Attitude and gratitude

Friday, May 22

P1040988Camping in central Oregon

“C’mon, Bridgee!  Don’t you want to walk with us?

I’m outside the Best Little Trailer tugging on Bridget’s leash.  She’s sitting in the open doorway with her butt glued to the floor.

“It’s a beautiful morning, sweetie.  It’ll be nice.  Come with us!”

No dice.

“Okay then.  Have an attitude.  Reggie and I are going without you.”

I remove her black suit and leash.  She jumps outside.  I shut the door.

“Goodbye, you stubborn girl!”

Reggie and I take the trail that parallels the Deschutes River.

P1040950The crew and I have stayed close to camp the past few days.

We did take a drive into La Pine.  I bought some groceries and poked around inside the thrift store without buying anything.  We also cruised through some neighboring campgrounds and walked a few trails.

P1040936The campground has remained quiet.

A Class A camper came in and parked away from us.  They stayed two nights.  If it weren’t for the pleasant smell of their campfire, I would have forgotten they were here.

P1040933 Also someone pulled in late, probably didn’t pay the fee, and left early.  They were camping in their car.  I see people doing that occasionally as we camp in various places.

I wonder if they’re being frugal or being desperate.

P1040979Seeing folks avoid the campground fee reminds me to be grateful for what I have.

P1040992Over four years have passed since I made that life-changing phone call to Casita Travel Trailers in Rice, Texas, while holding the travel trailer brochure, dog-eared from weeks of studying and dreaming over it.

Jonathon, the Casita sales rep, helped me decide what options I wanted.  I remember the thrill when I placed the order for the Best Little Trailer. I’m going to do this!  I really am!

I still have moments when I find it hard to believe that I am “doing this.”

P1040970I like to putter around camp when the weather is nice.

The supply of water obtained at the state park on the way to this camp made washing dishes possible.  I had built up a collection of dirty dishes while conserving water.

P1040928-001Bridget and Reggie like it when I do stuff outside.

I set up their beds nearby because the ground still holds the damp and cold from the previous night.  They relax while I wash and dry the dishes.

P1040931Okay, back to this morning’s walk . . . .

Reggie is having a great time!  His little noggin is turning this way and that, anxious to see what’s what, sniffing this and that, jumping over logs in the trail . . . .

Little logs, not massive ones like this.

P1040960I’m having fun taking photos.

Then we hear a distant bark.  Bridget!  I bet she’s sorry she didn’t come with us!

Reggie hears her and stops his sniffing to listen.

P1040961“Yeah, that’s Bridget wanting us to come home.”

Reggie pulls on the leash to follow the sound of Bridget’s wails.

Together we run the path, the path we were strolling a few moments before.

“We’re coming, Bridget!”

P1040962Of course, I stop to snap a few photos on the way!

“We’re back!” I call out as Reggie and I approach.

Bridget turns her head away and looks around nonchalantly, as if our appearance is nothing that interests her.

P1040964“You are one strange dog, Bridget.  Well, guess what?  You’re going for a walk with us around the campground loop, whether you want to or not.”

She wants to.


NOTE:  I’m taking a break from comments.  Feel free to discuss topics that interest you while I sit back and read what you have to say and to marvel at what wonderful followers I have.  The sitemeter is moving close to two million visits as I type this.  Thank you for making it happen!


I appreciate you going to Amazon from my blog.  Here’s a sample of items recently purchased by readers:

Cuisinart Portable Tabletop Gas Grill
Picnic Tablecloth with 6 Clamps
Dell Laptop
Toshiba Laptop
Bedside Caddy, Set of 2
The Next Exit 2015: The Most Complete Interstate Hwy Guide


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121 Responses to Attitude and gratitude

  1. Norman in San Diego says:

    Hi Sue,

    Have a great weekend. Enjoying the campsite pictures.


  2. Timber/Rusty East of Flagstaff says:

    Hey # 3

  3. Jan In MI says:

    Maybe 4?

  4. JSprater says:

    Hi RVSue:

    I was the 2,000,000 visitor! Your blog continues to inspire me. Congratulations for a very successful blog.

    I am presently in British Columbia, Canada, and enjoying the cooler weather.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Chris B. beat you with her comment under a previous post at 4:58. You, JSprater, are the first of the third million!

      • Krystina - Oakdale , CA says:

        Congratulations RVSue!!! Very popular YOUNG lady 🙂 I’m with you all the way.


      • JSprater says:

        Actually, I made a screenshot of the sitemeter that displays “2,000,000” as a memorabilia for myself. If you are interested, I will send to you the JPG.

  5. Lee J in Northern California says:

    What a sweet story, it made me smile! Bridget wants to have her opinions acknowledged and you do…makes you both happy.

    I love it that Reggie was concerned about her bark, as were you, it makes me feel kinship for your little crew,’ let’s go see what Bridget needs!’

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend and the camp companions that show up are quiet and peaceful….
    I will be counting down the numbers , wow, two million visits! The first million took a while, but the second has zoomed are popular girl! Lots and lots of us ride along on your adventures, and look forward to your next blog post,
    thanks so much for sharing your journey.

  6. Betty Shea says:

    Have a great holiday weekend to all!!!

  7. PookieBoy SE Texas says:

    top 10…..yeepee…….

  8. weather says:

    think it rolled in at 8:05 EST,Woo Hoo! Time for dessert to celebrate!Hope you got something to do that with while you were at the store,though the taste of sweet success might do.Have a nice break,Sue,thanks for posting first.Really nice colors in the photos on this one,and we got to see Reggie’s new bed 🙂 Bridget sounds like she wanted to wind up slowly,Ha!I can relate.

    • weather says:

      Hope amid the holiday weekend and other hooplah you are in a covering of quiet sounds and peace,Sue.So far I’ve been blessed by a bit of a buffer from noise and such, except contact with pleasant things and folks I care for very much…One,my granddaughter,will be choosing a college this year as she’ll be entering 12th grade in September.She didn’t start out as a fan of winter so I was shocked to hear she’s considering the one near me.First -picture this-my son and daughter in law with their first taste of empty nest syndrome while I have their “little ones” under my wing to love.It’s far too soon to say that’s how it’s going to play out,still I’m so touched by it all.

      You woke in your grandmother’s home with a plate placed “just so” for you,my two grands are likelier to wake in the jeep as I’m gunnin’it to top a hill,and hand them a bagel and can of oj,and like me anyway.~Being yourself~ got your blog a couple millions visits so far and you the affection of countless spanning this globe we wander,my doing that has gotten me gifts so wonderful often they’re hard to believe,too.Amazing that so many still encourage others to take only the expected known path,if they encourage anyone at all,isn’t it? Thank God you aren’t one of them.Re-reading this post I saw you clinging to the loveworn Casita brochure knowing it was right for you.You’ll always know that by being who you are.May that woman see starlight to match her own in life and dreams ,n’nite

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        Weather, How lovely your granddaughter is considering a college near you too!! Something wonderful to look forwards to, and I am very happy FOR YOU!!

        • weather says:

          You,dear Elizabeth ,are always so sweet to me,thank you for being happy for me 🙂 I hope you and hubby are well in all ways.I am pleased that my grands love me back,of course!I will be encouraging my grand daughter to choose a west coast college,as I intend to “roll down the roads” on my journey I would prefer our family visits not commit me to remain where I came for the sake of one now traveling heaven’s roads.There’s a bouquet of fresh lilacs in my kitchen window’s warm light as I type,beautiful to smell and see,yet so are misty purple mountains and ocean waves!!!

          • Elizabeth in WA says:

            Ah, and you Weather, are a very encouraging lady too and I enjoy what you have to say!! Well…so you want to travel soon…good to let them know what to expect… Life is full of changes. Yes, thanks, we are ok…no thanks to the nutty drivers. We are CONSIDERING a possible purchase of some little cottage in these parts…MAYBE in awhile…after our Seattle daughter does not need us as much maybe. SO we have been driving about a little bit here and there…fun just to look and see what is out there. I do not like the humidity here, nor the snakes and bugs, but it remains that most of our kids and grandkids live in these parts. The ideal would be a tiny dwelling on both coasts…but as we know, if life is ideal it is by moments or days, but not even a whole month…so we shall see how it all goes. As usual trying our best to follow the still, small voice.
            Ah lilacs…takes me back to my childhood…a couple places we lived had lots of them…plenty to be able to cut them to take indoors too. Such a lovely smell! And Weather, if indeed you venture to the Northwest, I warn you, it is not an easy place to leave…not really. My favorite year around weather is southern Idaho…but it is not very pretty there truthfully. But it has little humidity, and 4 very distinct seasons. Something to be said for that…and winters can be beastly from time to time. Summers? Always have a sweatshirt or sweater for evenings…even though it can get over 100 in the daytime in August…for a little while. Most summers that is.

            • weather says:

              Ah-h Elizabeth ,that still small voice will make sure all that’s truly best and ideal will come to us…When the big change came in my life my family knew not long after that my tiny dwelling would be on wheels,the exact time was all none of us knew yet when to expect.I love picturing you and hubby enjoying a little free time exploring possibilities 🙂 hugs

          • BadgerRickInWis says:

            So funny, lilacs always make me think of my grandmother. I wonder if they will do the same for your grandchildren?
            May the circle be unbroken.

            • Elizabeth in WA says:

              Nice thought, Rick…no, no lilacs since our grandchildren have been around. Not sure they grow here in this area, as I have not seen them. Thanks for the wish…we can only hope so in other meanings of that.

            • Elizabeth in WA says:

              PS…should clarify as we are currently still back where the most of our grandchildren live, North Carolina…I do think they have them in the area we live in WA state.

            • weather says:

              When my grandmother visited us we’d have the windows open,she,my mother and I loved them- we had a huge lilac bush outside the window- the breeze would carry their perfume all through the house.There’s a mountain village near San Diego that sold them by the armful, when I raised my son there I got some every year.My now daughter in law was with us constantly even then,at 8yrs. old my son saw her outside near our home,we’d just moved there from NY,he came and got me and said “Come here.See that girl,Mom?When I grow up I’m going to marry her!”. He hadn’t met her yet,just knew…Next springtime I’ll get some for the whole family.What a wonderful sentiment “may the circle be unbroken” …happy sigh!

            • Elizabeth in WA says:

              What an interesting story about your son…I hope they have been blissful…the first guy I dated, his parents had known each other since they were 5 years old. I am always amazed by such happenings. Tis not always like that for all of us. But very nice when it occurs. You will have to let us know what kind of rig you get etc…if you have the animals all there, it may need to be a twinge bigger than Sue’s? Sounds like you know folks on both coasts too…so you no doubt wish to see more of them all. That is the hard part…when we are on one coast we want to stay, then we go to the other coast and want to stay there too…but the RV life is still something we say “maybe” about…just not yet…we have things to do for awhile yet.

            • weather says:

              My “kids” are happy,it’s great.The rv I think I’ll get is a class c,one bed over the drivers seat,one in the back,small bathroom,wee kitchen and table-just a couple feet longer than Sue’s yet a spot for each critter and I,we’ll see,I’m not going to spend a fortune.The days are gone when family and friends stayed in one place,I guess since the 1930’s really.The wars ,industry,depression-it’s a different world.We’re blessed to have folks we care about,where ever we all are 🙂

  9. PookieBoy SE Texas says:

    ugh…forgot to click notify me

  10. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    When I started I was #9, one of the few times I’ve even been in the top ten.

    • Barbara (Nashville) says:

      The hiking photos are lovely. Funny that Reggie seems to want to go back to Bridget, as she act so nonchalant. By the time I typed, I was at #13. Oh well…..
      Utah and the Northwest are definitely on my bucket list. I want to see a lot of things, but they are the top of my list.

  11. Cat Lady on the road in Panguitch, Utah says:

    Sue, I’m getting ready to order the exact same camera you have but I’d also like to get a case for it. Which one do you have and could you furnish the links for both the camera and the case?

    I thought I had loaded my camera in the rv before leaving home but I’ve torn this place apart looking for it and have had no luck in finding it. Okay, I’ll order one like Sue’s…but I do want the case, too. Whattaya wanta bet when I get the new camera/case that I find my old one, lol? Thanks, Sue.

    BTW, Reggie is a real cutie. I’m sure he helps fill the hole in both your and Bridget’s hearts. We’ll never forget Spike but Reggie Man helps ease the pain.

    Cat Lady

  12. Elizabeth in WA says:

    I guess I am a bit like Bridget, as when I have had enough walking, I don’t go along either. Tis no picnic when the older body slows down!!

  13. Jolene says:

    This is such a great campsite. You will hear this a lot from me on this route. This is my kind of country.

    Bridget and Reggie are so cute! I loved how Reggie was concerned about Bridget. Such sweet pups!!

  14. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Congrats on reaching a milestone! May you continue with your success and more importantly living your life on your terms, living on less and enjoying life more!

    Reggie standing up on that log, hearing Bridget’s bark was precious! Then picturing the two of you scampering back was……touching….made me smile.

    The photo of the pinecone…….fabulous!

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Did you order the 17b yet?! Y’know…if you dreamt about it, it must be the right thing to do! You would have until January to figure out the tow……and even though the Canadian dollar seems to be gaining some strength, US orders still get a nice 20% or better discount….. Just sayin….. 🙂 🙂

      • Cinandjules (NY) says:

        Nope…..I still need to see the aisle space in the FD …just to make sure.

        But……It’s probably safe to say….with the two dinettes that can convert into beds….I’m really leaning toward the 17B.

        • Denise - Richmond VA says:

          Hope you can find a FD soon to compare.

          I like the flexibility of the 17B, too…if I am traveling solo I can use the single dinette and have the nice view out of the back window. At least that is how I see it in my dreams! 🙂

          Regarding a TV: Honda has redesigned the Pilot for 2016. You would need to get AWD to get the need tow capacity. If you don’t care about leather and bells and whistles, the LX model might be a consideration. The mileage would be decent towing & for a daily vehicle. And, there would be plenty of room for AO and your stuff. When my time comes, I will not be able to afford a TV + an everyday car, so I will looking for a nice compromise. Shoot, by that time, there will be something else to consider!

          Have a great weekend! 🙂

          • Denise - Richmond VA says:

            …use the single dinette for my bed…

            • Cinandjules (NY) says:

              We apparently …….. are having the same dream!

              This TV stuff is sooooooo confusing.

            • Denise - Richmond VA says:


            • BadgerRickInWis says:

              Denise, I think I shared the story of the woman in my neighborhood who let me tour her 17B and that is exactly how she has hers setup. She travels solo and has a 3 inch memory foam mattress and had custom sewn sheets for it. Very nice arraignment.

  15. leesa says:

    Always look forward to your blog posts as I dream of being able to live the fulltime life one day. I keep notes of the places I want to see based on the wonderful pictures your take. Love to read about the adventures of Bridget and Reggie they certainly are entertaining.

  16. Ronb says:

    Barbara, you will love our Northwest. We have a very diverse scenery, from snow capped mountain’s to deserts high country in the East and lots of forest and meandering streams and rivers to the Oregon coast with it’s beautiful and wild scenery. One of the best thing to happen to me was when my Mom put us on the train in Los Angles back in ‘48 and moved to Oregon.

  17. BadgerRickInWis says:

    2 million visits.
    2 million times people have been inspired.
    2 million times that lives have been made richer.
    2 million times that those who come here have been blessed by your hard work, your god given gifts, your caring and most importantly the love that you show the world through this blog and through your life.

    You have touched and changed more lives than you will ever realize. I feel so blessed and am so grateful to count myself among them.

    Congratulations on a milestone. But you and this community are so much more than just a number. Thank you.

    • BadgerRickInWis says:

      Oh, and with all due props to Cinandjules,

      “Bridgeee babee” you just keep being you. 🙂

    • Marilu from Northern California. says:

      Beautifully said, Badger Rick.

    • That’s it exactly. Thanks Rick and…

      Congratulations RVSue! Woot, woot! Those fur babies are too cute too and with the magic of your story tellin’ I can pretty much hear them!

      I remember when we drove by where you bought the BLT in TX. Was like we were seeing a star on Hollywood Blvd of our favorite star! 🙂

      Take care ya’ll!

    • Krystina - Oakdale , CA says:

      True, true and more true….you are something else Rick!

    • Gayle - SO CAL Beach Boomer says:

      Nice post! Look around at the world and then look back at RVSueandcrew and see that joy and sharing and nature are still with us!

  18. Shirlene (So. Cal) says:

    2 million hugs and kisses!!!!

  19. Velda says:

    Wow you did it! And I missed it being busy. 2,000,489 as I stop by at 7:34 pm on Friday May 23,2015. Congratulations Sue,Bridget , and Reggie! Your teamwork continues to entertain daily! My thanks for that as you create memories for your little family.

  20. AlanOutandAbout says:

    Hi Sue, I have a question that concerns your photos. Is the sky heavily overcasted. I ask this because even though your composition is as always excellent, the focus is off. Only the close ups are in focus, any image that has some distance to it are out of focus. The only thing I know of that may cause this in a P&S camera is low light conditions. If this isn’t the case you might want to see if you can get your camera checked out. I haven’t noticed this issue in the past, only in the last few weeks. Or perhaps you have inadvertently set it to one of the modes it has that may be causing this. This isn’t something that you are doing so please don’t take offense. With a P&S camera focus is primarily controlled by the cameras choice of aperture and shutter speed, which is controlled by the light conditions.

    Wishing you the best.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Yes, heavily overcast with dim, early morning light on several. I had to add a lot of “fill light” in editing in order to make the photos comfortably visible.

      I’ll experiment with different settings to see if I can improve the quality. Thanks, Alan.

      • AlanOutandAbout says:

        That explains it. Here is the issue. Hand held cameras assume the camera is being held in your hand. As such it always uses the fastest shutter speed it can in order to prevent camera shake. In low light conditions the camera will have to use the largest aperture setting it can, this results in a very short depth of focus, quite often only a few inches. This is what you are experiencing. See if your camera has something called Aperture Priority. This mode allows you to set the aperture setting you want. Say 8 or 11 this should allow an acceptable depth of focus. However this may result in a slow shutter speed and you have to hold the camera very steady. It is a game of give and take. Best of luck.

  21. PJ Crim says:

    Confession of an Accidental Clinger

    I’d never heard the term before reading your blog – and last year I made a comment disparaging some people on our canoe camping trip that camped right across the river from us after telling us that we were camping in “their spot.” Guess what? This year we ended up being clingers on our canoe trip – much to our chagrin. We returned to the Jack’s Fork River for a three day/two night trip. We met a group who asked us about the gravel bar at Jam Up Cave and we told them it was only about a mile further down the river. They asked if we were camping there and we told them no, that we were camping right where we were because it had been a long day and we were tired. When we got our tent set up – we realized that the river was rising – our marker stick was already three feet out in the water and our canoe was starting to float away! We took the tent back down and loaded up the canoe. By the time we finished the fire ring was completely under water and half of the gravel bar was gone. The only higher bar to camp on was – you guessed it – Jam Up! It was almost dark so the only safe option was to float down to Jam Up and ask the other campers if we could camp way far down on the other end, which we did. They were exceptionally gracious and concerned about us being flooded out so close to dark and even helped us carry our gear up the bar. We camped on the opposite end and put our chairs and fire on the other side of our tent to reduce visual and noise intrusion and apologized again in the morning. They reassured us that it was no problem in the extreme circumstances and we wished each other well on the rest of our trips. I didn’t realize until I caught up on your blog after the trip that I had been an ACCIDENTAL CLINGER! The second night, we were blissfully alone again after finding a high gravel bar further down the river. I totally get your desire to camp alone.

    • AlanOutandAbout says:

      You are not a clinger. You did what you had to do and you had the grace to ask if it was ok. Clingers camp next to another camper when there is no need and they never ask. So don’t feel guilty. Enjoy your canoe trip.

      • Gayle - SO CAL Beach Boomer says:

        There are parking lot clingers, too. I’ll never forget being in a one-acre parking lot early in the morning, as the only vehicle on the lot. In comes a lady and parks her car alongside mine, pinning me between her and the market baskets! I could not get out of my minivan. Jeez!

        • Elizabeth in WA says:

          Doesn’t that take the cake though?? You really wonder what in the world goes on in some heads…well, probably not a lot maybe in some cases!! 😉

  22. texcyn says:

    Congrats on the 4 year + mark. Keep living the dream…. 🙂

  23. Memorial Day allows me to thank all the service men and women who have bravely defended our freedoms! My father and my mother were both Marines during WWII. Being a Marine meant my mom could see more of the world than life on the dairy farm where she was raised in New Hampshire. Being a Marine meant my dad could escape working the coal mines of West Virginia and see more of the world than he probably wanted to see. My dad was a survivor of Iwo Jima. They met after he returned to the States and married 3 months later! Thank you to all the young men and women who have left their homes and families to serve and protect you and your families and me with mine!

    • That’s beautiful Geri.

      I’d like to thank all who have served too. Thank you!

    • Gayle - SO CAL Beach Boomer says:

      I really get hurt when someone says, “Don’t think Memorial Day weekend is about beach parties.” Jeez, some of us lived with war and won’t forget the sacrifices that you write about.

      • Sorry if my posting my thoughts about Memorial Day hurt you Gayle! That was not my intention!

        • Cinandjules (NY) says:

          Actually i think she was agreeing with you.

        • Gayle - SO CAL Beach Boomer says:

          OH, NO, NOT YOUR POST GERI! I heard that sentiment from a Buddhist nun in her daily blog, a 6 o-clock news anchor, and a schoolteacher in my neighborhood. Our local paper is tracking the progress of ex-St. Monica Mayor Bobby Shriver, who is working to secure unused bldgs at the VA WLA for permanent housing for homeless vets. So maybe not everyone gets these constant reminders of war.

  24. Susan in Dallas says:

    2,000,000 and counting! What a great tribute to a place that is informative, supportive, positive, and caring. A happy Memorial Day to all, and grateful thanks to all who have served our country.

  25. Nancy says:

    When I was younger I always thought of Memorial Day as a summer holiday that marked the beginning of the season. Only when I was older did I fully appreciate what it really means. Cannot fully imagine the sacrifices of those who went before me.

    Tomorrow I’ll go to Beaufort National Cemetery in Beaufort, SC to visit the grave of my dad whose marker is inscribed WWII, Korea, Vietnam. He was career Navy and joined during WWII when he was only 16 and lied about his age. We will put flowers on the grave and the cemetery will put flags on each gravesite.

    Happy Memorial Day to everyone.

  26. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Good morning Sue and fellow blogorinos!

    Congratulations, Sue, on surpassing 2 million visitors – Whoo-Hoo! Time to update the counter’s header! Thank you for sharing your journey. You are an inspiration to those of us who hope to have our own BLT in the future. Until then, we are arm chair travelers with you and the Crew. Oh, and the Crew…who would ever think that one could be so utterly enchanted and in love with dogs that they have never met in person. Spike, Bridget, and Reggie will forever hold a special place in my heart. Your blog has created a little community of caring folks who provide support, comfort, and helpful advice to both you and their fellow blogorinos. Not only do I look forward to reading your posts, but also your blogorinos’ comments. What a fine bunch of folks! Thank you, dear Sue! 🙂

    Wishing everyone a safe, happy Memorial Day weekend! I am very thankful to those folks who put their lives on the line to help keep us safe…service men and women, police, fire, and EMT personnel. And to their families that have sacrificed so much – THANK YOU! I am proud to be an American!

    Sue, sending you wishes for a peaceful weekend, and lots of love and hugs from me and Gracie pup! Enjoy your break! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  27. Piper says:

    Two million visits! Wow! Yes you have inspired a lot of people including me and my husband. Beautiful pictures. Bridget tickles me. She is a lot like our Sadie who is a terrier mix. You and the crew have a great weekend!

  28. Wonder if you got far enough away that she could no longer smell or hear you and then set off the alarm……..just as likely she changed her mind as princesses have the prerogative to do of course. Hope the forest stays fairly peaceful over the holiday, although the sound of people having fun on their three days can be delightful as well.

    Remembering all who gave the ultimate sacrifice in defense of their country – and their families – on this Memorial Day weekend.

  29. Mick'nTN says:

    Whoops, I commented on yesterdays post so I’ll copy it forward:

    Yea, RvSue&Crew hits 2 million. My projection was 2 days early.
    I remember projecting August, shortly after you hit 1 million so your growth continues, a testament to your talent and attention to your Blogorinos.

    YLTA & very senior Blogorino, Mick’nTN

  30. mockturtle says:

    I just noticed Bridget’s bed is the same one Bucky has. He really likes it.

  31. DesertGinger says:

    2 million! Amazing and well deserved.

    We are here in Albany. Unfortunately the room I was going to stay in has been primed, and the carpet up exposing subfloor. Something is giving off noxious fumes. I woke up this AM super sick; thought I was having another stroke for a minute. I’ll have to talk to my friend about staying in living room instead.

    Weather is pretty cool here but supposed to warm up tomorrow. Like a dummy, I am used to Tucson weather now and brought no warm clothes. I don’t want to buy stuff as hopefully I am shrinking sizes. So…get warm outside please!

    Am going to this local cafe tonight where all my many friends go. Will be good to see folks. Tomorrow night our class has a pre-class meet and greet event. One good thing about this place I am staying is it is so close to class space I can run home for lunch and see Chloe mid-day.

    I’m going to try to have some lunch. Was super nauseated till noon. Hope I can eat now. Love to all.

    • weather says:

      Hi,Ginger,I’m hoping you get a healthier room whether with your friend or not.As soon as you get settled(room and stomach)you may want to pop into a thrift store just for a couple warm things to wear,won’t cost much,easy to get rid of so you don’t overpack the car on your return trip-and will make you happier to be in NY state for sure.Glad you’re OK and it was just the fumes!Enjoy the rest of your day and trip-be good to you and Chloe 🙂

    • Cinandjules (NY) says:

      Welcome to NY deGin!

      Geeze ….. You don’t need noxious fumes to make you nauseous! Perhaps you can leave the window open during the day while you are away!

      It’s been quite nippy in the evening the last week…..we should be warming up!
      Walmart has sweatshirts for 5 bucks if you need something in a pinch!

      Have a great time with your friends!

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Enjoy your class, DesertGinger. I know it will be fun to catch up with friends. Hope you are feeling better tonight and that you are in a fume free room. 🙂

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      Hope you get into a less toxic sleeping place, Ginger!! And oh the answer to clothing when not wanting to spend a lot is THRIFT SHOPS!! Heehee…my favorite most gorgeous top came from one and cost something like $6! I would happily have paid a gob more for it…hope you will have what you need to stay warm at least…so you won’t get sick away from home!!

  32. Gloria Brooks says:

    Well, I found my way back to you and the crew. Somehow I got unsubscribed and I got to missing you and thought something happened and you weren’t blogging. Well, what a lovely surprise to see all is well and you’ve been on many adventures for me to catch up reading about. LOL. Wishing you and the furry bunch more and more happy, sweet memories this spring and summer! You’ve inspired me to check out the Bend area for perhaps this summer or fall.

  33. Congratulations on your 2 million plus virtual visitors! You have certainly got the knack of making an average day seem like an adventure and the proof is right here! I haven’t commented in a while, but I am keeping up with your blog. I don’t have time to read all the comments every day now, since we are on our own adventures, but I don’t let too many days go by without checking up on you. Also, we do not always have good cell signal (AT&T), so that deters me some days.
    Thanks to all the military and service members for all they do in the present, past, and future.
    Enjoy your Memorial Day break!

  34. Timber n' me says:

    Lolalo, I have At&t with a Netgear hot spot air card with Sue’s hook up with a duel band Wilson WiFi antenna and get out ok just by rotating the antenna till I get a good signal. I bought all the Wilson gear on Amazon thru Sue’s blog and the hot spot at AT&T,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, me

  35. PookieBoy SE Texas says:

    Sue, I take it by your comment about other camps smoke from their fire tells me your not into campfires…….
    you really should try a pot of coffee over a campfire…..nothing better……

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      Some of us are allergic to smoke from fires, cigarettes, etc. Chuck. No idea if that is Sue…but it is me!!

  36. Glenda in Wylie says:

    Hi Sue, I think this may be my second or third post-I’m one of your lurkers. Well, I have gone and done it. Bought a 1994 Casita Liberty Friday. I spent all day today cleaning it, since it had been sitting for over a year.

    My husband and I also have a 5th wheel, which we pull with his work truck. He loves to work, therefore, doesn’t want to go camping when I do. With the Casita I can pull it with my SUV and go anytime I please. I am so looking forward to taking trips close to our area with my younger granddaughters and just by myself.

    You have been a real inspiration to me since I have been reading your blog. I think I started reading while you were still in Georgia. I have learned so much from you and all the other blogorinos. Thank you all,

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Congratulation, Glenda! You will be creating some extra special memories by taking your granddaughters camping! 🙂

    • Sidewinder Pen says:

      Exciting! The Liberty is my favorite layout (must be yours too :)) Glad you’re going to be getting out in your own li’l rig!

  37. DebsJourney says:

    Hi Sue!
    Guess what?? I bought my home on wheels today! I’ve been looking and finally it all went right. I have a 2005 Salem LE by Forest River Travel trailer 27 ft and one slide out. It has 5 mirrored closets and a total of 12 drawers. So much storage and two basement pass-thru’s. A brand new queen size mattress, brand new tires and awning. So it’s now sitting in the local RV shop and they’re putting solar panels and inverter and batteries plus a fantastic fan. A slide cover too. Came with sway bars and weight distribution system. Weighs 5600lbs. So I am very excited and will become a full timer in the beginning of July. 🙂
    So much to look forward to and many emotions.

    Love the look of this camp by the way. I’ll be there sometime in the near future.

    • Cinandjules (NY) says:

      How exciting! Congrats.

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Congratulations, Deb! It sounds like a perfect fit for you and your little furry faced angels! Whoo-Hoo!! 🙂

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      Oh so happy for you Deb!! Keep us posted…and if you begin writing about your travels more…would love to read it!!

      • DebsJourney says:

        Thank you 🙂 I’m excited for sure. I don’t enjoy typing because of my fingers screwing up… but I started my own youtube channel called RVDebs Journey So please subscribe and you will see me going through all of this adventure.

        • Elizabeth in WA says:

          I am not on that Google list, so seems I cannot subscribe…but perhaps I can go watch the videos you make anyway?

    • DesertGinger says:

      Yay Deb! You did it! Good job.

      • DebsJourney says:

        thanks Rose yes I now own my home on wheels! Now I’m having solar panels installed and a Fantastic Fan and a slide cover. Gonna be real nice.

    • Yay! Congratulations on finding your new home on wheels! You are gonna love it!

    • Pamela K. in GA says:

      So Happy for you Deb!
      I know that finding The Right RV is so hard. It takes time and careful thought to pick just the right one. All your front work paid off for you, Deb, YOU FOUND IT! Many years of fun, safe travels, Congrats!

      • DebsJourney says:

        Thank you so much Pamela. This one is good since it has everything I wished for, slide out, oven, bathroom sink, walk around queen bed with privacy door. two house doors, lots of storage and drawers and closets….Yippy! Even a electric hitch!

    • Velda in Roseville Ca says:

      Wow, how exciting l so happy for you!

    • BadgerRickInWis says:

      So happy for you Deb, you are amazing.

      • DebsJourney says:

        thank you Rick how kind of you to say 🙂 I have a youtube channel now RVDebs Journey and already 237 subscribers which blows my mind!

        • Pamela K. in GA says:

          Do you have a traditional blog in addition to your youtube channel? I don’t use youtube that often as i have only 10 gigs of data use per month. Watching videos takes a lot of data use away. With having an International Server, I use every gig each month and more! Kind of limits me at times but I will try to drop by from time to time and catch up with your travel adventures if you don’t have a text based blog already. I would think that there are many other readers who are like me and would visit a text based blog to save data use. Anyway, let me know and happy safe travels!

    • Krystina - Oakdale , CA says:

      Sooooo happy for you Deb. Your new home sounds really, really nice! Enjoy.


  38. AZ Jim says:

    Wouldn’t you just love to know what little dogs dream? A very cute shot of Bridget and Reggie getting a nap in. Looks like Bridget was looking a Reggie when she went to sleep. Enjoy your short “vacation” Missy. Have nice Memorial Day gang and don’t forget to fly your flag.

  39. Debbie from VA says:

    Congrats on 2 million! This is only my second time posting on your blog but I’ve read it from beginning to end. I wanted to let you know that I shared some linkie love over on my blog Your blog is one that inspired me :-).

  40. Terri From Texas says:

    Congratulations on the 2 million! And many more!
    Question for you-do you get commission from books from kindle unlimited when they are ordered through your blog?
    Also congratulations to Deb for finding her trailer!
    Safe travels everyone!

  41. Ruth from Tennessee says:

    It has been a long time since I commented but here goes. Lost my companion in March. He was a Korean war vet. I am putting life back together for Max and Me, Max the Chi-weenie. This is a fitting time in honor of him and all the others who served.
    I have continued to read without comment so I have been keeping up. I have ordered my Casita Spirit Deluxe and will pick her up at the end of June. I won’t be full timing but spending as much time as I can with my new egg. I am excited and hope Sue knows that she is used as a selling tool, she definitely was for me. She is probably the most famous Casita owner. Thanks to all who served and all who are serving.

    • DebsJourney says:

      I’m so sorry for your loss, I lost my husband one year ago so I know what you go through. Hang in there grief is like a roller coaster ride for a while lots of ups and way downs. Congrats on your Casita that is so wonderful. Camping helped me last winter for sure. Nothing better than fresh air and nature.

    • Krystina - Oakdale , CA says:

      Ruth – So sorry for your loss. I know how hard it must be for you. Congrats on ordering your Casita!!! You will be on the road in no time at all. Part of the fun is getting ready to go on the road. By chance did you mention RVSue to the Casita people when you ordered it? Sue receives a nice commission when she refers folks to Casita. Hang in there Ruth. We “bloggerinos” will be with you.

  42. BB says:

    You are such an inspiration RV Sue. Nothing makes me happier than reading about your adventures with your sweet pups. I have found it to be great dream material as i read before falling asleep. Your blog makes me realize that our dream can happen in the future. More importantly, not to put it too far off in the future. Life is short, live your dream. Many thanks for your poetic words & mesmerizing photography. You are a true artist who brings light into our hearts each day. Thank you so much.

  43. Crystal says:

    Hi there Sue this is Crystal we had a doggie play date over at east Davis it was so nice to meet u….. found the blog and I will follow you now…..

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Crystal! I’m delighted to see you here. I’ll be writing about yesterday and I’ll include meeting you and Dan, if you don’t mind. Congratulations on the new travel trailer. It’s a beauty and I’m sure you’ll make a lot of wonderful memories with it.

  44. rvsueandcrew says:

    Hi, John,

    If you look at the Money reports in the header you’ll see that I spend between $900 – $1,300 monthly. Be sure to look at “Recurring Expenses” too. I live on $13,000-$14,000 a year and that’s living in the manner I want. I could pare my expenditures and live on $12,000 a year, if I had to. I hope that gives you an idea. Do keep in mind that I have money set aside for maintenance, repairs, emergencies, unforeseen expenses and increases, etc. and that I have minimal outlay for medical, as I’ve been blessed with good health and have no chronic conditions other than an addiction to fattening food, coffee, and travel with the crew!

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