Clay Creek Campground — From the frying pan to the fire

The Weekend — June 5 – 7

In the last exciting episode of RVSue and her canine crew, Bridget, Reggie and I board the Perfect Tow Vehicle and make our way deeper into Siuslaw National Forest.

I hope to find a quiet camp for the weekend at Clay Creek Campground. 

The hush of the forest and the patterns of light and shadow across the roadway put me in a near dream state as we follow the road sixteen miles south from Whittaker Creek Campground.

P1050455More photos of green for those who tired of desert brown a few months ago.

A big truck with a load of logs comes around a curve — hey, didn’t we go through this already? —  only this time the truck’s rate of speed allows us both time to get out of each other’s way on the narrow road.  I’m alert now!

P1050462-001Clay Creek Campground is similar in some ways to Whittaker Creek.

It’s BLM with a fee of $10 regular/$5 with senior discount pass.  Clay Creek has group sites and a ball field, which Whittaker Creek lacks.  However, Whittaker Creek has a camp host and Clay Creek doesn’t right now.

P1050458I love driving into a campground for the first time.

The sites near the entrance are too dark for the solar panel.  Gee, no one is here.  How nice. 

P1050457We continue cruising the loop.

Oh, there’s a tenter.  Don’t want to park close to that site. 

Bridget and Reggie whine and bark to be let out.

“Okay, good idea.  Let’s walk the rest of the loop.”

Reggie picks out a level pull-through for us.

P1050477“I agree, Reg.  This looks good.  C’mon, let’s go back to the PTV and get ourselves settled.”

P1050478The Best Little Trailer is in the shade and the PTV’s solar panel is in the sun.  Perfect!

Later the crew and I enjoy our second walk of the day.

We explore the campground and follow the road to where a bridge crosses Clay Creek.  (The remaining photos in this post are from that walk.)

P1050474Idyllic, right?  Just what I was looking for, right?  Peace and quiet, right?


Shortly after dark, as the crew and I are bedding down, I hear voices from the direction of that tent.  Hmm. . . . sounds like twenty-something men.

P1050471Three or four males experiencing extended adolescence become increasingly loud and foolish for the next several hours.

P1050460-001They play hide-and-seek (I kid you not) in the dark on the campground loop, laughing and calling to each other even as they pass by our window.  I check the clock.

One-thirty-four in the morning.

I doze off and wake again.  Something certainly is hilarious over at the tent.  Clock check:  two-thirty-eight.

P1050469Hmm . . . I wonder what it’s like down at Whittaker Campground right now.  Where’s a camp host when you need one, eh? Well, maybe those boys will leave in the morning.  This morning.  In a few hours.

They do leave and others take their place.

Lots of others!  By noon the campground is almost full. Without a doubt this day turns out to be the absolute worst campground experience I have ever endured in almost four years of full-time camping.

Hands down.

P1050465I sit in my lounger with the crew nearby. 

This is what goes on:  a child cries incessantly, a man yells at the child to stop that damn crying, someone in the next site is playing lumberjack with an axe (chop-chop-chop), an OHV starts up and rumbles up the road, a radio plays thump-thump-thump while a female “singer” screams through her nose in the popular fashion of today, a motorbike (vroom-vroom) revs, rumbles, stalls, revs again, and so forth for hours, a diesel truck drives up and idles next to the BLT (why?) while Reggie and the dog in the passenger seat exchange furious barks . . . .

P1050468The truck finally moves on.

I’d go inside with the windows shut tight but it’s too hot for that.

I turn my head and there goes a man wearing shorts, flip-flops, and a tank top, a top, I might add, that’s unsuccessfully straining to cover his gut.  He shuffles along, splay-footed and glassy-eyed, holding a beer can to his mouth.

Oh, dear God.  This is so bad I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

I stare at the sky through the tree tops.

Somewhere birds sing a gentle song . . .

P1050466-001I should have looked for boondocks on the way here.  I don’t remember seeing any.  Oh well . . .  It’s only this afternoon and tonight.  I’ll tough it out and we’ll leave first thing in the morning.

P1050459I love how every sunrise brings a chance for a new beginning.

The crew and I return to Whittaker Creek before the bell tolls eight o’clock on this lovely Sunday morning.  I back the BLT into a campsite where we bide our time until a good site is vacated by a weekender.



NOTE:  I apologize for the negative tone of this post.  I almost didn’t write the details of this past weekend.  As usual, the desire to show both the positive and negative of this lifestyle — including my mistakes — won out.   The weekend was hell at the time, but now I can look back at my futile pursuit of peace and quiet and laugh.  Stuff happens.


I appreciate you shopping Amazon from my blog. 

Here’s a sample of items recently purchased by readers:

Zipfizz Healthy Energy Drink, Pink Lemonade
Goodyear Ratchet Tie Down – 4 pk.
King Canopy Tuff Tent, White
Bose Mini Bluetooth Speaker
Chicago Cutlery 18-Piece Steel Knife Set
Just Add Color: Botanicals: 30 Original Illustrations To Color, Customize, and Hang

P1050295“Reggie!  How can you sleep with all this racket?”


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245 Responses to Clay Creek Campground — From the frying pan to the fire

  1. rvsueandcrew says:

    Blogorinos . . . . Late-breaking and good news from Krystina at the end of comments under previous post. . . .

    • Let me get this straight. YOU are 1st? On your own blog?

      • rvsueandcrew says:


      • shirlene says:


      • HAHA! That is hilarious!!!

      • Denise - Richmond VA says:

        I bet that is the first time that happened! 🙂

      • Krystina - Corvallis Oregon says:

        Sooooo funny ED! Thanks for the laugh to go with my coffee!!


        • Jean in Southaven, MS says:

          Hi, Krystina, so glad everything is working out for you. I went back and read the ending comments on RVSue’s last post. Keep us posted.

          Hi RVSue and Crew, beautiful pictures. I have added this area of the country to my bucket list. Oregon is sure pretty. Sounds like your camping experience was alot like mine this last weekend. Our usual campground has been almost deserted for the last two years until this summer, now every site is occupied and everyone is so noisy. Now when my husband wants to turn music on outside I have to leave. I want to hear the birds and squirrels and deer, not some loud noise that I used to consider music. O for getting old and crotchety I guess.

          • rvsueandcrew says:

            Hi, Jean,

            Oh, don’t blame yourself. You’re not “old and crotchety”… You’re wanting to enjoy nature, that’s all. I’m sorry your latest camping experience was similar to mine. It does make the good camps all the more special!

      • Gayle - SO CAL Beach Boomer says:

        So funny, Ed! RVSue, you don’t need to apologize for a negative post on your own blog. Like Leslie Gore sang in 1963: “It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to. You would cry too if it happened to you!”

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      Thanks for sharing the good news, Sue!! SO glad at least it is not those problems!! And that folks are helping here…so nice!!

  2. Velda says:

    Evening Sue and crew. Looking like maybe rain tomorrow here in Northern CA from storm that hit Baja. Hope it stays nice for you.

  3. I just don’t understand why you don’t just pop a can and join them. 🙂

  4. Penny in AR says:

    Was hoping you would toot the “grizz horn” as Rusty calls it, and die laughing at the hide-and-go-seekers as they jumped out of their skins!!. Peace!

  5. Larry M from the Pacific NW says:

    Some say I can be psychic at times Sue! RVing psychic that is. Hahaha

    Happy Trails Sue! Larry

  6. Thank goodness you had a chance to return to sanity and leave the insanity behind!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Geri,

      I’d feel sorry for the folks but it did seem like they were enjoying the chaos. Good for them if that’s what they like. It’s not for me.

  7. Yikes…yep, there will be days like that. Good thing there’s not too many of ’em though!

    No need to apologize for the “negative tone”. I post about our good days and our bad ones…because that’s life. If there were a negative tone every day, that would be different. And if there’s positive tones every day, I would feel like I’m not getting the whole story. I like to keep it real…which includes both good and bad.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Kevin and Ruth,

      It’s a generational thing. I’m used to campgrounds with mostly retirees. I don’t think there was anyone over the age of 35.

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        THAT explains it well, Sue…tis what we get to see most every weekend and some week nights too…and now with the pizza parlor a couple days down…even more drunks…oh yippee…peeing in the ally and all this past weekend. LOVELY! NOT!!

  8. Nancy says:

    I make use of my aircraft factory-grade earplugs from my days of working at such a place. I have a box with a couple of hundred of them and I use them when I need to tune someone (ahem) completely out. I don’t hear a sound. Might be something to consider for such times. I used them once out of desperation at WalMart parking lot and it was up to my dog to be my ears.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good idea, Nancy. Someone suggested ear plugs a long time ago and I meant to get some.

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        I can’t use them well as I hear my pulse pounding then…I don’t like to hear any pounding of any sort!! I hope you fare better Sue!!

        • Sidewinder Pen says:

          I wear earplugs sometimes when using power tools, but I can’t wear them for long periods or overnight as even the properly fitting ones just “bug” my ears after an hour or so.

          I have thought of getting some noise-cancelling headphones, although it’s irritating that I have to be the one to go to the trouble/expense, plus I like to hear the “real” outdoor sounds. Usually best to just give up and leave if possible (as Sue notes) even though it’s annoying to have to.

  9. DeAnne in TN says:

    Good…bad…it all adds up to what full-time life on the road truly is like. The “negative” doesn’t bother me at all. I’m pretty sure the good outweighs all the rest. Cheers Sue!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      It does! Cheers to you, too, DeAnne! Yay! School’s out!

    • Sidewinder Pen says:

      I agree and plus, to a certain extent, it’s nice to be able to commiserate with someone about these things (via reading about them). The last time I was stuck next to a droning generator, it sucked, but I got some relief knowing that “well, maybe I’ll mention it on RV Sue sometime and we’ll get a laugh out of it; or if not, at least I know I’m not alone in this.” Otherwise I’d probably feel like I was being singled out (I mean, I know that’s not true, but the mind can play tricks during these times!)

      So yep, good/bad…. please share them both!

  10. Reine in Plano says:

    Sue, so sorry you had a totally yucky weekend. And I’m sure the lack of sleep made the irritations much worse. But I’m not sure it’s a generational thing. We’re run into some pretty inconsiderate folks who should have been old enough to know better. You were just unfortunate to end up in a place with folks who didn’t have a clue or care about appropriate behavior. Over the years we and you have seen folks of all ages being idiots and/or obnoxious. Clingers come to mind. Fortunately those situations aren’t that many.
    Now that the weekend is over you can enjoy the week in peace and quiet.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Reine,

      You’re right. As for enjoying the peace and quiet . . . . Let me tell you how this Monday evening is going . . .

      The people in the site on the other side of a neighboring site have been playing music loud. I couldn’t take it anymore this afternoon — impossible to read — so I packed up the crew and went for a ride, explored the river a bit.

      Well, again, around 7 o’clock they start it up again. I walk over and ask them politely to “turn it down a bit.” (Two women and a man)… One woman says to the other, “What time is it? I don’t think it’s 10 o’clock yet.” I say, “I realize there’s no rule against you playing music, I’m just asking for some consideration.” The man grumbles and turns the music off. I thank him and walk back to my campsite. (I didn’t tell him to turn it off but that’s what he did.)

      Well, ever since then — it’s more than 2 hours later — the man has been talking loud, making comments about me (using the F word repeatedly), a real cry-baby because someone asked him for some consideration.

      I take the crew for their evening walk and I hear, “There she goes.” Sounds like junior high . . . Ha!

      If he hadn’t reacted in such a childish and belligerent manner, I would go over there, now that it’s cool enough to shut all the windows and door, and tell him to go ahead and play the music at a reasonable level since it won’t bother me and there aren’t any other campers here.

      Anyway. . . We’re leaving in the morning.

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        GREAT BIG SIGH!! Maybe they would enjoy hearing you leaving about sunup…banging around and all!!

      • Velda in Roseville Ca says:

        Too bad the bear scare horn is in the BLT or you could test it on the way out.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          It’s tempting. . . although this guy is beyond being inconsiderate. Raging for hours over being asked to turn down the radio? He was discharged too soon or isn’t taking his meds or whatever. Those women must be in denial to accompany him to a public place where any little thing could set him off.

          • Cinandjules (ny) says:

            Beer muscles. 😉

          • A gal in Maple Valley, WA says:

            I’ve had that happen a time or two in other situations. It became apparent to me that:
            1. I have embarrassed that person because I admonished them in front of others.
            2. I was a female.
            3. I was older.

            There may have been a female or two, but mostly males each instance. I found it interesting that I was never confronted at the time I made my requests. But they grumbled and bellyached and swore, loudly, after I was a ways away.

            I’m not sure if I understand the behavior or if I could have approached the situation differently. Do women just feel things more strongly? I’ve been told not to take it so personal. How could it NOT be personal? Would a guy have questioned his own actions? If a guy made the request would there have been the same backlash? Do I have to always worry about hurting a male’s ego? Are they really that fragile? Or did those types just miss that section of growing up or just never learned how to deal with conflict. It does seem obvious that those that won’t respect others don’t respect themselves.

            I really, really wish people would:
            say what they mean.
            do what they say they would.
            if they have an issue, state it plainly and
            work towards a positive outcome.

            And yes, I could always improve in those areas myself. Perhaps I’m just lacking in the humor department. They say it is the best medicine.

            I’m goin’ out and git me some funny!
            MV gal

            • Sidewinder Pen says:

              Interesting observations, MVG.

              The “Don’t take it so personal,” (in a situation where it obviously IS personal and was likely meant that way) makes me think of the tired “Can’t you take a joke?” saw. This is when someone makes a comment that is clearly denigrating or offensive, and when you say something (even politely), the response is “can’t you take a joke?” The me that formulates snide responses (but doesn’t actually say them because there is no point in escalating) always wants to say “Sure, did someone make one? I wasn’t aware. ” Because right, nice try on deflecting.

            • A gal in Maple Valley, WA says:

              In another life, I used to be somewhat quick on the uptake and had some good ‘snappy answers to stupid questions’, but these days I’m just dumbfounded and stupefied by what seeps out of some folk’s brain and right on outa their mouths.

  11. dancer says:

    hi Sue and Crew, there so cute.. The negative part of life is all part of the life, that is why we choose to do things that only bring us pleasure. Without the negative we would not know what we truly love. like you although I camp with my son and his two friends, I always look for a quiet site by the water, so the boys can do their thing and I can watch and read. Like you I can’t wait to disappear into the background of life, taking pictures of things that make my heart swell, and to view the things I love. I to hate over noise people, yah they are having fun but no respect for those around them. No negative vibes in this post, just the truth.. And some like lots of drama and then there is us, who just want to enjoy the simple things in life and listen and love. Sue to you and the crew, I never miss a post and follow your adventure every day, or when you post. We all love your posts and think very highly of you, when you stop being honest about you, then it will lose its belief to us. Bless you and the crew, thank you again for allowing us to follow and learn on your journey.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, dancer. What a sweet comment. It’s nice to know there are people who feel the same way about the incessant noise many others seem to need.

      Thank you for what you wrote about my blog and photos. I appreciate you reading all my posts and I hope I can live in a way that merits your admiration. Best wishes to you and your boys. 🙂

  12. Hey there Sue and Crew! Just wanted to make a comment about how your photography skills continue to grow. The portrait of Bridget at the end of your previous post is beautiful! I also really like the one in this post where Reggie is in the foreground and the greenery arch is in the background. It’s always a pleasure to follow along with your travels and enjoy all the lovely photos. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Linda, for the encouragement on my photography. It’s been fun taking photos in the forests of Oregon. The light and shadows are challenging! I like how Reggie and Bridget look so tiny compared to these magnificent trees.

  13. Jan Johnson says:

    You should always share the good and the bad. It looked so beautiful and peaceful there – crazy how wild and crowded it became and those boys playing hide and seek?! Why do people go to such a beautiful nature place to play radios, get drunk, make a racket – UGH! It’s said how few people have consideration for others these days. It makes you appreciate the boondock places and deserted places even more!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jan,

      Those “boys” were in their twenties. When I think of the responsibilities I had at that age (as do many, many others in this world), I find it hard to imagine what it is like to be them. Talk about a long childhood!

      Yes, I do appreciate the boondocks even more after these recent experiences with campground living.

  14. Lee J in Northern California says:

    Beautiful photos…too bad the others messed things up..for a while….
    Reminds me of a time we were camping at a reservoir near Marysville, Ca. We had it good for a couple of days, then someone moved into the site just up the hill from us, visualize terraced sites. I opened the door to let my little dog out to pee, and there was a man, sitting on the dropped down back of his toy hauler, he was literally four feet from my face…sitting there at eight AM drinking beer, which he kindly lifted in greeting….OMG…it was downhill from,there…we forfeited our prepaid two more days and lit out….
    Later we told it as a good story..while it was happening, yuk!
    Glad you had the option of leaving!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Lee J.,

      Oh boy, that’s a classic campground story! Two different worlds collide…. That guy had no clue what impression he was making.

      Yes, “the option of leaving”… and taking my sanity with me.

  15. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue,

    Reggie really has taken an active role in picking good sites, leading you and Miss Bridge on discovery hikes, and protecting his home and family when needed. No wonder the little guy gets tuckered out! Glad that you regained your sanity when you moved.

    Hope you and the Crew have a peaceful night. Sending you hugs from me and Gracie pup. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Denise,

      The off-the-chain guy two sites over has calmed down after nearly 3 hours of raging. Definite anger issues over there…. (See my reply to Reine, above.)

      I’m very proud of Reggie. He’s learned a lot in less than three months. He doesn’t pull on the leash as much. He knows not to jump on my head when I’m sleeping. The frantic licking is almost gone. He still barks at big dogs. We’re working on that. And then he does all the things you mentioned. 🙂

      Hope you and Gracie pup sleep well…

      • Denise - Richmond VA says:

        Sheesh…that almost sounds worse than the weekend. So sorry. Makes me wonder what kind of lives some of these folks are escaping from to go camping. From my perspective, it is just a change in venue….the same noise, craziness, and lack of calm. Rest easy knowing that you all will be leaving in the morning. ***Extra hugs!***

  16. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Wait a minute….Bridget AND Reg man whine and bark to be let out? Hahhhh oh that’s funny!

    When it rains it pours! Sound like you got to close to civilization!

    Sometimes incidents as such is just a reminder of the rat race you left …when you started your journey.

    Bridgee babee? Yes Reg….you think Sue is serious bout getting another crew member?
    Naw….where is she going to sleep? We have our designated spots…she’ll have NO room!

    She can use my blue bed and even snuggle with Mr Flea. Hmm where is Mr Flea?

    She can’t fit in your bed silly boy….she’ll get a cramp in her leg and then we will get in trouble for laughing. And NO amount of rotisserie chicken can keep that newsflash off canine corner!

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Too cute! 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You silly thing. . . . I suppose it would be a bit crowded with another crew member. Gosh, she’s just so dang cute!

      I already get a cramp in my leg with these two bed hogs. Reggie leaves his bed in the middle of the night, curls up next to me resting his head on me, and then I don’t move….

  17. Connie & Mugsy (AZ and MN) says:

    I hope you don’t mind my intrusion into your comment section Sue, but I thought I better drop in before heading to bed and see if I needed to respond to anything in the previous post. And I saw that I have to thank many of you for your kind comments about Mom’s passing. With her severe Dementia, there reaches a time that passing is a blessing. She was merely existing, not living for the last couple years. So now I am busily spending what was left of her money… something that she would have enjoyed immensely. She was always trying to spend it on me before her mind starting going and I kept telling her that I would party with what was left once I knew that she didn’t need it anymore. I paid off the mortgage on my place in Minnesota, traded my 10 year old park model for a new one with an AZ room, and have ordered the new Roadtrek.

    As those of you who know LTV are aware, Roadtrek is a step down in quality. Not that RTs are terrible, or even cheap, but LTV builds an amazingly beautiful little motorhome. But it seemed silly to have a rig that one could live in, and not live in it much now. I got almost as much in trade as I paid for it (they keep their value). But for 7 months of the year, it has been my daily driver. LOL A 25 foot car… getting 9 miles per gallon around town. I wanted something under 20 ft and have put in an order to have a place in line, but am waffling between a 170 (18.5+ft) or a 190 (20.5ft). With either of them, I could get rid of my car in MN too and use it as my only vehicle. AND one always has one’s bathroom along… which is a better and better idea as I get older. It will have solar (as it was a free option this month), extra batteries, and the under hood generator.

    I really wanted the Zion, but I am afraid of the Promaster because it is so new. I remember all the Sprinter problems the first few years. Promaster has had some hiccups. My thought is actually to see how I like the RT… give it 2-3 years… and then go to Great West Vans and do a design my own Promaster on the short – under 20 ft’ model – once they’ve worked the bugs out. Assuming that I haven’t blown through all of Mom’s money yet. LOL

    Oh… and Mugsy is doing well… but slowing down a bit. Half the time we saunter along companionably like the two little old ladies we are… instead of her usual pulling me along as fast as I’ll let her go.

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      I admire you, Connie. Your Mom would be pleased with your plans. Sounds like you will be well equipped to boondock. Good luck with choosing the RT model that will be best for you and Mugsy! 🙂

      • Connie & Mugsy (AZ and MN) says:

        I’m not much of a boondocker. LOL Rarely more than one night in a row. I finally chose the 170 yesterday and it has the least battery power (only 210 amp hours), but after discussions with “those who know” it is enough for me for the next 2-3 years.

        • Sidewinder Pen says:

          Hi Connie,

          Fun to hear of your plans and decisions (and with your Mom’s blessing too, sweet).

          I’m guessing from the 210 amp hours, that Roadtrek is (or at least might be) using two Group 31 batteries (which are normally 205 amp hours each). You may already know this, but the various “group” sizes refer to the physical size of the case. Well, Lifeline makes a regular Group 31, and then they make an “extra stuffed” Group 31 that they call the XT. These have 125 amp hours each, for a total of 250, but the exterior case is the same size (Lifelines are all AGM’s, btw). They do weigh 5-10# more, but I doubt Roadtrek is cutting it that close on weight. Anyway, if it does turn out that they are using two Group 31’s, and you want more capacity, perhaps you could approach them about subbing in two of the Lifeline Group 31 XT’s, and gain 40 amp hours in the process, taking no more physical space.

        • Cinandjules (NY) says:

          Sweet! What color?

          I personally like the models where the door that swings out instead of the sliding….easier to keep the “fur kids” inside.

          And when do you take delivery?

        • Denise - Richmond VA says:

          How exciting, Connie! Like Cinandjules, I, too, am interested in your color choice and delivery. I love it when plans come together for folks. I am an armchair RVer right now….dreaming…. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      No intrusion at all, Connie. This place is for everyone to share . . . .

      Your plans sound wonderful and, like Denise wrote, your mother would be pleased.

      Yeah, it’s sad to see our canine pals age. Bridget isn’t as limber as she used to be.

  18. Rita from Phoenix says:

    Years ago my sister Grace and I traveled up highway 101, we camped at beautiful state and federal campgrounds..all with hot showers. We arrived at one site quite a ways from the highway but the camp host made allowances and had us tent camp in a group site….so nice of them. Anyway, all the camp sites were packed with campers but after night fall you could hear a pin drop it was so quiet….I’d fall right asleep with no problems. Most campers were gone by 8 a.m….probably traveling like us. I think now it’s mostly local people weekenders camping along the coast hence the noise. If they were travelers, they’d be too poop to stay up til 2 a.m. Hope your week is going better. I do like my rest/sleep…I’d have been irritated and blasted that ‘grizz horn.’ LOL

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Rita,

      I hope our experience along the coast is as good as yours was. If it’s like this past weekend, we will leave.

      Use the ‘grizz horn’? Those daytime party-ers probably wouldn’t have heard it or they’d think it was part of the soundtrack.

  19. Cinandjules (NY) says:


    Dementia is such a hard situation for all involved. IMHO-I truly believe, although it appears that one loses many of their abilities, deep down inside they are still aware…they just can’t express it. Kind of like trapped in a shell.

    Your mom would be pleased that you have great plans ahead.

    Good idea to wait until the bugs get ironed out. Winnebago is having issues with their Era and Travato models. Don’t forget to update us on what model RT you choose.

  20. Barb from Hoquiam says:

    Oh no!!!! Idiots! I am so so so sorry!
    Better luck to come I hope!

    I can’t follow very well the replies. Am able to get a teeny bit of service on my phone. You would think I was boondocking, in the middle of nowhere but I am a half mile from Sumner!


    • A gal in Maple Valley, WA says:

      Hey lady!

      U b just dwn the road frm me! I’m hitting Camping World’s sale in Fife….wanna meet me there and get free cookies from the timeshare guy? Oh, sorry. I forget other people actually do have a life. 🙂 Hugs 2u

  21. Elizabeth in WA says:

    Appreciate your telling where the crazy weekend campsites are, Sue…if ever we get to use such, it would help us plan the best!! Apparently the younger crowd have more or less chosen that least it sounds so. The older we get, the more being in 55+ places of some sort is appealing!! I realize it won’t solve every problem…but maybe some!! Hope you find a peaceful spot to sit awhile soon!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I don’t know if the situation is limited to that campground or if this is what you have going on the closer you go toward the coast at this time of year. Online the forest service website says Clay Creek has a camp host. However, none was there, although there is a site designated for a camp host. Some people need to be supervised. They don’t know limits of public behavior on their own.

  22. PookieBoy SE Texas says:

    well, your gonna have days like that Sue…..anyone who has ever camped out has experienced what you went thru…….thats exactly why I stay home on weekends
    but you obviously cant do that… 🙂
    did I miss something or do I see Reggie without a leash? thats great if Im seeing

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Chuck,

      No, you didn’t miss anything. Sometimes, when the crew and I are outside the campground, I walk Reggie on his blue tether. (It’s hard to see it in photos.) This lets him investigate and run around more freely.

      I’d love to let him loose. He’s not ready for that and may never be. He chases after any little critter with such intensity that I can see him running mindlessly in pursuit for a mile and then “snapping out of it” and not able to find his way back. He doesn’t react AT ALL to being called. If I didn’t see evidence to the contrary, I’d think he’s deaf!

      • Cinandjules (NY) says:

        How about a clicker?

        AO totally forgets her name when she’s outside…but if I click the clicker….she immediately comes back.

      • PookieBoy SE Texas says:

        yep, I had a chihuahua do that…took off after a rabbit over into the next door horse pasture…she stayed lost for 3 days and a lady about 3 miles away called me saying she had caught her because she was so hungry….I went and got her and you should have seen the look on her face when she saw me…..HA…she laid her head on my shoulder all the way home….I was very lucky we got her back…

  23. Ladybug in Mid TN says:

    Laugh; always laugh. 😉

  24. MB says:

    Good morning Sue! So sorry about the not so great week-end. But thank you for writing about it. One….it’s what makes your blog so real. You post the good, the bad, and the LOUD! 🙂 And two….for those of us contemplating living on the road, it all is a wonderful dream in our heads. Your honest posts help us (or at least me) put things in perspective. That way we make informed decisions and are not disappointed nor deterred when our dreams are interrupted by loud campers and logging trucks. We know that this too shall pass. 🙂 Hope things are quieter now. Have a great day with your crew. My big ones and I will be mowing the horse fields. The Chihuahua will be napping till I come in for lunch. And the cat will do whatever she pleases…..of course! MB from VA

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, MB,

      You make a good point about showing the good and the not-so-good for those dreaming of this way of living.

      What? The chihuahua doesn’t help mow the horse fields? Yeah, forget getting any help from a cat!

      • MB says:

        LOL! Yea, Bella (the Chihuahua) would be very happy if I just sewed big pockets onto all my shirts so she could go everywhere with me. Sissy (the cat…15 years old)) does go for walks with the dogs and me, but pretty much does as she pleases most of the time. Hazel (Catahoula/Cattle Dog), wants to be a Chihuahua in her next life. And Wyndy is just happy bein’ a hound dog!….though she does have a little Golden Retriever in there too. 🙂 They will all go with me when it’s my turn. I told Sis she’d just have to learn to go for walks on a leash. She’s OK with that. Love my girls!

  25. Applegirl NY says:

    Well, your “negative” post sure made me laugh. Of course, that’s because I’m not the one who got an eye full of tank top man.

    LOL. This too shall pass. Once every four years is a pretty good track record. You are the queen of fabulous campsites.

    • Tara from Pac NW says:

      I agree, Sue’s track record is still pretty high up there for the best sites!

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Thanks, Applegirl and Tara… Between the meth labs, pot farms, and logging trucks, this is a challenging area for finding boondocks.

  26. Pamela K. in GA says:

    Clay Creek Recreation Area… Well, they certainly were Recreating weren’t they?!!!
    Kids, Teens, and Young Adults just have to blow off steam I guess. Back in my day we had Fire Station House Dances, Guys worked on their Muscle Cars, It was OK to gather on a neighborhood street or in the local drive-in parking lot, the list goes on. Today, however, you can’t do most of those things without the law being called to break it up.
    I feel sorry for the ~younger generations~. And today’s bosses are not as kind and understanding as they were in my day either, more mean, and seemingly get by with being mean or petty. Over time I guess all that pent-up, closed-in feeling gets to us all and many go overboard with letting loose on the weekends. Clearly THAT group of folks knew where Party Central was located and went there to join in. Sorry you and the crew got caught in the cross-fire of it all. Alot of it doesn’t make any sense! And the ~music!~ Boom de Boom…even the music today sounds pent-up! So sad for them that all the fun, good stuff is mere history these days. No wonder, most of us can’t relate.

    Now, about that little-girl doggie…
    Have you called about her yet?
    Are you going to Portland????!!!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pamela,

      Yeah, those were the days. Here’s the difference. Everyone knew the young people who were making the noise — “the neighborhood kids” — and so their noise was tolerated within the neighborhood (not in a public place frequented by travelers). It also was kept within limits. Anyone who was driven up a wall by teenage behavior couldn’t say anything because the neighbors would be offended. They suffered behind their window curtains. Also one could go to many public places and be assured of peace and quiet, like a neighborhood park. Not so anymore.

      It was a time when 11-year-olds didn’t have access to dirt bikes that make noise that carries for a mile in all directions. It was a time when only the teenagers made a racket in public and, even then, they responded with respect if told to turn down the noise. It was a time when people were capable of having fun without being as noisy and obnoxious as possible. It was a time when adults acted like adults and set examples on how to enjoy life without infringing on other’s enjoyment. It was a time when people “grew up” by the time they reached 20 or so and found noise-making immature and pointless. Now we have a nation populated with too many people who never grow up, never learn to care how their actions affect others, and, sadly, never learn how to live quietly with themselves and their own thoughts.

      I ask a man in his thirties to please turn the volume down on his radio and he reacts by raging and whining for hours, symptomatic of withdrawal!

      Yes, I do believe the campground experience was quite different in “the good ol’ days.”

      No, I haven’t called about Edith. Can’t say I’m not tempted. She looks like a perfect match for Reggie! 🙂

      • Pamela K. says:

        I agree with much of what you said but the good ole days had many of the their own good ole boys and girls who were major bullies back then too. Blocking doorways, cat calls, date night advances, playground fights, boozing it up and all the sterotype redneck stuff that happens with every generation at every stage of life and age. It is just the ugly side of human nature I guess. Meeting it head on like you did over the weekend is never fun and always is a downer to have heaped upon anyone. Sadly it seems they hang out in some of the nature areas to sorta hide away from the daily society. Then when the more normal social society visits those same places it brings out the really ugly side like that jerk guy showed toward you. I used to think there was a fair balance, I’m not so sure anymore 🙁 Seems that too much of our current day society is Up Side Down. Glad you left out of there. Sad you had to leave such a pretty place. Sometimes I woory about you and the crew with those types around near by. They seem to be the types that have and show no respect for nature or life ~their own or others~. Asking to turn the radio down some is perfectly normal. Their response to that was NOT normal and could have turned bad on a dime. That’s all, just be careful out there in the wilds, especially without a camp host nearby.
        Can’t wait to see your next camp, hopefully it will be nicer ~weekend or not~ 🙂

  27. weather says:

    Since you said in a reply that you’ll be leaving this morning you may read this later,in case you’re on here early though ,I wanted to wish you a nice move and good find of a new campsite.This will seem strange but I was actually relieved that what you went through that weekend was a lousy camping experience.Your being offline through much of it had made me feel that you were holding something back,as in a nasty and helpless mood.I had so hoped it wasn’t because of a serious imminent problem Bridget was having that this post made me happy.That said,my reactions will make sense.

    The picture of guys in their early twenties loudly playing hide and seek in the middle of the night and woods was hilarious and,in a way,sweet to me.You ,at that age,must have been more of a “good girl” in your rare free time than I was.The guys I hung out with then had far less innocent ways of entertaining themselves…Saturday,though, sounded so hideous that the shuffling drunk added comic relief.The whole scene makes me wonder what their work-a-day lives are like that makes a weekend spent that way a welcome escape.

    The pic of Reggie on the road with the tunnel of branches lets his intelligence show-what a curious and serious look .The one below “Hands Down” is one of the best I’ve seen of plants by a creek,ever.

    Great post ,Sue,it makes me glad “every sunrise brings a chance for a new beginning”

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Wow! I don’t know where you and Pamela spent your youth. I guess it was pretty tame where I grew up. We went to a drive-in and let people listen to the movie. Or we went to ball games and cheered. We turned the radio up loud when driving too fast on country roads, but never around adults who were trying to relax because we knew we’d end up without a radio. Ha!

      I wonder if those people really do “escape” …. I suspect they go back to work just as tense as they left it because they don’t know how to relax. Oh well, I’ll get off this topic.

      Thanks regarding the photos. Your comments about them amaze me.

      I’m glad you saw the comedy in the situation I found myself in. That tank top guy was the crowning touch! Funny in retrospect!

      • Pamela K. in GA says:

        I spent my youth being known as ~the policeman’s daughter~. My dad was a Police Sgt. My friends were known as ~the good ones~. Often called the goodie two shoes crowd. We did as we were taught to do and if we didn’t do that we had the entire local PD watching over us to make certain we did! Most of the rowdy ones were encountered during the family vacations to the beach towns nearby. During family vacations at the beach, Virginia Beach, Myrtle Beach, as well as others, we could pay 25 cents and dance the night away at the local beach pavilion. Group bonfires always followed later. We all dressed in white Bermuda dress-shorts, hehehe, and wore our best madris shirts complete with fruit-loops at the back pleat. It was a time right out of any Annette Funicello movie! But, even then, there were the bullies like the ones you encountered. Some things are just universal in nature and in society. It was easier to dust-them-off back then. Today is so different for society and for parents who have so many mixed rules and laws to deal with now. Back in my day a parent could rein in their kids without fear of laws reprising them for doing so. That whole kids-rights movement taught in many schools and fostered by way too many lawmakers gave kids and young adults the thought that ~their rights~ were the only rights that mattered. Society today is reaping much of what they sowed while complaining about it at every turn. No wonder the generations are really mixed up about it all. We somehow leaped from some sounds rules, to almost no rules at all, to nanny-state rules! It’s enough to make all our heads spin! Sigh…
        So my childhood was pretty storybook for a cop’s kid and a gal who lived in the state’s capital city who often escaped to the state parks for personal R&R. Me and camping go way back! Even then ~those types~ could be heard and seen doing what rowdy’s do.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Oh, I meant to say . . . I didn’t have any internet signal at all at Clay Creek. It wasn’t until I was out of internet signal range that I realized I hadn’t written that we were moving. I apologize for dropping out like that!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I didn’t respond as nicely to your sweet comment as I should have, weather. I guess I’m still not free of the experience of being called an F-word several times by a fellow camper. I apologize.

      I’m not in a hurry to get on the road this morning because I want to let the working folks get to their jobs and then the driving won’t be as pressured. You have a good day. Thank you for your kindness.

      • weather says:

        Sorry for not responding earlier,Sue,I’ve been on the phone and just hung up.In hindsight my making light of your awful weekend,for any reason,doesn’t seem sweet at all.And reading that as you wake after an evening of being verbally abused ,your replying at all is behaving nicely!Your innocent years of youth sound as if you meant high school when parents could take your radio?I meant early twenties when the only hours in a month (filled with the responsibilities of a single mom)I was free,I partied a bit.I did see,after the weekend,that you’d been w/out internet,by then I’d already thought some other problem was going on.No apology was needed ,I didn’t feel badly about any of our exchanges,thanks for making sure,though,you’re sweet to me and I appreciate it.In case I don’t say Hi tomorrow morning,it will be because I can’t.I have a 7:30 a.m. dental appt.and they may sedate me so my friend is driving me as I may be too loopy to drive (or type)afterwards.Smiles,weather

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          As I type this, you are probably finished with the dental appointment. I hope all went well. Thanks for the reply.

          • weather says:

            Finished and very happy with everyone involved and the results,thanks 🙂 I’m so pleased you’ve been enjoying life!Yippee!Thanks ever so for checking in .

            • Elizabeth in WA says:

              whew, Weather…sure a sigh of relief whenever dental work is done on me…maybe you feel that way too…glad it all came out to your satisfaction!!

            • weather says:

              Thanks,Elizabeth,I really do feel that way,too.My main aversion had been to being IVed and unconscious.Seven quiet conversations led to all agreeing that was unnecessary .That took a while yet went well,we all(drs. included) were patient,respectful and listened to each other explain our point of view.Perhaps I appear more delicate than I am or evoke folks wanting to be overly kind or cautious for my sake,whatever-I was so glad to get the work done (and leave) with my faculties intact throughout,and all of us having been nice to each other.It was a lovely event,and it’s always lovely to hear from you,dear 🙂

  28. Jodee Gravel on the road in Ventura, CA says:

    I suppose an occasional spot like this makes all the other good choices even sweeter. I’m still amazed at how loud people can be when “sharing” a space with others 🙁 The campgrounds are certainly lovely though, glad you were able to enjoy them for a bit.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jodee,

      It is amazing. Kids acting that way I can understand. I do hope this is not the way it is for the entire region. The campgrounds without camp hosts are often the most rustic and naturally pretty…. as well as being affordable.

  29. Krystina - Corvallis Oregon says:

    OH NO RVSue!!! I am so sorry you had to go through all that. I have found through the years that it mostly doesn’t pay to ask someone to change their behavior. It seems that the rude and obnoxious folks always just want to get even. It is their personality. The loud, rude folks want attention. They don’t know enough to realize that most of us think they’re idiots. I don’t get it. I do know that lots of folks have no idea what “personal space” means either. It seems like people are always in my space. While at the park…which is huge with LOTS of space…people are constantly walking between me and the RV (which is maybe 6′ behind me. Lots of times they scare me because I am so engrossed in my book I don’t hear them (or expect them) to be walking there. I have noticed that many, many people just choose the shortest path to where they want to go even if they are waaaaay to close to me. It is just the way it is nowadays. I pray that you are able to find some peace in your next site. Give the kids a hug and a kiss from me.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Krystina. With all the stress you’ve experienced lately, you don’t need people crowding your personal space. I guess you could buy some crime scene tape and run it around your site. Of course, they’d just duck under it, I suppose . . . .

      I wonder how I’ll ever slow down from traveling, if I reach a point where I need to stay in one spot for long periods of time. Some folks move from RV park to RV park, in intervals of one month or more. I don’t think I could do that. I’m getting so I can’t stand living close to other people. Thanks for understanding my point of view.

      I hope you are able to put the medical issues aside while you relax and read. You know we blogorinos care about you!

      • edlfrey says:

        “Some folks move from RV park to RV park, in intervals of one month or more. I don’t think I could do that. I’m getting so I can’t stand living close to other people.”

        You have described the way I live but if I had experiences in the Parks like what you have had in the ‘campgrounds’ I don’t think I could do it either.

        In the Park where I have been for the past month I had a neighbor on each side of me that were only ‘home’ maybe 1-2 days a week. They left a couple week after I got here and since then I have had a few ‘overnighters’. None of them have been as obnoxious as what you find too often in the ‘campgrounds’.

        It seems that if you live the Fulltimer Life you must pay in one way or another.

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        Sue, I picture you living like my Mom did. Cabin in the woods (near a lake), mostly no-one around, a small town a few miles away for groceries and laundry. (But not so close as to be in their “social loop.”)

        She spent her days reading (mostly :)), doing the homely chores one does (splitting wood, tending the woodstove, small vegetable garden), and just looking out the window at the trees, birds at the feeder, etc. Plus of course enjoying the companionship of her pup. She loved every minute of it.

        Well that’s my vision anyway 🙂

      • Krystina - Corvallis Oregon says:

        Toooo funny RVSue!!! I love the crime scene tape idea!!! But you are right, they would probably just walk under it. I love watching how people act. It always amazes me. I do hope you find some peace and quiet soooooon! Enough is enough. xxoo

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Krystina… I wanted to ask you — You mentioned a campground near Yachats that was near the beach and only cost $10. What campground was that?

      • Krystina - Corvallis Oregon says:

        It was Tillicum Beach. The sites you want to be in (I think) are where you park on the asphalt and your whole site goes right to the fence that is along the water. Keep in mind that you cannot get to the beach directly from your site because it is elevated above the beach. My site had green grass, lot of “bushes” and you couldn’t be seen from the road. I think I was in site 44. There were better sites where you could be in your RV and see the ocean. They were taken. It was pretty quiet there. The camp “hosts” were very nice as were the folks that were always around because they had 12 campgrounds to look after That was the campground where the brand new 5th wheel went off the asphalt on a curve and it took 5 hrs to get it out. Nice place. I was first come first served but you can make reservations online (I know your favorite thing) as well. Other then the sites right along the water, the rest of the sites were pretty dark. Not so good for our solar.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Thanks, Krystina. When I looked at Tillicum Beach online there wasn’t any mention — at least I didn’t see it — of $10 sites. I appreciate your thorough response to my question.

          Good luck today with what you need to do…

  30. Dawn says:

    What I am envious of…is you can leave! We had a run in with our neighbor last week, that is going to leave sore feelings for a long time. Our houses are 15 feet apart and he thinks it’s okay to rev up his ear-splitting “classic” motorcycle in that 15 feet right below our open windows (we don’t have air conditioning so it’s a summer necessity to have open windows and fans). He calls my mom and I “those grumpy old women” to the neighbors, and posts on Facebook how he was innocently starting up his motorcycle at 3 in the afternoon and we yelled at him. He doesn’t mention the distance (or lack there of), the decibel level (this thing is unbelievable – he claims that this is with the baffles) or that he does it for 20 minutes and the amount of gas fumes this old clunker (if it’s a classic then he’s not a mechanic) puts out!

    I do have sympathy he has a small lot. But I would ask him to be “ready” when he comes out – not have to go back in and get helmet, gloves, put on boots etc., starts it up, moves it to the front, and then gets out and on the road as soon as it is warm enough not to conk out on him . Don’t wish him ill, but there are many days I hope that motorcycle has its karma points coming 🙂

    The funny thing is I WANT a motorcycle one day (but I want a quiet one – not one that makes the paint peel when it drives by – I just don’t get why people think that is cool).

    When my BF and I were RV’ing full time it was awfully nice to be able to move when we could. And the letting the motorcycle rev and then idle for 20 minutes at 7 in the morning was one of the beefs. It just amazes me how inconsiderate people are! My empathy and look forward to hearing about the wonderful place you find next 🙂

    Signed, grumpy old woman in NC

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Grump on, “old woman!” Because we’re the voice of sanity in a wilderness of lunatics! Ha!

      You have my sincere sympathy, Dawn. You’re in a situation that has no easy solution. Don’t hold your breath waiting for that guy to gain some understanding of your point of view. And if you could force him to be considerate via a noise ordinance or something, he’d make you miserable in other ways. I sold a home I loved because of a self-centered neighbor. The noise-lovers have the power. I wish you well…

    • Velda in Roseville Ca says:

      I sympathize because I live in a cul de sac of 7 houses and one resident has a motor cycle repair in his garage so being our street is a circle we all hear from early morning until late evening the big bikes coming and going and rev’ing engines. These are not the loud made to be noisy bikes but the large heavy expensive ones, but in a cul de sac easily heard through closed windows and doors. I was told after they moved in and it became apparent he is doing motorcycle repair that many bikes he repairs are those of area law enforcements private bikes, so don’t bother to complain! His business is legal as a home office but I sure wish he worked elsewhere as I get tired of hearing it. At least I have AC and can deaden it some and he’s not directly under my window, thus I sympathize. At least my neighbors have otherwise been good neighbors and are nice. He managed to help his wife keep their family afloat and house payments made through the brutal economic downturn and their children are quiet and polite.

    • Mick'nTN says:

      There are some nice electric motorcycles on the market now. A bit pricy!

      • A gal in Maple Valley, WA says:

        Hi Mick,

        Nice looking and surprisingly FAST! Was looking at an electric Razor scooter and wondered if it could recharge by the motorhome’s alternator, while on the rear rack, with a little wiring mod? After the isolator, like the house batteries?

        Also, was wondering what was so interesting to you about that ‘She-CAN-ick’. Was it that she is a red head??? 😉

        • Mick'nTN says:

          It would be best if you could install a solar panel to charge the Razor; then you don’t have to worry about fuel for the generator … and noise.

          Never met a red head that I didn’t love!
          This is about a educated woman who went back to school for two years to learn a “man’s” trade and help other women navigate the slippery slope of dealing with auto mechanics, 99.999% of whom are male.

          I am a single man and do all the domestic chores that traditionally fall to a woman; cook, sew, clean, shop and cut my own hair; so why don’t single women learn to handle “man chores”?

          • A gal in Maple Valley, WA says:


            Thanks for the reply.
            I was thinking the engine’s alternator, not the genset.

            There are many reasons for why people do or don’t do certain ‘chores,’ whether male or female. I will comment from a female viewpoint because, unlike Ms Jenner, that is all I will know. Perhaps this last generation or two has had it too easy because 1. I was raised that you do it yourself or it ain’t gittin’ done. 2. I had a high bar set by my mom.

            My mom was an aircraft mechanic in the Navy during WWII. I will always keep a photo of her on a wing, refueling a plane. I sent all of her Navy memories to the WAVE’s museum in Pensacola, FL.

            I was exposed to a lot of tools and fixing things from my dad and brothers. Took every kind of shop class that ‘girls’ could take. Affirmative action programs in the ’70’s helped many of us get into non-traditional jobs. Not long after high school, I got a job as a service technician at a major national company. I was trained on their brand of appliances and specialized tools and meters. They gave me my own service van, tools and parts and sent me out to repair whatever was needed. Well pumps, water softeners, ranges, freezers, refrigerators, furnaces, humidifiers, washers, dryers, microwaves, lawn mowers, etc……. Some days I’d be in the shop. Vacuums, sewing machines, Christmas lights, sharpening mower blades, bicycles; assembly and repair. The coolest was installing slate pool tables, usually secretly, for someone’s present. The not so fun was going out on emergency calls with 3′ of snow, after unplugging the engine heater, at 04:00 and digging my way to and into the outside crawlspace to get a furnace going.

            There were a lot of us women out there doing every job I saw back then. Don’t know what happened. Most of my generation have moved on to other careers. I only lasted 20 years before the doctor told me if I continued, I’d be paralyzed within 2 years. Lots of injuries. So I went into management. For me, that was my hell. Got into solar heating sales. In SEATTLE! The last 20 were driving for a package delivery company.
            Maybe we were out of the field by then and the next generations were never exposed to that option. Maybe after affirmative action was gone, females weren’t encouraged to choose those jobs. Maybe they couldn’t get hired. Maybe their moms told them to get a degree and not a disability. I am really sad that I don’t see more gals in the trades. They paid very well then and of the highest now.

            I assume you read this blog regularly, and if you read all the comments, you know there are quite a few Bloggeretts that are mechanically inclined and do their own mods, upgrades, maintenance and repairs.

            Maybe you’re hanging with the wrong crowd? 🙂

            (BTW, some of us have a crush on your brain, Mick!)

            • I always think of Mick Dundee 🙂

            • Mick'nTN says:

              Hello A gal in Maple Valley, I think it is great when a person learns to be self sufficient and not depend on other to fix every little problem.

              Many male dominated jobs are very physically demanding and physiology has a say in the male / female ratio in such jobs. Knowing your limits is good. Saying “that’s too technical for me” is not good.

              I am a Hermit. I have driven about 1000 miles per year since I retired in 2004, Don’t hang with anyone except two cats.

              My brain is good but my “can do” attitude is the true reason for my knowledge.

            • shirlene says:

              Love your comment!

  31. Sue Malone says:

    Hey Sue. I follow you but don’t comment often. We have camped on the west side of the Cascades. We have been warned by locals to be extremely careful camping in the remote unlisted sites. The warmer side of Oregon has a lot of unsavory types that use those camps. They are not as idyllic as they look. Please be careful. And as much as you like to be alone. Please choose sites with a host. Some people are opportunists looking for stuff. Near Eugene especially the drug thing is rampant even all the wonderful hot springs in the area have been taken over by partying and drugs. Sad stuff. Again. Please be careful.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Sue! I will keep your warning in mind. I’ve already decided not to boondock — too risky around here. And now you say campgrounds without a host are to be avoided. Sheesh…

      I appreciate your concern.

      • A gal in Maple Valley, WA says:


        You have, no doubt, done your research into those situations. Talked to the forest rangers and local sheriff’s office. Looked on line for reportage. Have you seen anything that would concern you? I’ll admit, that lonely loo gave me pause. Seems to me that the fearful stories may just be that. I have found (Zillow) that it is much easier to ‘cook’ in a house in a neighborhood than to set up a lab in some random motorhome in the wilderness. (watching too much Breaking Bad) They wont have solar panels and the genset would attract attention. The special unit for drug activity for this area (includes Oregon and part of Idaho) has told me, on more than one occasion, that most of the meth now comes up from below the southern border of the U.S. and is tightly controlled and so has eliminated much of the competition. The agents stated the bigger problem is now heroin brought in from the same organization. Right up I5. If it were such a big problem, Cinandjules would have given you a heads-up. Speaking of….I am hoping they and weather are staying vigilant with the two prison escapees in their neck of the woods.

        However, I have heard reports of morel and other mushroom hunters, around these parts, sicking their rooting pigs on folks to chase them away. Seen any pigs with harnesses and leashes in your area? 🙂

        Happy Camping!
        MV gal

        • PookieBoy SE Texas says:

          I camp a lot at Cagle up on Lake Conroe that is in a national forest and the Sheriff’s dept patrol at least twice a day….but Ive called them at 3 in the morning before….dont know where the camp host was but about 20 minutes later one showed up. I think stuff that goes on late at nite is stupid and the sheriffs deputy doesnt have a lot to do that early in the morning. he was more than happy to come check out the problem….

  32. BuckeyePatti says:

    Thanks for telling it like it is, that not all campsites are peaches & cream. And then you snag me at the end with a cute pic of Reggie. Awwwww Btw, the last post or 2 posts ago…Bridget was looking beautiful.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Patti,

      I know what photo of Bridget you’re referring to. Thank you. My girl is beautiful. 🙂

      Reggie asleep in his bed with his blue monkey . . . an antidote at the end of a post about noise! Nice hearing from you again.

  33. Good Morning Sue, well this Oregon trip has been a little less than glorious. I guess it is time to move back into Idaho, Wyoming, Montana…get the heck out of Dodge. I am not getting the felling of warm and fuzzies from this side of the mountains. Too much “green” and I mean that in all ways. I know that those people that you have come across are not indicative of all of Oregon, but somehow you landed in a patch of crazies. Safe and quiet travels to you.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Shirlene,

      I’ll try the coast and see how it goes. I’m trying to approach it with a fresh outlook, expecting good things. I’m hoping this is an isolated situation.

  34. Timber n' me /near Chemult, Oregon says:

    Good mid mornin’ Sue, We’re camped a little over 300 ft. from the road which is 9772, ’bout just over a mile from Hwy 97 and most of the traffic is boats being towed to a lake for fishin’,, we’re back enough to avoid the dust from the ones who are in a hurry to fish,,, but other than that it’s great,,,,,,,,, we have Snow mobile trails behind us for walks and it’s so quite back on the trails that Timber n’ I yesterday, came apond some Deer, that didn’t hear us till Timber after watchin’ them decides to try and chase them,,,,,,,, they leap n’ bound going thru the woods like the woods are not there.,,,,,,,,,, It’s cooler this morn and brokin’ ,,,,,,,,,,, We’ll be camped here till the 18, then on to Deschutes NF………. Have a safe and quiet stay where your at and pet those pups for us,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, me

    • Timber n' me /near Chemult, Oregon says:

      Hi Sue, I moved up to west of Sisters, I spoke too soon, Atv’s and Cleingers moved in while Timber n’ I was out for a walk,,,,,,,,,,, me

      • Timber n' me /near Sistters, Oregon says:

        I forgot to knock on the wood,,,,,,,,, have better day n’ give them pups a hug from us,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  35. Betty Shea says:

    Hi Sue,I too have had rotten campsites,so much so that I do not enjoy summer camping…so I bought a 1 acre place of my own….SheananigansAcre is my summer camp now!!! Just outside of Tucson but on a mountain and near my kids!!! I can still do short trips to other mountain tops in the area during the week!!
    Fall,winter and spring I hit the road…
    at my age I want peace. …and I also am kinda short on patience with summer campers!!
    Hugs to you and the sweet furkids!!

  36. Jean/Southaven, MS says:

    RVSue, I have been meaning to ask, do they have ticks and mosquitoes or bugs of any kind up that way? When I lived in Monterey, CA I remember we did not have any bugs, but I have never been to Oregon.

  37. A gal in Maple Valley, WA says:

    Greetings and Salutations Ms Sue and bloggerinos!

    Let me tell you about MY noisy neighbors. The youngster keeps sneaking out away from the parents. When they go looking for the escapee, they are squawking and yelling all over the place. Well then the youth hears them, it (can’t tell if it’s M/F)starts cawing back like some Marco Polo game. If I or my cat go to investigate, the parents get all in a flap and scream at me to mind my own. This usually gets started very early in the morning, sometimes before the sun is fully up. Too hot to shut the windows lately. At least they seem to give it a rest by dark. When I spy the child hiding in the trees, s/he can’t stand very well like it’s drunk or stoned. If I approach the offspring, the mom and dad fly into a fit throw things at me. One of these parents may be the from the family that stayed here for awhile last year. Same thing there. But I felt I could help them out so I left them some food because I noticed the mom and the dad took turns watching their three while the other went out to provide. We didn’t get to have any long conversations. Just kind of a head nod thing. They had a rather interesting hand built home from material they picked up nearby. It had major damage after a wind storm, but they had moved by then. I think the new family came back to the area because they sorta trusted me, or maybe just lookin’ for a handout. I did leave some food for them, too. So, here’s hoping the fledgling’s wings and feathers get strong soon so they can all join the murder of crows down the hill at the river and I STOP GETTING 5am wake-up calls. 🙂

    • Sidewinder Pen says:

      Your (fun) reply made me think of a poem I heard read on “The Writer’s Almanac” once. “The Language of Crows,” by Louis Jenkins.

      (Fun that we can look on the internet for things now.)

      Part of what made me remember it was having heard it read aloud by a good poem reader, but it’s still nice in print, if anyone cares to read it:

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        By the way, it is just some text at that page, no video or flashing anything (although there is, somewhat inexplicably, a man in a bathtub, but it’s small and black and white). An excerpt from the poem:

        “Crows have a limited vocabulary, like someone
        who swears constantly, and communication seems to be a matter of emphasis and volume.”

        • A gal in Maple Valley, WA says:

          Hi Pen,

          Looks like just you and me on here for the night.

          And yes, it does sound like they are swearing at me sometimes. I realized the many different birds I was hearing was actually all just crows. Ever hear them do the cat meow thing? Kinda like a long, British hello. Or that buzzy knocky thing? On of the parents came to the tree branch just above where I was sitting this aftrenoon and started making a fuss. So I shared my Goldfish cracker snacks with them where I leave them treats and before I sat back down they calmed down and dove for the snacks. I’m easily amused.

          Oh! breaking news… the local ‘possum just walked by and gave me the stink eye ’cause I’m still out here and have bright candles on. She’s a BIG ole’ thing but not very graceful. Keep hearing twigs break and a thump then she scurries away and does it again. Too funny!

        • Krystina - Corvallis Oregon says:

          Good Morning – What a great quote. Thank you for sharing that. Now when someone is loud or obnoxious I will look at them as a crow! Fabulous.

          • Elizabeth in WA says:

            Where we live is mostly crows…and many obnoxious people too…so thinking of these people as crows is really fitting rather…thanks for the laugh!!

      • A gal in Maple Valley, WA says:

        Thanks for the link. So true.

  38. jeff from Va says:

    I bet rv sue wins a prize for being first. Sue this is a.good post, Sometimes you have to take the good with the bad.

  39. MollyLuvsRoadtrippin says:

    Hi Sue I’m new to your blog and enjoy reading of your roaming adventures (big and small!) I like to imagine how I would do in full time RV mode – I am planning to treat myself to my own BLT for my 50th this fall. How long did it take you to easily hitch up by yourself? Is it a try try again sort of thing to get lined up correctly? Any tips on that for the solo camper? Cheers!

    • Jolene says:

      Welcome Molly!! We blogorinos are glad to have you join us. Sue will be around to answer your questions soon. Please don’t be a stranger and stop in a say hi again!! 🙂

    • Sidewinder Pen says:

      Hi Molly, and welcome.

      I haven’t hitched up nearly as often as Sue, and I bet she will be along with some great info, but in the meantime…

      I still do it the “manual” way. That is, I look at the trailer when it IS hitched up, in my mirrors, to get an idea of what centered looks like. Then I use those “mental markers” to guide me in backing up to a place that I think is close but not too close. Then I get out, run back, look, and think something like “Okay, five inches back, and two to the right.” Then I get back in the driver’s seat, adjust, and hop back to check it again. Usually takes a few of these, but there are times it get it on the first try (i.e. one hop back). I consider the “Kangaroo hop” to be good exercise 😀 I don’t mind it because it means I’m about to go somewhere! There are other ways though, too: Green tennis ball type things on magnetic stalks that you put on trailer and hitch and then line up, rear-view cameras, etc. So it’s a matter of preference.

      The biggest challenge (to me) is if other people are around and want to help, or if they let me make myself feel rushed for some reason (because I’m not rushed at all, but sometimes the comments or actions of others can get me to feeling that way if I’m not careful). I need to be ready with something to say (pleasantly, but firmly if necessary) to let people know that I appreciate the offer but I’ve got this, thanks (at least for the 99% of the time that I don’t want help).

      Along with this is my step-by-step preps, which I need to do without interruption (or be sure to counter any interruptions with another check through). I try to do the same things in the same order each time. Then I do a walk around, mentally ticking off the list. Especially if it’s the first trip in a while, I check all the lights (trailer lights/grounds are common causes of problems), tire pressures, etc.

      I bet you’ll get a routine and it will become second nature. You can always go someplace open and just practice. Or use a paper checklist if you like. I find that the more I look/feel comfortable/not rushed/and like I have a known routine, the better it goes in terms of other people helping/me being flustered/etc.

      I think a “BLT” is the perfect 50th birthday present to yourself. Great idea!

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        PS: Depending on your tow vehicle, and heights of various things, there may be a height to which you can crank the trailer’s coupler such that if you overshoot, you won’t damage the tow rig. If so, bonus. This won’t be the case with all vehicle/trailer combinations, but at least see if it is.

        (What I mean is that sometimes you might back up too far in your initial attempt, and the coupler of the trailer — which is cranked up to be higher than the receiver ball while you are hitching up — will contact the tow rig. You may be able to crank the coupler up to a height that makes that a less-damaging contact; and of course take it slowly.)

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Molly,

      I don’t know how to determine when I could hitch up “easily.” There isn’t a straight progression from difficult to easy. Early on I had a few hitches where I only had to back up 3 or 4 times, and recently I had to back up more than 20 times (uneven ground and angled parking can make it trickier to put the hitch ball under the coupler.)

      Yes, it’s a “try, try again sort of thing.” One does increase one’s odds, after some practice, of having an easy hitch. Once you hitch a few times and gain confidence, it’s not a big deal anymore. Just something you do.

      Pen has given the tips I would’ve given. Thanks, Pen!

      Two things to know:

      1) If you crank the hitch down onto the coupler and it still doesn’t let you clamp down the lock-thingy, spraying WD-40 on the hitch ball will help that.

      2) If it still doesn’t engage, crank up the jack, remove the forward chocks, leave the rear chocks (important!) and put the tow vehicle in drive. A touch on the accelerator and you will feel a slight jolt. Now the hitch is engaged!

      That may sound intimidating. You’ll get the hang of it. I did #1 and #2 by myself with no one around. If I can do it, you can do it.


      • MollyLuvsRoadtrippin says:

        Thanks for the welcomes and for the very thoughtful replies and excellent tips on hitching. I have much to learn from this community of friendly experts!

  40. Sue from the Genesee Valley says:

    Hi Sue,
    Your post made me remember my worst camping experience. This was years ago and my daughters, one of their friends and I were camping in northern NY state along the St. Lawrence. Our tent was right on the river and we were having a great weekend, swimming, hiking and watching the big ships go by on their way to the Great Lakes. One night after dinner a biker and his lady friend pulled up to the site next to us. They looked a little rough but said hello and pitched their tent and disappeared inside. I slept like a baby that night sharing one tent with my youngest. My oldest and her friend shared the other tent. I slept like a baby and never heard a thing but in the morning after the couple left, my daughter and her friend informed me they didn’t sleep well because the couple were being “loud and really friendly”. I was horrified! They still tease me about the camping trip where they learned about the birds and the bees. We have since gone back many times because we love that campground and my daughters are adults now but if I could do it over again I would have been more careful about keeping on eye (and ear) on things.

  41. DesertGinger says:

    Geez Sue, I wish things were going better. Why are all the noisy crazies in Oregon? I’m back in my class, almost caught up. Had a nice day today, even though still feeling crappy. But I have had my last dose of antibiotics and steroids and am hopeful I will start to feel better in a few days. Now I’m thinking I may stay a few weeks after class to get some work experience in with the team, before I head back to Tucson and working remotely. It has been cool and rainy here, but starting to warm up finally. I have homework to do so better get to it. Hugs to all.

    • Pamela K. in GA says:

      You sound so upbeat and happy. So glad you are feeling better again! Sounds like staying a few more weeks to work with the team would be great. Bond building with the team is always good. Enjoy the warmer days and try not to over do things since you are on the mend now.

  42. Krystina - Corvallis Oregon says:

    Well, today a miracle happened! At 9:00 am I called Dr. Spiller who the ER Dr. from yesterday set me up with. After telling my story to Ryan (the WONDERFUL young man who answered the phone) he actually said to me….ohhh I have an appointment for tomorrow but I don’t want you to wait that long…can you come in at noon!!!!! I promptly told him I loved him!!!! Dr. Spiller was very thorough and asked me LOTS of questions about everything. She is sending me to get a Urograph (?) I have an appointment at the hospital Monday at 10:15 am. Tomorrow I will have blood work done (next to the hospital). I had a feeling at this point and I was right! Just guess who is going to do the Urograph? That would be the Dr. that hasn’t returned my call!! Really, I wouldn’t lie to you guys!!!! I couldn’t believe it. Do you think I should tell him that there is more then one way to skin a cat???? LOL I will not say a word to him!! Funny how every day is a new day 🙂

    • Jolene says:

      Krystina, I am really glad you are getting in so soon. Hang in there and I will keep praying for you!!

    • Sidewinder Pen says:

      How ironic that you end up with the doctor who initially ignored you! Still doesn’t sound like my favorite doctor, but with clear “orders” from the other doctor I bet things will go differently.

      I may have misunderstood (and it’s not really my business anyway), but when I read about you going to the emergency room I got the impression that you acted like you were in great pain from your kidney(s), but maybe a lot of pain isn’t one of the actual symptoms? That just worried me slightly, as, you know, maybe there is something (that it might actually be) that they are ruling out because “well that thing doesn’t cause this massive pain, which she has, so it must be something else.”

      As I say, I may have misunderstood, and in any case you sound like someone who can handle things. It’s just the analytical/worrywart side of me who wanted to mention something.

      • Krystina - Corvallis Oregon says:

        You did understand what I did and yes, that did become an issue in the ER that I had to dance around. However they did do the cat scan (which was my intent) and they didn’t see any kidney stones or and tumors or masses. I still need to know what is going on because the issue is still there. I finally went online to see what could be going on and wish I hadn’t. Lots of “not so nice” things could be causing the issue. UGH. Thank you so much for broaching that subject. 🙂

        • Hi Krystina, I am so glad things are moving along with your care. I would mention something to the Dr. that would not see you, it may be that he has a crappy office staff and he never was given your chart. But mention it to him, some doctors do not even know what is going on in the front office. It is important to let him know that you are your own health care representitive and advocate. Good luck today and let us know. P.S. Stop looking things up on the internet…lol.

        • Sidewinder Pen says:

          Oh yeah, “Dr. Google” can be scary. On the other hand, knowledge is power, and I find that if nothing else, it leads me to asking better questions, and gives me a general understanding of the issues. I try to balance, and not to search at 3 a.m. 😉

          I agree with Shirlene, that these days it’s good to be your own health manager. I realize that right now you are not going to be too fussy, but when I choose a doctor I always mention that what I’m looking for is a partner in my management of my health (but I say it in such a way that conveys that their expertise is invaluable to me, which it is). I also say something like, “I like to research and will have looked things up that I want to ask about; will that work out okay in our partnership?” The doctors I end up liking are the ones who enjoy working with someone who takes an interest and who encourage me (vs. the ones who don’t like a patient who “meddles”).

          Thanks for not being offended about my previous comment. I’m glad you’re being seen now and getting things figured out.

          • Krystina - Corvallis Oregon says:

            LOL Sidewinder Pen…never even thought to being offended. I can use all the help I can get. The more information the better as far as I am conserved. I like to know the possibilities, the upside and downside of everything….and I go to bed at 9:00 pm!! I have no trust when it comes to Drs. Many, many years ago I had a mole on my thigh. My regular Dr. looked at it and was not alarmed but I went to see a Dermatologist. He sat and looked at the mole for quite sometime and then said something like “Well, it is hard to tell if it should come off…if you want me to take it off I will. The good Lord was with me that day and I told him to take it off. It was a melanoma and the depth was almost to the life altering stage!!!!! Back then melanomas were not talked about very much. As I worked at Dartmouth college when it still had a Medical school, I went to their library and looked at pictures of a melanoma….they looked EXACTLY like the mole I had!! Yes, you need to be your own advocate on just about everything. Thank you for telling me how you handle Drs. I will use it when I meet the “don’t every call me” Dr.

            • Timber n' me /near Sistters, Oregon says:

              All Right Krystina, Now we’ll all find out know whats ailin’ ya and I’m real happy that you finally seeing the doctor and Soon be on your way to a great recovery,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, rusty

            • Krystina - Corvallis Oregon says:

              Thank you Rusty. Had blood work done today and Monday I go for a Urograph…whatever that is. Hope you and Timber are well and happy!


            • Timber n' me /near Sistters, Oregon says:

              We’re in a great spot near Cold Creek USFS Camp Ground NWN of Sisters , lots of shade n’ Sun, 1 -3 bars on WiFi and great places to go for Walks with Timber,,,,,,,,,, me

            • Enjoy your walks and the surrounding beauty, Rusty! I wish my day was looking like yours!! 🙂

            • Krystina - Corvallis Oregon says:

              So it is all good!!! Love that.


  43. Jolene says:

    Hi Sue, Really inconsiderate people at times. The older I get the more I don’t like all the noisy stuff either. Hoping that was the bad weekend for the summer!

  44. BadgerRickInWis says:

    This whole sad saga reminds me of something I read not too long ago, written by one of the wisest women I have never met. It went something like:
    “Well, the working folks need to get away from it all. They’re all wound up from the rat race and haven’t had time to mellow out. Hence the loud voices and need for things that make noise.” 🙂

    Just kiddin’ of course. I feel I can joke about it now because I think I know you well enough to assume that you have taken whatever steps were necessary to insure that you and yours are again living in the “lifestyle to which you have become accustomed.”

    The hide and seek “boys” were probably just proving what a wonderful drug alcohol is. Unthinking and inconsiderate but it sounds like they weren’t malicious.
    “Mr. Music Man” on the other hand just sounds like a painted cock strutting around trying and I hope failing to show off for his hen. Sometimes there’s not much you can do about people like that other than to pray that they don’t breed.

    But as always thank you for sharing all aspects of your life with us. Even in the rough spots you enlighten, educate and inspire. I hope you have found a place of peace and beauty. Kiss the pumpkin heads and take care.

    BTW: That shot of Reggie standing in the dappled light of that archway of green is fantastic. Oh, and to answer the question of “Reggie! How can you sleep with all this racket?” Clean livin’ Mama…………clean livin’. 🙂

  45. Pamela K. in GA says:

    I read you post to Sue about people walking into your campsite as a short cut.
    Do you have a large RV Patio Mat like Sue has? I do and put it down in front of my Van or where I put my camp chair and lounger on my site. It acts as a sort of mental fence if you will. It really does keep most people from coming close because they would have to walk on it to do so. Most people won’t do that. Clearly those who do walk on my patio mat are the ones I keep an eye on while I’m there! They have already shown me that they have little regard for my personal space or my belongings! Anyway, it is a thought to consider if you do not already have a large one. Mine is the largest one they sell in the RV Patio Mats. they are very lightweight and easy to handle and store. Plus the rain goes through them and there is no mud build up. They really help to keep the area nice and tidy. I have also used one in front of the Airstream for years. I see that Amazon sells them. They are the RV Patio Mats, much lighter than the patio rugs 🙂

    • Sidewinder Pen says:

      Pamela K.,

      I’m curious where you keep your large patio mat in a van. I would love to carry one (even a smaller one) but am always stumped as to where I would store/carry it — especially considering it might not always be perfectly clean and dry when I go to leave.

      You folks with giant warehouses (i.e. PTV’s) have it easy ;), but I mean someone in a camper van type rig (which is what I think you are referring to, Pamela K.).

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        For that matter, how do you carry a lounger? I have serious mat-and-lounger envy!

        • Pamela K. in GA says:

          Hi Pen,
          My RV Patio Mat is very lightweight and thin, folds in half and then in several layers like an accordion. That saves much room and I store it behind the bed next to where the back barn doors close. When it is wet or dirty I keep it in a dry bag that has small wheels on it. It is an old bag I had for an Easy Up Canopy that got trashed in a thunderstorm. The bag works great to keep the mat in so I didn’t throw it away along with the Easy Up 🙂
          Now about the camp chair and lounger like Sue has. I keep them under the mattress of the bed so they won’t go flying and bother something else when I’m driving. At night, if I have to bring them inside again I put them where the RV Patio Mat would normally go…behind the bed and next to the barn doors. In that case I leave the mat outside. I would guess I have about 1 1/2 ft, maybe 2 ft of space between the bed and the barn doors. Those items pretty much take up that area but well worth it for comfortable camping. I am lucky as the middle area is used for other things and the YETI cooler sits nicely between the driver’s and passenger’s seats. Also remember that I only camp, not live in my van so that helps with what I take along for those needs. I full-time live in the Airstream. I only use the van for weekend camps, longer holiday camps and the 10 days out for Daytona Bike Week or other events. Oh! And since the camp chair and lounger has side trays I have no need for a larger table to find room for. I do take a very small fold up table I use for cooking sometimes or for a quick wash ups. Also, my van is not an RV really, although I use it like it is one, lol. I have a Chevy Express Classic SE Conversion Van ~ no inside kitchen~ so that helps to have more room for travel stuff. Oh, and I think I paid $50-70 for the RV Patio Mat and $89-99 for the Zero Gravity Lounger. Both were worth the price for the comfort factor 🙂
          Hope this info helps and thanks for asking! 🙂

        • Velda in Roseville Ca says:

          Pen, we use our LT Van for longer trips at times and only have inches behind the sofa/bed and some space under neath the sofa, NO outside storage. But we take one of the folding mats and it slides under the bed. Chairs are sitting in front of bed for some trips where we need them, then first thing out when we stop for a night or two. We can get around the stuff fine during day as we travel and the stuff is out when we are stopped so its not in the way. You just have to decide what is important to you and it depends on if it’s just you or others riding along where you need more space. Because our van is relatively small, at 22 ft, we have a routine of stuff in the back during day and up on front seats at night for certain items. It works for us.

        • cc and canine (Eastern Missouri) says:

          We camp in a class B+ Winnebago Rialta (VW Eurovan chassis), and have had to jettison our larger patio mat. We got a smaller patio mat at IKEA this year that is only 3 ft. wide, and rolls to a 4 in diameter. Our dinette we keep set up as a 3/4 size cozy bed for 2, gaining storage under the center portion. The mat lives there.

          We also had 2 zero gravity chairs like Sue’s. but they are tooo bulky and heavy, so we are gifting them to my cousin who has a large class A with a basement. To get them to Texas, we hung them on our bike rack. In their
          place I found 2 1970’s vintage folding wood and canvas chairs–very small, low to the ground (think beachy), but each one comes apart and cleverly stows….they go under the bed on edge…each one is may be 2″ x 3′ x 13″ folded.

          We just sold our somewhat bulky Coleman Road trip propane grill, and have purchased a smaller Coleman grill/stove, that, you guessed it also fits under the bed.

          This space under the bed I’m talking about is not large…only about 24 ” wide, 14″ tall and 50″ long….

          My husband likes to play the guitar, and not leave it at home and lose his callouses. I found him a purple kid’s mini guitar at a yard sale, and this fits under the bed too,
          along with our 3 stepper. It’s amazing what will work, we are constantly rearranging and tweeking the rig every time we go out!

          • Sidewinder Pen says:

            Wow, thanks for all the great replies, camper van (and Rialta) folks. Much appreciated, and gave me some ideas.

    • Krystina - Corvallis Oregon says:

      Good Morning Pamela! I do not have a patio mat. I do not have a place to put it because I have my mobility scooter in my one basement storage bin (degenerate disk in my back). It has 5 pieces. I would love to have one because I don’t like to track in and I like to be in my bare feet. Thank you so much for the suggestion. 🙂

      • Pamela K. in GA says:

        I understand about the limited space, especially with your mobility scooter. A thought is Walmart has a 5×7 nylon tarp that is a ground cloth for camping. Comes in its own drawstring bag and is very, very small when folded up. Picking up one or even two of those might be an option to keep the ground litter out of your van. They would be nice to sit your scooter on too when you are relaxing outside. They cost less than $10.00 and are very well made. Walmart keeps them in their camping section on those wall peg hangers. I have 3 of them for tent camping…one outside, one under my tent and one for inside the tent. I could just as easy use them for outside ground covers with the van if need be. Those might work well for you 🙂

        • Pamela K. in GA says:

          The above message might work well for you too. Those nylon ground covers are really nice and would serve the same need as the patio mat does. The ground traps are not like the ones that are plastic…those blue hard things. These are the soft ones, more like nylon cloth, soft like bed sheets. They have grommets so you can spike them down so they don’t blow away too. And those Director-style chairs might well be an option like CC mentioned.

        • weather says:

          Amazon -Outdoor Products 616 rolled tarp- blue $4.47

          read through it,including the 1st question,same ground tarp,same dimensions….. just sayin’ 🙂

        • Krystina - Corvallis Oregon says:

          Now that sounds like an idea! What are they made of?

    • About five years ago I was camping at a state park near home so my mom could day camp with me. I was at the end of a narrow loop. The backs of rigs were very close together. Ugh. I was, thankfully, on a corner with no front neighbor…just the lake. A boy kept running between my camper and picnic table, across my mat, to his camper. I asked him a couple of times to go around, as it startled my dog, not to mention my “space” was being invaded.

      Later I was cooking in an electric skillet, mom in her wheelchair by the table, when the little monster can running through, caught his foot on my extension cord, and pulled the skillet a couple of inches across the table, narrowly missing mom.

      I was livid! I don’t camp there anymore.

      • Krystina - Corvallis Oregon says:

        Holy Cow Crystal! That was a close call. Happy to hear that your Mom was not hurt.

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        Too bad a kettle of ice water was not nearby to throw on the little monster…little water never hurt anyone…but like a cat, the kid might have found something better to do. It goes with how things are today however…parents not free to discipline much, and kids allowed to do as they please no matter what!! Makes us glad to be old and not have to live among it a great long time!! So sad really…

      • Pamela K. in GA says:

        WOW! That was SO-NOT-GOOD on so many levels! Glad it missed your mom!!! Makes ya want to put a guide wire around your stuff sometimes, lol. Not really but couldn’t help but “think” it.
        Did you ever tell that kid’s parents about his awful actions? I sure would have…with a smile of course…sugar is sweet 😉

  46. Lynn Brooks says:

    “Best laid plans…..”
    Glad you were able to get back to a better place.
    That campground looks beautiful!!!

  47. Good Morning Sue, I see that you have not been around for a while…I hope that is because you found a beautiful (safe) and quiet place, all by yourself, with no signal. It looks like the blogorinos are taking care of themselves and each other. Thanks to the bloggers for such caring and sharing. 🙂 🙂

    To Weather…..good luck this morning with your dental appointment. I hope things go well and you are able to read this note. Glad you have someone to take you, enjoy the ride to and from and I hope you have little or no pain after. 🙂

    • weather says:

      Hi Shirlene,thanks,everything did go well and painlessly.I’m finishing my coffee I’d left this morning,hope yours is good,too 🙂

  48. rvsueandcrew says:


    The crew and I are at the coast! Yesterday was a splendid day, as perfect as I could ever hope for. We are having so much fun! Bridget and Reggie were so cute on the beach. They loved it!

    No internet at our camp, but lots of peace and quiet and being by ourselves. I’m typing this along side the road. After some more beach, I hope to find a camp where I can post and show you photos of the beach.

    I love how y’all talk among yourselves while I’m away. Keeps this blog alive. Thank you. See ya!


  49. Can’t wait to hear about the beach and all the fun, fun, fun!!!

  50. Pamela K. in GA says:

    Oh Sue! I am soooo full of envy about you finally being at the beach!!!
    You must feel like it is pure Paradise after the last camp…
    Can’t wait to see the photos of the crew beachside! No doubt Reggie has his eye on some new surfer goggles, lol. I’m sure if he spots a surfboard with a tither attached to it, well, he’s gonna whine for that too…tither and all!
    Wonder if they make Hawaiian-style shirts for dogs? Oh My!!!
    Well, enjoy every sweet minute of your beach stay. We will patiently await your updates 🙂 You and crew having fun is the most important thing!

    • Hi Pamel, Yes they do make hawaiian style doggie shirts, I was just looking at a very pretty hawaiian shirt for my Poodle this weekend at the Groomer’s. It was sooo pretty, palm trees and stuff. I almost bought it…next time.

      • P.S. Forgot the “a”…lol.. keyboard problems of course!

      • weather says:

        …..sooo pretty….designer doll pups in fashion,how very “you” 🙂 How’s the beach looking lately?Mine’s been like eagle town,you’d love it!

        • shirlene says:

          Man I wish you could take pictures of those eagles…I would so love it!…and you should have seen that Hawaiian shirt! Rain and fog this morning but beautiful blue skies now…check HB Web site…you and troupe have a warm and snuggled night…

      • Pamela K. in GA says:

        Well, that settles it, go for that shirt 🙂
        Your sweet pooch would look ever so cute sporting it!

        Sometimes I wish we could upload photos here. Maybe we should make a RVSUE fans photostream on and could post some of our own photos there. I’d love to see some of the different rigs and set ups as well as putting some faces to the names would be fun. We could even keep the photostream private just for all of us to see via friends invite only.

        • Krystina - Corvallis Oregon says:

          Great idea Pamela 🙂

        • shirlene says:

          That would be great. .many of us have things to share…others not so much. someday we’ll get it worked out. .

        • I agree. I don’t upload to Flickr much anymore since they made changes that aren’t user friendly. However, when you click my name it takes you to my photos. I’d love to see photos of you all and your campsites.

          • Pamela K. in GA says:

            I know what you mean about the changed format of Flickr. When they first changed it so many left to go other places. Many of the kinks are worked out now and many are returning to Flickr again. Not as friendly as before but getting better and has come along way from the first set of changes. I think all of old-timers still refuse to give up on Flickr and keep hoping for the best…it’s like an old friend to us. So many friendships were formed on there, many from all over the world. Thru Flickr I have traveled the globe to places I will never seen in person but have seen them thru the photos of my ~contacts, ie friends~ on there. A few years back, when I was gravely ill, they held me up so I stay with warm devotion. I admit I don’t post like I used to…not as often. I have been laxed in taking photos this past year or so. Anyway, give it some thought.

          • Pamela K. in GA says:

            I remember seeing your Flickr photostream from your link on here! You are the ~Packer Fans~ like we are!!! Loved seeing your TAB, your dogs, fold up bike, and your different camps 🙂 Yes, that’s what I mean. Makes it extra-special to see and share 🙂 My own photostream needs a revamp, lol. It is so lacking…I should do that sometime soon. Just need to be motivated to do it…life calls.

        • Pamela K. in GA says:

          Hi, just now checked back in…

          Ya know, we could pick a special name for the photostream group. A kind of ~group name~ unrelated to RVSue so ~outsiders~ would not know the photostream was related in any way to Sue’s blog…keeping Sue’s, and our own, privacy that way. 🙂 We could upload ~family friendly photos only. Photos of our pets, our rigs, our newest RV comfort stuff, camp photos. You know, fun stuff that we all talk about but would enjoy seeing photos of. And we could upload as little or as much as we wanted to share…no set rules except that it must be ~GP rated photos~ and the photos must ~your own~ or you must have permission to use/post them from their photographer/owner before posting them. It would be fun to keep it simple!

          I could create the group and make it private by ~invite only~. Post some photos or my Van, my motorbikes, my dog & cats, newest camp toy finds…blah, blah, blah… Of course there is no pressure to join in and if we didn’t like it I could close it at anytime 🙂

          Anyone have any other suggestions for it?
          What say ye? 🙂

  51. weather says:

    When I stepped into the back porch a bird was in there and more than I’d heard in a very long time were outside.It felt like everyone had missed our morning get together yesterday and was waiting to make up for it,what fun!Good morning,Sue,I imagine as you greeted the morning everything you saw was as welcome,at least I hope so 🙂 Are you at the new camp you mentioned looking for?Did the beach playing tire you three out?I doubt much slows Reggie for any length of time .I looked at a travel trailer ,didn’t even note what kind-yours makes it look like a jail cell by comparison-it had only three small windows instead of being light and view filled the way yours is.I’m so glad about many choices that you make…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, weather. Yes, we found a new camp! I completed a post a few minutes ago — only a few details to fix. And yes, beach playing did tire us out! Ha!

      Sorry to all for not responding individually… having too much fun!

  52. AZ Jim says:

    Hi Missy, Crew and friends
    I’m here, been riding along. I haven’t been feeling very good but I feel better today. I just wanted you all to know I am not deserting ya, just not up to posting yet. Take care.

  53. Cinandjules (NY) says:


    I hope you feel better soon. What counts is you are here…to read, smile and enjoy.

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