Another entire month of free camping!

The March budget figures and summary of our camps are posted. 

Do you realize the crew and I have camped for free for almost five consecutive months? And we did a lot of free boondocking prior to that, too.  It is possible to live cheaply and still enjoy each day. We proved it!

(My budget can be seen under “Money” in the header.)

Doing online stuff takes up a large portion of the morning.

Rusty comes over.  We discuss how to handle the coordination of house-warming gifts on this blog.  I ask him if there are certain things he really would like to have for his new home, taking notes as we go along on that topic. Rusty expects a long-time friend to visit tomorrow, probably soon after the crew and I leave.

I’ve watched Rusty change over the past two weeks.

He’s gone from not wanting to give up living in his truck to becoming impatient to move into his new residence.  It’s an exciting time!  Timber receives training every day and I can already see a change in him, too.  He’s becoming a more mellow and attentive companion to Rusty.

A white DOT truck pulls up and a man comes around to the door side of the BLT.

“I’ll be right out!” I call.

“I just want to let you know we’ll be blasting over at the quarry today.  It’ll be pretty loud, like thunder.  I don’t want you to become alarmed,” he explains.

“That’s very nice of you to warn me.  Thank you.  And you be careful over there.”

About an hour later, while my face is in the computer, a report goes off so loud I can feel it in my chest.

My first glance at that white truck, I thought it was the forest ranger.

Tonight, April 25th, is our 14th night at Camp Drake.  Tomorrow we move further north to Flagstaff for a new camp.  It will be colder, for sure, but not terribly so . . . highs in the 60s to 70s and lows in the 30s to 40s.

I’m looking forward to a home in the pines.  Speaking of change, I’m also looking forward to Bridget and Spike dropping the dust devil way of life!

This afternoon I pull out my trusty air compressor. 

I bring all the PTV’s tires up to 42 psi.  I check fluid levels and wash the windshield.  I’ll wait until morning to take up the outdoor rug.  If I were to take it up now, the way the wind is picking up, a dust storm would swirl around the BLT.  There will be plenty of time to break camp in the morning as it’s a short trip to our next camp.

I was going to empty out the Perfect Tow Vehicle today to rout the rodents, but it didn’t happen.

Before I knew it the morning was gone.  It was just too hot in the afternoon to tackle that job. I’ll put the trash inside the BLT right before we pull out tomorrow.  I’m going to search for peppermint oil and Fresh Cab in Flagstaff to rid the PTV of the rodent roadies.

I’m also going to order Fresh Cab through Amazon so I always have plenty of it.  Thanks to the readers who told me about this product.  They say it works!


Fresh Cab Rodent Repellent (4 Pouch Box)

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45 Responses to Another entire month of free camping!

  1. Michelle says:

    Sue, I clicked on the Fresh Cab and it came up with a error. I need some for the garage. Safe travels tomorrow.

  2. earthdancerimages says:

    Drive safe and here’s hoping you find a wind-free highway! The wind is howling here today and dust is so thick, it looks like fog in the distance! I am ready for a good old fashioned Florida rain storm with real thunder and lightning bolts !!! I’m gonna miss it here too! I am so glad Timber and Rusty are doing their homework! It is all going to be so worth it in the end!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Ooh, I’ve experienced a dust brown-out like that! I tell you, these spring winds in the Southwest are something else! I’m getting a bit nervous about Monument Valley and the flat northeast corner of Arizona.

      If you’re wanting thunder, rain, and lightning, Florida will not disappoint!

  3. dawnkinster says:

    Safe travels and fun adventures!

  4. Jeannie in WA says:

    Safe travels tomorrow Sue; and good luck getting rid of your rodent problem.

  5. Linda says:

    Hi Sue. The wind is really bad here in Benson too! Wish I had known about this product Fresh Cab about 2 years ago. Had one little mouse in my car and no matter what I tried, could not catch that little sucker! I had these images of me driving down the highway and having a conniption fit because that little mouse was running up my pant leg! LOL I don’t know whatever happened to it, but I sold the car that next year. Linda in Benson, Az.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I know what you mean about the mouse-up-the-leg fear. I’ll be towing tomorrow with the House of Rodents on Wheels, otherwise known as the PTV. Nice to hear from you again, Linda.

  6. Donna D. (stickhouse in CT) says:

    It’s very encouraging to see that doing what you are doing can be attainable at a decent cost. Especially after visiting the Social Security office this past week and seeing what my options are. About what I expected, which is not great but better than nothing. Thanks goodness I have quite a bit of equity in my house.

    On another note: I see that your blog is hosted on wordpress. I hope you don’t mind me asking: do you have the free version or do you pay? Are you satisfied with the service? Do you find it easy enough to use? I am fairly computer literate but not html user friendly, do you have to use much html? Have you ever used any other blogging prgram? Did you check out other blogging services and if so, why did you choose to use WordPress?

    I am looking at getting back into blogging and am picking people’s brains on it. I really appreciate your thoughts re. my questions.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I pay a small annual fee for WordPress. I started out with the free version and upgraded. I should self-host but haven’t gotten around to that yet. I’m happy with WordPress. Like any blogging platform, there are days when it seems out-of-wack and I get irritated with it, but that’s rare. I’ve never used any other blogging platform.

      I consider it user-friendly because I’m not a computer whiz and I manage fine. It wasn’t necessary to use html until I started with the Amazon Associates program. I still haven’t written one line of html. It’s all copy and paste with Amazon.

      I didn’t really check other blogging platforms before choosing WordPress. People were complaining about Blogger at the time. I looked at WordPress, immediately found a theme I liked, started playing around with it, and before long I had so much done and liked what I had created, so I stuck with WordPress and I haven’t regretted it.

      The only negative is WordPress does not support ads (something about javascript). I work around that by posting links instead. A positive with WordPress is it has the slideshow function which may not be available on other platforms. In short, WP is easy to learn and provides good analysis, stats, and support. Good luck!

      • Rev. Mary says:

        The video is nice, however it sure eats up bandwidth. Rev. Mary

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I don’t do videos. I haven’t heard that complaint about slideshows.

          • Ed says:

            I am not certain that the Slide Show eats up bandwidth but I always shut it off as soon as I see that you have one running just in case. You may think that the Slide Show is a positive but I am not a fan.

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              I know you aren’t a fan of the slideshows, Ed. Because of you and other readers with the same opinion, I don’t use the slideshows as often as I used to. There are, however, some readers who really enjoy them. I try to please everybody without success! 🙂

      • Donna D. (stickhouse in CT) says:

        Sue, thank you for sharing your opinion and experience with WordPress. It seems that so many people use Blogger and I am trying to find out which would be best for what I’m thinking I would want to do. Thanks again for your help!

  7. Rita from Phoenix says:

    LOL I’m not the one leaving the camp site yet I felt this dread come over me…how weird is that. I’d never make a good RVer…I’d be depress most of the time. But, I am excited to travel with ya to new places and see what you find & see what the crew gets into. Flagstaff might be a bit chilly yet…I saw snow on the mountains driving home to Phoenix last weekend. My sister lives in northern AZ and today it’s cloudy & chilly & it might rain. I’m sure Spike & Bridget will enjoy a new camp site. Safe travels.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Dread? Oh no, we have got to change that, Rita. It’s time to be happy with anticipation!

      Yes, it’s chilly up that way. We won’t camp on that snow-covered mountain. I can see from Camp Drake that it’s raining up that way right now. It’s supposed to be clear and fairly calm tomorrow. So no need to dread! 🙂

  8. Ladybug says:

    Hmmmm……I can see it now. Sue dragging the poor ol’ Chino Valley mice up to Flagstaff, routing them out of the PTV, then they’re looking around at their new environs thinking, ‘Toto, we’re not in Kansas anymore!’. LOL

  9. Kay says:

    Congrats all the free boondocking, that’s awesome to go several months keeping a low overhead.

    Today was exciting here in front range of Colorado! The SUN was so bright we all had to use our hands over the top of the eyes. NICE CHANGE. Had to take the jacket off by mid afternoon.

    I picked up the RV today today and towed the Suburban home behind it! I was so excited. Going to take a little getting used to the extra length.

    I ran out to the old motor home today and put in 8 new packs of Fresh Cab and did an inspection. I did not find ONE spect of evidence of any squatters. The guy who has a 5er parcked about 10 feet from our old motor home was there. He was not a happy camper. He’s going to be busy the next few weeks working on his rig. He was loaded with squatters. They chewed wires, and all kinds of things. I felt so sorry for him.

    I gave him a tour of the Motor Home, he was so impressed of no signs of squatters. He headed back into town to the hardware store immediately! One thing I forgot to say before, I also place some Fresh Cab in the engine and generator compartments.

    I also use Fresh Cab in my van. I used duct tape to tape a pack on the inside of the van hood where it does not touch anything when hood is closed. I’ve never had a problem with anything. I love the stuff. If you can, I suggest you see about taping a pack under your camper and also toss one in the compartment where your water hookups are.

    I think we’ll be ready to head out of here by mid May. Thanks to dear old grumpy winter. He has us a couple of weeks delayed.

    I am excited as well to see what your crew discovers. I bet Spikey will miss his buddy Timber.

    Congrats to Rusty and Timber on the service dog training. I can’t wait hear when Timber gets to go shopping for his own Wal-Mart goodies!!!!


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good for you, Kay, towing the Suburban behind your rig. Well done!

      That’s quite an endorsement story for Fresh Cab. Side-by-side rigs, you have no rodents and your neighbor is overrun with them. Gosh, wouldn’t the Fresh Cab company like that story!

      Excellent suggestions for using Fresh Cab to protect engine wiring. That can prevent the need for expensive repairs. I also think putting a pack in the water compartment is a good idea, too. Thanks, Kay!

      • Kay says:

        Sue, another thought. Not sure if you have storage compartments on the camper but if you do, toss a pack in there as well. I tend to over do it when it comes to chasing mice away. I hate them unhealthy little buggers. I probably over use Fresh Cab but I don’t want those little critters in my stuff. I also noticed there were less rabbits hanging around too. Don’t know if Fresh Cab chases them out, but they can be just as bad on wire chewing. They hit the Denver airport parking lots and had a good feast and passenger’s expense!

        If you don’t like the scent of Fresh Cab, grate some orange, lemon and grapefruit rinds and put in a nylon stocking and tie. Toss it in as air freshener!

  10. Sherry says:

    I sure know how on line stuff can take up a morning. I have to slam the lid on the thing and get outside. Happy camp site hunting. It always seems like fun to me.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Finding a new camp always reminds me why I live on the road. It’s such fun to set up camp in a new place, explore it, and at the end of the day, watch the sun set behind a new horizon

  11. Thanks for the info on Fresh Cab. My father-in-law told me to use moth balls to keep the mice out of our 5th wheel. Didn’t work. Now we have a very stinky RV. My adopted son gave me something he uses on his farm, now we have no sign of mice, but still have the horrific odor. I will order Fresh Cab through your Amazon sight along with a few other items.

    Glenda, Dallas area

    • Kay says:

      Glenda, My mother believes in those stinky moth balls too. To get the smell out after her “wise” choice did not work. I took both kinds of vinegar, poured several bowls full and set all over. Then I took a grapefruit and lemon and juiced them, added water and mixed into a spray bottle. Used it has a misting spray to freshen the air. This took a few weeks to rid the surface smell. The vinegar I used for several months. Eventually, it left. When I changed the filter in the house furnace, I sprayed the filter with vinegar which seemed to help much better. Needless to say, I told dear old mom not to waste money on that old idea. Bad for breathing! Good luck.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi Glenda,

      You’re welcome. Thanks for shopping through my blog.

  12. carol says:

    mousev up the leg made me think of my mother-in-law, one summer afternoon, we were chatting in the back yard, when she suddenly grabbed her pant leg, and began shedding her pants, she had a wasp in her pants, luckily we live on a farm, so no one strange was there.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      That reminds me of the time I stepped on a yellow jacket nest in my back yard. A swarm attacked me. I ran to the house shedding clothes on the way. By the time I reached the shower I was nearly naked. After the shower I had to clean out the tub of all the drowned yellow jackets. Those dang things can give a powerful hurt!

  13. placestheygo says:

    Travel safely! I am sure it will be very welcoming to have a different environment after so much time in the desert. It is getting a little warm and the cool temps will be wonderful.

    Glad to read things are moving forward for Rusty and that Timber is responding to the training. You are such a great support for Rusty.

  14. cinandjules (NY) says:

    Whooeee…………..we are on the road again! Can’t wait to see where we end up. Safe travels.
    Thanks for the info on the Fresh Cab….we will be getting some for our outbuilding. Never heard of it…..we don’t like poison or those sticky traps…so we’ll give Fresh Cab a try.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      The crew and I are set up in our new camp. I’ll post about it later.

      Darn, I wish I had some of that Fresh Cab now!

      • Timber n' Rusty says:

        Hi Sue, Timber found something you left behind, it’s one of your red wheel chocks that you had behind the left wheel on the BLT, I picked it up and I’ll keep it till we see you again. It is getting cloudy and the west wind is starting to blow hard as I’m typing. take care and thank you, God Bless you and the crew.

        • cinandjules (NY) says:

          In a hurry to get to the new site and she drove right off the wheel chocks? SIlly girl! Thank god you both look after one another!

          Oh I forgot to give you kudos on spending “zero” on sites for the last five months.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Hi Timber n’ Rusty. That last chock wouldn’t pull out from the tire. I forgot to pull ahead and go back and get it. Thanks. Once I got out on Highway 89 heading north I wasn’t about to go back for a chock. Something for you to remember us by . . . God bless you both. I’ll keep in touch . . .

        • Timber n' Rusty says:

          WOW, Windows 8 is something else, I just got used to 7 Starter and now I need a Windows 8 book for dummies book, LOL, See yaa

  15. Irene says:

    Hello Sue and Crew,
    your blog is getting to be a reference spot for us. we are heading out in a bit to try dry camping in Arizona. Would you and your followers have any boondocking and dry camping etiquette for us to follow? Don’t want to step on any toes or tick off anyone when we do.
    apparently mice don’t like Bounce,although i understand that all it does is give you soft, fluffy, nice smelling mice. 🙂 look forward to your blog very much
    Van Island

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Yippee! Irene and company are off to try dry camping in Arizona! Be careful, you may find it hard to go back to campgrounds . . .

      The fact that you ask the question about boondock etiquette is evidence you don’t need to ask, because it’s common sense and manners. Hmm… may be a good topic for a blog post . . .

  16. cinandjules (NY) says:

    Free……………..yay! I was thinking about you only getting 5 channels on your tv. Don’t know if you’re aware that youtube has full length movies available…..there isn’t a full list..easier just to type in what movie you’re in the mood for. Maybe you’ll get lucky.

    Jules has never seen Brian’s Song………….WHAT??? yeah she had a sheltered three channel tv life as a kid. She’s never heard of Tennessee tuxedo or Chumley either. I found Brian’s song on youtube……………and thought of you and your limited tv channel availability. So if you need to do something when your stuck inside the BLT….remember youtube movies.

    When we drove across the USofA….Zulu was free and had the current tv episodes…it is no longer free.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Nice of you to mention Youtube movies. I’ve got to be careful about using up my allotted data for the month. I’m online a lot these days with the blog plus Amazon, not to mention emails and such. When I can’t get TV I’m reminded why I live this way… to see the world in real life!

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