Dreamy desert days

What a wonderful way to start our day!

The crew and I walk in the morning light to a place above the expanse of desert.  The fresh, sweet breeze wraps me in gladness.  My gaze sweeps the landscape.  Gee, I love this life!


The land juts out into the desert, high up where you can see for miles.  If I lived in a tent, I would camp here.

1-P1030023 The only movement, besides the crew investigating the bushes, is a raven gliding in circles above a canyon.

1-P1030032 No horses anywhere.  They could be several miles away in any direction.


I like to stay home for the first few days the crew and I are at a new camp. 

It isn’t something I consciously plan.  It just happens.  Bridget, Spike, and I wander about, taking it all in. I pick up trash and mend the fire pit.  I absorb the sights, smells, and sounds, noticing how the sun throws its shadow, where the breezes come from, the type and condition of the plants, the variety of rocks, and the appearance of animals.


After a day or two, critters visit.

The first visitors are jackrabbits at dusk.  Coyotes visit at night.  I can hear them barking.  The next morning the bluebirds and black-throated sparrows show up, flitting from tree to tree.  The bluebird song is urgent which I presume has something to do with courtship. The sparrows’ song is cheerful.  Maybe courtship is over and they’re on their honeymoon. 

I’m pushed back in the lounge chair reading a book when a strange, birdlike clucking draws my attention. 

A roadrunner runs (of course, what else?) out from under the scraggly arms of the mesquite tree.  It zigzags across our lawn.  Spike is asleep under the PTV and oblivious.  Bridget watches this scrawny visitor for a brief moment before dropping her head back down in the grass.

It’s pretty quiet for a Saturday.

As solitary campers know, campsite tranquility, if it is to be destroyed, will most likely happen on a weekend.   I’m thankful the only man-made noise is the occasional drone of dune buggys/ATVs/OHVs/quads (or whatever the heck they’re called), and someone shooting over by the water trough.

1-P1030035 All the sounds of the desert blend harmoniously except those of people.

Late in the afternoon the crew and I resume our search for the horses we saw last year.

I want to check another watering hole.  As we approach I see some movement through the palo verde and mesquite.  What is that?  Something is over there!  I quickly glance around for the crew.  Spike is dawdling.

“C’mon, Spikey!  Hurry up!  Let’s check this out!”  Spike jogs down the lane to catch up with us.1-P1030033

Oh, darnit!  COWS!  Actually, they’re heifers.  They’ll spend a year here on this leased, BLM land and then off they’ll go to the place where the last generation went.


Two older bulls are among them.  Hmm . . . I wonder who’s in charge?

1-P1030043Well, there’s water.  Maybe the horses will come over this way while we’re still camped here.

1-P1030039I don’t know if Spike sees or smells the water behind that bovine, or if he determines that he doesn’t want to approach the pond guard.  Bridget, Spike and I head for home.

1-P1030056 All three of us are hungry and there’s that leftover grilled chicken in the fridge.


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44 Responses to Dreamy desert days

  1. Caroline, Seattle area says:

    ” Gee, I love this life.”
    I think this is why your blog is such an enjoyable read… you envisioned a lifestyle to enjoy upon your retirement, you planned for it and made it a reality. Best of all, it seems to be everything you dreamed it would be. it’s nice to share in such a positive story.
    I’m certainly enjoying your new home. Lots of green yet it’s still a desert landscape.
    My mother lives near Las Vegas and has a few roadrunners that visit every day … they jump on the window ledge to announce their presence, at which point she scurries outside to throw them bits of cut up steak. Yes, steak! They’re carnivorous and don’t like prepared meats like ham or cooked meats, so she buys marked down cheap cuts at the grocery store. So if you want to become fast friends with the roadrunner … buy steak !

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I agree with everything you wrote about my life, Caroline, except for one thing. This life is A LOT MORE than everything I dreamed it would be. It’s beyond anything I could imagine!

      Well, roadrunners are carnivores. That’s explains the killer beak!

  2. Barbara says:

    Your life is just amazing, I can smell the sweet desert thru your stories and imagine myself one day living the dream of boon docking in a Casita all my own……..ahhhhh

  3. AZ Jim says:

    Well, don’t you go skinny dippin in the water tank with people shootin out thar Missy.

  4. Wondered if you’d read the book, “Wild” by Cheryl Strayed. Account of a woman on the PCT in 1995.

  5. Ron Sears says:

    When I saw the water tank I thought to myself that would be a great place to take a bath!! How is it supplied? I could see myself floating outthere in the moonlite!! Not a pretty picture I’m sure…Sounds like you have found anoher great site..enjoy..

  6. Hi Sue,
    We are in St. Joseph, LA at Lake Bruin State Park. Just 50 miles SW of Vicksburg MS.
    Sounds like you are having a great time, as it should be. Four months and we are headed west. thinking north SD WY then S through CO and on to TX for a go at gate guarding till early/mid Jan.
    Then NM, AZ, UT, CA etc. Hope we have as good of luck finding places we can park our 36′ rig as you do.
    Happy St. Pats Day.

  7. cinandjules (NY) says:

    Cows………………..are better than nothing. The horses will show up when you least expect it.

    As for OHV’s………………enjoy the peace while it’s available. Weekdays up here are silent…thank God there are five days…………weekends are obnoxious. The weekend warriors really don’t respect nature.
    Enjoy your peace and quiet……………and your bbq chx.

  8. Fran Dallison says:

    Sue and crew — Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy reading your blog. I feel like I am there with you. The first thing I do when I get up each morning is run to the computer and see if you have a new day’s adventures posted.My husband is retired and I will be retiring the end of April and looking forward to doing something similar to what you are doing. I look forward to a simpler and stress free life. Many thanks for your Amazon site. I ordered 2 exercise pens for our 2 little rescue chihuahuas. I have used these for years and the 2 I have are getting a little ratty. The ones on the Amazon site were the most economical and delivery was swift. Once again many thanks and keep the adventures coming !!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Fran!

      I’m happy you enjoy my blog. Retirement is so close for you — how exciting! May you have many years of simple, stress-free living.

      Thanks for purchasing the exercise pens through my Amazon links. I also appreciate the feedback on pricing and delivery.

  9. twoscamps says:

    Sounds very familiar Sue! We spent the last month in your neighborhood and enjoyed such solitude. It’s good for the soul. Maureen

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I noticed several people camped on Vulture Mine Road on the way into Wickenburg from the south. It’s near town and popular.

      • twoscamps says:

        It’s a great area and very convenient to town! There are many places to choose from. Only negative is road noise: Walmart trucks use the VM road every day.

  10. Connie & Mugsy says:

    Since we are on the Amazon topic… Did my Hot Pink doggy buggy show up on your list awhile back? Their first shipment got lost and they had to send out a replacement which arrived promptly. Here’s bit of advice for all if you have a problem with an Amazon order not arriving when their email says that it should. Wait 3 or 4 days. It is hard to find the right page, but I googled the question of “what to do if your Amazon order doesn’t arrive.” It came up with a link and a choice of email, chat, or schedule a phone call. The chat was very efficient and they shipped out a new one that arrived in 2 days. I hope with all the song and dance, you got credit for it. These carriages aren’t cheap. BTW… with the help of an RV step, Mugsy jumps right in if I throw in a treat. She will even perch in there with her head out the back, hoping for a second. I haven’t moved it with her inside yet and won’t until I can wheel her inside and out at her new home sometime this summer. Now I just need to find a sturdy step that I can use regularly that will also fit in the undercarriage bin on the stroller. I’ve found two possibilities, but want to check the ones I have at home first.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi Connie . . . Yes, I did get credit for your pet stroller order. Thank you! I’m happy to hear that Amazon responded quickly to the shipment snafu. Thanks for the feedback.

      I bet Mugsy is cute in her new stroller. Any dogs I’ve seen in a stroller look like they think they’re royalty. It’ll be fun to see how Mugsy likes her new ride!

  11. patscrabeck@hotmail.com says:

    Tell your kids to watch out for snakes–article in the AZ Republic today about the sun bringing out those darn critters. Some morning you are going to go out and the horses will be all over your front yard waiting for you.

    • “All the sounds of the desert blend harmoniously except those of people”
      Couldn’t agree with you more:)).

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi Pat . . . I agree… both on the snakes and the horses. I don’t know if there’s any truth to this — I’ve heard that areas where cattle and horses roam have less snakes than areas where they don’t. I like that there are no boulders or rock piles here. Doesn’t mean there aren’t any snakes so caution is required.

  12. Ron says:

    Picked up the trailer Friday afternoon,and Carla and the rest of the folks at Rice were super as always..
    It was a good experience ,and Carla help get everything done and ready to go. (thanks Carla ) The trailer pulled great no wiggle are wobble behind the 1/2 ton dodge pickup,and just squat-ed it about an inch when I hooked up. I dont need a sway bar or wdh on this rig. The only thing I did different was installing 10 ply rear tires ,that sure solves a lot of problems as far as sway goes.
    Backed her up and leveled her then Sat started going through the systems, everything worked great ,on 110 ,12 volt ,and after filling the bottles on propane.
    Now i am starting to stock her up for a little run later in the week.
    Quality of this unit is better than 99 percent of the trailers I have seen.
    I am a very happy camper
    Maybe i will see you down the road Sue

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I’ve been looking forward to hearing your report of your trip to pick up your brand new Casita! It’s hard to believe how easily they tow, like there’s nothing back there. Sounds like you had a smooth orientation and everything is in tip-top shape. And now you’re getting ready to roll her to her first camp . . . what fun! Of course, you’re a happy camper! Ha! Ron is riding The Happy Road!

  13. Lana in Phoenix says:

    Hi, RVSue! I can’t tell you how much I look forward to each of your entries…..I’m “traveling” vicariously with you, but someday I’ll be out there, too! I ordered several things from Amazon thru your site, but not items you have listed. Will you still get credit for them?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Lana . . . Great to hear from you. Yes! I get credit for ALL things ordered from Amazon through one of my links. It doesn’t matter which of my links you use.

      Thanks so much for ordering “several things!”

  14. BadKat says:

    Everything looks so beautiful and fun. Got my RVSue rug and used it with our AS. Love it..keeps the doggy clean. Have to head North to South Dakota soon to get our drivers license. Any tips on when to plan on getting there? Do not want to drive a 28 AS and p/u in snow. Thanks for all the info..has helped a great deal for us to get on the road.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I don’t know anything more than you do about the timing of South Dakota spring. I wish I could give you good advice when to go up there. It’s not only SD to consider, but the travel from wherever you are.

      At first I was anxious to get there. As it turned out, I didn’t get my license until 11 months after I started full-timing. So my only advice is don’t rush it and get caught in snow and ice. But you knew that already! I loved SD. You will, too.

      You’re welcome for “all the info.” I’m happy my blog has helped you get on the road.

      And thanks again for ordering the outdoor rug. It makes a BIG difference keeping dirt off dogs and the floor of your home. I’m glad you’re pleased with it.

      • badkat says:

        Leaving from New Orleans…now I won’t fret over being late to get the license. Happy Trails!

        • Connie & Mugsy says:

          North and South Dakota can have snow into May. But… after April 15 or so, you should be safe. Or at least there should be plenty of warning if a blizzard is sneaking out of the Rockies. I used to always head north near the end of March and invariably hit snow in Valentine, Nebraska… which is right on the SD border.

  15. Tammy says:

    Hi Sue, I have been reading your blog from the very beginning and now am on Nov 2011. I am really enjoying your adventures. We will start our full timing in 2 weeks. We are so excited and nervous all at the same time. We have a miniature Rat Terrier named Emma, she weighs 12 lbs and looks a lot like Bridget. We used to have a male named Wylie that was just like your Spike. But unfortunately he is no longer with us. I left you a question before and asked about your comment of getting burned on the blog. I noticed you didn’t comment back and I’m sorry if it was an offensive question. I started blogging and was just curious what you meant by that. I only bring it up to tell you I didn’t mean anything bad by it. So back to you and the Canine Crew, thanks for all posts and if you ever get bored look me up, or need help falling asleep. 🙂
    Take care and safe travels.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Tammy . . . Thank you for slogging through my early posts. I’m glad you enjoy my blog.

      No, I was not offended by your question at all. In fact, I went back looking for your comment, couldn’t remember the name attached to it, and finally gave up.

      This is what I meant when I said I’ve been burned on this blog. As you know, a large part of my blog is an account of my day — where I go, what I do to get there, the places I see, the people I meet, etc. I try to write that daily account as truthfully as I can. It sometimes includes dialogue which again i try to keep accurate. Almost all my readers understand this.

      Sometimes I come in contact with people who speak rudely to me. Sometimes I see unpleasant things. I report that, too. Readers appreciate hearing the not-so-nice along with the nice.

      A very small minority of readers cannot or will not distinguish between what I see and hear and what I think. For instance, I see someone living in shabby conditions and I report it. That does not mean I am disgusted with the family living there or that I am looking down my nose at them. It’s simply the truth. Yet I was called a snob, etc.

      Then there’s the rare reader who is judgmental of my actions, assuming they know all the details of a situation from reading one or two blog entries.

      I don’t want to dredge up the other instances. It brings unpleasantness into my blog. This should give you the general idea.

      Blogging, I’ve learned, is a minefield. Every statement written has to be carefully considered, yet we bloggers don’t have the luxury of numerous edits over time as book authors do. Even so, I love blogging, my heart is often touched by the comments of readers, I learn more than I teach, and it’s an important part of my vagabonding life.

      Aren’t rat terriers the greatest? This is getting long…. bye for now. Oh I almost forgot… Good luck with your blog and don’t get upset if someone criticizes you. It just means your blog has become popular enough to attract “all kinds.” 🙂

      • Tammy says:

        Thank you for your input. I thought maybe that is what you meant by burned but I didn’t know for sure. I have been following several blogs for a while now and have only run across 2 that had very rude comments on theirs. Thankfully I have not run across it yet, but I’m sure I will. I appreciate the fact that you show how you handle that as I will learn from you. I must confess in reading your current blogs I didn’t feel like I knew you and your personality enough to question you but after starting at the beginning I can see that you are a very warm, caring, compassionate woman. And I am glad I got to know you better by starting at the beginning. I look forward to getting to know you better by contiued reading and future comments. Give Bridget and Spike a big hug from a fellow dog lover. 🙂

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Some blog platforms, such as WordPress, allow the blogger to delete a comment and it leaves no trace. If you don’t see any rude comments, it doesn’t mean the blog didn’t receive any.

          Thank you for your kind words. Hugs back to your little Emma!

  16. Rattlesnake Joe says:

    If I had a blog, RV Sue and her canine crew would be first on my link to list. You keep me sane.

  17. “The fresh, sweet breeze wraps me in gladness.” I love that! I am so glad you love your campsite.

  18. Laurie from Southern Oregon says:

    Hi Sue, Glad to see your enjoying your new site. Reading your blog puts me in a zen state. Your style of writing is so relaxing. It is like a good book that you get into and forget about all else for that short time we are in the desert with you.
    I made it to Jefferson, Tx where my niece lives and am staying in a nice little campground. Not a lot of people here and that’s how I like it. I’ts so much fun being an Rver that I may not want to go back to Oregon. It’s nice to have the option to do what you want and in your own time. The Man can’t keep me down! LOL Just kidding! Have fun in the desert and Happy Easter if I don’t comment before then.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Happy Easter to you, too, Laurie. I can’t tell you what a pleasure it is for me to read about your trip. I know you are having many of the same thoughts and feelings I had when I started out and that I continue to have. “IT’S SO MUCH FUN BEING AN RVER!” Enjoy your visit . . . glad you found a good campground.

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