Beach bums

Tuesday, July 22

(The photos in this post were taken in early evening; thus they’re dark.)

Beach time is different than regular time.  It rolls on waves, rides on breezes, and stalls in the glare of sun on hot sand.  Hunger marks its passage.  I prepare a sandwich and drink, throw some pieces of deli meat to the crew, and return to my book.  Standard Beach Time resumes.

I’m reading Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China by  Jung Chang.  I chose this book because I like stories that follow a family through generations with some history thrown in, and, of course, the kindle ebook was really, really cheap.

I’m halfway through it. 

It starts with the grandmother living in “Old China.”  Her feet are deformed from being painfully bound.  Women are treated like property, demeaned and brutalized.  The story covers a succession of rulers and occupiers, including the Japanese, one power-hungry group hardly distinguishable from another, as is the case now all over the globe and throughout all history.

Then along comes Mao. 

1-DSC05863-001More atrocities only now we’ve got government mind control, famine, starvation, uprooting of families, paranoia, and a lot of other very bad stuff.  I must say my admiration for the Chinese has grown.  They’ve had their tribulations and yet they keep on keeping on.

I’ll continue to slog through it.

I am learning the gist of Chinese history and I hate giving up on anything when I’m already halfway.  Obviously, I need to get a better grasp of the concept of light summer reading.


The water is a welcome break.

From the book as well as the heat.  Spike and I stagger across the hot sand to cool off in the reservoir.  Bridget makes one, perfunctory prance-about and then retreats to the underbelly of the Best Little Trailer to await her next meal.

I stir up enough interest in the crew to join me in a walk on the beach.

Spike and I splash at the water’s edge, happy, side-by-side pals — both of us ankle-deep.  Bridget is leader, marching ahead of us on dry land, a wiggle in her butt with every step.

1-DSC05851The day floats past. 

I savor the silence beneath the sound of waves breaking and an occasional outburst of squawking gulls.  Bridget, Spike, and I track wet sand inside the BLT and we don’t care one bit.

Wednesday, July 23

Another day, another 3 million Chinese people starve.  (Not funny.)  The morning warms up quickly, a sure sign of the heat to come.  What a scorcher!  Nearby water saves us.

By mid-afternoon we’re nearly catatonic in the lethargy of extreme heat . . . me dozing in the lounger under the awning, Bridget and Spike flat out on their sides under the BLT.

1-DSC05861We’re revived by every delicious dip in the reservoir.  Except for Bridget, of course.  If she were a person, she’d be a pre-Civil War Southern belle, sipping a mint julep on the veranda, watching everyone else actually DO stuff.

Around five o’clock the wind starts!

Gusty, capricious, wild and crazy wind, swirling sand and dust 30 feet high across the sandy beach.  I match the power of a persistent gust, valiantly hanging onto the awning until the danger passes.  Dark clouds threaten rain.  Lightning flashes above the distant hills.

I crank up the awning and toss the crew’s bed and pallet under the BLT.  The flying sand is blinding.


I chuck Bridget and Spike inside and close the door. 

The rain never comes, the wind subsides, and a magnificent sunset appears as encore.

1-DSC05839The new neighbors fire up the OHVs and roar up and down the hill turned gold by the sunset, the drone of their engines carrying across the reservoir.

1-DSC05857Let’s see now . . . Shall I read more of my book?  Almost up to WWII and the horror of Hiroshima (roll eyes). .  No.  I think I’ll see what the blogorinos are up to.



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197 Responses to Beach bums

  1. Alan Rabe says:

    Hey, what do you know, I am first and I read it first.

    Looks like you are doing fine. Great snaps.
    Don’t worry about China. They have more problems to deal with than their history.

    Well my first buyer failed to get a loan, But I have a second that is paying cash. Will close around August 7. But I can’t take off until 9/12.

    Anyway have fun

  2. Mary Alice says:

    I love the “I want to be a rainbow” picture. Relax and enjoy ~ the crew must be loving it.

  3. Diann in MT says:

    You just crack me up!
    Between the life-sucking heat and the mind numbing plight of the Chinese, you have really put yourself through the wringer the last couple of days. LOL
    Methinks you need a big drippy strawberry ice cream cone and the crew needs a couple of raw bones to gnaw!
    Then, a good romantic movie from the ole Amazon Prime line up!
    Lovely beach, but really now…
    You are a hoot!
    Stay safe, e-friend!

    • Jean/Southaven, MS says:

      I want a big ole dippy strawberry ice cream cone. YUM

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Diann,

      Why oh why did you mention ice cream . . . I’m miles and miles from ice cream. You had me with “drippy.”

      • Marilu says:

        You need to put Tillamook ice cream on the list of necessities along with gas, water and dumping tanks. I have some Marionberry Pie flavor in the fridge. I wish I could share it with you. 🙂

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Marionberry Pie… yer killin’ me!!!

          Yeah, I need to bump the crew’s meat out of the freezer and fill it with ice cream. Bwwaaaahhahaa!

          • Patsy from Ontario Canada - North says:

            Excellent post again, just love following you Sue and Crew.. As for ice cream I think while that gentlemen works on installing “scary the bears, and other things to close” he should work on installing a small apt. size freezer into your van then you would be able to carry extra food for the crew and lots of ice cream for you.. Hey you are retired now, and I do hear ice cream can be breakfast, lunch, supper 🙂 stay safe and cool…

    • Lolalo says:

      Amen! You stated it so well!

  4. Diann in MT says:

    Oh yes.
    The photography is stunning, Sue!

  5. Marcia GB in MA says:

    I almost bought “Wild Swans” last week on Kindle but I decided it was too heavy for me right now. So I’m reading “The Light Between Oceans” which is a bit sad but beautifully written. If you already haven’t read it, I recommend it. I love your campsite!
    Right on the beach with a view over the water is just my style. Hope more OHVs don’t show up though.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Oh, there will be more OHVs, no doubt about that. Thanks for the book recommendation, Marcia.

      • Sondra-SC says:

        I’m sure you have already explored Sue Henry’s mystery novels? She travels in an rv with a doggie too!! I enjoy books on tape so I listen while I do other things I’ve enjoyed many or maybe all of her novels..hope this html works..

        Sondra. . . I removed the link because I can’t make it one of my Amazon links due to my connection dropping and being very slow. It would take me over an hour, if I could do it at all.

        READERS: If you’d like to take a look at the Sue Henry books, please use the Amazon search box in the sidebar. Simply type in “Sue Henry mysteries” or “Sue Henry books.”


  6. Jean/Southaven, MS says:

    I love historical books about people. I am reading one set in 1743 Scotland. It is a huge book. I am at work and the book in is my car, it is on CD and I listen during my 45 minute drive to and from work,or I would say the name and author. But it is really interesting. Not a lot of people dying, but some. Seems it was pretty violent there too. The water looks great and inviting. Maybe you should get your blowup boat out and paddle around a little, the water looks nice and calm. You wouldn’t have to get that far from shore to have a relaxing ride around. You could just let it float and listen to the sounds all around you. You can see where my mind is. Sure not at work where it should be. See how you affect us? Thank you so much for taking us along. Someday….

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jean,

      The inflatable is a pain. It wouldn’t be good now. Ever since the wind of last night, the reservoir is roiled up, waves coming in. It’s still breezy.

      I never took to audio-books. I always got hung up on the voice and missed what the reader was saying. I’ve read a few Scottish tomes. Great backdrop for a multi-generation story.

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        I do the same thing! I have tried audiobooks in the car, and what happens is I hear the voice but I’m looking out the window and my mind wanders, and then a few minutes later I hear the narrator’s voice again and think, “now what the heck is he/she talking about? Oops!” I guess I’m too used to having car time be thinking, mind-roaming time.

        That never happens to me reading text (of course I’m not driving then either!)

        I just recently got a Kindle. As a (former) librarian I have a hard time accepting the lack of privacy that is a part of only being able to buy the books with my credit card. That privacy is sacred in the library world. But the combination of a small amount of storage space, limited weight capacity, and eyes that now like to be able to enlarge the print at will makes them hard to resist. I was surprised to find out that even Barnes & Noble (Nook), who have “real” stores, had no way to pay cash (in store) and have a book loaded onto the device.

        So yeah… mixed feelings. I’m telling myself for now I’m only going to use it for “superficial” books. Guess I’ll see how it goes.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I don’t understand this “lack of privacy” concern of librarians that you mention.

          The act of going online probably reveals more about you than any book you load on a kindle, “superficial” or not. (?) How does the choice of book protect your credit card?

          • Nancy in Idaho says:

            Don’t know if ‘Pen’ will see your question to respond, but my answer would be to think back to say, the McCarthy era–what some might perceive to be subversive reading could be held against a person. Thus librarians are loth to reveal a patron’s choice of reading material. In fact, I think there have been lawsuits over that. If a person pays for a ‘book’ by credit card, it will be on record and no longer private.

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              Oh, now I get it. I should have caught on sooner, especially since I’m reading about Mao and the persecution of people through government policy.

            • Vicki M. From MI says:

              You could purchase a gift card from Amazon to buy your books. Then each book wouldn’t be on credit card just the title stored in the Amazon cloud

  7. jolene/iowa says:

    Love your new beach camp! Where we were camping with my mom and my daughter and her family the past 9 days didn’t have a beach area. So our “beach” was 2 blow up swimming pools we adults just dangled our feet in while the kids played in them. Your beach is much prettier!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, jolene,

      As long as it’s water, right? I used to sit in a plastic baby pool in Georgia. Why not? 🙂

      It’s fun watching little kids play in those pools. They have as much fun — or maybe more — in a 6-foot diameter pool as in a full-sized pool.

  8. Sue(Alabama) says:

    Wahoo, 3rd!!
    Amazing area, peace and quiet, Water for all the crew, and internet so us blogarinos can still keep up with Sue and Crew.
    While viewing picture five with the amazing colors of the lightening, I also noticed the dirt trails!! Those trails looked like those OHVs would be showing up soon!!! And then there they are in the last picture! Hope you are not to bothered to much this weekend!
    I ordered from Amazon yesterday and hope it shows up on your account. Not sure if I had entered the right way! Hope it works.
    Keep cool and enjoy your lake front property!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Oh, Sue, what a sad, little “wahoo, 3rd” . . . 🙁

      Do you see how the OHVs have scarred the hillside? The bane of landscape photographers… above-ground telephone/power lines and OHV scars.

      Thank you for your order! I’m sure you entered “the right way” because all that’s required is visiting my blog and then going to Amazon to shop. I appreciate your thoughtfulness.

      You keep cool, too!

  9. Sue(Alabama) says:

    Ok I updated the site and everyone showed up right as I sent my post! Darn not 3rd!

  10. Lindale says:

    I just wanted to check in and let you know that I am following all of your blogs but usually we don’t have a way for me to comment. We’ve sat still for over three months here as camp ground hosts and I so am ready to do some more traveling but at least we are in a beautiful spot. You’d love it in the afternoon when the breeze makes the trees dance and it is so quiet, but you would hate it in the evening when all the campers come back to their sites. Babies, drunks, dogs, noise. All in small doses are okay but squeeze them all together in a small campground and I envey your peaceful day even with the heat.

  11. Julie B says:

    I love the same kinds of books, Sue…Pillars of the Earth, anything Edward Rutherford, Hawaii. Just finished The Physician (The Cole Trilogy) written by Noah Gordon. Also recently read The Red Thread about Chinese children being adopted in America.

    Love your beach….hoping to go camping for a few days on Lake Michigan next week! Of course I will be with 150 of my best friends at a church camp. 😉 Enjoy the peace and sweet days of solitude.

    • Julie B says:

      PS: Just bought Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China through your link. Thanks for the recommendation!

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Thanks for all the ideas for books to read, Julie B. I hope you don’t regret your Wild Swans purchase. I don’t give it an enthusiastic review… at least not for summer reading. It does give one insight into the painful history of the Chinese people.

        Have fun camping Lake Michigan! Don’t ya’ just love summer?

        • Julie B says:

          Ha………it was inexpensive……… I figure if I don’t like it, not a big loss. You would love The Physician…….Love that I can read “big books” on my Kindle app on the iPad.

          I DO love summer………….especially this one………it has been beautiful.

        • Connie & Mugsy (MN/AZ) says:

          I very much enjoyed Wild Swans, but it definitely isn’t light summer reading. In more ways than one, if you are reading the large book rather than on a Kindle.

  12. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    The photos look like the old linen postcards! Absolutely beautiful sunset! OMG!!!

    What a lovely day ya’ll had! Tracking sand everywhere to boot! Enjoy!!!

    Hmmm…my great grandmother had bound feet…so did her daughter….who is the mother of “toxic”! Ah hah….his behavior makes sense now! Perhaps back in the day….that was acceptable.

    Stay cool! Be safe… My sis said it was 117 in AZ yesterday! Ughhh!

    • Julie B says:

      The pictures are extraordinary!

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Thanks, Julie B. It looks like I doctored up the photos to make the colors more vibrant, but I didn’t have to.

        Those golden hills across the water from our camp are usually a very pale, drab, tan and lie to the southeast of our camp. The light of the sunset, coming from behind our camp, turned the hills into gold. Upon seeing that I immediately jumped up and grabbed the camera!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cinandjules,

      Thanks for the enthusiastic response to my photos. I think that “old linen” look is due to dust hanging in the air from the windstorm earlier. My poor camera lens . . .

      Binding women’s feet to please men… How horrible. This particular woman, at the age of two her mother dropped big rocks on her feet to crush the bones so her toes could be bent under her feet and wrapped tightly. Can you imagine? And, yes, cruelty by men, in words or actions, was customary and accepted without question.

      As I wrote this post, I thought of you, Cindy. I hope nothing was offensive to you. Humor can skew that way sometimes, even when careful.

      Yesterday was terribly hot all over. Today is better here. I hope AZ is having some relief, too.

      How is it in NY?

      • Cinandjules (NY) says:

        Nothing offensive at all! It’s the truth…crazy and unimaginable.

        I’m 5th generation and can barely speak enough to order food! As you sisters and I all refused to follow the “cycle”.

        Weather here in the ADK’s is unpredictable. Yesterday it was 88 and muggy…this morning it was 50.

        Rock on desert woman!

        • Connie & Mugsy (MN/AZ) says:

          When I look at some of the ghastly looking high heels that young women are wearing these days, I wonder how far we have actually progressed from foot binding. Many cultures insist on torture for the women. Look at female genital mutilation done by many African cultures… or rather let’s not look.

          Sorry Sue… back to life on the road as free women!!

          • rvsueandcrew says:

            No need to apologize, Connie. It’s appalling the cruelty inflicted on innocent women across the ages up to and including the present day. Will it never end?

            • Connie & Mugsy (MN/AZ) says:

              If I was a betting woman, I’d say no… never.

            • Crystal says:

              My niece had to have surgery in her 40s because of the heels she wore. We are the same age. She was always taller and also wore heels. Me? Short and in flats. Lol

  13. weather says:

    Multi-hued air,clouds rolled by wind heading for shore,then thinning into shafts to start rainbows,my God even the OHV trails are beautiful there.

    Midway through a book, you see an author make a dismal story of it’s setting as years pass.

    Having a more profound capacity to interpret life-…about times passage you write of sensing it through waves,breezes and sun ,note the admirable quality of keeping on amidst tribulation.

    That- viewing beyond the surface -enables you not to give up half way through things.
    I’m really glad your beach’s cool water prevented the heat from wilting your ability to put together posts worth studying for the richness you bring into my life.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, weather,

      Reading your comments, I’m like a young girl opening up her mother’s jewelry box and pulling out one bauble after another, examining each one with appreciation and awe. You are a gift! Thank you for your daily visits. I cherish them.

      • weather says:

        What a fun bunch of sensations I just went through reading that!It felt like coming around a corner,getting surprised with a hug and a compliment,and I mean the good kinds.

        Those can only be good when you like the hugger,respect their opinions,and trust them enough to giggle when you’re especially happy in front of them.Topped with memories so close it’s as though you actually shared times together-when already loving each pretty part of life -colorfilled facets,chains twining with dreams- secret treasures never to be forgotten began to be discovered

        Immersed in the sharing ,I twirled and imagined smelling the woods around us until the pups danced for treats thinking it was time for one of our little parties.

        So now it is,favorites for everyone!I’ll toast to our cherished visits with a blueberry smoothie they love getting lots of 🙂

  14. Cari in North Texas says:

    Ah, the peaceful life of being a beach bum. My favorite quote is “Bridget, Spike, and I track wet sand inside the BLT and we don’t care one bit.” And your descriptions Bridget crack me up – southern Belle indeed! I’m back at work out in the heat, so your photos and words help transport me to a “cooler” frame of mind.

    My mother lives on Galveston Island on the Texas coast, and your description of Beach Time is quite accurate. She calls it the island effect – everyone moves slower, nobody ever gets in a hurry, and no one cares about world events. Oh, and afternoon naps are mandatory. I hope the OHV’ers don’t disturb you too much.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cari in North Texas,

      Beach bums don’t care whether sand is tracked inside! No sense sweeping it out until the day is over. Your mother’s description of “the island effect” has taken over here.

      I’m trying my best not to hear the OHVers. The wind has kept them off their machines somewhat, so I’ve had relief. I’m afraid the beach is going to turn into a raceway by Saturday. If it does, we will leave, rather than be aggravated.

      I can’t complain. We’ve had two good days so far, living on a beach. For that I’m very thankful.

      Hope you’re keeping cool in north Texas!

  15. Denise -Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue,

    Glad you and the Crew are staying cool in your pool! I love the little rainbow that is in picture #5!

    We are finally getting rain here, but with it, severe conditions in some areas. There was a possible tornado that hit a RV park on the Chesapeake Bay earlier today. Not sure why there is a question – the few pictures that have been released show a large trailer flipped on it’s roof, and another is literally in shards. They did not get any warnings until the storm was right on top of them. Details are still being heart and prayers go out to all affected.

    On a lighter note….all that talk of ice cream, especially the Tillamook that I cannot get here in Richmond ,made my mouth water!! 🙂

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Cherrystone Park. Two dead (both parents of a little girl), 21 injured. So sad. National Weather Service confirmed that it was a weak tornado.

  16. Haha! Love picturing Bridget as a Southern Bell:)

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      She is so picky. I put her food down and she walks away to express her disapproval with my cooking. Then she walks very slowly back to the dish and begins to eat. I want to scold her, “Don’t you know there are dogs starving out there?”


  17. DeAnne in TN says:

    Hi Sue–I know I’ve been a stranger. Got back from my cruise the first of June and my four-month old Boston puppy broke her leg–bad! I spent the entire month of June going back and forth to vets and sitting by Dixie. She was totally immobile, and I had to do everything for her. She outgrew two casts and two bandages, but she’s doing much better–no casts, but will always have a crooked little bend in her rear leg!

    School begins in two weeks, so I have spent the last 10 days or so back at school preparing the classroom and working on lesson plans–you know the drill. Sigh…

    I was having lunch with a couple of colleagues today and I was talking about how hard the next seven years will be until I can retire. I told them, “I’m going to do what I please and go where I please, never wear a bra again, and not give a damn what anyone thinks.” They laughed and said that they could just picture me with a headband around my head and a tie-dyed t-shirt. They also said they would love to keep up with my adventures, and I just smiled and said, “Oh, don’t worry about that. I’ll have a blog. I’ve had a great role-model!”

    Okay–going back to lurking. I read every post and every comment every day. Hugs to you and all the blogarinos!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, DeAnne,

      Sorry to hear about your Boston terrier breaking her leg. It’s tough trying to take care of a patient who can’t tell you if she’s hurting. I’m sure you did your best for her. She won’t notice the bend in her leg.

      I did miss you! I figured you were taking a break from the usual routine, including blogs, and instead were enjoying your summer break. It goes fast, doesn’t it. . .

      You’re brave to share your plans with your colleagues. I kept mine a secret until the last months before I retired.

      Thanks for stopping by with an update. Lurking is okay. I know you have some very busy weeks ahead of you. I wish you a great start for the school year!

    • Connie & Mugsy (MN/AZ) says:

      Bra? What’s a bra? Used to wear something like that back in the 60s… (there is an advantage to being flat chested!!)


      • Cinandjules (NY) says:

        Oh no….competition for President of the itty bitty titty committee begins! 😉

        Funny story….my mom back in the day…here’s a training bra…put it on! I’m like …I don’t need that….it’s like a band across the chest…and looks very uncomfortable. So I put it on…as I was told…proceeded to raise my arms over my head…and the damn thing rides up to my mouth!

        See mah…..there is NOTHING for it to catch a hold of! Threw the thing in the trash!

        • JodeeinSoCal says:

          OMG, I remember “training” bras – what the heck were we training?? I had a t-shirt with the itty bitty titty committee on it and actually wore it in my twenties…..guess I had more self-confidence than I thought (thanks for the fun memory!)

          • Cinandjules (NY) says:


            How about PE class exercise….we must we must we must increase the bust. For fear for fear the boys will not come near!


      • Crystal says:

        They’re for gathering blackberries. 🙂

  18. rvsueandcrew says:

    Where are all the men tonight? Alan dropped by (thanks, Alan) and then no more guys.

  19. Ladybug in Mid-Tenn says:

    Now that I’ve gotten a Kindle, I’ve gotten hooked on cozy mysteries…I know what I like in a book, and now that I know there’s a name for the genre, I’m having at it! I’ve been checking them out on the electronic library, though. I can go through one every couple of days, and that’s with me working. Don’t want to see me on the weekends!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Ladybug,

      I haven’t heard of “cozy mysteries.” I assume they are “mysteries lite” with no serial killers of women, guts, gore, and horror.

      • Ladybug in Mid-Tenn says:

        Exactly! Think of Murder She Wrote, Nancy Drew, etc. Some love interests or just good friends, and some aren’t even murders, but robberies, etc. But you’ve got the gist of it.

        I hadn’t heard the term either until I was doing some research on goodreads and found people had lists for the genre. Then I searched the internet and actually found a couple of websites devoted to it.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I’ve had my fill of stories (tv shows and movies, as well as book) that open with the obligatory bloody female body on the carpet. It can’t be good for a woman’s subconscious and spiritual well-being to consume that kind of imagery again and again.

          • Gayle says:

            Saw lovely movie on Netflix, Finding Normal. Young woman doctor on road trip to Hamptons gets stuck in Normal, NC, looks down on the locals until she starts to appreciate the good people. Nobody gets killed, beaten, no swearing, no nudity, nothing blows up. Took me a while to figure out why it seemed so different.

  20. Mick'nTN says:

    3D CAD slide show on the Air Horn page.

  21. BadgerRickInWis says:

    “If she were a person, she’d be a pre-Civil War Southern belle, sipping a mint julep on the veranda, watching everyone else actually DO stuff.”

    I just love this line. What a perfect description of the perfect princess patiently watching her staff that for some reason are doing things other than filling her food bowl. Reminds me so much of my rat/chi Dexter.

    In fact I bet she could even pull off the look of a hoop dress. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, BadgerRick,

      Here’s another image for you that fits Princess Bridget…

      Is Bridget were a person, she’d be sitting on silk and satin cushions behind curtains embroidered with gold thread, riding in her personal conveyance supported by four servants in loincloths who carry her precious self through throngs of lowly peasants.

      As for a hoop skirt, the Bridge would fill one out nicely!

  22. Maura says:

    Sue, have you noticed the new kindle unlimited $9.99/mth? Well, you get to try it for free for 30 days and can cancel. I have been downloading plenty of books before my 30 days is up in case I don’t want to continue (I’m not seeing a catch here). Anyway, just finished a good book ‘Tracks’ by Robyn Davidson, you just might like this book. Take care and enjoy your amazing weather!


    • Maura says:

      Oh there is a catch, once you cancel your books are removed from your device, but you can still read for free during that 30 days!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Maura,

      Yes, I did read about that. I have many books loaded onto my Paperwhite at the moment, ones I have yet to read. There had to be a catch, otherwise people would put thousands of books on their device for ten bucks and never have to buy another book.

      I guess it’s a good deal for fast and diligent readers!

  23. Kay says:

    Well, let’s see… Here’s what we’re up…. hum… been keeping MUM about this project for some time now.

    First, RV still isn’t fix. Don’t worry – It’s going INTO the repair shop soon. Since it’s still live able, we’re living in it for a few more weeks.

    THE BIG SECRET…. we’re working hard to get the …. drum roll….. RV PARK OPEN.

    Yep, we bought ourselves a RV park, and so hubby has been putting in sewer lines, water lines, and electrical will begin to come in tomorrow. We’re thinking we may have about 15 spaces ready in a couple of 2 to 3 weeks.

    This will not be your “standard” RV Park. We aren’t catering to the vacation group. We’re catering to the full timers who need services and down time. There’s more, but I have said enough already.

    Spikey, and his soaks make me go ahhhhhhhhhhhh, wish I was spikey for a moment.

    I love that golden sunset, such a PEACEFUL setting, Sue.

    Okay, back to comfort food… tator salad and steak and asparagus.

    Have fun….

    • Connie & Mugsy (MN/AZ) says:

      Whereabouts are you? You can just get a general idea if you’re not ready to have people showing up. Like… what state?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      WOW! Kay! What a big step. . . . an RV park! How could you keep a secret like that? That’s MAJOR!

      I’m as curious as everyone else. I look forward to hearing the details when you are ready to reveal them.

      • Kay says:

        Sue, it’s been HARD keeping mum. Believe me. The idea was part inspired by our 15K miles of zigzagging around the country. When we did pull of the road, the cost was crazy. Anyway from $30 to$58 a night. Sure we’re members of Good Sam, have Veteran member and the AARP, but 10% discount really, only covered some of the taxes.

        So when we were moseying along, me being the driver because I LOVE TO DRIVE, I think. And, I think a lot. After a week of thinking, I let my dear hubby in on my idea. I told him I was sick of paying high dollar camp fees just to give the RV a top to bottom clean, laundry, and restocking when I can’t get a peaceful sleep at night because of the loud music, televisions, ATV’s, and Kids walking, screaming, and so on.

        So, I told him, WE need RV parks where FULL-TIMERS can pull off the road, clean out their rig, spring clean or fall clean if you will. A place where we don’t have to deal with all these crazy noise making things, a place where it’s not going to cost us $100 to $200 or more for few days.

        My idea was to find some RV parks that have been abandoned. Revitalize them. Make them available to FULL-TIMERS. Simple parks. Quiet. Relaxing ones.

        We don’t need playgrounds, we need laundry rooms with BIG front loading machines for our comforter’s. We need hot tubs for our achy bodies after working and cleaning our rigs. We need a store for RV supplies, and a place where full-timers who make things and sell, can stock their wares on the shelves of the store. And, we need that store to be somewhat separate from the park so that the locals can shop the store and buy the full timers wares.

        My idea was to find places that were away from the big cities, but within a hours drive. Places where the locals were kind, caring, and helpful.

        Hubby got real quiet, stayed that way for a few days, too. Then, one morning about 4AM he woke me up and said “I think you’re right and it would be good for a lot of people.”

        Basically, My idea was born out my frustrations of paying too much for full hook ups and then not having laundry facilities to wash my large comforters, and having to deal with the families who let their kids run amuck and disturb others.

        Now, I have located 7 such abandoned RV parks in several states. We’re going to clean up and revitalize each one. I know, there is the Escapees and a few others, but the costs of those are ridiculous in my opinion. There is nothing SIMPLE, QUIET, and RELAXING that has the things we full-timers need. So, we are creating it.

        At the first one, we will have full hook ups, 20/30/50 AMP on all sites, we are lucky with this park in terms that the sewer and water are both City services because we are on the edge of a really small, quiet city close to the interstate and the closets big city is about 40 miles away. We will have cable, WIFI, and a supply store that will be REASONABLE.

        Lot’s going into this but in the end, I think full timers or those who travel from their summer home to their winter location will enjoy having a nice, quiet place to rest. It will even be a great place for the full-timers who work from their RV’s that just want to park and be left to work on their projects without a bunch of noise.

        I’ll keep you posted. Pretty excited because we have already begun a list of full-timers who make jewelry, bird houses, and other items that they want to stock in the stores. We have even received several emails asking if we thought about creating some kind of “club” for full timers where they are club members and then don’t pay any fees when they come in off the road for a few days. The answer to that is, we had not thought about that until we were asked. So we are kicking that around. My biggest plan is to make the parks very reasonable.

        The store items are priced by the suppliers. Talking with city leaders in the small communities are thrilled and welcome the idea to their small communities. Having the store is an added bonus to the locals and many have expressed a “can’t wait till you open the store” attitude.

        So, now you know part of the plan. I am keeping the locations mum for now, but will reveal more in time. We are hopeful to have at least 15 spaces open within a couple 2 to 3 weeks.

        Any ideas from full-timers are very welcome. We all have different needs, and wants, and if someone has an idea that we could add by all means share it. We will do what we can to incorporate the ideas or needs. By the way, we will also have a book exchange in the store as well. So the book readers can bring books and take books. I’ve also had a couple ladies ask about selling their quilts they make, and hubby is working on the RV tank cleaning service as well. So we have a lot of things happening.

        Hang in there, news will come.

        • Denise - Richmond VA says:

          Hi, Kay,

          Congratulations! What a wonderful idea!

          Suggestion: Maybe you and hubby can find an HONEST RV shop near each area or who is mobile, for folks who need tune ups, bearings packed, etc.

          Best of luck! I am looking forward to hearing all the details. 🙂

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Like I said, This is MAJOR! Thanks for expanding the picture for us. That’s quite a wonderful vision and I sense that it’s inspired and motivated by a love of full-timers and a desire to serve their needs. Quite ambitious and admirable. You may find there are folks who would like to help you set it up.

          I know readers will become excited about this, Kay, as they come across your comments about it. I know I am!

          • Kay says:

            Oh that would be wonderful, Sue. And an excellent idea too! I am over the moon with the plans. The dirt movers finally left, ahhh its quiet again, and I can see for miles, well as far as my eyes let me.

            We have a lot of interests, and I am shocked at how much the locals are eager to help us as well.

            RVing full time is becoming very popular. And, you’re correct. My idea did come from the love I have for RVing, and from the needs we had and what others mentioned that I managed to converse with along the way. Now, if only someone knew where we might find a cloning machine, we could get all the parks open this year!!!!!!!!

        • JodeeinSoCal says:

          How exciting!! I’ve found that small businesses run by owners who were actually filling a need they had themselves are very successful :-). I think all your ideas are spot on. Saw a dog-washing station at a campground one time and thought it was the best idea ever!! You could include a privacy curtain for Bridget…..

          • rvsueandcrew says:

            Your last line, Jodee… oh my, hilarious! And spot on!

            • Kay says:

              And a Spike Spa!!!! Do you mind Sue? Seriously, I will put in doggy spa’s and call it Spike’s Spa. It’s be a soaker pool for Dogs. And, yes, a privacy curtain for Bridge.

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              Oh, Spike would love those underwater, pulsating jets. . .

              Just kidding . . . Of course I don’t mind, Kay. Spike says, “Dogs need a place where they can soak like they mean it!”

            • BadgerRickInWis says:

              “Soak like they mean it”

              You do know how to make me smile.

            • Karen says:

              Not just a dog spa… I would be thrilled to death with a decent sized, secure fenced area to let our fur kids be off leash. Some campgrounds have them, but really not enough. We make decisions about where to stay based on whether or not a place is ‘good for the kids.’ Throw in all the other goodies you’ve described and we’d be in fulltimers heaven!

            • JodeeinSoCal says:

              I can already see us sending Sue and the crew pictures of our fur kids at the Spike Spa – like people who take their picture with the AAA magazine in exotic places!! I’m even more excited to learn where your parks are Kay!

    • Cinandjules (NY) says:

      How neat is that? Best of luck!

      • Cinandjules (NY) says:

        Oh my not just one but seven?

        How exciting!

        • Kay says:

          We are spreading them out to serve. It’s just too bad we cannot do them all at once. 🙁 I get impatient a little.

          • jolene/iowa says:

            I bet this will be a great success, Kay. I look forward to seeing your progress on this great project!!

          • Crystal says:

            This is a fab idea. I’m not a full timer, and may never get to be because hubby is not onboard, but I do make things. It’s mainly hobby, and sometimes people want more than I’m willing to do while working full time. I’m asked over and over to open an Etsy shop, but that’s not my style. I think it’s great that full timers will be able to sell their items :). Good luck, and keep us posted. I’m in the Midwest, too!

  24. Rita from Phoenix says:

    Love the beach home. I too love to read historical novels…one of my fav is Spring Moon also about China by (I think) Betty Bao. I also love Water Lily about Native girl growing up. My old eye can no longer read books so my daughter gave me her old Kindle which works perfect for me…I have larger text. I returned from a road trip to New Orleans, LA and wow was it ever hot and humid. So, when I returned home I caught up on your post…the bear incident reminded me of Yosemite Nat’l Park bears…they break into cars if they see food containers but the Glacier Nat’l Park bears have not learned to break into cars yet. The bears bounce (using fore paws) on the car windows to break it open like they bounce on ice to break the ice open. You were very lucky it wasn’t a bear who knew how to break into cars. Love Spike’s soak. I saw different animals i.e. alligators, squirrels, frogs, etc. on my trip. Didn’t have time to do air boat in swamp but tried different foods i.e. alligator bites, jambalaya, gumbo, that pastry thing…forget the name, and crawfish pie. Enjoy your summer.

    • Connie & Mugsy (MN/AZ) says:

      I enjoyed Spring Moon too.

    • DesertGinger says:


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Rita,

      You do like to travel . . . Reading your comments for several months now, I’ve learned of several trips you’ve taken throughout your life.

      Louisiana is a great place for food. Glad you sampled a variety, although I wouldn’t want the alligator bites if that’s alligator meat.

      Hoo boy, it’s early morning and the motors are revving already. I will get through this. I will get through this. I will. . . I will . . . 🙂

      Your description of bears bouncing against cars to break the windows is exactly what that bear was doing… bouncing against the side of the BLT. Whew! I still shudder at the thought of the glass breaking . . . .

      Kindles and Paperwhites with adjustable font size are wonderful for weary/aging eyes. I love that I can read in the dark without turning on an overhead light while the crew is sleeping.

      Hope it’s cooler for you… at least, less humidity than in Louisiana . . .

    • Gayle says:


  25. Elizabeth in WA says:

    Interesting book review. Our son’s adopted a little Chinese girl last year. With surgery she will probably live a normal life and is very smart, fortunately (not all cerebral palsy kids are ok mentally). If your book turns out to be a good one, might be one that they want to keep for her for when she is older.

    I like to read history type stories…true stories most of all. It is important to learn TRUE history so much as we can find it…they say if you do not learn from history you will repeat it…and it sure looks to be true both with countries and families as well.
    Beautiful photos…loved the one with the kind of rainbow…do they call those sundogs?

    • Connie & Mugsy (MN/AZ) says:

      A friend of mine had a daughter (very early preemie) who ended up with CP, but was extremely mentally gifted. She was a nightmare to deal with educationally because the schools are not set up to deal with a student who is physically challenged, but mentally gifted. It may be a third challenge for this little girl if her English skills are still limited.

      There are many many wonderful Chinese American writers that you can bring to her attention as she grows up. Hopefully they can also maintain her native language.

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        They homeschool…so the children move along at their own paces. We did ours some too…the older 2 were full time some years and part time other years. The last one was full time homeschool until college. All did well getting their college degrees…last one graduated 4.0…I am not against teachers either by the way (was preparing to be one but stopped to get married!) It just was best for our family at the time…for various reasons to do with local choices. And it is the same for our son’s family. This little girl does have an amazing grasp of the English language already. Amazing what they can learn in a year’s time!! Thanks for your encouragement. They do take her places with others who speak her language, but she seems to not want to use that….

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Elizabeth,

      Your question about sundogs sent me to Wikipedia….

      “Sun dogs are a member of a large family of halos, created by light interacting with ice crystals in the atmosphere. Sun dogs typically appear as two subtly-colored patches of light to the left and right of the sun, approximately 22° distant and at the same elevation above the horizon as the sun. They can be seen anywhere in the world during any season, but they are not always obvious or bright. Sun dogs are best seen and are most conspicuous when the sun is low.”

      The colors in the sky above a distant hill you see in the photograph were rainbow colors. It rained over there but not here.

      Thank you for the compliment on my photos.

  26. I love your sunset shot. Stunning! I also really enjoyed Wild Swans. I traveled to China in 1973 when China was stilled closed to America as a member of a American Women’s Delegation. It was after Nixon’s visit, but before China was an allowed destination. Mao was still alive. We made a documentary about the lives of women in China. Our group was a cross section of women with different backgrounds, ages and from different parts of the country. It was a fascinating trip and we all had a lot of culture shock. It was really surreal meeting so many people who had lived their lives isolated and had never seen foreigners. The Cultural Revolution was ending and little was known about it outside of China. I would recommend Mao’s Physician as an interesting depiction of Mao

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Karen,

      What an opportunity for you that few others experienced! I’m sure it was fascinating. From what I’ve read so far in the book Wild Swans, I wonder if you had difficulty seeing and hearing the actual truth for your documentary. The indoctrination was so complete that individual Chinese seemed unable to think for themselves or interpret facts clearly.

      I’ll probably take a break from Chinese history after White Swans, but I’ll remember the Physician for later on. Thanks for writing a very interesting comment!

  27. DesertGinger says:

    Hi Sue, crew and blogorinos! The comments about heat made me homesick for Tucson. I love sitting out in the shade of my carport, lounging in the fierce heat, drowsing. The shade makes a huge difference. I quite like the heat from my shady spot, especially if there is a breeze. And I don’t have a beach, but the concrete pond is right next door.

    As it turns out, I’m going home earlier than I thought. I had thought Aug. 3, but I had overlooked an important Dr appt on July 30, so now I will go July 29, in the evening when it is cool.

    It was really amazing how those Southern Belles survived in their hoop skirts and petticoats, especially when you consider they were in the southeast with the humidity and bugs. At least Bridget lives in a world that is way more comfortable.

    As to reading…I generally try to mix more substantial reading with light reading, but since my surgery it has been all very light stuff. Can’t concentrate for heavier stuff. I am afraid Chinese history falls in the too heavy category, though it does sound interesting. I’m more into Rock Chick Revenge right now. And yes, ice cream. I’ve been surviving on ice cream, since my tummy is always queasy the last few weeks. I discovered that the ice cream cones dipped in chocolate and nuts are especially soothing and keep a box in the fridge at all times.

    Off to bed. Night all!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Desert Ginger,

      I’ll try again to post a response. I wrote a long one and it disappeared. This slow connection takes me forever to reply and now it’s dropping off periodically . . .

      Well, to begin again… You’ll be happy to return to your new home in Tucson, I’m sure. To relax in the shade of your carport, absorbing the dry heat softened by breezes . . . You probably can use some relaxing, alone time.

      Will your physical therapy sessions continue in Tucson?

      “Nutty Buddy” ice cream cones — Ah, I remember them well. Haven’t had one in many years. Whatever soothes you, Ginger, is a good thing!

      • DesertGinger says:

        I’m so sorry you lost your post! Yes, I will be going to outpatient physical therapy in Tucson. Glad you reminded me, I will start phoning about that today.

        I am looking forward to going home. I was beginning to make new friends there and will be excited to see them, plus just being in my little house again, on my own. But I will also miss Tabby and Helena.

        It is so interesting that the sweet is so often accompanied by the bitter. Keeps life interesting and challenging.

  28. Gayle at As Time Goes.....Bye says:

    We must be kindred souls. I also picked up a book for light Summer reading, Five Women of Salem, it’s become quite tedious, but once I pick up a book I feel compelled to finish it.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Gayle,

      Yeah, it’s like a time investment or something. Or maybe an unwillingness to admit a mistake. LOL!

  29. R. (Western Colorado) says:

    Good morning Sue. Good morning Crew.
    On the way out for my daily dose of foot workout on trails near my place.
    Have a great and the most enjoyable day. Life is good!!!
    We have so many challenges but LIFE is GOOD!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, R. (Western Colorado),

      Great outlook for a new day. . . Enjoy it!

      BTW, English is your THIRD language? (Don’t answer now… go hike!)

      • R. (Western Colorado) says:

        I’m back from my hike. A few minutes after I got back to the trailhead it started to rain. I can now hear thunders, see lightning. Rain and desert. Can’t get better than this and this is what our monsoon season is all about. Love it. Is your camp area peaceful enough so you’re able to enjoy your day?
        Where are Spike and Bridget? I thought about Spike and how he is able to enjoy simple pleasures. Maybe he knows his last years shouldn’t be wasted. If you ever get tired of him I want him and will pay $10.00 (ten) cash. LOL!!!!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Rain is a nice break . . .

          Spike and Bridget are here. There are days when it’s difficult to take good photos of them. They lie underneath the BLT enjoying the shade, or when they’re out on the beach the harsh lighting makes dark shadows… It’s always sumpthin!

          I took some pics of them this morning. Haven’t loaded them yet.

          Spike is a man of simple pleasures. He’s actually quite sensual in a neutered sort of way. Haha!

          Me? Get tired of Spike? Never! My heart grows fonder every day, even now when he does old dog stuff like snore in his sleep, slurp at the water dish, schnorkel his supper, and fart with abandon.

  30. weather says:

    Good morning Sue,
    This daybreak’s light came with temps so low the lake’s water is warmer than the air.It’s rose tint made vibrant white clover buds and yellow handled purple pocketbook flowers peeping out on the vines.Pink glistens from the stones making even the pavement driveway of a neighbor appear beautiful.

    Revived by the absence of heat, people and critters bustle about with activities that belie their age,as though for once they too hear the universe’s music’s pace that excites a heart to hasten towards the day’s life.

    Wisdom prevents me from pointing out to them what I see,so I’m even gladder than usual to have you to share it with.Are you able to hear,see and feel the gifts of your home site,or has Pioneer Day’s effects made your moving seem best?Each option will render rewards prepared by One that delights in you three’s happiness,as I do as well.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, weather,

      You’ve transported me to your lake. I’m intrigued by “yellow handled purple pocketbook flowers peeping out on the vines,” not only because of the charming description, but also because I don’t know those flowers.

      I understand a reluctance to share thoughts that some cannot understand, visions they cannot (or refuse to) see. When people don’t comprehend, rather than face their inadequacy, they might fault the source. I’m glad you feel comfortable to share your thoughts and visions here.

      The morning has opened its curtains for you to delight in His theater!

      The morning show here was soft, baby blue sky with fluffy pink clouds reflected on the calm surface of the water. That was the opening act. Now the rising sun signals the beginning of the second act with bright light filling our home.

      I put up the Reflectix in order to see the monitor in all this light. Most likely we will stay here through Saturday, unless we’re crowded out by people and their noises. The celebrations for Pioneer Day were yesterday. I was describing the day to you until I realized, “Hey, I’m writing the next post in this reply to weather!”

      It’s always a pleasure to listen to what you say, weather, and to see through your eyes. Here’s to YOUR happiness . . .

      • weather says:

        The rapidly growing vine with it’s corn kernel sized blossoms is considered an “invasive, overtaking well-manicured properties weed” to be eradicated, and so rarely seen.

        The precise description your understanding rendered-being faulted as inscrutable or worse- would change my being perceived by many around me- as a subtle invitation to the Source of much they wish they had-,into being a hindrance to that view.

        -Describing experience as being presented in scenes,-adding Playwright to the list of titles I ascribe to the Author of everything-,Wow,you offer brilliant insight! That’s something I’d never considered until now.Adding staged splendor to the layers of Story’s elements, repeated with unique inclusions for each audience,what beautiful enhancement I now see.

        Your capacity to interpret everything is a gauge of profoundly developed innate qualities within you.Thanks for refusing to let all you faced rob the world of what Sue thriving offers.

  31. I second the recommendation on Edward Rutherford. I love his books, he follows several families through many generations and intertwines this with real history. And he is a great story teller. Maybe stay away from the Ireland series if you don’t feel like reading sad stories. But then the history of Ireland itself is very sad.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Rosemary,

      I’ve read Edward Rutherford! I didn’t recall his name until reading your comment. Of course I can’t remember the title of his book that I read but I do recall the very real and interesting characters in the story. It was set in England and spanned several generations of a family. Great story!

      I think I’ll look for more of his books at the kindle ebook store.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      It’s coming back to me… The family was the Padgenetts or something like that.

  32. Terri From Texas says:

    Hi RvSue,
    I gotta weigh in on Sidewinder Pens comment about privacy. It is, indeed, an issue close to the hearts of librarians. Traditionally, librarians are concerned about the privacy pertaining to what information people check out or are reading. Privacy is sacred in a library. The advent of purchasing your reading material online makes it seem less private. It may BE

  33. Terri From Texas says:

    Whoops, accidentally hit the post button. Anyway, I am sure you get the gist of my
    message. As a whole, I think most people today are concerned with all privacy being taken away.
    Edward Rutherfurd- Both Sarum and London were excellent!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Yes, London… That’s the one I read!

      Thanks for elaborating on the privacy concern re books and librarians. We’ve let go of a lot of things that once were very private. Not too long ago I would’ve been shocked at the thought of online banking. Now I don’t give it any concern.

  34. JodeeinSoCal says:

    Your word-smithing skills were really clicking in this post – every sentence was a delightful experience :-). Your sunset was wonderful as well!!
    We (Bill and I often read the same book at the same time (same account, me on the Kindle and he on his IPhone) are reading a series of books by Preston and Childs with Creighton-like research and unique twists. I’m hoping to find unique stories by local authors when we get on the road.
    Enjoy your beach. And your bums :-).

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Jodee. That’s cool, that you and Bill read the same books at the same time. Your personal book club!

  35. Shirlene says:

    Hey Sue, how do I get a hold of Kay the RV Park Queen. What a great idea and one for which I have been waiting. We have a great product we would like to add to her store, and can’t wait for the chance for a “down time” Park without all the fuss and screaming happily playing children. All wonderful ideas and I hope for the very best for her and hubby.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Shirlene,

      I can’t email anyone right now. I set up a gmail account but the slow and weak connection here won’t load the “compose email” . . .

      We should first see if Kay has an email address set up for their project that she is willing to share publicly. (Kay… No pressure here. We understand if you don’t want a public email.)

  36. Reine says:

    For you mystery lovers that are connected enough to have PBS, the British series Midsomer Murders is great fun. Yes folks get killed but it’s never gory and contains a lot of droll humor. The stories are usually about 90-100 minutes so PBS is doing them in two parts. Getting halfway through and seeing “to be continued” is a pain but the stories and characters are worth waiting for. We bought a DVD set to take with us when we head out camping for those times when we have hookups but the weather is beastly.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Reine,

      I think I’ve seen the Midsomer Murders. Good idea to take some DVDs camping for rainy days.

  37. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Get this one…..

    The city folk who come up here for vacation are upset with the bears who tear up their garbage when they leave it out. They have called the DEC to inquire about relocating the bears! Can you imagine taking that phone call and trying to be professional ie without laughing?

    This is the Adirondack Park 223 million acres filled with wildlife.

    The bears are intruding on their vacation! OMG these folks have lost their minds!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      That’s a typical city-folk-in-the-country story. “All things revolve around me and exist for my enjoyment or must be removed.” You’re right… insanity!

      You reminded me of a tale I heard as a child living in upstate NY. People from “the city” (meaning NYC) would go upstate to hunt. Someone reported a car heading back to the city with a dead cow strapped to the hood.

      I don’t know if that actually happened or not. It’s plausible.

      • Mick'nTN says:

        Morris (Pork) Bently had a cow or horse shot by “City hunters”. His farm is on 313 just outside the village limits.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          If this happened in the 50s, it’s probably the incident I heard about as a kid.

          • Connie & Mugsy (MN/AZ) says:

            That sounds like either a practical joke… or just another of the many urban legends of our lives (back before Snopes!!)

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              Urban legends wouldn’t fly in the town where Mick and I grew up. It was too small. “City hunters” were (and maybe still are) a problem around our picturesque home town which attracted people from the NYC.

              My father and I were at the back part of our property when a bullet whizzed by. My father hunted down the hunter in the woods and chewed him out royally. I thought he would tear the guy apart. I remember him yelling, “Never shoot a gun at something you can’t see!” This was typical, stupid behavior on the part of city people in the country.

              Since Pork Bentley had his cow mistaken for a deer and shot, the story is not improbable, and it may be the same cow. 🙂

            • Cinandjules (NY) says:

              That still happens quite frequently up here. Hunters (wannabes) don’t identify their target before pulling the trigger. We call it “thinning the herd”. 😉

              Pork Bentley was his real name?

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              Pork is a nickname. His given name — Morris.

              I think what helped to enrage my father was the fact that I spent a lot of time alone in the woods.

  38. Lee J in Northern California says:

    We should do an RV Sue book club!

    Right now I am reading the Raging Sea by Dennis Powers. It is about the tsunami that attacked Crescent City in 1964. I remember reading about it, but was in the middle of planning my wedding, so it wasn’t seriously considered.

    When we were last in Oregon my sister, in. Astoria , was telling me about local instructions for folks in the area. My sister’s farm is a location for people to go if there is a problem so she is a font of information. We also stayed at a Comfort Inn in Seaside, were on the third floor and there were signs saying if there is a tsunami alert, leave, don’t count on the third floor to offer protection!

    Not your basic light reading! But as to China, I have been revisiting Pearl Buck, her books are still riveting.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Lee J,

      I did notice tsunami evacuation route signs when the crew and I traveled the Oregon coast. Your sister has a big responsibility should a tsunami ever occur. I hope her farm is never used for that purpose.

  39. Glenda in OZ! says:

    I have read the “Wild Swans”……………some time ago, but do remember I was glad that I read it. Harrowing and emotional, a book like this needs to be read to acknowledge a countries history and the struggles of its people. Hope you finish it then onto something lighter 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Glenda,

      Harrowing is the word! I have to read it in short sessions. Then I put it down and go into the water, otherwise it’s too depressing. One of the most appalling revelations in the book is how cruel and vengeful “ordinary” people can become, given the freedom and the license to act on their dark emotions, like envy, for example. I knew there was a good reason I never trust the neighbors. . . 😉

      • Glenda in OZ! says:

        Depressing for sure………..your words describe it and to think how factual it really is……….how can people be like this to each other…….so sad.

  40. Diann in MT says:

    “Why oh why did you mention ice cream . . . I’m miles and miles from ice cream”

    OK, Sue, if you and the crew get routed out of there over the weekend, Head For Ice Cream !!!

  41. John K - Mobile, AL says:

    Still nothing to report on the house sale but we are still hopeful.

    On a brighter note, we have put the cart before the horse and went ahead and bought our trailer. After months of back and forth we decided on a 2014 Airstream 25. We made the deal last Saturday and pulled it home Wednesday. It now sits in the driveway where we can start to get it ready for the road. Here’s a pic of the trailer hooked up and ready to leave Gulfport, MS for Mobile, AL.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Wow! Congratulations, John! That’s a mighty handsome trailer and I love the metallic truck paired with it.

      • John K - Mobile, AL says:

        Thank you! We are so gassed that we were able to go ahead and get the trailer now. There seems to be quite a bit to learn. So, we will start out driveway camping and then work our way up to longer and longer trips until the one trip where we don’t turn around!

        • Gayle says:

          Wow, handsome rig! You will LOOK like you know what you’re doing until you actually KNOW what you’re doing. Beautiful, happy trails to you.

    • Phyllis says:

      Yeah thanks John K, I was up after midnight reading about airstreams. They are a beauty and a classic.

      Phyllis in Oklahoma

  42. Marilu in Northern California says:

    That’s a very handsome rig. Congratulations! You’re right about there being lots to learn but no rush. Enjoy the journey!

  43. weather says:

    Early hour notes,
    Plants,critters and wind, being what they are,seem to be conspiring to replace nearby alterations to the land with whatever suits them this morning.I enjoy seeing them rejuvenate,even if they encroach a bit,again,upon peoples temporary changes on the earth.

    Like in the woods, finding an old stone wall near the crumbled foundation of a house long since abandoned.I picture it’s builders having chosen something new to venture towards as they left,heading for a new dream,while nature refilled the now empty spaces

    In a few hours folks will be done with their mowing,shooing away wildlife,straightening up furniture and what not the wind’s tossed about,then they’ll lean,grinning with satisfaction at the results of their efforts.

    My heart is gladdened this morning,theirs this afternoon,all from the chance to have what satisfies each-life is good in my world,hope today’s warmth holds off until it feels welcome to you.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, weather,

      I’m glad life is good in your world this morning. It is good here, too. I, also, watch others pursue what gives them enjoyment — water skiing, racing boats, being pulled in a raft behind a boat, fishing, driving up and down hills, playing music, shooting off fireworks. I hear the oohing and aahing at the momentary display, as if the night sky resplendent with stars and the Milky Way weren’t spectacular enough! I’m happy that they’re happy. I hear them laughing well into the night.

      I’ve always been one to stand apart and I was grateful — and relieved — whenever I was allowed to do so. The older I get, the more all this “fun” seems like too much effort and too frenzied. I’m thankful I’m the spectator and they’re the participants.

      Something about morning light across water . . . It enters our home through white curtains this morning and gently wakes us. I think two nights of celebration by our neighbors may be responsible for my sleepy-headed crew still in bed at 8:30 a.m. Or maybe they’re simply being beach bums. A walk on the beach will do us good.

      With a glad heart you surely will enjoy your day!

  44. R. (Western Colorado) says:

    Good morning Sue! Good morning Crew!

    It looks like a beautiful day after flash floods we had yesterday. I never experienced anything like that except when we lived in the Adirondacks and we had a powerful flood which destroyed one village near the AuSable River and our little stream became so huge it flooded roads, our driveway but beavers liked it. Their dams on our property survived without any damage. The water is so powerful. Yesterday my neighbor’s lawn got destroyed, debris everywhere and it all last less than 2 hours but results are sad and visible. My husband is watching over me. I finished my hike before all started. I only hope no hikers found themselves in any canyon at that time.
    No hiking today. It is my garage sale today. I’m almost giving lots of things away but this is another step in my plan of going places, buying RV and you know the rest.

    Have a great and peaceful day.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, R. (Western Colorado),

      I’m glad you’re safe after yesterday’s flash floods. You were wise to heed the warnings (of nature and your husband) to discontinue your hike.

      Good luck with the garage sale. Like you, I mostly gave away my possessions; I priced them very low. Shedding the stuff was more important than making a few dollars, and that’s an amazing statement coming from this frugal person! Once you have a dream to reach for, the possessions of the former life lose their value.

      I met one of my best friends when he happened to stop at my sale. Goes to show . . . A garage sale generating low profits can still be an outstanding success. 😉

  45. MK in NE GA for now says:

    Wonderful story and photo’s as usual. I can see the grand pooh bah her royal highness Queen of all Ms Bridget on her elaborate throne being toted about by young men in thongs (snicker). I’m sure Spike is in 7th heaven with soaking available through out the day!

    I have a Samsung Tablet with a Kindle app and love it. I’ve re-discovered my library and often read my books for FREE.

    Sue if your interested in China, I can recommend Pearl S. Buck, it seems she has been forgotten but her books are still great and I’ve re-read several so far.

    Another one I read recently was the China Diaries by Louis Stannard. It takes place just prior to WWII and the story revolves around the China Clippers and flight during that time in Asia.

    I love a good historical novel.
    Another great series is the Sara Donatti Into the Wilderness books, the premise is it starts several years after Last of the Mohicans.
    My two faves about Ireland are by Leon Uris – Trinity and it’s sequil Redemption. I re-read these every several years!

    I read all the time! So finding cheapo books is a biggie for me and the library has solve my problem. Next time your in a big enough town google their library and see if the have ebooks and go sign up for a card and get the code to have access, it can be done anywhere!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Great comment, MK! Your enthusiasm for reading is contagious. You make me want to forget about writing a post this morning and instead, climb into my lounger with a good book. 😉

      I’ve been told about signing up at a library. I intend to and then forget about it. It definitely is something I should do when camped in the same area for long periods, like during the winter. I will look into it!

      Thanks for the recommendations. I’ve read Pearl Buck … years ago. One of my favorite books as a young girl was Last of the Mohicans. I read it several times, saw the movie . . . I don’t know if I’ve read Into the Wilderness. It sounds familiar. I’ll look it up to see. I have a terrible memory about books I’ve read, same with music. It amazing to me how people can spiel off names of songs and artists, books and authors.

      The “grand pooh bah” wore herself out walking the beach this morning . . . no luxury conveyance available, poor thing. Spike is dozing also. He’s lying on the throw rug with his muddy paws from his latest soak.

  46. Pat says:

    I have been visiting my daughter in Green River, WY. I lived here 40 years and I was looking at your photos and thought it looked familiar. I have not been catching up with blogs while I have been here. The Lake as we call it is quite an attraction this time of year. I hope you enjoyed it. Where are you heading next?
    I leave next Friday to head up to Atlantic City BLM campground. Very pretty area and the town will be celebrating Gold Rush Days. The Grubstake offers great food and maybe even some music. I enjoy your blog.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I’m not sure where we are going next, Pat. I’m working on some ideas right now. You’re going from Green River, WY, to Atlantic City… Wow! Have a great time!

  47. DesertGinger says:

    Morning everyone. I just wanted to share an idea that may appeal to others. I just did two good deeds with one click. I went to Amazon via Sue’s blog as usual, then I clicked on Wish list—>Find a Wish List, then I typed in ‘Texas Young Democrats’ and then I saw the wish list created by the Texas Young Democrats to gather goods to help the children at the border, and to help the people caring for the children. No matter what you think about these children and whether they should be sent home, they still have to be cared for until a decision is made. And Sue gets a little bit, too. It’s all good.

    • DesertGinger says:

      Oh…and one more thing…the cool thing is your donation gets delivered for free, right to the children

      • Marilu in Northern California says:

        Hi Desert Ginger,
        Great idea! I have items chosen but when I g to checkout how do I get the items sent to the kids and not to me? I went through the wish list but then it lists my address. 🙁

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          You need to change the shipping address.

        • DesertGinger says:

          I’m so glad you posted this. When I checked my order it had my address, too. So I cancelled my order and started over. You go to the wish list and pick your items, but do not use one click. If you go through the regular process you will get a page where you choose the shipping address, and one of the choices is Texas Young Democrats. Choose that address.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Ginger,

      Normally I discourage people from soliciting donations on my blog. This cause does seem like a good one and your compassion is admirable. It’s thoughtful of you to put in a “plug” for my Amazon sales. Thank you for your order, Ginger.

      However, I have to be mindful of the hundreds of people who visit my blog. They have their causes, too, and I can’t accommodate them all. I’ll let this one stand. I’m posting this message in order to alert others that I can’t accept any more appeals for donations that are unrelated to my blog.

      • DesertGinger says:

        I’m so sorry; I should have asked first…I never thought. I just got excited about the chance to do good AND make money for you. I won’t do that again.

  48. ArizonaEileen says:

    Sue –
    When blogging about a book you’re reading, I believe can ‘link’ the title to your Amazon store.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Yes, I can. However, when I have a very weak signal like 1X + 1 bar, making a link can take more than a half-hour. Sometimes I forget, too. Thanks for the reminder.

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