Big Meadows and abundant streams

Sunday, August 14

“This looks like the turn up ahead.”

The crew and I motor southwest on Route 160 from our present home at Beaver Creek Campground south of South Fork, Colorado.  A drive of about ten miles brings us to Route 410, a dirt road winding its way into  San Juan National Forest.

This has been a crazy day.  Started out with perfect weather, sunny and fresh.  In the afternoon, rain in torrents.  The storm passes and now it’s nice again, a bit cooler than this morning.

“Here we are, crew. “

P1130546The road forks, left to the campground and right to the reservoir.

“Let’s check out the campground first.” 

On the way the spillway for the reservoir comes into view, a dramatic sliver of silvery white in this late afternoon light.

P1130542“Oh, there’s a bridge!  We’ll walk over it in a little while.”

Big Meadows Campground is situated on a slope overlooking the reservoir.

Most of the sites are reservable and occupied or soon-to-be-occupied.  Rates are $20 a day (regular) or, since this is a national forest campground, $10 a day with the senior discount pass.  No hook-ups here.  We cruise one of the loops.  I don’t take photos while in the campground because people are out and about after an afternoon of rain.

Here’s a partial view I photograph later from outside the campground.

P1130540-001 The photo doesn’t show where most of the RVs are located.  They’re pretty tight together.  The reservoir is a short walk down the slope from the campground.

Notice the gray mountain? 

The beetle infestation has done a lot of damage to the trees around here.  The next photo isn’t that great — the light is weird — but it does show more of the damage on the hillsides around the reservoir.


I drive us over to the parking area on the other side of the reservoir.

“Okay, you can get out now,” I announce to Bridget and Reggie who are bursting with energy and enthusiasm.  “You’re gonna’ like this!”


The crew loves to walk a path!  In their excitement they pull on the tether.


Bridget and Reggie rarely hesitate to cross a bridge.


On the right side of the bridge, ducks present a picture of serenity.


On the left side, water tumbles down the spillway in a roar!

P1130559Reggie goes nuts!

He loves this place!  I don’t know if it’s the mountain air, the prairie dogs who tease him with their heads unexpectedly popping out of the ground, or simply the exuberance of being free after a rainy afternoon cooped up in the Best Little Trailer.  He has a grand time dashing about.  My attempts to catch him with the camera are limited to his calmer moments.

P1130560There’s a trail at Big Meadows that goes part of the way around the reservoir and then off into the woods, as best I can tell without actually hiking it.

The water in the next photo looks green.  That isn’t algae; I think the water is reflecting the forest in shadow.


Bridget is enjoying this little excursion, too. 

She doesn’t balk at the camera, which is an indication she’s living in the moment.  I’m pleased to see her getting exercise.  She hasn’t used her stroller in a long time.

P1130566The crew and I spend a few moments along the shore before boarding the PTV.

P1130568Slowly we roll away from Big Meadow State Wildlife Area.  So peaceful here!

P1130545I’m in a mellow mood and keep the PTV at 5 mph or less on the road back to the highway.

P1130573We creep so I can look at the rocks, trees, and roadside stream along the way.


My slower pace is rewarded by the sight of a furry, brown creature scurrying across the road in front of us.  I grab my camera, but not fast enough.  Marmots have short legs but that doesn’t mean they can’t make good time when they want to!

I hear the stream through my open window. 

It becomes louder as we approach a bridge.  I park on the other side and get out.

“I’ll just be a minute.”  Bridget and Reggie look at me with sleepy eyes.


Colorado has magnificent mountains, it’s true. 

What I’ve come to love about the state is the abundance of rivers, streams, lakes, and reservoirs.  In the area around South Fork it seems that every road runs beside flowing water or along a still reservoir or lake.

You want to fish?  There are numerous places to pull off the road with a path to follow to the creek or river.  You want to wade?  It’s easy to find shallow pools down a gentle bank.

And then there are the beautiful trees . . . .

Well, we’ve been to Big Meadows.  I don’t think we’ll camp there.  There’s another place I’d like to check out for a possible move tomorrow . . . .





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94 Responses to Big Meadows and abundant streams

  1. Liz says:

    Liz-Boise, ID

  2. Pat from Mich. says:

    Ha! 4th?

  3. Millie says:

    Beautiful photos Sue. I envy you the cool mountain air as we continue to roast here in NC. Vacation next summer will have to be in Canada-I can’t take the heat in the summer here! Hugs to the crew they look like they’re really enjoying themselves. Great news too that Bridgie hasn’t needed her car much recently!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You probably told us at one time… I’m assuming you are in the lowlands of NC, not the mountains, although I guess it gets hot sometimes in the western part of the state. I know it does in north Georgia just south of there.

      Yes, it has been cool here. In fact, with rain showers every afternoon making everything damp, the mornings have been cold! It isn’t until 10 a.m. that it warms up to how I like it and that’s a good part of my day gone.

      Not complaining! Wish I could send you some cool air, Millie…

  4. Denise in Texas says:

    Very pretty! Looks like a good spot to return to.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Denise,

      Welcome to my blog! I’m happy to see you here. Yes, I would take us back to Big Meadows, but I keep finding more places for us to explore!

  5. Cheryl Kline says:

    Thank you for sharing the beautiful scenery RV Sue. I will be going full-time next spring and Colorado will definitely be on my bucket list.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cheryl,

      Welcome to my blog! Oh, boy, spring will be here before you know it! I hope you will keep in touch and share your plans and adventures…

  6. Robin B (Oregon) says:

    As usual, totally enjoy your blog.

    Funny you should mention marmots. Have you read or heard about Dan White’s UNDER THE STARS: How America Fell in Love With Camping? If not, it’s a combo of camping history and personal experiences with camping in its various forms (backpacking, car camping, “glamping”, RV’ing, surviving in the wilds while nude & more), and while I found the history a little tedious at times, I loved it when he talked about his own experiences. He has one section about car camping in the Sierras that involves marmots. Anyway, if interested in this type of book, try to download it when it’s on sale.

    • Laura - Illinois says:

      Hi Robin!

      I live in Illinois and love long car rides and camping when I can…which has not been for a long time, but I love camping non the less… I have not heard of the author Dan White or the book Under The Stars..until you mentioned it. I am going to find this book! Sounds absolutely right up my alley! Thanks for sharing….


      • Robin B (Oregon) says:

        Glad to help. Dan White wrote a funny memoir about hiking the Pac Crest Trail called CACTUS EATERS, which is worth reading, too. RVSue, you might also enjoy it.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks for the review and suggestion, Robin. It sounds like a fun book.

  7. Liz says:

    This a beautiful spot! I have so many places getting added to my bucket list from the blogs I read. Thank you so much for sharing the places that you go to. Safe travels!
    Liz-Boise, ID

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Liz. I haven’t heard about fires in Idaho this summer, not like last year when they ran me out of the Sawtooth Mountains. 🙂

      • Renee from Idaho says:

        Yes, Sue. Unfortunately we have the Pioneer fire very close to Boise, up to 80K + acres so far and only about 50% contained. It’s up near Lowman and the historical structures in Pioneerville are being protected. The Banks Lowman Hwy was just reopened after being closed for two weeks. There are two other fires in that area but smaller. One northeast of Crouch and another up near Riggins. Most areas are smokey and when the winds shift we get them here in the valley where Boise and Meridian, where I live, are located. Now there are some in the NW section of Yellowstone too. With all of the fires too in California, it’s sad.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Good morning, Renee,

          I guess forest fires are a regular, annual occurrence in Idaho. As an Easterner, I wasn’t aware of the numerous fires in the West each year, or maybe I didn’t pay attention. It’s an important consideration for anyone traveling and camping in the woods. God bless our firefighters, eh?

          I hope you aren’t covered in smoke today…

      • Liz says:

        What Renee from Idaho wrote. Some mornings are tolerable, other mornings the smell is awful. If you read “Wheeling It”, they were staying in Sun Valley while their dog was getting some rehab from surgery and they left a week early….the smoke from the Pioneer Fire was getting Sun Valley really bad. Suppose to have some cooler temps this coming week, so hopefully that will help with getting some of the fires out.
        Liz-Boise, ID

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Sounds like Nina and Paul had a similar experience to mine and the crew’s. I remember driving through Sun Valley ahead of the smoke. I didn’t know about Wheeling It’s experience. I rarely read other blogs any more. Either I need to get off the computer after working on my own blog or I don’t have enough data or connection for it.

          Wishing the fires would abate and your home remain sweet-smelling.

          • eliza says:

            Sue – this comment made me wonder (since i have been re-reading your earlier posts under .com) whether you remain in contact outside the blog with other bloggers or people you have met over the years. i don’t know if what you share has changed, or if your life on the road has changed, but it does seem a little more solitary. i’m just curious really, but wondering about what changes a life on the road can bring. (eliza in illinois for now)

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              Interesting question. I think what you are noticing is the way I’ve had to withdraw due to the popularity of my blog. The first few years on the road I camped wherever I wanted without much thought about maintaining my privacy. That changed when I experienced people dropping in on us and driving up to our campsite to gawk. I don’t always write about the times I’ve passed up a camp or I’ve moved camp in order to maintain privacy.

              For instance, KOFA wildlife refuge, Mittry Lake, Dome Rock, and other places popular with RVers are crossed off my list of camps.

              No, I don’t keep in touch with other bloggers and people any more than you see on my blog. Again, that may be because I avoid the places where other bloggers I know may camp because, unlike them, I don’t want to socialize with the other folks in the area.

              I don’t know if that answers your question or not. 🙂

            • eliza says:

              Hi Sue – the reply does answer the question (but there was no link to answer your answer) – thank you.
              i’m sorry that the success of the blog has made it more difficult for you to have ease in finding solitude.
              you continue to help and inspire a lot of us blogorinos. i hope my fitbit showed up on your amazon account – i’m not much of a shopper but when i need to i think of you – a kind of odd connection actually.

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              I haven’t checked my Amazon orders reports lately due to slow connection. When I do see the Fitbit, I’ll include it in the links at the end of a future post. Thank you, eliza, for remembering me and my crew when deciding to shop. If you used one of my links, I’m confident I received a commission.

              Your reply illustrates the “something lost, something gained” principle. We may have lost some camps due to the need to protect our privacy, yet I’ve gained Amazon income.

  8. Lee J in Northern California says:

    Just beautiful…and I can just ‘feel’ the cool fresh air!

  9. Sherri D says:

    I’ve had a not so good day. Your slow pace and photo taking has made me smile. I need to slow down too. Thanks for the reminder. 🙂

  10. Kat says:

    It’s beautiful there. Too bad about the beetles killing off so many trees. Love all your photos and its great to see Bridget out enjoying a walk.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Kat,

      Yes, I’m always happy and relieved when Bridget trots along with Reggie and me. I don’t want her to become too reliant upon the stroller.

      I suppose what looks like damage to us by the beetles is nature’s way of thinning the forest. The crew and I were up on a high mountain road, walking around a pond, when there was a loud crack and one of the dead trees fell… (not near us!)

  11. R. on Colorado Trail says:

    I’m so happy for you and your companions. It looks like colorado is the place to spend summer. During monsoon season there is almost every day rain or shower or some kind of storm but mornings are bright with blue sky. Then dark clouds gather and after an hour or two again the sun is out. Usually. This is why I am on the trail at 6 am or soon after. I’m learning to observe clouds and run to lower elevation while above treeline when dark clouds appear and maybe lightning is coming.

    • R. on Colorado Trail says:

      As to dead trees there are miles and miles of them along colorado trail. Around breckenridge all trees were cut and now just standing dead forest all the way beyond lake city. I should figure out how many miles of dead brown forests. Those trees are like matches and i’m so glad there are no wildfires. Still there so much beauty all around.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        I think the dead trees are part of the reason I wasn’t drawn to camp at Big Meadows Campground. Sparks from campfires with all those dead trees around… Of course, I suppose all the rain prevents that from happening. A lightning strike might start a fire that can take hold and spread though.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      What you are doing is beyond the scope of my imagination, R. Incredible! I should think it is very cold on mountain trails at 6 in the morning. Stay safe… Keep dry. Thanks for keeping in touch!

  12. Nancy S. Indiana says:

    I just don’t know which I like more, your beautiful pictures or writing ability. The combination of the two always makes me look forward to reading your blog. Thank you!

  13. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    This is a beautiful area. Too bad the campground is close to full and so close together.
    I agree about the abundance and beauty of the the streams, lake and mountains out there. For me, all the variety of nature is amazing and much more exciting that going to the beach. Not that the beach isn’t beautiful, just not my choice.
    The crew did seem to be enjoying themselves. 9

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I agree with you, Barbara. For me, I lived almost two decades by the beach in Florida. Thrilling and wonderful at first. Now I enjoy the beach once in a while and like spending most of the year in desert or mountains or somewhere in between.

  14. DeAnne in TN says:

    24th! or 25th!

  15. DesertGinger says:

    Hahaha. All I know is I’m not number 165 or something! Having a pleasant Sunday. Love these photos of these beautiful places. That spillway is gorgeous! I’m doing some work projects on my computer and making a little money. Need to work on my house too. I have doctor appointments and tests for next 3 days. Hope to get some info on my kidneys and what my treatment options are. And Thursday I will see my coffee group again. I miss them when I travel.
    So I got some Tate’s bake shop gluten free chocolate chip cookies. Oh my god. They are amazing. If you are gluten free, you have to try them. So very good!
    Hope everyone is having a nice Sunday.

  16. DesertGinger says:

    Ok, here’s an Amazon link to gluten free cookies. They also come regular and are still super delicious.

    Ginger: I removed the link you posted because readers may mistakenly think I get a commission if they go to Amazon via that link. I can’t post one of my own links because the connection is too weak (and slow). Therefore . . .

    Readers: If you’d like to see the cookie page and perhaps buy some, please use the Amazon link below the duck photo. When you get to Amazon, type “Tates Bake Shop Chocolate Cookies” in the Amazon search box and I’m pretty sure you will find them. (I can’t check it.)


    • Velda in Roseville CA says:

      I have had Tate’s before and they are pretty good.

    • rhodium, RI says:

      My wife has to eat gluten free and any kind of crunchy as opposed to chewy bakery product does great when gluten free. A lot of classic recipes for tarts use almond flour for the crust and that is amazing, but costly (but a good buy at Amazon!).

  17. Suzan in Atlanta (for now) says:

    Between hubby and I, we’ve seen almost every US state (including Alaska & Hawaii) and Colorado is still my favorite. I lived there for a few years, and I still consider it my home. I’m so glad you’re enjoying it there. It’s a special place. Thanks for sharing your travels!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Suzan. I believe a lot of people share your feelings about Colorado. I’ve heard about it for years and am glad to see what caused all the fondness.

  18. Shawna says:

    Beautiful area, and your photos are spectacular Sue.

  19. Candace says:

    High altitude and fresh cool air are good for Bridget. 🙂 Perhaps you will come again next year and make me love my state even more with your lovely pictures and wonderful writing as you have this year. Thank you.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Candace. I think you like Colorado. 🙂 Thanks for the compliments on my writing and photos. I hope you are enjoying your new travel trailer!

  20. weather says:

    Big Meadows…just the name would so pique my interest I’d want to see the place. I like the picture of Bridget and Reggie on the bridge 🙂 There are some very nice photos in this post, Sue. Most of our states and Canada’s provinces that have a lot of lakes and rivers also have snowy months. It’s wonderful for you to be able to be among them during only the warmer times of year, as you really don’t like to deal with much snow often. I’m glad, too, that you had the option to not stay where you’d keep seeing the trees were in that condition. Like winter in some areas,a season of that sort happens in nature, but why watch what you don’t enjoy? Thanks for another lovely episode of the joys of living with wheels instead of a cement foundation on your home.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, weather,

      I apologize for not replying sooner to you and others who commented last night. I went offline earlier than usual and my “usual” is early, too. 🙂

      The names of places influence us, I’m sure. I remember looking for a campground in my Oregon Benchmark atlas and saw one named Gnat Campground or something like that. Who would be in hurry to go there? I’ve also looked at my atlas and found roads that look like they might have boondocks, but the names were not attractive… Rattlesnake Mesa comes to mind. On the other hand, Los Pinos Road appealed to me.

      Before we left Georgia, I would dream over my maps and the place names would roll around in my head…

      When the crew and I visit an area for the first time, I always wonder, “Would I want a tiny house here as a home base or as a second retirement home?” The answer, so far, has been, “No, because after 14 days I’d want to move it somewhere else.” Kidding aside, it is wonderful to have a home that can follow the good weather.

      And on that note, good weather, I hope your visit with family was happy and productive (granddaughter set up for the school year).

  21. Jerry says:

    The pictures are spectacular. I’v followed your blog for quite awhile. But I have a question for you. What made you decide on a Casita trailer with all of the different ones available? I’m still in the looking stage for a travel trailer.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jerry,

      Thank you for reading my blog. It’s great seeing you here!

      Why I chose Casita… Besides the fact that I thought it attractive and practical in design, so are a lot of other brands, right? When I shopped for a travel trailer, I was in my house in Georgia, working full-time at a demanding job. Fiberglass TTs were rare in that area. If I found a fiberglass trailer online that was for sale, it would be gone before I could drive the miles to see it. I gave up on the idea of buying used.

      The short answer to your question is logistics. I had to sell my house and then live in my travel trailer. If the TT was in Canada or Indiana or whatever, that presented difficulty. As Casitas are purchased at the factory in Texas, I devised a workable plan. Upon the closing of my house, I would drive westward to Mississippi, spend the weekend at my sister’s house, then complete the journey the next day.

      It was fortunate that I also liked the Casita Liberty Deluxe floorplan. I also noted the positive, enthusiastic Casita owners at Plus Casita offered options that fit my plan to boondock a lot (high lift axle with big tires, bigger tanks). These options are available on many other travel trailers these days.

      Once I realized the logistics, I stopped investigating other TT. That doesn’t help you much with your decision-making, but that’s the answer to your question. Good luck, Jerry! As it’s said about love, you’ll know her when you find her.

      • Jerry says:

        Thanks Sue

      • I don’t own a Casita, as you can tell by my signature, but something lacking in small trailers from my point of view is a back window. Most put a bathroom across the back. Other campers my family owned, with one exception, had a large window in the back and that’s what I prefer since my favorite places to camp have the scenery out the back, i.e. Lake, river, hills, etc. I can turn my T@B sideways to take advantage of the view, but if I was shopping for a larger rig a back window would be on the list. That includes Casita, Oliver, Airstream in that “under 23′” category. Sadly, all but Casita are very pricey. The Lance 1575 is nice and meets my requirements, too

        I love CO. The little towns from Denver up into the mountains that are sprinkled along the gushing river at the base of mountains are heavenly. Idaho Springs, Georgetown, Silverthorne to name a few… I just love it there.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Yeah, the big back window is a feature of the BLT that I enjoy. My computer table is right next to it. “Sadly, all but Casita are very pricey.” No problem, get a Casita! Ha! (I’m loyal to the brand.)

          To tell the truth I’m unfamiliar with the travel trailers on the market these days.

          • Julie, Molly & gizmo (Idaho) says:

            I will give shout out to the escape 17b. Made in chilliwack bc. To explore fiberglass trailers go to fiberglass rv. The whole list of these type of light trailers. I currently have a scamp & will upgrade to the escape.

            • rvsueandcrew says:

     was my home away from home while dreaming about travel trailers several years ago…

  22. Renee from Idaho says:

    Beautiful photos Sue. The water rushing amongst those rocks is spectacular. Seems that Colorado is untouched by fire. Thank you Lord. It’s awful to see the beetle damage, we’ve had a lot of that here in Idaho, but a lot has been done to counter the damage and prevent it too. In the Bull Trout area along Hwy 21 on the way to Stanley, a lot of the beetle damaged trees were cut out and pheromone packets were placed high in the healthy trees to “fool” beatles into thinking the trees were already occupied so they moved on. I’ve also seen these pheromone packets at the Teton Canyon CG East of Driggs in a “landlocked” portion of Wyoming. It’s a beautiful CG with the canyon walls that you show in today’s posting. Take care Sue and enjoy your travels.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Actually Colorado has a fair share of forest fires. We were near the Hayden Creek fire that may still be burning. It has burned thousands of acres. There have been devastating fires in Colorado in previous seasons with loss of life and property. I don’t know if pheromone packets are used in CO. I wouldn’t know one if I saw one.

      • edlfrey says:

        WHOA! I looked up ‘pheromone packets’ and they sell for $7ea when purchased in 1,000 packet lots. They also need to be replaced every year.

        That is a lot of money to protect some pine tree from the beetles. Now if it is tax payers money, or if the federal government can borrow the money, then money is no object and I can see where packets would be needed in every tree. That would be especially true if the manufacturer was a political campaign contributor.

  23. Renee from Idaho says:

    Driggs, Idaho, that is.

  24. Rover Ronda (WA) says:

    Yeah, Bridget! I’m glad you’re feeling well now. ?I enjoyed walking the bridge with y’all. Thank you Sue for the great description.

  25. Val R. Lakefield On. says:

    Hi Sue
    Looks beautiful where you are now…lovely photos Glad Bridget is enjoying her walks. She really is looking good.
    Was happy to see another post. I was off line for a few days & just returned from the wilds of Muskoka….guess you could say we boondocked as we just used our solar. Helping a daughter build a deck on her home in the woods. I sure do love that little trailer of ours.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I don’t have any idea where Muskoka is. I assume it’s in Ontario somewhere? I’m glad you love “that little trailer”… a Casita, right?

  26. Mertinkentucky says:

    Hi Sue and crew ,
    I am laying in bed, no, let me rephrase that, i am setting on the very edge of the bed (asia mae is sprawled in middle,booting me out) but, i am catching up on your blog.
    My father is in the hospital in Icu for the past 4 days. He is having heart issues, so its a very difficult time around here,especially since i just lost mom April 10th. I am thinking about buying a class b or c…. i just can’t make up my mind, may even go for a trailer, who knows.. need something big enough for 2 of us and a dog…. and i need a lot of learning. ..for sure. But am excited to start this venture. Beautiful pics. Peace and hugs to all. And safe travels. Mert and Asia Mae. ..roasting in kentucky 🙂

    • Velda in Roseville CA says:

      Our B, a Sprinter Leisure Travel van can get pretty tight for more than a week or so. I sure would not full time in it unless it was just me and maybe a very small dog. There really is no place to have time apart or if one wants to go to bed first and the other stay up. I would consider a C if longer travel. Or I like the Winnebago Vista 27 N too for two for longer trips. I have looked at that for a couple of years. Its a Class A but only about 28 ft I believe and has more storage and space than a similar C. And some nice ones in each class come up for sale, so you should be able to look at each.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Mert and Asia Mae,

      It’s good to know you’re still reading my blog. I’m sorry you are having a difficult time with your father right now. I wish him well.

      It’s tough, at first, deciding what rig will work best for you. Try to imagine yourself living in it, completing ordinary and extraordinary tasks. What will I drive to the grocery store? Will I like maneuvering it in a tight parking lot? What would it be like to race to an emergency ward? Will I need to buy a toad also? What types of campgrounds will I be able to camp in with this rig? What sort of roads? Will I be forced to stay in more costly places? What about maintenance costs? Will there be a garage that will take my rig in the area where I’m camped?

      I throw out these questions to give you something to “chew on” as you imagine a life on the road. It is an exciting process… from first idea to planning to finally heading down the highway!

      Hugs to Asia Mae and to you, too, Mert.

  27. cc and canine ( now in Clackamas, Oregon) says:

    Big Meadows Reservoir looks gorgeous, your photos were just great. One question: If it is a state wildlife area, do they have the same discount for seniors as the golden age passport?? Do you need to be a resident of CO to get a senior discount? Just curious, as we’ll probably head that way next year to visit family.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, cc and canine…

      Your question made me aware that this post is confusing on the subject of senior discount. Big Meadows State Wildlife Area is adjacent to Big Meadows Campground, the latter being in the Rio Grande National Forest. Therefore, the Golden Age Pass or what I call the senior discount pass is accepted at the campground.

      The senior discount pass is for people of the U.S., 62 years or older. Only ten-dollars paid once at any National Forest office or online (do a search) and it’s good for life…. free entry to national parks and 50% off camping fees at federal campgrounds (NF, BLM, etc.). So, no, it has nothing to do with state residency.

  28. Kay Dattilio says:

    Good Morning, Everyone! It’s cool and clean north of Kansas City, should be a wonderful day! Sue, your pictures of the rivers and streams are beautiful, as usual. I thought about you yesterday as I am ‘purging’ paperwork and junk! I had saved 10 years of receipts from credit cards, water bills, etc. so it’s out the door they go! They are having a Junk and Jam in Sept. in the little town closest to us so going to try and sell my old antique bedpans and some garage sale furniture that I’ve bought along the way. I’m not planning on buying an Rv but just want to clean up a little bit. I’m glad the Divine Miss B is moving around….they both have the cutest little bottoms in the pictures. Take care! Kay from KC, MO!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Kay!

      Yes, get rid of the papers and stuff you don’t use. You’ve already done some of that so you know how good it feels. Good luck with your garage sale and other efforts to downsize.

      Thanks for the kind words about Bridget and the compliment on the crew’s hineys. Bridget and Reggie have celebrity bottoms, viewed by people around the world!

  29. Geri says:

    Great blog Sue! So nice to wake up and find you and crew in my mailbox! When we were in Trujillo Meadows Colorado 4 years ago, the beetle infestation was intense. Every where you looked trees were dead or dying. Really a very sad sight to see. You mentioned that all the beetle infested trees in that area had been removed but i really think that might look better than all the devastated trees. You photographs were wonderful as usual! With your images and words, you are able to transport us all to Colorado to enjoy the summer with you ! Bridget really looks great, guess Colorado must agree wit her ! Reggie must keep you laughing all the time at his antics! He is such a happy dog all the time. Looking forward to our next adventure with you! Stay safe, stay happy and we will see you up around the next bend in the road!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Geri,

      I love your upbeat comments! Thank you for complimenting my blog and photos. The crew and I went on another excursion that showed us what it looks like when the dead trees are cut in the forest. What a mess! Trampled understory and logs and branches all over the place… The bright spot was seeing a doe and her fawn in the midst of it all. Life goes on.

      It makes me happy knowing you and Chuck are with us on our travels. I don’t know when Chuck’s surgery is going to occur… Whenever it is, I wish him well. I’m glad he liked the recent horse photos. 🙂

      • Geri says:

        We don’t know yet either about “when” for his surgery! Still waiting for the Doc to get it scheduled. It will be an out patient event. We have the same doc, neurosurgeon, LOL! If these shots don’t help my back, he will be the one doing my back surgery!

  30. Dawn in NC says:

    Hi Sue! Great blog. I am just getting back into the swing of things after having gone to the beach for a week. I absolutely LOVE the beach, but can only take it in in small doses due to my really pale complexion. I got to see baby sea turtles come out of their nest and go into the ocean! It completely awes me that they won’t be back for forty some years. It has been great catching up with you and the blogorinos again. A real treat. I hope that you are having a great day.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Dawn,

      It’s good to have you back! Sounds like you had a wonderful week at the beach and you got to see the baby turtles on their trek to the sea… I’ve only seen them in a video… I hope you’re having a great day, too.

  31. Diann in MT says:

    Yeah, Sue,
    Colorado is indeed a wonderful place. You are discovering places I would never have found while I lived there for 20 years.
    My goal is to return to Colorado, granted as a visitor, but to see it in a different light from when I left in 2000. I felt like I had to flee. The population count had become so overwhelming, I had to get out of there. I see now, through your blog, there are still some serene and lovely spots. I look forward to returning one day.
    Thanks for the gorgeous pictures and entertaining prose.
    Good travels, Sue and Crew.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Diann,

      I hope you do return to Colorado. Often it is the tourist that finds little “gems” in an area that a longtime resident overlooks. I know that was true of me when I lived in Florida.

      There are areas of Colorado that have little appeal for me because of the population count you mention…. areas close to Denver. South Fork has plenty of people. Because of its location, many are passing through on their way further into or out of the mountains.

  32. Jan Johnson says:

    Another beautiful place! I’m glad Bridget is feeling friskier!

  33. Pookie in Todd Mission, tx says:

    another beautiful area of Colorado that you have found……..
    it never ends does it………
    I meant to relate this to you earlier but if one of these years you are
    around Cripple Creek be sure and take the back roads out….its a
    great drive……..took my kids to cripple creek for years to experience
    the melodrama that they put on in the Imperial Hotel….stayed at
    the hotel which had only 1 bathroom on each floor…..truely 1800’s
    western melodrama…….

  34. Love all the moving water where you are! Glad Ms B is feeling spry these days – she looks very happy. Reggie is such a hoot!! Sad to see the beetles have devastated so many acres of trees 🙁

  35. Joule says:

    Hey Sue…. just wanted to ask you…. have you ever soaked in the streams you come across when you don’t have access to a shower ?
    I am starting my full time van camping later this year and I have dreams of pulling over on a nice warm day and getting into a stream for bit of a soak before moving on.

    I used to swim and play in streams and creeks as a kid and it always felt so good…. I’d like to get back to it as an adult.

    just wondered if you enjoyed a dip with your crew from time to time…. or are the waters now unclean ?


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