City Creek Camp and Circleville Mountain, Utah

Tuesday, September 22

P1070494Our first morning at our charming camp along City Creek we discover that we’re camping in the City Creek Camp and Picnic Area.  This explains the sturdy, government-issue picnic table and fire ring.

Our campsite is outside the campground “proper.”  The crew and I find that the campground is located only a short distance up the road.

One of our favorite walks is through an empty campground.

P1070569This is the off-season. 

The water spigots have a note tacked on them “Don’t drink.  Not tested recently.”

There is no evidence that fees are collected to camp here — no iron ranger, no camp host site.  Obviously none are being collected this last part of September.

P1070499-001There’s a vault toilet, a group campsite, and a trailhead.  The creek burbles alongside.

P1070496The parking pads are suited for smaller rigs, this being an older campground.

P1070524After the crew and I walk the campground loop, we continue up the road and find another campsite.

P1070519“What’s that over there?  Oh, an ampitheater!”

P1070517Bridget is hiding from the camera today.

Reggie is in fine form.  He jumps up on the benches like any kid would do and walks up and down.

“Stop, Reggie.  Let me take your picture!”

P1070518The rest of the day I putter around camp.

I rake the long grass to get the sticks and small trash out.  This makes a luxuriant bed for the crew.  I set up a dishpan of hot water and do some dishes.

P1070574-001Of course, I always find time to relax in my lounger reading my Paperwhite.  I finish the 18th volume of the Lord Ramage novels by Dudley Pope.  I enjoyed them very much and I’m starting the Hornblower series next!

P1070503Wednesday, September 23

Bridget, Reggie and I ride into town.  We have everything we need at camp except the drinking water supply will run out soon.  Maybe we can find a water spigot in the town of Junction.

Having recently read eighteen books of naval history, I almost shout orders, as I toss the crew into the Perfect Tow Vehicle, “Beat to quarters, crew! Let fall the main and mizen topsails!  Two points to larboard! Man the carronades!”  Or something like that.

Yay, trash bins!

Okay.  You may think it silly to get excited at the discovery of “trash disposal units.”

P1070477Well, any full-time boondocker will tell you that finding a place to dump trash is almost as important as finding a source of drinking water.  We find a spigot at the town park.  Double Yay!

P1070535Thursday, September 24

The Tushar Mountains are a patchwork of autumn color!  The crew and I take a drive to Circleville, which is only a few miles from Junction.  It’s another small town anchored by a little grocery store and a cafe.

A couple miles beyond Circleville we turn onto Birch Creek Road.

It’s a narrow dirt road that goes up into the forest.  At the end is a picnic area.  We don’t go that far.  My interest is in photographing Circleville Mountain.

You probably think I doctored this next photo to make it colorful.  Not so!

This is for real!

P1070541Circle Valley is bordered all along its western side with mountains colored like this.

P1070536After taking these photos, I turn around and we head back to the valley.

P1070542Beautiful country, eh?


NOTE:  Again we’re sitting in the PTV while I put this post together.  Bridget is asleep and Reggie is about to go nuts if I don’t take him for a walk soon.  He’s been pestering me all the while I tried to write.  Hence, the post may be full of errors.  In the interest of making the guy happy, I won’t proofread.

I can read your comments at our latest camp.  It’s difficult to respond and impossible to blog there.  You know how to carry on without me!




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170 Responses to City Creek Camp and Circleville Mountain, Utah

  1. Alice (So. Fla) says:

    well did a newbie get first?

  2. Renee Galligher says:


  3. Alice (So. Fla) says:

    wow, wow, wow, beautiful country. The fur babies look adorable as always. You are good at finding great spots.

  4. Sharon in MO says:

    Those mountains are gorgeous! Nice pix.

  5. Corkerinna620 says:

    Beautiful pics. Envious.

  6. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Serene indeed! Lovely photos of the mountains..silly Reg man!

    Enjoy your stay. Sounds like it will be very peaceful!

    Raining here nonstop for the past two days. Yesterday’s rain was warm…today it is cold!

    Rock on Desert Woman!

  7. Calvin R says:

    Beautiful pictures! It looks like you’ll have another easy, restful camp. I have noted the difference from before the Labor Day weekend. The difference between vacation season and “shoulder season” will be important to those who go full-time.

    Meanwhile, I’m having the joys of small-town life. Local law enforcement are trying to find a suspect in a double homicide. The last report I heard came from about a mile away. I was better off in the city.

  8. Susan in Dallas says:

    So, so, beautiful country! Getting ready for The Great State Fair of Texas. Hope the weather cools down to under 90 degrees.

  9. Barb from Hoquiam! says:


    That Reggie is such a character!

    Hugs from Hoquiam,

    PS sorry so short. Off to a meeting!

  10. NV Teacher says:

    Your pictures make me long for home. I think a quick to Utah is in order for this weekend.

  11. Michelle from Salt Lake,UT says:

    Time to head up to the mountains. Beautiful picture, thanks so much for sharing.

  12. Monica-CA says:

    Love the Fall colors!

  13. chas anderson says:

    Off topic.Recently finished a river boat tour from Prague to Paris through 3 German rivers, Was very surprised to see a lot of boondockers along the rivers.Almost all were smaller trailers up to 21 feet or so, I guess due to the narrow roads and price of gas.No fifth wheels and very few Class C rigs. It looks like many of the vineyards let people come in and camp near the rivers,The boat captain said that many of them were from the Netherlands.Apparently, the Dutch love to camp in Germany.

    Had loads of fun.

    • Sidewinder Pen says:

      That sounds fantastic! Rivers/canals of Europe is one of my wish list trips.

    • Applegirl NY says:

      That does sound wonderful. What a great trip you had! It’s nice to know that folks all over the world enjoy the great outdoors.

    • Pamela K. says:

      The *right to roam* laws in Europe are long lived with tradition. Not only do the laws support it but the whole of Europe embraces it as a natural *right of man*. Being allowed to cross over or into a farmer’s lands to roam freely is common place there. A freedom that many folks take to heart and would be in a serious up roar if the customs were to change. Rigs there, mostly referred to as carvans, are normally small. WV Van size and smaller. Often you will see vans cut in half and towed by small cars as rigs. Very cool! Aside from river camps they will often camp on the old levy parking lots (camp sites are free-form). They truly do embrace caravaning as a culture and care to maintain their rights to do so.
      Your trip sounds like it was wonderful fun. Always special to sightsee from the viewpoint of a great boat/ship 🙂

      • Pamela K. says:

        Also the gas prices in Europe were extremely high for years. At upwards of $4.00 USD per liter, making large rigs costly as well as hard to manuver on many of the curve laiden roadways.

        • chas anderson says:

          Prices for gas are now about $1.40 per liter there.Diesel is lower at $1.10 or so.Diesel is cheaper to make so it should be but in the US they have reduced diesel refinery capacity making diesel more expensive in most locations here.

          • Pamela K. says:

            Yep, the fuel prices have really fallen in recent times. Will be interesting to see what happens with the Russian fuel and how they price the market for the rest of Europe. I think most of Europe gets their fuels from Russia, something like 80% or so.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Wow, chas… “Prague to Paris”…. I’m thrilled to go from “Phoenix to Tucson.” Haha!

    • Marilyn, Dania Beach, Fl says:


      Did you see many touring bicyclists along the rivers? That is a terrific way to see all of Europe. They have e-cycles and also battery exchanges in the Swiss areas.

      • Pamela K. says:

        You mentioned your e-cycles…
        Do you like them? I was looking at a used one online just last night. Thinking it would be nice to take on my FL trip. I have gas scooters but I don’t want to trailer them in urban traffic everywhere with me for 30-60 days. Having an e-cycle would be nice. You can choose to pedal them without the electric too, right? If so, then I could use it on The Silver Comet Trail later this year, since gas scooters are not allowed on the Comet. If not an e-cycle, what style of bike would be best for general FL use. A Fat-Tire style or a Retro Cruiser style? I like those retro ones with the front basket and the luggage racks on the back. Very *Jessica Fletcher, Mystery She Wrote*… looking 🙂

        • Marilyn, Dania Beach, Fl says:


          I don’t own an e-cycle but do bike 20 miles a day on a touring bike. If you have to lift onto a rack I would go with a Townie, which is aluminum, can put your feet on the ground while sitting on the seat and also easy to mount . It is not an electric assist though.

          There are also folding bikes which are nice. Bromptons are supposed to be nice and fold into a neat small package. I know folks who tour on them and love them. They take them on airplanes even in small cases as a carry on. Amazing.

          I haven’t researched electric assist bikes. You can find a monumental amount of information on the net. How are you planning to transport? Weight is also a factor if you have to lift the bike onto a rack.

          Good luck. Make certain you get a good saddle or it will be painful.

          Let us know what you choose and how it goes riding the trails.


          • Pamela K. says:

            Thanks for your info about the different bikes. I was glad to hear someone give a first hand on the subject from here. The web is so full of info and slanted ads/reviews that I got a bit overwhelmed trying to make sense of it all. I currently own a Schwinn bicycle with many gears, too many gears, lol. It is not one from a big box store, I bought it at a real cyclist shop. Both hubby and I bought ones that matched. His fits his needs perfectly, mine, not so much…I carry all the stuff. You know the purse stuff, picnic stuff, jacket stuff…pack mule is what I really needed. I would transport it on the hitch mount insert of my van, pretty easy to lift off and reload. I guess I was thinking the touring bike with all the gears would be a problem on the beach roads, sand and all. But you made some great points about how it might be best after all. Would sure save me some money to not have to buy or rent a different bike for sandy road conditions! Those folding bikes are something else, love them! They are really pricey though. Not ready for the price tag associated with them since I ride my Vespa scooters mostly. Anyway, I think I will simply take the Schwinn I already have. Sure glad I asked you about the kind of bikes to consider BEFORE buying a new one 🙂 Super Thanks!
            Stay safe from this recent storm system! It has stalled but could still cause some flooding in FL. Hope you do not have to deal with any of that.

            • Marilyn, Dania Beach, Fl says:

              I am freezing in OH visiting a daughter so only dealing with lots of rain.

              Make certain your tires are wide enough to remain stable in sand. Also lowering the inflation a little will help. If the trail is hard packed you will be fine with your Schwinn. Get a trunk bag or pannier to hold all your items and use frame water bottle holders (at least 2) when you ride. That will make it more enjoyable.

              If you are taking photos you will need a handlebar bag to hold your camera and also for easy access. Maybe you can use a backpack but that puts more weight on your bottom. That is not good.

              Let us know what you do and send a link to your images.

              M. in DB

      • chas anderson says:

        Bicycles everywhere.Most of the riverbanks and towns have bikepaths all over.

        • Marilyn, Dania Beach, Fl says:

          I hope to do the Swiss Alps using an e-bike next summer. You can rent e-bikes with battery exchange stations at close intervals.. This hinges on the results of my pending back surgery. Cross your fingers.

          Otherwise, I will just continue to ride along the beach in South Florida under my own strength.

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      How super interesting!! Had never heard that before…thanks for sharing…as well as the others here!!

  14. Linda Hughes North Carolina says:

    Beautiful,peaceful site and the photos of the mountains are beautiful! I like the way you find all the necessities you need and work all that out. Reggie is so darn cute and he loves to pose for pics I see. Was there anyone in a camper at the campground or was it deserted? Have you ever explored any ghost towns or forgotten places along your way….I love that kind of stuff. Great to hear from you, give the crew a big hug and kiss for me……what great company you have!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Linda,

      The campground was empty until right before we left. A small Class C with a toad came in.

      I’ve driven through a few ghost towns, haven’t “explored” any. There are plenty of them to visit out here!

  15. Suzette (TN) says:

    Those mountain pics look like paintings. SOOOO beautiful! My Utah Benchmark Atlas is supposed to be delivered today. I’m looking forward to “exploring” soon. My husband is going to think I’ve “lost it” for sure. When I ordered the Utah, I accidentally clicked on the California instead. But, I figured, what the heck! I might want to explore California, too someday. So, I didn’t even attempt to cancel that one. It arrived this morning. I have so many virtual trips I can take now!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Suzette, for your Amazon orders!

      Here’s some of our camps for you to find in your new California Benchmark:

      Owl Canyon
      Salton Sea
      Borrego Springs
      Sawtooth Canyon
      Whitney Road near Lone Pine
      Glass Creek
      Washoe Lake State Park
      Eagle Lake
      Fossil Falls
      Duncan Reservoir
      Slab City
      There are more…. Can’t think of them all right now. Have fun!

      P.S. For the answers you can google RVSue + the name of the camp..

  16. Sidewinder Pen says:

    Lovely territory, shown off so well in your photos.

    And the holy grail: A whole ROW of dumpsters! Talk about beautiful 😀

    • Pamela K. says:

      “And the holy grail: A whole ROW of dumpsters! Talk about beautiful :)”

      Never a truer statement was ever spoken. Ain’t it the truth?! 🙂 🙂 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      It’s strange how in some towns it’s next to impossible to find a place to dump trash and other towns place dumpsters all over ….

  17. Lynn Brooks says:

    Fantastic pictures!
    What a beautiful & serene part of the country!!!
    Thanks for sharing with us!
    Lynn B. (Baltimore, MD)

  18. Kerry On (UT) says:

    I’m so glad you’re enjoying our beautiful state! We’ve only been vacation camping (in a tent) for about a year now, and we were surprised by how much we LOVED having to camp in the wilderness when the established campgrounds were full. I recently found your blog while looking for a boondocking site near Sunset Crater for our next adventure, and I’ve so enjoyed reading about your travels! I was so sorry to hear about the passing of your beloved Spike. We also travel with our adventure-dog, and he brings us such joy! Dogs are the best! I look forward to keeping up with your latest adventures, and perhaps one day our paths will cross! Kerry on…

    • Applegirl NY says:

      Welcome to the blog, Kerry!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Kerry On,

      Welcome to my blog! I’m so glad you found us! Thank you for mentioning Spike.

      I hope you found the boondocking site across the road from Sunset Crater. If you’re coming from the north, you’ll find that spot is higher elevation and therefore cooler.

      I smiled at your comment that you were surprised how much you enjoy camping in the wilderness when the campgrounds were full. I can relate to that!

      I hope we will hear from you again soon!

      • Kerry On (UT) says:

        We just got back from our trip, and yes, we found an absolutely beautiful spot in the forest across the road from Sunset Crater. We were high enough that we could see the crater, as well as some smoldering embers from a controlled burn they were doing in the valley. The smoke looked almost like fog, creating a rather eerie look at sunset. I could have stayed there for a week, but alas, we only had time for one night.

  19. Applegirl NY says:

    Sue, the first picture of the mountainslooks just like a pastel drawing, the way the background is subtle and then with an overlay of highlights and colors. So beautiful.

  20. Millie says:

    The mountains look like a pastel painting…just lovely!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Millie…. The mountains are lovely when looking up at them from the valley. Up the road, closer to the colors…. wow!

  21. weather says:

    You were there at a great time of year for all those great colors,wow, ( and for the pleasant lack of other people camping in the area 😉 ).I love the reading room you had to put your lounger in.”Beat to quarters,crew!…” Ha! Having read the 18 novels so far you’re probably able to speak that way on any topic you choose to.Thank you very much for the replies you have been able to make recently.It’s always great to hear from you and reassures me that you are OK despite the inconvenience you mentioned to Jim that you.encountered .I hope you can enjoy where ever you are today.blessings and hugs all around

    • Shirlene (Huntington Beach, Ca) says:

      Hi Lee J, I bet Weather will remember when it is Sue’s Birthday…she always makes note of those moments. But, Happy Birthday to you this month, in case I miss it. I hope it is wonderful…

  22. Dawn in MI says:

    Certainly is a beautiful part of the country, especially at this time of year! Glad you get to stay in such a beautiful place…looks like for free!

  23. Pamela K. says:

    Your camp is WONDERFUL! My kind of camp exactly 🙂 Especially nice to have the town close by for quick trips for supplies. And those mountain colors…Delish! They sure are showcasing all the beauty Autum offers up. Sue, ya know I think you have found one of those picnic sites of old. Remember the ones you could find in the 50s and 60s when taking a family day-drive? Back then you could find those little gems and stop, cook your food pretty much however you wanted to (wood fire, charcoal, camp stove, whatever). Now days finding a nice site (off to yourself) is hard in many states. They herd ya like cattle to the public picnic areas, stick gas grills, and put way too many rules in place…I absolutely hate those *more modern* fake *picnic areas*! Just goes to show how *new and improved* is NOT what is best. The site you found is so wonderfully retro, so PERFECT! Being able to camp there is the icing on the cake indeed! 🙂 I, too, hope to find such places while on my trip. I am all packed up now. Just have the fresh ice and fresh foods to pack in the YETI and then I’m set to head out for 30-60 days taking in all the coastline Florida has to offer 🙂 I’m thinking I’ll take my cat, Sadie, with me. She is lead trained and travels well. She says she needs a vacay and promises to be have. HA! We’ll see about that! Seriously, she is an angel, calm and sweet 🙂 A gift I treasure. Since landscape seeing is my main reason for this trip, well, perfect without shopping and tourist needs. The perfect get-a-way!

    • Cate W/Portland Maine says:

      Sounds delightful, Pamela. You are obviously looking forward with happiness to your trip.Bon Voyage!

    • Pam, I left you a message under yesterday’s post…

      • Pamela K. says:

        Hi Crystal,
        Yep, read your sweet note about the rally of TAB Owners. I left you a messaged reply there on your message. LOL, message tag 🙂 If my strat date gets moved back for any reason I will seriously think about coming to see the TABs. I simply adore the T&G ones…you read me just right :)!

          • Pamela K. says:

            After reading your post I went and give another serious look at the Little Guy TABs. I love the T@G ones as a toad for my conversion van. I am torn between the T@G and those sweet little MyPod ones. That fiberglass really apeals to me, even if it doesn’t have its own galley it would make a swell guest room for the van 🙂 And the wide rear door on the MyPod would be great for hauling extra stuff when someone does join me on a weekend outing. I hope to find a nice used one sometime before St. Patty’s Day 2016. My friend Sandra and I are planning a trip to Savannah GA for the Patty’s Day Celebrations there. The extra camping room would be nice for that 🙂 Like the Red MyPod with the Black Rino. Since they are so small to tow I thought the Red would be a safer color during times of pouring rain, heavy fog or snow (not that I plan to drive in those conditions but ya never know).

    • Sue CleanerGreenerVegas says:

      Ocala National Forest you can find off the beaten path sites. Okeefenokee Swamp is primordial, if you canoe. And far away from everything. Consider OLeno State Park for a Native American Vibe. Happy Adventures

      • Pamela K. says:

        Thanks! Yes, knew about the first two but didn’t know about Leno. Glad to hear of that one. The Native American vibes sound really nice. Both my husband and I have a fondness for the Native American culture, the kindness of their spirit and old ways of life. When hubby was a Captain in the USAF in the Dakotas he wrote all the tribe’s federal grant plans, so they would not lose their grant money, for the first Rapid City Head Start Program on the Res. for the tribe. Later we both had a private audience with the tribe’s leader who honored us with a private concert of his music on the very long wooden horns. Such beautiful music, so deeply calming yet hollowed somehow too. It was a very special time.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pamela,

      No, I don’t remember those old-timey picnic spots, but I can imagine…

      I love your excitement over your Florida coastline trip! Watch the weather and have a wonderful time. I’m happy for you!

      • Pamela K. says:

        I know…this latest round of weather has made me rethink packing a pair of rain boots! Sure didn’t see that one coming LOL! Somehow shorts, tank tops and rain boots were not on my fashion list before this week…
        Call the Fashion Police! 🙂

  24. Cate W/Portland Maine says:

    Dear Sue, Crew, and Blogorinos,

    Out of touch for a long time due to many and stressful policy & procedures changes at my job. Wish I was camping in Utah right now! What beautiful photos of the pastel colored mountains, Sue.

    Excited to be heading West on vacation beginning on Weds. 10/07. Visiting a friend in Hermosa Beach, CA first, with fun tourist stuff in LA, San Diego, and Santa Barbara. Then off to Phoenix, AZ for a week with other friends to visit Sedona, Grand Canyon, Oak Creek Canyon, Tucson, Flagstaff, and Phoenix of course. My first time in both states, and a nice opportunity to begin to become familiar with AZ for future RVing, esp. winter camping.

    I hope everyone is well, and enjoying life’s journeys from the road or arm chair,
    Be well, CateW

    • Pamela K. says:

      Your up coming vacay sounds wonderful! Most of my normal vacays are like the one you have planned. This trip is not my norm and I’m looking forward to the Solo quiet and connecting with only nature. But that said, I DO love the whole sightseeing and tourist thing 🙂 I am always the sucker they hope will walk through their doors, LOL, as I search and find my next great trinket to bring home 🙂 Patches, collecting them is an artform in and of itself! If you haven’t started collecting them DON’T (grins now shamelessly). As a vacay thing it WILL overtake you…pack an extra suitcase! 🙂

      • Cate W/Portland Maine says:

        Hi Pamela K.

        Enjoyed your humorous and warm-hearted msg. Yup…I’ll be dropping a few bucks this trip but all in the name of FUN!!
        When I’m done, I’ll be wishing for your type solo peace in a natural setting to recuperate. 🙂
        My trip collection is frig magnets and those cute pins (instead of patches) that you can use to cover the frig door and your denim vest or fishing hat or ??!! I’m running out of space for both.
        At least we don’t need an extra suitcase for our travel memories, right?

        Have a fantastic time on your upcoming adventure.

        (((Pamela K.))) from CateW

        • Pamela K. says:

          My best girlfriend collected Fridge mags. Loved watching her look for just the right one to add to her already huge collection. Each state, each city, ladmarks…you name it and she had a mag for it 🙂
          Denim!!! Denim Vests?! Oh my! We are sisters from a different mother 🙂 I live in Denim, I must have six or more jumpers. Give me that and a cool sun hat and I’m set just right!
          Pins, you mean those pinback buttons you can wear?
          If so, well, I make them! Seriously I do! I make them for our military troop families and our fallen hero families. It is my greatest passion and my way of giving back to those who serve and have served. Needless to say, yep, have a few of those fun buttons I’ve made too for my sports team ball caps 🙂 I’m a huge Packers fan.

        • Sharon says:

          Refrig.full of magnets .now getting emblems to attach to my walking stick.of the places I have been.happy travels

          • Pamela K. says:

            Emblems for your walking stick, now THAT is way-cool!!! I would guess functional too, easier to see it when you lay it down on the ground whiling resting on a trail or such. Bet they look cute on it too 🙂

    • Barbara (Nashville) says:

      Cate, you lucky gal. What a wonderful trip you have planned. I had a business trip to Phoenix a few years back. I had not been any further west than Texas, so Phoenix was great. We went in March and the weather was perfect. I thought the Phoenix area was very unique. Hope you have a wonderful time.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, CateW,

      In case I don’t have another chance to say so… Have a fantastic vacation trip starting next week! You have some wonderful places on your itinerary!

  25. Pamela K. says:

    Meant to say “those tall stick charcoal grills” they put in for everyone to use. Yuk! Those are aweful and never clean to use without tons of Foil. To me, that’s not grillin’. Give me a wood fire fire-ring anytime. You can never have *too much sut* on your pots 🙂

  26. Marcia GB in MA says:

    Love the pic of Reggie playing King of the Benches ?

  27. Diann in MT says:

    Sweet place, Sue. You have me wondering about Utah camping. The weather here is still holding onto summer. Drove to Kansas and spent a few days there. I noticed some boondocks, but very well hidden among the hardwoods. Mostly, set up for hunters within the plentiful Wildlife Refuges around the state.

    Just have to say, that no matter where you are a blogorino, you are a member of this amazing United States of America! Be grateful for that. Glad to be back home in Montana, though. Our area looks very much like where you are, Sue. Happy Autumn.

  28. Dawn from Camano Island says:

    What a riot of color on the hillsides, Sue! Your photos are gorgeous–you have such a good eye. It’s surprising that no one is camping in this area–I guess once school starts, people have other priorities. Thank you for showing us that there are wonderful low-cost campsites to be enjoyed–even at times when there’s a closed sign outside. You are definitely the Camp Site Whisperer. Enjoy. Enjoy. Ear scratches to the Crew.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Camp Site Whisperer…. I don’t think you meant that to sound hilarious, but it strikes me that way. Hahahha! Thanks for the laugh!

  29. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue,

    I have loved your posts this week. Your charming camp had everything! Lovely Fall pictures of the mountain! It has been a crazy, busy week at work and home. Just wanted to pop in for a quick “Hi!” I ordered a new mattress last weekend, you should see some accessories hit your Amazon account in the next day or so. Thanks for sharing gorgeous UT with us! Hugs to you and the Crew from me and Gracie pup!

    Hope all the blogorinos are doing well! 🙂
    A warm welcome to the blogorino family goes out to Alice (So. Fla), Corkerinna620, and Kerry On. 🙂
    Happy belated Birthday to Cindy the Pet Sitter – hope it was great! Whoo-Hoo!
    PamelaK and CateW – your upcoming vacations sound awesome! Have a wonderful time! 🙂
    Barbara (Nashville) – I missed the super moon/eclipse, too. Cloudy skies. Ugh!

    • Pamela K. says:

      You are so good with your fine self to recap all of that 🙂 🙂 🙂 I always get lost in reading and responding and am so bad about replying to all the other news 🙁 so I DITTO your message! Thanks for your regards for my upcoming vacay too!

      • Denise - Richmond VA says:

        Have fun, Pamela! 🙂

        Do hope you will have connectivity so you can let us know how your trip is going! 🙂

        • Pamela K. says:

          Yep, WiFi and also web on the cell 🙂 Taking along four cameras!!! Three Pro-level cameras, one Point-N-Shoot, and the GoPro. Will be posting some of the pics on Flickr once I return. It will be fun to put my photog hat on again 🙂 I got burned-out a few years back and so I needed that long *rest-period* to renew my passion for photography again. It will be nice to return to shooting again.

          • Barbara (Nashville) says:

            Pamela, your landscaping adventure sounds great. I love getting away from folks myself. It lets the brain regroup from all the trivial issues people want to gripe about these days.
            Since I am on the HOA Board right now, it seems to be all I hear. Gripe, Gripe, Gripe!!! Some folks would complain if you kicked them in the tail with a new pair of boots. One of the neighbors caught me at the grocery with one complaint after another. Finally told her I had to go, but if she had any more concerns please run for the board in October and see how much she can get accomplished with one against 4 others (men) What a joke! Started to tell her if she disliked so much, just move.

            • Pamela K says:

              I hear ya… I used to suffer those kind of people around me. I would try to keep my own sanity in tact while suffering them. I don’t do anymore. Now I just see them as a hot-wire plugged into the wall socket. Now I quickly pull the plug and *unplug* from them. Somewhere along life’s journey I learned to try to keep only positive people in my life and to discard the negitive ones…Life’s too short for all that negitive DRAMA. So bad of her to corner you at the grocery store! Really bad form for her to do that! Clearly the woman either thinks the sun revolves around only her or she is completely clueless. Love it that you told her to run for The Board, lol. She would maybe last all of two seconds 🙂 Being on The Board, any Board office, is hard work, mostly mixed with salt and some sugar. Good on you that you stepped up and are trying to make positive change happen 🙂

    • Cate W/Portland Maine says:

      Thanks a bunch Denise. So thoughtful of you to include best wishes for my vacay. Hope all is well in your corner of the world.
      Hugs, CateW

    • Barbara (Nashville) says:

      You seem to remember everything. Do you take notes? I can’t remember diddle these days. Thanks for the comments.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Denise, for using my Amazon links. You are such a sweetie. I had to smile when I read your little messages to fellow blogorinos. I don’t need to worry about my blog staying “alive” in my absence when I have help like that! Thank you!

      Hugs to you and Gracie pup!

  30. bess in eugene, oregon says:

    hi sue and crew,

    we met at haystack lake by Madras, Oregon in July. i have the blue vintage trailer.

    i wanted to thank you sooo much for writing back about all the points to consider for boondocking posted on September 7th or 10th or 12th. sometime in there. anyway, i have printed up your suggestions and ideas and will use my Benchmark Maps the way that you discussed a few days ago. what a great tool!

    also, you suggested that i read your blog from the beginning 4 years ago and i am going to do that. it will take me a while to do but i am enjoying your travels so much.

    i love the way you photo the sweet doggies. i enjoyed meeting them too and i can just see them running around sniffing and investigating everything and keeping you company. the photos capture your experiences so well and i am glad you post a lot of photos.

    i send you all 3 love, bess

    • Pamela K. says:

      I simply love your name! Always have liked it. It is one of those names that has a time-honored way about it, not like the flash and dance names that are so common today. Bess – a very *proper* name 🙂

      • bess in eugene, oregon says:

        hi Pamela,
        my grandmother, from England, was named Bessie Palmer. i found out on my travels there in 1977 that the name Bess there is the equivalent of our “old plain Jane” and it is a favorite name for cows. Being from a farming dairy family in NE Oregon, i love cows so that made me happy. of course Queen Elizabeth I was called “Good Queen Bess” so they do revere the name.

        my grandmother was a regal, beautiful, very proper lady. i loved her so much because, in contrast to my family on the other side, she moved with grace and calmness.

        you are very perceptive, Pamela.

        i have always loved the names Pamela and Sue.

        • Pamela K. says:

          That was such a lovely telling. Thank you for sharing that. Yes, your Grand reminds me of my Grand, she too was from Europe. Ireland. Kind and gentle and ever the Lady. Like your Grand, her name reflected her kindness, Mabel Riggs, another fine and proper name 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Bess,

      I admit I didn’t realize who Bess is when I replied with the boondocking info. Thanks for reminding me in the first line of this comment. Very helpful and considerate of you!

      I’m pleased that you plan to read my blog from the beginning. I hope you enjoy it. Many have said they learned a lot (as I learned in real life travels!).

      Nice to see you here again, Bess.

  31. Goletaed says:

    Hi Sue. I intended to stop and talk to you a few years ago when you were camped on Bates Well Road south of Ajo but just didn’t want to disturb you.
    Having read the Ramage series, have you read the 27 volumes of the Bolitho series by Douglas Reeman, aka: Alexander Kent? How about the series by patrick O’brian? All good reads.

    I do enjoy the Hornblower series also.

    Happy reading! Ed

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Ed,

      First off, thank you for respecting my camp a few years ago.

      Funny you should mention these books… I ordered the first volume of the Bolitho series and then I remembered the Hornblower books and ordered the first volume of those. I’m reading that one first, and, if I like it, those will keep me occupied for a while. I don’t want to jump back and forth between series, of course.

      Good hearing from you! Don’t be a stranger! 🙂

      • Goletaed says:

        Hi Sue,
        I agree about jumping back and forth between authors but I do it sometimes if I don’t have the next in a series available.

        We are not fultimers but travel as we want. In the winter we do Quartzsite, Casa Grande,Tucson, etc. We do like the southwest. Folks want to know why we are in the cold winter desert when we live in the mild coastal climate. We always answer “change of scenery”. We will keep an eye on your travels until we meet. Ed

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Hi, Ed,

          After I said that about not jumping between the naval series, I went ahead and did exactly that. I started with Hornblower and enjoyed the first volume. I didn’t have strong enough signal to download the second volume, so I went ahead and read Bolitho. I found Bolitho to be easier reading (although Hornblower is skilled writing, I have to work at visualizing the sea maneuvers)… I’ll read Bolitho and then go back to Hornblower.

          I’m assuming from your comment that you are located on the California coast… ? Yes, the change of scenery is a BIG reason for having an RV!

          Dear Ed… Not to be rude… I try very hard NOT to meet my readers. You may not have read all of my blog. The popularity of my blog requires that I work to maintain my privacy. I hope you understand. I thank you for giving me the opportunity to touch on this subject as there are several new readers here.

          Happy travels… I like your phrase “travel as we want.” Good for you!

  32. BadgerRickInWis says:

    Way to go Reggie! Taking the heat off of your sister by posing for that dang camera. She’ll thank you for that later.

    Plus Bridget looks so cute hiding under the table. You can just read her face. “Damn, how did she find my under here. Go chase the little one some more!”

    Speaking of pictures truly amazing shots of the mountains. Beautiful country indeed. Any idea what that is giving off the vibrant yellow color?

    I know exactly what you mean about becoming so immersed in a book that it’s world bleeds over into reality. (or what passes for reality in my head 🙂 )
    However in my reading it’s more often engaging the warp engines and manning the laser banks rather than dropping the main sails and firing the carronades. 🙂
    So what ever century we find ourselves in I can’t wait to see our next port of call. Take care, give the crew a cuddle from all of us.

    • Sidewinder Pen says:

      I would think the vibrant yellow would be aspen trees.

      And I know what you mean about the books “wearing off” on you! Years back, I’d read a Louis L’Amour and then afterward practically start looking for my saddle, or drawing my six-shooter for this and that.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Okay, about the trees….

      The bright yellow are the aspens. I think the yellow-gold ones are cottonwoods. At least that’s the color of the cottonwoods I see around us. Thanks for the compliment on the photos. Nature deserves the credit!

  33. Pamela K. says:

    Looks like the group site has had some recent activity. The wood is fresh cut and the ends have not darkened yet. Wonder if that area is used by the Boy Scouts during the off season? It seems it would be a perfect choice for them.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      This is Mormon country and they tend to have large families. I’d guess family reunion before Boy scouts.

      It’s not unusual for a couple to have, say, 6 children, and for those children to bring in 6 spouses and to average 6 children each couple + then there’s their children + the 4 parents of the original couple. The family reunion would fill a group site to overflowing and that doesn’t include a few car loads of aunts, uncles, and cousins and their spouses and kids! 🙂

  34. Karen LeMoine says:

    You guys are having so much fun! Wish I could jump into the pics and join you! Its a fantastic area youre in. Bridge get into more pics!

  35. Lee J in Northern California says:

    Sitting here this morning listening to the…wait for it….RAIN!

    It is so strange to finally have some rainfall here in parched California…ahh…

    The photos in this post are so beautiful. We need to take a drive up to Apple Hill in Auburn to get apples and see the fall color, inspiring! Oh..fresh apples….yum. Down here in the valley where I live fall color is grape vine leaves turning color.

    Isn’t October your birthday month? It is mine and I seem to remember you share it also. My best friend and I have three days that we are the same age, then she moves ahead. This year she is 70, and boy am I going to make her remember that particular noteworthy milestone! We will be camping when it happens, no birthday cakes but I can imagine a nice cup of coffee with something interesting!

    Pet the fur balls and you have a wonderful visit at your private campsite!

    • Shirlene (Huntington Beach, Ca) says:

      Ooops in Wrong place….Hi Weather 🙂 I hope the rain has stopped in your area today.

      Hi Lee, I hope this moved it? Lol. 🙂

      • weather says:

        Sue’s birthday will be October 15th,maybe we blogorinos should each go on an Amazon-through-this-blog’s-link-shopping-spree so she can get herself something special 🙂

        Hi,Shirlene,thanks,the rain has stopped!

        • Applegirl NY says:

          Great idea! I just bought a couple of things through the link. Do you know how long the link is good for? I think Sue said somewhere that she gets credit when we go on Amazon even after a couple of days.

          • rvsueandcrew says:

            Thank you, Applegirl, for remembering to use my links! Once you go to Amazon from my blog, anything you purchase during the subsequent 24 hours gives me credit.

          • weather says:

            Honestly,I am not clear on the details you mention because I shop after reading a post or new comments then clicking the Amazon link here.Sue hopefully can give a clear answer.I’m pleased you like the idea re her birthday gift from us.I like the convenience and prices of Walmart as much as most folks,Sue included, do.Yet birthdays deserve something besides our everyday fare in my book.I hope she treats herself to a birthday gift that’s special -like we find her to be

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Very thoughtful of you, weather…. I’ve already decided to have another birthday cake with 67 on it! 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi Lee… Happy Birthday in advance (because I’m terrible about remembering birthdays!)… And I’d hate to miss yours!

  36. Love the photo of the dumpsters!!! The difficulty of trash disposal was a surprise for me – you develop an ‘eye’ for spotting (just like ‘birders’ see birds where others don’t). Also propane tanks – I’m always on the lookout for gas stations that sell propane.

    Love the pictures of the mountain – don’t you love how beautiful the world can be!

    I’m so glad Reggie has worked out so well! He’s a real cutie.

  37. Terri From Texas says:

    Very lovely camp, RVSue! Makes me want to get away again soon! The Hornblower series is great! Have you ever read Mutiny on the Bounty by Nordoff and Hall? One of my all time favorite book. And to BadgerRick in Wisconsin: If you like Sci Fiction, read Hugh Howey’s Wool trilogy. I stumbled upon it on Amazon Kindle Unlimited and it is one of the best Science Fiction series I have ever read.
    Keep traveling well, everyone!

  38. Love the colored hills! Seeing all the lovely little havens in those older campgrounds makes me want to pull the tent out of the rig and go camping by a creek 🙂 We’re getting wonderful rain today in NorCal, feels like a gift from the gods in this parched place.

  39. rvsueandcrew says:

    Hi, Blogorinos!

    The crew and I went on a little excursion this morning which was fun. We’re on our way back to camp. I pulled over in order to catch up on your comments. Always a pleasure to see what’s going on here!

    There are several things I’d like to say to each of you. Maybe later today we will drive toward town again in order to connect with you. In the meantime, thank you for your positive reactions to this post and for infusing my blog with your personal touch.

    I hope your day is all you want it to be!


  40. mockturtle says:

    I can empathize with your being thrilled with the dumpsters. Trash receptacles can be as elusive as fresh water.

  41. Hiya Sue!

    I remember you said you read Outlander, but did you ever read more than the first book? I got into that series, I’m on book 5 now! These suckers are like 800+ pages long, whew! (yes, I carry this HUGE book around with me, I’m still a library addict) So good though!

    I, like you, feel like I want to speak in a Scottish accent after I’ve read for a while, saying things like “Aye, Sue, your wee pups are so very bonny!” or something like that ;). Fun to immerse yourself into another time in history for a while, even if the story is fiction.

    Love the new spot! Enjoy!!

    • Shirlene (Huntington Beach, Ca) says:

      Hey Marla, glad you got your head out of the books to say Hi… 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Marla,

      Yes, I read the entire Outlander series. I couldn’t stop! I even read the spin-off series about Lord John — warning: really raunchy sections…

      • Good to know….I couldn’t decide if should read those Lord John books “chronologically” per the author’s website comments (she said they fit in after book 3), or after I get through the regular series. Once I finished book 3 I knew I had to jump to book 4! I figured Lord John can wait, haha! Is that what you did?

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Yes, and it worked out fine. Gee, our memories may be bad but not THAT bad. 🙂

          I think Lord John is the first gay man’s porn I’ve ever read… Well, maybe not PORN, but close to it… I warn you! 🙂

  42. So beautiful. I am so envious of your freedom. Have you ever, even the tiniest bit, wanted to go back to a “home” base?

  43. The military talk had me laughing out loud 🙂

  44. AlanOutandAbout - Beaver UT says:

    Hi fine lady, Well I am finally out of Grand Junction. Staying the night on the otherside of the mountain from you. Tomorrow onward to Pahrump.
    Take care and Enjoy.

  45. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    Wow Sue! 18 volumes of the Lord Ramage series? You will undoubtedly Enjoy the Hornblower series. My husband and I watched the series on PBS a few years ago. It was really good. I enjoy reading Lee Childs, the Jack Reacher series. I have read all the books Beverly Lewis has written & I am enamored with the Amish.
    I love the photos in this post, especially the mountains and the view of the valley.

  46. rvsueandcrew says:

    On the side of the road again…. Just want to say… I didn’t reply to every comment, but I appreciate every one of yours. Bridget and Reggie have been patient. Now they want to return to camp and get out of the PTV!

    Have a great evening, everyone!

  47. Terri says:

    I just moved to Utah in August and am so happy to have done so. It truly is quite beautiful (and now I live in an RV, albeit a bigger one than yours. That’s not to say I don’t look wistfully at the smaller ones like yours – I just have a “Crew” of more animals than you – five cats and a dog.

    I can imagine that those dumpsters do look awesome to boondockers. (I apologize for asking this if you have already posted about it – I need to catch up on your posts) but have you been to Lone Rock Beach yet in Lake Powell? You need a camping permit to camp overnight but you can park right on the beach and the temperature of the water right now is absolutely perfect. So many RVers do it but this is also a quieter time for RVs, I think, since it’s October.) It’s so gorgeous. But you wouldn’t have the whole place to yourself.

    • Sidewinder Pen says:

      Since I’m here, and I don’t think Sue has a good signal, I can say that yes, she has camped at Lone Rock. Speaking from my own experience there, the beach is typically fairly well full of “compounds” of people with music, toys, generators, fires, etc. For a bit more privacy (relatively speaking), you can camp a bit higher up away from the beach (but still walk to it). Powell is a neat place (even with the people).

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Terri,

      We didn’t camp on the beach for the reasons Pen states and also people were getting their rigs stuck in the sand. The automatic teller machine at the entrance wasn’t working. We didn’t pay a fee or buy a permit. Camped above the beach with a view of the rock and water, though the level was down, of course. It’s a nice camp if you’re lucky not to have neighbors without noisy machines.

      I’m glad you’re happy that you moved to Utah. Smart choice!

  48. AZ Jim says:

    Missy, If I were younger and spry enough, I would sneak up on you and kidnap Reggie. That is the cutest little dog I can remember seeing. You found them and yourself another great site. Been feeling a little under the weather here after having flu and pneumonia shots. Better today, my 79th Birthday. Happy day to you and the little ones.

    • Shirlene (Huntington Beach, Ca) says:

      Happy Happy Birthday Jim, and many more to you. Hope you feel all better really soon. 🙂 🙂 🙂

    • wildflower in prescott says:

      Happy birthday AZ Jim !!!! ????????

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Happy Birthday, Jim! I hope this will be the day you feel completely better. It’s always a treat for me to see your messages appear here because you always have good things to say. May the coming year be full of wonders and happy times. God bless you, my cyber friend.. . .

    • weather says:

      Happy birthday,Jim!!!I’m so glad- that you are feeling better- and to find a comment from you on here!That always makes any day nicer for me.I hope you and Detta have a good day and autumn.

    • Pamela K. says:

      Jim AZ,

      Dancing Cyber Balloons twist in the winds with your name on them 🙂
      A grand shout-out to wish you a happy, happy B’day!

  49. carlene from southwestern colorado says:

    Wow… great fall pictures, I tried but was unsuccessful with photos… oh well, so glad I’m a part of this great community.
    After 8-9 days without cell and internet just north of Deming NM, hot, dry, I “ran” north in 2 days, found Luna Lake a forest service campground near Alpine AZ, out of 40 sites maybe 5 occupied. wonderful off season travel.
    I’m now parked with 4g / 5 bars and getting caught up with the commercial, interactive world. Also having the need to de-clutter, will be donating to a local thrift store stuff I haven’t used, nor see the need for, and cleaning up the dust devil that took over the MH while down south.
    So glad to be parked today, 25-30 mph winds. That is the most tiring thing about driving a larger profile vehicle. Gusty winds, just so scary.
    Sue with your advice I purchased 4 benchmark map books on Amazon, hope you got credit after clicking on your link. What a true wealth of info.
    I’m heading to Moab, Salina and then into the Bryce Canyon area. Yes sticking to most of the USFS campgrounds having never ventured into this area of Utah. 8-10 days will do (maybe more if I find it as nice as I hear) and then north to Salt Lake to hook up with family who have my plates for the MH aka Gamer Babe.
    I am sadden by the SF Giants NOT making it into the playoffs so my baseball season will end this weekend. Hoping to listen to all of the last 3 games.

    And thanks again for all of you wealth of information. Hugs to the Crew and Happy and Safe Travels to You, Sue.

    • carlene from southwestern colorado says:

      lol… Deming New Mexico, not NW….

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Carlene,

      I’m glad you are staying off the road on this windy day. It’s too much work driving in wind.

      One of the great things about the off-season is having a campground empty or nearly empty. Enjoy!

      Thank you for buying your Benchmarks at Amazon through my blog. I see a spike in Benchmarks ordered. I assume those are yours. May they reveal special camps to you for a long time…

  50. weather says:

    Hi, Sue,I hope where you are now in your cozy home is lovely to be in at the moment.The beginnings of autumn are appearing here in Central NY,partial coloring of a different tree appearing each morning,a day here and there of especially cooler temps.I find it delightfully loving of God to change our seasons one thing at a time.

    Thursday morning I had my vet help me tuck my sweet little girl dog in to sleep one last time.We had been gifted with a decade together here and the last forty days of that with just each other to play with,focus on and enjoy.After sunrise the morning she moved to heaven she was happy to go on short walks trotting along with her tail wagging,ride relaxed in the jeep and be held by me again as she stopped being awake at her normal nap time.

    Long term kidney disease had not affected her feeling well enough to thoroughly enjoy life.A couple of symptoms told me that swift relentless change was imminent.I’d made sure all of her life that nothing and no one bothered her and she rightly trusted me to always do that.The best gift I could give her now was to not let pain and suffering enter her life so I did.Our love and beauty filled beginning of temporarily walking on a separate path couldn’t have gone more wonderfully.I’ll treasure the memory of it(though with tears of sadness mixed within the gratitude) as I will all memories of our times together.

    This is a message to let you know so that you won’t ask about or refer to her and wonder why I don’t respond .I used the back page so the recent post isn’t focused on me or make readers sad,etc.I trust His wisdom,love and timing to give me only what makes my life perfect this moment and in the future.Receiving the gift of freedom may involve what feels like heartbreak yet really isn’t.I know that because my heart and being love more as time goes on and always has.Please don’t be anxious or sad for me,or try to find a way to say what doesn’t need saying.I am and will be OK and enjoying life,and I know you care a great deal for me.Love and hugs to you and crew,weather

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I understand your decision, weather, and your feeling about not receiving a lot of sympathy notes. I have to say that I’m very sorry for your tears. You gave your sweet dog many gifts, this last one given in love, too. I’m glad your day is a lovely memory, much like my last day with Spike is.

      I do believe we have a special connection. Yesterday I was in a foul mood for no apparent reason. I was disgusted with my irritability yet I seemed to have no control over it. It ran its course and finally abated by late afternoon. Then in the early evening I thought of you with a nagging concern. All three of us slept well, yet I did wake up in the middle of the night, and while looking at the stars above my window, I thought of you again and wondered if you were okay. Yes, I do care about you!

      Thank you, weather, for sharing this. I know you will seek comfort in the gifts He provides you.

      • weather says:

        It’s nice to know that you walked through yesterday with me.Your irritability coincided with my frustrated hours, and abated at the time I was furnishing the T@B with something beautiful one couldn’t have in a home with a seventy pound dog in it and realizing how loveliness graces my life.The nagging concern was while I struggled to find a way to ensure that I would sleep well.Several comforts allowed me a deep rejuvenating rest and your middle of the night was my awakening before sunrise… then thinking of how to express my message to you.I so appreciate your understanding,Sue, and all within your first paragraph very much,too.May we both have a day of appreciating our gifts.I’m off to peek at the cute kittens outside before driving to marvel at the scenery on some country roads.

      • weather says:

        There were five in the cat family,mama and four kittens,all adorably cute.As of this morning two are at their new homes.As I thought of that I was taken with gratitude that my sweet pup is at hers…There were seven trips to the vet in less than six weeks.If I hadn’t been blessed to still be able to afford the one Thursday by today she wouldn’t have been aware of much except feeling awful things that would have lasted perhaps until Tuesday and then she’d be in heaven,just with a far less wonderful way to get there.I looked at a picture I’d recently taken of her happy and wagging her tail and smiled with sheer delight .Yes-I’m fine 🙂 ! Good coffee in hand,joy in heart-I hope that this morning finds you that way,too,Sue.

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