Every day brings us closer

Saturday, May 13

Reggie and his new friend at Rogerson RV Park on Route 93, south of Twin Falls, Idaho

~ ~ ~

Reggie and I go outside to greet the morning.

“Oh, there’s your friend, Reg, waiting for you to come out and play.”

I walk holding a cup of coffee while the pups run together in circles around me.

Throughout the day, whenever Reggie and I step outside, Homeless Dog appears and the play resumes.

Reggie often comes close to me, and when he does, so does his friend.  After this happens a few times, I kneel down and Homeless Dog lets me scratch behind his ear!


~ ~ ~

Reg and I meet a neighbor.

“You’re the only person who’s been able to get close to that dog.  Everybody here has been trying for weeks.  We feed him, but he keeps his distance.”

“I have help. Reggie knows how to break the ice,” I reply.

We introduce ourselves.

The man says his name is Larry.

“And this here is Peaches.”

The canines conduct their own introductions.

With a warning pounce and a growl, Peaches points out that this is HER property, that SHE belongs here, and Reggie DOESN’T.

Larry and I continue our conversation.  I ask a question that has an obvious answer.

“You like it here at this park?”

“Yeah, I do.  I was only going to stay a few days.  That was eleven years ago and I’m still here.”

“You stay through the winter?”

“Yeah.  Winters aren’t bad.  Well, except this last one.”

“So I’ve heard.  Someone told me recently that this was the hardest winter you’ve had since the winter of 1986.”

Suddenly Peaches jumps into the plastic kiddie pool that Larry has set up for her in their side yard.

“Oh gosh! May I take a picture of that?”

Larry is delighted with the idea.  However, by the time I obtain permission, Peaches has jumped out of the pool.

All the while, Homeless Dog stays apart from us, watching.  

Peaches walks away.  Reggie follows and Homeless Dog joins them.

The boys present Peaches with an invitation to play, but the girl isn’t interested.  She returns to Larry and her domain.

~ ~ ~

Reg and I take a ride out to Salmon Falls Creek Dam.

It’s only seven miles west of Rogerson along a straight, paved road that cuts through ranch land dotted with sage brush.  I want to see Lud Dexler Campground.

Reggie, Bridget and I enjoyed a peaceful camp there in April of 2015.  When the weather warms up (eliminating the need for electric heat), I hope to move camp from the RV park to the campground.

High water at the reservoir!

In fact, today water is released over the spillway for the first time in thirty years. This has drawn a crowd of people.  I don’t drive to the other side of the dam where the spectators have gathered.

Photo of the reservoir taken on a subsequent, less crowded day

I drive us through the campground.  What a circus!  It,s been transformed into a OHV/dirt bike fun land. Cars, trucks, RVs, screaming kids, people and their motorized toys everywhere!

Well, maybe by next weekend, all of this will have cleared out.  We’re outta’ here!

On our return to the RV park, my mind turns to the little, white dog.

Boy, he and Reg are great pals.  If I keep him, I’ll call him Roger.  Yeah, Roger is the perfect name for him.  

He does have qualities I’ve looked for — sweetness, not too big, photogenic, and, most important of all, Reggie likes him.  

I don’t know what to do.

He is asserting dominance over Reggie.  Would Reggie be happy playing second fiddle to him?  The guy does like to roam.  Could I keep him safe? Keep him from becoming lost in unfamiliar places?  

Gosh, they are cute playing together . . . 

In the next post . . .

A decision is made and Roger is homeless no more!


NOTE:  From the comments under the previous posts I’m aware of blogorinos who are concerned about the fate of the little, white dog.  I’m sorry to keep you in suspense — really I am! — but I want to tell his story in the sequence in which it unfolded.  Don’t worry.  A happy ending will be revealed soon. Well, actually, it’s a happy beginning!  — Sue


Your purchases are always appreciated.  These links take you to a few of the items recently ordered from Amazon by RVSue shoppers:

Dressing Stick
“We’re All Crazy” Box Sign
Starry Night Unisex T-Shirt
Women’s Diagonal Draped Swimsuit
Folding Binoculars with Night Vision
7-in-1Multi-Use Programmable Pressure Cooker


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105 Responses to Every day brings us closer

  1. Cynthia from San Clemente says:

    First again?

  2. Angie Sipe says:

    Yay, I LOVE this story!!!!

  3. Stephanie Albany OR says:

    Oh my goodness. My heart swelling with joy at the prospect of homeless dog being a part of your crew. He’s a cutie. What a great person you are sue.

  4. Renee from Idaho says:

    Woo hoo! This is the closest I’ve been to the top spot in a long time! Congratualations Cynthia!

  5. shelley in CA says:

    Watching for updates all the time, now I will go back and read!

  6. Judy in East Texas says:

    Sue and Reggie, you said you had this feeling you needed to continue on your trip to this park. Guess now we know Why!
    From the first photo I had a feeling about Roger. I hope my wishes come true!!!
    Stay safe my friend, Judy

  7. Stephanie Albany OR says:

    BTW Great pics. Homeless dog very photogenic also. Reg has him beat by a whisker but its close.

  8. shelley in CA says:

    So happy you decided to keep him, Reggie and him will work things out, some folks like someone else to take the lead, Reggie seems pretty easy going and will be okay in that regard. Do you know how old the little guy is? Also he may ease up on the dominance issues once he feels your love daily. This made me so happy!

    • Marilyn in Golden Valley, AZ says:

      That a a few shops in a strategic location by a vet may help mitigate some dominant issues. 🙂 Roger is a very lucky dog. Looking forward to the future adventures of the full RVSue and Crew.

      • Marilyn in Golden Valley, AZ says:

        Snips, that is. Not shops😋

        • After a year of having Timber, I had taken him to the vet up in Hyrum, Utah to get a Attitude Adjustment and it change a little bit, he still loved running far and still wouldn’t let anyone near the truck and hated anything that sounded like a motorcycle, but he was a good o boy and I still miss him,,,,,, Rusty

          • Renee from Idaho says:

            Hi Piper – we had a dachshund that we adopted and boy did he like to roam. We bailed him out of jail way too many times, then we decide to give him an attitude adjustment. That ended his wandering days and he was much more lovable.

  9. Cynthia from San Clemente says:

    OMGoodness – I am beyond excited from the implications in today’s post. The good news must be that you and Reggie invited Roger to be a member of the crew and he said “yes” or, his owner showed up to claim him. Of course, I hope it’s the former. Dogs are pack animals and no matter how independent Homeless Dog seemed to be, I’m sure a lot of patience, some love and attention from you and Reggie, and the promise of adventure on the open road was enough to convince him that yours is the pack he wants to be part of. (Yes I know I ended another sentence with a preposition but sometimes ya just have to!) And I do think that dogs learn from one another so I’m sure Reggie can teach him to stay close to “home.” And once he’s neutered, that urge to roam may be diminished. It worked on my husband! (Okay, that was a joke!!!)

    And I have to know, did you see my comment a few days ago suggesting Roger as a name or did you come up with it on your own? Either way, I am honored or we share great minds!!

    • Stephanie Albany OR says:

      You are funny Cynthia. Made me laugh out loud. Thnx.

      • Cynthia from San Clemente says:

        You’re welcome Stephanie. I’m not sure my husband would have thought it was funny!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I thought of the name Roger (remember there’s a time delay between real time and posts) and then I laughed when you suggested he be named Roger. 🙂

      • Dawn in Asheville says:

        I’m with Cynthia 🙂 Now Bridget was probably dominant? If Reggie is getting along so well with Roger it might mean that having a ‘big brother’ is okay? We’re culturally biased as humans to think that being further down on the totem pole is not a good place to be, but actually the dominant dog has a lot of responsibilities – it can be wearing on one that isn’t ready for that role. At least that’s what I’ve observed! But what do I know??! I’ve always had dog and cat pairings and that’s a completely different energy 🙂 I’m looking forward to the happy ending (yes, been on pins and needles) and whether he becomes a member of the crew or not I’m so glad to know that there will be one! Your concerns are valid ones and it is going to be interesting to see how it all works out!!

  10. Renee from Idaho says:

    Oh my goodness! I went back and read the story. What a story. I can’t wait for the next episode of Roger the former homeless dog from Rogerson, Idaho! He sure is a bute, but so is Reggie. That certainly is a tough act to follow, or go along with. At least we are promised that the ending is good whether Roger ends up with Sue and Reggie or someone else, but I would certainly feel better if he ended up with Sue and Reggie because they both have a way with dogs.

  11. Kathe says:

    Sue, it seems like the universe has intervened nicely for you and Reggie. I’m inclined to believe that once Roger is neutered he may mellow out and make a lovely companion for you both. Good luck with lucky Roger.

    • Kristi & Daisie (Nampa, ID) says:

      I agree–many dogs settle down after neutering, including dominance and the need to roam so much.

  12. Shirley says:

    Oh, can’t wait for next blog, yea no more homeless dog!

  13. Kristi & Daisie (Nampa, ID) says:

    *sniff* Sorry, but got a little teary-eyed at the last few sentences.

  14. Kathe says:

    I forgot to mention that we traveled through the Sawtooth area of Idaho last summer and thought it was lovely.

  15. Deb D says:

    So happy Roger has found a loving home. Reggie looks so adorable running with
    Roger. A happy connection for both of you!

  16. Dave Spain says:

    “Great Pictures of Reggie and Roger,

    I was hoping you would adopt him, he looks like he will fit in perfectly with your life and he obviously needs the love that he will get from you and Reggie

  17. LeeJ in Northern california says:

    I have been mia for a while, so reading the past three missives has been a treat…drum roll…cliffhanger!

  18. Chris B and Diego says:

    LOL! Can you guess who ordered the “RELAX We’re all crazy” sign?

    I just had to have it!

  19. Shawna says:

    Oh, Sue, I am so happy for all three of you! What a lucky little dog Roger is to be taken in by you and Reggie! I’m actually crying … I love happy endings!!!!

  20. Suzette (TN) says:

    Grinning from ear to ear!

    Not that everything will be smooth sailing from day one. Taking on a new family member is always a little bumpy.

    Looking forward to reading more!

  21. Pat from Mich. says:

    I hope Roger will settle down when he realizes he is loved once more. Or for his first time! Chances are very good he wouldn’t have made it through the next winter, he’s too small and short coated.

  22. Love this. It seems so perfect. I believe that when we are looking for a dog to rescue they find us. That hasn’t happened to us, but have heard so many stories. Roger will be most appreciative of his new home…not only will have have two to love him, but he will still get to roam with you and Reggie and go farther than his dreams could have taken him. Can’t wait for next installment.

  23. Linda Hughes says:

    Homeless dog is adorable! He and Reggie look so cute together…he can show Homeless the ropes, that is, if he has a home with RV Sue and cutie Reggie! Take care, be safe!

  24. Jean in Southaven, MS says:

    I am looking forward to the happy ending next time. Just don’t wait too long. Love the area where you are. I had friends in Utah that were from that area of Idaho. They have lived in Ogden for forty years though. Roger and Reggie are shaped a lot like the Chihuahua that I had. She was bigger and stockier like Reggie, but her ears where taller and she was a dark chocolate brown with tan. She was full of personality and ruled our house with a firm hand. Miss her still and it has been 15 years.

  25. Cat Lady says:

    What a cutie…the boatuhthem. A little snip.snip should take care of a lot of that. I think Reggie’s a friendly guy, but when he gets enough he’ll let the offending party know in no uncertain terms…kinda like his mama, lol. Whatever you decide, Sue, will be right for you and your crew…it’s all good. We’re all anticipating your next blog. Please don’t leave us hanging too long. Safe travels.

  26. Dawn in MI says:

    Thank goodness there will be a happy ending of some kind for the little guy.

  27. rvsueandcrew says:

    BLOGORINOS . . .

    I’m having so much fun reading your comments! I wish I could join in more but I have to be careful with data usage, saving it for more posts during this billing cycle.

    Bye for now,

  28. AlanOutandAbout - in Hurricane/Zion. says:

    wonderful news. And Roger Ram Jet is a fitting name. From an old cartoon show.

  29. chas anderson says:

    Great .A friend had a dog named Roger Ramjet after the old cartoon character.

  30. Collene S. says:

    Woohoo! So glad Roger is homeless no more! 😁

  31. Karen LeMoine says:

    I’m so full of joy reading this! A wave of peace and calm has washed over me. Was sweating this out worrying.Roger will live with love, a full belly , and a cozy home with his own family!

  32. MollyLuvsRoadtrippin (WA) says:

    Sue what a wonderful story. I am overjoyed this desperate little dog found you and Reggie. This has to be the best example of “meant to be” that I have ever heard. Can’t wait to learn more about your developing bonds.

  33. ValGal (westernWA) says:

    WooHoo! The Roger story is really kind of miraculous. And the suspense of the posts! I love how he and Reg play. Of course, Roger needs to bond well to you, too!

    He might be a little less dominant if you get him neutered, as well as less roamy. Sometimes animals are quite different after they’ve been adopted for awhile. They relax and their true personality comes out.

    • weather says:

      To add to the seemingly miraculous part of his story, think about how easily he could have landed in a shelter waiting to be adopted, if instead folks hadn’t allowed him to stay there and make sure he had food and water…

      Most recent statistics found on the internet- almost 4 million dogs in the U.S.were left in shelters last year. Of those, the most common breeds are pitbulls, American Staffordshire terriers, then Chi mixes(chis comprise around 33 percent, and only a third of them get adopted, the rest, sadly, well, you know____ ) Many abandoned or street dogs never even make it into shelters or any safe haven. So , in just one year roughly a million little guys resembling Homeless Dog stopped walking on this good earth…he, instead, is here and being loved…

  34. Great to get a early post that Reggie might have the white HL dog as a part of the crew, Reggie, Roger and RVSUE with a full Crew? Can it really be? We’ll have to wait and see.,,,,,, still waiting for the differential to appear,,, and as I suspected, one of the ladies is taken,,, but here we still set on 3 wheels and a jackstand!,,,,,, have a great evening,, I’m on the edge of my seat for Roger,,,,,, Rusty n Piper

  35. Susan in Dallas says:

    And I am not even embarrassed to admit how many times I checked back for an update on Reggie’s new pal. Can’t wait for the next post!

  36. Sue C. says:

    This is the first time I have ever commented, and I just want to say that when you typed, “Roger is homeless no more.” I got a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes. I love him and I had already been calling him Roger because of the town. Bless you, he seems perfect for you and Reggie.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Welcome, Sue C.! I had to make you cry to get you to comment. 🙂 Just kidding. I’m happy you’ve become a blogorino!

  37. bob Miler says:

    Another “Yeah”

  38. Pauline in Mississippi says:

    Agreeing with Sue C. When I read “Roger is homeless no more.” I let out a little sob and tears filled my eyes. I knew that either you would take him in or find him a good home. In fact, I doubt you surprised very many of the blogerinos. We know your heart, Sweet Sister!!!
    Welcome to the family Roger!!! Congrats on the brother, Reggie.
    Love to all 3 of you

    • Abel Perez in Austin, Tx says:

      Roger that.. I haven’t commented in a while but I have been keeping up with the blog. I too let out a little sob and tears filled my eyes when i read that Roger is homeless no more . Thank you so much.

  39. Alice says:

    Wonderful !! they could be litter mates, perfect match, so cute. A few snips and his wandering will be cut, plus being in a pack, he’ll be fine. Reggie can take care of himself, I wouldn’t worry. So happy for you.

  40. Jan Johnson says:

    So happy for Reggie to find his brother, at least I hope so! Keeping us in suspense until the next post! He’s a handsome fellow and I hate that he has lost trust in humans. I am glad he is finding it again.

  41. Kitt NW WA says:

    I too have been checking daily for a new post. I’m glad to hear that “Homeless dog” is homeless no more. Reggie, Roger, and Sue, a perfect Crew.
    When that post popped up I thought back to a comment you had made earlier about how Reggie had a playmate so you didn’t have to worry as much about him being outside by himself and thought, hmmm. Of course over the years he has had many playmates that have come and gone so I didn’t think anymore about it, then came the Homeless post. True serendipity at work!
    And yes our data plan is nearing its end so I have to be careful and not go over – 5 days to go. However, I’ll be checking in to hear the rest of the story anyway!
    Safe travels!

  42. Val R. Lakefield Ontario says:

    Looks like “homeless dog” is now “Rescued Roger” I do love happy endings, especially with animals….🐾🐶🐶

  43. Cinandjules (🌵) says:

    Roger that! You went where today and did what? I got to the last sentence and forgot EVERYTHING i just read!
    R squared…..celebration with rotisserie chicken!

    No one has been able to get close to him….yet little ambassador Reg man was able to gain Rogers trust! Things happen for a reason!

    • Cinandjules (🌵) says:

      PS I sent a video of AO…open it when you’re hooked up to wifi so it doesn’t eat your data.

  44. One thing is to make sure YOU are dominant!

    For the first few days or weeks, you can also help make Reggie dominant by allowing him to sleep on your bed, but make the new dog sleep in a bed on the floor. While Roger may want to be dominant, you can control it to some degree. Also, always allow Reggie to go in and out of the door first.

  45. Marieta says:

    Wonderful news! Roger is a perfect name and he found you and Reggie. Win win situation all the way around. If Roger is happy, he will not want to roam. So happy for all 3 of you.

  46. ApplegirlNY says:

    You’re killing us! LOL. This has been so much fun.

  47. rhodium in RI says:

    The serial story! Dickens perfected it, and now we have A Tail of Two Cuties. Will Roger be Reggie’s traveling buddy or has another resident of the park given him a home? Personally, I prefer your illustrations to Phiz’s. I hope we do not have to wait a week for the next installment. And, for old times sake, 6-1=5

  48. weather says:

    Whatever human is involved (with the happy beginning story) will have received a gift by giving the little white dog a home, that’s great! Assuming everything in this post is past tense by now, your saying “I don’t know what to do.”, is no longer the case. I’m sure you made the best decision for all involved, so I’m glad already, without knowing the outcome of the story yet 🙂 !

    You are experienced enough to know what helps alter dominant behavior, so I needn’t mention my thoughts about that. I trust all can expect love to be what’s felt most in the days and years ahead. happy sighs…so looking forward to knowing more

  49. Geri in the Florida Pandle says:

    I just LOVE happy endings! I hope Roger likes exploring the SW !!

  50. Terri from Texas says:

    I dont think RV Sue has actually said she adopted the little dog. I hate to say this but are you going to check him for heartworms? That could be a deal breaker if he has to be quarantined. I am glad to hear he has a home, though, whoever adopted him! You are a great storyteller RV Sue!

  51. DesertGinger says:

    Very happy to hear homeless dog has found a home and Reggie has a new pal. I guess it was meant to be! Great story.

    • Geri in the FL panhandle! says:

      Wow! Here you are! Chuck and I were wondering about you today! Hope life is treating you good and you are getting healthy again! Good to see you!

  52. Shelley in California says:

    I wish I could somehow link your blog to my amazon account my last few orders I forgot to go through your blog and kicked myself after, is there a way to link?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I appreciate you wanting to do that, Shelley. I’d rather you not. Any kind of prearranged method discussed with me beforehand might cause problems for me with Amazon. Work on your memory instead… Hahaha!

      • Casitagirl in NY says:

        Just go to Amazon through Sue’s link and then bookmark that page. Go to Amazon through your bookmark. Voila! I don’t think Sue is allowed to make that suggestion, but I can (if not, Sue, just delete this comment).

  53. Tammie Villanueva says:

    YES!!!!!☺ Roger has a home, I’m so happy for you guys.

  54. Lynn says:

    Yippee! I’ve been reading your blog for several years, never commented…so very happy for you three! I was reading his name Rodger but thinking it said Dodger…lol! Happy Trails to you and yours 💕

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Lynn, for reading my blog these many years. Welcome to Blogorinoland! Very happy you’ve joined us!

  55. Teachergirltoo says:

    When I adopted my little guy I called him Harvey the Houseguest for 3 weeks until it was official. I was worried about his dominance issues but as soon as I had him fixed that settled down really fast. Hope it all works out for you.

  56. beach boomer says:

    Oh, thank you for not leaving us in tense suspense. Things in the world and our country are tense enough! This is too good to be true! I needed a happy story, a happy story where someone does good for someone else, especially. Love the narrative as it unfolds. Said it once, say it again. It’s not easy to capture these pups running around and put a story to it. You do a great job and I appreciate it!

  57. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Reggie has a pal that loves to zoom-zoom with him. Will Roger become a crew member, or did he find his owners or another home? Either ending is wonderful! As Paul Harvey used to say…..we are waiting for “the rest of the story!”

    So sweet to visit the link to see sweet Bridget and handsome Spike. I still miss them. ❤️ 🐾

    Have a good evening, Sue! Sending you and Reggie (and Roger, too!) love and hugs from me and Gracie pup!! 🙂

  58. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Very happy to see high water levels at the reservoir! 🙂

  59. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    ….flash back was nice to see Bridget (with Reggie, not Spike). I blame sleep fog/brain haze. Argh…trying to get back to sleep for a couple more hours before I have to get up for work!

    • Renee from Idaho says:

      Thanks for the reminder Denise. I meant to click on the link, but got caught up in all the excitement and anticipation of what’s to come on Roger the Homeless Dog. I loved seeing Bridget again and it momentarily brought tears to my eyes of both happiness and sadness of the memories of her.

  60. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Bridget and Reggie….not Spike.

  61. Mertinkentucky says:

    Hi Sue,Reg and Roger… momma Sue, I am so,so happy for you and your boys! I just knew that Roger belonged to you and Reg the first picture that I saw of him. Perfect match!! Congratulations, and i too agree, a little snip snip should fix any issues. Happy and safe travels to you 3. Rog… hope you like chicken 🙂 peace and love, mert and asia

    • Mertinkentucky says:

      I guess i am assuming that roger is with you, i hope i am right, but either way, i am sure roger is safe ,happy and loved!!

  62. Barb from Hoquiam says:

    Awe….. 🙂

  63. Bob McQuade says:

    Sue, you’re making feel happy for the little homeless dog, looks like he has secured a happy future.

    Nice story!

  64. Roger is so cute and it appears Reggie loves the companionship. Roger may be showing dominance over Reggie because he has not been fixed yet. Our dogs take turns being dominant LOL

  65. AZ Jim says:

    Don’t do what we want, do what’s right for you. I do kinda pull for a happy ending. Just got back from heart doc, I’ve lost 20 pounds and still in the wheel chair but I can walk short distances if there is something near so I don’t fall. Anyone reading this if you want to lose weight, don’t do it like I did. Missy, you are a really story teller. Great post.

    • Cynthia from San Clemente says:

      Jim, glad to hear you are doing better. Before too long you’ll be outta that wheelchair and graduate to a walker!

    • weather says:

      Gosh,Jim, I’m really glad (and impressed) that you are able to walk a bit unassisted. You obviously have been working at your recovery. I know it isn’t easy and takes effort, it’s so nice to know you are experiencing rewards from that. Thank you for sharing such good news 🙂

    • Geri in the FL panhandle! says:

      Hi Jim! Sorry to hear you have been having health problems! I am very glad to see you here, commenting !!! Keep on getting yourself healthy! We like hearing from you!

    • Deena in Phoenix, AZ says:

      Jim, it is with a glad heart to see your words…soon you will be walking with a fancy cane and kicking up your heels…say hello to Detta…Take Care

      Deena and Miss Mollie

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Jim. So good to hear you getting stronger . . . Love and hugs!

  66. Deena in Phoenix, AZ says:

    Definition of aah (intransitive verb): to exclaim in amazement, joy, or surprise

    Sue, your story telling is always an aah moment! You have done what you need to do and we will be here waiting for the AAH tale of tails…Take Care Ya’ll.

    Deena and Miss Mollie

  67. Helen L says:

    Just wanted you to know I have placed a couple of orders on Amazon. Hard drive and some electrical stuff.

  68. Susan Vlastelica says:

    Thrilled Roger will be homeless no more! I think Reg has already welcomed him aboard! Once Roger is neutered, the two boys will sort out the dominance issue. Us humans can’t force it on them – the boys will decide who is the leader.

  69. Hope springs eternal for the two little pals. They look like they could be from the same litter. You are a smart canine person and whatever decision you’ve made I have every confidence it will be one that is best for all the critters involved :-)))) Your pics of all the doggies are delightful. Peaches is such a girl!

  70. Judy Johnson in upstate S.C. says:

    I just love a good story and this one is the best! We already know there’s a happy outcome, but how does it end?! …. And they all lived happily ever after. 😊

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