Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park

We’re in Utah!

By the time the crew and I drive into Kanab, I’m feeling weary.  It’s about noon and getting pretty hot.  I turn into the parking lot of Honey’s Groceries.  I crack the windows of the PTV and run in, grab a few items, pay, and get back to the crew in a flash.  Gee, it’s not too bad in here after all.  I think I’ll see if I can get online.

When I start to feel tired, it’s time to find a place to camp for the night.

It’s not good to be driving and towing when low on energy and worried about a stupid tire.  I look online and find the phone number of Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park.  The guy I get on the phone gives me a lot of good information about the park.  Two facts jump out at me . . . It’s $16 a night and they have SHOWERS!  “Thank you very much!  I’m on my way!”  To heck with the expense.  I want to go there!  At this point I’d pay $16 for just the shower!

On any other day, Kanab would be an interesting stop.

Today it’s something in the way of my shower.  Off we go!  At the park entrance we’re assigned a site as we pay.  I find it’s a very pretty campsite and happily climb out of the PTV.  Oh crap!  I can’t believe how LOUD that is!  A fifth-wheel  is parked on the opposite side of the road and has the noisiest generator I’ve ever heard in my life!  What did he do?  Soup it up like a hot rod?

The crew wants out so I walk them down the campground road a little way.

Aha!  The camp host is out!  I say hi and present her with my problem.  “I hate to even ask, but I know I can’t live with that noise.”  She’s agreeable, hops on her quad, and says, “Follow me.  I have to go up to the office anyway.”

Long story short, we move to a site that’s much quieter and just as nice.

Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park is popular with the off-road vehicle people.  Pink sand is all around the park and some of it is designated for ORV use.  I’m fine with that.  I resolve to muster up all the tolerance I can and enjoy this unusual and, actually, quite charming campground.

The shower is the best I’ve ever had!

No scrimping on the water and it blasts out of the nozzle in a wide spray.  Boy, did that feel good!

Before leaving, I find a chance to thank the camp host again for moving us to a new site. “I really enjoyed this park.  At first I thought it was going to be so-so, what with the ATVs and everything.  But it’s a great park.”

She tells me her name is Elaine. 

She still has a British accent, although she’s lived in the States for 35 years.  She and her husband Mel will host this park until August.   They just learned they’ve been accepted to host at another park on a beach in Oregon.  I can tell she’s thrilled, and I share that I hope to be in Oregon in a year or two.

“You know, you have the perfect personality for hosting,” I tell her.  “Plus your work ethic is fabulous.  Whenever I see you walk anywhere, you stop and pick up something.”  This makes her laugh.  We talk some more and I take photos of her show dog, Emma, a Shar-Pei.  We say goodbye. What a nice person.

“Maybe our paths will cross again someday, ” I remark, walking away.  “In Oregon . . . on a beach.”

“Yes!” she replies cheerfully.  “On an Oregon beach!”


(The photos of the dunes were taken in the morning.  I should have taken them when the crew and I viewed them the night before.  That’s when they’re less orange and more pink!)


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62 Responses to Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park

  1. Pat says:

    Looks like a nice spot. The Oregon coast is where I am headed next week. I need out of the heat and a beach fix…

  2. klbexplores says:

    Not to worry that you felt your pics of the Grand Canyon weren’t all that you wanted…. These from the Coral Pink Sand Dunes are spectacular!!

  3. Hotel California says:

    Pictures do not do the pink sands justice. It is spectacular. We stole some pink sand. Don’t know if that’s against the rules or not.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      An official of the Dept. of Tobacco, Alcohol, Firearms, and Sand has been notified. Toss it to the wind, Pal. . . or you’ll be whispering to your boyfriend in the slammer!

  4. Hi Sue and the crew, loved your pictures of the Grand Canyon. I think you did a great job. How did your tire problem go? Your new campground sound great, enjoy. I drove from Fla to Va yesterday. Arrived 10;PM in the evening. 14 hrs. straight through except for gas and stretching. Tired today. Staying here a few days and leaving Tue. morning for Mass. Its another 14-16 hrs but I might make this one in 2 days. I like to drive, but the bum get tired. lol. As you can see my blog is not very good or the pictures so bear with me until I learn the ropes. Turning in early tonight. Sharon

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re doing great, Sharon, both with the blog and the driving! Fourteen hours straight driving . . . I used to do that kind of thing many years ago. Now fourteen hours on the road is spread out over weeks! I hope you stay safe and don’t drive while too tired.

      Oh, about the tire. It seems to be holding air. I’m watching it. The camp I’m at now is so peaceful and pretty I’m procrastinating about going to a tire place.

  5. Debra says:

    Elaine and this SP sound marvelous. Good for you and the crew! As always, great pictures.

    An occasional spa shower will be a must for me too when I hit the road.

    I get teased for always picking up and cleaning up here around the “hood”. I even carry a trash bag with me when I walk Nonni and Bentley. Neighbors appreciate it but often ask me why I do all that (sweeping & mopping the breezeway, picking up trash, raking and planting flowers, etc.). I reply, “Because I can.” 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good for you, Debra!

      What a difference it would make if everyone did what you are doing! It reminds me when I was teaching and, in order not to go home with a sore back every day from picking up after students, I’d politely ask a student to pick up a piece of paper (or whatever) off the floor. The usual response I got was an indignant “It’s not MY paper!”

      You set a wonderful example. People tease when they feel uncomfortable.

      • Debra says:

        Another commonality – I too taught for awhile: 7th & 8th grade science. LOVED the students, the subject and teaching, but unfortunately that was only 1/8th of the job. The rest of it was paperwork for govt agencies and the district, politics, and babysitting parents. I called it quits after the 70-80 work week took its toll.

        As you know, that infamous “summer off” was taken up by CE and training, plus my district always had me on some project. I now work in an office, leave it behind when I walk out and am saving up for my RV – although I’m now thinking van and Casita may be the way to go. We shall see. 😉

        PS. I used to get the same disclaimer to “ownership” especially when they were having to clean desks after getting caught with gum for the 3rd time. LOL.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Hey Debra!

          I taught sixth grade science a few years, also when I taught fifth grade. I can relate to your “summer off” comment . . . always workshops and tasks to prepare for the new year. I lasted eleven years in the profession. I couldn’t have stayed another year. Thank God I was old enough at that point to retire and collect SS and a small teacher pension!

          I don’t want to try to change anyone’s mind about what rig they should buy. It’s such a personal decision. I would like to share this with you though . . . When I was coming down the steep grades and hairpin turns of Zion with a tire with a slow-leak, I was thankful I didn’t have my entire home on the tires. Women with motorhomes and Class Cs ask me for rides or simply look longingly as I leave my home behind and drive off to the store, laundry, whatever.

          Of course, towing is not for everyone. If you can set your mind to learning that, you’ll have the freedom of going places in your tow vehicle without having to pack the interior of your home so things don’t break (and pull up water connections, electric hookup, and maybe sewer hose), remove chocks and level blocks, whenever you want to make a trip into town.

          Good luck with saving toward your RV…. You see how I was able to do it . . . So can you!

          • Debra says:

            Something told me to come back and look at this teacher comment – glad I did. Thanks for the info Sue – and the encouragement. It means the world to me. As soon as I have a rig, whatever it ends up being, I’m outta here. And it looks more and more like it will be a trailer – for all your reasons and more. Love, love, love your blog. Thank you for taking the time to maintain it.

  6. earthdancerimages says:

    My mom and I visited there about 20 years ago! She also stole some coral sand and found a pretty clear glass decanter to store it in. That sat on our shelves for many years! The Coral Pink Sand Dunes are certainly worth a visit! Glad you had a good shower there!

  7. cathieok says:

    This looks like a great camp ground. I can imagine how the shower felt!

  8. hobopals says:

    I am miserable without a shower; so I’m glad you got to enjoy a nice long one. I’d have to have a tent shower when boon docking for any length of time. Otherwise I’d have to boondock where it rains and dance outside naked. That would empty a campground pretty darn quick!! Talk about a quiet place!!! LOL

    I wonder which campground in Oregon the camp host will be at. Boy, that’s got to be the best job in the world; especially in the summer because it’s always cool. Doesn’t matter which one, really, because they are all great.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I don’t know why I didn’t think to ask. I guess I sensed she needed to be on her way. We had talked for quite a while. I’m wondering how many other Utah campgrounds have showers.

  9. Emily says:

    One of my favorite places to spend a few days, when it’s quiet and cooler. Was there 3 or 4 years ago, only one in Park. Explored Kanab, but ended up just enjoying that place.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You must have been there later in the summer. It was in the eighties with a breeze. Short-sleeve weather without being too hot. Of course, we were only there for overnight. Maybe it’s sweltering now.

      • Emily says:

        Was late September four years ago and a lot of interesting vegetation in looking back through my pictures. Made Diet bread today without oat bran, made with egg whites and seasonings. Pretty good.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Without oat bran?

          I’m keeping it simple and easy. Of course,, I don’t have an oven. I start out with milk and oat bran. I’m not hungry again until around 2 o’clock. Then I have some Green yogurt. Around 5 I have deli turkey slices or skinless chicken breast. For munching in the evening I heat up some frozen veggies, the kind that come packaged mixed together for stir-frying. Or fresh veggies when I have them. Occasionally I have a boiled egg or tuna fish.

          It may sound like a horrible diet, but I honestly am not craving anything else and I feel great. Full of energy! it amazes me.

          Good to hear you’re being creative with it! I’m too lazy, to tell the truth.

          • Latte says:

            You can tell something is working…those black pants are looking baggy! Keep up the good work and swing those arms when you walk…more calories burn and you are building strength in your arms. Latte

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              Hi, Latte! I appreciate the encouragement. I bought those pants recently and now I have to keep hitching them up because they slip down! I tried the arm swinging thing. It’s hard on the crew on-leash. I am doing some exercises in the mornings.

  10. rvsueandcrew says:

    Hi, Harriet!

    Glad you enjoyed the slideshow. The crew never got to meet Emma up close. Elaine was hesitant to let them get together. I don’t blame her. She probably has a lot of $$$ and training, not to mention love, wrapped up in Emma.

    You noticed Bridget’s smile! I’ve been noticing it, too! She puts her ears down and turns on the charm for the photos.

    Don’t worry about us and the tire. I haven’t done anything about it because we haven’t gone anywhere, we’re at such a lovely spot. More about that in another post!

  11. Sue, are you headed for Moab? It is a pretty little town on the Colorado River, near both Arches and Canyon Lands NPs and a state park is also nearby. It is hot in the town in the summer, but up in the hills not so bad. Advice for the Oregon Coast (I used to live there) try to time your visit between July 4th and Labor Day, unless you really like the rain. It is cool, beautiful, and wet there, with a long rainy season and a short summer.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hello Theresa!

      I don’t know if I’ll get to Moab or not. I’m headed for the Hurricane area to visit friends, Chuck and Geri. I may wander over that way as I continue in a somewhat northerly direction.

  12. Elizabeth says:

    Beautiful photos!! I was thinking I would keep a tight rein on that shar pei….she looked as if she could match the sand there!! Talk about blending in!! Isn’t it so lovely to meet truly NICE people!! So glad you found her!!

  13. geogypsy2u says:

    I figured that could be a noisy campground with the ATVers. Glad you got moved away from the noisy and unnecessary generator. I’m actually surprised you got a site on Memorial Day weekend. Enjoy Zion.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I wasn’t at Coral Pink Sand Dunes on Memorial Day weekend. I was unable to get online while camping in the Kaibab, so my posts are about four days behind. Once I moved away from the loud generator, our stay was amazingly peaceful, considering almost everyone has an ATV there. They don’t ride them around the park. They get on them and leave and are gone most of the day..

  14. Pat says:

    How are the stars? Can you see the Milky Way?

  15. Chuck says:

    Hi Sue!, we did the ‘road’ out toward Colorado City from Coral Sands. Geri put it on the blog adventuresome to say the least…….theMotherShip won’t go through the tunnel. Chuck

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Great photos though! Thanks for posting the link.

      • earthdancerimages says:

        OOOOOPSS! I never made a blog post about Coral Sands or that great back dirt road “shortcut” we took because we were too large to go through the tunnel into Zion.
        It lives only in our memories! Chuck and I both thought I had made that blog post but we were mistaken, can’t find it in the archives anywhere, so no need to look unless you wanna see the shoe tree!

  16. Maggie says:

    Hi Sue & crew 🙂

    It is such fun traveling with you. If you DO get to the Moab, Utah, area take route 128 and check out the BLM campgrounds that run along the Colorado River. I believe the first one (nearest to town) is Goose Island … I spent 14 days there just feet away from the river. Spent hours just staring at the cliff on the opposite side finding all kinds of “pictures” 🙂 There’s no water spigots or electric, though.

    Keep on truckin’ … and strong hugs,
    Maggie in Vermont

  17. Like your cozy little treed campsite:))

  18. libertatemamo says:

    Sweet campsite! All the Utah state parks are pretty nice. We’re ALSO headed to the OR coast. Hope to spend most of June/July there if the weather holds (you never know in OR).

  19. Sherry says:

    Beautiful pictures Sue. Thanks for all the ones of the campground. We didn’t go there because of the fear of ATV noise so I’m glad to hear that another Silence lover like myself recommends it. What’s this about Bridget the “don’t take my picture” is now haming for the camera with smiles??

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Please don’t hold me to that recommendation. Maybe I was lucky with the noise. You never know what you’re going to get around people.

      You see what I mean about my dogs being nuts? Bridget is a multiple personality. I’m sure of it now that she goes from camera-shy to ham and back again.

  20. carol says:

    when you saidShar-pei,I pictured a dust mop ,not a wrinkle dog.

    try for NehalemBay SP, great showers, And a horse camp!!Horses are queiter than ATVs, and they smell better.I hope you like rain,I have been to the coast once when the sun was shining, in Feb

  21. John says:

    Greetings Sue! I have a question for you about your solar batteries….are these sealed? And if so, why do you have them in a “vent” box? I have 2 Lifeline AGM batts 220 amp hours each, in the front of my STEALTH trailer, but are not vented, as they are sealed……I went to your suppliers site and looked at these batts, price wise they are about the same……also, what type of charge controller do you have?
    Thanks! John

    • Bill says:

      John, I assisted Sue in confirging and assembly of her solar battery box which is located in the interior of her vehicle. The 2-AGMS are housed together and need no external venting other than heat. Her controller has a heat monitor to limit overheating! What it does is compares the battery housing’s temp to that of the controller.

      Her controller is a Morningstar Sunsaver MPPT. It converts 36V, 24V PV panels to 12V and regulate a maximum of 15a. Since Sue’s AGM’s are 75ahr’s each, for a total of 150a, the 15a max charge curent is perfect (10% of AHR) gives more info.

      You sound like you have big batteries… 220ahr each I beleive. I ran into a problem with AGM’s charging to max with some RV charging convertors.. A typical coverter tops off and maintains 13.2-13.8V. This works well for typical deep cycle and conv batteries. The AGM, however are happy in the 14V range. I had to switch my convert (modify it electronically to put out a higher reg/maint voltage. Some converts have a variable control which allows you do this but my converter (el cheapo had to undergo a makeover). Hope this help. cheers Bill

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Thanks, Bill, for helping me out . . . with the batteries and with John’s questions.

      • John says:

        Bill, thanks for the info! I am not in a “conventional” RV with a built in converter….I took a 6 x 14 cargo trailer built to my specs and converted it to a camper…a STEALTH camper. I have 180 watts solar on the roof, soon adding another 100 watts. I agree with you on the AGM liking more power….I run off a Cobra 1500 watt peak inverter, and my batts run about 14.7v most of the time…..I really don’t think they have ever been fully charged in 18 months of use! I am learning as I go…….probably need to spend time with someone like you that KNOWS solar!!

  22. hobopals says:

    Off Topic. Anyone having problems getting on Al’s (Bayfield Bunch) site?

  23. Jim Melvin says:

    I know exactly what you mean by paying more for just a nice shower.

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