Dumping tanks, a dumb driver, and RVSue meets the Dutchman!

Let’s jump back in time a bit . . .

When the crew and I first drive up Highway 89 last Thursday, we continue past the BLM land that is now our home.  I want to stop at the Escapees’ North Ranch in order to empty tanks before setting up camp.


I park in the huge parking area and leave the crew in the PTV.

I’m about to walk to the office to pay the fee when a car pulls up.

“Hi, I’m the Dutchman!” the driver calls across the passenger seat.  I stoop to look in the window and say hi in return.  “That’s my Casita parked over there.”  He points to one of the hook-up sites.  “I’ve boondocked for a while and now I want hook-ups.”

“Well, I’ve heard of you before,” I reply.  “You comment a lot on the Casita forum, right?”

“Yeah, my  name is Ed.  You wanting to dump?”

I introduce myself and say, yes, I do. 

In a few minutes we’re inside the office but the counter is closed for lunch.  I look at the clock.  It won’t reopen for another 15 minutes and it’s a very hot day.   The dump station is locked so I can’t start the dump until the office reopens.

Ed graciously shows me the recreation room next to the office. 

Musicians are setting up.  “You could stay for the jamboree, they’ll be starting soon.”

“I can’t stay,” I remark.  “It’s hot and I’ve got dogs in my van.  I’ll have to come back another time.  Thanks anyway.”

Ed walks me out while I continue.  “You know how it is when you’ve been driving and haven’t set up in a campsite yet.  I’m on a mission.”  Ed smiles and tells me it was nice meeting me.

“Nice meeting you, too, Ed.  Maybe I’ll see you when I come back.”1-P1030069

Monday, March 18 (four days later)

Jupiter must be aligned with Mars or something because I make it all the way to this  morning and haven’t emptied the tanks and there hasn’t been a disaster.

This day is much cooler than last Thursday for which I am thankful.  I pack up and secure everything in order to tow the BLT to North Ranch.


On the way out of the BLM acres, my head swivels back and forth looking for the horses, but I don’t see them.

1-P1030076 I open up the gate over the cattle guard, drive through, and close the gate behind us.  Then I take our lives in my hands pulling out onto the 65 mph Hell’s Highway to make the short drive.

The office is open!

The pretty manager, Linda, greets me with a smile and a cheerful “Hello!  How are you?”

I respond in kind, and pay $10 for the dump station fee and to fill the fresh water tank.  I look around for the Dutchman (Ed).  I see the door to his Casita is open, but I don’t want to drop in.  It might not be a good time.

Okay, so we’re back on Hell’s Highway heading home . . .

Before I attempt to drive across the oncoming lane to park at the cattle guard and gate, I turn on my left turn signal and apply the brakes.  The PTV/BLT begins to slow.  Just as I turn the steering wheel  — I still can’t believe this happened — the guy behind me chooses to IGNORE the left turn signal and the brake lights.  He jerks his car into the left lane and races past me!  I almost turned left right into him!


I was all set to turn!

This guy assumed I would see him in my mirror as he quickly swung out into the left lane, and I would stop turning to let him pass by.  Fortunately for both of us and my crew, I did see him.

I’m astounded by his recklessness. 

What  did he save?  A minute?  Thirty seconds?  He risked his life, limb, and vehicle, not to mention what he could’ve taken from me, in order to arrive somewhere not even a minute sooner.  Boy, am I glad I’m out of the rat race.  Now if I could figure out a way to stay away from the racing rats . . .1-P1030071

Remember the illegal immigrant post a few weeks ago?

1-P1030068I wrote about an RVing couple boondocking in the Darby Well Road area near Ajo, which is 40 miles from our border with Mexico. An illegal immigrant knocked on their door.  (The post is “So An Illegal Immigrant Knocks on Your Door”.)

I asked readers:  What would you do in such a situation?  Several of you responded and the discussion was thought-provoking and fun to read.

I promised I would let you know what the couple did.

Well, they gave the man a drink of water and sent him on his way.

Then they called Border Patrol.


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60 Responses to Dumping tanks, a dumb driver, and RVSue meets the Dutchman!

  1. AZ Jim says:

    Arizona has quite a few idiots driving on the same roads as the rest of us. Scares hell outta ya. I’m glad you had the presence of mind to avoid a real bad scene. Ok! The tanks are empty, we’ve got fresh water, so it’s back to camp I assume.

  2. Tammy says:

    So glad you are safe and the canine crew too. I don’t know how many times we have avoided accidents because we are paying attention. Last year my daughter and I were hit by a drunk driver and we were not hurt because of my quick reaction. She totaled our 350 Ford truck which we had only for 11 days and proceeded to loose $3,000 on our insurance. Why? Because one stupid lady got behind the wheel of a car drunk, and she didn’t even have a license. Cooper (our dachshund) flew off the seat onto the floor but wasn’t hurt. I probably would have ended up in jail if she had hurt my daughter or my dog. Be careful and safe.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Oh, dear God in heaven, I’m thankful none of you were hurt! She must have been moving along at a high rate of speed to total your Ford 350. I bet you were upset for a long time afterward. I wonder how many DUIs she’d had already.

      • Tammy says:

        Several according to the prosecutor. Isn’t that nice, and she didn’t have insurance either. She ended up with a felony because she assaulted the officers at the scene. It was like watching COPS live in front of us. And yes the speed was estimated at 70mph on a curve. She was flying. And yes, my nerves we pretty shook up for weeks. Thank you I’m glad and thankful to God we weren’t hurt, our angels were with us.
        I wanted to ask you a question, is why I’m back. Where did you buy your dog fencing? And did you buy more than one set to get such a large fence? We are wanting something like this for our babies but couldn’t find one as big as you have. Thank you for any info we appreciate it.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Tammy. . . Have you seen the “Shopping Links” pages, accessed from the header? Click on “For Your Crew.” The pens are there. They come as a connected set of 8 sections. I bought two sets so I have 16 sections. I didn’t waste money buying a gate. Just swing a section open. More details are on the “For Your Crew” page, plus the link will take you to Amazon and tell you more.

          I hope if you decide to buy that you’ll use my Amazon link!

          • Tammy says:

            Thanks Sue, I will get familiar with your sight. We went to Amazon and ordered 2 of them using your link. We bought the 24 x 24 since it will be 2 little Dachshunds. Our little Rat Terrier belongs to Hannah and will be staying with her. Appreciate your help and we should get them by the time we leave in 13 days.

  3. Jerryc says:

    Hate that you didn’t get to spend some time with Ed. His life story is awesome. All about what one can accomplish when they put their heart into it. As far as the stupid driver, the roads are full of them, so be careful..

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jerry . . . I would’ve liked to spend some time getting to know Ed. I could tell he’s a nice guy. It was over 90 degrees that day and the crew and I were wilting fast. Maybe I’ll have another chance.

  4. That truly is an appropriate name for that highway. I’ve driven a lot of stretches or road over the years & that highway 89 stretch your talking about is about as dangerous as it gets. Narrow road & no shoulders. Why some idiots decided to put a 65 mph speed limit on there is beyond any reason or logic known to man. It is a deadly piece of road with many, many, accidents. Worst part of course are the drivers speeding waaaaaay over the 75 mph limit. Hated that stretch of road right from the first time we drove on it last year & hate it even more every time we still have to drive on it. Aside from all that, see you in the morning………….if we don’t get run over by some local whiz-bang on the way!!

  5. Rita from Phoenix says:

    So glad no catastrophe with the crazy driver. In AZ we do have crazy drivers, they are SO impatient, angry, and most likely pull out a gun and shoot you (road rage) which has happened more than once in Phoenix. Hwy 93/95 are two of the most dangerous to drive cuz everyone is in a hurry to get to Laughlin (casinos/gambling) or Las Vegas and they are blurry eye from lack of sleep or exhausted returning home. I’ve learned to be a defensive driver…watch out for myself and not take things for granted i.e. turn signals. I make sure the driver’s intention is to turn cuz some forget to turn off their signals and plow thru. When I slow down, I watch all around me to make sure the cars behind me see me slowing….I’ve been rear ended at a red light and while stopped for kids to cross school crossing.

    Love the beautiful pics posted.

  6. Cari in Texas says:

    Wow, that reminds me of some of the crazy drivers here in Texas. Their time is obviously more important than yours is (and that applies to their life, apparently). Thank goodness you were paying attention!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I’d guess every state has its share of dumb drivers. You have to be alert all the time when behind the wheel.

    • Laurie from Southern Oregon says:

      I can attest to crazy drivers in Texas. Really though, who needs a speed limit of 80 miles an hour? I just drive along at 60 and ignore everyone. They just zoom on past me and I haven’t gotten the finger yet. Their regular roads are 70 and a little scary when you have to turn and someone is zooming up behind you at 70 and there isn’t a turn lane, but i manage just fine. I always watch out and know every drivers has the potential to be an idiot.

  7. Guy Cobham says:

    Sue, please double check your turn signals next time you hook up. i had an occasion where a shop had reversed my wires, left was right and right was left when I used my blinkers. Probably just a bad driver , but you never know

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi Guy . . . I always check my turn signals after hitching up, so I know they were working correctly when I got on that highway. Strange coincidence… When I was dumping tanks at North Ranch, a man and wife with a travel trailer were talking about their turn signals being reversed.

  8. cinandjules (NY) says:

    You made me snort my Pepsi……….with your Jupiter must have aligned with Mars statement. 🙂
    A get together with Ed sounds like fun.
    I just read today that 477 people died trying to cross the border. (Higher than last year.) A group in AZ leaves 4000 gals of water a month along the route. Certainly a controversial topic.
    As for the idiot who passed you…………..someone’s always in a hurry to die. Thank God you were observant and stopped your turn.

  9. Judie says:

    So glad u and the crew are safe….some people are just plain ignorant. Where could he have been going in such a hurry? The more I see and read about some folks, the more I love my dog. Take care and watch out for the crazy ones.

  10. Hazel says:

    I met the Dutchman a couple of times…interesting fella. I had been calling him “casitaman” or “Mr ed”
    Glad to hear he’s doing well

  11. Donna D. (stickhouse in CT) says:

    I’ve heard of Ed the Dutchman. Does anyone know if he has a blog?

    I’m so glad you didn’t get into an accident. There are some really stupid drivers out there no matter what state we live in. I bet he didn’t even realize you had your blinker on, just thought you were going too slow. We need to remember to always to drive defensively and assume other people might not be paying attention especially nowadays with the cell phones and texting and everything else. I once saw a man reading the newspaper while he was driving! OMG!

  12. sierrasue123 says:

    Well, I am intrigued about the Dutchman. Does he have a blog??
    Sue, that looks like a nice area that you are in. Hope it doesnt get to hot for you.

  13. Rattlesnake Joe says:

    So they gave the illegal alien a drink of water and called the Border Patrol. The Border Patrol if not busy with trucks full of other illegals coming into our country would pick him up and give him the royal treatment of escort back to Mexico with a free meal and more water provided by US Taxpayers. Probably they said, ” Sorry but I’m just doing my job, better luck next time”.

  14. Elizabeth says:

    I so understand your horror at the idiot who almost caused you to hit him!!! A couple days ago, hubby was turning RIGHT into the PO in this one-stoplight town we are currently living in and a complete idiot pulled around us ON THE RIGHT…no lane…nothing…and we missed him by no more than a couple inches!! I wish we had the liscence number…that would have been worth a trip to talk to the police. I already have permanent hip damages from my wreck…as well as eye damage. I do not need anymore!! Our blinker was on of course. I am so glad you are ok and we are ok!! GOD came through for us yet again!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I’ve seen that happen with other drivers. You know how it is when there’s a traffic jam. It never fails, somebody decides to drive past all the other drivers waiting (because he’s so clever) on the RIGHT. Well, two of these clever idiots decided to pull to the right and almost hit each other. I was kinda’ disappointed.


    I chuckled a little at your comment about what the couple did about the illegal. Truth is that one probably never knows until it happens to them just exactly what they would do. My husband picked up a hitch hiker halfway between Ajo and Gila Bend. Won’t be doing that again! Guy rode in the back of the pickup truck. FIrst time ever to pick anyone up.Border patrol stopped them. Long story short, they threatened to charge my husband with transporting illegal aliens. This was 30years ago. They finally dropped the charges…4months later and after much anxiety. Husband just thought the old guy needed a lift into Gila Bend. Never occurred to him he was an illegal. Times were a little different back then and husband much younger. There was an abandoned truck along the road and husband thought it was the old mans. So,I guess he knows what he will or will not do next time.

  16. Dave says:

    Sue how many days are you going on average before you need to dump your tanks?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I think it’s between 9 and 14 days. I try to dump before settling into a new camp, even if it isn’t necessary. That’s why I’m not more aware of the time between dumps.

  17. patricia Leonhardt says:

    Hi Sue
    The same thing happened to me at midnight, one night as I got off work as custodian at a school. I was ready to make a left turn onto my street when I saw headlights coming very fast behind me. I just knew he was going to pass me on the left before I could make my turn. I hesitated to start my turn and sure enough here he came zooming around me. It was a policeman! He did not have on the red lights, just in a big hurry. So danger can come from the police, drunk drivers or just about anyone! Glad you and the crew are ok.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      What a shocker! Your life could’ve been changed or lost in an instant. It’s a crazy world. It’s like some people lose their instinct for survival once they get behind the steering wheel and it’s up to the sane people to keep them alive.

  18. Bob says:

    Reference to crazy driver: Can’t fix stupid!!!

  19. Rattlesnake Joe says:

    The cop was probably responding to a life or death situation that was in progress and he had to get there ASAP. Code 2 back in my day was lights but no siren, so the bad guys didn’t know you were coming he must have been very close to the bad guys. Also as regards human behavior behind the wheel, I think buckling up gives some of us a false sence of security. Back when we had no seat belts, I think people drove more sanely. My favorite comedian George Carlin once said of the indestructable Black Box on airplanes…”Why don’t they make airplanes and cars out of the same material”? I sure miss him, as he was one SANE hu-man being, even though he actually lived in Las Vegas.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I remember sitting within earshot of some young people. They were talking about their traffic accidents (plural) which they referred to as their “wrecks”, and they couldn’t have been more that 25 years old.

      I’ve been very fortunate. I was in my forties before anybody’s car ever touched my car and that was because a guy about 20 ran a red light.

      Maybe it’s because we drove in the pre-seatbelt, pre-airbag years.

  20. Allen says:

    That crazy driver is probably originally from Boston or NYC. I am writing this from Boston, I see them every day.

  21. Bev Deem says:

    What happened to you, happened to me east of Brenda when we stayed at Wagon West. We had a jeep wrangler and I was traveling west from Salome. A white car stopped behind me. I started to turn left into the park when I spotted a pickup with a lift kit dart into the left lane. I figured it was doing about 70 mph when it flew past me. A resident of the park was in the approach waiting to get on the highway and later asked me if my life passed before me. He said he saw the front of the jeep lie down in front when I slammed on my brakes. I would have been pieces and parts if he would have T-boned the jeep. We moved from the park. We remark how we don’t miss Hwy 89 anymore since we moved from North Ranch. It’s only a matter of time before someone gets seriously hurt or killed. I’m happy to hear you noticed the vehicle and I can readily understand how you feel shaken to the core. Glad you are safe!

  22. Bodhi says:

    Amen, Sister! Oh, to be able to avoid the “racing rats”! Glad you saw that one when you did, I would truely miss your blog posts.

    About the Illegal and the Border Patrol… I live in Houston (still technically a rat in the race) and I know many Immigrants that I am sure are not exactly legal. They have good reason to flee Mexico and most are hard working extremely decent people. I would not have called Border Patrol. But, that’s just me.

    Peace, Love and a “Near Miss” Hug…

  23. Jim in Northern California says:

    I drive a big bus for a living and have been hit several times by drivers in too big a rush. I’m amazed when they tell me they didn’t see the bus!! How can you not see something that big? One driver who “never saw the bus” hit me hard enough to total his car, though damage to the bus was very minor. Bad drivers are everywhere, you just have to watch out for yourself and for them as well.

  24. Timber n' me says:

    Glad you and the crew are safe, some drivers have their minds on other things and not on their driving or what’s ahead on the road. He’ll get his, someday,,,,We’re east of Hwy.,89 a hafe mile on Prescott Forest Road 680, south of the Drake cement plant and north of Paulden about 14 miles. still waiting for that home. Timber and I say to the crew n’ you, Sue. God Bless

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi Rusty and Timber,

      I’m making a note of where you are in case you’re still there when I drive near Prescott. I’m waiting to hear your good news. Be sure to let me know! God bless you, too.

  25. AZ Jim says:

    Talk about your crazy drivers. Wife and I were between Chamberlain SD and Idaho pulling a 20′ Travel trailer. We were westbound on Hwy80 near Sidney in the slow lane when a car load of young kids pulled alongside us. I told my wife they were playing around in the front seat when suddenly they pulled right into our lane. I hit my brakes (car and trailer), got hit on the front bumper as they went off the road, spun the Jeep and my trailer completely around, took out both lanes. I immediately ran to my trailer to see how my two cats made out and other than eyes as big as saucers they were fine. Nebraska troopers cited the other driver, helped me put my front bumper in the frailer and after putting my little traveling cats up in the Jeep (where they usually traveled) we limped into Wyoming where we spent the night. Man, that night my brews tasted especially good.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Whoa, what a scare! You don’t forget something like that any time soon.

      One thing that surprises me is how clueless people can be in parking lots and gas stations. They see how long your rig is and they still park so you’re boxed in or you have to back up because they parked right in front of you when there’s plenty of parking spaces.

      Glad you and yours survived that episode, Jim.

  26. jean/Southaven, MS says:

    Memphis area is just like the rest of the country sound like. We have some very distracted drivers. I was passed by a young woman changing clothes as she passed me going about 80 on a city street with oncoming traffic. I had to take the sidewalk to keep her from getting hit head on. She didn’t even slow down. I sure hope whatever she was late for was worth it.

    Isn’t it great that we live in a country that we have to build fences to keep people out. instead of like East Germany and Russia used to be where they had to build walls to keep people in. It puts us in a quadry, but it is wonderful.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I used to have a long commute which was on country roads. Almost every day the same cars would pass me at high speed, sometimes on blind corners. They were trying to get to work on time. One car pulled into an elementary school. I thought, “Gee, you care about children at school. What about the ones in vehicles?”

      All these nutso drivers had to do was get out of bed ten minutes earlier.

  27. Marcia GB says:

    We just hauled our Casita back from Florida, by way of SC to visit relatives, and I can say without hesitation that there are insane drivers in every state. The chances some people take behind the wheel are mind boggling. On the MA Turnpike a Subaru in front of us in the middle lane was going real slow and weaving from side to side. As we passed him, I saw that the driver was reading a book that was propped on the steering wheel!
    BTW, I would give the illegal a drink of water, send him on his way and not mention him to anyone.

  28. Cathy S says:

    Hi Sue, Been at Burro Creek BLM with no internet but just had to comment. When we got up this morning ready to break camp and be on our way…lo and behold…someone(?) Had made off with our cooler! Perhaps a thirsty traveler???? Didn’t have much in there a few V8 and a cranberry drink…hope it helped. Helped me, cuz I was trying to talk Paul into a new cooler and now…

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