A welcome home and learning to trust

Picking up where we left off in the previous post . . .

Bridget, Reggie, and I board the Perfect Tow Vehicle and motor out of San Isabel National Forest, leaving behind our camp at the base of Mt. Antero, south of Buena Vista, Colorado.

What a relief not to have to deal with a propane leak!


We head south to Salida.

I hope to find a potable water spigot at the national forest office.

There it is! . . . Uh-oh.  It looks like the spigot has been altered to allow the hook-up of large hoses.

In the neighboring field, the fire command center is still in place — tents, RVs, fire trucks, porta-potties, etc.

Maybe this spigot is used to fill up trucks hauling water to the Hayden Pass Fire.  Oh, well.

Next stop is the laundromat on 14th Street in Salida.

P1120955The crew enjoys a walk-about alongside the laundromat building.

After the laundry is done, we zip over to Wal-Mart, located between Salida and Poncha Springs.  Among other items I buy 6 large bottles of drinking water.  I could search for a drinking water spigot, but I don’t feel like it.  It’s hot in town!

We need new bottles anyway . . . .

Before leaving Salida, the crew and I stop at Subway and share a turkey sandwich lunch.

As we approach the national forest on our way home, again I see figures up ahead.

The pronghorns!

P1120956They look like they’re waiting for us to come home.

Three this time!

P1120957-001Reggie and Bridget are sitting on the bench seat.  (The laundry basket is in the passenger seat, keeping Reggie out of his usual position.)  They spot the pronghorns and begin to bark.

The pronghorns hear the crew and walk away.

P1120960The above photo is a good example of ignoring the 1/3 to 2/3 rule of photo composition.  I like it anyway!

My clothes are usually washed in a commercial laundry wherever we happen to be.

Being unfamiliar with the machines, I find my shirts didn’t dry completely.  Rather than plunk in another quarter and hang around the laundromat, I put the shirts on hangers and take them home.

Pine trees with nubs where limbs were cut off provide hooks for the shirts on their hangers.  It doesn’t take long and my shirts are dry and fresh-smelling!


Our time at Antero Pines Camp will end soon.


The crew and I enjoyed our stay here.  However, the noise of last weekend is enough to convince me that we need to move camp soon.

P1120906I’ve learned, when we find a quiet camp during the summer months, to stay put.

Vacationers and weekenders are out in droves.  I don’t like being around a lot of people.   Antero Pines Camp is relatively quiet Mondays through Thursdays.  Most of the noisemakers come on weekends.  I’ll  look for another pretty place away from the noise, before the weekend arrives.

P1120903“Reggie, stop!  You’re kicking dirt in Bridget’s face!”

Another lesson I’ve learned and continue to re-learn is to trust that another quiet camp is out there somewhere, not to be overly concerned about finding it, just keep rolling, looking, and trusting.



Follow any of the links or ads you see on my blog and your Amazon purchases will send a commission to “RVSue and her canine crew.”

Here are a few of the items recently ordered by readers:

Toro Blower/Vac
Hoover Carpet Cleaner
Adjustable Bread Keeper
Zack & Zoey Nor’Easter Blanket Coat
K-Swiss Women’s Bigshot Tennis Shoes
Non-electric, manual clothes washing machine



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127 Responses to A welcome home and learning to trust

  1. Corkerinna620 ( AL) says:


  2. Corkerinna620 ( AL) says:

    Now that the pressure is off I’ll go back & read & enjoy

  3. Cat Lady back home in Baton Rouge says:

    Hi Sue

  4. Gail from Buckeye AZ says:

    Top 10?

  5. Denise says:

    Am I first??

  6. Renee Galligher - Idaho says:

    Top Ten?

  7. Linda Rose, Muffin, Murphy, Molly & Midgy in Carmichael, CA says:

    I came here to shop Amazon from your blog and was greeted with a happy surprise. A new post. Love the mountain pictures. Makes me feel cooler for a second. Still in the hundreds here for several more days.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Oooh, I love my RVSue shoppers! Hi, Linda Rose and the Four Ms…

      I almost chose for us to go to CA this summer. I’m missing all that heat!

      Try to stay cool…

  8. AZ Jim says:

    Top ten? Amazing!!

  9. Gail from Buckeye AZ says:

    Went back and read the blog. I would surely love to have seen those pronghorns. I even get excited to see a rabbit or Quail. I have started the long process of researching a Small affordable RV for me and my two little dogs with hopes that someday I will have the freedom that you have.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I get excited seeing rabbit or quail, too…. and so does the crew. 🙂

      Knowing what kind of rig will suit what you want to do with it and the cost of traveling in it is a big step. Then finding that perfect rig. Good luck and have fun dreaming of the freedom it will bring you!

  10. Kitt NW WA says:

    Love the photo of Reggie kicking dirt at Bridget! That is what Riley does to us when we lean over to use the doggie bag to clean up after him! Dirt, grass, cones, needles, whatever is around wind up getting in our face. We really have to watch out for flying debris. He is a real kicker like Reggie.
    Enjoy your day and here’s to finding another quieter boondock later in the week!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Kitt,

      I know exactly what you mean. Ever so often, I forget and get blasted with debris.

      Wishing you and Riley a wonderful week!

  11. Marilyn Moore says:

    Hi Sue N Crew
    Happy to see your post on my cool off break. Will be back later.

  12. Renee Galligher - Idaho says:

    Great post, again, and great photos. Your 1/3, 2/3 photo is actually correct composition. The focus is the pronghorns and as for the mountains cutting the photo composition in half, well that depends on which mountain range you are looking at! Ha!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I like that explanation! That photo is like two photos in one. A picture of pronghorns and a mountain scene. The pronghorns make a fancy “trim” at the bottom. Isn’t it remarkable how animals rarely take a “bad” photo? They have such eye-pleasing, graceful forms…

    • Beth currently in Prescott says:

      Yeah, I was thinking when you said the 1/3 to 2/3 rule was broken that it wasn’t, I just couldn’t see where you broke it, so I thought, hmm, I don’t understand the rule, and oh well, maybe I will someday.

      I loved that picture of the pronghorns with the mountains in the background! WOW! It’s gorgeous!

      I’ve been very tuckered out! So I haven’t been able to get as much done as I would’ve liked with my trailer unpacking. It will all get done eventually!

      I’ve narrowed my name the rig situation down to two names: Dreamcatcher or CatchN a Dream! I can’t decide between those two, then I look back at the list and a couple other names start pullin’ on me, but I’m pretty sure it will be between those two.

      I sure wish I was up in mountain country with scenery like that! I want to be there now! I’ll get there someday, it’ll happen!

      Stay safe! I’m hoping you’ll find a nice quiet spot for the weekend! Kick some dirt on Reggie for me, just kidding! Hugs to the kiddies,

      Beth currently in Prescott

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Hi, Beth,

        The stuff to be unpacked isn’t going anywhere, so rest. You’re right, it will get done eventually.

        About the photo, it is divided in half by the line of trees separating the field from the mountains. Maybe it isn’t as bad as I thought– Folks seem to like it!

        Prescott is one of the cooler places in Arizona. I hope that is true for you today!

        • Beth currently in Prescott says:

          Compared to Phoenix…it’s cool! I had to put on a jacket last night! Been living in the desert so long, anything below 90 with a breeze I get goosebumps! LOL Love that problem!


  13. Pam and Maya, Still in NY says:

    Love these posts! I only saw a little of Colorado when I was out and about, you have inspired me to go back and see more! I like the part about trusting you will find another good place to camp, just go with the flow and trust your instincts. Hugs to all!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hugs to you, too, Pam and Maya,

      I hope you do see more of Colorado. We’ve shown only a small part of it.

      I trust we will find a good, quiet camp. If not, we will rest and try again the next day!

  14. Dave Stewart (in missouri for now) says:

    Love the last picture, Bridget’s look says: ok you got the picture of my big butt, now point that camera somewhere else. Looking forward to seeing the location of the next camp. Hope it is quiet, secluded, and pretty. Even with a creek to cool the afternoons would be nice.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Dave, for hoping we find a good camp. A creek would be nice. I’m careful about camping near water at this time of year because of mosquitoes. The water needs to be moving! I’m sure Bridget and Reggie would enjoy being near water again.

      When we were at Salida East next to the Arkansas, I carried Reg out to water deeper than he is tall. I held him with only his head out of the water, pointed toward shore. He wasn’t frantic at all. When his legs were pumping real good, I let go and he doggie-paddled the two feet or so to where he could touch. I gave him lots of praise. I want to turn him into a water dog!

  15. Pamelab says:

    Hello, Sue and crew – looks like another beautiful day for you three. It rained in Missouri City and we are in the mid 80s right now, instead of the mid 90s. What a relief. It does look like cloudy day for the next week.
    I went to get my hitch put on and get a brake controller. Nice people and drove away without checking everything and later noticed I had no hitch!
    All apologies at the hitch place and they will put on the hitch for free because of the inconvenience. That works.
    Happy trails. Thank you for your blog, Sue. It inspires me.
    Pamelab in Missouri City TX for now.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Pamelab. Being inspired is a good thing!

      That’s funny about your hitch. You got it put on for free… way to go! Congratulations on getting the two tasks completed.

      How nice that the rain cooled down the temps in Missouri City. The same thing happens here every day. In fact, right now I hear the thunder on the mountains. I’m really not anxious to leave this camp. Oh well, leave wanting more, right?

      Have a great week!

  16. judy in east texas says:

    Hello RVSUE and CREW….looks like yall are still having a great time in Colorado.

    Stay safe out there and rock on….Judy and The Donald

  17. This morning I opened your blog post and started to cry. Cry? You ask? Well, let me explain.

    We just worked ourselves to a frazzle getting the house ready for the real estate agent to come take photos this morning to list the house on the 1st. If you’ve sold a house, you know what that means…bare counters, no more messes, everything clean!! We are exhausted!! And more to go. When he left I sat down to eat some breakfast and realized that this week is the last week the house will be mine. Except for the details of selling, people will be traipsing through the home in which I’ve lived for 23 years.

    Then I went to email and opened your post. Even though you talked about the mundane aspects of full-timing: going to the laundry, getting a sub sandwich, trying to find a quiet campsite, defeating the heat, and then the lovely pronghorns,…it all reminded me of the goal and why we are doing what we are doing. That’s when I cried. Not long…but a release of the emotion and grief around this process.

    Thank you.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Martha… It must be heart-wrenching to think of walking away from your home of 23 years. I’ve never experienced that but I think I understand. I’m glad my blog helped you to look forward again. If you keep on toward your goal, I know you will discover more than you ever dreamed about. Beyond the grieving about the house is a new way of life! The old was good, so will be the new.

      Thank you for sharing these moments with us. Others may be going through something similar and you’re right, it’s a process. Wishing you smiles!

      • That made me cry again. Lol. But encouraging words. Thank you! I love what you say, “Beyond the grieving about the house is a new way of life!” Amen to that.

        • Biz Crate - No longer 40m south of Chicago says:

          Martha – hang in there. My home sale just closed in the last couple of weeks. I couldn’t take waiting around after the garage sales and donation trucks took the last of it all away. Once the house was empty I began to think of the little things about it that I would miss.
          I hit the road right away after that – I was 3 weeks ahead of the closing date but I thought the money I spent to have my attorney close the deal on my behalf was well worth it. I needed to experience the freedom of my new life before I got too deeply mired in old memories. Those memories are cherished but they don’t represent what my life had become there. The house had to go. There are new memories yet to create.

          • Martha says:

            I know it’s time. It actually has been for a while. I was impressed you left three weeks before closing. Brave. We will have too much to do…and besides our Casita isn’t ready until Oct 5. Thanks for the encouragement.

      • Jean in Southaven says:

        Yes, Martha, I can relate. I hope so much for you to have a great future, having interesting and exciting new adventures. My mother told me once when I was moving to California with my Air Force husband, that the future would be whatever I made it. I could find adventure in the new if I looked, and I did. I fell in love with travel.

        • Linda-NC says:

          Martha-I just sold my house and will closed August 10.
          It is exhausting! Inspectors were here all day! Of course -(that is not normal. Getting ready for a garage sale-selling most of my STUFF! It is so freeing. I am saying to myself “Why did I save that?” I feel lighter already and looking forward to a new adventure. I don’t have mow, weed whack, till plant , maintain equipment and I will find enjoying things to do. You will too when you finish the hard stuff I am sure. Then we shall REST!!

          • Beth currently in Prescott says:

            Yes Martha!
            You can do it all! I’ve never lived in one place for that long, so I can’t relate there, but having just sold our house, we filled a huge dumpster full of stuff that I wondered why in the world we kept all that stuff! It’s liberating in a sense.

            Hang in there! New adventures are in your near future!

            Beth in Prescott

            • Martha says:

              I think I replied To you thinking I was replying to jean’s comment. But thank you for your encouragement. I can do this…isn’t that the mantra? Hope you have had a beautiful day.

        • Martha says:

          Good advice from your mother and encouragement from you. Thank you!

  18. Jean in Southaven says:

    Hi RVSue. Love Colorado. I have been thru there several times, but only thru, never to explore. My Chihuahua used to kick like Reggie. Sometimes I would get mad at her for getting me dirty and she would smile at me and do it again. She was most certainly my dog, she always had to have the last word. Tell her to stop barking and she would turn her back and walk away, turn and look back at me and give one little woof and continue on her way. I could never stay mad at her after that. I can not wait for our next camp.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jean,

      Sounds like your dog had an independent spirit and loads of personality. Yeah, it’s impossible to stay mad when they’re so darn cute and loving. I never thought much of chihuahuas. Never was around them much. Now I see why many people prefer them, in spite of their tendency to yap and jump around.

      I think, when you come right down to it, every breed has much to offer, each in its own way, in addition to unconditional love and devotion.

      I hope I find a lovely camp to share with you.

  19. Suzette (TN) says:

    Like most everyone else, I rejoice when I see a new post. Love the pronghorns. Love the mountain backdrop in pretty much all the photos. But, you know what I love the most? The laundry! Yes…the laundry. Like a lot of folks my age, I was raised with line-dried clothes. You simply can’t beat the feel and fragrance. I fantasize that if I ever do get on the road, I’ll hang my wash out to dry whenever possible. (If I did that here, the HOA would have my head!) I can only imagine how great your shirts smelled. I hope you enjoyed them!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      It’s the little things that represent very well what there is to be enjoyed in this way of life. Yes, I like line-dried laundry, too!

      Frequently, between trips to the laundromat, I take the quilt and comforter off the bed and drape them over the chairs out on the blue mat. Freshens them up nicely. I don’t mind doggie-smell, but there’s a limit! Haha!

      Thank you for a lovely comment, Suzette…

  20. Barb from Hoquiam says:

    HI Sue! I just love to read your stuff.
    Thank you for brightening my day.
    Hugs from Hoquiam,

  21. I’ll bet your clothes are going to smell wonderful! My grandmother sometimes washed her sheets daily, just to hang them on the line to dry and have fresh sheets to smell at night. I’ve wondered about that–whether sheets dried that way are as soft as we have today with tumble dryers and fabric softeners and such, but I’ve often thought of her hanging out her sheets every morning, and wondered what the neighbors thought.

    You’ve found a wonderful spot again. I don’t blame your for staying. We’re on the road and only staying in one spot a night or two, but it’s so nice to be on the road and in cooler climes rather than stuck in the heat of Dallas.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi kisstab-chick,

      Your grandmother reminds me of my grandmother. She not only would wash her sheets (in a metal tub, water heated by a woodstove), she would IRON the sheets and with an iron also heated on the woodstove. All that work! But her sheets were a heavenly delight to slide between in a scratchy sort of way.

      I’m happy for you, that you’re out of the Dallas heat and enjoying being on the road…

  22. kgdan from Wapato, WA says:

    Hi, Sue and Crew!
    Just checking in. I actually check in with you everyday; you just don’t know it ?.
    We are enjoying a very different and delightful summer here in central WA. this year. We have done way more camping & playing & lots less ‘nose to the grindstone’ chores around the home front. We have also been experimenting with some solo activities which is very new for us. Typically we are together every minute of everyday. But this summer we have had some unique opportunities of which we have taken advantage. Gil has been able to fish, fish, fish without obsessing about whether the lawn is edged just right. I have been able to visit with relatives and friends and even took a short trip where I stayed in a hotel and enjoyed the luxury of those amenities. We still keep the garden going & have some beautiful tomatoes, onions & zucchini but pick up the other fresh produce goodies at the local fruit stands. The corn is fabulous here this year! We have been doing due diligence with Drs.; Gil has had heart checkup (doing fabulous btw) and I am getting BP quirks monitored regularly. Had a bone density scan & am scheduled for a colonoscopy (ugh!) before we leave in the fall. Guess when a person is a hair’s breath away from 70 one should acquiesce to some of these unpleasantries. Anyway, we are having a great summer and soon will be on the semi fulltime road again. Meanwhile I am keeping track of your adventures and enjoying the ride.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Fantastic report, Kathy! Good for you both, away from the chores and doing what you enjoy! Gee, you mention the delicious sweet corn and now I want some…

      Great news regarding Gil’s heart checkup and that you are keeping yourself healthy, too. Aw, I had a colonoscopy… not as bad as it seems. I figured it was worse for the doctor than it was for me. Haha! I slept through it!

      Thanks for “keeping track” of us. Let me be the first to wish you “Happy 70th Birthday!” 🙂

    • edlfrey says:

      “… am scheduled for a colonoscopy (ugh!) before we leave in the fall. Guess when a person is a hair’s breath away from 70 one should acquiesce …”

      If you had a colonoscopy within the past 10 years and they found no polyps I would seriously consider giving the one at age 70 a pass. The risk involved in the colonoscopy is probably greater than the risk of cancer developing before something else kills you.

      I had one at age 66 and will never have another!

  23. AZ Jim says:

    Missy, I may have posted this before. It’s a little thing I wrote awhile back. You have posted so many nice pics of cattle and Cowboys so this is kinda goes with that.


    I went out like the others did
    Full of breakfast knowing
    From now on for two weeks
    I had to survive on Cookies food

    Mornings came early, too early
    The ground was hard but I slept
    The day was long and the sun hot

    The saddle gets to a man in a painful
    Way after sittin in it all day and
    Riding hard. But on we rode, all of

    These cattle had to make it to
    Market and it was we who got
    ’em there. Counted, put in pens
    The cattle, not us.

    Now many of those cows are in
    Your grocery store, under plastic
    Put there by folks who didn’t really
    Know about them like we do.
    Butchered, put on grills, served
    To laughing friends with beer,
    I didn’t put ’em there….

    I was just one of the cowboys….
    AZ Jim

  24. Clothes hung outside to dry makes for the best smelling freshly laundered clothing. Love, love, love that fragrance. I am fortunate enough to be able to hang my laundry out to dry on a regular basis here at home.
    I know you will find that perfect quiet spot. Enjoy!!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Shawna,

      When I lived in Florida I used to try to dry clothes and laundry on the line. It didn’t work too well with the high humidity. They would’ve stayed out on the line, wet, until they rotted. No kidding!

      I was outside with the crew for a while when the wind picked up. The wind comes down from the mountains (13,000-14,000+ feet) and it is cold! I have on fleece pants and a short-sleeved shirt and ran inside to get warm! Love it!

      • Sally in MI says:

        Oh that sounds heavenly. I am so sick of drinking water to stay hydrated in the heat and humidity lately. But, I don’t like snow either and that will come again all too fast!

  25. “I’ve learned and continue to re-learn to trust that another quiet camp is out there somewhere, not to be overly concerned about finding it, just keep rolling, looking, and trusting.” Wow Sue….thank you so much. That’s it in a nutshell. Hard to even grasp–or perhaps I should say, it’s difficult to let go!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re right, Rhonda. I still have fleeting moments when I wonder if I’ll find a camp. Then I remind myself of all the camps that we’ve had up to this point and the feeling passes.

  26. Dawn in NC says:

    Hi Sue,
    All of the hanging laundry comments remind me of a story from when I was a kid. My mom often hung up our laundry to dry outside. One day, our pastor paid us an expected visit. Unfortunately, hanging on the laundry line, framed by the dining room bay window was all of the family’s underwear! My mom couldn’t get the curtains closed fast enough! LOL! It still brings a smile to my face.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Of course, that’s when the pastor visits! I bet he had a good laugh (later). ha! Play it safe and hang those undies in the bathroom. 🙂

      • Beth currently in Prescott says:

        My dad was a preacher and he wore undies, too! He probably didn’t even give it a thought! hee, hee It’s amazing what people’s perceptions of pastors and their families are, it’s kind of mind boggling! 🙂


  27. retiredcajunlady 'n Louisiana says:

    The pictures of your shirts drying outside brought back wonderful memories of my Grandma. She was born in 1899 and lived to be 94 years old. She was a teacher, then school principal until 1968 when she retired. One of the things she did until her late 80’s was dry the sheets, towels, and clothes on the backyard lines, and oh my gosh did they smell good. She had a dryer in the house, but just thought the sun and wind did a better job. I agreed with her. As a child, I would want to do the same at our house, but my mom would just let me put pillowcases and small towels on the line. She thought I was somewhat daft.
    Love the pictures of the pronghorns in their natural home. Too funny how they seem to pose, then walk off as Reggie-Man barks at them. LOL and kicking up dirt at Bridget! Pups will be pups.
    I like it when you post about the everyday tasks you have to do in order to lead a “free wheeling” life. Laundry, shopping, obtaining water and groceries, and even lunch out on a day of “rat killing*” reminds me that as glorious as freedom to roam can be, it still comes with chores. I do hope you find a quiet place of beauty to spend your time. I get confused sometimes even after reading the dates as to where you are…just my brain, not your story telling.
    Belly rubs for pups and prayers for all of you as you travel and/or camp.

    *”Let the rat killing begin,” John Wayne said as he had to begin shooting. As lifelong John Wayne movie fans, my siblings and I would call any pesky job or errands that needed to be done “rat killing”.

    • retiredcajunlady 'n Louisiana says:

      My brother came by for coffee after showing a home nearby. I told him about the post and using “rat killing” and explaining so folks didn’t think I had a pest problem. It seems I have committed the ultimate John Wayne sin…I misquoted the Duke. Shakes my head. I do apologize to any John Wayne fans for this awful sin. My brother told me the exact quote, but I didn’t pay attention, so I can’t fix it. LOL May this be the worst mistake I make this week!

      • rvsueandcrew says:


      • edlfrey says:

        Rooster Cogburn: [cocks his gun] Mr. Rat… I have a writ here says you’re to stop eating Chen Lee’s cornmeal forthwith. Now it’s a rat writ, writ for a rat, and this is lawful service of the same. See? Doesn’t pay any attention to me. [shoots the rat] -True Grit

        However, favorite Texas sayings include this one in a collection of sayings as big as all hell and half of Texas. But John Wayne did not say it.
        “Got to get back to my rat killing.”

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you for sharing your memories of your grandmother. Also for remarking on the photos you enjoyed…

      One of the benefits I have found from full-timing is the way chores aren’t a burden any more. Maybe that’s more because of retirement than full-timing. I enjoy washing and drying the dishes, something I’ve always hated. Going to the grocery store isn’t dreaded. I see it as “buying time” to enjoy the woods, desert, or wherever we are camping. Having to go to the laundromat gets us up and out, going to town.

      I try to help people keep our location straight by mentioning it somewhere near the beginning or as a caption to the first photo.

      I appreciate the good wish and prayers for us. 🙂

  28. Gingerita in NE Indiana ( for now) says:

    Love the pronghorn photo and the shirts drying outside. Nothing beats the smell of laundry dried outdoors.

    Crew is looking fantastic as always!

  29. Cynthia from San Clemente says:

    The photo of your shirts drying was an unexpected surprise (oops, is that redundant?) We rarely get to see photos of you, so it was nice to imagine you inside those clothes, giving them movement and life. Funny how so many of us have memories of drying clothes outside. My mom used a contraption that had a pole in the middle and looked like an upside down umbrella. When I went to visit my grandmother in Kentucky I remember her laying sheets out on top of bushes – I think they may have been lilacs. At night you could smell the scent of flowers on the sheets. Good memories 🙂

    That last photo of Bridget turning around and looking at you is pretty funny. Looks like she’s saying “Seriously? Can you not find something else to photograph except my rear end?”

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Lilac scented sheets… with real lilacs! What a smart and loving thing for your mother to do….

      Bridget can say a lot with her eyes. That photo was taken immediately after Reggie kicked dirt in her face. I see her saying, “Whattya’ gonna’ do… Our Reggie’s gonna’ be Reggie.”

  30. Rochelle in IN says:

    Whew! I did it! I have finished reading your blog from the very beginning! I only read the comments sparingly, but now that I am caught up, I will read them on a regular basis.

    Some thoughts:

    1. I absolutely love the way you write! I know several of your posts you have said something like “don’t you have something better to do than read about me taking a shower and having dinner?”. Well, nope. 🙂 You write so beautifully that even mundane things are fun to read.

    2. You are a great photographer!

    3. I knew going in, obviously, that Spike had passed away. Somehow it made me enjoy the posts showing all the variety of places where he enjoyed a soak all the more. (Something’s wrong with the grammar of that last sentence, but oh well.) I truly felt like I knew him. As I read through the years, I remarked to my husband that pretty soon I was going to reach the time of Spike’s last “special day”. He knows me pretty well. He told me to remember that I was reading about it almost 2 years later, but I still cried. What a wonderful dog mom you are and what a great life Spike enjoyed on the road!

    4. We are a couple of years away from our dream of cutting loose and hitting the road, most likely in a small class A. This morning I received an e-mail from our church that one of our ladies – younger than I by a few years – passed away suddenly and unexpectedly this morning. Things like that remind me to take joy in my “now” even while planning for my “later”.

    Thanks so much for all the effort you put into this blog – many, many people get a lot of enjoyment out of it!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Rochelle,

      Thank you for shedding tears for Spike. I’m pleased that he is still loved.

      I’m sorry for the woman whose life ended suddenly. You have reminded all of us to make sure we live the life of our dreams, as much as we are able, as soon as possible.

      The other day I was thinking about the time I considered waiting a few more years before heading off with a trailer and a lot of enthusiasm. Maybe it would be better to wait and then draw full Social Security, I thought.

      Ppffftttt! What a stupid decision that would’ve been. I would’ve missed all the incredible experiences, sights, camps, people, joys of 2012, 2013, 2014… What a terrible loss! And who knows? Maybe the delay would’ve aborted my plans for whatever reason. Oh the what ifs!

      Of course, one has to consider finances and most of us have to earn our retirement and our new way of life. But once you see a way to go…. I say, “GO!”

      Thank you also for the very nice compliments on my writing and photos.

  31. Biz Crate - No longer 40m south of Chicago says:

    “…trust that another quiet camp is out there somewhere…”

    Dear Sue,
    I hope that you and the Blogerinos might be willing to offer thier thoughts and suggestions on deciding my next steps and transitioning to do more boondocking and less campground-ing.
    I’m at a COE campground near Mill City, OR on the North Santiam River. It’s a nice place but fully booked so I’ll be moving on this Thursday. There are a couple of parks nearby that offer walk-in spots but as you know summer is busy and many places are packed.
    I’d like to get away from campgrounds and try some boondocking. I don’t have solar yet. I know that generator use is not ideal but I think it will get the job done (batteries charged). I’ve just never used it before since I’ve never stayed anywhere for more that 2 nights without power. I’ve been fulltiming for only 6 weeks, so far.
    As far as a general direction, I would like to be in the Southwest this fall. No rush – I’ll spend Thanksgiving in Nevada with family but don’t have any commitments until then. I like the idea of staying in one spot for a week or two before moving on, traveling a few hours down the road. Also, being mindful of the temperatures through the summer so I don’t need to worry about the dogs overheating.
    I’d love to hear folks thoughts on how they go about deciding next steps. If you, or the Blogerinos, were to plot a course today from Oregon to say, northern New Mexico – what would your timeline look like and which direction would you take?
    I have my Benchmark maps ready so fire away!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Your starting point is Mill City, Oregon. In what part of Nevada will you spend Thanksgiving? And I assume to want to arrive in New Mexico before the snow flies. Give us a little more info and I’m sure you’ll receive some suggestions.

      I have my Benchmarks out… 🙂

      BTW… It snows in Albuquerque in October.

      • Rhonda from Albuquerque here: Earliest snow in Albuquerque was on October 12. Average first snowfall is November 29. Here is a blurb I found at Visit Albuquerque.org:

        Albuquerque is renowned for having the best year round weather in the USA. Low humidity and warm temperatures (70°F/21°C is the yearly average) combine to make Albuquerque an enjoyable destination during any season.

        Autumn in Albuquerque is often called “Indian Summer” because of warm temperatures early in the season around 70°F/21°C. Summer still lingers in September and early October, with “sweater” weather setting in during November.

        Winter requires heavier outdoor clothing; however, sweatshirts or light jackets may be enough on those famous Albuquerque sunny days. It will snow on occasion, but it seldom lasts more than a day or two. Instead, snow remains in the nearby Sandia Mountains where it creates a skier’s delight. Sports enthusiasts can often ski in the morning and play golf or tennis that same afternoon.

        Hope this helps!

    • Biz Crate - No longer 40m south of Chicago says:

      Ok, so Las Vegas, NV for Thnksgiving. Before anyone jumps to conclusions, I actually have family there and I’m not much on gambling so casino RV spots are not high on my list. My wonderful brother actually put in a 30 amp RV outlet for me so I can stay right in the driveway during my visit. Right after that I beat feet toward Yuma, Blythe or points south to keep warm.
      Rhonda, I have cousins in Albuquerque and was there a couple years ago for Balloon Fiesta in early October. Frost on the ground each day but lovely afternoons. Not warm, but sunny and beautiful. I’d like to explore the areas around Abique and Bandelier. I have childhood memories of visiting a monastery near Ghost Ranch that I’d like to find again.
      So, what does this all mean?
      Maybe I need to get into NM in September, cruise around AZ in October and shoot up to Lost Wages (lol) for a short stay in November before dropping south again. In the meantime, I also need to decide how to get myself out of Oregon without running into too high of temperatures along the way.

      • Biz Crate - No longer 40m south of Chicago says:

        Wow! Waaaaaayy off on the spelling of Abiqiui!
        My cousins would be appalled (lol)

      • 11Blade says:

        The New Mexico State Park pass is one of the best deals going. http://newmexicostateparks.reserveamerica.com/showPage.do?name=common&commonPath=/htm/NM_AnnualPasses.html

        It is STILL only $225 for an annual pass, which gets you a campsite for 21 days at $4 per day for an electric site. Most of their parks have a central dump site, so you do have to unhook weekly and drive around to it to dump, but that is better than driving miles in from the BLM. El Vado State Park in Northern New Mexico is near the places you want to visit and very pleasant to stay at (lake, fishing, trees, nice people). At $4 per day you can keep the rig cool on those days that it does get hot, but it always cooled off to the 40-50’s at night when I was there in Aug-Sept-Oct. The monastery is still there, I have a friend who does retreats there.

    • edlfrey says:

      If you are starting now it is going to be hot so shore power for the next 6 weeks or so may be considered a necessity until you have some more experience. Boondocking during the busy summer months and staying cool requires more than a Benchmark map.
      Having said that, this is what I would do. Mill City to Burns, OR. There is a good RV Park in Burns then to Weiser, ID staying for a week or two at each. Salmon, ID for an overnight to Dillon, MT or the lake south of there for a day or two. West Yellowstone overnight and the take all day to get through Yellowstone to Jackson, WY or near by. To Rock Springs or Flaming Gorge if you were to do a long day – by this time it should be September and it will be get cool in the higher country so some boonocking could be considered. Sue has found a lot of places in that part of the country. Then maybe Moab, UT and across the northern part of NM (Cortez, Pagosa Springs, Chama, Taos) before it gets too cold. Then loop south into NM thru AZ to Las Vegas, NV for Thanksgiving.

      As Sue pointed out you did not provide much information for us to guess where you were going to end up in NV. It is a fairly big state so what I have outlined may be far off the mark.

      • Biz Crate - No longer 40m south of Chicago says:

        Oh my gosh, so right on the money! It IS a big state but don’t all roads point to Vegas?
        Thank you for the route – I’m checking my maps now.
        Interesting that Yellowstone in on the route you’ve suggested. There is a Habitat for Humanity build going on right now in West Yellowstone that I thought of contributing to for a couple of weeks. The HFH Care-a-Vanners have a primitive campsite reserved for volunteers. I’ll be able to donate some time along my travels; which is another goal of mine yet to be addressed.
        Thank you SO much!!

  32. weather says:

    An altered spigot and hot day, just a reason to get new bottles that you needed anyway, the pronghorns are waiting for you to come home, a dryer leaving things damp is a chance to have fresh-smelling clothes, trusting that something wonderful is out there somewhere…

    Folks that wonder why some peoples dreams come true could learn a lot by watching the way that you see things, Sue. I’m glad you have a bit more time at Antero Pines Camp. Something tells me that you’ll find your next one lovely as well 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You do an excellent job making me sound good, weather. 🙂 Thank you. I trust you found something wonderful today.

      • weather says:

        Because first light was fifteen hours ago it would take too long to list them so I’ll just mention one. The unusually high temps this summer have made the lake so warm that ribbons of colored fog wrap the sunrise when the air is cooler than the water. Instead of having to wait for autumn to see that gift I got it early!

    • Cynthia from San Clemente says:

      You know what Weather? Sometimes I start reading comments without looking to see who wrote the comment. I can always spot your comments by the way you write, even before I look at the top to see who the author is. There’s just something about the reflective and positive quality of the way you write that I love.

      • Beth currently in Prescott says:

        Yes, weather,
        Your writing is absolutely from the deepest reaches of the soul. You must have a very positive old soul.
        You’re stunning words always leave me awestruck,


      • weather says:

        Thank you, Cynthia 🙂 What an interesting concept reading comments without first looking to see who wrote them is. I’ll try that sometime.

  33. Shirlene says:

    Hey Sue..another quick drop in…yes…IV in arm out and a full body shower and shampoo is calling me…regarding the comments above to weather..totally agree..makes my day…have a good evening Sue….I will be in touch…?

  34. ApplegirlNY says:

    I love the smell of sheets hung out on the line. They really do pick up a certain freshness that you don’t get from a dryer. I only hang out laundry up at camp. Now you’ve got me thinking I need a clothesline at home. We had a dryer growing up, but for some reason, there were always clothes on the line. Maybe my mom was economical, or maybe it was that fresh scent.

    I’m a little sad. One of my pups was trying to get down our stairs last night in the middle of the night (probably to get a drink) and we heard crash bump, bump all the way down the stairs. they are hardwood without carpeting. I know his hind legs must have given out, since he’s been having trouble and stiffness for a year or so. Oh my gosh, we were up in a flash. My heart broke. He was at the bottom of the stairs looking so sad. He appears to be fine, since I think he rode down on his belly, but he must be a little sore. I had to make sure to walk behind him on his way back up. They are getting old and we have really noticed them slowing down this summer. Loads of extra hugs and kisses for my two critters.

    Lots of interesting posts in the comments today. Love hearing about everyone’s plans and all of the input from the blogorinos.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Applegirl,

      How sad for you to see your pup grow old. It’s tough because they can’t tell us exactly what they are feeling and how we can help them. I hope he feels okay today. Yes, lots of hugs and kisses…

  35. Pookie in Todd Mission, tx says:

    Well I had to wait to read your blog tonite because I had to watch the ending of the movie SHANE…….one of the top 3 cowboy movies I have ever seen…….
    we finally got a little rain last nite….its been at least 2 months since a drop has
    fallen here……the county is under a burn ban which crimps my style since I burn
    most everything since we dont have garbage pickup……but I love living in the
    country…it sure beats the crowds in the big cities…….
    its gonna be interesting to see where your next camp will be…..

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, chuck,

      I agree… I’ve lived in city and in country and the best memories are from the country.

      I’m trying to remember that movie, Shane. I think I saw it many years ago. I probably would appreciate it more now, which is true of many things.

      Hoping the rest of your week is great!

  36. Larry in AR says:

    When I hear music, I know immediately whether it appeals to me. I need not be familiar with the genre nor the meter nor the timing nor the artist to know that. When I see a picture, I know immediately whether I like it. When I hold a camera to my eye, I know immediately whether the resulting snap will be pleasing and will end up in my keep folder. Maybe that is due to some innate mathematical formula of which I am unaware, but if I evaluated each photograph through the parameters of 1/3 or 2/3 or 5/8, it would ruin the experience for me. If that evaluation adds to someone’s appreciation of a photograph, I am happy for them. I’ll just enjoy the pictures while listening to some pleasant tune. Don’t clutter my simple mind with details.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You nailed it, Larry. There are different kinds of photographers. Some work toward perfection and produce exquisite photos; others, like me, take photographs often while doing something else, such as keeping a nosy dog out of trouble on the end of a tether! 🙂

  37. ValGal (westernWA) says:

    I appreciate you sharing some of the travails of full time rving and not just the joys and beauties. Keepin it real. I hope you find a pretty peaceful spot for the weekend and beyond.

  38. 11Blade says:

    Hi Sue,
    The Visitor Center in Poncha Springs has a better deal for potable water and dump. I avoided the Forest Camp the first week I was in Salida East because of all the activity around the Fire Camp. I drove by today and found prices more than Poncha Springs.

    Forest Service dump $10, potable water $7 for 1000 gallons (both on some weird credit card reader computer language using F keys, and, who would put 1000 gals in an RV?!) No garbage can be left at Forest Service site.

    Poncha Springs $7 dump (credit card machine), potable water is spigot on side of building with iron ranger and sign “$5 Donation”. There is a garbage can around the building corner with a size limiter top to allow small grocery bag sized garbage to be dumped there.
    Poncha Springs was the better value, even if a little further to drive. One of the neighbors got ripped off by the fancy schmancy card reader at the Forest Service, took his card (charged) but water wouldn’t turn on.

    Another word of caution about boondocking and drinking water….Buy your drinking water from the Glacier dispenser inside Safeway in Salida or City Market in BV. I got a kidney stone from the ‘artesian well’ water in Quartsite BLM called potable at the LTVA…not fun. No problems since I switched to the water dispensers.
    The fire camp folks were all gone Friday (22nd), you might have been seeing the last of the crew rehabbing the grounds they camped on at Forest Service.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, 11Blade,

      Where have you been? We’ve camped in the Salida area for over two weeks and are leaving and now you have all the info. Well, maybe others coming to Salida will read your comment and be helped.

      Interesting about the well water and kidney stone. How did you make the connection?

      • 11Blade says:

        Kidney stone diagnosed at the clinic in Parker, Az. (2009) They wanted me to go to another town to get an ultrasound ($$) and I blew that off. (I have a medical background) I downed two bags of dried cranberries, eating them pretty much every hour while awake, and, 5 gallons of water over 2-3 days. The left flank pain subsided and I guess I must have passed the stone, or the upper UTI resolved with my home remedy treatment.

        I rolled into Salida East BLM two weeks ago this Fri., so I’m due to move, too. I scouted the Antero area you have pics of yesterday in the toad. Exactly how ‘noisy’ are the weekenders? Partying all night, loud music, generators? My biggest beef about Salida East are the yahoos that let their big dogs run loose, while I’ve got my 3 ankle-biters on leashes. I’ve resorted to walking them armed to fend off a dog attack. A co-worker at my last job had her dog viciously attacked by a pit bull, including boyfriend ripped to shreds saving the schnauzer’s life. This lady don’t play that game… (9mm)

        Have you looked up CR 250 towards Mount Shavano? I scouted that last night just at sunset. Four bars on Verizon, bushier trees giving sites more privacy and pretty much paved road to a cattle guard, then a slightly rutted, but passable with my Pontiac Sunfire to numerous sites. View at sunset was gorgeous, looking down on Salida in the valley. Also, close to Poncha Springs (dump, water,).

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Re the Antero area…. When you come to the sign for Browns Creek Trailhead, do not turn left toward it. Go straight. Sites are far apart so generators, partying, etc. is not an issue. It’s the dirt bikes and ATVs that I don’t like. Most of the activity is on the way to the trailhead.

          Yes, I went up the Shavano Road. The area didn’t appeal to me. Again, too many ATVs. I didn’t go beyond the first campground when I saw all the people going that way. This was on a Sunday, I think.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          When I asked about how you made the connection, I meant… How do you know the stone came from the well water at Quartzsite? Stones can form over a long time.

  39. Elizabeth in WA says:

    Sue, What a hilarious photo of Reggie…poor Bridget getting all that dirt stirred up…a wonder she is so patient with him!!

    Ah fresh mountain air, what can beat that? Your clothes will smell so much better after airing anyway…I never liked all the smells my clothes picked up in a laundry…but maybe where you are going, it is not so bad. I am allergic to tobacco smells and strong detergents…

    Hope you enjoy the next spot just as much…and that the weekend was quieter!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Elizabeth,

      Bridget does show a lot of patience. She knows Reggie is part of our family and he has some growing up to do. Thanks for the weekend wish… I hope the same for you!

  40. Felix says:

    A few years ago, I was boondocking west of Salida. There was a potable water spigot outside the Salida Chamber of Commerce. Free, donation requested.
    RV dumping was also available at the sewage treatment plant, east of downtown on 102, off 50.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Felix. We’ve been here over 2 weeks and are moving on. If we ever come back this way again, your info will be helpful.

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