Driving to the moon and landing in Duchesne, Utah

Thursday, June 19

“Knock-knock!  Hello?”

1-DSC05067I jump up from my laptop desk and go to the door.

“Are you packing up or are you staying another night?”

“Oh, I’m sorry!  I lost track of the time.  We’re leaving right away!”

After one night at Mountain View RV Park in Wellington, Utah, the crew and I board the Perfect Tow Vehicle and backtrack a few miles to Price.

From Price we turn onto Route 191 northeast to Duchesne.

 Gee, the atlas shows it’s less than 60 miles to Duchesne.  This will make an easy drive to our next camp!

Oh, how very wrong you are, RVSue!

Immediately the road twists upward. 

It continues to twist upward for mile after mile after grueling mile.  The PTV chugs steadily along in 2nd gear.

Oh, son of a . . . !!  I remember this road!  I hated this road when we were on it in 2012!  I vowed I’d never drive it again! 

As if to help the PTV pull up the long, never-ending grade, I hunch over the steering wheel, squeezing it tightly.  We’re in the right lane with flashers on.  Big trucks with flashers on PASS us.


“What the HELL am I doing on this damn road!”

Bridget whimpers.  (Spike sleeps.)  “Oh, honey, I’m not mad at you.  I’m hating this road, that’s all.  I didn’t think we’d be driving up to the f#&*@%# MOON today.”

1-DSC05069If I had remembered this road, I never would’ve come this way.  I should’ve drawn a dang skull and crossbones on the map!

The PTV points her nose to the sky.

Good, we’re almost to the top.  Up and around a bend we go . . . Oh no, there’s MORE!  (At this point we’re only about halfway up the grade.)  Cars, trucks, and RVs careen toward us on the downhill side.

I stop at pull-outs to give the engine a rest.

At long last we traverse the Bad Land Cliffs (aptly named!) and the road levels out as we continue through Indian Canyon.

1-DSC05075“Easy drive to Duchesne,” I mutter to myself.  “Never again!  As God is my witness, I’ll never drive this road again!”

1-DSC05076I’m so punchy from the stress that I have to force myself to appreciate the change in scenery.

1-DSC05077The area around Duchesne is a mix of private land and tribal land.

What BLM land I’ve seen is not suitable for boondocking, at least not for us.

1-DSC05078Our destination for the night is the fairgrounds at Duchesne.

We camped here the last time we were in Duchesne.  It’s a delight to see the pretty, little park again.

1-DSC05082The land next to the park has been smoothed over and topped with pebbles (at right in above photo).  About forty RV sites with water/electric/sewer hook-ups have been created.  I look for a sign where to pay for a site, but there isn’t any.

Oh well, I’ll do like last time and camp in the parking lot.

I walk over to the other side of the park to take a look at the Strawberry River.

1-DSC05081The river is narrow and very deep with a strong current.  Not a place for Spike to soak!

“I need to relax!  C’mon, let’s sit in the park for a while.”

1-DSC05080The grass is a thick cushion under our feet (paws).

Spike lies down in the dappled shade, flips himself over on his back, and squiggles happily.  Bridget catches the mood and joins him, her skinny legs kicking toward the sky.

“Well, you two certainly are loving this!” I laugh.

At that moment the in-ground sprinkler system comes on. 

An arc of cold water sprays us.  “Acckk!  RUN!”  (The crew hates anything resembling rain.)

While Bridget and Spike wander around (no one is here!), I tidy up the interior of the Best Little Trailer and start supper.

1-DSC05088Later, Spike finds an opportunity for a soak!

1-DSC05085It doesn’t matter if it’s a lake, a river, a creek, a stream, or a puddle . . . a soak is a soak!

1-DSC05086“Ooh, I bet that cold water on concrete feels good, Spikey.”

Well, this will make a good camp for tonight.  Tomorrow we’ll hit the road again.  Boy, am I glad that last stretch of road is behind us!

“To da’ moon, Alice!”



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14k White Gold Round-Cut Diamond Stud Earrings (1/4 cttw, I-J Color, I1-I-2 Clarity)

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105 Responses to Driving to the moon and landing in Duchesne, Utah

  1. John K - Mobile, AL says:

    I remember the park but not that road. I’ll have to get my benchmark out and make a note.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You may not find Route 191 from Price to Duchesne as grueling as I do. I don’t enjoy long, uphill grades.

      • John K - Mobile, AL says:

        When an 18 wheeler passes you on an uphill grade you know you are going slow! I think you handled it fine by pulling over and taking your time.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Yeah, thanks. We did make it up that grade okay and without the PTV overheating. It seemed to take forever!

  2. John K - Mobile, AL says:

    Not too many options though. Not sure I’d go into Provo.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You are absolutely correct, John. To avoid this road one would have to plan far in advance. I love the camps and towns along Hwy 89 and the Sevier River Valley (Scipio, Ephraim, Nephi, etc.).

      However, proceeding northward one hits the metropolitan area extending to Salt Lake City and beyond, a real bottleneck for me because I don’t want to drive through that mess.

  3. John K - Mobile, AL says:

    I do see you drifting to Flaming Gorge which is a favorite place of mine.

  4. weather says:

    Oh my GOD you are so freakin’funny!Such a real description of what a nerve wracking drive feels like!
    OK,going to pull out the map and write JUST DON’T in red ink on that road now

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      As John points out above, it’s difficult to avoid that stretch of road because there aren’t many northward options once one heads eastward to avoid the Provo/Salt Lake City area.

      • weather says:

        Rusty’s way sounds great to me, too.Reading this reenforces my policy that lots of horse power and little weight makes for calm driving.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Well, the PTV has the power. I think I’ve put on too much weight over the past two years. . . on the PTV and me!

          • weather says:

            haha!Well the PTV won’t miss the things you deem unnecessary,while denying ourselves simple pleasures is just wrong on so many levels.

  5. Patricia from Florida says:

    What a fun post! U made me laugh several times. With your line about moving slowly upward with flashing lights and then trucks passing u with flashing lights brought back a memory for me. That is driving a VW van with a stick shift up Pikes Peak! When one is 19 years old it is surely a scary time! The engine actually stopped twice on the way up and we rolled backward/downward twice. We found out later that our carburator needed adjustment for the altitude as living in Florida was not the same as in Colorado. Thanks for reawakening that memory for me.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Patricia,

      That’s one of those incidents in life that’s enjoyed when it’s a memory, not when it’s happening. That must have been frightening. If the PTV with BLT behind ever started rolling backward on a mountain grade . . . . I don’t want to think about it!!

      I’m glad I gave you a laugh and a flashback to when you were 19.

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        My brother had this metric for deciding how awful something was. As it was happening, he’d say, “Okay, how long will it be until we are laughing about this?” Obviously, during certain events the answer would be, “A Long, LONG time,” but it still helped to relieve the stress and sometimes start the laughing right away 🙂

        I loved the visual of you hunched over the seat. Isn’t that so true! Like “ooching” the vehicle forward when you are low on gas 😀

        And realizing (after there was no turning back) that you had already sworn off this road…. I can imagine the moment.

        I kind of like the uphills myself (although not until I got a Scangauge II, and even moreso after adding a transmission cooler); it’s the DOWNS that give me the willies. Guh.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Hi, Pen,

          I like your brother’s method!

          I don’t mind downhills at all. Strange. The uphill grades are so tedious and tiring!

  6. John K - Mobile, AL says:

    Did I miss out on any new information on your passport application? Last I remember you received a form and had to answer some questions and mail back.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Oh, I received the card in the mail. I don’t know if I reported that in a post or not.

      I made a stupid mistake on the original application. I inserted an “in care of” symbol before my Americas Mailbox address (c/o) which I suspect put a flag on the application. I sent it back without the c/o and it went through.

  7. John fossildreamer says:

    Hi Sue, Thanks for my sunday morning laugh, just loved the way you
    described how your mind works on your trip to the moon…
    enjoyed looking at Spike in his puddle,,
    Safe Travels Sue..

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, John,

      It’s funny looking back on it, but not when it’s happening. Some of my dialogue isn’t fit for print, if you know what I mean. 😉

      I’m happy I gave you a laugh, John. Always good to hear from you . . . . Enjoy your Sunday!

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        Oh and one MORE thing that I related to: I’d be in traffic (or whatever) and yelling (to myself mostly) at some jerk or to let off steam through a scary part, and then I’d look in the rear-view mirror and notice my dog looking guilty/unsure in the back. Oh geez, no, sweet beet, it’s not you!! I’d have to stop and love him up a bit/give treats to make up for my bad behavior.

  8. Timber n' Rusty says:

    Well, Sue, it looks like a peaceful spot after going up that last road, I’ve been on it in the past too and there are other ways to get there, 1 is go east to Colorado to Grand junction and go north to Dinasoar, then west on 40 to Vale and up to the Flaming Gorge or west to where you are now, or from Hwy 89 to I- 15 to 80 up to Evanston WY. But no mater how you go, it’s all up hill, some ways are easer ,,,,,,,,,give the pups a hug from us, will ya ,,,,Me n’ Timber

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Rusty,

      Great to see you here! The way you describe to Colorado and around to avoid that road is a lot longer trip but it would be worth it to me! (I didn’t want to take I-15 north through city traffic.)

      Yeah, one has to go uphill at some point. Those dang mountains are in the way!

      Hope you and Timber are keeping cool! It’s sweltering hot in Phoenix and Tucson, I hear. Chino Valley is a bit higher up, so maybe you don’t have temperatures hitting 110 degrees. I hope not!

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        Not that I love driving through any city, but I Really Don’t Enjoy I-15 through Salt Lake City, so I can relate. That road/traffic just go on and on.

      • R. (Western Colorado, right now in Hot Springs, SD) says:

        IMHO, the route from Loma, CO has some challenges too. It is route 139, exit 15 off I-70. There is a very big climb on this road, it is narrow and has extreme drops. I took this road a couple weeks ago when going for my hikes at the Dinosaur National Monument (Colorado section). Anyway, this road is very scenic. I saw about 50 or more elks in one field. There are also petroglyphs and pictographs. Nonetheless, it is a challenging road especially for RVs although there were a number of pickups with trailers.

  9. Ed says:

    I stayed overnight, 29 June 2005, in Duchesne during my first Mini Cooper towing a Teardrop road trip. Drove US191 also but I was going West so I don’t remember that grade being all that bad. HA
    I think it may be time for the PTV to have a good tune up. You are towing less than 3,000# and that 5.3L V8 has enough horsepower to pull grades as fast as 18 wheelers. You got the BTV wheel bearings taken care of now lets show some lovin’ for the PTV.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Ed,

      You’re probably right. I also think I’m carrying too much weight, both in the BLT and the PTV. Time to purge!

      • Sidewinder Pen says:


        As Sue alludes to, I wouldn’t be surprised if the rig(s) are overweight right now, and I bet that is why the PTV is crawling a bit on the hills (well, plus just that they are hills). I’d be surprised if a loaded 17′ Casita was under 3,000#, and then too, the PTV is the “garage.” I know if the rig were mine, I’d have it loaded to the hilt too – especially the van because it’s so easy!

        One thing I love about Oregon and Washington is that any time their weigh stations are closed, they leave them on and you can pull in and weigh. I know I do it much more often there than if I have to go to a CAT scale or the like. And not even really because of the cost, but more just the hassle/stress of lining up with the big rigs, and then I don’t feel I can putz around and weigh the trailer tongue separately, etc. At the closed scales, I can take all the time I want (usually no-one else there).

        I also like to know my axle weights in order to determine proper tire pressure, so there’s that. And my new rig is built such that it’s tight on some of the weight ratings (I knew it would be going in) so I was VERY curious how it would be when I started my first big trip with it. I had removed a bunch of things I knew I wouldn’t use, but then of course added gear, tools, trailer, etc. I was thrilled to see that I was just about where it was when I picked it up and weighed on the way home (without all the added tools and trailer). Ahh, even a bit of weight limit to spare. I held my breath on the way in to the scale though!

      • MK in NE GA for now says:

        I wasn’t going to say anything but the last several pics of the PTV shows it listing to the rear, you might consider re-ordering some stuff so it’s more in the middle or you might get some super duty shocks. I got “helper springs” in Big Bertha my ’97 F150 and it really made a big difference.

        • Sondra-SC says:

          I just read up on the helper springs what a great idea…both my vehicles need these!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Hi, MK,

          It would be nice to have some “super duty shocks”… and “helper springs.” I think if you look closely at the “last several pics of the PTV” you’ll see that the PTV is parked on a slope while the BLT is on level ground. This gives the illusion that the PTV is sagging.

          The BLT has a high-lift axle, whereas the PTV rides lower to the ground. When I had the hitch put on, it needed an extension to the hitch. The extension goes upward at a 45-degree angle and enables the hitch ball to be in line with the BLT’s coupler.

      • Ed says:

        If you are exceeding these maximums then I would agree that you need to do some purging. I can not imagine what you have in the BLT that would double its weight but I’m sure it can be done. The maximum payload includes the tongue weight so if you have maxed out the towing capacity that only leaves you with about 1,000# of ‘stuff’ in the PTV. That is a lot of ‘stuff’ but I guess it can be done also. Good luck with the purge but I have my doubts that will ‘fix’ the sluggish hill climbing.

        Maximum towing capacity: 6100 lbs.
        Maximum payload: 1607 lbs.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          The PTV needs a tune-up. I figure purging can’t hurt.

          One thing that puzzles me. . . . I haven’t had the air cleaner replaced in ages. I don’t remember when! Yet it looks absolutely clean. Huh? After all the blowing dust I’ve driven through?

        • Sidewinder Pen says:


          I can’t speak directly to the Casita, but I have a Boler trailer back home (another fiberglass egg). It’s a 13-footer and basically has nothing in it (no bathroom, etc.) and it weighs over 1000#. Trailer mfgr’s are known for guessing a bit “light” in their specs (the Boler being no exception). I would be surprised if the base weight of a 17′ Casita is 1500#, but then I’ve been wrong before.

          Anyway, the scale tells all (‘course you have to get to one, and they don’t make it as easy in many other states).

          BTW, this is nothing “against” Casita or implying that RV Sue is not being careful or etc. Just my guess based on general experience (and yeah, I’m envious of the space in that PTV!). I could very well be wrong, but I don’t think I’m way off base in theory, if that makes sense.

  10. Anne H says:

    Heavy traffic and scary roads where I feel I’m holding up the people behind me – two of the most stressful towing situations! I’ve surprised my car with some bad language too!
    Glad you made it up that steep road without over-heating – the PTV, I know you were over-heated 😉 – and hope you can avoid the traffic around Salt Lake!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Anne,

      I do everything I can to keep people from pressuring me to go faster. I pull off the road and let them go by whenever I can. Most people drive too closely to the vehicle their following. It’s annoying!

  11. Anne H says:

    Cat – surprised the cat with bad language. After 9 years of commuting, the car is used to my language!

  12. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi Sue,

    Whew! That drive sounds like it was a white nuckle special. I hate driving steep grades, too. They rate right up there with mountain switchbacks….makes me nervous as hell! When driving on parts of the Blue Ridge Parkway, I feel like I am literally holding my breath….so glad when I get past the scary parts. I do not get to enjoy the scenery while concentrating and sending up prayers. “Lord…please don’t let that speeding idiot in the opposing lane cross the line or lose control!” Oh, and I am just driving a car…I can only imagine what it will be like with a trailer in tow!

    Your line about the sprinklers coming on suddenly made me laugh out loud! Of course, pup Gracie had to jump on my lap to investigate what her Mommy found so funny! Loved the picture of Miss Bridget in her usual sit pose….trying to hide from the camera under the picnic table! Foiled again! :-). And Spike truly is a smart little guy….finding places to soak!

    Enjoy the afternoon, Sue. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Denise,

      I know what you mean about scary roads. This road wasn’t terribly scary. It was tedious. I thought I’d never get to the top.

      Funny thing about those sprinklers. They come on randomly throughout the day, splashing water on the picnic tables as well as the grass. How can anyone have a picnic there? I can imagine putting out the fried chicken, potato salad, cole slaw, and rolls — the table all set — and here the sprinklers pop up to drown everything! Weird.

      Yeah, Spikey knows how to live life his way. 🙂

  13. Having been an urban/suburban guy all my life, having lived in Utah county, and having just spent a couple of weeks there commuting daily from Payson and Springville to Orem, or driving up to Kamas, I don’t mind driving in the traffic there. Though getting to the mouth of Provo Canyon means poking through the ‘burbs, it’s an easy grade.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Al,

      It’s all about what you’re used to. I’ve driven daily commutes in terrible rush hour traffic. Did that for years. Now that I’ve had three years of country roads and easy interstate runs, driving in heavy traffic with maniac, pressured drivers weaving in and out, tail-gating, cutting me off… NO thank you!

      Two things I try to avoid . . . . long, mountain grades and people, especially tourists.

      • I drove a series of long steep grades Friday. Luckily, I was going down hill instead of up. My brakes weren’t happy but my engine was glad to coast. Woo, great mileage! 😉

  14. John K - Mobile, AL says:

    Next time you have your red pen and your CO Benchmark out, find Loma, CO and mark Hwy 139 north to Rangely, CO as a must NOT do. It is a gorgeous drive but a very steep section going up to Douglas Pass.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I think someone else warned me about that road. I didn’t mark my map and so I forgot which one it was. Thanks, John. I’m marking the map NOW!

      • Ed says:

        This is what I had to say on 4 August 2011 when I drove CO139. I did it in a 24′ Class C with a GVWR of 14,000 powered by a Ford 6.8L V10 (265hp) with relative ease.

        “There was one pass, Douglas Pass at 8,268′, on CO139 which I would not recommend for large Class ‘A’s or long 5th Wheels. They can probably make it but it would not be a pleasant climb and decent – I saw none today.

        I did both the climb and decent in 2nd gear and needed to break going into the downhill hair pin turns.”

  15. Sondra-SC says:

    Hallelujah, you don’t have anything to fear! All we have to fear is fear itself right? Sue you are strong and can handle this highway–HECK you already did it twice– ha! It is only a bump in the road…you are well equipped and able to move up that mountain…and I know you know this; Never say Never~ just as sure as you do…BAM it comes around to try you again…
    The Law of the Universe says we must keep facing the same lessons until we change our thinking about it, and I remember once when I ended up with a blown head gasket on that same hwy you’re on 191 (old hwy 666) only I was in AZ driving south from Window Rock to Mesa 271 miles…Check Engine light came on right outside Window Rock! I stopped and picked up a elderly Navajo man who was thumbing a ride he had a dollar waving it over his head…I figured if WE broke down HE may be able to help me…he only wanted to go 15 miles so I let him out where he wanted and he gave me the dollar! He said in his slow Navajo way of speaking…, “don’t forget you got 2 feet when all else fails! HE WAS WISE eh? LOL
    IT does not mean you wont break down…but maybe it wont be a frightening experience. Safe Travels!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Sondra,

      Interesting story about the Navajo man. He was wise.

      It’s not a matter of what I can or can’t do. It’s a matter of what I want or don’t want to do. And I don’t want to drive on that stretch of road ever again! Screw the lesson! To heck with The Law of the Universe! I ain’t doin’ it! Haha!

      • Sondra-SC says:

        …ah I hear you Grasshopper… wax on wax off, and shut my mouth…LoL
        Yeah I figure he knows all the of the locals if they see US walking they would give us both a ride to civilization! :o)

      • Tawanda (Ut) says:

        Ha Ha, or be sure to carry dollar bills to hitch a ride if your 2 feet are too tired…

        The beauty of roaming the country on your terms, you can take what ever path suits you!! Good idea with the red marker to avoid experiencing that nerve wracking white knuckle trek again!!

        Look forward to hearing about your weekend home base..

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I’m looking forward to telling you about our “weekend home base.” I surprised myself with this one!

  16. Glad you made it up and over safely, but it made for a great post:) Thanks for the laugh!

  17. EmilyO in NM says:

    Well daggum, that was the longest cuss word I’ve seen from you in a loooong time. And, you dang well deserved to say it. Am like you, since I don’t “commute” any more, the easiest drive is the best on my nerves – even if it may take a little longer. I just came home from a hard work morning and you gave me a picker upper. Like the suggestion of “time to purge”. Even in those little things, stuff can accumulate. Have fun.

  18. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Mark that map before you forget!

    Oh no not the sprinklers! Spike taking advantage of the present situation! What a precious boy!


  19. Applegirl NY says:

    Love the second picture of Spike with his reflection in the water. He was clearly unfazed by the harrowing experience!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Applegirl… Spike sleeps through the drama. It’s uncanny how he always manages to do that. Bridget, on the other hand . . . . .

  20. Diann in MT says:

    When I lived in Pueblo and needed to travel through Denver on my way to Montana, I would leave Pueblo at 3AM in order to drive through Denver at round 4AM. The traffic was manageable then. But, early, early hours are not for everyone, I guess.
    Great post, Sue. I will recommend right now that you do not attempt the Cooke City highway above Red Lodge as a means of visiting Yellowstone Park, if you have ever entertained that idea. Very steep and windy, both ways.

  21. klbexplores says:

    I found the perfect time to go through Salt Lake…10:30 A.M. on Sunday morning when most of Salt Lake is at church. We made our break and sailed right through. It was so much better than any day rush hour! LOL!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      That would be a good time to dash across SLC. I notice the small towns are like ghost towns on Sunday mornings.

    • Cinandjules (NY) says:

      We too made a mad dash thru SLC…actually thru the entire state. Boy the highway was a bit confusing!

      I laughed at the comment re Sunday church….back in the day we would hop on a plane to SLC to go skiing…greatest snow on earth…all day lift tickets were $15 and there was NO people. CA was rock skiing $40 for 1/2 day lift and way too crowded! Best kept secret!

  22. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi Sue,

    I forgot to mention…the new spare tire cover looks very nice. 🙂

  23. MK in NE GA for now says:

    I feel for yah and those mountain passes. Born and raised in Oregon and drove over them all the time even during winter, only got stranded once during Oregon’s worst snow storm I was stuck in Gov’t Camp along with about 50 of my “best friends” for several days. I also lived at 10,500 feet in Leadville CO for a time. But as I’ve aged I’ve found those steep passes more disturbing – maybe I was “young and dumb”…LOL. I now even cringe when I go up to the Qualla in NC.

    I’m glad you’ve marked your map btw I just learned about a map for truckers and RVers you can find it here http://www.mountaindirectory.com/, don’t know if it’d be any help or not to avoid those steep roads.

    Love the photos as usual, LOL @ the sprinklers coming on while you and the crew enjoyed the shade and grass and of course the Spikester finding a soak!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, MK,

      Thanks for the link to the mountain directory. I appreciate that. I’m going to look at it to see what it says about the road to Flaming Gorge.

      Yeah, what is it about being “older?” Stuff that I never noticed years ago, now I’m cautious about.

      I’m happy you enjoyed the photos . . .

  24. judithcamper says:

    Hi Sue,
    Stiff neck and shoulders, fingers hard to unclasp from the steering wheel. Challenging physically and mentally. A few choice #&*$ does help. Happy that you and the crew are relaxing a bit.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Judithcamper,

      Nice to hear from you again! Yes, we have been relaxing a lot, all through the weekend. I hope you are able to do the same!

  25. Caroline near Seattle says:

    I’ve been noticing lately that Spike’s coat is looking good. He used to have almost a pinkish tinge to his coat as if he was losing hair or had a skin infection. Do you think it’s the raw diet ? Is there a change in Bridget’s coat?
    Sorry if this has already been discussed, but I don’t read the comment section, only the blog.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Caroline,

      No, I haven’t seen much change in Spike’s coat. It might be a bit improved. It’s hard for me to notice change since I’m with him 24/7. Bridget’s coat is the same . . . a good, healthy sheen on it. Nice of you to ask . . .

      • Caroline near Seattle says:

        well, heck, maybe he was just dusty from his winter in the desert! The absence of spa treatments with the mud pack!

  26. jonthebru says:

    Sunday morning for driving through cities, thats the ticket!

    I learn something from every post you make, your friends who comment are the best.

  27. CheryLyn(Oregon) says:

    Nice to have a lovely little park to stay the night after the pull up the mtn. Having never towed up something like that I don’t know if it would bother me but I do know I don’t like heights or steep drop offs to drive! Is the road narrow also?
    Prettiest spot I ever walk thru was outside Grand Jct., CO an Aspen forest in Oct.
    all golden canopy, golden carpet and white trunks of trees as far as I could see.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, CheryLyn,

      The aspen forest you describe sounds enchanting. I don’t think I’ve ever been among aspens in autumn. Maybe this year . . .

      No, Route 191 isn’t narrow at all. It has two lanes going uphill. At least I didn’t have anyone tailgating me. It’s not a scary road with steep drop offs. It’s simply a long, tiresome climb.

  28. Elizabeth in WA says:

    I am very glad you are OK, Sue…almost made me pass out just reading about it!! I HATE driving anyway…and something like this…I would probably turn around and drive miles to avoid!! Well, I rarely drive now anyway. My nerves are not that good. You are a brave woman!!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Elizabeth,

      There never was any danger as the road is in very good condition and wide with pull-outs. It’s just so dang long. I thought we’d never get to the top! I wish I had made note of the beginning and ending mileage for that uphill grade.. . 30-40 miles maybe? Too long!

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        Well, we have places we have to be today and hubby is DIZZY….so guess who gets to drive in this madhouse???? OH ARGH…well, lots of praying going on today!! I drive WELL…I just don’t deal well with the crazies who don’t bother with blinkers, cut you off, etc. Scares me spitless. Well, having been hit by a mack truck makes you understand oh so well…your body is never the same again for one thing!! And I already hurt enough!!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I can understand your trepidation after experiencing a traumatic and painful accident. I pray an area of safety around you, your husband, and your vehicle!

          Hope you husband’s dizziness isn’t anything serious. I assume you’re going to the doctor . ..

          • Elizabeth in WA says:

            Thanks a lot Sue…as it happens we were going to his chiropractor and when we told him what was going on, he did some extra adjusting to hi today and he was majorly helped and able to drive the freeway part and some more, so I got off that hook!!! He told him of some youtube videos of some exercises you can do that should take care of it. So tonight when we got home, he watched some and is trying out one of them. We will see how it goes. It is somewhat connected to what is going on with his neck and back…but also the ear has crystals and if they get out of place, it can cause the dizziness. It has happened before and our MD gave him some neck exercises to help…and it did then. His back and neck are worse however.

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              I hope the exercises clear up the dizziness for him. Sorry to hear he has worse pain in his back and neck.

  29. Mick'nTN says:

    Air filters look clean in the desert because sand dust is the same color as the filter. You should change your air filter as often as you change your oil under dusty conditions. Dark deposits on air cleaners come from city smog and soot. Tap your air filter over a sheet of aluminum foil and see if any dust comes out.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Mick’nTN,

      This filter is arctic white and I’ve driven in white sand/dust –yes– but I’ve also driven in brown sand/dust and red sand/dust. I don’t have any aluminum foil on hand, but I’ll find something to perform the test. 🙂

      • Mick'nTN says:

        When an air filter gets clogged on a modern engine the air flow sensor sees less flow and the computer reduces the gas to the engine. This results in less power and 18 wheelers pass you on a up hill climb. I’ll bet you need a new filter and not a tuneup. You can buy one in Walmart and do this yourself.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Mick! You are amazing! Thanks!

          Okay, that’s what I’ll do! And you know what? I found out a few minutes ago that there’s a Wal-Mart not far from here, on the west side of Vernal.

          Happy, happy, happy!

  30. As Time Goes.....Bye says:

    Sue, you need to invest in the Mountain Directory West. We have both East & West & they have been lifesavers for us.

  31. Mark says:

    Sue, when you finally make the top of the grade, “How sweet it is”.

  32. AZ Jim says:

    Hi Sue….
    A year or more ago (maybe two years) I told you of the views between Logan UT and Bear Lake on HWY 89. Now, after reading of this journey I hereby withdraw my previous recommendation. That stretch of mountain road is not your cup of tea. So if you ever spot that on a map and you’re thinking it is a shortcut to Evanston WY better think again. Back to map marking for you Missy….

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I remember your recommendation and I almost went that way. A dose of traffic in Payson had me veering eastward.

      You’re right. I like my views from down here looking up there. 🙂

  33. weather says:

    Hope Utah’s afternoon sun is twinkling off nearby leaves for you right now.Uncharacteristically,today I barely discerned what’s growing roadside as I drove.Learning that my friend’s 18yr.old dog will now have his 19th birthday in heaven,I went to run her antique store so she could stay home alone…

    Odd day – dressing suitably to carry the air of affluence-so customers perceive me as being so accustomed to expensive furnishings that my knowledge of each piece is beyond question… – as inside I’m noting-those things will never be exposed to fur or knocked around by rambunctious paws-because those tourists live petless to insure their freedom to travel to the “better” places.

    Most places that wouldn’t allow animals in an overnight environment are peopled with those so desensitized to parts of life that I would be sleepless there.Likening it to being near those too deranged to be capable of rudimentary empathy or responsibly behaving among the living,I’d be too close to the state of fight or flight to rest among them.

    What a relief to be home, reading about your days with the crew again.Each night you interrupt your sleep repeatedly for the potty runs.Most would sleep,declare the dog incontinent,and have a vet prescribe chemicals that make life less messy.Health rapidly debilitated from drugs side effects most pets aren’t thereafter long for this world.Though obviously not puppies,the crews vitality is a testimony of what you’re made of,Sue.

    My friend went out with him in blizzards,storms and sweltering heat to let her little guy’s life feel normal when vision and issues made it too hard for him to go alone anymore.She,and you,with infinite love,understanding and sacrifice extend the life rich with happiness of those in your care.I cannot adequately express my admiration of that today…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, weather,

      You write beautiful comments, and I say that, not because they’re often complimentary of me, but because your phrasing and sentiments are lovely. You express the deepest feelings we’re capable of and perceptions that come only to those with great sensitivity and receptivity.

      I’m sorry, of course, about your friend’s loss. You gave her a valuable gift — time to absorb the shock and grieve. I suspect it wasn’t an easy gift to give (pretending to be a part of that other world, or should I say, netherworld) which shows your love toward your friend.

      Yes, I interrupt my sleep for potty runs, not entirely selflessly. I don’t want Spike peeing the bed! Haha! Last night was a record-breaker. Bridget had loose bowels and whined to go outside three times. Add Spike’s run, which couldn’t be simultaneous with Bridget’s, of course, and I’m out the door four times last night.

      That doesn’t bother me one bit because I have no obligations. We are having a wonderful time in this campground! I’ll tell you about it in the next post. What looked like a rather nondescript piece of land has revealed itself as very interesting to me. I thought we’d stay only through the weekend and now I’m figuring how we can be here for the full 14-day limit! More another time….

      You’re a good person, weather. Your friend is fortunate to have you nearby.

  34. Chaunte in West TN says:

    Hi Sue,
    I know I already told you I’ve gone back to the beginning
    of your blog. I am currently reading your post from June 17,2012.
    Do you know where you were then? That’s right! Duchesne, UT!
    It is so cool to read through your adventures and see how things have
    or have not changed when you revisit a location.

    By the way, the Parmesan Chicken is as delicious as hoped! I served it
    with homemade spaghetti and meat sauce, cheesy garlic bread, and a garden salad with homemade ranch dressing. My husband, our daughter, and myself all
    give it a double thumbs up! I even have a plate to take to my mom! She loves
    “ALL” food! Love to the fur babies and I wish safe and happy travels for you all!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Chaunte,

      June 17, 2012 and June 18, 2014…. I didn’t realize we were that close to the same time. I’m glad you are enjoying those old posts.

      I’m also delighted that your Parmesan Chicken was a hit. What a very nice dinner you prepared!

      • Chaunte in West TN says:

        The only issue with the older posts is some do not
        have pics and none of the slide shows are there 🙁
        I imagine the scenery in my mind!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Chaunte! You can see the photos!

          Look in the sidebar and you will see where it says to go to rvsueandcrew.com to read the older posts. Click on that link. (Notice it’s “com” on the end, not “net.”) If you do that you will see slideshows.

          When I started to self-host my blog, my blog’s URL changed to rvsueandcrew.net (Notice it’s “net” at the end, not “com.”) That’s when I had to give up the slideshow feature.

          I’m sorry you didn’t know that. The photos are important for the stories!

          • Chaunte in West TN says:

            Ahhh, Thank you, Sue! Guess I’m off to back track and get more caught up in your adventure. I’m excited to kinow I will see the pics now! 🙂

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