Apache Creek Campground, Gila National Forest

Friday, April 29 (continued)

In the previous episode the crew and I meet two women and a small child who are tent-camping at Apache Creek Campground.  We conclude our visit and resume walking in search of a campsite to make our home.

P1110031 Our campsite among the Ponderosa pines

A path made by wildlife goes to and from Apache Creek near our camp.

P1110032Apache Creek

“Hey, Bridge!  C’mon, Reggie!  Let’s walk some more!”

P1110044Sites are widely space.  This feels like a boondock.  Reggie is excited!

“I think you like it here, Bridge.  You’re walking great today!”

I stop to give her a few pats.  She looks up at me, wags her tail, and we continue on our way.

P1110027Bridget is a natural vagabond.  She’s always happy to move to a new camp!

After lunch I tidy up the interior of the Best Little Trailer.

P1110050Bridget sits in the doorway while action-figure Reggie investigates stuff on the ground.

I wash a dishpan-full of dishes at the picnic table. 

The task isn’t a chore when one is serenaded by a variety of birds while standing in a place as lovely as this!

P1110046Bridget keeps an eye on me, avoiding the camera.  “I see you peeking, Bridgie!”

In the afternoon a light, cold rain drives us inside the Best Little Trailer.

I turn on the Wave 3 heater to take the chill out of our home.

That evening the soft roar of wind through the pinetops, along with the patter of raindrops, lulls us to sleep, cuddled together under the covers.

It rains, on and off, throughout the night.

End of Part 1 . . . .

I’ve cut this post into two parts due to its length.  Part 2 will be ready for posting later today and will tell the story of search-and-rescue!



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68 Responses to Apache Creek Campground, Gila National Forest

  1. Colleen from Alabama says:

    Looks like a relaxing camp site. I can hear the breeze thru those trees………..heaven.

  2. Kim in TX says:

    Hi Sue –
    wanted to attempt to be #1. Thanks for your blog and for all the knowledge and experiences you share!!!

  3. Jane in Bremerton, WA says:

    Maybe 1st??? Great shot of Reggie man flying! I like this type of forest. It’s now on my list to go to for sure! Thanks!

  4. Marsha says:

    Looks like a great camp. Can’t wait to hear the rest of the story.

  5. Barb from Hoquiam! says:

    In the top 50? YAY! Now to read the post! 😛

  6. MollyLuvsRoadtrippin says:

    I love your writing style Sue! I always feel the serenity of settling into a new camp through your descriptions. The pines are amazing there! Nice change from the desert even if some showers come with it.

  7. Steve says:

    Dang, I didn’t make first, but I’ve been checking while updating my blog (for the first time since November), and I came close…now to go back and read like everyone else.

  8. Jack Spratter says:


    I really enjoy your descriptive writing style: “Bridget sits in the doorway while action-figure Reggie investigates stuff on the ground.” Your adjectival use is far above normal writing skills.

  9. Barb from Hoquiam! says:

    OMG another twist and tailwagger??? HOW COULD YOU SUE??????????????

    Hugs from Hoquiam, Sittin’ on the edge of my chair!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Haha! Hi, Barb . . . I had to cut it into two sections… The second part is really long and has a completely different tone than the first part. 🙂

  10. Hi Sue,
    Looks like a great site. I like the spaciousness of the sites and if there are birds it is even greater. Glad Bridget was up to walking and that Reggie was able to burn off some energy. Patiently waiting for the second half.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Lisa,

      Oh, there are birds, lots of birds! Nuthatches, woodpeckers, bluebirds, hawks, swallows, blackbirds, quail, flickers, turkeys and more!

  11. Applegirl NY says:

    Those tall Ponderosa Pines are beautiful.

    I envy that you can leave the BLT’s door open without being bombarded with mosquitoes and other biting insects.

    Can’t wait to hear about the search and rescue.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Applegirl,

      It is nice not to live with flying insects. We have been very fortunate over the past years of travel, very rarely encountering mosquitoes. In some cases we avoid them and the no-see-ums by going inside at dark, but mostly we’ve camped when and where they aren’t.

      • Steve says:

        I’ve never full-timed (and may never…) but to me that’s one of the greatest advantages, obvious after reading your blog: you can move to maintain your preferred environment. Annoyed by bugs (or people), move where they aren’t. Too cold? Move somewhere warmer. I know it’s not the perfect life (nothing’s perfect), but it’s darn close!

  12. Pookieboy in SETexas says:

    cant wait for part 2

  13. Jean in Southaven, MS says:

    Well as I write it shows that I am coming in a slow 19. Of course by the time I get this written no telling how far down I will be. But no matter, I am here and enjoying your post. I am curious what the search and rescue is.

  14. BadgerRickInWis says:

    Such a tease. STILL no search and rescue. 🙂

    I must say that I just love the look of this campground. You’re not too far from the part of the country where I grew up, just the terrain brings back happy memories.

    But I’m curious about the campground. Is it USFS? And why is it free? Seems strange that they wouldn’t at least put up an iron ranger and collect whatever they collect.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Rick,

      Yes, this is a U.S. Forest Service campground — Gila National Forest. Both Apache Creek and Bighorn (our previous camp) are free. Why are they free? Maybe because there isn’t the personnel to collect the fees from the iron ranger? Not many people live in this area. Weren’t more forest campgrounds free in days past? I don’t know. It is nice that people who can’t afford to pay fees can camp here.

      • Steve says:

        It is nice to hear there are still free campgrounds (in addition to boondocking). My family spent a lot of time camping, and my parents always said that they preferred National Forest Campgrounds to National Parks in many ways.

  15. Judy J. in upstate S.C. says:

    Eagerly awaiting the search and rescue story. Does it have a happy ending, or a “not so happily ever after” one?? The suspense is killing us all. How are we supposed to get anything else done when we have to keep watching for your update?! Signed, Frustrated ?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Judy… hee-hee…

      I really didn’t intend to make this a big suspense. I shouldn’t have mentioned it in the post before this one. No hints on the ending . . . Sorry to mess up your day! At least you have an excuse not to accomplish anything today… 🙂

  16. Laura says:

    Enjoy your posts. Glad I found this. You are a natural story-teller!

  17. Ronda western WA says:

    Action figure ? Go Reggie Go!
    Looks like a beautiful camp. Love the big trees. I’m adding this to my places to go list. Thanks RVSue

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Ronda. It is a beautiful camp and very accessible. We’ve camped in great campgrounds that took a long drive on a washboard road or steep and curvy or whatever. This one is a short distance from the main road, enough so there isn’t any noise (heck, there isn’t any traffic!).

  18. Pat (Freespirit)-in Texas says:

    Looks like a great campground!! Am writing this one down for sure. That Reggie is such a hoot!
    Sue, I had a disaster last night. I’m parked at a friends place..yesterday morning male friend came around and told me he had hooked me up to water. I said great..thanks! Never thought a thing about it until I heard water later in the day. Took me a minute to get it..thought it might be raining. OMG, I suddenly decided it was NOT raining..there was water running somewhere..and it was running from the bathroom..the toilet was running over!! Much to my dismay, I discovered he had hooked the hose up to my black water flush! What a mess!! Since I’m so clueless right now, what might be the ramifications?? It probably would have made a hilarious video. LOL

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      That’s terrible, Pat! Good heavens, what a mess! I am so sorry that happened to you.

      I hope you don’t mind if I take advantage of what teachers call “a teachable moment” . . . . .

      One of the most important things to remember — especially those of you who are RVing solo — is this:

      Never let someone else do for your rig what you can do yourself.

      Of course, learn how to handle all aspects of your rig and then turn down any offer of help.

      There are too many people in this world who 1) don’t know what they’re doing, 2) are careless with that which isn’t theirs, and/or 3) feel compelled to be “helpful” when help isn’t what they have to offer.

      Not lecturing you, Pat… It’s an easy trap to fall into. Just putting this here for general info for anyone reading it.

      I hope you can get things cleaned up and straightened out without too much difficulty. And thank you for helping others by sharing this experience.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You asked “what might be the ramifications?” I don’t know. Maybe others will comment on that.

      • Pat (Freespirit)-in Texas says:

        Sue, I don’t consider that lecturing at all..I need all the help I can get (from now on, only verbal though). I totally respect you and your knowledge, and appreciate your kindness. I’ve always been a get ‘er done kinda gal…don’t know what got into me..just a little intimidated by something new, I guess. I did manage to hook it up the first time all by myself, and even backed it in where I’m staying temporarily..and did a dang good job of it, with no extended mirrors or a backup camera. Must have been the experience backing up horse & utility trailers that helped.
        Thanks again!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Good for you, Pat! I like your attitude and can-do spirit!

          • Pat, you’re going to need professional caliber cleaning. Everywhere the water went is now contaminated with e-coli. When the weather gets warm, it’s going to be ugly. If carpet got wet, you may need to remove it, not sure if the carpet, carpet pad and wood underneath can be sterilized. This is a big deal and I wish you all the luck in the world with it.

            • MelindaK (TX) says:


              I agree with the not letting others help when you are a solo traveler. I have found that everyone has their own system and checklist. Inveribly something gets missed or messed up even though they had good intentions.

              I agree with Allison too. You will need your unit professional cleaned. It might be best to replace any carpet & pad that got wet.

  19. EmilyO in NM says:

    Oh my, would love to have a video, with sound, of the wind blowing thru the pine trees (and maybe the crunch of walking on pine needles). Would beat the sound of wind blowing thru cactus! There is a challenge for you Sue. Have a good day and glad you are feeling so much better.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, EmilyO. The sound of wind through pine boughs is tough to describe… It really isn’t a roar. . . a soft roar maybe? Seems like a contradiction.

      Nope, I’ve never read or heard anyone wax poetic about wind through the cacti! Ha!! You have a good day, too. Hope the wind dies down in T or C…

  20. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    This is a beautiful campsite, so peaceful. Reggie looks to be having himself a grand run & play time. Bridget is looking as relaxed as the camp makes a person feel. According to the news, the west is in for some cool temps for a few days. We are having some of that too right now & thru Friday.

    • edlfrey says:

      No worries Sue, today is shaping up to be the hottest day so far in 2016 for Silver City with a couple more to come. Maybe cooling some on Saturday and Sunday but back into the high 70s and low 80 by next Tuesday.

      If Barbara is seeing reports of cooler temperatures in the west she is probable getting forecast for the left coast – we are a long way from the left coast!

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Speaking of weather, Ed, after this “suspense post” I’ll be writing about our recent encounter with some wild weather…. Boy, New Mexico is full of surprises! Although I could’ve seen this one coming …..

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Barbara,

      wunderground.com says it will dip to 36 degrees during the weekend. Before and after the weekend, warm temps. Of course, I’ve learned that the forecasts are often wrong. You keep warm in Nashville!

      The crew did like Apache Creek. I think it was due to the soft ground (as opposed to rocky) and the wide open spaces. We’re at a different camp now. We will stay here with this good internet connection until I have the blog caught up.

  21. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Reg man is so silly! Do his paws ever stay on the ground?

    Hello Ms Bridgee babee. A vagabond? Vagabond is a good thing! Okay…tap tap tap patiently awaiting part two of the cliff hanger

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cinandjules,

      Reggie’s paws touch more air than surface. He plays hard, moves constantly, and then, bingo… He’s out… fast asleep. It’s all or nothing with him. I love it when I’ve run him down to near exhaustion and then he sleeps so sweetly.

      Okay, I hear you tapping your foot…. I’ll finish up Part 2 and post it before nightfall. Mountain Time, that is. 🙂

      • Cinandjules (NY) says:

        Remember you are the driver…..we are just passengers on this wonderful voyage. Post when time and energy permits!

  22. AZ Jim says:

    I like this site. Tall trees, opens spaces so you can see a snake if one comes to visit. I am, of course waiting for the followup on this cliff hanger about a search and rescue.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jim,

      The open spaces are nice. The desert has lots of open space but you have to be careful about the washes where coyotes can pop up.

      Gee, I hope people aren’t disappointed with the next post. I don’t want it to be like Geraldo Rivera opening up Capone’s safe… Remember that fiasco…

      • AZ Jim says:

        Hahahaha I sure do remember. I, like half of America was watching on TV only to find the discovery of the century, was a big fat zip, nada, nothing….

  23. weather says:

    Serenaded by birds, settled in before the cold and rain comes through, wind in the pines overhead at bedtime sounds perfectly timed and perfectly delightful. You three were likely the good kind of tired at day’s end making it feel at least as nice as it sounds if not more.Special times and details I know you don’t take for granted because your fondness for it all comes through in your writing and photos. What a pleasure it is to enjoy your posts, share your treasures and be glad for you having them. Thanks for letting me do that again 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, weather. Thank you for your loyalty to me, the crew and this blog.

      You set out this morning to accomplish some things before the rain comes your way again. I hope you are a “good kind of tired” this evening and the sounds around you (or lack of them) soothe and ease you into a good night’s rest.

  24. Renee Galligher - Idaho says:

    I love this campground and the fact that you are pretty much alone too. That’s great. So peaceful. I recall our own trips where we are lulled to sleep by the pitter patter of raindrops during the night. Can’t wait to read the conclusion “search and rescue”.

  25. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue,

    Loved the pictures of sweet Bridget keeping an eye on you from the BLT doorway! And Reggie….Go Reggie! G0!! He is like greased lightening!!! Zoom Zoom Zoom!!! 🙂

    I am looking forward to hearing the rest of the story, Paul Harvey! 🙂

    Sending you and your dear Crew hugs from me and Gracie pup!! 🙂

  26. Gingerita in NE Indiana ( for now) says:

    Beautiful spot. It’s great to see the photos of the crew enjoying the campsite in their own way. Bridget, beautiful and dignified as always, and Reggie, adorable and ready for action and adventure!

  27. Nancy from South Georgia says:

    What a lovely place you’ve found, Sue. The photo of Reggie running full tilt reminds me of the Pony Express logo from long ago, where the back legs are stretched towards the front and the entire body is off the road. What a little ripper! That is one happy pup and he shows you that each day. If he could talk he’d say “Thanks a bunch for my new life, Sue, and I love you THIS MUCH!!”

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