Okay . . . .”

He’s warmed up for story-telling now and he runs with it.

“This one night I did pretty good.  I manage to leave with the money, but I’m real nervous.  I’m walking home, it’s dark, I’m looking around, scared about those guys back at the tavern.  I know they aren’t happy.”

“All of a sudden here’s this dog.  A rottweiler.  I don’t see him walk up to me.  He’s just there, walking right beside me on the sidewalk, and he’s HUGE.”

Henry moves his head side to side, recalling the dog.

“I never seen a dog that huge.  Must’ve been over 200 pounds.  Big dog.  We don’t go far and there they are, the guys, coming out of an alley ahead of us.  Five of them.  They stand in the sidewalk, just stand there blocking our way.  I don’t know what I’m going to do.”

Henry stares across the desert, seeing that night, long ago.

“The dog begins to growl.  He growls — I can’t explain it — he growls this awful growl and he’s looking right at those guys.  Then the sidewalk begins to tremble . . . .”

“WHAT?” I interrupt.  “The sidewalk trembles?”

“Yeah!  I’ve been in an earthquake and it was something like that.  The dog growls and the sidewalk trembles, and those guys freeze for a minute and then they take off.  I look down and the dog is gone.”

“Whattaya’ mean, ‘the dog is gone’…  He ran away?”

“No!  He just goes!  He disappears.  Poof.  Just like he came.”

Henry looks at me to see my reaction.

“Wow, that’s quite a story, Henry,” I say slowly.  “Your guardian angel transformed into a rottweiler.”

“Yeah.  That’s right.  It was my guardian angel.”

We’re silent a moment.

“Okay, I’ve gotta’ go dump a tank.”  Henry starts up the truck.  “Welcome to the neighborhood, Sue.  If you need anything, let us know.”

And away he goes, rumbling across the hard-packed desert floor . . . .

~ ~ ~


NOTE:  A reminder about the policy of this blog.  It’s okay if you want to share your own guardian angel story.  Please do not include your personal salvation testimony, Bible verses, or anything particular to your faith.  When writing, keep in mind and respect that this a community of people of various beliefs.  Thank you.  — Sue


When you click on any of the Amazon ads or links presented on my blog, anything you purchase at Amazon within the subsequent 24 hours earns me a commission.  You do not pay anything more.  Several holiday sales are in progress.

P1080484-001Here is a sample of items recently purchased:

Confetti Infinity Scarf
Cracker Barrel Gift Card
Natural Knotted Bone, 4-5″
Mini Dutch Ovens with Lid
Fire TV Stick with Voice Remote
Alligator Lopper 4.5 Amp Electric Chain Saw


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145 Responses to A story about a mysterious dog

  1. Corkerinna620 says:


  2. janis harrison says:

    Wow that is quite a story !! thanks for posting . I love reading of your adventures. here is a little update on me.I have only 2 more chemos and then 2 surgeries then radiation. I am on the downhill side and I believe the cancer is gone . I has been no picknick but it is doable .God is good and the dark cancer cloud has been full of silver linings.sending you cyber huggs and much love

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      That’s fabulous news, Grandjan! No doubt the road has been rough for you, but you’re seeing it through, even realizing there are silver linings. I admire you. Hugs and love to you, too.

    • Velda says:

      Sending prayers and blessings. My hubby finished day 9 of 30 of radiation Friday. May I ask what part of you is being radiated? This is hubbies 3rd radiation (face for palate, then prostate, now neck). I might have suggestions as to ways to make it more tolerable.

    • Rhodium, RI says:

      It is great you are doing well. Please realize we are in a truly revolutionary time for cancer treatment. The new antibody-immunology based treatments are remarkable and there are many in the pipeline, so if something should come back in a few years (not that it should) there could be completely new and even more effective protocols. You could search PD-1 for one of these new pathways that are working. I was fortunate enough to be supported by the American Cancer Society and the NCI before I retired, and I never dared dream of such promising compounds. The bottom line is the news is really good.

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        Hi Rhodium,

        It sounds like maybe you are/were a researcher before you retired? If so, and given what you were just saying, it sounds like a very interesting and rewarding career. I had never thought about the perspective that although there is the scary possibility of cancer returning, that “buying time” means that treatments will be advancing as that time passes. I mean of course I knew that happened over generations of people, but hadn’t been thinking in terms of one lifetime. That’s really encouraging.

    • MB from VA says:

      I am so very happy for you Janis! I wish you all the best!

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Keeping you in my prayers, Janis! 🙂

  3. chas anderson says:

    Obviously, alcohol related.Good story though. 2nd?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I don’t think so, chas. Cleaning up at pool takes a steady hand and clear eyes. I think in hindsight his amazement at the story would have faded if he were drunk at the time. We don’t really know..

  4. Corkerinna620 says:

    Mobile AL: Well, I really enjoyed the post and the Guardian Angel story.

  5. Chris says:

    Have you met “the other woman” yet?


  6. chas anderson says:

    I have a very true sober story.Was driving with my teenage son near Death Valley about midnight years ago.Told him about my fathers 1951 Chevy pickup.My Dad died when I was a kid.

    About 5 minutes later we passed an old ghost town somewhere out there and spotted a 1951 Chevy pickup parked on the shoulder.Stopped to look at it and the pickup had a hand painted sign on the door that said Anderson and Sons.This ia a true story.Really spooky.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Great story, chas! After experiencing that, you can’t believe Henry’s story really happened as he told it? 🙂

      • chas anderson says:

        I guess I could believe it but I hustled a little pool in the day and always drank.Never shot a game where there weren’t beers perched on the rail.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Aww…. The world outside this blog is a very cynical place. I’m going to tap my little red shoes together and go with believing the story as it was told, whether realistic or not.

        • Pookie in SE Texas says:

          Chas has told the truth about shooting
          pool…..its sorta like shooting craps…ya
          cant shoot craps without a cigarette in
          your mouth……at least I can….

          • rvsueandcrew says:

            Yeah, and the beer on the edge of the pool table is there as a prop but it isn’t necessarily being drunk. I was married to a pool “shark.”

            • Jeannie/SW WA says:

              That’s true Sue. I was one of those “sharks” in my younger years and never drank while at the table. That’s how I met my husband…he was one too.

  7. Jenny Johnson Manuel says:

    Oh !!! I must be first or at least really close!!!!

  8. Norman in San Diego says:

    Hi Sue,

    Did you have a good Thanksgiving in the desert? Looks so peaceful there.


  9. Pookie in SE Texas says:

    sure was a different post anyway…never expected to
    read something like that but it was good….I always
    enjoy reading fiction….HA!

  10. I have a cool trick for keeping warm in your lawn chair on cool days or nights around the campfire! You buy one of the really cheap foil windshield sun visors at Dollar Tree and drape it over the chair & chair back, foil side up. Sit on it and it blocks the wind and also reflects your own body heat back at ya! It works like a charm.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Pretty neat idea, JanisP. And it will match my tinfoil hat! 🙂

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        It does sound like a good idea – although I suddenly got this image of: Get up and walk away, and in a new twist on toilet paper stuck to your shoe, your entire backside is covered in a giant, tinfoil window shade 😀

        (“you” likely being me in this case)

  11. weather says:

    Stranger things have happened and some have been documented in history and scientific journals…That tense scene had a better result than what one might expect. I’ll respect your policies and not quote chapter and verse, yet will say much of what I’ve read, seen and experienced in life has made me a firm believer that “natural” physical things are not all that exists. So-o ,anyway, great story! Gotta love happy endings. I’m glad “Henry” has found safer ways to entertain and support himself , and that he told you about the mysterious dog.

    You can treat me to a picture of lovable Bridget whenever you don’t get out to take new ones 🙂 I hope you enjoyed a cozy day inside. It was cool here, too, and I made the most of it, warm fuzzy clothes and now a good read-nice, thanks, Sue.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks to you, weather. I finally found a spot to post Bridget walking toward the camera.

      Limiting oneself to that which follows natural laws is like pulling a thick curtain across a window. Oh, the “stories” that could be told . . . They make one wonder. I’m glad you liked this one.

      • cateW says:

        Hi Sue, crew, and blogorinos,

        I’ve got a Guardian Angel story too. About 30 yrs ago I was the assistant mgr of a woman’s clothing store in a mall, and worked late closing up, making bank run, etc. so it was usually about 10:30 when I began my commute home. I drove US Rt 7 from Rutland, VT to Brandon, VT on a mostly dark 2 lane road.

        One night as I was cresting a hill, a “voice” shouted in my head…look, look now! I saw a large black sedan racing at high speed toward me completely filling my lane. The “voice” told me to pull onto the shoulder and turn off my headlights.

        The car sped past me and head-on into the tractor trailer that had been following me.

        The truck driver called 911, and we waited for the police to arrive. When the officer opened the driver side door of the black sedan…an unconscious man fell out onto the road.

        The officer came to get my statement after talking with the truck driver who shared what I had done, and he asked me what made me shut off my headlights. I said it seemed like the right thing to do. Well…the officer said, “that saved your life…that man was intoxicated and would have followed you onto the shoulder thinking those were tail-lights”!

        I have never doubted that “someone” or something was guiding and protecting me that night.

        So glad you had such a lovely Thanksgiving, Sue. Thanks for the great stories and photos. I love the look of the current camp and its on my list for future spots.

        Have a good day everyone,

    • weather says:

      Hi, Sue, I hope whatever Providence has been using to guard you brings you here warm and well this morning. The temps in central NY were hovering in the low 20’s at sunrise, that puts shelter high on my gratitude list! A day without your commenting here always has me wondering -How are you and crew? Did you move, are you staying put until your permit there expires?-…

      🙂 Guess I’ll find out when you post or stop back in. This post, and the blogorino’s stories brings to mind so much of how things mysteriously fall into place. Yesterday I was driving toward a curve that has always had traffic on it before. For once it didn’t and a gorgeous cat ran into the road yet I had plenty of room to brake safely and watch it make it to the other side before any other vehicles came by. Some circumstance held those people just long enough to let that happen…some see coincidence, some see a gift…may lovely ones be yours today

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Hi, weather,

        I’m sorry to cause any concern. The crew and I took a little road trip yesterday. I also stayed out of comments because they were flowing so nicely with personal stories I didn’t want to interject my usual inane reactions. Thank you for thinking of us! 🙂

  12. Linda Hughes North Carolina says:

    Hey RV Sue, I do have a guardian angel story to share. Every year I take a trip somewhere with my friends that I went all through school with….there was 4 of us in a big suburban vehicle with 3 rows of seats in it. There was 2 in the front seat and 2 in the 2nd seat and nobody, just luggage in the 3rd seat. We were on the interstate going to Savanna, Ga. when we came upon an accident, all lanes of traffic was stopped. It was a terrible accident with helicopters taking people from the scene. As we waited to move again in traffic as we were slowly coming up to the place where a state patrol officer was directing traffic , he told us there were serious injuries. He then looked in our vehicle and told the 5…..{ there was only 4 in the vehicle) to be safe and have a good day….as he was looking into the very back 3rd seat .. it was the strangest feeling we had thinking there seemed to the officer that there was someone sitting in the 3rd seat!! That was our guardian angel for sure in there with us. Have a blessed weekend!

  13. Thought I’d pop in and say hello….still on your tail…loved the doggie story. ..had a chuckle, I reckon it was his way of saying “you get in a jam, just holla”…I’ll be there to help…keep well and enjoying what your doing….cheers

  14. Love the Mystery Dog story and I for one believe it to be true! Life is full of mysterious moments like these!
    For me, my friend Linda and I were headed to Arkansas to go mine for quartz crystals. We were in Arkansas when a rainstorm hit just as we came to the rollercoaster type hills and no shoulders on the roadside. The dips in the road were filling with muddy water and I was thankful there was not much traffic. We crested a particularly steep hill and headed down and noticed a dump truck coming down from the other side ! He was going way too fast for the conditions! As we both entered the dip in the road, he was half over on my side of the road and no place for me to go because of a small bridge with cement walls on the sides! Linda and I both screamed, my hands left the steering wheel to cover my face. Impact was imminent! We felt a shudder and it was over, somehow we managed to avoid each other in that mudhole at the bridge. As we went down the road still shaking all over, I pulled into an empty gas station! Linda was still crying, I was in shock. We both tried to figure out what happened,how we were alive. Linda said look, pointing to a small cloth angel my mother had given me to hang from the mirror in the car. The angel was covered head to toe with wet mud!

  15. Carol says:

    Dogs are definitely natural guardian angels. Our dog Buster “rescued” my infant son when he heard the oil deliveryman come one day. Dragged the bundle of blankets, baby and all, right off of the bed and into the bedroom closet. Freaked me out, needless to say. Thankfully, baby was fine, even if my nerves were shot. After Buster passed away (at the ripe old age of 18) I always felt like he stuck around to continue to watch over our boy. Thanks for your beautiful blog, Sue & Crew.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Carol. Buster was a very devoted dog. Funny how some dogs become jealous of a new baby and others commit their lives to protecting one.

  16. Marcia GB in MA (FL) says:

    I can testify that guardian angels show up in the most unexpected forms and the most unusual places. Even in our dreams. Whether we realize it or not, they are there for us, many times over.

  17. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Henry, sounds like you’re enjoying the company and stories.

    Stay warm and have a wonderful evening.

    Finished the last of the turkey today. I’ve never been a fan of turkey….apparently I wasnt a fan of dried out cooked all day mom’s turkey. Had a Jennie-o turkey breast bone in, comes in a bag, goes frozen into the oven. Has one of them popper buttons to let you know it’s done. Oh my…yummy and moist! Gave some to the ferals and they loved it!

    AZJim….we may soon be neighbors. Jules and I have submitted a bid on a home in Corte Bella Sun City West. So keep your fingers, toes and paws crossed! Logistics are going to be difficult but we have the entire winter to figure it out!

    • AlanOutandAbout - Pahrump, Pahrunp, Pahrump says:

      Hi Cindy, Is this a permanent move or a winter residence. I hope it goes thru for you.

    • Applegirl NY says:

      You’re leaving the Adirondacks? Wow. How did I miss that? How did you decide where you were going to go- besides the weather issue. Well, good for you guys.

    • BadgerRickInWis says:

      So cool, I’ve got to tell you I’m jealous, I used to love winter but since I grabbed this dream by the tail it’s somehow tougher to appreciate it now. Is this a permanent move or a 2nd home for the winter?
      If it’s the latter I’m even more jealous but even happier for the two of you.
      All appendages crossed, may all your dreams come true. You deserve it.

    • Cinandjules (NY) says:

      I’ll answer in one post

      Kind of both winter and summer. We have the fur kids 1 AO, 2 cats and 3 ferals. Once they are in AZ…that’s it. Too hard to transport them back and forth. Jules will come back for the summer to visit her parents, the outlaws. ? I may come back for a couple of weeks, where my sister who lives in Sun City,can tend to the fur kids.

      How did we decide? We played spin the bottle…we don’t do hurricanes or tornadoes so going South wasn’t going to work. Looked at Tahoma CA which is on the West side of Lake Tahoe. Couldn’t see moving out of snow country to another snow country. The other choice was Palm Springs…but with the water situation…eh!

      And lastly, I’m a West coast girl…this East coast stuff is waaaayyyyy too weird for me!

    • Mick'nTN says:

      That’s a golf course; are you Duffers. ?

      • Cinandjules (NY) says:

        Excuse me? dUffers?

        We have a golf course here….and golf clubs in the shed. Jules played back in CA. Me never…just the driving range.

        Let’s just say….it’s a male thang back here!

        • Mick'nTN says:

          I should have looked the word “Duffer” up before posting.
          My apologizes. I thought it meant any golfer but it means a poor one. Google shows “Corte Bella” as a golf course.

    • AZ Jim says:

      Wow! That is great and I hope it works out for you. That is very close to me, you’ll be within “clinger” range. Summers are hot not it’s how we pay our dues for the rest of the year. If you are like me you’ll love it here. Best regards and good luck….

      • Piper n' Rusty / Az says:

        YAAA, Cindy n’ Jules and your Fur babies for the move,,, keeping my toe’s crossed, but they’re always crossed any way,, Hope you get your AZ dream home,,,,,,,,, rusty

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Best of luck, Cinandjules! 🙂

  18. Bev says:

    I love angel stories. My daughter was in an induced coma in ICU and had to have her lungs drained. She really fought and I was exhausted from witnessing the whole ordeal. I stepped outside her room and leaned against a wall, slowly moving downward. Here comes a male nurse about 6’1″ with sandy colored hair. He threw his chart down, grabbed me and just held me until I gained my composure. I noticed his name tag said “Lane.” After my daughter passed, I visited with the Respiratory Therapist and told her that I was so thankful to have had “Lane” at a moment I needed comforting. She said “There is no one with the name “Lane” working in this hospital.

  19. AlanOutandAbout - Pahrump, Pahrunp, Pahrump says:

    Lots of fascinating stories. Really nice ones.
    I saw the dog show yesterday. A chihuahua won the it’s division. It was the spiting image of Reggie.
    Wishing you the best. If we are allowed to guess what your secret purchases was, I guess paint supplies.

    • Barbara (Nashville) says:

      I watched that same show Alan. I was hoping the cute little chihuahua would win the overall, but it went to the Skye Terrier, darn it.

  20. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    I loved Henry’s guardian angel story.

  21. Applegirl NY says:

    I believe his story could very easily be true. I think that just about everyone has had an unexplained circumstance occur, something beyond logic or even coincidence. Sometimes we need protection and somtimes we need a reminder that there is something greater than ourselves. I am thankful for that.

  22. Renee says:

    20th! Another record for me. I must say that I have experienced some unexplained things in my life, so I’ve got to believe the guardian angel Rottweiler. I had a Rotty, a long time ago. Augie, short for Lady Augustine Von Baer, who has since died. She was 125lbs and very gentle, but scary looking. There was a very popular line of children’s books titled, “Carl” about a Rottweiler that was a companion to a toddler, so the protective Rotty was not surprising to hear.

    • Applegirl NY says:

      My boys loved those Carl books. So beautifully illustrated. Rottweilers are beautiful dogs – except when they try to sit on your lap. A friend had one, and that was one heavy lap dog, but she was so awesome and loving that everyone let her get away with it, including me.

  23. Sally says:

    I have an angel story too. My husband and I were cross country skiing in unfamiliar territory. It was a huge forest and we were lost. I was getting too tired to go on much further. We were soon going to be in trouble. A man came skiing down a hill and I called to him for directions out of the forest. He pointed in the opposite direction we were headed. Then just like that he was gone. We never saw another person on the trails or in the parking lot.

  24. BadgerRickInWis says:

    What a great story! Henry seems like a gifted story teller. (or at least as retold by a gifted story teller it comes across that way)

    I’ve known and seen too much of the weird in my own life to ever 2nd guess when someone shares of bit of their own.

  25. Rebekah says:

    Really nice to hear the stories tonight. I think the Universe will step in at times and help us when we need it the most… I hope everyone had a lovely holiday weekend in their own special way!

  26. Pamela K. says:

    I have a guardian story to tell.
    This story is a 100% true one. As experienced by me and my ex-husband.
    The year is 1979. I am pregnant and i’m a high risk delivery. Since I was an adopted person my doctors thought my knowing more about my birth family might shed light on my medical history. I always knew I was a rescue-child and the fact never bothered me or intruded on my life in any way. After discussing it, we both decided to call some of the surnames common to me. One was most interesting and finding some family members showed a high rate of success because it was so unusual. Sure enough, I made contact with my birth-mother’s sister’s daughter, a little older than myself by about ten years. We talked pleasantly and and she invited us up to her home to talk some more in detail. Next morning we were off (a Saturday) and headed for the several hours drive to her home. She was delightful and we found much info about the family history and the old homestead. With address in hand we went to look for it, curious what it might look like. I had always had this odd vision, not a dream, about seeing a house through a kind-of key hole, not clear enough to really see many details but clear enough that I always knew I would know the house if I ever saw it. That vision was with me as long as I can ever remember, from early childhood on. Delighted to know the address, we drove to the house. Parked in front and I knew it instantly! Quickly bouncing up the stairs and on to the porch to have a look inside the windows…it had clearly been vacated for many years. First we went to one window and then another. Next the front door…the screen door was locked. “Oh Darn! I wanted to see in the door’s window too!” Straining to see in the door’s window through the locked screen door was almost too tall for me. My ex-husband came to look and SUDDENLY BACKED AWAY. “What is it?! Are you OK?!”, I asked. He quietly said, “Yes, I’m OK but we need to go. The glass in the door has your nickname written in the heavy dirt and sand!” I insisted he hold me up to see it. There it was, my name in script letters, nothing more. It looked as if it had been there for ages. Nothing else around it was disturbed, no recent moving of anything around the house. We took this to meant we were not to go any further with it. It was not a welcoming feeling as the mood of it set in. Here’s the even more odd kicker…that name was not at all common AND it was given to me by one of my school teachers because she had too many Pamela(s) in her class. Some of us took on our middle names, others took on nicknames. NO family member of my birth family could have written it there…
    Yes, it WAS kind of spookie. And I never had that dream again, after having had it for so many years. It was like it was done, final somehow.

  27. Pamela K. says:

    About that hobby…
    I know! Bird Feeders or little Bird Houses! Made to look like the BLT, so they, too, can have the best home around 🙂
    Yep, I vote for that. Then you could photograph all the cool birds who stop by to visit or to build their nests. And maybe even offer them on line so we could buy one and have our own BLT for our feather friends 🙂
    Let’s see… some wood, the right saw, glue, white and black paint. A few little printed stickers with Casita and BLT and you’re done, unless you want to add real wheels instead of wooden wheels. Yep, that works for me 🙂 !!

  28. Good morning Sue…since I am awake in the middle of the night I thought I would throw my dog in the fight on your new hobby..maybe an adult coloring book? I know you probably have better things to do than that but I have to say it saved my butt during very stressful times in the recent past..just saying..now I an going to try to watch CNN and try to get more sleep. Enjoy your day…I will be thinking of you and the crew…

    Good morning Weather I know you are probably up! Stay warm.

  29. Page says:

    Great story! Never drive faster than your Guardian Angel can fly.

  30. Bob says:

    Cool story. Haven’t met my guardian angel yet, that I know off.

  31. Miss M says:

    Long time reader, first comment. I call her “my fairy Godmother”. No other explanation for 70 extra ordinary years. From “dead at birth” thru all walks of life. I am always safe! Love to everyone (no exceptions). Miss M on the road

  32. MB from VA says:

    Good Sunday morning to you Sue! I loved Henry’s story…..and believe it. I have two short ones I’d like to share. I live alone on a farm that was settled in 1768. One night I was very sick. I was walking to the bathroom when I just knew I was going to pass out and hurt myself. I did pass out. But, when I came to, I was sitting against the wall unhurt. And there was an old woman bending over me with her hand on my shoulder. When I made eye contact, she smiled…..and was gone. My neighbor married into the family that originally owned the farm. She came as a young bride at the beginning of WWII. When I told her the story and what the woman looked like, she said I had just described her mother-in-law…..down to the hair and apron. And that her mother-in-law would always go and help the neighbors when there was an illness in the family. Guess some habits die hard (no pun intended). The other happened after my dad’s death. My mom had cancer and I was taking her to chemo everyday. We had a bad snow and the ploughs don’t know where our road is. 😉 I was driving my dad’s car to keep the battery charged and had left my 4×4 truck at Mom’s house. I was doing OK till I got to a very weird turn/hill….that’s tricky in good weather. The car started to go the wrong way…..over a hill. I heard myself call out, “Help me Dad!”. The steering wheel moved in my hands…..my hands did not move it……it moved my hands. The car righted itself and I went on my way. My dad was very good in snow. I have seen enough to know that there is more to life than what we can explain with our rational minds. And I have always been comforted by that belief. Have a great day Sue! And thanks to Henry for sharing his story with us, through you.

  33. I have a guardian angel story. 1972, March, and I was about 3 months pregnant. Michigan. I arrived at work about 7:30am on a cold, icy morning. Got out of the car to walk in to the building on the icy walk, and wow did I take a spill. Feet flew out from under me and I was about to land really hard right on my back. My baby’s life flashed before my eyes….but then…I never landed! Someone caught me and whisked me right up like I was a feather…which was shocking because I didn’t know anyone was around. On my feet again I turned to thank the person profusely, but there was no one there.

  34. Pookie in SE Texas says:

    27 degrees?……………YIKES
    I believe you need to go down below Why
    and get away from that cold weather…..:)

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I don’t know what is wrong with the stupid weather widget in the sidebar. It will say a low of 27 degrees and then I go to the wunderground page and it shows a low of 36 for Blythe. Seems the widget always has it colder than reality. Unless walking around outside in a flannel shirt and capri-length pants is typical for temps below 30 degrees. ???

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        All the same, I’m looking forward to the warm up that’s just peeking over the horizon now. Brrr, been a nippy few days for camping (norther type system affecting AZ). Won’t be taking 45º nights for granted again for awhile 😀

  35. Love Henry’s story, and it is very interesting that he wanted to tell you about it. Especially with no pool halls, city streets or large dogs in your camp. It clearly made an impression on him, and I have no doubts that all those men saw the same dog. I’m loving your new campsite and missing the desert a LOT! Just two more days and we’re in our own little piece of it 🙂

  36. Rita from Phoenix says:

    Grandma always told us the departed souls live among us. I’ve witness a few strange things in my life to know that it must be true. Anyway, I was in the bathroom the other night and out of nowhere the radio hung on a shower hooks spun wildly…I thought maybe we had an Earth quake. So, yesterday I checked the news and weather…nope no recent earth quakes other than the one recorded on Nov. 1st. Then, I got a text message from my niece…my nephew had had heart surgery the night before. Wow I thought to myself, my sister Grace passed away August 2014 (about the time Spike died), maybe she was trying to tell me. I’m sick and down with the flu over the Thanksgiving holiday and just barely able to enjoy moving around this morning. Have a wonderful day Sue and to crew and to fellow blogerinos.

  37. Piper n' Rusty / Az says:

    Great story Sue,,, Here is one from my past,,, Canary Kate and I with the Donkey’s all packed up and coming down the PCT,, We left our morning camp at Lone Pine Valley and was heading to Horse Thief Flats , We crossed under I-15 at the Scales and up by the Spanish Trail Marker The PCT continues South,,, When we got to a rise, Kate said Stop I’ve lost my Pistol, I dropped the Lead rope to # 1 Puppy Jack and went back to Kate,, I backed track the trail almost to the switch backs and found nothing, then I came back to where we stopped and asked if she had packed it away in the panniers , nope, We talked ’bout where it might be and all of a sudden we both looked up and saw a man coming from the south of us, He was dressed all in White, had White hair and a White Beard and When he got to us, He asked, Did You lose this and handed Cate her pistol,,,,, We both thanked him as he walked on to the North and was gone,,, Now How did that Pistol get to where we’re headed? An Angel picked it up and flew to the south of us so to prove there are miracles working every day all around us????,,, I still wonder about that,, unexplained happening in our life and I bet Kate is too where ever she may be,,,,,,,,,, rusty

    • MB from VA says:

      Love that story Rusty! You should write a book!

      • Piper n' Rusty / Az says:

        IF I ever desire to , I’ll just have someone write it while I tell it. it took me 20 minutes to type, edit and post it. But the man in white was wearing white pants and shirt, his image was burned into my memory, if ya know what I mean,,

        • MB from VA says:

          I do indeed understand what you mean. And I love books that have the title and then “As told to…..by……”, especially stories like yours must be. Have a good day out there. One day I’ll be there too. 🙂 MB

          • Piper n' Rusty / Az says:

            Thank you MB/VA,,, When I dream of things to do,, I Talk to the One upstairs, and then step out on faith that he will guide my steps,, It’s like learning to fly,, Mama Bird takes baby bird to the end of the Branch, Tells her baby the law of Flying,, Then gives a shove and off the baby bird goes,, If the baby bird listened to what Mama said,, The baby will be Flying High,,,,,,,,,,,

          • Piper n' Rusty / Az says:

            MB,,, The stories I tell are mostly from my past and usually I’m just reminiscing ,, I’m nothing, just a fellow passing’ thru,,,, rusty

  38. kgdan lvg Wapato,WA says:

    Can’t wait! Have done all that I can do here. It’s sooooo cold! In a couple of hours I’ll be airborne back to Laughlin! Yea! Gil has turkey & the fixins waiting for me. Thanksgiving dinner at last!

  39. Joyce Sutton says:

    Interesting stories. I’ve never seen an angel. BUT my youngest daughter has. Then her husband saw the same angel. Too long to type but like angel stories even the ones that seem a little huh induced. Lol. My daughter seems to be a little sensitive to the other world as she has had an experience seeing the other side as well. I have had some interesting things that appear as miracles in answer to prayer but no beings from other worlds

  40. Monica-CA says:

    I’m enjoying the posts; so, here are my stories to share with all.
    When I was in my early twenties while walking down the street headed for home after a long day at work, a very old lady said to me “there you are, you need to slow down” as she passed me. I turn around to respond to her (an okay, thanks), but she wasn’t there. I looked all around; there was nobody around me. I stood there feeling like what the heck just happened and very, very tired.
    The first house my husband and I lived in there was a spirit living in the house. The backroom was always warm even though the sun never hit that side of the house and we had the heater turned off for that room. We heard footsteps in the attic, but the attic was always empty, no signs of animals either. One night I awoke to a woman looking down at my husband and I from the foot of our bed. I screamed, woke my husband, and she vanished. I scared the shit out of my husband that night. Second house we lived in, I saw a young woman standing in my garage as I pulled out to go to work. As I looked around wondering where did she come from, she vanished into the house door. I wasn’t about to go see where she had gone. Later, I told this story to my friend who informed me that my house had been built over a very old graveyard, possibly from the 1800s. When I went house hunting for our present home, my husband told me to make sure there were no spirits or ghosts. While looking at homes, I walked into one home and immediately was hit with this horrible feeling that something wicked occurred in the house. As I walked around, one room was more intense with this unkind presence. I quickly left that house. Since then, I haven’t had any encounters.

    • Rita from Phoenix says:

      My sister’s house in Los Angeles was haunted. The house is very old and once was a vineyard mansion with three other small houses (the small houses were empty and never used by my sister’s family). Anyway, a very grouchy old lady visited me once or twice…scared me silly. Then one night I was completed petrified while a young man crawled into bed with me to cuddle…I could actually feel the arm weight go around my waist…I couldn’t move no matter how I tried. Finally the spell broke and I let out a scream. I never slept in the house again although I, on occasion, can feel the young man’s presence. My sister told me a 20 + year old man committed suicide in one of the downstairs bedroom. In Los Angeles you have to disclose a death in the house if there was one when you sell the house. Sister had to report two deaths, her mother in law and the young man.

  41. John McDonald says:

    I like this one. Dog spelled backwards is still a person’s best friend.

  42. Heather says:

    I always enjoy reading your blog. Thank you so much for taking the time to tell your wonderful stories and keep us up-to-date on your adventures! I love seeing the beautiful photographs and reading about your dogs’ escapades.

    Very interesting guardian angel story! May I share mine? My husband and I have two wonderful children, one of whom is a 16 year-old boy. He is a straight-A student, an Eagle Scout, and a state qualifier in golf, and we are very proud of him and his sister both. For his 16th birthday last spring, we surprised him with a nice, used pickup truck. He loved it! Five days later, as he left our church out in the country and a thunderstorm was coming, he lost control of the vehicle at 50 MPH and rolled it twice, the totaled vehicle landing right-side-up in a deep ditch with very steep sides. We were a quarter of a mile behind him and saw the accident happen, which still brings tears to my eyes and makes me have to catch my breath even after all these months. By the time we got to him, he was safely out of the vehicle and in complete shock. A quick trip to the ER and several x-rays later, it was determined that physically he was fine, other than the marks to his shoulder from the seat belt. He was a very lucky young man to have survived that wreck with no injuries. All of the windows were shattered except for the front windshield. He came to me a few days later with glass fragments in his hand. He told me he found them in his shirt pocket after the wreck. If I didn’t believe in guardian angels before, how could I not now? How could he have shattered glass in his pocket from the wreck but not have a single scratch on him? I have struggled since the wreck with understanding how this could happen and have had many sleepless nights full of anxiety, but I am grateful every day that God chose to spare his life that day.

    Anyway, after raising two children I now have great appreciation for all parents and am praying we get through these days of parenting a teenage boy! It gives me great hope when people tell me we are doing a good job raising him and that we will get through it. I will continue to pray and have faith! Thank you for letting me tell my son’s guardian angel story.

  43. Pamela K. says:

    The date: Late 1960s.
    The Place: My Childhood Home
    Subject: The Radio…

    It was a hot summer’s day. Those kind of afternoons when any breeze was a welcomed relief. I had washed and curled my hair in those old pink sponge curlers ( the kind that would hold some cool water in them before they dried). My mother had taken off to the grocery store and my father was at work (a policeman). My grandmother lived with us and she had taken an afternoon nap in her bedroom shortly before I washed my hair. “Too hot to ride my bike. Too early for any good TV. So I took my Zenith portable Radio to my parents bedroom and layed there for a time listening to my favorite Motown songs. Baby Love and Ain’t No Mountain High Enough played me to sleep. Suddenly I woke. Looked at my father’s police uniform hanging freshly presses in the window seal. Light coming gently through it gave a comforting feeling. Then it happened…his uniform took on a form as if he was inside of it! No head, arms or anything, just a bellowed outness as if he was there with me. I was spooked somewhat and went to wake my Granny to tell about it. As I opened her bedroom door a man left through the opened window! He had my Granny’s radio under his arm as he rushed to get away! Both of us were spooked now and stayed close until my mother or my father got home again. Dad was first to arrive. “Is everything OK?” Then we told him our story. He calmly said this… “I couldn’t be here for you but my soul was.” To this day I do believe his soul was there in his uniform to protect me from the man taking the radio. My father said he thought the man was looking for quick things of value to resell for money. A few quick five dollar radios were a popular prize on the black market those days. No doubt if I had not gone to my Granny’s room, he would have search the house for more items to take…making his way to my parents room where I was napping. And, no doubt, my father’s soul left him for that brief time to protect me while he was away at work. To this day, it is one of those childhood mysteries that has yet to be solved…it just happened.

    • Pamela K. says:

      There is an important note to this story too…
      My father was a WWII Navy Shipman who’s ship was sunk during The Battle Of The Pacific. His body was rescued at sea and he was processed as dead with a body bag and toe tag. He was found to be alive during further processing. He always believed that a part of his soul remained with the sea and those who died that day. It was as if some part of his soul was waiting for the rest of his soul at a future time. He always believed that his uncanny ability to *6th Sense* greatly helped him in his detective work and kept him from Harm’s Way.

  44. Dawn from Camano Island says:

    I’ve loved reading these wonderful stories. I had an experience during a very stressful time in my life that convinced me that we are given help/messages/strength in times of need. There are things in life that defy explanation. It’s all fascinating & wonderful. Thank for sharing, everyone.

  45. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    I’m a firm believer that if you are “open” to spirits they will let themselves be known.

    Jules was station (USAF) at Hickam field on the island of Oahu. The many stories she has are absolutely hair raising.

    Back on the mainland, I was packing the POD with our belongings. Jules looked toward our kitchen window and said,”there is someone in our house. She’s watching us!” Do you see her? I was like NOPE!

    She described her and I had no clue who she could be. The lady who owned the house prior was the grandmother of our next door neighbor. Jules described her characteristics and clothing to them and it was her….down to the horn rimmed glasses!

    Our present house, which was the caretakers quarters for an island in our lake..we have a gentleman who stays in our den. Every so once in awhile, we can smell a strong odor of rolling tobacco. Time will pass and she or I will mention hmmm I haven’t smelled “tobacco fest” lately. Sure enough…we go into the room and it’s a tobacco fest.

    • Pamela K. says:

      You are soo right. Being *Open* is key, I do believe that!
      And I believe your story. That *6th Sense* is something I have always had with me. I even believe it played a large part in why my parents chose me over so many other children to adopt. I believe my fatherr sensed it even then and felt one with it somehow. History tells us there are both known and unknown things of the heavens and earth. I believe that is true. My own life has proven it so many times in so many different ways. I can be a force for good, a gift.

  46. Rattlesnake Joe says:

    I had a strange experience back in 1962 I think it was. I was sleeping in a squad bay with 60 other guys in the barracks on Okinawa. All of a sudden these three Marines woke me up telling the Duty NCO about a Ghost they just saw. They were so excited and a bit scared as my ears took in their tale. They were coming back to base after a night drinking and carousing. They told the cab driver to pull over to pick up this women hitch hiker dressed in black and white. She accepted the ride and off they went. She looked like a typical Okinawan in her thirties and they all passed the time yacking as they drove back to base on highway 1, the road that circles the island. Well all of a sudden she just disappears right in front of their eyes. Poooof gone. The sergent on duty tells them that they just had a close encounter with the famous Nago Ghost. It seems many US Marines have had the very same experience.

  47. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Thank you for sharing Henry’s story, Sue! 🙂

    Have a great evening! Sending warm hugs to you and the Crew from me and Gracie pup! 🙂

  48. Pamela K. says:

    These stories are wonderful! So re-afirming to read!

    I have another one, if you would enjoy hearing of it.
    One about our bird, Winston, and his best friend Gracie…

    • Go for it! I love this post, so many interesting stories.

      • Pamela K. says:

        Ok, Shirlene. I’ll close it out with just one more story 🙂

        In the 1990s we had two dogs and two birds. The birds were a pair from the pet store. One dog was a gift. The other one was, well, let’s just say poor little Gracie Shoes was not social at all. It wasn’t that she wanted to be anti-social. She was the runt in her 9 pup litter. We quickly came to know she had several learning and social issues. She bonded with no one. Most folks would have put her down but we managed to carefully live around her issues. And then we got the birds, Clemmie and Winston. From the time we brought Winston into the house she set out to shower him with love and affection! She sat under his cage. Would whine to him as he sang. And he (Winston) loved it! They were BFFs on some odd level that Klemper and I had never seen from Gracie.
        Moving forward in time, Clemmie died of cancer and Winston was alone in his cage. Gracie kept vigil over Winston, making sure he was OK and even did a few tricks to get him in a good mood if she sensed he was in a funk. Years of this interaction between them continued…we would watch with amazement at the two of them together. One afternoon Winston wasn’t feeling well. By late evening he was looking like he was going to pass. Klemper and I called the local university vet school and they said to give him aspirin and put a light bulb in his cage with a cover on his cage to keep him extra warm. We did that and Gracie sat under his cage, refused to move except for potty runs. This went on for days and Winston finally passed over. At first there was no going near his cage! Gracie took a personal affront to any movement of Winston! Finally Klemper took her outside and I cleaned and made ready to bury him. For three (3 full months) that dog lived under Winston’s cage mourning his passing! It became unreal and unworkable for us. One late evening we were eating and Gracie didn’t even want to beg for any food, just stayed under Winston’s cage. We felt so badly for her but nothing we could do was going to change her mourning or will power. And then it happened!!!
        First a small flicker of a light in the upper corner of the den near the closed window (draperies drawn closed). Then “it” (the light) zooms in a straight line for Gracie!!! Next to Me and then to Klemper and it was gone!!! Just that fast…a flash of Winston’s Spirit…he had come to visit Gracie and to tell her Goodbye. To let her know that he was OK in his new form and place in the universe. Klemper was never a believer of such things until that day, now he “Believes”! And the change in Gracie was subtle but much improved. She seemed to mellow after that. She seemed to understand that there was some form of after-energy and respected that. Klemper, having always been a mundane was truly convinced Winston had come to visit from the grave. It does amaze me when I think of people who do not believe in any form of afterlife. They may be right, who is to say? But our money is betting on a big “Yes! There is!” For birds and dogs anyway. 🙂
        The End.

  49. Good Morning Sue, Welcome back, hope your mini vacation was a good one…eager to hear where you are located now….missed you!

  50. Bill & Ann, AZ says:

    Great post. I need some of those red shoes. The people we have met and the stories we have heard while exploring the desert are amazing. On the other side of the story; there are some people who do not believe the stories I tell! Just a thought that comes to mind. Can you imagine going through life never peeing behind a bush or on the beach! Totally amazing. I have met these kind of people.

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