Dispersed camping at Prineville Reservoir

Saturday,  May 2

1-P1040590Prineville Reservoir, Oregon

A guy and a gal moved into the campsite next to us yesterday. 

They arrived in separate vehicles, twenty-somethings, talking earnestly the way young people do when the relationship is still new.  There’s enough space between my site and theirs that I can ignore them.

Later more young people drive up and join the couple.

They sit around drinking beer, talking and laughing, not at all disruptive.  The crew and I go to bed and in the morning only the original couple are in the campsite next to us.

A little before noon I’m sitting outside reading. 

The crew is on a quilt on the ground next to my lounger.  I hear the clink of glass.  I look over and see the couple have packed up and are standing over the fire ring dropping cans and bottles into it.

Oh no, here we go.

Using the fire ring for a trash can.  How many times have I seen the results of that?  

Well, they’re young.  Their minds (and bodies) are attending other matters.  Darn it.  Should I say something?  And what would I say? 

I don’t want a confrontation.  It’s such a nice day.  And I don’t want their little get-together to end badly.  Maybe I should ignore it. 

Clink. Clink.

But, gosh, people need to learn how to act when camping and if I don’t do something, will they repeat this for years to come?  They do seem like good kids.  At least they’re picking up after their friends.  Maybe they forgot to bring a trash bag.

But leaving trash jeopardizes free camping areas.  I should do something . . . .

1-P1040550An idea!

I jump up, go inside the Best Little Trailer, and grab a large kitchen trash bag.  When I come back outside, the young woman’s car door is open with music playing.  I don’t see her or the young man.  He must be in the driver’s seat of his truck and she’s on that side, out of my sight, saying goodbye.

I walk over to their campsite, eyes on the fire ring.

I don’t look in their direction and I don’t stride with attitude.  I walk like I’m out gathering daisies or something.  At the fire ring I pick up the cans and bottles and place them in the trash bag.  I close the bag up tight and tie the handles. Continuing my casual manner, I walk over to the young woman’s car and deposit the trash bag, half-full with bottles and cans, on the driver’s seat.

I calmly drift back to my lounger. 

I’m the patron saint of fire rings.  I roam the countryside with large kitchen trash bags, pulling cans and bottles out of fire rings.   For the common good . . . 

I sit down and resume reading.  The sound of vehicles fades.

I look over at their campsite.

They’re gone and so is the trash bag.  I smile.  Gee, that went well.

1-P1040542Later a convoy of vehicles roar into that same campsite.

Teenagers pour out the doors, squealing, hooting, and hollering.  A few hold beer bottles.  The girls spread blankets on the slope facing the water and prepare to sunbathe in their swimsuits, peeling off shirts and stepping out of shorts.  Guys run around, being loud as guys have done ever since there have been girls to look at them.  I count five big dogs running loose.

More vehicles arrive, spilling more teenagers. 

There’s no way this is going to improve.  Soon the music will start and it will go on for hours. We need to get out of here!

I pack up and pull out. 

I drive to the other end of the camping area and find a pretty site ringed with cedar trees.  Nice view of the water.  It turns out to be a better site than the one we left!

1-P1040591-001Sunday, May 3 and Monday, May 4

The cedars throw dappled shade on our camp.  Very pretty!

1-P1040562See my new table?  See my dirty dishes?

However, in the morning it’s too cool in the shade on the blue mat. 

I place the quilt in a sunny spot and loop Reggie’s tether around a tree branch.  Bridget wanders around while Reggie plays with his toys.

1-P1040556It’s very nice here except for the goatheads.

The ground is covered with tiny plants, similar to goatheads, that put stickers in Reggie’s paws.  Bridget doesn’t get them.  She’s always had an amazing ability to place her paws safely.   Anyway . . . .  I encourage Reggie to play on the quilt.  He seems to agree with the plan.

Every day Reggie tortures The Flea.

I should buy him some more toys.  He also needs a soft harness.

1-P1040559“Yes, we’ll go for a walk.  You play while I take some pictures first.”

No one is camped at this end of the dispersed camping area.

It’s very peaceful.  A few motor boats, honking geese, songbirds, Reggie growling at his victim . . . .

1-P1040553Where’s Bridget?

Well, she was on the quilt with Reggie a minute ago, until I started taking pictures, and then  . . .

1-P1040557“Come out of there, Bridge!  You’re getting yourself all dirty!” 

Speaking of dirty . . .

I did get around to washing those dishes.




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134 Responses to Dispersed camping at Prineville Reservoir

  1. Velda says:

    Well I’m frustrated. Can’t see Blogerinos comments on my iPhone !

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Is that typical with iPhones? Anyone?

      • Teresa from NC says:

        I’m commenting by using one, now. Actually, that’s the way I usually read your posts and the comments.

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        I noticed that one time when I used the phone (usually I use my laptop). What I found was that I had to re-click the blog title (or something like that – slightly unintuitive) and then I could see the comments. Seemed to be consistent the one other time I looked on my phone. Hmm, that’s so vague. Let me try now on my phone and see…

        Okay, now I remember. So if I just go to my bookmark of rvsueandcrew.net, it opens up what looks like the current post at the top. I can read through it just like normal. But at the bottom of the post, where I would see the comments on my laptop, I instead see previous posts, all in one long scrollable page. To get to “just” the current post with comments, I have to re-click on the post title at the top of the page. Then the post opens again only instead of more/other posts following it at the bottom, I see the comments just like I do on my computer.

        Maybe that helps?

        PS: Brilliant move with the trash. I especially liked the detail of strolling as if you were gathering daisies. La la la :innocent whistle while swinging basket…:

        • Sidewinder Pen says:

          PS: One other different thing on the comments when I’m viewing on my phone is that the first thing that comes up below the post is the place for me (or anyone) to post a comment (blank area, etc.). Then below that are all the comments.

      • Velda in Roseville Ca says:

        LOL well it could be because there WERE NONE when I commented! For once I’m first and I so can’t believe that I’m first that I think I can’t see comments! So hurray, I was first today! Or make that yesterday now. LOL
        Thursday weather people say snow in the Sierras and possible rain shower down here in the edge of the foothills. Hope so!
        Have a splendid day my friends, I’ll be chaperoning hubby ( can’t drive due to dizziness) and doing battle with Medicare getting a problem fixed for disabled son.
        Loved your pics in this page ESP the little flea killer guy. As to Miss B under the edge, old habits die hard. She is so funny.

    • Teresa from NC says:

      I think you couldn’t see any comments because you were first!!:-)

  2. Calvin R (Ohio) says:

    Good short maneuver! Kids will be kids, and it’s good you have an easy way to get away. The picture of Bridget hiding is cute.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Yeah, apparently that big campsite is the place where local kids party.

      Bridget hiding is frustrating. Moments before, she and Reggie were on the quilt and it would’ve made a sweet photo. Off she goes, darting under the BLT!

  3. phoneguy1212 says:

    No way I’m first. I even read the post first.

    • phoneguy1212 says:

      In the time it took me to type that and hit enter two more beat me to the punch. Oh well. Can’t blame kids for being kids. I don’t think kids are taught to respect us elders to the point of being quiet when in our presence. It all worked out. And everyone enjoyed themselves.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        I’m happy for the young people to have their fun, as long as it’s safe and legal. I thought I’d contrast their way of “camping” and mine in this post. Yes, moving away was the only solution.

  4. Pat says:

    Thank you for cleaning the fire ring and I hope it will teach the campers to clean up after themselves. I work as a campground host and you would not believe the mess people leave in the fire rings…….bottles, cans, fruit, veggies, dog poo bags, remains of fish cleaning, whole fish……I think I have found almost everything anyone takes on a camping trip in them and I have only been doing this for a couple of years.

    Love the pics and enjoy hearing about the fur babies.

    Are you going to make it to the coast? I’m hosting on the coast all summer at state parks.

    I boondocked by you south of Ajo a couple of years ago and you helped me find a site. Thanks again for the help.

    Enjoy your site and hope you always find peaceful camping.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pat,

      Good to hear from you! Thanks for letting me know which Pat you are. Sure, I remember you! It was a pleasure to share the Darby Well Road area with you.

      I’ve heard the same complaint from other camp hosts. I’m at a new camp (my posts are delayed) and there’s a dirty diaper, an empty cigaret pack, and the packaging for a carton of soda in the fire ring, along with various bottles and cans. I’ll clean it out in the morning.

      Yes, we’re going to the coast, although I don’t know where!

      • MB says:

        I just cannot imagine people thinking it is OK to leave their trash in a fire ring. Amazing. But, I do remember that when I was teaching K and we did a unit on the environment, I asked how many families threw trash out the window when they were traveling. I wasn’t judgmental…..just taking a survey. After they answered truthfully, we discussed alternatives that would be better for the environment. It always surprised me how many hands went up when I asked the question. My family traveled extensively and I was never allowed to throw out as much as a gum wrapper…..nor did I see them doing it. So, anyway…..maybe you were the role model they needed. 🙂 Once a teacher…..always a teacher. Have a wonderful day Sue. Hey! I just went into a dealership and actually went into a travel trailer with my dog…..just to see what it was like. And my computer job is about to go up a level. Two steps that will eventually take me right on down the road. 🙂

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Yay! Congratulations on the job promotion and on taking those “steps” toward the day you hit the road. It’s fun to look at rigs and dream.

          Wow! That was quite a lesson you learned from your kindergarteners… kind of disheartening though. Good for you for helping the little ones think. I bet some went home and informed their parents, the way little ones do.

          “What did you learn in school today, sweetie?”

          “It’s not good to throw stuff out the window!”

  5. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Everything happen for a reason, sometimes the reason at the time isn’t clear! Ah hah…better is just around the corner. Love your new site!

    Uh oh! Bridge babeee is under the BLT again! What a silly photo! You hoo we KNOW it’s you…by your side sit!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cinandjules,

      Just when I thought she was over being camera shy… oh well.

      Yeah, the first site had a tired look to it. The second one is much better.

  6. Lee J in Northern California says:

    I so understand wanting to get people to do things ‘right’!

    I just had a houseful of company, a good thing, but do you think I could get the men to put the lid down? Akk….what’s up with that?

    Leaving trash in the fire ring is right up there with lids up! You were so graceful solving that, now..do you have a sure fire way to get the lid down?

    My dear husband is a lid down person, thank his mother for that!

    We are headed up to Oregon soon, I love that state, I am enjoying your visit so much and learning of new places to explore, thanks!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Lee J.,

      The lid-down battle can’t be won with some men. I don’t know why, but that’s the way it is. The teaching needs to be done while they’re young…. like your mother-in-law did. 🙂

      I’m glad you’re enjoying our Oregon visit!

    • Shelly Nowik says:

      When I married, my husband was an old bachelor and very deeply entrenched in his “man-ways”. I figured he was going to demand I put the seat UP, which he never did, so I never demanded he put it down. Our solution: separate bathrooms.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        That sounds like the best solution. Some battles can’t be won and aren’t worth the effort. It’s nice having a bathroom of your own anyway!

  7. Shelly Nowik says:

    When you pop over to another site do you do the full hookup, wdh, chains, swaybar?

    That Bridget girl is funny about having her picture taken…typical girl. Reggie looks very happy with his new mamma and sissy.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Shelly,

      I do very little setting up of camp within the first 24 hours, unless I’m very sure the site’s okay. I had my doubts about that first campsite.

      I almost always wait until the next day to unhitch, undo the chains, the break-away cable, etc. in order to be sure I want to stay in that site. It was a quick and easy move.

      Another thing I want to add… I resist the temptation to take shortcuts. In other words, if the chains weren’t hooked, I’d hook them up even though they aren’t needed for that short move. I want the steps of hitching up to remain automatic. Once I start skipping things, I might skip them when they’re necessary, so I keep the routine intact.

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        Aw, good plan Sue…and glad you were able to find a nicer spot to sit awhile!! You are brave….but hopefully those young people will take your message to heart and remember next time!!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I didn’t want to embarrass them or have the guy feel like he had to “save face” with a confrontation or anything like that. This worked out well. I don’t know if they saw me clean the fire ring. The guy might not be aware that I put the trash bag in the girl’s car.

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        That’s a great way to do it – keeping your routines intact. Plus, that way if you intended to “just” move sites but then for some reason ended up driving on out… well, it’s cool because you didn’t take half measures (of course I’m sure that’s part of your reasoning already).

        Like you, I feel better not fully committing to a spot right away. I want it to be easier to move than it is to “put up with” whatever is making me think of moving if a site turns out to not be right – if I’m totally settled in it is tempting to rationalize remaining in place even if it’s not totally pleasant. Bonus when the new spot is even nicer!

      • Shelly Nowik says:

        Thank you Sue. Your response helped me to remember that short cuts can be dangerous. I like the tip of not unhitching the first day.

  8. Norman in San Diego says:

    Glad you found a nicer spot to park and all is well. Love the picture of Bridget under the BLT.

    Nice table.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Norman,

      Yes, it is a nice table. I’m very pleased with it and wonder why I didn’t order it sooner.

  9. Timber/Rusty inthe Zone says:

    Nice camp Sue, that Reggie Man is AAAWWW so cute that the Bridge is startin’ to get back to her nature of hiding from the camera and gettin’ dirty so not only the dish’s need washin’, but Bridget will need a cleanin’ too. Give em both a hug from us, will ya,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,rusty

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Rusty,

      Bridget and Reggie are asleep already. I’ll be sliding in with them later and I hug them all night. Your hugs will be part of that. 🙂

      Hope the truck repair is coming along okay. Is it done?

      • Timber/Rusty inthe Zone says:

        yes she’s done and not leakin’, knock on wood, I mean, Thanks LORD and all for the prayers.,,,,,,,,,,,

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I thought so, but couldn’t remember for sure if you told me that or I’m just wishing it… Have a good night!

          • Timber/Rusty inthe Zone says:

            Nighty night to you Sue , and the pups and all the Blogerrooous,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,us

  10. Kelley in SoCal says:

    I think you handled that perfectly. No confrontation and you hopefully taught a couple of young people a lesson on cleaning up a campsite. We all did stupid things when we were young. But we also need someone to teach us how to respect and act on this planet. Briidget is so funny! Cute pics of her and Reggie…as always!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Kelley,

      Oh yeah, I can make a long list of stupid things I did when young. I think we all can if we’re honest about it. Thanks for writing your support of the action I took.

      Glad you enjoyed the photos of the crew!

  11. I LIKED the way you handled that!

    You know what? I learn something new from you every time I read your blog!

    So glad you found a nicer spot, too. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cindy,

      And you know what? I try to include something for people to learn in every blog… Of course, I doubt I succeed with every reader, but it’s nice to know if I do with one…. 🙂

      Yeah, this camp is much nicer and not near a popular site.

  12. Gayle - SO CAL Beach Boomer says:

    The photo of Bridget hiding from the camera under the trailer and Reggie sitting with his toys on the quilt really capture the essence of who they are. Don’t mean to burst your bubble, but those who need such correction, as you did the with trash in the fire ring, JUST DON’T GET IT, otherwise they wouldn’t have done it in the first place. Think back to your classroom and remember your students for whom consequences mean nothing. Remember those students to whom you give a second chance and they just think, “That means I can get away with it again.” I believe it is for the greater good that we do these corrections, because it is lost on those we correct.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Gayle,

      Great first line! Yes, they are very different pups as those two photos point out.

      Your description of the futility of trying to change the attitudes and habits of others is true in some instances. Oh yes, I remember those students well.

      I also remember those who were teachable, although regrettably they were outnumbered by those who weren’t. After teaching 7th graders, I was placed in a position teaching 6th graders. What a difference! The 7th graders were much more receptive to learning.

      One time a young woman pumped propane for me. She was rolling her eyes at everything I said, very ignorant and rude. I was tempted to counter her disrespect by pointing out… “You’re unhappy with your job pumping propane. I suspect the eye-rolling started years ago in school. When your teachers tried to help you gain an education, you responded by rolling those eyes. Well, you didn’t get the education, and here you are pumping propane and being rude to me, as if it’s my fault.”

      • Pamela K. says:

        I agree with you Sue! A real peeve of mine is rude employees when I am their customer! While we all have our bad days, some are just too rude to ignore. I have been known to remind them that there are at least 5,000 people just waiting in lines to gladly have their job! Most of the time it tends to bring them back to a nicer reality 🙂

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Good point!

        • Gayle - SO CAL Beach Boomer says:

          I told a worker at the 99 cent Store that just because they pile products in the aisle and we fall over them, it doesn’t mean we are doing to buy them. His response?

          “SHUT UP!” Seems every day we go out to run errands, there is nastiness and rudeness no matter what WE do. I haven’t got a tough-enough skin yet. Anybody have any techniques for toughening up?

          • rvsueandcrew says:

            I would have asked that man how he expected to keep his job talking to a customer that way.

            Give him a chance to apologize. No apology? I’d report him.

            But then I didn’t report the propane woman. Sometimes you just want to get away.

          • Elizabeth in WA says:

            I did work retail for a few years in the past…at least at that time (1990’s) most definitely the management where I worked would not have tolerated rudeness to shoppers….in fact, we had to be nice to them no matter how nasty they treated us…and I can tell a few stories about THAT one!! But then the town we lived in was a real doozy…one of the strangest of all. I kind of figured it went with the territory.

      • Gayle - SO CAL Beach Boomer says:

        That’s funny — 6th graders, “I’m invincible! I’m at the top of the heap!”

        7th graders, “OMG, I’m at the bottom of a new heap!” 🙂

  13. BadgerRickInWis says:

    RvSue, patron saint of fire rings, Queen of the boondockers and lady in waiting to HRH Princess Bridget the beheaded. This post had me laughing out loud thank you for that, job well done!

    You’re always so understanding of others and letting them have their fun as well as long as they do no harm. Even if it means that you’re the one that needs to move camp. The actions of a wise woman.

    I try to remember that once upon a time I was one of those young men braying like a donkey vying for the attention of the young maidens on a warm spring Saturday night. And we also used to rock out once we cranked up the Victrola. 🙂 I wonder if you went back to that site if the teenagers were any better than the young lovers at cleaning up. Even at that age we were always pretty good at leaving a campsite cleaner than we found it.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks for praising me on this post. I’m pleased it gave you a laugh!

      “Braying like a donkey”… gee, wish I’d thought of that phrase. Perfect description of young men vying for female attention… 🙂

      On the day we left Prineville Reservoir, I wanted to check that fire ring as we drove by.

      Oh well… We interrupt this reply in order to walk Reggie who is pestering me. Be back later…

      Okay, as I was saying… I couldn’t check the fire ring on the way out because a guy with a tent was in that site. I noticed several white trash bags full of something. Maybe he had to clean up the mess left by all those young people!

  14. mockturtle says:

    I spend a good deal of time and effort cleaning up after other ‘campers’. Much of the trash is in the fire rings: Beer cans, beer bottles, dirty diapers [ugh!]. I hate having to haul it out when there are no garbage cans in the area. It seems that dispersed camping sites are often party spots so you never really know what you’re getting into until late in the evening. When a party brews [as it were], I move. Yes, I was young once but I’m not young now and have a very low tolerance for noise and mayhem. 😉 I especially hate the throbbing bass of a car stereo.

    • Sidewinder Pen says:

      Me too. I always get my hopes up when it stops, but then it usually just turns out to be between songs and so starts back up after a blissful three-second pause. Ugh!

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Hi, Pen . . . .Once the boom-boom-da-boom-boom-da-boom-boom starts, you’re doomed! I wonder if repeatedly hitting oneself in the head with a hammer would help ease the pain…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re right, mockturtle, about dispersed camping sites being preferred for partying… no limit on people at a campsite, like at campgrounds and other places where people pay. With dispersed there’s no camp host to keep the noise level and destruction at a minimum.

      Gosh, the way people mangle trees! The cedars are ripped apart for fire wood and then the limbs are left lying on the ground because the people realize too late that green wood makes smoke, not fire. It hurts to see parts of trees lying about like the aftermath of a battle. Oh me, oh my … It’s overwhelming.

      Thank you for being part of the effort to keep our forests and campsites in good condition. It’s an inconvenience to have other people’s trash to dispose. We do have the satisfaction of doing what is right and good. 🙂

  15. K & B in CO says:

    I like how you sent the subtle message about leaving trash, it may not sink in the first time, but it will eventually. I suspect there is another load there from the night after you moved. Kids….

    I was wondering if you have tried offering treats to Bridget when it is camera time. The thought reminds me of a scene from “As Good as it Gets”, when Jack N reveals how he bribes Verdel, he keeps a baggie of bacon in his pocket. Maybe if you brought out some rotisserie chicken, along with the camera…..

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, K & B in CO,

      The treat idea would be good with another dog. Bridget is too smart for that.

      If I gave her a treat for coming out from under the BLT, she would continue to go under there and refuse to come out until I offered her another treat. She’d take the treat, turn around and go back to hiding, waiting to be hand-fed. It’d be like training her to hide. She can be very stubborn and she doesn’t need more food, that’s for sure! Ha!

      Now that Reggie is with us, a treat for Bridget means a treat for him. Our so-called simple life has layers of complexities. 🙂

  16. Pamela K. in GA says:

    Hi Sue,

    Really like the new camp site better, has a more casual feeling to it.
    Bridge, being Bridge, lol. She is such a hoot!

    About putting that trash nag in the girl’s car:
    Sorry, would never do that. In today’s odd world there are too many people who would swear that you did something more or took something so I would not open up that whole thing as an easy option for anyone. Just saying that it would be very hard to prove you didn’t after placing a bag of trash in her car. I know I would not take kindly to that at all. I would feel that my personal property had been invaded. This is not to say that you handled it wrong, after all it did work out fine and she took it with her…but it could have turned out differently and very badly if they wanted to play it that way. Maybe put it by her driver’s door, she would have to notice it there. I say this just to have your back if it happens again 🙂

    Kids and Young Adults, how did any of us ever live to be Grown-Ups?!
    Because of Guardian Angels, I guess.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pamela,

      I understand what you’re saying and the scenarios you describe are valid in certain circumstances.

      A few thoughts… not at all meant to be argumentative, only meant to clarify this particular situation…

      Putting the trash bag on the ground by the car might have been equally effective. I didn’t think of that. On the other hand, once the trash bag is dirty on the bottom she would be more likely to toss it aside and leave it on the ground.

      I listened (couldn’t help it!) to the two of them for hours as I was reading. By the tone of their voices and playful banter with each other, these were young people in a happy mood, not thugs looking for a fight or mean-spirited wackos.

      Sure, I could be accused of stealing something that wasn’t in the car to begin with. One reason I don’t live in the city or a metropolitan sprawl is because I don’t want to live assuming I’m in the presence of evil (to be dramatic! Ha!)…

      I agree that it’s safer for me to be the way you suggest. However, the cost is too great. I never would’ve met Rusty and Timber or any of the other good people or dogs this journey has taken me to.

      You’re sweet to take the time to explain all of the above… to “have your back” is a powerful act of friendship… Thank you, Pamela. There may be a time when your advice will save my neck!

      • Pamela K. says:

        Hi Sue,

        Morning! hope you and the crew are finding your new camp to be relaxing and delightful.

        Thanks for your explaining viewpoints and being gracious about my comment. I will admit that my own viewpoints on taking undue personal risks are somewhat jaded by my own experience as a Police 911 Communications Dispatcher. You tend to hear it all in that kind of job and most of it is not pretty and often does not end well for those involved. I do understand about not wanting to live in the metro cities yet many of the very people who come on weekends to camp are, well, from the cities. I understand about your being there and seeing/hearing first-hand how they interacted with one another helped to form your actions, playful and all. Yet, sometimes, adding an outsider to the mix changes everything in a split second. I guess that was my primary thinking about it. Much as we all would like to think we can asses risk, we often forget or dismiss the unknown factors that can shape any outcome, good or bad. When I’m out and about in the public campgrounds it is the youth that I am most concerned with keeping an eye on. Mainly because the crime stats show that younger and younger aged people are often the ones most likely to be more, not less, daring. Sadly the headlines in the news prove this out daily. What with Cheer-Moms, Football-Dads and Beauty-Queen-Princesses, the landscape of proper behavior is often blurred in even the best of neighborhoods. Sometimes it is not the ~normal~ hardcore thugs that cause normal folks the most grief. Anyway, glad you can file my suggestion in the back of your mind to draw on if you need too for some other time. I know I am just old-school, a throwback about anyone placing anything in my personal space. I know you understand, like your privacy policies of no visitors, etc. Most people are well intentioned but one or two can cause a whole bucket full of grief is they opt to do so. That ~no good deed goes unpunished~ is a wise saying for a very good reason, not always, but sometimes 🙂

        Hugs to you, take care and enjoy your new camp. As always I am looking forward to your next adventure too.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Like I said your points are valid and yes, bad behavior can emerge from those who look young and innocent.

          As for invading her personal space, yes… Another way to look at it is this… If she cares that much about her personal space, keep the car door shut when unattended in a public place. What I did was return her personal items for her. 😉

          • Pamela K. says:

            Did I somehow upset you? I thought I was being kind and supporting of you. And I thought the couple was still in their own camp site, not public space.
            Anyway, take it for what it was intended to be, an act of kindness to give a different viewpoint about your putting anything in her car, her trash or whatever. Let’s drop it, shall we?

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              ??? Not upset at all. I didn’t mean to come off like I was. It’s okay for two people to have different approaches. That’s what makes life and people interesting!

            • Pamela K. says:

              Cool 🙂

        • BadgerRickInWis says:

          Pamela, we have more in common than just our taste in trailers. I too was a 911 dispatcher for a couple of years. 🙂

          Your point about kids today are all valid but don’t forget crime rates are much, much lower today than they were in the 60’s and 70’s when most of the folks on this blog were young. And yet somehow we all survived, the difference is today we have 24 hour news to fill us with fear.

  17. Pauline In Mississippi says:

    I like the way you handled the trash situation! I think kids have been raised differently than us old folks were. We were taught to pick up after ourselves and dispose of it properly. I hate to see our highways with litter all over the sides of the road.
    That Reggie is the cutest thing!!!! Love the picture of Bridget under the BLT. She is such a cutie too so I wish you could have gotten her sweet face also.
    Happy Trails, Dear Sister.
    Love to you and the crew.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Love to you, too, Pauline. We were fortunate to have parents who taught us things like “pick up after yourself.” They didn’t limit it to inside the house. It was expected wherever we went.

      Maybe it’s just as well I couldn’t include Bridget’s face in that photo. If looks could kill . . . 🙂

  18. Diann in MT says:

    You are too funny! Bridget has you so figured out! Thanks for taking care of the free open spaces. Eventually those teens will fade with age to be replaced by others. But, hey, we have Sue the patron saint of fire rings.
    I remember when first moving to Colorado and upending every fire ring I came upon, in the spirit of “no trace” until I got a clue. Colorado allows fire rings any where and one doesn’t have to disassemble them when not in use. So much for my “no trace” fervor. There are so many people there that it’s best to just let the fire rings stay intact. So my question is What is it about fire rings that attract patron saints? Just kidding, Sue. Thanks for the adventures.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Diann.

      Yes, keep the fire rings …. I don’t know about CO… Several states require that you camp in “established campsites” only. These sites are recognizable by a fire ring (in most cases), as well as cleared ground.

      You meant well! 🙂

  19. Scott B Out says:

    Your a better (wo)man than I.
    I once lived at the end of a 2-1/2 mile secluded forest road. Every year, hunters would come and set up deer camp for a couple weeks about midway on the road. Every year they would leave trash and beer cans strewn around and about the campsite. One year, I spent a good HOUR collecting cans and trash into a large leaf bag, up and down the road from their campsite when they were out hunting. I returned to their campsite, and unloaded my bag in the middle of their tent.
    Same story, different attitude. Good on you for being so kind to our fellow humans. I’ve acquired a couple more decades of “wisdom” since then, maybe next time I’ll use your method. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Scott,

      I’ve heard of that method before. I wouldn’t dare to do that! Men in a group (think “mob” or “gang”) will do things they might not do alone, like set fire to your living space or slash your tires…

      Anyway… I’m glad that didn’t happen to you. I understand your disgust and anger at such disregard for the environment and for the well-being of wildlife. Cleaning up after irresponsible adults can be very irritating.

      I wonder if the 14-day limit rule in many areas was first thought of in response to the way people left trash when squatting for long periods. If a weekend camper can trash up a fire ring, imagine what they could do in six months. We “civilized” people generate a lot of rubbish. Just a thought….

      Thank you for caring about our forests!

      • Velda in Roseville Ca says:

        What Sue said, plus those hunters were armed, one needs to consider carefully.

        • Scott B Out says:

          Velda, 🙂
          Yes, I had thought of that…
          Didn’t dally around very long after leaving my “message”…. 😀

  20. Vall & Mo says:

    Hi Sue,

    Regarding trash in the fire ring: when we boondock we always end up leaving with one or two additional trash bags from the campsites next to us: We try to always leave a place better than when we arrive.

    You were very courageous in picking up the young couple’s trash and then putting the trash bag in her car’s driver’s seat. Like Pamela just said, I would never do that, as I can see a thousand ways it could have gone very wrong. But it worked, so congrats! And I guess that couple (or at least the girl) is more educated in proper campground behavior after that.

    But for purely egotistical reasons (as we love reading your posts and don’t want them to stop anytime soon), we have to ask you to please consider just leaving it by their car driver’s door next time; there are plenty of crazy, violent and just plain evil people in the world, and we would not like to see you fall victim to any of them… :-/


    Vall & Mo.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Vall & Mo,

      If this is your first comment, welcome, blogorinos! The more people who share their thoughts here, the more interesting my blog becomes. Thank you.

      From where you sit, yes, there could be “a thousand ways it could have gone very wrong.” I can think of other settings where I wouldn’t dream of approaching the car of a stranger, let alone deposit trash on their front seat. In this situation, a bad outcome wasn’t likely and courage wasn’t required.

      At the risk of sounding self-important (something I do all the time here — That’s what bloggers do!), I assure you I analyzed the couple before acting. (See my response to Pamela above).

      If either one of the couple had approached me, I had a back-up plan. It’s actually my “go to” back-up plan in any dicey situation. I play the dumb old lady routine, slightly disoriented, ingenuous, and harmless.

      For example. . . .

      Man: “HEY! Whaddya think you’re doin’ over here!”

      Me: “Oh, hello. I’m sorry. I’m picking up these cans and bottles. I didn’t mean to take them if you want them, young man. That’s okay. I’ll go somewhere else. (Looking at trash) Such pretty bottles and cans . . . I like the one with the green label. Can I have that one and you keep the rest?”

      BTW . . . A great rule to camp (and live) by: “We try to always leave a place better than when we arrive.” Thanks for reminding us.


      • Bill & Ann, Bend, OR says:

        Good answers, Sue. Think ahead, just in case. I will have to remember them. So perfect.

    • Pamela K. says:

      Hi Vall and Mo!

      Nice to meet you both and Thanks! for your support to me on this one.

      Sue is a very wise and well traveled veteran camper. I see her point in having a Plan B at the ready BUT sometimes people don’t give warning enough to put a Plan B into action. All too often we hear about someone’s knee-jerk reaction and they freak out. That’s all I was trying to say. Wisely measured risk is always good, but not always perfect by any means.

  21. Have spent the past few years volunteering in campgrounds, I can tell you it’s not a nasty habit of just the young! Folks of all ages seem to think the fire ring is the trash can for everything they don’t want to carry back home!
    It was such a nice surprise to come to a camp site the occupants had actually cleaned up before leaving!
    Myakka River State Park holds high marks in my book for clean, thoughtful campers!
    Bridget, come out of hiding! We know that’s you under the BLT hiding, come on out and say howdy to all your admirers! We love HRH and want to see her !!!
    Reggie does seem to love his toys! Our neighbor, Mr Moon, is dog sitting a pup that looks so much like Reggie, maybe a bit smaller!
    Today Chuck leaves for 4 days to visit his daughter and see his oldest grandson graduate both high school and college with his AA degree! We are very proud of Kyle!
    Glad you found a better place to camp! Thanks for sharing with us!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Geri. Thanks for the newsy comment. I enjoyed it!

      Yes, Chuck can be very proud of his grandson. What a happy event for him and his family! Have a good visit, Chuck!

      I can’t imagine another dog looking like Reggie and being smaller. He may look bigger in his photos than in real life. There’s nothing to him! If my memory is correct, he’s smaller than Radar.

      I’m glad you’re in a camp with clean-camping people!

  22. Kay Dattilio says:

    Good Morning, Sue and Crew!

    I loved the way you picked up the trash and love your attitude! You did the right thing and no matter which way or where you put the trash, I’m sure they would have been a little bit embarrassed. Like I have said before….I’m not a camper, etc. but I’m impressed with the way you maneuver your vehicles and find restful and calm places to camp. I still haven’t gotten my garden planted due to all the rain. Keep have good times, Kay from KC!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Kay,

      Thanks for the kind words. I’m happy to hear you’ve had rain. I’ve decided never to complain about rain again!

      As a former gardener, I remember waiting for conditions to be right for planting. One of the worst things you can do when gardening in Georgia is plant in that clay soil when it’s wet. I admit I tried it, because I couldn’t wait!

      Good luck with your garden. I hope you are blessed with an abundant harvest this year.

  23. weather says:

    Apparently you aren’t the first to have found that site attractive.For it to be popular as party central for young folks to gather at, in their perpetual longing to be chosen as
    “the one” ,it must hold significant memories for many.Your gentle and subtle admonishment to that couple ,in particular the the young woman,by wrapping the trash such rendezvous’ can result in for her to take with her,be responsible for,likely was a good “heads up “,a reminder that carefree ought also be careful.

    There isn’t a person that age unaware that leaving cans or bottles around anywhere is wrong-this is 2015,they know better.Hopefully,they also know away from authorities eyes isn’t away from consequences- that freedom can make seem what only happens to others.Wonder how many romances and babies had their beginnings there,hopefully less happy results weren’t transmitted or faced.Your light note of caution is what we ought to give the less experienced among us at times.In hindsight the couple was probably relieved it wasn’t a state park authority that saw them ready to leave without carrying out what they and their friends carried in.I’m confident that your judgement and actions will result in reward for all involved.Your instincts about who to avoid any interaction with have always been spot on.

    Nice to have such a relaxed lifestyle and attitude that dishes can be washed another time-love it 🙂 ! Bet Bridget was temporarily sensitive to a lot of things besides the camera and will calm back down,we all cycle through spates of feeling better or worse physically and in our moods,whatever triggers them passes,no big deal.I’m glad it’s worked out that getting Reggie a soft harness wasn’t convenient earlier.Not having it’s allowed him time to get used to each needed restriction over time, so that learning to stay near will be what he wants -as no fear/confusion/lack of trust in you has been part of his training as part of your family.I love the last photo where the BLT is in soft dappled shadow and light.Your home looks touchable… soft… in it-as though the picture expresses your affection for it,how comforting and sweet it is to you

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, weather,

      Another thought-provoking message… You have me thinking about the young woman and the effect she may have on others throughout her life. Will she influence her husband to respect the environment? Teach her children well? Be an example to siblings, co-workers, co-campers…. We can’t know how far teaching others an important life lesson will go…

      I like to think, at the very least, that she will bring a trash bag the next time she goes camping.

      I also think Bridget likes to see me on my knees urging her to come out from under the BLT. Try as I might to give her as much attention as I give Reggie, she probably does feel she’s been moved aside.

      I’m charmed by your last few sentences about the last photo and my affection for our home…

      Thank you, weather. Always a pleasure to start the day with you… Enjoy yours!

      • weather says:

        With more than one near us competing for our attention and love, try as we might,it sometimes does feel that we cannot not do enough or get it perfect every time…Our wanting to shows how much we love them,and they feel that,Bridget knows she and you are a true “we” ,competition is just part of dogs natures.You hopefully will let that truth settle within you,give you peace inside Sue.You are an exemplary companion and caretaker to her and always have been,to her and all in your charge.

        Always a pleasure to start and have you be part of my day ,too 🙂

  24. Barb from Hoquiam! says:

    LOL Once a teacher always a teacher! That was awesome! I am always shocked–the bottle bill in OR is fabulous and usually people clean up! Wish we had it in WA!!!
    Good for you Sue!

    That silly Bridget. I bet Reggie will love his flea best of all for eternity. 🙂

    Gorgeous week here in the harbor. I am so tired… didn’t sleep last night. Big few days coming up. I need my wits about me. Oh well.

    Hugs from Hoquiam,

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Barb,

      I didn’t think about the Oregon bottle bill! I could have used that as my back-up strategy if the couple confronted me.

      Well, lots of young people don’t yet have a clear grasp of the value of a dollar (or of a recycled bottle).

      I’m sorry you didn’t sleep well with important days coming up. Seems like those two things go together. I hope you can have a restful, restorative nap today.

      Love the hugs you give with every message. 🙂

  25. Good Morning Sue,

    I am just now sitting down with my coffee, had to read the post first. I had yesterday off so did not get to see the comments yesterday, I will do that in a few minutes. I spent most of yesterday looking for cheap flights from Boise Idaho to Long Beach. My youngest daughter wants to come home to see her mamma for Mothers Day…lol. Not only is it Mothers Day, it is also my oldest daughters birthday…so a Mothers Day present for me and a surprise birthday present for my oldest. We will all be together this weekend for all the festivities…I am one happy momma! Well, those are my plans for the upcoming weekend. I hope your weekend and Mothers Day is full of puppy kisses and puppy play. You are the best momma those dogs could ever have…treat yourself especially well this Sunday, you deserve it.

    Hi Weather, Happy Mother’s Day to you too and all the blogorino mothers!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You do have a lot of fun, excitement, and love in store for Mother’s Day! I wish you and your children a very happy time.

      Thanks for calling me the “best momma those dogs could ever have” and for telling me to treat myself well this Sunday. No problem! I treat myself well every day!

      Enjoy catching up on comments! 🙂

    • weather says:

      Hi,Shirlene!Yay,you are one happy momma!What an exciting time Sunday will be for you and yours,I’m so happy for you,enjoy every minute of it.At this point I am glad I don’t have the responsibilities that having loved ones being close by involves.I’m looking forward to Sunday as my reward for so much of those through the years-a day with nothing on my shoulders except warm wind and sunshine 🙂 When my grandson is “in town” instead of with his parents I travel,sit,walk and sleep with my cell phone with me,in case I’m needed for anything…As wonderful as the gift our relationship is,I experience a level of relief when I hand off “being on watch” to my son.I know ,in a way,my son feels the same when I take my turn- because he often thanks me for each thing I do in that regard.What a blessing to share so much love and what that entails across 3000 miles.Just as you do between states and homes with your family-wonderful stuff,friend.

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      Glad you will be with your daughter and kin…regardless of what day it is!! Hope all will go well for everyone and have a lovely time, Shirlene!!

    • Wow! You’ve got a great weekend planned with your girls! So glad you all get to spend the time together…you’ll have to go for a cruise in your convertible!! 🙂 Whatever you do, I’m sure it will be amazing!

  26. Shawna says:

    Goat heads! I will have to look that up. At first I thought, oh no, there was a confrontation with the teens; and they were being…….goat heads. 😉 So glad that wasn’t the case!
    Your second campsite is beautiful.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You know, Shawna, I intended to link goatheads to a photo or description when writing the post and then I forgot to do that.

      I only knew one kind of “goat head” when I started out vagabonding. I remember the crew encountered them when we wandered near the river at Three Island Crossing. What a curse they are for doggie paws!

      Images of goathead stickers

  27. Dawn from Camano Island says:

    We haven’t seen too many trash-filled fire rings in our travels–guess we’ve been lucky. At Pancho Villa State Park in Columbus, NM each site has its’ own trash can that is emptied by park staff every 2-3 days–very nice.

    It seems Bridget is just going to be camera-shy. We’ll treasure each photo of her she’ll allow. The photo of Reg, the quilt & the land feels very idyllic. Central Oregon is such a wonder.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Dawn,

      Camping primarily at state parks one wouldn’t come across the fire ring trash situation. Everything comes at a cost. To live in relative peace and quiet in natural surroundings left rustic and un-manicured means encountering what’s left behind by unsupervised, irresponsible campers. It’s a matter of choice.

      Thanks for giving us a perspective that puts the trash in a different light — the “price” for wonderful, free camping in the forest!

      Yeah, there’s no changing Bridget’s attitude about the lens. Some days she loves it (though not often)… Remember that great photo of her in the new purple sweater? I treasure that pic because capturing her smile is a rarity.

  28. So easy to forget being young, and foolish, and focused on other things, even though we all were at one time. What’s harder to remember is when and how and from whom we learned about cleaning up a campsite or being good camping neighbors. Even if she doesn’t tell her boyfriend, I’m pretty sure that young woman will always remember when she learned it 🙂 Bridget just cracks me up – what is the deal with the camera? She must share the belief that it will steal her soul, or Spike told her the camera adds 10 pounds! Your backup campsites always tend to be better than the one you moved from – I love it.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jodee,

      Watching all those teenagers, excited to be free of supervision and able to drive a car, fancy-free with schoolmates, soaking up the first warm rays of spring while showing off the bod in a swimsuit, having boys act like fools for attention…. I remember those days!

      If you ever figure out what Bridget is thinking, let me know. She is the most enigmatic dog I’ve ever known! I always thought I was good at “reading” dogs, until I met the Bridge.

    • Velda in Roseville Ca says:

      I know where I learned. I learned by example both from parents on family trips and at Girl Scout camps. It was the right thing to do, not trashing our campsites. That and we did not want to attract bears!

  29. Linda Sand says:

    The minimalist in me says Reggie is happy with his toy. Don’t give him another one until he finally kills that flea. I would buy another one to have ready but not give it to him yet.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good suggestion, Linda! It’s like the way wise mothers rotate toys from an inaccessible-to-kids toy box. An old toy reappearing after a few months is like new again!

  30. Terri From Texas says:

    Hi RvSue and All,
    Sue, I think what you did with the trash was priceless!! Another thing you could have done, which might have further educated them and IF you had been in the mood for a conversation about it, would have been to go up to them and tell them about your lifestyle and how leaving trash behind affects you and many, many others who camp. I agree with Weather, they know better-I just think those in their twenties or those who are not baby boomers are just lazy-which is really, really sad. I just hope she didn’t throw the bag out the window of her car when she noticed it. I remember saying to a neighbor once when we were cleaning our county road “I keep waiting for these sorts of people to just die out…”
    You sure had me laughing though! And your crew, as you know, is so cute…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Terri,

      It’s nice to have you agree with my course of action. I don’t think I could’ve pulled off a conversation without conveying my disdain at people who leave trash. And doing that could’ve led to embarrassment and a bad situation.

      Like you and weather say, they know better.

      I didn’t see any trash bags thrown out along the road as we left. I have a feeling — and I have good instinct on this type of thing — that the young woman was intelligent enough and aware enough that she would accept the trash bag and the message it carried.

      You gave me a laugh with “I keep waiting for these sorts of people to just die out.” I’ve felt that about women who do the I’m-so-dependent-on-you-honey act all their lives, and in so doing perpetuate the myth that all women are helpless… until I realized that when they do die out, so will I. Hahaha!

      • Velda in Roseville Ca says:

        Was just thinking about this discussion. Hard to come up with right words as its happening, but what if you approached her or them with a trash bag in hand and a pair of disposable gloves and said, ” I noticed you may have forgotten to bring trash bags so thought I’d offer you one of mine. I’ll help you pick up if you like.” Then follow up as they pick stuff up with, it’s so great to see young people help maintain our beautiful campsites.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          That’s a pretty good idea, Velda! I can see someone doing that and it all working out very well… trash picked up, lesson learned, everybody happy.

          That only would bomb if they immediately went on the defensive before I could get those words out… Still, I like it!

          • Velda in Roseville Ca says:

            As you said earlier, you need to assess the situation before walking into it with eyes open, which I know you always do.

  31. Eileen Dykeman says:

    I’m so glad you moved away from the campsite where there were five big dogs. My 30-pound beagle (Missy) was attacked last week while I was walking her, on a leash, in the neighborhood. The dog that attacked her was about 80-100 pounds, also on a leash, but the owner could not control a dog that size. Fortunately, my vet found only a small puncture wound, but she said the situation would have been a lot worse if I had not been able to get the big dog’s mouth off Missy’s throat. When I read that five big dogs came near your campsite, I immediately feared for Bridget and Reggie.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Eileen,

      I’m so sorry for Missy and you! What a horrible experience. Thank heavens the damage wasn’t worse.

      The most dangerous situation with dogs meeting dogs (at least in my experience) is when one dog is in what the other dog thinks is HIS/HER territory, like when on-leash with its owner… and — a very big AND — that owner doesn’t have control.

      I see people who camp and travel with big dogs that I doubt they could control if the dog were agitated and determined to protect. Ironically I think they get the dog for protection. The thing is… Unless the dog is well-trained and the owner is alert, the dog is the one who decides who is a threat and acts accordingly.

      These dogs looked like dingoes… I don’t know what breed that is. One was a German Short-haired Pointer (I love pointers!).

      Again, my heart goes out to Missy. May she heal well. She must have been terrified in addition to being hurt. Best wishes to you both and thank you for your concern for my crew.

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        There may be other breeds now, but the dogs with Dingo in them are Blue Heelers, which can also be red, Australian Cattle dog is another term. But they generally are not larger than 45 pounds or so. When I think large dog, I think pit bull, rottwhiler, german shepherd, and such… Have had many Blue heelers and nary a one was disobedient at all…best behaved and most controllable dog I know of. Our last beloved dog was 7/8ths Blue Heeler with 1/8th Border Collie (also a nice mix). There was once a large dog coming up our long driveway where she was with my hubby and he turned to her and said, “Ebony, go into the house NOW!” She turned and went into the garage and up to the house door and sat waiting for him…most dogs will never turn when another dog intent on probably attack is near. She obeyed. ALWAYS. Once a repairman left our back gate open for 3 days before we thought to check…she never left the back yard. I know of no other breed like her. And no we were not mean to her at all…it is their desire to please and be with their people and make them happy. I like that trait!!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Blue Heeler with a touch of Border Collie… No wonder she was a smart dog! That’s a topnotch combination.

          I can see why you feel any other dog would not measure up to this one you loved so dearly and who was exceptional in many ways. I do think, if you were to adopt another dog, you’d fall in love again, even if the dog didn’t display the intelligence and personality of Ebony. (None of my business, I know!)

          I don’t know if these were Blue Heelers or not, maybe partly. They were down by the water running around so I didn’t get the best look at them.

          • Elizabeth in WA says:

            You are right Sue…I would love another dog…as I love dogs in general. I leave alone ones known to attack humans…I want nothing to do with those. But all the rest, big and small…I enjoy petting and talking to…but the time is not right yet for us. We don’t know if we will ever live differently than we are now. So time will tell…but one can wish anyway, eh? Thanks for the encouragement! 🙂

  32. Cynthia from San Clemente, CA says:

    Sue: You handled the situation with the young couple so well. You taught them a few valuable lessons (packing out your trash, non-aggressive conflict resolution) while allowing them to save face. I would have moved too from the kids with the off-leash dogs. Our on-leash pit bull has been attacked three times by the same on-leash dog whose owner (our neighbor) can’t control her dog and just lets go of the leash! My biggest camping fear is not an overflowing grey or black tank, but off leash dogs. I think there are places where people can take their dogs off leash in a responsible manner, but they need to be able to call them back with a voice command. Your new spot looks beautiful – hope you are able to enjoy it through the weekend.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cynthia,

      Hoo-boy… Problems caused by another person’s dog are bad enough. Problems caused by a neighbor’s dog are worse because you can’t get away by moving the way I did in this situation. Lots of luck. I know you are being watchful when walking your dog in your neighborhood.

      We’ve left that campsite… It was an enjoyable camp for the five days we were there.

  33. Sue,

    Seriously???? How could you ever leave this new site???? I wish I could jump right in there and stay for a while 🙂

    Had to laugh at The Bridge hiding like old times, but whatcha gonna do? It’s her thing…

    Thanks for the update, and glad it all worked out with the leave-your-trash-behind couple. I was thinking, you know those 2 had to have heard someone picking up and dropping their clanking bottles into a bag, that isn’t a quiet job (just as you heard them doing it in the first place). Maybe they were dying of embarrassment that someone was cleaning up after them…and that they did learn a lesson! Let’s hope!

    Enjoy the rest of your day!!!!

  34. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Most bottles and cans are recycle items. You pay when you purchase!

    Some folks “collect” recycles to put food on their table. Sad that individuals “throw money away” and have no respect for Mother Earth!

    I don’t get people that burn anything other than wood.

    Thanks to you and the others who ALWAYS clean up after people. It shouldn’t have to be that way…leave no trace should be instilled at a young age…or the cycle will never change!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Cinandjules. If everyone who reads my blog becomes a cleaner of fire rings, campsites, or trails (if they aren’t doing it already which most probably are), this blog will have served a great purpose.

      I think the trashers of the world presently outnumber the cleaners, but that could change and I hope it does!

  35. Bill & Ann, Bend, OR says:

    Well…..after hosting four several years, I also can say we have seen everything thrown in fire pits. Ugh! Talk about burned out. After this blog post I think I may be a little less burned out. It is good to see that others actually care. Good post. All of you.

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