Character revealed; First days at Pagari Bridge boondock

First impressions can deceive.

When the crew and I roll over Pagari Bridge in the Perfect Tow Vehicle in hopes of finding a great boondock, my first impression isn’t, shall we say, stellar.

Flat.  No trees. Acres of grass and sage.  Well, that’s okay.  I liked the grasslands of Grey’s Landing.  I can like this, too.

I stop the PTV on the bridge and look upstream.

“Pelicans!  Oh, wow! I have got to get a shot of those pelicans!”

This is the first sign that Pagari Bridge could turn out to be a wonderful camp.

As told in the previous post, the first day at this camp Reggie and Roger play constantly until they collapse, all worn out, well past canine bedtime.

We sleep well. The next morning the sun shines brightly through the windows of the Best Little Trailer and all is still.  The only sound is the singing of birds.

What’s this?  No canine kisses? No dogs pouncing on my head?  No pulling the comforter off me?  I can’t believe it! Reggie and Roger are sleeping late!  

It’s a miracle, I tell you!

A miracle!

What a difference a day makes.  The power pups of yesterday are sleepwalkers this morning. Glassy-eyed and slow-moving.  They take long naps.  It isn’t until afternoon that they perk up.

“How about a walk?”

I put the crew on two short leashes.

The 25-foot tethers allow for too much free-wheeling behavior.  Roger could use more control (Understatement of the Year).

Might as well start training him to be part of a crew!

We head down a two-track lane.  It’s ideal for encouraging the crew to walk shoulder-to-shoulder with an easy, matched pace.

Roger falls in step and we’re off!

I stop the crew to take photos.

The boys wait.  I think Roger takes a cue from Reg that this is standard procedure.

The lupines are lovely.

They mingle with sage brush, various grasses and bushes to create a soft and pleasing palette.

Funny how a place can seem dull at first glance.  Then, given time, she reveals her multi-faceted character.

“Let’s go over to the river!”

Such well-behaved boys!   

“Isn’t this fantastic?  Listen to that river! And the birds!”

I wonder about the future with my crew.

I think everything is going to work out fine.  Roger can be “a handful” but he’s a sweet boy. He just needs a little fine tuning, that’s all.  His strong personality will keep life interesting!

Speaking of life being interesting . . . .

So is the sky!  We return to our camp.  The shade shifts to the other side of the Best Little Trailer.  I move my lounger and relax.

Shortly thereafter the sky darkens.

(Note the Reflectix I had placed on the back window to block the afternoon sun.)

Quickly I crank in the awning, toss the lounger and the crew’s pallet and toys into the PTV.

The clouds pass over and move further east.  We only receive a light sprinkling.

I’ve left out the most glorious part of this new camp. . .

. . . the birds!

Oh, my, so many birds!  And so many varieties!  I’ll be sure to show you photos in an upcoming post.  However, before I do that, I have to tell you what happens the next day. What a fun surprise!



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New Balance Men’s Tennis Shoe
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National Geographic Guide to State Parks
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78 Responses to Character revealed; First days at Pagari Bridge boondock

  1. Deena in Phoenix says:

    Such fun and wonderful views, great pics of The Boys…l’m glad y’all are enjoying Life!

    Deana and Miss Mollie

  2. Michelle in Lodi says:


  3. Beth and Rosie, near Congress, AZ says:

    Hey, this post hasn’t shown up in my inbox yet! I just wanted to let you know about a boondocking site that you probably already know about and I think it’s near you. Here it is:
    Lake Creek Road
    Sawtooth National Forest
    Lake Creek Rd.
    Ketchum, ID 83340
    Official Website
    GPS: 43.735, -114.3662

    It said it was near Twin Falls. I looked on the map and it looks close. I may be wrong. It’s from Campendium.

    Looks like Roger is learning to fit in with the family. I’m praying all goes well with your new crew member.
    I love it when Rosie sleeps in. I can get a lot done!
    Take care and take charge, which you seem to do so well! 🙂
    Your faithful reader,
    Beth and Rosie 🐶

    • Beth and Rosie, near Congress, AZ says:

      Your new post arrived in my inbox 24 minutes after I posted! How funny! I guess I was in the last batch of outgoing posts! 😮🙂

  4. Georgia Anderson says:

    Hi Sue and crew,
    I discovered your blog few months ago, and enjoy it so much. Have laughed and cried reading about Spike and Bridgette, and now about the new crew. It’s as though we travel along with you on your adventures. Thanks for providing the great entertainment!

  5. Linda from Oregon says:

    Love bird sounds. Better than any canned music to me.

  6. Cat Lady, Central City, La. says:

    so happy things are working out for you and the crew.

  7. Jean in Southaven, MS says:

    I don’t believe it I am in the top ten. I look like I am at 3, but I read the post before I commented so I am sure I am further down than that. No matter. I like this area. I love birds. I saw a small yellow and black bird yesterday in tall grass next to the road as I was stopped at a red light. We have mostly Sparrows and
    Finch and Mockingbirds. I see a few Robins and once in a great while a Blue Jay. We used to see Blue Birds a lot but not so much any longer.

    I hope Roger works out. I guess it is because he is new, but it just doesn’t feel right yet. But I felt the same way with Reggie and after Spike and Bridg died. I don’t take change very well I guess. But I love Roger, he seems a good boy.

  8. Gail from Buckeye AZ says:

    The little guys are a perfect team!

  9. ValGal (westernWA) says:

    Looks like a great boondock! I can smell the sage and hear the river rushing by. Pelicans! How fun!

    Glad the boys are quieter on that day after exhausting themselves. RVSue training has begun! They are VERY photogenic together.

  10. LeeJ in Northern California says:

    What a lovely surprise that the boys wore themselves out, then slept then shared their second day as buddies..I think this is a good thing! I love that I just read a book about Astors group that went across the country to to place now known as Astoria, and then Lewis and clarks reminds me of what you are seeing…makes history live, thanks for sharing your lovely life and photos and crew.

  11. Dave Stewart (in missouri for now) says:

    another well written and great post. looks like the boys are learning fast to work together.

  12. Dawn in NC says:

    Hi Sue, is Roger slightly bigger than Reggie? It looks like it in some of the pictures. Thanks so much for the post! Always makes me smile!

  13. Dawn in NC says:

    Is that an Eastern Meadowlark in your photo?

  14. Suzette (TN) says:

    I love tagging along when you explore a new campsite. I admire your ability to see the details that make it special. And about those clouds!!! Can’t believe you got just a light sprinkle out of it. Can’t wait for our surprise!

  15. weather says:

    What already seemed like a really nice camp to me has, with your photos and added descriptions, become one even more worth deliberately going to. Awakening to birds’ songs and the sound of rushing water…glorious, how nice for you! I so enjoy the ways you appreciate the beauty of creation. Your unhurried and undemanding pace allows you to recognize the potential in places, and in Roger.

    The dog I had that we’d found in the woods had a “strong personality”, too. In time he became amazingly considerate of and gentle with all those he lived with. While in part one might attribute that to my coaxing him to be that way, I know it was truly him just finally being safe- it was his innate character that made him be such a loving little guy.

    • Cynthia (& Scout) says:

      Weather, your comment really resonated with me. My Scout (rat terrier rescue, over 8 years with me now) came to me as a foster, labeled a “mini-Cujo” for his dog reactiveness and growling/barking. Well, now you couldn’t find a sweeter, more liked pup in the neighbourhood. Foster fail (lucky me)!

  16. Marilyn Dennison says:

    It is amazing what playing with other pooches does to wear them out. We take the rescue to the dog park every day and she really sleeps well. We have missed 3 days due to torrential rain down here and she is full of energy.

    Now, to take her on an airplane tomorrow. Wish us well. I am totally stressed over this. When we complete the trip I may report and hope all my worrying is in vain.

  17. Pelicans in Idaho; who knew!?! The boys look so good together! So glad Reggie got a permanent play-toy.

    • Renee from Idaho says:

      Hi Janis! Surprisingly there are many pelicans here in the various marshes and lakes. I’ve seen them at Henry’s Lake in the NE part of the state over by Island Park and I’ve seen them at Massacre Rocks State Park along the American Falls reservoir in southern Idaho. I don’t know if there are different species or not – inland versus Oceanside.

      • Marilyn Dennison says:

        The oceanside pelicans here in SE Florida are brown pelicans. The ones in the Everglades are white pelicans. The white pelicans feed after getting in a circle, and swim toward the center forcing the fish in a smaller area. Then they furiously feed all at once.

        Sue, see if that happens in your area. It was a feeding frenzy when I observed it.

        I trust every day of learning Roger is rewarding for both you and good Reggieman.

        • Renee from Idaho says:

          Thank you for the information on the pelicans, Marilyn! Seems that the white pelican in Idaho is a challenge for Idaho Fish & Game because they eat all the trout.

          • Marilyn Dennison says:

            I had not thought of that but I totally understand. That is why they are there, food. Maslow’s Heirarchy, food.

            That is too bad for the fishermen. The more they stock the trout, the more white pelicans there will be. This is a Catch 22.

    • Rover Ronda (WA) says:

      I was a little surprised to see pelicans in ID too. I saw them at Milner’s Rec. Area last week. First time we’ve stopped in ID. We usually travel farther daily but this trip we had my brother-in-law with us. He’s a chain smoker and we don’t smoke so we made many stops. We’re usually in a hurry to get down to the dry climate. At this point we’re only taking 2 week trips. This was good. We saw stuff in the NW we usually miss.

  18. Geri in the FL panhandle! says:

    I love the way you show us the co!ors and textures of each new camp! You bring us flowers, birds, the changing skies, the smell of the sage….you truly,bring us with you on your journey! Thank you for letting us ride with you!

    • Geri in the FL panhandle! says:

      Oh yeah, and you let us see the transformation of Roger into a guy who boondocks like he means it!
      Seeing the two pups play non stop would be so much fun! Glad they wore themselves out and gave you a bit of a break! Hahaha!

  19. Rover Ronda (WA) says:

    “given time, she reveals her multi-faceted character.”
    So true. So many things in life deserve a second look.

  20. Pauline in Mississippi says:

    Pelicans??? In Idaho?? I would have never guessed. Great pictures!! Loving the pictures of the Dynamic Duo. Seems like Roger is fitting right in, walking tandem with Reggie. Looking forward to seeing more of your new camp and adventures with Reggie and Roger. Great to have Roger in the family
    Love you

  21. Renee from Idaho says:

    Great posting. I love the pictures of the Reg and Rog together. The sites and sounds you describe so vividly transport me to that place. Oh yes, and you are a teaser! Can’t wait for the next episode.

  22. Peggy says:

    Loving the new addition to your crew. I was already in deep with Reggie! I suspect that Roger has some dachshund in him based on body length. We had a dachshund/jack russell mix for over 14 years built the same way. Best little dog ever. Looking forward to watching Roger grow into a well behaved member of your awesome crew. Safe travels!

  23. Nora now in Eagle Pointe OR says:

    You really know how to keep us coming back for more! So glad the three of you have found each other and really hope Roger calms down a little. All three of mine are taking their naps right now but I don’t think they’ve ever been as active as your two.

  24. Kathe from Hamilton says:

    We just passed the turn for Pagari Bridge and are now pick I king in Arco after visiting Craters of the Moon. It’s a nice area.

  25. Kary E says:

    I’m so happy that everything seems to be working out with Roger. 🙂

  26. Cynthia from San Clemente says:

    The boyz are so cute walking together. I do believe Reggie will teach Roger the ropes. You keep saying Roger has strong personality, but Reggie is certainly no shrinking violet plus he has the confidence of knowing your routines. My pit bull never barked until we rescue our little female terrier and she taught him to bark. And she didn’t “backhoe” after pooping until he showed her how to do it. Now if they both would just watch me fold laundry and pick up the habit!!!

    So glad you found a nice boondock with lots of birds!

  27. Jan NH says:

    I’m thinking Roger’s ‘strong personality’ will mellow as he acclimates to this being his forever family and he figures out the routines. ‘Snipping’ may also help with that. This is all still pretty new for him but it seems as though he is adapting quickly….course I’m not there (though sometimes I feel like I am when reading your posts :)) so I could be mistaken :). If I’m recalling correctly, Reggie was a ‘strong personality’ when he joined you. Anyhow, they are just so cute together.

  28. Carol in MT says:

    I’m enjoying watching Roger settle into crew-dom.

  29. Gal and a cat in Fl says:

    These two are great together! Roger is doing wonderfully for a brand new dog from who knows what background. He hasn’t chewed the place up, messed all over and doesn’t show aggression to either Reggie or Sue. Give him a chance. They are a small energetic breed and young to boot. Certainly not like old calm doggies. Let them mature in time, have fun like the little clowns they are. Sure, a handful, but they have a mom who is with them all the time and will show them the way. Things work out in time. Sue is surely up to it and a very accomplished confident lady who is quite capable. This little guy is the perfect match. Plus too there is always that great feeling he was saved from running wild, or getting killed in the street and had nobody to love him. How much better can it get?

  30. Pam Ridgely says:

    I was in tears when I read the post that Anita couldn’t keep Roger and you and Reggie took him in. The last photo of them “trotting off into the sunset” made me soooo happy. I hope all is working out with you all and that Roger loves being with you as much as Reggie does. Can’t wait to hear more.

  31. Don in Okla. says:

    Just checking to see if Roger has had his shots yet. Thanks.

  32. Shawna says:

    Those two boys look so happy together!

  33. Chris B says:

    I just started laughing after your comment about Roger needing to be a little more controlled and the next photo he appears to be glued at the shoulder with Rocketman. It just hit me and I’m still giggling. I also smiled at your excitement and surprise over the kids sleeping in. You reminded me of every new mother that, for the first time, miraculously got their two children to nap at the same time. I remember that! Great post, Sue.
    Clete, Diego and I are at the 7,500′ altitude in Mammoth Lakes, CA enjoying some beautiful weather without the summer crowds. Today we did a 6 mile hike with a 1000′ altitude gain. First long hike for me of the season. Waited two days to get acclimated from living at sea level so it wasn’t a total shock to my lung capacity. 75 daytime temps and high 40s at night. It doesn’t get better than this. 😁

  34. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    What a lovely post. Love the photo of the flowers mixed with the sage. Mother nature has such a lovely way to display her beauty. Reggie & Roger wore me out with their playfulness yesterday, glad thing are calmer for you today. They are so cute walking together. Wish I could afford and have a place for two dogs. I’d love too get a playmate for Angel, she is so bossy & territorial here. She needs a fenced yard to play in and be outside more. I can’t believe I am this late in the day, read the post and comments and still in the top 50.

  35. AZ Jim says:

    Great post Missy you are an outstanding wordsmith and a kind and interesting person as well Missy. I’m proud to call you my friend. Bless R&R, they are cuties.

  36. Sally in MI says:

    You rascal! I thought Roger attacked Reggie or bit you!!!!

  37. Often it’s those places that sneak up on you that turn out to be the sweetest. Roger survived on his own even when it was so cold so I’m not surprised he has a strong personality. Looks like he’s doing great on the short lead though. So funny they wore themselves out!

  38. Krystina says:

    Love the pictures of the kids joined at the hip…shoulder. So happy things are working out with Roger. Still reading your posts everyday just do not post that often. Busy volunteering 5 days a week and working on my house. It is finally sunny here so I can get outside to do some gardening. It rained almost everyday here for about 6 weeks. Stay safe and give the kids a hug for me.

    • Barb from Hoquiam! says:

      Hey Kristina! Great to hear about your volunteering! Where at?

      We have had 10 FEET of rain this winter. BLAH! But have settled into a rain/sun system that is good for my plants and newer trees, but keeps me hopping with the mower!


      • Krystina says:

        Hi Barb! How the heck are you? WOW 10 feet of rain!!! I hear ya. It was terrible and depressing here. I volunteer at a place called H.O.P.E. (helping other people everyday) in Lyndonville, VT. Look us up on Facebook. I am there 30 hours a week and love it. It keeps me out of trouble. Happy to hear from you. xxoo

        • Barbara (Nashville) says:

          Good for you Barb. Have you stopped traveling? I must have missed something. Had so much going on with my DH and myself, health wise, I haven’t had chance to read all the comments. Nice seeing you here though.

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi, Krystina,

      It was so nice to see your comment. You have been missed! My Lord! Six weeks of rain! VT will never get out of mud season! Have fun playing in your garden, working on your house, and of course, spoiling your little granddaughter! Take good care! 🙂

      • Krystina says:

        Hi Denise! I do love Vermont and my granddaughter Nora. I now have a second granddaughter Gianna!!! Cute as a button. We have had sun here for two whole days 🙂 I do miss being on the road though. So nice to hear from you.

  39. Dawn in Asheville says:

    It’s just SO HEART WARMING – thank you Sue for the great storytelling and it fills a big hole in my heart over the loss of Bridget and also Spike. I don’t know, something about the continuity of life, and how we make room for more love in our lives. We were full-timing when I found Freyja at a shelter – poor little miserable thing she was and so unsocialized. It was quite the transition but she eventually settled down and we didn’t have Reggie to show her the ropes. Just a cat and us two idiots – LOL. Surprising she survived us.

    Update – Juno finally went to the mechanic’s end of last week! I have an amazing guy – he even came out and got her for me because I was afraid I’d stall her out with that stop from idle issue between here and there. We’re of a similar age and he drove one of these Dodge 350s back in Texas “in the day”. Funny to think I graduated in 1984 and these are now “classics”.

    We talked it over and decided we are just going to replace the carburetor – the PO told me he put 1K into it, I put $600 before she even left Denver and as Toney pointed out – it’s just not adjusting right. He said that on the Edelbrocks – two out of three can be duds. He figures Juno ended up with one of those and might as well just get a new one with a warranty and we’ll just keep putting them on til we get a solid one. When they are good they are very reliable he says 🙂 Once that is in then he’s going to start running down some of my other problems and give her a full once over from fluids to brakes (she has new belts).

    Otherwise my projects are moving along – mom just finished making the dinette cushions (they look amazing – I would have just tried to figure out how to stuff and cover what I had with velcro), I’ve done all but the hem on the dinette cushions and while Juno is gone starting the cab and loft curtains and the one that will hang between the cab and camper.

    Safe journeys all!

  40. Lisa, Tommie and Buddy in NJ says:

    Roger can be “a handful” but he’s a sweet boy. He just needs a little fine tuning, that’s all. His strong personality will keep life interesting!

    Hmmmm, sounds like some other crew members with strong personalities….Spike and his soaks, Bridget being camera shy. I think those two R’s look like peas in a pod, striding side by side, shoulder to shoulder. You all seem to be adjusting well, as usual.

  41. Tesaje says:

    I think it is smart of you to let them go crazy the 1st day and exhaust themselves, then start training. Roger does well on a leash. When I had 2, I did better with leashing them together, then a single lead to the bridge. Doesn’t look like they need that. Such a sweet story.

  42. Barb from Hoquiam! says:

    Hi Sue and Crew!
    Gosh this is fun to see unfold. Imagine, being able to sleep a little later !!! They really seem to be in sync with one another, the R&R crew!

    Hugs Sue. Back to work on my event!

  43. Archae says:

    Hi RV+R2,
    Have been avidly following your posts when I have cell connections. What fun it’s been watching Reggie and Roger fall in step with each other. Love the “joined at the shoulder photo”! Thank you for sharing with us!

  44. Chuck Hajek says:

    The two rascals look like they’re having a ball !!! Reg (original rascal) will teach Rog (newest rascal) all the ropes of being a great crew member! Both good and bad……….heheheheheheeee!!! Best of luck !! Our newest rascal has fit in to our crazy crew just fine !!!

  45. rvsueandcrew says:

    Hi, Everybody!

    Reg, Rog, and I are camped in a forest among the pines and aspens. I’m amazed that I have internet signal because there are hills all around.

    I’m sorry for not posting every day. We had a long travel day, a couple of camp moves, and I’m having difficulty keeping laptop and air card charged. I hope to be able to post tomorrow (Fri.).

    We’re working our way toward a place where I can have things fixed (including Roger!). Reggie and Roger continue to be the best of pals. I realize now that Reggie was too dependent upon me for companionship. It’s healthier for him, now that he can pester and play with Roger instead of me. 🙂

    Thank you for your great comments!

    Bye for now,

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:


    • weather says:

      “We’re working our way toward a place where I can have things fixed…” – I hope that’s not far from where you are now. As much as I’d love to see a new post, and perhaps even have you able to be here to visit us all, I’m wondering if postponing that might be wise, at least until you’re within easy reach of a new inverter. As you are having difficulty keeping your laptop and air card charged, I’m guessing you are still using the PTV’s plug/inverter that may be barely holding up on it’s “last legs”. I just wouldn’t like you to have no way to connect with anyone for a while…

      Thanks for checking in with the nice news about your camp and the boys! I hope whatever you do, this will be a wonderful day for you three 🙂 !

    • MollyLuvsRoadtrippin (WA) says:

      A place where I can have things fixed (including Roger!) – LOL It’s always a long list of home maintenance no matter what kind of home we have. Best wishes on getting that list checked off efficiently and a quick recovery for sweet Roger.

  46. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue,

    I cannot wait to hear more about how Roger is adjusting. He, like Reggie has street smarts, and probably had to be dominant to survive. Our boys are like two little peas in a pod!

    Please don’t stress over getting another post together soon. You have your hands full! Love all the beautiful flowers at this site, and the stormy sky. The picture of the boys shoulder to shoulder is adorable! Thank you for sharing your adventure with us. 🙂

    Sending you, Reggie, and Roger love and hugs from me and Gracie pup! Have a good night! 🙂

  47. Cinandjules 🌵 says:

    Totally agree….take care of business first….we aren’t going anywhere!

  48. Renee from Idaho says:

    Ha ha! Yes, totally agree . . . we’re not going anywhere . . . just waiting here for the next posting! 🙂

  49. weather says:

    It’s warm and sunny today here in central NY state. I’ve been guessing about the kinds of situations that have kept you from checking in since you left us your update Thursday night. Whatever is really the case, I hope you, Reg and Rog are where you can enjoy being outside, too, and have everything you need to be comfortable and happy.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, weather,

      Between moving days and the difficulty of keeping air card, camera, and laptop charged, it’s been hard to post. I have one in progress which, so far, has required about five different sessions working on it. Each time I have to take the laptop and air card out to the PTV, turn on the engine, and then wait. By the time everything’s charged up again, I’ve lost my urge to write or the crew needs walking or something takes me away from the blog. Excuses, excuses!

      Reg and Rog are fine. We had a few issues to work through but that’s to be expected.

      Anyway, we’re at another new camp (the third since Pagari Bridge) and I hope to complete the post today. Tomorrow being Monday I’ll make appointments to take care of the many things needed to be done. Previous camps, for various reasons, were not suitable for that.

      Thanks for your patience. I’m glad you have a warm and sunny day to enjoy! Warm wishes to you and all the blogorinos . . . .

      • weather says:

        Those are valid reasons, not excuses, you’ve had a lot going on, and sitting in a parked vehicle surely isn’t a way to improve a day! I’m glad you replied, just so we know you and the crew are okay, thank you 🙂 , see ya on the next post, whenever you’re done putting it together.

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